Cuan Ala Platform Investasi Digital di Indonesia

  • 3 months ago
KoinWorks didirikan pada tahun 2016 sebagai perusahaan Peer-to-Peer Lending. Saat ini, KoinWorks berkembang menjadi Super Financial App dengan jumlah pengguna aktif lebih 2,5 juta pengguna.

Seberapa menarik potensi cuan berinvestasi di platform fintech lending? Bagaimana dinamika persaingannya belakangan? Lalu seberapa menarik platform ini sebagai sumber pendanaan bagi UMKM?


00:00Thank you, Bomiar, for watching CREATE.UP with me, Wiki Adrian.
00:04In CREATE.UP, you will discuss about digital investment platform in Indonesia.
00:09And it has been continued by video conference with Nathan Yoss, Chief Marketing Officer of CoinWorks.
00:15And right now we're connected with Nathan Yoss, Chief Marketing Officer of CoinWorks.
00:19Hello, Nathan. Good morning.
00:21Hello, guys. Good morning.
00:23Good morning.
00:24Thank you very much for hosting me.
00:26Yes, thank you very much for joining us here.
00:29So, talking about the map of fintech lending industry competition.
00:34How do you see that so far?
00:36How interesting the dynamics so far?
00:41As regulation gets more mature and more developed in line with technology,
00:47we do see an increasing competition.
00:50And we do believe this is actually amazing news.
00:53As the market gets more competitive, you, customers, users, and in the end of the day,
01:01MSMEs and Indonesian society can enjoy better rates, better service,
01:06and better credit lines to expand business and to strengthen their wealth position.
01:14And Mr. Yoss, how can CoinWorks feel the dynamic of the fintech lending industry?
01:20We do feel that in the middle of such a challenging economy, right?
01:26And the rise of e-commerce, the rise of many other markets and credit lines that are going amongst these businesses.
01:36We do understand that it is an amazing moment for every company and every fintech
01:42to have a really good risk management procedure
01:47so that it can serve and identify what are the underserved markets
01:52through which we can actually create a very big impact and financial inclusion in the Indonesian market.
01:58Okay, it can have a big impact and financial inclusion for Indonesia, right?
02:03Yes, that's right.
02:04Because it is very important for the Indonesian market and the Indonesian society,
02:08especially related to fintech lending.
02:11So, what is the current development of CoinWorks business so far?
02:15I've heard that it launched the super apps.
02:18And how do you see that as the thing that gives the significant impact on the performance of the business so far?
02:26Perfect. The super app category actually means on a real market manner
02:35that CoinWorks is financially aggregating many and multiple licenses
02:41in order to serve better users, MSMEs and retail investors in Indonesia.
02:47Some of the licenses are a BPR, so a rural bank, which is now called CoinWorks Bank,
02:54which is offering depositals, secured loans to MSMEs.
02:59And also we do have other licenses such as financial aggregator and peer-to-peer.
03:06So, the current landscape of being a super app is, in my opinion,
03:13the only way that there is in Indonesia to be able to serve the users in the way that they actually want.
03:21Digitally, via WhatsApp, via internet, via app, and in the end of the day, as fast and as cheap as possible.
03:30Things getting customized with actually what the user needs.
03:36So, talking about the peer-to-peer lending business or fintech lending,
03:41talking about in the point of view of the lenders,
03:46how interesting the interest, specifically talking about the CoinWorks as an investment platform.
03:53So, we're going to continue that on the next segment.
03:56Nathan, hold up.
03:58Thank you for being with us. We'll be right back.
04:01Thank you for being with us.
04:03In the CreateUp segment, we're still talking about the digital investment platform in Indonesia,
04:08still with Mr. Nathan Yoles, Chief Marketing Officer at CoinWorks.
04:13Okay, Mr. Nathan, how long has CoinWorks been operating and what is the profitability growth like?
04:23CoinWorks has been operating for the past eight years
04:27and the fintech has been very mature from all of those years doing business in Indonesia.
04:35And we were very happy to announce that our banking division, the BPR division,
04:42has already achieved profitability from the beginning of this year.
04:47And our peer-to-peer license, which is a more mature one, a little bit older,
04:53has also been very happy to announce the profitability for last year.
04:58So, the group is working hard to guarantee that the financial inclusion is actually made real in the Indonesian society
05:09and that we as a group are aggregating as much value as possible for our shareholders and for the Indonesian people.
