Toypop 2P SR

  • 2 months ago
00:00You ready?
00:01He is back.
00:02Hey, hey, hey, Moon Crew, what's going on?
00:10Today, we are playing Toy Pop, a 1986, very early co-op game, where we're going to be
00:17running around, defeating little toys, trying to find hearts to open the secret door to
00:22Got High Warlord JC here with us for the hot two-player co-op action, and this is going
00:27to be game number 604, no, 603, on the road to 3,000.
00:33If you like old arcade games, like, subscribe, join the adventure.
00:36All right, team, here we go.
00:38Let's slap at them.
00:39I want to be the Pinocchio-looking dude.
01:05Hit the high notes.
01:28Go for the door.
01:37All right, we got the heart, let's go, let's go.
02:07I don't think the chests contain any hearts.
02:16I think they're contained inside the flasks, and we don't know what's in the flasks until
02:22we hit them.
02:25Like, I just hit all those flasks and there wasn't a single one in there.
02:32Stay back!
02:33Damn it.
02:35They were all on your side.
02:47Like, every single one of them, okay.
03:04Let's go.
03:19There are 44 levels, apparently.
03:27How do I get back there?
03:37Oh, there was a secret block.
03:47Head to the door, head to the door.
03:50We are leaving.
03:52I got punched in the face.
03:55There's a wizard!
04:00Oh no.
04:03I don't know what that means.
04:06Oh no, it means I get an ass whoop, that's what it means.
04:10I'm a tornado.
04:11How lucky.
04:12When I grow up, I'm gonna be a hurricane!
04:15Head to the exit.
04:18That was all right.
04:22Maybe it was faster.
04:28Get on top of me?
04:32We missed them all.
04:33All right, how about this one then?
04:36Oh lord.
04:47Good hentai to evil hentai?
04:49No way!
04:54All right, we are both at one health though, so somebody's gotta die.
05:01I'll go.
05:06Now someone's really gotta go.
05:18Okay, it's a shoot button, don't start.
05:20And the door's open.
05:26Damn it.
05:29Oh, okay.
05:30My death let us skip, interesting.
05:43These monkeys, they shoot stuff.
05:45Monkey didn't give a shit.
05:51Go for the door.
05:58Good call.
06:02Oh, that was just me going for the door.
06:04Yeah, strategic, right?
06:28I got it.
06:29Head for the door.
06:33Dying was definitely faster for me there.
06:35I, like, skipped a huge walk-out.
07:05Okay, I did not see the door.
07:33No, that's not good.
08:00You get a decent amount of walks with your invincibility frames, so just use them.
08:25Door's open.
08:27I did not notice until just then.
08:36I couldn't handle the spare tires.
08:38Nope, still took a hit though.
08:43I'm nearing death, so...
08:48There we go.
09:01I need backup!
09:05I'm trying to push down a hall with a wizard and a robot!
09:09Could not get it to go down.
09:11Alright, we're good.
09:12Head for the exit.
09:13We're not good.
09:15Nevermind, I just was too slow.
09:18I think I made it in.
09:20Yeah, nice.
09:22We're life-matched, let's be careful.
09:24Nope, nope, time for apples.
09:25Spread out, spread out.
09:28Unless they always fall the same way, in which case...
09:39Not bad.
09:42Not bad at all.
09:45Oh, he's watching us through a crystal ball.
09:49You can see the ass kick coming.
09:59Uh-oh, I don't know what it does.
10:13Door's open.
10:20Yeah, Star is big shooter, it's trash and folk.
10:37Empty gun.
10:38Head for the door, head for the door.
10:54Oh man, a bottleneck.
10:57Oh shit!
11:08Can't get through there.
11:10Gotta go through the middle where the tanks are now.
11:12Yeah, I've been...
11:13The zapper doesn't do anything to actually kill them.
11:17It's really effin' annoying.
11:19Go for it, go for it.
11:46Okay, nice.
11:47That was a really close one, actually.
11:49Okay, time for...
11:51Oh no, okay.
11:52I can die.
12:04Door's open.
12:06Making my way.
12:13I am the whirlwind!
12:35Door time, door time.
12:40Shot right by him.
