
  • 3 months ago


00:01What in the name of the saints?
00:03But what is it you're saving them from?
00:05The Flux.
00:06What's the Flux?
00:07This is Serving Commander Instant V Vendor leaving his post.
00:12So, we still on for Halloween drinks?
00:13Eight o'clock.
00:14Don't keep me waiting, you.
00:15I am.
00:16Come on.
00:18Hello again, Doctor.
00:20Who are you?
00:22Explain, Murray.
00:23Explain, Atropos.
00:25For Atropos, time ran wild.
00:27All time passes through the glory.
00:29If the glory are broken, time shall run unstoppable.
00:33The Temple of Atropos is broken.
00:35You'll have to fix this.
00:36So, I made a short-term repair.
00:39Tell me what you want.
00:41All in good time.
00:42What I learned in the immediate aftermath of the Flux seems obvious now.
00:58But it's only obvious once you've lived it.
01:03The biggest changes to our lives start small.
01:06Catastrophes creep in quietly.
01:10And by the time you realize, the life you once had is already behind you.
01:21The Dalek Sector is growing.
01:23I thought I'd made it out, but they just keep spreading.
01:26Because, since what some people keep calling the beginning of the end,
01:31who is there left to stop them?
01:34Of course, I call it the Dalek Sector.
01:36I don't know for certain.
01:38But it helps me understand.
01:41Because the maps definitely don't make any sense anymore.
01:44Or the days.
01:47Everything is disrupted.
01:50But this isn't about Daleks.
01:52For once, they're not what worries me.
01:54At least we understand them.
01:56You and me, my love, we fought them.
01:58It's the other things.
02:01Whatever they are.
02:13Appearing from nowhere.
02:15Feasting on the wreckage.
02:17Coming for the survivors of the Flux.
02:20I must admit, some of the Daleks are a bit weird.
02:24The survivors of the Flux.
02:27I must admit, some days I feel like they want to stop me from getting to you.
02:35But nothing is going to stop me from getting to you.
02:54I'm not afraid.
02:56I'm not afraid of you.
02:59I'm not afraid of you.
03:02I'm not afraid of you.
03:05I'm not afraid of you.
03:08I'm not afraid of you.
03:11I'm not afraid of you.
03:14I spent my life walking into new places and weighing things out fast.
03:18Who's who? Who has the power? Who's in danger?
03:20How fast danger is coming?
03:22Also, how likely my friends are to die?
03:24I've got good at figuring all that out at speed.
03:27Right now, big danger, no obvious solutions.
03:30Well, one solution, one massive risk.
03:33You don't mess with time.
03:35You don't put yourself and your friends in the midst of a time storm.
03:38Unless there's no alternative.
03:40John Burroughs once said to me,
03:41Leap and the net will appear.
03:43He was talking metaphorically.
03:45Whereas right now...
03:52I'm not afraid.
04:08I'm sorry.
04:10I surprised time.
04:12We're in the heart of the time storm.
04:14Sheltering in broken time by...
04:17No! Yes!
04:21Time is pulling you back! I'm coming to get you!
04:29How did you get in here?
04:31Broken and disrupted time.
04:34Everything is corrupted.
04:37I have to rescue them.
04:42Not me as well! I have too much to do!
04:52What's the update, boss?
04:53Trivial monument is down.
04:55Only the central temple left.
04:57Where are the hostages?
04:58We don't know.
04:59No traces.
05:00The only information we have is five passenger forms in main temple.
05:04Where are we on aerial?
05:05Aerial shell are now complete.
05:06Show the weak and primary defenses to give us a way in.
05:09Just give the word.
05:11Enough equipment remaining to breach the entrance.
05:13He said come prepared.
05:14We also have temple erasure options.
05:17Should we require them.
05:22Where is this?
05:29What are you wearing?
05:31Temporal hazing.
05:32Happens to the best of us.
05:34When is this?
05:35Ow! What did you do that for?
05:38She loves doing that.
05:39She so loves doing that.
