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00:00Previously on Shortland Street
00:02I just wanted to discuss an extension
00:04We have a sick family member
00:06We're not exploiting Mum's illness
00:08We have to
00:09We don't
00:10We don't have the money
00:12You need to take better charge of your finances, Nicole
00:15There's always a lecture
00:16I'm never good enough, am I?
00:21I thought we could do a little getaway
00:23Not too shabby
00:25Took you long enough
00:26We did a bit of tripping like you guys
00:28Welcome, how was the weekend?
00:29Finally, I got one past ya
00:39Hey Harper
00:40You should show Phil the room
00:41Check out the view from the bed
00:43And why don't I show you the boat?
00:46Whole reason I booked this place
00:47Lead the way
00:55Not my choice, okay?
00:56Obviously he wouldn't go along with that
00:58He invited us out of the club
00:59And you said yes
01:00He hided, he was excited, okay?
01:01I couldn't get out of it
01:02He couldn't have made up some sort of work drama or something
01:04To keep you in town or friends or family
01:05I don't want to be stars
01:06Okay, what else could I do?
01:07Literally anything
01:08You have to play the game, okay?
01:10Oh, you're unbelievable
01:11What's she on about now?
01:13Uh, the view, it's really great
01:17Hey, and thanks for inviting us
01:18She bought the old guitar
01:20I did
01:22Now, what are you drinking?
01:23Oh, thanks for me
01:26Babe, and there's bubbles on us if you want
01:29It might be a bit early for me, thanks
01:32Come on, we're on holiday
01:34Damn straight, we are making the most of it
01:36Shortly I'll fire up the old barbie
01:42Okay, push
01:43Right, now pull
01:46Okay, well done
01:47There's a slight weakness in the right hand side
01:50Could be neurological
01:51It could be a fracture
01:53Does it hurt?
01:54Everything hurts
01:58Well, I'll get on to radiology, book some scans and x-rays just in case
02:03Here's Dr. Chisholm
02:05We'll give you guys space for a minute
02:13Lucky she's not badly injured
02:16No thanks to you
02:19You made me pressure her about money
02:22She got stressed because she thinks she's a burden
02:24Nick, you offered to speak to her
02:26And now look, she's ended up here, again
02:28Hey, come here, look I know it's
02:31Just give me space for a minute
02:40Okay, sending all the case studies now
02:43I've been reading online, voraciously
02:45Have you?
02:46Yeah, in China they've been using pig corneas to restore sight
02:50Yeah, that's right
02:51And the pig heart valves have been used for decades now
02:54So, it makes sense that we're finally upgrading to the whole heart
02:57Genetically modified, of course, the science is fascinating
03:00It is very complex
03:02Requiring the laser-like focus and precision of a surgeon such as yourself
03:08The whole team, actually
03:10I'm honoured to be a part of it
03:12Danny's such a wonderful young man
03:14This is going to give him a future
03:16Yeah, it could be a game changer
03:18Did you know that, um, that heparin is also derived from pig intestines?
03:22The blood thinner?
03:23Yes, yeah, yeah, the entire pharmaceutical industry would be lost without the species
03:27With selective breeding and gene editing, the sky is the limit
03:30The donor pig is in the building
03:32Oh, we, no, just briefing the theatre team now
03:35I can send you more data on combinations of anti-rejection drugs
03:39Thank you
03:40Ooh, could you possibly CC me in on those discussions?
03:43I'd love to be involved
03:45I don't see why not
03:46Great, well, welcome to the team, Phineas
03:52Shall we go have a look?
03:53Yeah, let's go meet this fine specimen
03:58He's a unique specimen, DNA-wise
04:00Specifically bred to provide the right, uh, regulatory proteins
04:04Anti-inflammatory genes, growth hormone receptors
04:06Wait, the list goes on
04:07Cutting-edge technology, I mean, it's an honour to be involved
04:10Hi, you must be Simon
04:12That's right
04:13I'm Madonna, this is Thaddeus, we're part of the transplant team
04:16May I?
04:18I'll send you a digital copy of the schedule so we can update you if there are any changes
04:25Does he have a name?
04:26Uh, 33-22-2024-pig1
04:31And, um, how does...
04:34What happens to him tomorrow?
04:37He'll be euthanized in theatre under sterile conditions
04:39Then the heart will be retrieved so Esther can remove Danny's failing heart and replace it with a new one
04:43It's a very complex procedure, taking several hours
04:49They're smarter than dogs, you know
04:51And they have excellent memories
04:55You don't think he knows, do you?
04:57Don't worry, this little piggy won't feel any pain
05:04Cat, cow, dog, wolf, wood-beast?
05:08Man's a thesaurus
05:09Uh, okay, what's a...
05:11A trunk, is it an elephant?
