• last year


00:01:30So, I'm a senior now, and no offense,
00:01:35but it's a little embarrassing driving to school with your dad.
00:01:39So I was thinking, I could use a car.
00:01:44You know, to save any ounce of coolness that I have,
00:01:47I can get a girl.
00:01:55Rider, I made your breakfast.
00:01:58Coming, Dad.
00:02:05Let's do this.
00:02:07So proud.
00:02:09Look at this, Roy, our senior.
00:02:13I made your favorite, Rider, scrambled eggs and sausage.
00:02:17Thanks, Mom.
00:02:23You know, he's a senior now, but he's still a dork.
00:02:27Lizzie, if we don't have anything nice to say, we don't say it.
00:02:31Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mom.
00:02:33My pleasure.
00:02:34Son, you know if you play your cards right,
00:02:37that swimming scholarship is in the bag.
00:02:40All the colleges are going to be calling you.
00:02:44Now, get your food scarf down so we can get out of here.
00:02:47We're running late.
00:02:48Well, this being my senior year and all,
00:02:51no offense to you, but it's a little humiliating
00:02:55driving to school with your dad,
00:02:57keep any ounce of coolness,
00:03:00potentially get a date.
00:03:02Keep dreaming.
00:03:04The way I see it, if you're too embarrassed
00:03:06to ride to school with the old man,
00:03:08you're going to have to ride the bus like everybody else.
00:03:11I'll see you at school, son.
00:03:14See you later.
00:03:19Come on, Lizzie, let's go.
00:03:22Here you go, son.
00:03:25No way.
00:03:27That's mine?
00:03:29Honey, with this being your senior year,
00:03:31your dad and I thought you should have your own car.
00:03:42What do you think?
00:03:43This is perfect.
00:03:44It's all yours.
00:03:4767 Chevelle.
00:03:49It's a work of progress, just like you.
00:03:51Got a heck of a deal on it, son,
00:03:53and you're not going to have to carpool
00:03:55with the old man anymore.
00:03:57No, it's perfect, Dad, thank you.
00:03:59Enjoy it, son.
00:04:33Hey, Erica, check me out.
00:04:36Where'd you get this?
00:04:38Old man Roy finally broke down.
00:04:40Surprised me with a car this morning.
00:04:43No way.
00:04:44That's awesome.
00:04:45Come in.
00:04:46Your chariot awaits.
00:04:49Thank you for saving me from starting senior year
00:04:51with one of those torturous bus rides.
00:04:53Since my absolute boyfriend, Greg, is a no-show.
00:04:56What are friends for, huh?
00:05:08Good luck out for y'all, all right?
00:05:12Hey, Greg!
00:05:14You got a car?
00:05:151967 Chevelle.
00:05:18Oh, my God.
00:05:20That is so sick.
00:05:21So cool, man.
00:05:22Way better.
00:05:23Dude, you got to take me for a spin.
00:05:24I will, I will.
00:05:25Erica, baby.
00:05:27Where were you this morning?
00:05:28Sorry, babe, I couldn't pick you up.
00:05:30I got the thing and then got caught up.
00:05:32At least texted me.
00:05:34Lucky for you I didn't have to take the bus.
00:05:36Hey, thank you so much for picking up Erica, bro.
00:05:38I owe you one.
00:05:39Yeah, no problem. Go get her.
00:05:40Erica, baby.
00:05:44Hey, guys, what's up?
00:05:45Nothing much.
00:05:46Just ready to kick this school year off, right?
00:05:48What's up, man?
00:05:49How you feeling?
00:05:50Good enough.
00:05:51Hey, Jordan.
00:05:52How's it going, Erica?
00:05:53Yo, I got a car.
00:05:56No way, man.
00:05:57That's awesome.
00:05:58Thanks, man.
00:05:59This is it, guys.
00:06:00We rule the school.
00:06:02One more year in this shithole.
00:06:04Dude, I can't wait.
00:06:05I'm so ready.
00:06:06Finally, senior year.
00:06:07Future's no more uncertain than the present, right?
00:06:10You know, Walt Whitman, the poet?
00:06:14I don't read that, man.
00:06:16Anyway, I got to get to class.
00:06:18I don't want to be late.
00:06:19All right, bye.
00:06:20Yo, what did you get in the first period?
00:06:28That's Principal Hagerson to you.
00:06:32And, Ryder, I've had a very interesting conversation with your father this morning,
00:06:37and you know the subject.