05:40Do you love doing that?
05:42Should block the temporal hazing.
05:44You back with us?
05:46We need to get this job done and end the siege of Atropos.
05:51This is where I found you.
05:58Tell Psyops to alert the Morisganes.
06:00They should be on standby.
06:01And tell the fleet to ramp up second wave of aerial shelling.
06:05We all know why we're here.
06:07We rescue those hostages.
06:09End the siege.
06:10Reset time.
06:11So the universe can function again.
06:13The only way in is through the front.
06:15Risking our lives to save others.
06:18The usual.
06:19On my command.
06:23The universe is relying on us.
06:37What are you doing here?
06:39Seems to have two coffees and one of them is a skinny latte.
06:43With an extra shot.
06:45That's the way I have it.
06:46Is it?
06:48That's lucky.
06:53You alright?
06:56Yeah, sorry.
06:57Lost my bearings.
06:59So how was your date?
07:01It wasn't a date.
07:02Alright, so how was your thing that wasn't a date?
07:05I fell asleep in front of him.
07:07I thought you were going for a pizza.
07:09I fell asleep in my pizza in front of him.
07:12He was so boring.
07:14I woke up with him picking bits of mozzarella off my cheek
07:16and asking the waitress to call an ambulance.
07:18I had to lie and tell him I was an aphileptic.
07:20I mean, I obviously am in reaction to him.
07:24Am I boring you?
07:25No, just a dose or so.
07:29It doesn't matter.
07:31Why aren't you married?
07:33You're taking no prisoners tonight, are you?
07:36You're not a kid.
07:37You're not the ugliest fella in this city, so...
07:40What's wrong with you?
07:42Why aren't you married with triplets?
07:49Nearly happened once, 15 years ago.
07:52Lost count now.
07:54I was engaged to get married two days before she changed her mind.
07:59Says she'd been thinking about if properly couldn't bear
08:02spending the rest of her life with me,
08:04so thought she could do better.
08:06My God, brutal.
08:08It's life, innit?
08:10Nobody gets by without some bruises.
08:16God, I loved her.
08:21When is this?
08:29Did we move? Have we, er...
08:31Have we done this before?
08:33Why am I here?
08:35I was waiting.
08:37You didn't come.
08:38Where were you, Dan?
08:41Where were you, Dan?
08:56Found you!
08:57Doctor, what are you doing?
08:59I can't hold on to everything.
09:09If you go three doors down, they've got them half the price.
09:11So I was like, have you seen what they're charging there?
09:13And they were like, no, we don't care.
09:14So I said, why would I buy them here for this price,
09:16when they're half price, three doors down?
09:17And she said, and she was so snotty,
09:19it's up to you, isn't it?
09:20And I said, yes, it is.
09:21And I've never stepped foot in that shop since.
09:22I mean, who's a loser now?
09:24It's not even like I'm that bothered about sarsenas.
09:32You all right?
09:47What is that?
09:55Oh, you got a bit of salad dressing?
10:03Yaz, I'm trying to break through to your time stream,
10:05but there's a barrier.
10:06It's one of those things trying to keep me out.
10:10There we are.
10:11All gone now.
10:15Qualified highest in all streams.
10:17Exceptional honours award.
10:19In accommodation for saving the life of three colleagues
10:21on your most recent mission.
10:23Any pilot would have done the same.
10:26Because they didn't.
10:28You were the only one to fly into the blaze.
10:30Your training craft received fatal damage.
10:32You were lucky to escape with your life.
10:34Yes and no.
10:36Yes, the damage to the craft was bad.
10:40I don't believe I was lucky.
10:42I made a judgement call, and it came off.
10:44That's what we train for.
10:50I remember this.
10:53But it wasn't you.
10:55You weren't here.
11:01No record of post-traumatic psychodisturbance.
11:04But I've taken all offers of counselling and term coming.
11:08No problems.
11:10Don't mind me.
11:11I'm trying not to be distracting.
11:13Let me just...
11:15Did you...
11:17Did I...
