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00:01Previously on Shortland Street
00:03Last night was a mistake. Look, I'm back with Phil.
00:05She doesn't get you like I get you.
00:07This is over.
00:08Not until the next time she messes with your head.
00:10Leanne, is she still alive?
00:12You can't speak to her when you are like this. You're a mess.
00:15Leanne, she always knew what to say.
00:18Always gave me a kick.
00:20Chris, if you want to see her, then you need to show her the respect she deserves.
00:23I want to apologise to you and to Leanne.
00:26Mum would like to hear your voice.
00:28I'm sorry if I ever took you for granted.
00:32You'll always be in my heart.
00:36I am.
00:47You were with her.
00:49What's that?
00:53You were here with her.
00:56Oh, my God.
00:58Nick, I'm so sorry.
01:01You took that from me.
01:04My last moment with her.
01:07I'm so sorry, Nicole.
01:09You wouldn't be here if you weren't so wasted the first time.
01:12If I didn't have to send you away.
01:16It should have been me.
01:19I should have been with her.
01:21I know. I'm sorry. I'll give you some space.
01:23Oh, space. Oh, cool. Yeah, thanks.
01:25Thanks. What, to have some precious time with my mum?
01:30Jesus Christ.
01:32I wasn't here when she died because you couldn't pull your shit together.
01:36No, just...
01:39Get out of here.
01:41Both of you.
01:43Just go.
02:03Look, I just want to know that we're on the same page.
02:05Well, you made yourself pretty clear.
02:07I'm a great little distraction when you're having problems with Bill,
02:10but now that you're back on track, I have to keep my mouth shut.
02:14Look, I'm... I'm really sorry, Nat.
02:17I'm not.
02:18Even if you are, even if it never happens again.
02:21But yes, I said.
02:23I'm not going to say anything to Phil.
02:25Last thing I'd want to do is hurt you.
02:29All good here?
02:31All good.
02:32Let's get into it then, eh?
02:34All right, everyone, can I get your attention for a second, please?
02:37We are even shorter staff than usual at the moment.
02:40Maeve's priority needs to be her family right now.
02:42Oh, no. Did Leanne...
02:44I'm afraid so.
02:45So let's bring our A game for Leanne, yeah?
02:47But Phil's on late duties.
02:49I can step up.
02:50OK, well, it's all hands on deck and safety first.
02:52We've got an MVA incoming.
02:53Business as usual.
02:54Phil, you hire. I want you on status ones.
02:56Sage, I want you floating.
02:57I will direct traffic and clear the cubicles.
02:59We all clear?
03:06She's still here.
03:15She always loved you.
03:18I think in a strange way,
03:20she wanted to be me, be a warner.
03:24But I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
03:27Oh, come on.
03:29No, it's bad blood, Billy.
03:31No-one would want that.
03:35I know you're hurting right now.
03:37And, hey, it's OK to feel your feelings,
03:40but just I need to sit you back, OK?
03:54All right, Jessie, sit back for me,
03:55and we'll take a look at that arm, OK?
03:57She's here.
03:58OK, take it easy, Andrew.
04:00She's watching all of us.
04:02And who is?
04:03The Angel of Death.
04:05Don't encourage her.
04:06She's here.
04:08Don't let her take me.
04:09Excuse me one second.
04:10Yeah, just take a breath.
04:11Don't let her touch me!
04:13Stop him! Stop him!
04:15You're all right. You're all right.
04:17Everyone OK?
04:18Yeah, thanks to Natalie.
04:20Yeah, nice work.
04:22Come on, mate.
04:26You're not hurt, are you?
04:28I'm not the one that got pushed, big boy.
04:30Let me take a look.
04:34What happened?
04:36The patient with psychosis got out of control.
04:38Natalie handled it.
04:40Lucky us.
04:46Look after yourself, OK?
04:48And call me whenever you need, day or night.
04:53I love you too.
04:59That was...
05:01That was Mum.
05:05Do you need anything?
05:09Yeah, I do.
05:12I've got loads of messages.
05:14Well, you'll have the same ones too,
05:16but I could read them to you if you like.
05:20Jo said Harper's trying to get back and he's...
05:22I don't care, Maeve.
05:24My mum died without me.
05:27And don't tell me that she wouldn't have known,
05:29because she's Mum.
05:30Right, of course she knew.
05:33And I didn't get to say goodbye.
05:35Honey, you've been saying goodbye for weeks.
05:38The last thing that she heard me say
05:40was that I wished she'd die.
05:42No, Nick.
05:44She heard all the love you had for her.
05:47She was all alone.
05:49She wasn't alone.
05:51Oh, what, because Chris was there? Seriously?
05:56I'm gonna...
05:57I'm gonna get you something to eat, OK?
06:13Right, Mum.
06:16Let's have it.
06:20You've spent the whole life preparing to haunt me.
06:25Your voice is always in my head.
06:30Don't you tell me that all that spiritual stuff meant nothing.
06:36Because you said that you would come back
06:39and you would prove it to me, so just...
06:43I don't know, Mum, just do something.
06:52Please don't leave me.
