• last year
LEXIE and Kobe started off as besties, but soon realised there was more to their friendship and fell in love. Their mixed-weight relationship has endured plenty of judgement over the years. Speaking to Love Don't Judge, Lexie revealed: "Most of the judgement we get is fat jokes. How did you get her? She's only after you for your money. She doesn't like you for real." Reflecting on the hate that Kobe has received over his weight, he said: "I feel like people believe that larger people shouldn't be with anybody and skinny people should be with skinny people." Despite the scrutiny, the loved-up pair aren't fazed and have even started making cash from the judgement. Lexie concluded: "As long as you keep putting money in my pocket, I don't care what you've got to say. You can keep with the judgemental stuff."


00:00This is Lexi. She fell in love with Kobe.
00:05We're in a mixed-weight relationship and people often think our relationship is fake.
00:09Most judgment we get is the fat jokes.
00:12How did you get her? You must be rich. She's only after you for your money.
00:17In the comments, they see her and they'll see me. They'll be like, how?
00:21People's like, that's her boyfriend? I was expecting to see a tall, skinny, light-skinned dude.
00:25I feel like people believe that large people shouldn't be with nobody.
00:29Honestly, it was just his size. That was the only thing that was stopping me from being with him.
00:37Excuse me. I'm trying to help you.
00:40I'm Kobe. I'm Lexi. And we're in a mixed-weight relationship.
00:44Excuse me. See, this is why I can't cook with you.
00:46We met each other at their school.
00:48I posted on my Snapchat, I was like, I want a boy best friend.
00:51Jacobi slid up and he was like, I'll be your best friend.
00:54After seven months of being best friends, Jacobi liked me the whole seven months.
00:58But I didn't want to give him the time of day.
01:00All of a sudden, it was like a light bulb just went on. It was so quick. It was just like that.
01:05And I was like, Jacobi, I think I am in love with you.
01:09And then he thought I was playing, but I was for real.
01:12Ow! And you just put that hot grease on me!
01:14I'm sorry. That's when we started being together.
01:17This is my first mixed-weight relationship.
01:21It's going pretty fantastic.
01:23I'm glad that I found the man that I'm going to marry early in my life.
01:28Being a bigger man has never held me back from dating or pursuing anyone.
01:32I'm the most confident big man in the world.
01:34Anytime I get the opportunity to take my shirt off, I'm taking it off. I'm just him.
01:38So, I never got bullied or anything like that because of my size or anything of that nature.
01:42And if somebody did have something to say, Jacobi is Mr. Clap Back.
01:48Because if you start with him, he's going to finish it every time.
01:50They're baking good, ain't they?
01:52I'll part too fast.
01:54It doesn't have nothing to do with the taste.
01:56It tastes burnt.
01:57Yo, Mom, it tastes like bacon.
01:59Let's just have a silent breakfast. How about that? Because you can know my nerves.
02:03Sometimes we might actually really be getting on each other's nerves, but we might dial it down.
02:08It's not ever unintentional or annoying.
02:11There's still some in your plate.
02:13I'll just give it to the dog.
02:18Jacobi was literally everything I was looking for in a man.
02:21And that's really what he used to combat me with whenever I was saying,
02:25I just want to be friends.
02:26He'd be like, what do you want in a man?
02:28And I would list it out.
02:29He says, okay.
02:30I checked all the boxes.
02:31What is stopping you from being with me?
02:33Honestly, it was just his size.
02:35That was the only thing that was stopping me from being with him.
02:37Until that one day that everything just clicked.
02:41I guess after so long, you get used to looking at somebody.
02:44You don't really like pay attention to their features and stuff no more.
02:47I just stopped seeing him so big.
02:49After we had got together, I just had my own personal TikTok.
02:54There was this relationship trend going around.
02:57And it was basically just like pictures of you and your partner together.
03:01And so I posted it on my TikTok and it blew up.
03:05I don't think there were too many negative comments or anything like judgmental comments on that first.
03:11But once we started posting consistently, that's whenever it brought more negative attention.
03:17We hit around 10,000 followers and started making revenue from it.
03:21And that's when we started to feel the shift, kind of get more negative comments.
03:25You want to do that video I was telling you about the other day?
03:28It's that couple that was like, how we do it.
03:32The 50-50 stuff?
03:33Yeah, but we do that and we just exaggerate everything.
03:35Like we just say outrageous stuff while we go 50-50.
03:39Yeah, if you want to do that one.
03:41While we don't go 50-50 in our relationship.
03:44The relationship is really 90-10.
03:47And I do 90% of everything and you do 10% of everything.
03:51It's just supposed to be like crazy stuff, ain't it?
03:54Just to get like an uproar to make them comment.
03:56You should have just did like a little fake kiss.
