Julie Darling is a 1983 film directed by Paul Nicholas. The story revolves around a teenage girl, Julie, who witnesses her mother’s murder and subsequently plots a gruesome fate for her stepmother and brother. The film explores themes of possessiveness, jealousy, and the darker aspects of human nature.
Plot Summary
The film centers around Julie, a 16-year-old girl who is extremely attached to her father. When her mother is murdered by a delivery man, Julie fails to intervene, allowing the tragedy to unfold. This event sets the stage for a series of events that lead to a similar fate for her stepmother and brother. Throughout the film, Julie’s motivations and actions are driven by her possessiveness and desire to have her father all to herself.
Plot Summary
The film centers around Julie, a 16-year-old girl who is extremely attached to her father. When her mother is murdered by a delivery man, Julie fails to intervene, allowing the tragedy to unfold. This event sets the stage for a series of events that lead to a similar fate for her stepmother and brother. Throughout the film, Julie’s motivations and actions are driven by her possessiveness and desire to have her father all to herself.
Short film