05:17One of the shareholders of the CoinWorks is the Small Bidding Enterprises, if I'm not mistaken.
05:23So, going back to the question that I did ask to you before about the CoinWorks as the investment platform,
05:30from the point of view of lenders, how interesting the interest is
05:35because people right now are starting to compare one platform to another.
05:39So, how can you make it more interesting compared to the other platforms?
05:47Yeah, that's a great question.
05:49And there's been a trend in Indonesia for the past probably three or four years in terms of peer-to-peer platforms.
05:58And there are still many retail investors that seek returns with a little bit more of risk that goes up to 14-15% a year.
06:10However, as we understood more about our users, we understood and we identified the need of saving money with a lower risk
06:20than whatever peer-to-peer gives to those users.
06:24And this is why we launched a new product called Coin Deposito, which is as secure, as safe as any deposito in the market,
06:32protected by LPS, licensed by OJK.
06:36And even though the rate is a bit smaller, you still can get amazing rates such as 8% up to 10%,
06:44but with a lower risk than the peer-to-peer and other investment options in the market such as stock or mutual funds.
06:53Okay, and can you explain how many users of Coin Deposito now?
07:03Perfect. In terms of Coin Deposito and the users with the peer-to-peer,
07:10we direct all of this money for the MSMEs and Indonesians in the market.
07:16And we so far have just launched the number and announced the number that for last year,
07:22we were able to fund up to 1.8 billion dollars in operations and many more to come in 2024 for sure.
07:32Okay, talking about the success rate of the project that had been funded by CoinWords,
07:38how is it so far and the rate of debtor paying the debt that had been lended by CoinWords?
07:51How is the dynamic so far?
07:55Perfect. As I mentioned, we have just launched our impact report in which we speak about all the ESG impactful sides of our business.
08:05And we were more than happy to announce that 30% of the business that apply for a loan with CoinWords
08:14see an average revenue increase of more than 40 to 50%.
08:20And also because of those loans and because we are moving and impulsionating the economy,
08:28we have seen from our own ecosystem more than 95,000 new jobs created thanks to all of those loans disbursed.
08:38Okay, Mr. Nathony, the last question. What are CoinWords short-term targets?
08:48I could say that as any startup in the market, we have a very big mission.
08:54And as any other new companies, we need to go brick by brick and step by step to be able to get to this mission.
09:02On the short term, we want to increase our penetration on the Indonesian market for FMCG, for agribusiness, for also e-commerce,
09:12and guarantee that all of those underserved segments of the Indonesian MSME market will have capital to grow.
09:21So people, our neighbors, people from our community, it is very important for Fintechs to use technology
09:29to actually deploy capital for these underserved segments.
09:34Yeah, we hope nothing but the best for CoinWords. I know it's quite early for you, but thank you very much for joining us.
09:39Thank you very much.
09:40See you on the next episode of Creative. Thank you, Nathan.
09:46Thank you, guys.
09:47All right, ladies and gentlemen, we will first update the movement of ISG, from the opening of C1 until now,
09:53until 9.29 p.m.
09:569 minutes, West Indonesia time.
09:58And in the opposite direction, the opening is definitely strengthening.
10:00Only now, it has dropped by 0.2 percent to 7,128, with the exchange rate of Rupiah falling to 16,369.
10:10Yes, and...
10:13Congratulations to the top gainers and top losers.
10:16Yes, there are BOGA, Cuan, United Tractors, Medco, GJTL, ATLA, ADMR, ITMG, JSMPR,
10:22and also the top losers are TPIA, PTRO, INTM, IOTF, PSAB, DSNG, eBoss, Essa, Mika, and also Nice.
10:32Yes, after 29 minutes of the opening, Samsung, Prajogopangas, who dominated earlier, is a bit shaky at the moment.
10:39And Mr. Mirsa, we have accompanied you for 90 minutes in Power Breakfast.
10:44Yes, I hope today's discussion can be a source of financial information for you.
10:47Keep borrowing your information only on IDX Channel, your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
10:53Yes, and don't forget, Mr. Mirsa, watch the Market Review program, which will air at 10 p.m. West Indonesia time,
10:58with Prasetya Wibowo's friend later.
11:01And Mr. Mirsa, before we end, we remind you again, because the matter of the future must be forward,
11:05I am Investor Saham, I am Prisa Sompornatu.
11:08I am Mike Adrian, see you.
11:14Microsoft Mechanics