12:41Slippery goose.
12:49I don't know how I got the fire and not the star, but that's okay.
13:00They're all over me!
13:05There's one more, top left.
13:10Door, door.
13:20We're halfway there now.
13:24Sweet Jesus, brother, prepare to die.
13:27How come you lived?
13:29Skill issue.
13:38I'm getting cooked by this wizard down here.
13:45I think that's it, oh shit.
13:48Door's open.
13:49No, door's open.
13:50Oh, I got cooked too.
13:54Alright, I need to die.
13:58Oh, nope.
13:59It's time for apples.
14:12Sad day at the apple farm.
14:15A lot of spoiled rotten apples.
14:17A lot of bees.
14:20Alright, I'm charging them.
14:27What is this Trident looking thing?
14:34Oh, it turned them all into cheese or something.
14:38Head for the door.
14:44Couldn't hurt him with the lightning.
14:47I hate the lightning, it's garbage.
14:51Okay, not that one.
15:06Door, door, door.
15:15That's okay.
15:17I checked first, I was like, okay, I just died.
15:31Head for the door.
15:38I picked up a new shirt.
15:39It had to be a blue one though.
15:41I don't wear no red shirt.
15:48I had the bomb.
15:58I much prefer the bomb.
16:01Yeah, bomb is superior.
16:07There's something nice about annihilating dudes with a one hit though.
16:11Time to go, time to go.
16:19God, it won't go the way I want it.
16:38Go time.
16:41Ah, they got me in the end.
16:45They didn't get Ketchu though.
17:06We're on target together.
17:30It's open, it's open.
17:37Magic coins.
17:40Yeah, it's really putting them in there.
17:53We had to hedge our bets on our apples.
17:58Farmer can't lose all crap, you know what I mean?
18:23That's it.
18:30Wow, they're bringing out all the big guns.
18:32They're like, you get everything.
18:34You're ready to get cooked.
18:40I think that might be it.
18:42No, one more.
18:50Go, go, go.
18:55Oh fuck, I can't go that way.
18:58Terrible misjudgment.
19:03Yeah, there's just a lot of them.
19:05Let's make the move for it.
19:06Go, go, go.
19:12Thank you for moving out of the way, Mr. Tank.
19:20What's the words here say?
19:22Our names.
19:23Okay, yeah, nice.
19:25Good call.
19:26I'm terrible at those type of things, like turn a visual series of things.
19:29Okay, yep, go, go, go.
19:32Nice, nice.
19:38See, I knew there was a fake one.
19:40This is what's got me stressed up the entire game, man.
19:52Alright, they were all on your side.
19:53I'm leaving.
20:00I tried to shoot them.
20:01The fireball literally couldn't take the monkey down, which is weird because monkeys are...
20:05Yeah, I couldn't do anything with the bomb either.
20:08They just became immortal trying to not let us leave.
20:12Alright, well that one's close.
20:22I think the last two were in there.
20:25I just couldn't push in.
20:49Where is this thing?
20:50Okay, it's go time, that's where.
21:06It's go time.
21:18Getting close.
21:45Unleash the fury!
21:53That's it.
22:03To the exit!
22:12I had to make sure they were getting past me.
22:14That's as fast as that's ever going to get.
22:32I think I got it.
22:41The big wizard!
22:43Let's get him!
22:47Holy hell, he annihilated me.
22:56Alright, let's watch our death count.
23:10Move the hearts.
23:16Maybe not, maybe I do.
23:17Oh, no.
23:39Yeah, I don't...
23:42Like, we've got to move her up to...
23:45Because she shoots the blocks and then they become invisible.
23:49Oh, I see.
23:53Nice, you were right.
23:56The last one.
23:57Beat the magi and free their friends!
24:01No more evil hentai!
24:03Not in this toy pop world.
24:08I like the little dudes there.
24:10Morning came, everything was again in order.
24:12The end.
24:13Well, that's... I mean, damn, that's abrupt, but...
24:16You know, it's good that everything's in order.
24:20The dolls and toys can go back to being dolls and toys.
24:43Well, see you next time, moon crew.
24:47Peace, moon crew.
24:49Later, caterers.