Have you ever imagined on what basis do we get our next birth or reincarnation takes place(occurs)? What causes determine our next life and exactly how it works? Please see this video to know about it.
00:00In Dada's book, Death, it is explained that the last third of the life and the last hour before death is creating the causal body for the next life.
00:15What about the first two thirds of the life? Are there no causes created then? Please explain this in detail.
00:26Really, exactly after two thirds of life pass and one third remain, at that time some design starts.
00:41But it is not final. So after two thirds of life, whatever causes we have made in two thirds of life, previous two thirds of life,
00:51all balance sheet will come and that will make one causal body. But it is not final stage. It is incomplete.
01:00And then one third lifespan remain in that every year, suppose one person's total lifespan is 81 years.
01:13After 54 years, he starts binding causal body. But it is incomplete. So now 27 years remain.
01:22After 18 years, again balance sheet will come. So 54 plus 18, whatever causal body, total causes he has made,
01:33that will collect and final again come. But it is not final, it is incomplete.
01:39But causal body will start showing something. Then 9 years remaining. After 6 years, again balance sheet will come,
01:48new causal body form. Then 3 years, after 3 years, 2 years pass, 1 year left.
01:56Again within 2 years, whatever he has made causes, that will join and total balance sheet will come.
02:03Again 1 year, after 8 months, again causal body will change.
02:08Last one hour, 40 minutes, after 40 minutes, again that will change.
02:13And then after 1 minute, again 40 seconds, it may change.
02:18But total everything is a balance sheet of past time.
02:22And then final, when he leaves body, at that time whatever causal body is there, he will get effective body in next life.
02:32So this is a balance sheet of whole life. Not only one hour or say after one third life, after two third life.
02:41It is not like that. But it is a balance sheet of two third plus every additional time.
02:48Understood? Yes, thank you.