05:13Uh, physical communication
05:15That was hard
05:17That is a rule
05:18Not an elephant, um, woolly mammoth?
05:21Um, but it's a trunk, right?
05:23Um, okay, insects, bugs, um, small ant?
05:28She's nodding, no nodding, no nodding
05:30Oh, but trunk, uh, anteater
05:34You two are a machine
05:36What does an anteater even look like?
05:39Like that
05:40Right, well they have set the bar pretty high, can you match it?
05:43Does an anteater eat ants in the woods?
05:47Well, if you gave me some animal, uh, to work with
05:51Um, excuse me?
05:52I'm tired
05:53Was that a bird or just a ball play?
05:55I gave you a Picasso-level wheelbarrow
05:58And for a whole five minutes, you thought it was a goose
06:01Well, whose fault was that?
06:02Um, hello?
06:03Definitely ball play
06:05All right, well, if you think you're too good for my skills
06:08How about I team up with Mr. Moanmouth?
06:11Boys team?
06:12I didn't say I was too good for you
06:13Who's too good for you?
06:14No, I just said you were a bit crap
06:16No, we don't need to switch
06:18Come on, get over here, man, it's for the hot start
06:26Oh, we just need to get on the same wavelength
06:28Ah, means intuition, you reckon?
06:30I reckon
06:31Tell you what, I feel a wind coming in
06:33Very, very soon
06:36Who's next?
06:38That'll be us
06:49I've seen the donor pig and its handler
06:51Everything looking good?
06:56I'm still with my friend Keith
06:58He's a surgeon at St. Cat's
06:59Oh, I bet they hate us, stealing their thunder
07:02Actually, they're relieved
07:04Excuse me?
07:05Apparently there was pushback
07:07And as word got around, Dr. Freeman received some threatening emails
07:11Oh, Brooke never mentioned anything
07:13No, but her staff, she called it a can of worms
07:16I'm scared of the bad publicity, animal rights groups, political activists
07:21Well, it is controversial for some people, I know that
07:23But we have ministry approval
07:25And that depends on the humane treatment of any animals involved
07:28Yes, but not everyone sees it that way
07:30Brooke didn't want to make St. Cat's a target
07:35Okay, what if this isn't the one I thought it was?
07:38Well, who knows?
07:39Ours could be wrong
07:40No, we don't need any more bad publicity
07:42Well, then what are you going to do?
07:43Well, what can I do?
07:44Pull the plug?
07:45No, no, the patient is stable
07:47He's had good obs consistently
07:49And everything's ready to go
07:51Is this ob a blessing or a curse?
07:53I say it's a blessing
07:55Well, it is Danny's last hope to stay alive
07:58If anyone can pull it off, it's you
08:00Yeah, yeah, I'm going to do it
08:02And you're going to show him
08:08And you're in your jammies
08:10Brush your teeth
08:14It's a school night, okay, so you and Julian need to get some sleep
08:17You listen to his mum, yeah?
08:19You're right, I love you
08:23Yes, I will tell Nana that you love her so, so much
08:29All right, sweetheart
08:31Manui a lepo
08:34Oh, he is deeply excited about a sleepover on a school night
08:39Um, I went home and packed this for you both and got you some dinner
08:44Thank you
08:47Look, I'm really sorry that I stressed you out, I'm sorry
08:50That was a shock, that's all
08:52Well, I've sorted the bill thing, so no one needs to worry, okay?
08:57Well, it's getting paid, so you can just focus on Leanne
09:00Talk her down when she says I packed the wrong lady
09:05Dr Chisholm
09:06I got a message to call her
09:09Hi, yep
09:12No, yeah, I understand
09:15Um, yeah, I'm with her now, so I can pass it on
09:19Okay, thank you
09:22What is it?
09:23Um, she's recommended the next stage in Leanne's care, so I should probably wait until she's awake
09:31Just tell me
09:32That we transfer her to hospice care
09:39But that's so final
09:42Palliative, yeah
09:44Yeah, but it can provide respite
09:54Missile, plane, jet
10:00No comps
10:01Cup, blue cup, blue person, pilot
10:05Yeehaw, yes
10:09We are on fire
10:10He knew it
10:11It's still a foul Drew communicated
10:13Yeah, that's right, you're out, it's our turn
10:16Rules are rules
10:17No, no, no, fair's fair
10:19We should stay on your team
10:21Okay, why don't we even it up a bit, give you guys an extra turn, see if you guys can catch up
10:26Great, a pity turn
10:28I don't need a hand up
10:29Yeah, I'll draw
10:30Right, is the timer ready?
10:35Can I choose another one?