11:26You do realise this is a prestigious posting,
11:29with the highest level of security clearance?
11:32I understand.
11:33You'll be permanently at the side of the Grand Serpent.
11:36It will be arduous.
11:38The Grand Serpent is...
11:42Absolute discretion and absolute fidelity are the minimum expected.
11:45I understand.
11:46Don't make me regret this.
11:52The posting is yours.
11:55Thank you, sir.
11:57It's an honour.
11:59It is.
12:01Make sure you remember that.
12:03Do not let the Grand Serpent down.
12:05Do not let the Grand Serpent down.
12:23Blow the doors in.
12:35We've got about 11 nitros. We've reduced the left.
12:37We use it when the doors come.
12:39Keeps us at normal speed but slows down the rest of the environment.
12:42We've got to make the most of it.
12:45Our entire focus is...
12:47locate the Ravagers.
13:03Oh, wow.
13:04Super-sized Maura.
13:05Wait, where was I?
13:07That wasn't my time stream.
13:08And why were Dan Yaz and that lad there?
13:10You have put yourself at risk in here, Doctor.
13:13Time is playing games with you all.
13:16You understand what I'm trying to do
13:18by throwing myself in here.
13:20The pressure of the Time Storm will be too much, even for you.
13:24I will not let them die.
13:27I can do this.
13:29I can absorb it.
13:31Help me with it.
13:32And I can help you.
13:34Time resists. It is pulling you back.
13:40Listen up, Ravagers.
13:42You were intruders in the Temple of Atropos.
13:45The Temple is surrounded.
13:47There's no way out of here and no way off this planet.
13:50We've come to reclaim what you took.
13:52You do not belong here.
13:55So you might as well surrender to save matters getting too unpleasant.
14:02I know you can hear me.
14:04Tell your remaining troops to surrender now
14:07or they'll have me to answer to.
14:10Who the hell are you?
14:12What are you doing in my reflection?
14:14What are you doing here?
14:16Is this the Atropos Defense Systems?
14:19I'm you.
14:20Which means this is my past.
14:23I'm in a memory.
14:25What do you mean you're me?
14:26Nah, I don't think so.
14:28I'm your future.
14:29I threw myself into a Time Storm here in the future to protect you.
14:33I'm your future.
14:35I'm your future.
14:36I threw myself into a Time Storm here in the future to protect myself
14:40and my friends, but it threw me down into my own time stream
14:42in the middle of a memory that I've lost and I'm losing control of it all.
14:45No time to admire yourself, boss.
14:48A bit of praise for the effect of Reducer wouldn't go amiss.
14:51Yeah, you're pretty smart for a dog.
14:53Oi, language.
14:55What did you call him?
14:57Tell me who you are, all of you.
14:59If this Temple of Hazen gets any worse, we'll have to relieve her of command.
15:02We can't risk the mission.
15:04Where are your team?
15:06My team?
15:10You talk to her.
15:11We'll cover.
15:13It's alright, boss.
15:15We understand the pressure.
15:17Final push.
15:19We do this, you're clear.
15:22They promise they'll stick to it.
15:24Final attack.
15:25Retake the chamber.
15:26Retake the planet.
15:27You'll be free of all this.
15:28That's the point, isn't it?
15:30If you say so.
15:34I don't know.
15:36I don't remember how this ends.
15:38If you've thrown yourself into a time storm,
15:41and that storm's thrown you in here,
15:44you might never get back.
15:45And my friends will die,
15:47submerged in their own time stream.
15:50Then you've got a lot to figure out.
16:04Where am I running from?
16:05Be gone!
16:07Don't shoot!
16:08What are you dallying here?
16:10I'm not dallying.
16:12I'm trying to get out.
16:13Last I knew, I was somewhere else, and now I'm not.
16:17Why do you disobey the task?
16:18What task?
16:20Back, vile demons!
16:21I'll smite you all!
16:25Now, what is this?
16:27Has your mind deserted you?
16:29Are you now a fool?
16:31It's really beginning to feel that way.