07:02Where are we at on the X-ray for Mr Singh?
07:04Right here.
07:05All right.
07:06No broken bones, which is good.
07:08No broken bones, which is good news.
07:10I'll just take another look at your puncture site
07:12in case of any infection.
07:16Someone's got us extra wind.
07:19What, the adrenaline from before?
07:21Excuse me, Natalie.
07:23There's a puddle at the entrance.
07:25Mr Hitching's had an accident on the way to theatre.
07:27Would you mind?
07:28That's not your job, Phil.
07:29Well, we're all mucking in today.
07:31OK, I'll call for an HTA.
07:32No, no, that's fine.
07:34We wouldn't want anyone to have any accidents.
07:36Fresh towels are in the cupboard.
07:40Look, don't be like that.
07:42Like what? It's a safety issue.
07:44She had time to sort it.
07:45What, are we really going to do this again?
07:47Everything OK?
07:48Yeah, no, um, pass me the thing.
07:51The X-ray?
07:52I know.
07:54Sage, take Mr Singh to radiology, please.
07:57You just said it wasn't broken like two minutes ago.
07:59I want another angle.
08:00I'd go with your first instinct here, mate.
08:02This is my patient.
08:04Get it done.
08:07That was intense.
08:08He's just flexing.
08:10Yeah, but why?
08:18Hey, Nick.
08:20Hey, hi, sweetheart.
08:29Did you put some of Leanne's perfume on?
08:35Oh, I feel like I can still smell it.
08:39Mum, are you OK?
08:43Um, we're all...
08:46We're all going to be really sad for a while, OK?
08:50And some days are going to hurt worse than others,
08:54but it hurt to see her remind us how much we all loved her.
09:00Isn't it in heaven?
09:04Nana didn't believe in heaven.
09:08She believed that when you die.
09:10You come back as...
09:13as something else, something beautiful.
09:16So is she coming back?
09:20Look, we don't know for sure what happens,
09:23but she'll be somewhere watching over us.
09:29Yeah, sorry.
09:33Just because, Billy, I'm OK.
09:45Ah, it's clear. No break.
09:47Hmm, how about that?
09:48All right, I think we've wasted enough of Mr Singh's time.
09:51Can we discharge him now, please?
09:52I'll get on to it.
09:53Hey, hiya.
09:55Look, it's good we've been thorough.
09:56Actually, I would call that being overly cautious.
09:59Every second counts in ED.
10:00Yeah, and what would you know?
10:01You've hardly set foot in here in months.
10:04I just don't want to get behind, OK?
10:07Patient crashing.
10:08Let's get it a recess.
10:09Phil, come with.
10:17Hey, I heard that.
10:19What, me screwing up?
10:21Look, you're not going to want to hear this.
10:24Come on.
10:26Phil turns up before she's healed? Why?
10:30Ever since you blabbed your mouth about our kiss,
10:32she's watching you like a hawk and it's throwing you off.
10:34Look, she's not exactly been paranoid.
10:36Look, I am just saying that she doesn't trust you.
10:39So is it any wonder that you keep slipping up?
11:00What do you want?
11:04OK, I just...
11:08The thing is...
11:11I have been...
11:16I need you.
11:20You need to go.
11:24You don't want me here.
11:26You can just turn up, messy, expecting what?
11:32Me to feel sorry for you?
11:35I'll go.
11:38And if you're sober and showered,
11:40if you get yourself together,
11:43then we'll see.
11:54I thought you were grabbing lunch.
11:55I'm good.
11:56Had a coffee, did a lap of the hospital.
11:57You should take a proper break.
11:59Well, if you want to bounce, you can go.
12:00I am here to work.
12:02Feels right.
12:03You should relax for a minute.
12:05So you can tell Esther that I'm not pulling my weight?
12:08Why would I do that?
12:09I don't know.
12:10Maybe you want my position in ED?
12:14Mate, can I talk to you for a minute?
12:15Say what you've got to say.
12:19Have you taken something?
12:22Are you high?
12:24What the hell?
12:25Your behaviour's been pretty changeable minute to minute,
12:27and I'm trying to figure out why.
12:28You think I'll come to work like that?
12:30Hey, what's going on?
12:32Tell him that I'm not high.
12:33Look, I'm not trying to accuse you,
12:34but you can't deny your behaviour's been all over the place.
12:36Tell him!
12:38Babe, tell him!
12:40Screw this!
12:48Okay, well, yeah, you're right.
12:50And look, buddy, shouldn't have flung a dude at you like that.
12:52Look, in ED? In the middle of ED?
12:55And Phil?
12:57He's supposed to have my back.
13:01Okay, you need to breathe.
13:02No, no, no, no.
13:03Go sit down.
13:04Sit down. Sit down.
13:07You're high.
13:08Look at me.
13:09You need to breathe.
13:14Keep breathing.
13:18You feel better?
13:23I didn't know you do that.
13:24It's like you have a key to my brain.
13:28It's because I know who the real you is.
13:31I know who you are and what you need.
13:33I'm good.
13:34No, thanks.