03:58Like you don't want to kiss me for real?
04:00That's what you should have did.
04:01We love to push buttons and get on people's nerves.
04:04Because they already have something to say anyways.
04:07So we like to give them even more to say.
04:10After you get off work.
04:17I feel like I've been judged online.
04:18Just because like in the comments they see her and they'll see me.
04:22They'll be like, how?
04:23They will just say like little petty stuff.
04:25Like you'll rather be with me or I'm better than him.
04:29Like why would you be with him?
04:30We just posted a video not too long ago.
04:33She came in to show me her hair.
04:35And people was like, that's her boyfriend?
04:38I was expecting to see a tall skinny light skinned dude.
04:41The way they come off on social media.
04:43I feel like people believe that large people shouldn't be with nobody.
04:47And skinny people shouldn't be with skinny people.
04:50That's the way they come off on social media.
04:52Most judgment we get is the fat jokes that always come in our comments.
04:57How did you get her?
04:59Or she's only after you for your money.
05:02She doesn't like you for real.
05:03What are you dating?
05:04What are you dating?
05:06I think they can do a little bit better than that.
05:08I think she lost a bet.
05:09Whoever don't throw the rock the farthest gotta date you.
05:12So you like the punishment.
05:16Prepare that big Goliath's next meal.
05:18How much they paying her?
05:20Again, they acting like you gotta have some money.
05:22All I'm saying is that's fake and she's probably doing that for views.
05:26Feel bad for that man.
05:27A lot of comments also be like, I'm skinny and I still can't get a girl.
05:31And he fat and he got a girl.
05:33So why can't I?
05:34It's crazy because a lot of the comments, they come from boys.
05:37I don't understand that.
05:38You a grown man.
05:39Why are you so obsessed with another man and what another man got going on?
05:42It doesn't really bother me a lot because it don't hurt his feelings.
05:46I really don't pay it any mind.
05:47I just can't say what I really want to say because of TikTok guidelines and stuff.
05:51Due to us getting all the hate with the trolling, that's what pushed us to make content.
05:56We realize the more people have something negative to say, the more comments we get, the more shares we get.
06:03That gets us more exposure and it also will increase our revenue at the end of the month.
06:10We not gonna have time to go to the gym.
06:13So do you want to do something here?
06:14Like a little something?
06:16Yeah, I just got some dumbbells the other day.
06:18One, two, three.
06:21I love working out together.
06:23It's a fun activity when we're able to work out together.
06:27We be pushing each other.
06:29Jakob, look at your legs.
06:32People think, they be like, you need to get in the gym ASAP. Do some push-ups.
06:35I have videos running.
06:37The people, they be like, oh, you need to get in the gym.
06:39They won't take the time to click on the page and see, oh, wow, they have like a whole gym playlist of nothing but videos of them in the gym.
06:48Maybe if I watch one, I'll see him repping 350 pounds on bench.
06:51It's a difference if somebody be like, you need to lose weight.
06:55They say I need to lose weight.
06:57Nah, I agree.
06:58As far as saying I'm in the gym, I'm in the gym.
07:01It's just, I like food.
07:03I've always been confident in myself and never lacked self-esteem.
07:08What do you say?
07:09What do you mean, what do I say?
07:11You just be saying you sexy and stuff.
07:13Oh, yeah, I am. I'm the sexiest man in the world.
07:15We got our workout done.
07:17It's a beautiful day outside. Let's go rip some lips.
07:19What is that supposed to be?
07:22Ripping lips?
07:23You throw it out the rear and you set the hook.
07:25Oh, you're not going to open my door?
07:29Oh, my gosh, thank you.
07:36Look, it's so pretty.
07:38This is pretty.
07:39This thing is really a good little peaceful getaway when it's not too hot.
07:44Nobody out here bothering you.
07:46Turn your phone off if you want to.
07:47Good bonding time.
07:48Body positivity to me is not caring what people have to say.
07:52If you're big, you go to the pool, take your shirt off.
07:55Don't be stung by what other people have to say.
07:57Jacoby is a great man.
08:00I love his personality.
08:02Not everybody can be as confident as him, especially as a bigger person.
08:06He carries so much confidence in himself.
08:09For all the people who judge mixed-weight relationships, I feel like they're insecure and stupid.
08:14They like to project their own insecurities on other people.
08:17Why should it even bother you who I'm with?
08:20It's not like you got to put up with me or you got to put up with her.
08:23As long as you're putting money in my pocket, I don't care what you got to say.
08:26You can keep with the judgmental stuff.
08:28Dig deep in your soul and just pour out all the insecurities that you have.
08:33Put it right in my comments section and I'll give you a little dollar some.
08:47I love you.
08:48I love you.
08:49I love you.
08:50I love you.