16:33So where have you come from?
16:35Mason Street, clearly.
16:37Mason Street, Edge Hill?
16:39Well, of course, Edge Hill. Where else?
16:42That's right by where I live.
16:44Are we near there now?
16:47Oh, sir!
16:49Very far!
16:51Very, very far!
17:11Is that what you were firing at?
17:14Those mites.
17:16I've seen them remove people and objects from this mortal plane.
17:21Wait, wait! There it's him!
17:24Right. Stay pulled. Don't move.
17:26I'm coming in.
17:27Quantum disruption. Not exactly helping.
17:30But you should be safe from those particles here.
17:32I'm trying to hide you, but you keep bitcheting out of your time stream.
17:35I'm over here. Hang on. Push it through.
17:40It's not me.
17:42The world keeps moving.
17:43I'm hiding you here in your own time stream while I try and get the Maury into place.
17:47But it's hard. I mean, borderline impossible.
17:49Time is breaking, hunting down anomalies.
17:53Which means there's a problem, another problem, a lot of problems.
17:56Not that I want to worry you, because I don't, but I have, so sorry.
17:59I'll fix this.
18:00Just don't disappear!
18:09Good news. I found a ship.
18:11One lone ship.
18:12The last relic of the Lupari who seem to have just vanished from their home galaxy.
18:17Do you think the Flux got them too?
18:19Anyway, we got out of the spaceport before it blew up.
18:22Made it through the outer barriers of the Dalek sector without being exterminated, just.
18:27There are bodies and wreckage everywhere.
18:31It feels like the last days of the universe.
18:33And here I am, still doing what I do best, piloting a ship.
18:37Only now I'm watching planets crumble and space lanes filled with debris.
18:42Who'd have thought that one thing could do so much damage?
18:46And any time I think we've found a brief sanctuary, well, life proves me wrong.
18:53Because apparently, this is the cyber sector now.
18:56Cyber armies ransacking what's left, converting the few who remain.
19:00And in the dark moments, I think, the bad guys won.
19:06But I know what you'd say.
19:08Challenges are temporary. Life is constant.
19:12Don't overthink it.
19:14Just move forward.
19:15And I can still hear you telling me that.
19:18So I am.
19:20We are.
19:21Me and Tegmi.
19:23Moving forward.
19:24Hoping that you're right.
19:26Hoping we'll see you soon.
19:28And I'm ignoring the creature in a bar who told me,
19:31Atropos is falling, the Murray are compromised, and time is beginning to run wild.
19:36Because if the flux is eroding space and time is breaking down,
19:40then what hope do we ever have of finding each other again?
19:48Take in that view.
19:50You know we'd never get in here.
19:52For a sample.
19:54Because they don't let losers in.
19:57You have two tasks as guardian of the Grand Serpent.
20:01Protect me.
20:02And record the meeting.
20:04So there's no...
20:07...misunderstandings later.
20:11Our guests today come seeking a deal.
20:13The Alphoria want an alliance where we shelter them under our security protocols.
20:18In return, they provide our population with food safety for generations to come.
20:25Everybody wins.
20:37What did you say?
20:39I mean, I can see that there are benefits for both sides.
20:45You can see that?
20:51You understand this?
20:55I... Supremacy, I didn't mean...
20:57You want my seat?
21:00Do you want to be me?
21:08I was only expressing solidarity.
21:10I was only expressing solidarity.
21:12Supremacy, my apologies.
21:15I don't need solidarity from a grunt.
21:18What I need is for you to be silent and do as you're ordered.
21:33Lift off.
21:37Be ready.
21:41I don't want to relive this.
21:44I don't want to relive this.
21:50What are you doing here?
21:52Come on, you were so bad at this.
21:54I don't even like playing video games.
21:56Nobody calls them video games.
21:57Whatever you want to call them, I'm not good at them.
21:59You're helping me because this lad ain't going to look at me if I don't know my way around a controller.
22:04I'm going to learn to be ace at this.
