APBN Defisit Rp21,8 Triliun per Mei 2024

  • 3 months ago
Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) mencatat Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) pada akhir Mei 2024 mengalami defisit sebesar Rp21,8 triliun atau 0,1 persen terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB).

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengatakan, kinerja APBN 2024 tidak terlepas dari faktor global seperti harga minyak, yield, yang memengaruhi kinerja perusahaan-perusahaan sehingga akhirnya berdampak pada penerimaan negara.


00:00Let's start with the first piece of information.
00:02The government notes that the country's income and spending budget for 2024
00:06is at a deficit of Rp21.8 trillion per May 2024.
00:10The country's revenue decline of 7.1%
00:13from the same period last year is considered to be the cause of the deficit.
00:22The country's income and spending budget for 2024
00:25is at a deficit of Rp21.8 trillion
00:29or 0.1% of GDP per May 2024.
00:33The budget deficit in May is due to the country's income decline
00:37while the country's spending increased.
00:39According to the Ministry of Finance,
00:41the country's income per May 2024 is recorded to reach Rp1,123.5 trillion
00:47equal to 40.1% of the APBN target
00:50or a decline of 7.1% from the same period last year.
00:54Meanwhile, the country's spending reached Rp1,145.3 trillion
00:59equal to 34.4% of the APBN target.
01:03The spending increased by 14% from the same period last year.
01:06With the APBN decline,
01:08the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, called for a primary balance
01:11still recorded a surplus of Rp184.2 trillion.
01:15This is the current situation in 2024.
01:19Therefore, we continue to take steps
01:23with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Local Government
01:26on the transfer
01:28so that we still maintain the priorities of development
01:32and economic growth
01:34but do not make the APBN a source of vulnerability.
01:41Therefore, we continue to take appropriate steps.
01:45Sri Mulyani stated that the implementation of the APBN
01:47is still in accordance with what the government plans
01:50because the government has planned an APBN deficit of Rp522.8 trillion
01:56or equal to 2.29% of GDP by the end of this year.
02:02Jakarta Tim Liputan, IDX Channel
