• 2 months ago
00:00:30And the 57 takes the checkered flag
00:00:52Chuck is making another one of his late-race charges to the front
00:00:55Sal has got to be happy with the way his car driver performed tonight. Looks like another victory is in the bag
00:01:09One lap to go Chuck is in the lead once from oh, whoa
00:01:15Chuck's car has hit the wall. It looks like Chuck turned the car into the wall
00:01:21Something must have broken in the car because it went straight into the wall
00:01:25Chuck's car has hit the wall
00:01:55Chuck's car has hit the wall
00:02:11Six laps to go. Good old Chuck Webber in the 57 is making a late-race charge to the front
00:02:17Bring it home Chuck
00:02:19Chuck takes the lead with four to go. But can he keep it?
00:02:21Four laps to go. When Chuck is piling his speedy limousine race car, he's shuffling people to the airport in his speedy limo.
00:02:33Wow, what an old driver. Chuck ain't won a race in 20 years.
00:02:41How far behind is Buddy from you?
00:02:4394. He's coming on your inside. He's going high.
00:02:47Buddy in the 54 is pulling up on Chuck's tail. It looks like Buddy wants to lead with only three to go.
00:02:54Off and run time, Buddy.
00:02:56Coming to get you, Chuck.
00:03:01What the hell was that?
00:03:02It's Buddy, Chuck. And he's got fresh tires, so stay cool. You've only got a couple laps to go.
00:03:07The 57 and 94 are glued together as they shuffle the grass.
00:03:11Drafting right behind you, Chuck.
00:03:15Can't hold him off.
00:03:16Yes you can, Chuck. Just stay cool and bring it home.
00:03:19Yeah, that's easy for you to say. This thing is falling apart. The engine has no power.
00:03:23Chuck, the car is fine. Just drive your race and stop thinking about Buddy.
00:03:28Let me show you how it's done, Chuck.
00:03:31Chuck takes the white flag. Four laps to go. Can he hold off Buddy?
00:03:35He's going fast. He's going fast.
00:03:37Will Chuck Jones hold on to the lead?
00:03:39Time for the bump and run.
00:03:41Hey, Chuck.
00:03:44Chuck is battling. The 57 is into the wall.
00:03:47Buddy takes the lead and turns three and four.
00:03:50Buddy in the 94 takes the checkered flag.
00:04:05Buddy, how do you keep your driver's suit so clean?
00:04:09I like everything neat and tidy.
00:04:11Too easy, right?
00:04:13Fuck you, Spencer.
00:04:14Well, there you have it. Neat and tidy. Just how he passed the 57 on his way to victory.
00:04:19They don't call him Mr. Roboto for nothing.
00:04:21There you go, darling.
00:04:31Come on, Chuck. It's over.
00:04:34It should have been us.
00:04:36Chuck will get your kid, huh? Let's get out of here.
00:04:40I'll get back there someday.
00:04:42We'll get back there.
00:04:44Yeah, right.
00:04:47Give me a second, okay?
00:04:52Hey, fans. Thanks for coming out tonight. We'll see you next week at the Speed Bowl for another night of racing action.
00:05:00Let's go. We've got a busy day tomorrow.
00:05:05Worm, drop that stuff and let's go.
00:05:19See the race?
00:05:21Most of it, Dad.
00:05:23You see the end?
00:05:24Did you win? I could have missed it.
00:05:28Missed it? How could you have missed it?
00:05:31I don't know. I was... I was reading.
00:05:36I get slammed into the wall, I lose the race, and you're reading...
00:05:40Trigon... whatever the hell this is?
00:05:43It's trigonometry.
00:05:44Yeah, well, trigon... whatever.
00:05:47Waste of time.
00:05:55Hey, when are we gonna spend the night at my place?
00:05:57That's the deal. Weekdays with Mom and weekends with Dad and the Pickler.
00:06:01Cut that out.
00:06:02It's okay.
00:06:06So, Dad, do you think we can go to the zoo tomorrow?
00:06:09I told you, we've got a lot of stuff to do.
00:06:11Chuck, come on. Take the kid to the zoo. Would it kill you?
00:06:14It'll be fine. We'll go to the zoo.
00:06:18We'll deal with the car first, and then we'll go check out the monkeys or something.
00:06:24That's what you always say.
00:06:27Yeah, Chuck, that's what you always say.
00:06:29That's what you always say.
00:06:32Yeah, Chuck, that's what you always say.
00:06:47Hi, I'm Rob of Rob's Furniture.
00:06:49And after a hard week of work, all you want to do is relax.
00:06:52And the best way to do that is in a Rob's Lazy Rob recliner.
00:06:56That's right. Sit back, relax, and watch your favorite football game.
00:07:00Come on, football guys.
00:07:02And remember, all of our urban locations always have free popcorn.
00:07:06Ah, you dropped it.
00:07:11Hello, everybody, and welcome to your Speed Week recap here at the Glen.
00:07:15Well, folks, what we had here this past week was a real stunner.
00:07:18Roy Barker, the newcomer, comes all the way from the back of the pack to take victory here at this cup race.
00:07:25Um, I was watching that.
00:07:27What's the big deal?
00:07:29He just won his first cup race. Don't you want to see the interview?
00:07:32No, not really.
00:07:37It's not the normal NASCAR driver's story. Tell everybody about where you cut your teeth.
00:07:42It was a little track called the Speed Bowl in the middle of nowhere.
00:07:45Chuck, he started here at the Bowl. Isn't that great?
00:07:48Yeah, I knew that.
00:07:49What, did you know him?
00:07:50Of course I knew him. I've been racing at the Bowl forever, remember?
00:07:53You're jealous.
00:07:56Jealous? Jealous of what?
00:07:59It's not like he won the Daytona 500 or something.
00:08:02Chuck, give me a break. He just won his first cup race.
00:08:05Whatever. He's not going to win the Daytona 500.
00:08:09Oh, and you will?
00:08:10Yeah, yeah, I will. You know why?
00:08:12Because when I win, I'm going to win big, and there's nothing bigger than the Daytona 500.
00:08:17Well, you know what? You're 45 years old. You better hurry up with that big break.
00:08:24Woo! Woo! All right. How'd that feel?
00:08:29What about you? I mean, you've been stashing every cent you've ever made him. For what?
00:08:34The speed shop. You know that.
00:08:36Yeah, Chuck.
00:08:54I'm sorry.
00:09:06It said 10-10. Five minutes late.
00:09:08Sorry about that. It's traffic. It's getting really bad.
00:09:14Those are Calloways. They're worth more than the car.
00:09:17It's open.
00:09:23Buddy, just get me to the airport as fast as you possibly can. I have a meeting in Los Angeles, L.A.
00:09:28California. Got it, sir.
00:09:41Oh, this is priceless. The world's dirtiest man is here to clean something.
00:09:47Nice work, Joe.
00:09:49How'd the race go last night?
00:09:50Not so good.
00:09:51You know this guy?
00:09:53That's all I can give you. I got some engine work done.
00:09:57Green light. Green.
00:10:0855? Really? You're going 55?