10:38Just try it
10:39It's already a bonus turn
10:48Square, no rectangle
10:53Building, building
11:02I'm just trying to see
11:05Okay, this is impossible
11:07Just keep going
11:08You're not getting it
11:09Come on
11:15Watch, time
11:16It's four o'clock, four o'clock
11:18Sad person, sad, four o'clock sad
11:20I can't draw it, it's impossible
11:22Our time is ticking guys
11:24She's not getting it
11:25Come on
11:26Just draw it
11:27I am
11:28Just keep going
11:29Just get out of my face, please
11:32She's not getting it, okay?
11:33And she's not going to
11:35Just draw
11:36I can't do this
11:37Right, this is a school and that is a person who is sad because it's four o'clock and they're in detention, okay?
11:42The word is detention
11:46No, I'm done
11:56I, I what?
11:59No, oh my gosh
12:02Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the right email
12:06Thank you so, so much
12:08Okay, yeah, bye
12:11You won the whole thing
12:12You're my landslide
12:13Of course
12:14Hey, don't be like that
12:15It was fair and square, okay?
12:16Oh my god, I can't believe I did it, the car, the MG
12:19Good for you
12:20Well, you can come for a ride
12:22Just as long as you don't mess up the fancy interior when you spew jealousy
12:28As I won
12:31Yeah, it's official
12:45Okay, how does this sound?
12:48Hi, Monique
12:49I am writing to request an upgraded car park
12:52Oh, what?
12:53Well, I can't have my flash new whip out there slumming it with all those other rust buckets, can I?
12:58So, as you may be aware, I am the proud owner of the new MG
13:03Oh, here's an email coming through
13:06You do realise Mon's away?
13:08Oh, it's from the radio station
13:10Congratulations, blah, blah, blah
13:13We love your dance video
13:15Of course you do
13:16Attached is your release form so we can share it on all the station's social media channels
13:24Please read the T's and C's and sign your consent to our broadcast usage
13:28Otherwise the prize will be awarded to the second place winner
13:32Hand over your rights or no cars
13:36That's all their social media channels
13:38Jingoes, how's that gonna look?
13:40Look, hi Esther, hi everyone
13:43Here's my unauthorised use of an operating theatre
13:47But don't worry, I got a flash car
13:50Did I mention I'm acting D.O.N.?
13:53Professional is my middle name
13:55Can you shut up?
13:56How bad do you want the ride, hmm?
13:58How bad do you want the job?
14:03It will be fine, you know
14:05I'll just tell Esther myself
14:08In my own time
14:15You guys are up early
14:16Yeah, thought we might hit that hike track this morning
14:20Wanna run the headlamps?
14:22I hope you're not clearing out some air
14:24No, no, no, it's cool
14:27Yeah, I just, I mean
14:29I was tired and scratchy and couldn't stop thinking about Leonardo DiCaprio
14:35Here we go, all ready
14:39No, so we'll see you guys in a bit, unless...
14:42Uh, no, I think we'll just stay here
14:45Have fun
14:46Don't do anything you wouldn't do
14:50See, you're fine
14:52Yeah, well, I still shouldn't have overreacted
14:55The only one who's awkward about it is you, so just move on, shall we?
15:01Why did you even invite them?
15:04I thought it would be fun
15:06I was gonna ask Nick and Meg, but, you know
15:09Are you scared about being alone with me or something?
15:11No, why would you even ask that?
15:14I don't know, it's just, why do we need other people?
15:19I know, Phil, it can get a bit blurry with the banter sometimes
15:23But that's all it is
15:25It's just banter, okay?
15:26I would never look at another woman
15:29You're right
15:31Let me prove it to you
15:33Why we got this place to ourselves
15:35I wonder how long a headline walk is
15:37A couple of hours
15:38What could we do with a couple of hours all to ourselves?
15:44I don't know how I'm gonna manage this
15:46Hospice is, like, 25 minutes across town
15:52And that's only if there's no traffic
15:55You don't have to do any of that
15:59Your wife is a genius
16:02What's going on?
16:03We thought instead of transferring, that Leanne should stay here around an hour
16:07But, the hospice, it...
16:10We can do palliative care if that's what you like
16:14You'd do that for us?
16:16I can't think of better whanau than to be in the hospital
16:20Thank you
16:21Well, I'll leave it up to you two to discuss
16:23It's Leanne's decision, obviously, but I'm here if you need
16:26If you need
16:32Dr Samuels, I've completed Danny Metcalfe's pre-surgical obs
16:36Everything looks good, and he's in good spirits too
16:40Theatre schedule is on track, and we're just waiting for final checks
16:44We'll steam ahead
16:48The intrepid tramp has returned
16:50How was it?
16:52I can see all the way down the coast
16:55Yeah, certainly picked a beautiful spot here
16:57And a spectacular wife
16:59Can't say that again
17:01Looks like someone had some horizontal fun whilst we were out
17:06Look at him, all relaxed, goofy grin
17:09Here I was, going for suave and debonair
17:12Well, it's not like we didn't have our own fun, right?