13:35You know I'd do anything for you, right?
13:43Where are you going?
13:45I just need some space.
13:47See you soon.
14:20Thank you. A cup of tea or anything?
14:23What is in food?
14:27If we go home, you could have a bath or a massage.
14:34I could stop talking.
14:38Hey, it's okay. You can let it out.
14:41That's stupid.
14:44No, it is so far from stupid.
14:47No, not mum.
14:49Yeah, no, it's true.
14:52What is?
14:56I just...
14:58Oh, it doesn't matter.
15:03She believed in all that stuff, right?
15:06Like, in the spiritual realm, she could talk to ghosts and communicate with the dead.
15:15I know that it's all rubbish, I just...
15:19I thought that when she went that she might stop.
15:29Honey, she is here.
15:32She's in our hearts and she's in our memories.
15:37But I'm not able to feel her.
15:41Or see her.
15:42I just can't.
15:44It's awful.
15:48I, um...
15:50I need to go.
15:52Are you all right?
15:53Nah, um, I just...
15:56I just can't stand here. I'm sorry.
16:12Have a drink.
16:16Come on.
16:17We toast.
16:18To Leanne.
16:21To Leanne.
16:22She always wanted more out of life.
16:24Right up to the end.
16:32Oh, no, no, no, I'm good.
16:34Suit yourself.
16:37Don't you think you've had enough?
16:39We drink.
16:41To remember.
16:42Is that what they say?
16:47Okay, look, Chris, I know you've had a rough day.
16:48She should have been with her daughter.
16:50Instead, she had me.
16:53So, honour her.
16:55Be the man she always knew you could be.
16:57No, no, I'm done.
17:00It's over for me.
17:01I will die alone and...
17:05a failure.
17:06A failure!
17:07Oh, pull your head in.
17:09Everyone is sick to death of this.
17:11Oh, no, more than me.
17:12Thank God Leanne is not around to see you like this.
17:16Leanne's dead, mate.
17:25And the card should read,
17:26From your short-lived straight partner.
17:27Thank you.
17:30Flowers for Nicole?
17:31Freesias, they're Leanne's favourite.
17:33Are they?
17:36Anyway, I think Maeve and Nick will hopefully be up for visitors tomorrow.
17:40Are you on break? I heard things are going pretty smoothly.
17:47Yeah, potentially.
17:49Excuse me, Marty.
17:50You need me?
17:51No, no, things are actually calmed down in there.
17:54Have you seen Ehi?
17:55I was about to ask you the same thing.
17:57Look, I know he was out of line back there,
18:00but I know him and I know that he would never compromise patient safety.
18:07Oh, good, this is him.
18:08Um, I'd better go.
18:10By the way, you were kind of awesome back there.
18:13Old habits.
18:18So, how was Ehi?
18:20I said nothing.
18:25Look, I should probably get back.
18:29Marty probably thinks I'm shooting up in the car park.
18:32Probably shouldn't go until you get your head sorted out.
18:35Close your eyes.
18:41Think of something relaxing.
18:44Oh, Maeve, what are you doing?
18:45Shh, shh, shh, shh.
18:50Maeve, I think you might float away.
19:01You bastard.
19:13Glad to see you swapped the drinks out.
19:17Selena text.
19:18Said you've been over there boozed up.
19:21I'm sorry.
19:22Save it.
19:24Seriously, at your age, you should know better.
19:32At our age?
19:40Here's to you, Leanne.
19:46Hey, these came for you.
19:48Oh, yeah?
19:49From who?
19:50There's no name on the card.
19:52Maybe it's a patient's family?
19:55I guess so.
19:57They're lovely.
20:04Those were her favourites.
20:13You okay?
20:18Home time?
20:30Nicole, I'm so sorry.
20:33So sorry that I took it out on you.
20:36Oh, I deserve it.
20:39I came here looking for Mum, but they've already taken her away, so...
20:44Don't they have a reason to be here?
20:47What's your excuse?
20:51But, uh, I'm trying to give them up.
20:55Give what up?
20:58I have something that Leanne has missed out on, and I don't want to waste that time.
21:07So, uh, you gonna hang around here all night?
21:11Yep, yep. Mum loved it, so...
21:14Yeah? Why do you think that was?
21:18I don't know.
21:20Being close to you, Nicole, that was the most important thing for Leanne.
21:28And you will always love her.
21:32But it's time to let her go.
21:40It's so hard.
21:42Thanks for everything.
21:44It's so hard.
21:45I know.
21:57I know.
22:24We need some help in here.
22:28I hit them so fast.
22:33Uh, no, no, too late for that. Baby's coming, yeah?
22:37Hey, you can push.
22:39That's right.
22:41That's right.
22:42You're doing so good. You're doing so good.
22:45Okay, another push. Ready?
22:50Nice, nice.
23:15You wanted me to catch you in the act.
23:17I didn't send you any text.
23:18Getting inside his head.
23:20I'm going crazy. I don't know what I'm doing.
23:22Can she tear them apart?
23:23You want Natalie, just go for it. See if I care.
23:26Next on 2 and TVNZ+.