00:10:11Sir, you know what? There's a lot of police in this area, so it's, um...
00:10:14I don't see any. Not one cop.
00:10:18Listen to me, Chuck. If you don't get this thing moving, my company is never going to use this company again.
00:10:36This ain't Nascar, you know.
00:10:38Next time don't be in such a rush.
00:10:40Have a nice day.
00:10:43300 bucks. Where am I supposed to find 300 bucks?
00:10:47Well, you can take the tip I'm going to give you, which is nothing, and then use that.
00:11:04Rob's Bed.
00:11:06I'm Citizen Rob. Join me for my once-annual bedding sale and get yourself a Rob's Bed.
00:11:12Don't know which one to pick? Sleep on it.
00:11:21You got that sponsorship money for last week?
00:11:26You're making us look bad.
00:11:28Why should I give you money?
00:11:30You crashed your car into the wall with half a lap to go. You could have won that race.
00:11:34Oh, I almost won.
00:11:37That's not the deal, Lou. You still got to give me the sponsorship money.
00:11:41No matter what happens on the track, I mean, your name is all over the hood.
00:11:45No matter what happens?
00:11:47Like if you lose the company its second biggest account?
00:11:51That wasn't my fault.
00:11:53I mean, what's that got to do with the sponsorship money?
00:11:56That happened on the street, not the track.
00:11:58I mean, you wouldn't even wear this speedy limo mascot suit.
00:12:04It's a baseball suit, Lou. I mean, what's that got to do with limo driving or racing?
00:12:09Way to go, Turbo. Heard about what happened over at the Bridgeport. Not cool. Very not cool.
00:12:14You know what that guy demanded that I...
00:12:17It's called customer service.
00:12:20Whatever the customer wants, you give him.
00:12:22Right. He asked me to speed, I did. He got caught.
00:12:26Hey, Lou, let me go over there, you know, talk to the guys, smooth things over a little bit.
00:12:30Do a little damage control.
00:12:32You should be more like Steve here. Customers love him. He never gets complaints.
00:12:36I got a $300 ticket doing exactly what the customer wanted me to do. Who's going to pay for that?
00:12:40Excuse me, I just want to get one of these red ones. It tastes like cherries.
00:12:43Okay, Steve, can you just give us a second?
00:12:47Take it easy, Nitro. Just trying to help.
00:12:52Look, Lou, you got to give me that sponsorship money.
00:12:55I mean, I need that money to get my car into the shop so I can race this weekend.
00:12:59It's not my problem. And, uh, we're pulling our sponsorship.
00:13:08What do you mean you're pulling the sponsorship?
00:13:12Lou, I depend on that money for running my car.
00:13:16Find another sponsor.
00:13:30Fire it up.
00:13:34I don't like the way that sounds.
00:13:36Sounds like it always sounds.
00:13:40You know, I got to rebuild the top. It's going to be expensive.
00:13:45Well, just fix it, Gomes. I know you can do it.
00:13:48I don't know if I can do it.
00:13:50I don't know if I can do it.
00:13:52I don't know if I can do it.
00:13:54I don't know if I can do it.
00:13:58Well, just fix it, Gomes. I want a little bit more punch out of it.
00:14:01Yeah, I'll fix it. I just got to know you got the money to pay for it.
00:14:04That's all. I got bills to pay, you know?
00:14:06I'll get the money.
00:14:08Yeah, well, I just got to be paid before you pick up the engine.
00:14:11No money, no engine. You got it?
00:14:13I got it.
00:14:14Well, I just want to make sure you know because there was this other guy who came and he said he got it.
00:14:19But when the time came, he had no money.
00:14:21And that other guy said he got it.
00:14:23But when he showed up with no money, it's like he didn't get it.
00:14:26I get it. I get it. Okay, please, just stop. I get it. Just fix the engine, okay?
00:14:30You don't have to make up an analogy for me to get it when I get it.
00:14:33Yeah, yeah, I know. But the other guy, he came with nothing, right?
00:14:35Now, if I give you the engine, I got nothing.
00:14:37If you wreck the car, we both got nothing. You got it?
00:14:39Got it.
00:14:42Hey, kid, stop playing with that.
00:14:44What is it?
00:14:45It's a perpetual motion machine or the answer to America's energy needs.
00:14:50I'm going to make millions off of it.
00:14:52Looks like a bunch of magnets to me.
00:14:54Or a never-ending source of electrical power for our American cities.
00:15:02For one thing, you're going to need a new header.
00:15:05How much?
00:15:06You're in luck. I haven't got one.
00:15:10Well, that doesn't sound lucky to me.
00:15:12Sure it's lucky. Now you get to go to a junkyard and find one for yourself.
00:15:15Where'd my last header come from?
00:15:17From a junkyard.
00:15:18Then why did I pay 350 bucks?
00:15:21Because I sourced it for you?
00:15:23From a junkyard.
00:15:27That's it.
00:15:28That's from a V6.
00:15:31Come on.
00:15:52Is that it?
00:15:54So, are we going?
00:15:56The zoo's going to close soon.
00:15:57Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're going.
00:16:14I mean, they have to put the animals to bed.
00:16:19Speaking of animals, I should drop you off at your mother's.
00:16:24I actually thought we were going to go to the zoo today.
00:16:28Worm, come on.
00:16:31Come on.
00:16:43Hey, Willie.
00:16:44Hey, Mom.
00:16:46Hey, did your dad give you that check?
00:16:50Three weeks in a row.
00:16:55Did he have fresh rubber on the car?
00:16:58Hmm, not sure.
00:17:01Was he in the lead?
00:17:02For a while.
00:17:04So, what happened this week?
00:17:06Crashed on the last lap.
00:17:09You know, I used to think that your dad, he didn't want to win.
00:17:11I thought he just maybe wanted to mess up his car so he could run around with his friends the next day.
00:17:15But, I don't know, I'm kind of thinking maybe he's just not good enough to win.
00:17:20Well, he doesn't have any friends anymore.
00:17:25All he does is hang around with Cheryl.
00:17:31Dream trash.
00:17:45What's going on with the lights? Why is it dark in here?
00:17:54What's wrong?
00:17:55Nothing's wrong.
00:17:56Why are you smiling?
00:17:57I got the whole shop hooked up to the solar array here.
00:18:00Great, great.
00:18:01Because for a minute there I thought you were going to tell me something's wrong with the engine.
00:18:05Well, Chuck, we do have a slight problem with the engine.
00:18:12Then there is something wrong.
00:18:13Why'd you say there's nothing wrong if something's wrong?
00:18:15What's wrong?
00:18:16We've got to rebuild the heads.
00:18:19When did you find that out?
00:18:21Why didn't you call me?
00:18:22Well, I thought you were broke.
00:18:23I am broke, but why didn't you call me?
00:18:24Well, I was getting around to it.
00:18:28How much?
00:18:29My hour's times 95 per hour.
00:18:33I can't say.
00:18:35Domes, you've done this over a hundred times. What'd it cost last time?
00:18:38I can't say.
00:18:39If you had to say.
00:18:40What difference does it make? You can't afford it.