22:06Next time I'm in a room with him, he's going to look at me and think,
22:09who's a sexy girl with nimble fingers?
22:12No human being is ever going to look at you and think those words.
22:17Alright, I'm super freaking out now.
22:19To save you and that lad on Atropos, who I've not even met yet, from being overwhelmed by time,
22:24I took it upon myself to jump into one of the burned out Morris places.
22:28To divert you from having to absorb the time force.
22:33But if time would have overwhelmed me,
22:35what's it going to do to you?
22:36Yeah, well, I've got a bit more practice.
22:38Not to mention an entirely different biology.
22:40Me and the Mori are connected.
22:42We're hiding you, all of you, in your own time streams.
22:45In your own memories. Past, present, or even future.
22:51What are you looking at me like that for?
22:53Sorry, I'm split across multiple events, multiple time streams.
22:57I can't be constant. Multiple crises.
22:59I'm still trying to work out the plan.
23:01You're camouflaged here because this is where you belong.
23:04The best place to hide you all is in your own lives.
23:07Except it's not.
23:09These things haven't happened to me.
23:11This isn't my house.
23:13The details are wrong.
23:15Yes, I think there's something wrong with your time stream.
23:23Don't blink.
23:24There are angels disrupting your time stream.
23:30It's stalking me.
23:32What is it?
23:33Quit the game.
23:35That worked.
23:38You have to keep your eyes on it.
23:40If the angel gets you, it will propel you back in time.
23:43I won't know where you are.
23:44You could be lost forever and I won't be able to find you.
23:47Yaz, I'm being pulled away.
23:56Do you want me to be single forever?
24:03Come on, Doctor.
24:05You're in here for a reason.
24:06Fix the future.
24:08Fix Atropos.
24:09Protect Yaz and that lad.
24:11I'm being pulled away again.
24:13Dragged back to Atropos in the past.
24:19Of course you've made yourselves thrones.
24:22You've no shame.
24:24Only pride.
24:26You should know that by now.
24:28Surrender now.
24:30And your sentences will be merciful.
24:35Or execution.
24:40To the four of you.
24:41Don't underestimate me.
24:43It's a difficult moral high ground you occupy.
24:47If you don't stop killing things, we'll kill you.
24:51If there's further death or bloodshed, your punishments will be worse.
24:56Erasure of identity.
24:58Isolation prison terms for the infinite duration of the universe.
25:03Working for the Division must be so compromising.
25:06You've already lost. I'm just trying to reason with you.
25:09How can we have lost with so many hostages?
25:16You understand what passenger is?
25:20The passenger is a long-forbidden form.
25:24Barred from this dimension for good reason.
25:28A thing of beauty.
25:31A holding entity able to store what it has captured within.
25:38A living prison.
25:40With endless capacity.
25:44Hundreds of thousands of life forms locked away within each passenger.
25:49Five passengers.
25:52Millions of lives.
25:54Kept a list, have you?
25:56Kept the numbers?
26:07One passenger destroyed.
26:09We need the Maury now!
26:11I'm trying!
26:12You think we would cower before the Division when we have taken control of its dirty secret?
26:21A planet called Time.
26:26Thinking this could bring the Dark Times to an end.
26:31Time is not controllable, Doctor.
26:34It will not do as other beings bid.
26:38It will.
26:40It must.
26:41Here we are, still engaged in the founding conflict.
26:48There is no greater battle than this.
26:51The battle between Time and Space.
26:56And Time shall not lose.
26:59Time shall never surrender to Space.
27:04No planetary mass, however sophisticated, can imprison the force of Time.
27:12This planet, this construction, is not just a fallacy.
27:17Not just futile hubris.
27:21It is heresy.
27:23And see how many lives it has cost.
27:26Keep away from it!
27:30Just a second.
27:31It's a massacre now.
27:32We can't let it lose anymore.
27:35The Maury are ready.
27:36The Maury are connected.
27:42Is that passenger meant to glow like that?
27:48Tell me you did not bring them here.
27:52You were warned.