00:06:43So don't screw this up.
00:06:49What's up?
00:06:52Did you see the suits he's got with him?
00:06:54He's got undercover cops at the school.
00:06:56I wouldn't be surprised if the son of a bitch installed cameras everywhere.
00:06:59Yeah, so he could keep us in a secret master control room.
00:07:01They do this propaganda every day.
00:07:04Big brother.
00:07:08Oh, my God.
00:07:12Later, bro.
00:07:13Good luck.
00:07:18I didn't see your name on the sign-up sheet.
00:07:21Hey, Coach.
00:07:23Yeah, I figured with this being my senior year and all that I'd focus on my studies.
00:07:29Ryder, don't quit on me now.
00:07:31We need you on the free relay team.
00:07:32You're our anchor.
00:07:34Get your paperwork in today for registration.
00:08:03So, Siobhan, I see you're back.
00:08:06Yeah, Blaine.
00:08:08Catholic school's a bitch.
00:08:09Like this is any better.
00:08:11Yeah, Hagerson's got all these suits walking around.
00:08:14Definitely going to have to lay low this year.
00:08:16Yeah, I saw that.
00:08:18What are you doing after school?
00:08:22All right.
00:08:23Take a seat.
00:08:25Good morning.
00:08:26Hello, class.
00:08:29What's up, dude?
00:08:31Here comes trouble.
00:08:38Seniors, 2016.
00:08:42I am Mr. De La Vega.
00:08:51Accent on the de la.
00:08:55So before we get into this year's syllabus,
00:08:58first I want to read a few lines from your summer reading novel.
00:09:03I hope some of you read it.
00:09:06A portrait of the artist as a young man, James Joyce.
00:09:14Once upon a time, and a very good time it was,
00:09:18there was a moo cow coming down along the road.
00:09:21And this moo cow that was coming down along the road
00:09:25was a nice little boy named Baby Tuckoo.
00:09:30His father told him that story.
00:09:33His father looked at him through a glass.
00:09:36He had a hairy face.
00:09:39He was Baby Tuckoo.
00:09:42The moo cow came down the road where Betty Byrne lived.
00:09:46She sold lemon plaid.
00:09:51Can anybody tell me what's going on here?
00:09:53You sound so erratic.
00:09:57Yes, Miss?
00:09:58Erica Severson.
00:10:00Miss Severson, you have the floor.
00:10:04The book starts with Stephen Deadless's father
00:10:07telling him the story of the Baby Tuckoo and the moo cow.
00:10:10And Stephen identifies himself with the Baby Tuckoo
00:10:13because he's young and innocent
00:10:15and hasn't really found himself yet in society.
00:10:17That's why he sounds erratic.
00:10:19Excellent, Erica. Thank you.
00:10:22So, I believe that this quote
00:10:26accurately describes everybody in this room.
00:10:30Of course, I'm sure everyone here doesn't sound so erratic, right?
00:10:35But everybody in this room is trying to find himself or herself in society.
00:10:41This is an important transitional time for all of you.
00:10:46After graduation, some of you are going to go on to college.
00:10:50Some of you will go on to the workforce.
00:10:52Hopefully, all of you will become key contributors to our society.
00:10:57So, let's get started.
00:10:59This year, we are going to read some diverse authors, right?
00:11:03Along with Joyce Salinger, we'll be doing some Shakespeare.
00:11:07We're also going to do some of my personal favorites,
00:11:10very dear to me, some Chicano authors.
00:11:12Jimmy Santiago Baca, Rudolfo Anaya, Bless Me, Ultima,
00:11:17one of the greatest novels of all time.
00:11:19And when we're done with A Portrait,
00:11:22your next assignment will be Catcher in the Rye, right?
00:11:25J.D. Selinger.
00:11:27So, let's get started.
00:11:29phone rings
00:11:33Hey, Ryder.
00:11:35What are you...
00:11:37What am I doing here?
00:11:40I got kicked out of that private school,
00:11:42and I have to be educated somewhere, so here I am.
00:11:49Look, uh, I've gotta go, but I'll see you in class, okay?
00:12:10Okay, well, I gotta get to class, so I'll see you later.
00:12:18I'm going on a date.
00:12:19Allison Haynes.
00:12:21There you go, bro.
00:12:23I got a feeling that this is gonna be a great year.
00:12:25It's absolutely gonna be a great year.
00:12:27Yeah, she's cute.
00:12:29I'm stoked for you.