00:18:43How do you know I can't afford it if you don't tell me how much it costs?
00:18:46All right, I tell you what. You give me the word and I will fix it.
00:18:50Okay. Fix it.
00:18:53And where are you going to get the money to pay me?
00:18:55You fix the engine. I'll get the money.
00:19:01You all right?
00:19:10Let me buy you a beer.
00:19:17So why do you want to get the car fixed so badly anyway?
00:19:20Some fourth in points and we'll win some money this season.
00:19:24What do you win for fourth?
00:19:27A few grand.
00:19:29Yeah, but that's what you need to get the car fixed.
00:19:32Exactly. That's why I'm going to be able to pay you.
00:19:35Yeah, but then you'll have no money left over for you.
00:19:38Yeah, so?
00:19:39Well, but you already have no money.
00:19:42Why go through all the trouble? You're already there.
00:19:45Gumbs, you of all people should understand this.
00:19:49I mean, it's not about the money.
00:19:54It's about figuring out whether I can do it.
00:20:00I mean, it's about finding out if I'm a race car driver.
00:20:09Or a limo driver.
00:20:12Which one are you?
00:20:23I don't know, Gumbs.
00:20:32I don't know.
00:20:39I don't know.
00:21:09I don't know.
00:21:40Speed week at Daytona.
00:21:43It's the start of the NASCAR season.
00:21:45It's where all of NASCAR's big guns come out.
00:21:48All, of course, hoping for a chance to win the Daytona 500.
00:21:51Those neck tail punk boys, pretty boys, they got nothing on us.
00:21:55Get them down here to the speed bowl and we'll show them a thing or two.
00:22:02So you really think one of us could beat a cup driver?
00:22:05Well, I'm not talking about you.
00:22:07I'm talking about Buddy over there.
00:22:10He's got ice water in his veins and that's what it takes to win.
00:22:15I had one of the fastest laps last week.
00:22:17Bet you lost.
00:22:19What was it this time, something mechanical?
00:22:23No, the car was fine.
00:22:25I just screwed up.
00:22:27Yes, I thought, you know a racer, a racer never blames himself.
00:22:32He blames the car, the track, the act of God.
00:22:36Or maybe he farted out the wrong car.
00:22:39I've got news for you, Chuck.
00:22:42The only breakdown you had is in there.
00:22:44It happened 20 years ago and it just keeps on happening.
00:22:49Why are you here?
00:22:51Listen, Sal, I'm 13 points with one race to go.
00:22:58I figure the worst I could do is fifth place.
00:23:00And I'm just wondering if maybe you could advance me the fifth place money
00:23:06so I can get my car to the shop so I can get into next week's race.
00:23:10You get the purse money after the race.
00:23:14Sal, I'm just looking for a favor.
00:23:19You want a favor? Ask your girlfriend to rub one out for you.
00:23:23Come in here, we talk business.
00:23:26That's the way it's got to be.
00:23:28It's just business between you and me.
00:23:30And that's the way it's got to be.
00:23:32Excuse me, Sal. Rob's here to see you.
00:23:35Come on, get out of here. Got a real business man's coming in here.
00:23:39Which Rob, the furniture guy?
00:23:43I like his commercials.
00:23:45They're cinematic crap.
00:23:57Rob, what brings you here today?
00:23:59I just want to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do down here at the track for me.
00:24:03Oh, thank you, sir.
00:24:05And that's why it kills me that I have to tell you that I have to pull my sponsorship.
00:24:09Well, you can't do that. We have a partnership.
00:24:13Rob's Furniture Superstore is going nationwide.
00:24:15I just opened my 20th store.
00:24:17I can't afford to keep doing this local track sponsorship.
00:24:20You have to understand that.
00:24:22Well, folks, this is the American dream.
00:24:24And here's why. Anyone can get in this race, and anyone can win.
00:24:27All you have to do is have a fast car, and it better be fast.
00:24:30Because these big boys know a thing or two about speed.
00:24:33You qualify, and you're in.
00:24:35You've got a chance to win the Daytona 500.
00:24:38I've got an idea for you.
00:24:40The Super Bowl of racing.
00:24:42What, Sal?
00:24:44Daytona, Rob. We're going to take a car to Daytona, and you can't beat that kind of exposure.
00:24:48Yeah, I don't know if you've watched my commercials recently,
00:24:51but I don't have $20 million to throw at a NASCAR sponsorship.
00:24:53I know, Rob.
00:24:54But we've got to qualify our way in.
00:24:57I don't understand.
00:24:59They've got 43 spots.
00:25:0140 are for the teams, and 3 are for whoever can take it.
00:25:05And we're going to take one of those spots.
00:25:08And who's going to drive that car?
00:25:10Well, I've got Buddy.
00:25:14If you build him a car, I guarantee he'll race his way into Daytona.
00:25:17Just imagine the press.
00:25:18Just imagine the press.
00:25:20Small town kid takes NASCAR by storm.
00:25:25Or it's like Davian Goliath.
00:25:28That's a fucking cartoon about a boy and his dog.
00:25:31They're made of clay.
00:25:33What does that have to do with racing?
00:25:35What, because they preach values?
00:25:37I've got values for you. $500,000. That's a lot of money.
00:25:40What if he doesn't make it? Then I'm out.
00:25:42He'll make it.
00:25:44He's the best I've seen in a long time.
00:25:45Yeah, well, no offense. I'd love to go with your gut on this,
00:25:48but you're asking for an awful lot of money.
00:25:51You're right.
00:25:53We'll have a race.
00:25:57And then the winner will take your car to Daytona.
00:26:00A race.
00:26:05I like it.
00:26:07We call it the Rob's Shootout to Daytona.
00:26:09And I could use it as an opportunity to advertise my new line of Markless Wicker furniture.
00:26:12All right. Deal?
00:26:33How was your day?
00:26:35It's just starting.
00:26:37I saw the gomes. The engine needs a top-end rebuild.
00:26:40Oh, crap.
00:26:42Lou pulled my sponsorship money,
00:26:44and Sal won't advance me any of the purse money,
00:26:46so I have to work double shifts just to pay off the gomes.
00:26:50How about you?
00:26:52Well, I just milled a thousand of these things.
00:26:56What is that?
00:26:58I'll show you.
00:27:03See? They're gonna sell for $9.95 plus shipping.
00:27:05They're gonna make a fortune off of them.
00:27:09How do people think of stuff like that?
00:27:10You know, believe it or not,
00:27:12some people don't spend every waking hour fixing and repairing race cars.
00:27:16Crazy, huh?
00:27:17It's weird.
00:27:28What's up?
00:29:01I think you guys wouldn't mind moving.
00:29:03Appreciate it. Thanks.
00:29:05Oh, yeah.
00:29:19Sal, you told me I would get to drive the Daytona car.
00:29:24You will, buddy.
00:29:26The best driver gets to drive the car.
00:29:29So get out there and win this race,
00:29:32and let's get ourselves down to sunny Daytona.
00:29:36Okay, Sal.
00:29:38You know best.
00:29:40Okay, babe.