17:15We had the whole track to ourselves
17:17Okay, that's enough
17:19Stop it
17:21You don't think you're personal?
17:22Drew doesn't mind, do you?
17:23I'm open-minded to a fault
17:25We were just getting some lunch together
17:28See? You're embarrassing him
17:30No, I'm not
17:31Well, then you're embarrassing yourself
17:33You just don't know when to stop
17:35Let's take this outside
17:42Is this everyone's on eggshells day or something?
17:44Let's just get everyone fed, shall we?
17:47You must have missed that, didn't you?
17:53Hey, have you seen Madonna?
18:01Even better, has anyone seen the pig?
18:03The pig?
18:04There you are, where's the pig?
18:06What do you mean?
18:07It's in its crate in exam room one
18:09In surgical?
18:10That's where the handler is
18:11No, no, it's empty
18:12Does he need to take him outside or something?
18:14Well, for walkies
18:15Or, you know, do his business
18:17Simon wouldn't take him outside, no way
18:19Then where is it?
18:20Maybe in theatre already, check there
18:22Aren't you supposed to be the one monitoring him?
18:24Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can
18:26Okay, sure
18:29Sounds like a wild pig chase
18:31Thatty as flies
18:34Do you know something about this?
18:40Hello, Alexander
18:42Have you been good?
18:43Who's a good boy then?
18:45I got you some water, here we go
18:48I'm sorry, you can't do this
18:50I told you, I feel compelled
18:52This pig was born and bred to be of service
18:56To save a life
18:57Did he have a choice?
18:58Did he volunteer?
19:00Thatty as he won't suffer
19:02But he won't live to be a happy old age either
19:04Frolicking in a meadow
19:05I think you're over-romanticising this
19:07Pigs are the fifth most intelligent animal on the planet
19:10They can problem solve, remember things, show empathy
19:13Even so
19:14In fact, they are smarter than the average four-year-old
19:16Danny Metcalf is a teenager
19:18This is his only chance
19:20Sometimes sacrifices have to be made
19:22Yesterday I would have agreed with you
19:24Science first, saving lives
19:26Then I met this little guy
19:28I get he's cute
19:30Let's be real for a second
19:32You eat bacon
19:33And you love my pork adobo
19:35Yeah, well, maybe I will have to learn to live without it
19:38I cannot smuggle him out on my own
19:41I need your help
19:43Because this little piggy is not dying today
19:46Right, Alexander?
19:49What do you mean gone?
19:51No pig, empty exam
19:52We figured someone took him up to theatre
19:54But no sign of him
19:56No one's seen him
19:57I thought Madonna was in charge of it
19:59Madonna was busy on wards
20:01But I found the handler
20:02Okay, well, what did he have to say?
20:04He got back from the bathroom
20:05And the pig was gone
20:06He was freaking out
20:08Just the person
20:09How's your day going?
20:10Not now, Linga
20:11Have you seen a pig?
20:12No, but I've dated a few
20:14Okay, um
20:15I need you to put an urgent message out to all staff
20:17Keep a lookout
20:18Oh no
20:19Is the pig lost?
20:20No, no, no, scrap that
20:21We don't want word getting out
20:22The world is already watching our every move
20:24And where is Mama when you need her?
20:25Sorry, you needed something
20:27No, uh, I can wait
20:29How about I check the theatres
20:31And Betty can check all the wards?
20:34Yeah, good plan, let's do that
20:41Need a hand?
20:43No, it's just a really annoying class
20:46Here, let me help
20:47No, it's okay, I can do it
20:49You're making it worse
20:50I said I can do it
21:04There, that's better
21:09Did you think about me?
21:13When you were with him
21:14Just downstairs, you can't talk like that
21:16Because I thought about you
21:18Just stop
21:19Stop thinking about you, I can't
21:22We agreed
21:24I know what I said, but my head and heart are saying two different things
21:26Stop it
21:27I can't
21:28Just stop
21:29Stop thinking about me and start thinking about your man
21:31I've tried and I can't
21:33What about you?
21:35Do you think about me?
21:38No, just try harder
21:49Hey, I'll get you some pain relief
21:52Just hold my hand
21:58Hey, I have some news
22:03We don't have to go to the hospice after all
22:07Why not?
22:09Well, Esther is happy for you to stay here
22:13As long as you need
22:15I won't be needing it now
22:17If you're thinking about moving back home
22:19It's time to move on altogether
22:24I don't understand
22:27I've been approved
22:32For assisted dying
22:37For what?
22:39I applied as soon as I was diagnosed
22:44You didn't even tell me that you were thinking about that
22:47It's for the best
22:50I can act on it
22:53As I see fit
22:57I think
23:01I'm ready
23:03To go
23:08It's time
23:13You've still got things that you need to do
23:16Is that Ross?
23:18Hello, Ross
23:21I'm sorry