27:53They shall not touch this!
27:55You know the thing about a passenger form.
27:57You'd better be sure you know where they've been or everything that's held inside them.
28:01Maybe even hidden.
28:05Ready to be summoned.
28:07Because that one's ours.
28:09Infiltrated your temple.
28:11Substituted for one of yours.
28:13And inside, waiting for my command.
28:18Are you coming, Maury?
28:20This is your time!
28:23Maury, what's going on?
28:24They are vanishing!
28:26Time is not their prisoner!
28:28Stasis fields. Now!
28:37We shall not be contained!
28:39Get them transported out of here. Now!
28:44Mission accomplished, boss.
28:49Need your help.
28:50You and me together.
28:52We saved my friends in the future by replicating what happened in the past.
28:55Same problem, same solution.
28:57Embed yourselves in the temple as you did before.
29:01The passenger is there.
29:02We need four of you to replace the burned out Maury.
29:05Let four be waiting.
29:07You have to do this or time will fracture across all of space.
29:21Come on!
29:23Come on, we can't keep up!
29:30I have missed that rush.
29:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:36How are you doing, Tigny?
29:38Slightly elevated, but that's to be expected, right?
29:44I'm hoping the nav charts are up to date.
29:50They are, but they're not good.
29:52The Dalek Empire expanding over here.
29:54The Son'Taran sector spread over here.
29:56And us, exiting the cyber zone as fast as we can.
30:02Wait, what's that?
30:05Are we making eye contact?
30:07I guess not.
30:08Prepare to convert organic lifeforms.
30:13Convert this.
30:33Come on.
30:57How many Cybermen in this part of the galaxy?
31:03I like our odds, Tigny.
31:05So what is happening to time?
31:07I mean, I get what happened with the flux, but something has started affecting time.
31:11Correct. Flux event affected the planet time.
31:14Temporal center cannot hold.
31:16I have no idea what that means.
31:18That doesn't sound good.
31:23Okay, so what is the strategic aim of the Cyber Race post-flux?
31:28Secure territorial advance.
31:30Convert all organic lifeforms remaining.
31:33And then what?
31:34We shall command. We shall rule.
31:37Over what?
31:39There is barely anything left. The universe is disappearing.
31:42All that is left shall be ours.
31:44The cyber victory shall be ultimate.
31:46It shall be hollow.
31:50So you guys, Daleks and Son'Tarans, all fighting for the spoils.
31:54As if nothing has changed.
31:58In the end, it'll come down to you fighting each other.
32:00Wiping each other out.
32:03Actually, it's quite a good thing.
32:09What is your mission?
32:16What is your mission?
32:18I am one person, out in the broken universe.
32:20My mission doesn't impinge on you.
32:22I must record.
32:28Just put...
32:37Love is not a mission.
32:39Love is an emotion.
32:41Emotions are not missions.
32:43And that's why you're dead on the floor.
32:45And I put you there.
32:49Love is the only mission.
32:59I'm gonna get us to where we need to be.
33:01And who we need to be with.
33:04That's my promise to you.
33:18Thank you, my valued Elthorian friends.
33:21Well, it looks like we've come to an agreement.
33:24On one condition.
33:28You can stop the recording now, Vendor.
33:32Supremacy. I'm duty-bound.
33:34Shut it off.
33:39Was my order unclear?
33:47Stopping recording, sir.
33:59You're sheltering a number of dissidents on our forest extant.
34:04I'm gonna give you a list of nine people.
34:07Five of them are to be returned to us to face justice.
34:11They must face the consequences for their treasonous actions.
34:17The other four...
34:20The other four...
34:22Are family members...
34:24Of my dear opponent and vocal critic Frey Sampo.
34:31They need to have an accident.
34:34That's important. They're involved in an unexpected tragedy.
34:38Natural disaster.
34:43Hunting accident. You decide.
34:46You don't need to tell me.
34:48But they have to die.
34:51And those are my final conditions.
34:56And you want to make this official?
34:58They're dead. You saw the report.