00:29:42Make him happy.
00:30:10No way I'm coming back for more
00:30:15Closing the door
00:30:17And I'm not afraid of what I don't know
00:30:22Not gonna drag me down
00:30:27Not gonna wear me out
00:30:31Not gonna shut me up
00:30:34Not gonna talk me down
00:30:54Good morning.
00:31:04Good morning.
00:31:17Alright, good morning.
00:31:19Thanks a lot, Ed.
00:31:20Hey, hey!
00:31:22Hey, give me my money!
00:31:25Hey, hey!
00:31:27Give me my money now!
00:31:31Keep the change.
00:31:34Thank you.
00:31:36I love you.
00:32:01Of all the furniture stores in all the cities in all the world,
00:32:05she had to walk into mine
00:32:07and buy all my Lazy Rob Recliners.
00:32:10Well, to her I say,
00:32:12he's looking at you, kid.
00:32:14And if you've got kids,
00:32:16bring them to Rob's Furniture this weekend.
00:32:22That's a deal we can all drink to.
00:32:29God damn it!
00:32:31On it.
00:32:35Oh, man.
00:32:51How'd you make out?
00:32:53128 bucks.
00:32:55Take away gas and tasty cakes, that leaves me with...
00:32:5978 dollars.
00:33:01Well, that's like eight gallons of race gas for half a tire.
00:33:05Thanks for cheering me up.
00:33:07What does Wicker Furniture have to do with NASCAR?
00:33:11But next week, Rob's Furniture is sponsoring
00:33:13the Rob's Daytona Shootout at the Speed Bowl,
00:33:16the winner of which will get to drive the Rob's Furniture Express
00:33:19in the Daytona 500.
00:33:21So the shootout is on,
00:33:23and the winner will take the Rob's Furniture Express
00:33:25down to Daytona this February.
00:33:27And for you at home,
00:33:28sit back and relax and get comfortable
00:33:30on this beautiful, markless Wicker Furniture,
00:33:32guaranteed not to leave an imprint.
00:33:35Or my name's not Rob.
00:33:38Chuck, did you hear that?
00:33:40Yeah, I sure did.
00:33:42I don't understand.
00:33:44How can it leave no marks on your skin?
00:33:46I mean, does it have cushions or something?
00:33:48No, Chuck, who cares about the Wicker shit?
00:33:50The other part, about the chance to race in the Daytona 500,
00:33:52I mean, it's like a miracle or something.
00:33:57Maybe we should do something else next weekend.
00:33:59What do you think?
00:34:00What do you think?
00:34:02Maybe I should take the kid to the zoo.
00:34:05Chuck, what are you talking about? You hate the zoo.
00:34:09This is the chance of a lifetime.
00:34:11I mean, this is the big one that you've been talking about.
00:34:15We should be working on some setups right now.
00:34:24how am I going to race next weekend without a car?
00:34:27I mean, at this rate,
00:34:28it's going to take me like a month to pay off the Gomes.
00:34:31That money-grubbing mechanic is going to bleed you dry.
00:34:34I mean, why can't we go to somebody else?
00:34:36Spencer builds engines for everybody else.
00:34:38Why can't he work for us?
00:34:39The Gomes builds a great engine.
00:34:48Chuck, can I see you for a second?
00:34:50Can you wait?
00:34:52I don't think I can get up.
00:34:55It's important.
00:35:05Come on.
00:35:07Don't make me rewrite this, okay?
00:35:20we're better off
00:35:22we're better off not knowing.
00:35:28That's crazy.
00:35:30I mean, I was just thinking,
00:35:37what if we try and
00:35:42I can't do it.
00:35:47Then I know
00:35:52how can I live my life knowing?
00:35:56Chuck, come on.
00:35:59Let's give it a shot.
00:36:03Nobody's ever given me anything.
00:36:22You won't regret this.
00:36:26I promise.
00:36:32Let's shot.
00:36:52Knock, knock, knock, knock.
00:36:58Nice move on the pickup call.
00:37:00Yeah, I'm late, Chuck, okay?
00:37:01You think I wear the nifty little waitress outfit
00:37:03just around the house, or?
00:37:05No, I'm here to pick up the kid.
00:37:07Okay, so do you have my rent money?
00:37:10Oh, yeah.
00:37:12My rent.
00:37:16Mind if I count it?
00:37:17I'm in a little bit of a rush.
00:37:19Willie, your dad's here!
00:37:26How am I gonna pay the rent with this?
00:37:28Look, I gotta run.
00:37:29Just have him come down, and I'll meet you in the car.
00:37:31Actually, you know what?
00:37:32You're gonna get back here,
00:37:33and you're gonna put the rent money in my hand,
00:37:34or I'm gonna have a judge put you in jail.
00:37:36Look, Katie, it was a really bad week.
00:37:38A bad week?
00:37:40But I bet you have enough money in your pocket
00:37:42to get your car out of the shop,
00:37:43or, I don't know, maybe some new tires?
00:37:45Well, I'm a little short for tires.
00:37:47Chuck, can you please just give me the rent money?
00:37:51Then I'm gonna miss the race on Saturday.
00:37:53And it's Rob's Daytona shootout.
00:37:55I mean, this could be my last big chance.
00:37:57Well, at least you won't be in jail,
00:37:58so it's your choice.
00:38:00You wouldn't.
00:38:01Try me.
00:38:03Katie, please, don't do this to me.
00:38:06I mean, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
00:38:08A chance to race at Daytona.
00:38:10I mean, have you seen the commercials?
00:38:12Rob's Markless Wicker Furniture.
00:38:14I mean, it doesn't leave a mark on your skin.
00:38:17Yeah, no.
00:38:18You know what?
00:38:19Your little racing fantasy can wait, okay?
00:38:21But if I get kicked out of this apartment,
00:38:23your son is gonna be living on the street.
00:38:25So maybe if you miss this race,
00:38:27you'll spend more time
00:38:28thinking about the people who are around you
00:38:30than that rolling shitbox of a car
00:38:32that you pour all your money into.
00:38:34You never understood, did you?
00:38:35Chuck, no.
00:38:36I understood.
00:38:37I dealt with your addiction for five long, hard years, okay?
00:38:40But that is why I left.
00:38:42Because you cared more about shocks and springs
00:38:44than you did the people around you.
00:38:46And I'm gonna be damned
00:38:47if you're gonna make me feel bad about some sheet metal.
00:38:49Okay, fine, fine.
00:38:52But you're wrong.
00:38:54It's not about the machine.
00:38:55It's about the dream.
00:38:58Worm, come on, let's go!
00:39:05Have a good time.
00:39:18Hey, Gomes, how's the car?
00:39:20Kid, stay away from there.
00:39:23She's all set.
00:39:24She's all set?
00:39:25Well, let's load her up.
00:39:27Yep, just finished preparing your bill.
00:39:29I hope you roll her in.
00:39:31Kid, what did I just say?
00:39:32Get away from there.
00:39:34Get away.
00:39:36Um, about that bill...
00:39:40Listen, Gomes, I could pay you next week.
00:39:42I'm sorry.
