• last year
Fifteen youths have been presented before an Eldoret Court in connection with last week’s Finance Bill protests in the town. https://shorturl.at/1oQl4


00:00Lumber area.
00:08Munching, kissing.
00:12Can I ask for more pictures?
00:14How many pictures?
00:15How many?
00:19Microphone please.
00:30So you will not be taken for medication.
00:37I will see you back here on Thursday when I will make my substantive ruling.
00:41Thursday is on the 12th of Muhsen.
00:44I will be in Tunguzi.
00:46I will be in Tunguzi, in Mashata and Majibu.
00:49I will be in Nepal.
00:50I will be here.
00:51I will be here.
00:55There is no need to arrest the respondents here
00:59because all these are people whose places of abode are known.
01:04They are not abiding citizens.
01:06The state has machinery to track them if it wants to track them at any point.
01:14For that reason, your honour, I am pleased that you dismiss the application.
01:21You find that it does not have merit.
01:25And you give directions that the respondents here be directed to report to the relevant police station
01:32and before the investigating officer until he completes investigations
01:38and he can arraign them or can prefer any charges he wants to prefer against them.
01:45In the meantime, your honour, I pray that they be released on a police bond of 5,000 shillings.
01:52I have counseled them.
01:54I have told them of the importance of complying and cooperating with this court
01:59until investigations are over.
02:01They are willing to abide by any conditions that would be given by this court.
02:06I so humbly submit, your honour.