35:01An accident on the Lunar Range.
35:03You want to report that the Grand Serpent is responsible?
35:06It was his condition for the Alliance.
35:08There's no evidence on the recording.
35:10No, he asked me to stop the recording.
35:12No, he asked me to stop the recording.
35:19What do you want to achieve here, Commander Vinda?
35:22He needs to be held to account.
35:24You understand this report will reach him if filed?
35:26There are processes, Dorai.
35:29Other people see it. There are whistleblower protocols.
35:32Established by the Grand Serpent.
35:35Have you spoken to your family about any of this?
35:40You're the first as my commanding officer.
35:44I took an oath.
35:46I swore my loyalty to our constitution.
35:50Not to any one person.
35:52Something bigger.
35:54More important.
35:59Here's a choice.
36:02I can submit this.
36:05Or I can not submit this.
36:14Don't make me relive this bit.
36:23People need to know the truth.
36:30Submit it.
36:34Sit down, Commander.
36:58Hi. It's me.
37:01I won't be coming back when I expected.
37:06It may be a lot longer before I see you again.
37:09I don't want you to worry.
37:11But there was an incident.
37:14I was immediately reposted.
37:20I can't say anymore because...
37:27I'm sorry.
37:31I was doing the right thing.
37:36I'm permitting one message.
37:38I hope it gets to you.
37:41I love you.
37:44I love you.
37:57The time is right.
37:58I'll file a report for division.
38:00I've seen this before.
38:04You know the rules.
38:06Don't touch what you can't afford.
38:09We know each other.
38:11Temporal haze and getting to the boss again.
38:13Time to move.
38:15Bring the passengers.
38:16We'll extract the hostages back on board the ship.
38:20We have done as you asked, Doctor.
38:22We have returned Fulmori to your time.
38:24Now you must return.
38:26You must not linger in your own time stream.
38:29Not yet.
38:31Not just yet.
38:32The force of time will break you.
38:34But this is my only chance to find out more.
38:38Who I was. Who I am.
38:40It's all in here if I can just find it.
38:42Your body is breaking, Doctor. We can't sense it.
38:44You must leave.
38:46One more memory.
38:48One more piece of my past.
38:51Let me have something.
38:53Some explanation.
38:54You will die in here.
38:56Just give me something.
38:58Give me the end.
38:59Give me the end of what I was in.
39:02You can't force me out.
39:11Stop fighting now, Doctor.
39:14Who are you?
39:17Where am I?
39:19You think you can navigate all those time streams without anyone noticing?
39:24You're fighting a lost cause.
39:26You need to stop.
39:27Lost causes are my speciality.
39:29Not this time.
39:31There'll be no glory awaiting you on this one.
39:33You seem to think you're very well informed.
39:35I'm telling you, the damage to time is already done.
39:39As intended.
39:41The flux event was spatial.
39:44But it was possible it wouldn't be enough.
39:46The Ravagers, Swarm and Azure, are rare and useful creatures.
39:51Now they have been reintroduced.
39:53Think of them as a temporal poison or contagion.
39:57I'm sorry, I'm normally very good at keeping up with things, but you lost me quite early on.
40:01Where are we?
40:02And how do you know me and I don't know you?
40:04Always the wrong questions.
40:06This universe is over, Doctor.
40:11And you get to call it, do you?
40:12Everything has its time, nothing is forever, nothing is certain.
40:15Not you, and not this universe you seem to love so much.
40:19This universe is home to innumerable species and life forms.
40:22Don't lecture me, Doctor.
40:23Not when you should look to yourself.
40:27The flux wasn't an accident, it wasn't a naturally occurring event.
40:31It was made, it was placed.
40:35Because of you.
40:37What are you talking about?
40:39All is ending.
40:43And don't come looking for this.
40:47You can go.
40:49I will not go!
40:54No, no, no! Put me back! Put me back, I want to go back in there, I have to get back in!
40:58Doctor, it's okay!
40:59It's not okay!
41:00Not for me!