00:39:44Listen, Gomes, I could pay you next week.
00:39:47But I need the car for the qualifying race this weekend.
00:39:50What do you say, pal?
00:39:52Chuck, you know I'd love to give you this car.
00:39:55I really would, but you wrecked the thing, where will I be?
00:39:58You'll be without a car, I'll be without money.
00:40:01So, Gomes, have you ever thought about using a catalyst
00:40:04to help modulate the hydrogen output?
00:40:06Yeah, I've tried everything.
00:40:08Now, get away from there.
00:40:11Chuck, why don't you sit this weekend out?
00:40:13Is it going to be a demolition derby out there anyway?
00:40:16Take the kid to a baseball game or a movie, a science fair, maybe.
00:40:21Listen, Gomes, come on. I mean, this is my shot.
00:40:24This could be my last shot.
00:40:26You know how important it is to race in the Daytona 500?
00:40:30I'm asking you, please.
00:40:33Just help me out this one time.
00:40:36Chuck, you want me to work on your car?
00:40:38You've got to pay me for the car before it leaves the shop.
00:40:41You want to free me? Get your kid to work on the car.
00:40:45I don't know how to work on engines.
00:40:47Sure you do. It's all math and science.
00:40:50You're a nerd. All you need are the books.
00:40:53You know what? Maybe I will.
00:40:56I'll run you out of business.
00:40:58Well, I am so afraid.
00:41:00You should be.
00:41:01What, did I touch a nerve there, kid?
00:41:03Let the adults talk, okay, Worm?
00:41:05Since when do adults wear sweatpants all day?
00:41:07Worm, drop it!
00:41:13What do you say, Gomes?
00:41:15Just this one time.
00:41:18Let me have the car.
00:41:20As much as I want to give you the car,
00:41:25I just can't do it.
00:41:28I'm sorry.
00:41:38Come on, let's go.
00:42:03I would have never thought you'd be so good at driving.
00:42:06I would have gotten that car if you had kept your mouth shut.
00:42:11I don't understand. I don't understand why you can't just keep quiet.
00:42:15He wasn't going to give you the car.
00:42:17Well, how do you know that?
00:42:20You're just a kid, okay?
00:42:25You're just a kid.
00:42:36You're just a kid.
00:42:57Ready to go racing?
00:43:03Not exactly.
00:43:06Where's the car?
00:43:09Gomes has it.
00:43:12I had to leave it at the Gomes.
00:43:14What do you mean you had to leave it? I gave you the money.
00:43:17No, I just, you know, I couldn't get the car.
00:43:20I don't understand. I gave you the money for the car.
00:43:25I gave it to Katie.
00:43:28You gave my money to your ex-wife?
00:43:32She had to pay for rent.
00:43:35She threatened to send me to jail.
00:43:37She had to pay rent.
00:43:38I had no choice.
00:43:41Get the fuck out of here, Chuck.
00:43:43I swear to God, get out of here right now.
00:43:51Sorry, Cheryl.
00:43:55Please, just take him and get out of here.
00:44:23Worm, I'm going to have to take you back to your mother's.
00:44:27Really, Dad?
00:44:29Yeah, why? We have no place to stay.
00:44:31I think Steve is over.
00:44:34Steve? You know, the guy who likes Corvettes.
00:44:38I know that guy.
00:44:41I thought she had better taste than that.
00:44:45You need a bed.
00:44:51Why did you and Mom get divorced?
00:44:55Worm, I don't want to get into it, okay?
00:44:57She says that you never paid any attention to her
00:45:01and that you were never around and that you were scum.
00:45:06All men are.
00:45:07Including you?
00:45:08No, children are immune.
00:45:13How much downforce does your real spoiler produce?
00:45:17How should I know? Why?
00:45:21I don't know.
00:45:23I was just thinking about a math problem.
00:45:29We're going to stay at the trailer.
00:45:31Don't tell your mother we slept there, okay?
00:45:33What's the trailer?
00:45:34It's a place. It doesn't exist.
00:45:43Look at all these trophies.
00:45:46Did you own a trophy store or something?
00:45:48No, I won them.
00:45:51Wow. You don't win any more.
00:45:54I haven't won since I was 16.
00:45:56I'm almost 16.
00:45:58You're 12.
00:46:01What happens when you're 16?
00:46:03Nothing happens when you're 16, okay?
00:46:07Well, you stopped winning.
00:46:10That was different.
00:46:12Come on.
00:46:14What if it's a choker gene?
00:46:16Where'd you hear that?
00:46:18I don't know. I'm a kid.
00:46:20I hear things and then I repeat them.
00:46:23So what happened?
00:46:25Did you lose your coordination or become spastic or something?
00:46:29No, I wasn't a spastic. I didn't become spastic or retarded or...
00:46:33You're supposed to say special person.
00:46:35I wasn't a fucking special person, okay?
00:46:38Shit happens.
00:46:53You want to know what happens at 16?
00:46:55I'll tell you what happens at 16, okay?
00:46:58Everything changes at 16.
00:47:01That's the age everything changes.
00:47:03That's the age your old man decides to show up at the track and become part of your life.
00:47:08Your dad?
00:47:09Right. That's right.
00:47:11Saturday night at the bowl.
00:47:13Supposed to be like any other Saturday night until he comes marching in.
00:47:18Tells everybody.
00:47:20Everything's different.
00:47:21Changes everything up.
00:47:23Takes over as my pit boss.
00:47:25From who?
00:47:30Mean old man.
00:47:33He wasn't then, but he sure is now.
00:47:40I remember that race.
00:47:42Because you won?
00:47:44No, because I could have won.
00:47:47I was in the lead up until the second to last lap and that's when I saw him in the grandstands.
00:47:53Acting like a big shot.
00:47:56Talking to talent scouts.
00:48:03And that's when I did it.
00:48:06Did what?
00:48:09Turned the car.
00:48:12I turned the car into the wall.
00:48:17Balled it up pretty bad.
00:48:21I haven't won anything since.
00:48:27I guess it wasn't the best move.
00:48:41No, no, no. You were supposed to have him the whole weekend.
00:48:43Cheryl kicked me out.
00:48:45Well, this is not the deal, Chuck. Take him to work with you or something.
00:48:48I'm going to work a double shift so I can pay off my car.
00:48:50So now my plans have to change because of you.
00:49:02Hey. Hi, Zoom Zoom.
00:49:04Huh? Zoom Zoom? Oh.
00:49:06You don't have a car so you can't Zoom Zoom.
00:49:10Nice shades.
00:49:12Yeah, thanks. They're Porsche.
00:49:14What, are you here to race me?
00:49:16Fuck you, Steve.
00:49:38Chuck, what are you doing here?
00:49:41Well, Sal, I...
00:49:43I thought I'd come down and ask you one last time
00:49:46for a little help.
00:49:50Now you want my help?
00:49:55Now you come crawling back when you got nowhere else to turn?
00:50:01Why don't you get your old man to help you?
00:50:04No one knows where he is.
00:50:07Sal, I was just thinking that maybe you could lend me one of your older cars
00:50:11just so I can enter the race to get to Daytona.
