Canadoodaday Canadoodaday E005 The Canadian Dinosaurs

  • le mois dernier
00:00Canada !
00:30We stop, we fight, we bite, we roar
00:34We don't live here anymore
00:38I'm gonna tell y'all a story, it gets a little gory
00:40About some dinosaurs and all our glory
00:42We lived in Canada, then we went extinct
00:44That's so formal !
00:45Yeah, it kinda stinks !
00:46There were plant eaters, the nice guy herbivores
00:48Like Centrosaurus and Unkylosaurus
00:50With a brain smaller than a walnut
00:52He had armor on his back and a hammer on his butt
00:54Livin' in Alberta before Tuktops
00:56Was Lambiosaurus and Triceratops
00:58Edmontosaurus had bird-like feet
01:00So they did ducks face in all their selfies
01:02We stop, we fight, we bite, we roar
01:06We're the chameleon dinosaurs
01:10We stop, we fight, we bite, we roar
01:14We don't live here anymore
01:18Feast your eyes on the teeth of the carnivores
01:20Like Tyrannosaurus and Albertosaurus
01:22Wait ! Canada was home to the T-Rex ?
01:25Yep !
01:26Those are my stinky breasts !
01:27Ornithomimus was covered in feathers
01:29Perfect for today's Canadian weather
01:31He had wings to help him go
01:33So he couldn't pick his nose
01:35Sixty-five million years ago
01:37Herds of giant beasts called Canada home
01:39We scouted the Rocky Mountains
01:40But we got destroyed by a pesky giant asteroid
01:43We stop, we fight, we bite, we roar
01:47We're the chameleon dinosaurs
01:51We stop, we fight, we bite, we roar
01:55We don't live here anymore
01:59Before the days of hockey
02:01Before the Calgary Stampede
02:03We ate our friends for supper
02:05We dipped them in nacho cheese
02:07Before West Edmonton Mall
02:09Was full of people shopping
02:11You had to watch where you walked
02:13Or you might step in dino droppings
02:15Now shake it, shake it, shake it
02:17Shake your dino tail like you're going extinct
02:19Now shake it, shake it, shake it
02:21Shake your dino tail like you're going extinct
02:23Shake your dino tail
02:25Shake your dino tail like you're going extinct
02:27Shake your dino tail
02:29Shake your dino tail like you're going extinct
02:33We stop, we fight, we bite, we roar
02:37We're the Canadian dinosaurs
02:41We stop, we fight, we bite, we roar
02:45We don't live here anymore
02:48No we don't!
