Meminimalisir Beban Subsidi Energi

  • 2 months ago
Kementerian Keuangan memastikan, risiko nilai tukar terhadap APBN tetap dikelola dengan baik. Dirjan Anggaran pun memastikan, bahwa pemerintah telah memperhitungkan dampaknya ke beban subsidi energi, dan memastikan telah membayarkan subsidi dan juga kompensasi energi sesuai peratuuran.


00:00The Ministry of Finance ensures that the exchange rate risk against APBN is still managed properly.
00:04The Budget Directorate also ensures that the government has taken into account the impact of energy subsidy burdens
00:10and has ensured that subsidies and energy compensation have been paid in accordance with the regulations.
00:20The Ministry of Finance ensures that it continues to manage the exchange rate risk that can affect the run of APBN programs such as energy subsidies.
00:28Dirjen Anggaran Kemengkiu Issa Rahmataruwata explains that his party has allocated Rp 56.9 trillion from APBN
00:36for energy subsidies throughout January until May 2024.
00:40Issa estimates that the amount consists of subsidies for BBM of Rp 6.6 trillion,
00:46LPG subsidies of Rp 3.0 kg of Rp 26.8 trillion, and electricity subsidies of Rp 23.5 trillion.
00:54Issa estimates that energy subsidies have been paid every month in accordance with the requirements received from the Ministry of Finance and the PLN.
01:00The use of subsidy compensation is paid every three months after the BPKP or Dirjen Kemengkiu has completed an audit of the requirements provided.
01:09By 2024, Rp 56.9 trillion has been paid,
01:16consisting of subsidies for BBM Rp 6.6 trillion,
01:21LPG subsidies of Rp 3.0 kg of Rp 26.8 trillion, and electricity subsidies of Rp 23.5 trillion.
01:30Previously, the Ministry of Finance recorded the position of the budget deficit of APBN until the end of May 2024, reaching Rp 21.8 trillion,
01:38or 0.10% of the domestic gross product.
01:41The APBN deficit occurred due to the stagnant state income, but it remained in the middle of a stable exchange rate situation.
01:49Radya Karta, Rajya Patmal, IDX Channel.