00:50:13So you come back here and ask me because...
00:50:17I'm always here.
00:50:21Just go ask.
00:50:23Sal, he'll help you out.
00:50:26He'll work for you for a while.
00:50:30I was a kid, Sal. Worked for both of us.
00:50:32I gave you everything, Chuck.
00:50:35I know, Sal. I know.
00:50:37And then you dropped me.
00:50:40You turned away.
00:50:44Sal, he was my father. I was 16.
00:50:46What was I supposed to do?
00:50:50I'm asking you.
00:50:56Team up with me.
00:50:58We could win races like we used to.
00:51:01We were unstoppable.
00:51:04You and me.
00:51:08Maybe you're right.
00:51:15What you doing with this has-been, Sal?
00:51:17This has-been would have kicked your ass last week if my tires hadn't gone away.
00:51:23I thought you said there's nothing wrong with your car.
00:51:25I rethought it.
00:51:27My car was pushing all over the place, and it was loose out.
00:51:30Driving wins races.
00:51:32Does it, Twinkie?
00:51:36I was tight in. And no, it's a tasty cake.
00:51:40I had all kinds of electrical problems. And a bad pit stop.
00:51:43My power steering went out. My front spoiler folded up on me.
00:51:46Sway bar broke.
00:51:47Lost the spring rubber.
00:51:48My brakes were overheating.
00:51:50I had to pump them before every turn.
00:51:52You had to pump them or you had to hump them?
00:51:54Break it up!
00:51:58You did what you had to do, Chuck.
00:52:02And now I gotta do what I gotta do.
00:52:06I got no car for you.
00:52:09Come on, kid.
00:52:11I got a race to win.
00:52:24Hey, check it out.
00:52:26It's called a Vornado. I saw it on TV the other night.
00:52:31Say, uh, how's a NOS hookup?
00:52:39Oh, nice.
00:52:41You get Chuck to race ya, show him who's king of the road.
00:52:45I'll give all the credit to the Vornado here. I like it.
00:52:48Good work.
00:53:26Can I help you with anything in particular?
00:53:40Not in particular.
00:53:42Okay, well, if you need anything, I'll be right here.
00:53:56What do you think of the lazy Robert Kleiner?
00:54:20It's one hell of a chair, Rob.
00:54:22I saw you coming out of Sal's office the other day, and...
00:54:24I saw something in you.
00:54:26You did, Rob?
00:54:27I want you to drive the Rob's Furniture Express down in Daytona.
00:54:31Thanks, Rob.
00:54:35So what do you think?
00:54:38You will never sit in a more comfortable chair.
00:54:43Where's Rob?
00:54:44Uh, he is in the back, shooting a commercial.
00:54:47So if you buy the chair today, I can have it delivered to you by tomorrow.
00:54:52He wasn't just here?
00:54:53Nope, he is in the studio.
00:54:56So, what about the chair?
00:54:59Yeah, I'll take the chair.
00:55:12Hey, Chuck. You look like a hell.
00:55:18Are you gonna race this weekend?
00:55:20Not this weekend. I'm gonna spend some time with my son.
00:55:25You should tell him the truth, Chuck, huh?
00:55:27You should tell him you're broke.
00:55:28The mechanic won't give you the car back to race unless you pay him.
00:55:31I don't see how it's any concern of yours.
00:55:32Yeah, I guess you're right. It doesn't matter.
00:55:34You can't hang with those guys anyway. They're real race car drivers.
00:55:38One of them's going to Daytona.
00:55:41And check this out.
00:55:45I don't see anything.
00:55:47Yeah, that's the point, huh, Chuck?
00:55:49Just got me a set of Rob's Markler's Wicker furniture.
00:55:51Been sitting in it all day. That guy's a freaking genius.
00:55:55Not like you, Chuck.
00:55:57I mean, face it, man. You're an airport limo driver.
00:56:00You suck at that, too.
00:56:01Why do you have to talk to me like that?
00:56:03Because you're a liar. A big liar.
00:56:06You know how I know?
00:56:07No, I don't, Steve. Why don't you tell me?
00:56:09Well, the other day I was going to the airport. It took me 15 minutes and I was motoring.
00:56:13So there's no way you could do it in 12.
00:56:14And why's that?
00:56:16Because I'm the best driver this company's got.
00:56:18You see that banner over there, Steve?
00:56:21How do you think the 12 minutes got on there?
00:56:25I've got two things to say.
00:56:27One, Chuck did a 12-minute run.
00:56:29And two, we got an airport pickup, so somebody get going.
00:56:33Then it's settled. Chuck is the best driver of the company.
00:56:37Yeah, bullshit.
00:56:38I'll race you right now. I'll show you who's best.
00:56:40Why don't you do it, Chuck?
00:56:42Because he can't do it.
00:56:44Come on, speed racer.
00:56:47You beat me to the airport, I'll pay to have your car repaired.
00:56:51What's the hitch?
00:56:52Oh, there's no hitch.
00:56:54If you win, I'll pay to have your car repaired. You get it back.
00:56:57If I win, I'll pay to have your car repaired and I'll get it back.
00:57:01What are you going to do with this car if you win?
00:57:04I'm going to crush it and turn it into a fucking coffee table.
00:57:10Come on, man. You say you can do it in 12 minutes.
00:57:13Somebody get going.
00:57:16Oh, are you afraid you're going to choke?
00:57:19You're on.
00:57:25Okay, guys. The pickup is at Terminal 2.
00:57:28The first guy to pick up the customer wins.
00:58:01Damn it!
00:58:08Thanks, Joe.
00:58:10Go get him, Chuck!
00:58:13Go get him!
00:58:41That road's closed, man.
00:58:55Where did he come from? That road's supposed to be closed.
00:58:57Standby to engage nitro power.
00:58:593, 2, 1.
00:59:033, 2, 1.
00:59:05Come on!
00:59:10Come on!
00:59:25Hi. I've got to get home in 10 minutes. I have a date.
00:59:28Filipino woman.
00:59:40Yeah, Porsche boy.
00:59:51Get the hell out of my car.
01:00:11Yeah, how'd it go?
01:00:12I lost the race, asshole.
01:00:14Because the Vornado didn't work.
01:00:16It should have worked.
01:00:17I installed it myself.
01:00:19I don't know. I hit the button and nothing happens.
01:00:22Yeah, it's probably because you're an idiot.
01:00:24That's probably exactly what happened.
01:00:26You probably fucked it up, you asshole.
01:00:33Yeah, Lou.
01:00:36Now you tell Steve he wanted a fair race and that's what he got.
01:00:40Now get out there and get those cars fixed up.
01:00:42I've got a company to run.
01:01:06I see you got your car back.
01:01:14They delivered a chair for you today.
01:01:16Oh, right.
01:01:18Sorry about that.
01:01:20Why are you here?
01:01:22I don't know.
01:01:24I'm here to see you.
01:01:26I'm here to see you.
01:01:28I'm here to see you.
01:01:29I'm here to see you.
01:01:30I'm here to see you.