41:01You don't understand anything!
41:04I had a chance while it was broken!
41:07Well, it's not now.
41:08Don't worry, they're all back.
41:09You saved our lives.
41:12Well done, Doctor.
41:15Did you have fun in there, discovering the past you've lost?
41:21You may have forgotten, but we did not.
41:25We brought you here knowing what you would do.
41:28This is only the beginning.
41:33I've seen this stuff before.
41:34Particles of the time force.
41:36Tiny fragments of temporal destruction which will erode whatever they touch.
41:42You may have repaired, but time is unleashed for long enough, the damage is done.
41:48And if the flux wrecks space, then we have disrupted the flow of time, however briefly.
41:55No, you haven't.
41:56And we're going to stop you, right?
42:00Right, Doctor?
42:01Dan Lewis, we have something of yours.
42:05You're not the only one who can hide things in passenger, Doctor.
42:11Where am I now?
42:13Dan, I can't get to you.
42:15What happened to you? What are you doing here?
42:18Stay there, Dan.
42:19I've got to get to her.
42:20You can't, you mustn't.
42:21Of course I can, get off me.
42:22Do as you're told, you will be fine.
42:24Do as you're told, you have no idea what you're dealing with, I do.
42:27Stay there.
42:29I'll help you get her back, I promise.
42:32No, she's our toy now.
42:36What do you want?
42:37To reign in hell.
42:54I'm sorry.
42:56I'm sorry.
43:22Sorry, what is this?
43:25Stick your head in.
43:28Go on.
43:41Is this a darkness?
43:44It is, isn't it?
43:46I didn't even think these were real.
43:51This can get me home.
43:53After all this time?
43:58Can I pilot it?
43:59Will you show me?
44:00No, get in.
44:05Doctor, seriously, we can't leave here without her.
44:07She's not here, Dan.
44:08We'll get her back, I promise.
44:11We'll get Vinda home, we'll rescue Diane,
44:13we'll find out who's behind the flux
44:15and what it's got to do with me.
44:17Why would it have anything to do with you?
44:20Does everything have to be a discussion?
44:22Go on.
44:32Did you repair?
44:34Can you repair?
44:37I really hope so.
44:44I'm sorry.
44:46I was doing the right thing.
44:49I'm only permitting one message.
44:51I hope it gets to you.
44:54I love you.
44:57I love you too.
45:01Don't we take me?
45:05You know, we'll break it
45:07if we watch it too many more times.
45:15I wonder if he looks different.
45:21We're coming, Vinda.
45:24We waited.
45:25I know we're looking and we're close.
45:28We'll be there soon.
45:35Me and your beautiful
45:37as your unborn child.
45:52This is your home?
45:54It was.
45:57Looks like the flux ripped through here too.
46:01I can take you anywhere.
46:04I have to find someone.
46:08It's a lost cause.
46:10I know she would have been here.
46:12I need to find her.
46:16Stay in touch.
46:17Whenever you need us.
46:18Press zero.
46:19It's a direct line to us.
46:21Be safe.
46:50I'm back home.
46:52I came looking for you.
46:55But there's no home left.
46:59The flux took that too.
47:09But I'm not giving up.
47:14I'm not giving up.
47:19I'll find you.
47:21Whatever it takes.
47:39Is that you yelling?
47:40What's the matter?
47:43What's that?
47:44A weeping angel.
47:45Don't blink.
47:46Why not?
47:47Keep your eyes on the angel.
47:48Stay behind me.
47:50I think...
47:51I think I just blinked.
47:53Set the controls.
47:54Doctor, what's he doing?
47:59The angel has a TARDIS.
48:19The TARDIS!
48:33Can you state your name, please?
48:36Claire Brown.
48:37We're missing a little girl.
48:39Ten years old.
48:42It's happening again.
48:44Was that scarecrow there a minute ago?
48:46Everyone in the village disappeared on the 28th of November, 1967.
48:52Gerald, what's going on?
48:54Gerald, please!
48:58I'm not blinking!