01:01:31I'm here to see you.
01:01:32I'm here to see you.
01:01:33I'm here to see you.
01:01:34I don't know.
01:01:36You drove all the way out here but you don't know why you're here?
01:01:41Come on, Cheryl.
01:01:42Come on what? What?
01:01:45What, did you come here to apologize or something?
01:01:50Then apologize, Chuck. Just apologize.
01:01:54Well, if I do, will you come to the race with me?
01:01:56No. See, see, that is not how it works.
01:01:59Okay, you have to take the risk.
01:02:01You have to put yourself out there and apologize.
01:02:03And then I get to decide if I accept it or not.
01:02:07And then you have to deal with the outcome.
01:02:14I'm sorry.
01:02:16It was a bad time. I had no money.
01:02:18And Katie could sometimes be Katie.
01:02:23It was stupid. I'm sorry.
01:02:28Well, are you going to come with me?
01:02:29What, are you going to come with me?
01:02:35No, Chuck. I'm not coming.
01:02:59I'm sorry.
01:03:30Worm, come on!
01:03:33What are you doing?
01:03:34We're going to be late. We've got a busy weekend.
01:03:37I can't go, Dad.
01:03:38He can't go.
01:03:39He can't go. He's got homework to do.
01:03:41Well, he'll do it at the track like he always does.
01:03:43Yeah, except that he's not actually doing it.
01:03:45He got an F on his math test the other day.
01:03:47I mean, how is he supposed to get into college like this?
01:03:50Don't Katie me.
01:03:51I mean, what do you want him to, live in a trailer park and shack up with some bimbo?
01:03:55Do you remember the deal that we had, huh?
01:03:57You were supposed to pay for his college. How much money do you have saved up?
01:04:00Well, if I get into Daytona, I could pay for his college.
01:04:02You know, I'm coming down.
01:04:13Okay. I want half for Willie's school and half of your half for me.
01:04:17Okay. Wait, what does that leave for me?
01:04:19You get to race and you get the only half.
01:04:22Okay. Wait, what does that leave for me?
01:04:24You get to race and you get the only person who's willing to go to the racetrack with you anymore.
01:04:27Okay. Fine. It's a deal. All right?
01:04:30Come on, Worm. Let's go.
01:04:31It's Willie.
01:04:35It's Willie. Call me Willie and I'll go with you.
01:04:43Come on. Let's go. We're gonna be late. We got 30 minutes to get to the race.
01:04:48Welcome to the Rob's Shootout to Daytona.
01:04:52The winner of this race is gonna have his dream come true and have a chance to qualify for the Daytona 500.
01:05:02The pits are buzzing with activity as the drivers get their cars ready for the Daytona Shootout.
01:05:07Willie. Is it Will or Willie?
01:05:10Willie is fine. But when I'm in my mid-twenties, it'll change to Will.
01:05:18Unstrap the car. I'm gonna fuel her up. All right?
01:05:20You got it.
01:05:24Hey, Chuck. You only got three minutes until the grid closes.
01:05:26Thanks, Stan.
01:05:27Free Dad.
01:05:28All right. Stand clear. I'm starting her up.
01:05:32Drivers, report to the grid. All cars need to be on the track in one minute or you will start at the end of the field.
01:05:45Willie, help me with the belt.
01:05:48Buckle that helmet.
01:05:50All right. You get the radios, okay?
01:05:59What you doing here, Gomes?
01:06:02Oh, well. I got nothing else, kid.
01:06:07Well, what about your magnets and the exploding balloon?
01:06:12Our country is depending on those, remember?
01:06:15Nobody wants any part of that. You can't tax free energy.
01:06:20Nobody wants a part of something you can't tax.
01:06:23Well, you got your engine building business.
01:06:27Yeah. I still got that, but to tell you the truth, your dad's about the only guy who still comes to me.
01:06:36Let me see what you got there.
01:06:41Show these to Chuck.
01:06:43Show these to Cheryl.
01:06:46She's not with us.
01:06:49Fixing up the old man's car, huh?
01:06:53Yeah. It should be easy, right? Just math.
01:06:58Kid, I am going to give you some intellectual property.
01:07:06A piece of the master equation.
01:07:09But it is for you and nobody else. You got it?
01:07:12Got it.
01:07:14All right. Now, look.
01:07:16You haven't taken into account the coefficient of friction for the blacktop surface.
01:07:22You're right.
01:07:23You stand for the race, Gomes?
01:07:32Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Rob's Shootout to Daytona,
01:07:38where the winner will take my car down to Daytona and try to qualify his way into the Daytona 500.
01:07:47Gentlemen, start your engines.
01:07:54Remember, folks, this is short track racing.
01:07:57When the yellow comes out, we don't count the laps.
01:08:00It's a big night here at the Speed Bowl. Even the Speedy Limo mascot is here.
01:08:05We have a new car on the track.
01:08:07It looks like Chuck in the 57 will join the field in a bit.
01:08:10The Speedy Limo mascot is here.
01:08:12We have a new car on the track.
01:08:14It looks like Chuck in the 57 will join the field in a bit.
01:08:20Light's bright out here.
01:08:22Oh, my God. Are you kidding me right now?
01:08:25The field is making their way around the track, warming up their tires and getting ready to race.
01:08:31The race is all yours, buddy.
01:08:33Sal, you really should get yourself a Lazy Rob chair.
01:08:38You bet.
01:08:43Willie, when the green flag drops, you let me know.
01:08:48The pace car pulls off. Buddy in car number 94 leads the pack toward the green flag.
01:08:58Willie, you really should get yourself a Lazy Rob chair.
01:09:02You concentrate on the starter.
01:09:04The minute he drops that green flag, you let me know.
01:09:07Just wait for the green flag. When it drops, you tell me, okay?
01:09:12Did you hear me?
01:09:18The green is out and we're racing.
01:09:20Go, go, go!
01:09:24Cheryl, is that you?
01:09:25Let's go get him, Chuck.
01:09:26Go, go, go!
01:09:31Good luck, buddy.
01:09:32I'm going to Daytona, boys.
01:09:34Buddy pulls out to the front, leads the pack around.
01:09:38Looks like you were right about Buddy.
01:09:40He's a natural. He can take us all to the top.
01:09:44Chuck, you have 29 laps to get to the front, so don't do anything stupid.
01:09:49With Chuck in the 57 bringing up the rear, but it's a long race, folks.
01:09:53But right now, it looks like Buddy is untouchable.
01:10:06Keep it smooth and hit your mark.
01:10:15Buddy holds the lead. The car is behind him, jockeying around.
01:10:19Looks like nobody has this up for Buddy tonight.
01:10:2420 more laps and your boy goes to Daytona, Sal.
01:10:29I don't think I can move up anymore.
01:10:31Hang back, Chuck.
01:10:32The number three is sliding all over the place. He's going to take out half the field.
01:10:43The car is into the wall. A hard hit. It turns Willie Cole.
01:10:50Yellow's out.
01:10:52Yellow is out. The pits are open.
01:10:58You want to bring it in?
01:11:00Is anybody else coming in?
01:11:04This will put me in last place with 20 laps to go.
01:11:07Chuck, we got to make that car better.
01:11:09You can drive the crap out of it, but if that car can't handle, you'll never get to the front.
01:11:13Okay. We're bringing it in.
01:11:14We're bringing it in.
01:11:17The 57 quickly hits to the pits.
01:11:20Remember, as long as he gets back on the track before the green flag comes back out, he won't lose a lap.
01:11:26Not looking too good, is it?
01:11:27What kind of odds would you give me on 500?
01:11:30Three to one?
01:11:31Make it four and you got to bet.
01:11:35You know, I was thinking.
01:11:37If we take the camber to negative five and add some tire pressure in the rear,
01:11:41we should get more surface in contact with the track.
01:11:43How'd you figure that out?
01:11:44Let's go. Let's go.
01:11:45I don't know. Books?
01:11:47All right. Let's get a little more grip in the rear, though.
01:11:50I'll get the camber change. Willie, get a pound in the rear.
01:11:52You got it.
01:11:54They have the wrecked car on a book and we're almost cleaned up.
01:11:58Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
01:12:00Do you have the other hood pin?
01:12:01What other hood pin?
01:12:02The hood pin. There's a hood pin missing.
01:12:04I don't have the other pin.
01:12:05You're missing a pin.
01:12:06Okay. Uh, crap. Not now.
01:12:09Don't ever let me back on the track without that pin.
01:12:11Oh, my God.
01:12:12Figure something. Something.
01:12:14All right.
01:12:19Go. Go. Go.
01:12:21Chuck is back on the track.
01:12:23He's got it.
01:12:25Go. Go. Go.
01:12:27Chuck is back on the track.
01:12:29Rejoining the field of the rear with 19 to go.
01:12:32The green is out.
01:12:36Just like taking candy from a baby.
01:12:40How many to go?
01:12:4115 laps to go.
01:12:42It looks like the Chuck of old is making a late race start.
01:12:49The 57 goes long.
01:12:51He's almost past the 82.
01:12:59Wow. The 57 just went by the 54.
01:13:02That boy is on fire.
01:13:04We'll see who wins.
01:13:06The 57 makes another pass. Now he's in second.
01:13:10Right behind Buddy.
01:13:11Fill his mirror, Chuck, and set him up for the pass.
01:13:13The 57 closes in on Buddy in the 94.
01:13:15Come on, Chuck. You don't belong here.
01:13:20Hell, even if he gets in front, he'll choke.
01:13:24You'll see.
01:13:26Here we go.
01:13:27Five to go. The Chuck is making his move.
01:13:29He's pulled alongside the 94.
01:13:31The 57 surges forward.
01:13:34Now in first.
01:13:35Chuck takes a lead with four to go.
01:13:38Put the pressure on, Buddy.
01:13:39Let me show you how it's done, Chuck.
01:13:41Come on, Buddy. Put him in the wall.
01:13:44That's cheap.
01:13:46That's racing.
01:13:47Well, as cheap as this fabric.
01:13:50Just kidding.
01:13:52Three to go. It looks like Buddy wants the lead back.
01:13:55Bring it home, Chuck.
01:13:57Coming to get you, Chuck.
01:13:59Buddy moves it tighter. Get tighter.
01:14:01Buddy is still behind you.
01:14:03Chuck shakes him off.
01:14:04Trying to hold it together, aren't you?
01:14:10He's on my bumper. He's tied on my bumper.
01:14:13What, are you kidding me?
01:14:15Just drive, Chuck. Stop thinking and drive.
01:14:18That's easy for you to say.
01:14:19It's getting pretty dicey out here.
01:14:25Just keep driving. Just keep driving.
01:14:31That's when I did it.
01:14:34I turned the car into the wall.
01:14:37I haven't won anything since.
01:14:41I have an idea.
01:14:43All right, well, I'll listen to anything,
01:14:44because I already know how this is going to end.
01:14:46What do you got?
01:14:48Tell him to drive the car into the wall.
01:14:51You sure will?
01:14:52I'm positive. Just tell him to do it.
01:14:55Chuck, drive deep into turn one,
01:14:57and then turn the car into the wall.
01:15:05You know, Racer, Racer never blames himself.
01:15:09I've got news for you, Chuck.
01:15:11The only breakdown you had is in there.
01:15:13It happened 20 years ago,
01:15:14and it just keeps on happening.
01:15:18No. No, not this time.
01:15:21This time I'm going to win.
01:15:24The 57 charges into turn one.
01:15:27We've seen this before, haven't we?
01:15:30Buddy is still behind you.
01:15:33Come on, come on, come on.
01:15:35Chuck holding him off,
01:15:36and deep into the wall.
01:15:37Just hang in there, Chuck. One to go.
01:15:40Buddy is surging forward.
01:15:41He's going to try and beat Chuck to the stripe.
01:15:48They enter turn four.
01:15:49It's a race to the checker.
01:15:53Checkerboard! Chuck wins!
01:16:03We did it!
01:16:07We did it.
01:16:12Good job, Chuck.
01:16:18This match is going to drive
01:16:20the Rob's Furniture Express
01:16:22to victory in the Daytona 500.
01:16:25And remember,
01:16:26our Wicker patio furniture is marvelous.
01:16:29I guarantee it.
01:16:30You got my two grand?
01:16:31You want to double up?
01:16:33Just put the money in my hand.
01:16:52We did it.
01:16:53We did it.
01:17:06That was amazing.
01:17:07How did you come up with those setups?
01:17:09Thank you, boy.
01:17:10He came up with those final tweaks.
01:17:16Final tweaks we got.
01:17:18Good job.
01:17:43You want to go see the monkeys or something?
01:17:47How about the seals?
01:17:48They're always funny.
01:17:49Wacky seals.
01:17:53What, really?
01:17:54What? Look.
01:17:56I'm trying.
01:17:57I really am.
01:17:58I'm just not good at this stuff.
01:18:03You only got three weeks till Daytona.
01:18:09And we got a car to sort out.
01:18:11You said it, son.
01:18:14Race you to the exit?
01:18:16I'm twelve.
01:18:19Stupid idea.
01:18:23Come on, let's go.
01:18:27Hey, wait up.
01:18:28Wait up.
01:18:38At Rob's Furniture, we have designed a line of markless wicker furniture.
01:18:42You can sit in it for up to three hours without a mark.
01:18:45Why would we do this?
01:18:47Because we cannot afford a markless wicker furniture gap.
01:18:55No marks from the wicker.
01:18:58My furniture!
01:19:28You think you know me but you don't even know your girl.
01:19:41You take it all deeply with a blame but you're not.
01:19:49Not gonna drag me down.
01:19:53Not gonna wear me out.
01:19:57Not gonna shut me up.
01:20:01Not gonna talk me down.
01:20:22Just so you know, I closed my eyes and you were someone else.
01:20:30Now that you know, find somebody else to lie to.
01:20:38Not gonna drag me down.
01:20:42Not gonna wear me out.
01:20:46Not gonna shut me up.
01:20:50Not gonna talk me down.