00:12:30Hey, call me after.
00:12:31I want to hear all about it.
00:12:32Yes, you can.
00:12:39Good afternoon.
00:12:48Hey, Jordan.
00:12:50How you doing today, bud?
00:12:51Good, how are you?
00:12:53Have you read this book?
00:12:54Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man.
00:12:56That's a good book.
00:12:58I read it a long time ago.
00:13:01You know, Joyce has another one called Ulysses.
00:13:04It's a much more difficult read, but I think you'll love it.
00:13:07Thanks for the recommendation.
00:13:09Good books, good friends, and a sleepy conscience.
00:13:12This is the ideal life.
00:13:14Oh, man, Mark Twain, that's one of my favorite authors.
00:13:17Mine too.
00:13:19Hey, Jordan, let's go.
00:13:21Ryder, come here.
00:13:26What's this about Coach Walters coming in here today
00:13:28to tell me you quit the swim team?
00:13:30You're good at it.
00:13:31You could get a scholarship, son.
00:13:33Dad, I don't like to swim, okay?
00:13:35That was your dream, not mine.
00:13:37Quit getting distracted by all the girls
00:13:39and all the other stupid stuff.
00:13:41Have you even filled out your college applications yet?
00:13:43Dad, not now.
00:13:45If you continue to quit when life gets hard,
00:13:48life is going to quit on you, son.
00:13:51Jordan, let's cruise.
00:13:55Ryder, no.
00:13:59I'm sorry, Mr. J.
00:14:03I really wish my dad didn't work in the library.
00:14:06It's not all that bad.
00:14:08At least he's confined to the library.
00:14:10At least he's confined to the library
00:14:12and doesn't randomly pop into your classes.
00:14:14What are you guys doing after school?
00:14:16Nothing, I'm pretty beat.
00:14:18I'm finishing this book.
00:14:20I'm going to reread that. It's so good.
00:14:22So good.
00:14:24I wonder what Siobhan's doing.
00:14:26Hey, didn't you say Siobhan was going with that skater,
00:14:28druggy dude, what's his name?
00:14:30Blaine. Yeah, I think that's her boyfriend.
00:14:32No, she wouldn't go out with him.
00:14:34I'm just telling you what I saw.
00:14:36Looks like your baby mama's spoken for.
00:14:38I don't care what any of you guys have to say.
00:14:40I'm starting this year off right.
00:14:42I mean, I got a car.
00:14:44Anything's possible.
00:14:46I'm going to get Siobhan Alexander.
00:14:48You guys watch.
00:14:50All righty.
00:14:52Hey, man, just remember,
00:14:54it's not the size of your boat.
00:14:56It's the motion in the ocean.
00:14:58Yeah, real funny, Greg.
00:15:00He knows, man. He's rocking a kayak.
00:15:02Don't sweat it.
00:15:04Go get him, buddy.
00:15:06You know I'm right.
00:15:16What's up?
00:15:18Hey, listen.
00:15:20So, I was thinking,
00:15:22I think Siobhan coming back to school
00:15:24is a good sign.
00:15:26I mean, I think we're meant to be together.
00:15:28Please, Siobhan doesn't care about you.
00:15:30Ryder, it's been four years.
00:15:32You've been pining after this girl ever since freshman year.
00:15:34Why does she have to break your heart before you get the message?
00:15:36Oh, my gosh, Erica.
00:15:38Why do you hate her so much?
00:15:40Well, uh, she's hot.
00:15:42She's a psycho bohemian chick.
00:15:44And she brings you heartache.
00:15:46Yeah, well, she's had some problems.
00:15:48I mean, her dad left when she was young.
00:15:50Her parents used her against each other, so...
00:15:52Chicks with daddy issues.
00:15:54Those are the worst.
00:15:56What are you going to do, save her?
00:15:58I mean, listen, I was planning on
00:16:00taking Siobhan to the prom on a date.
00:16:02Care to make a wager?
00:16:04I'll bet you $20 I'll take Siobhan to the prom.
00:16:06Oh, wow, look at you, Mr. High Roller.
00:16:08Deal, $20.
00:16:10And one more thing.
00:16:12And what's that, good Lord, Sir High Roller?
00:16:16and a dance with you at prom.
00:16:18At the very least,
00:16:20I'll be able to dance with my best friend
00:16:22with my date on the show.
00:16:24Flattery will get you everywhere, darling.
00:16:32How did you get this job?
00:16:34I needed an elective, and here I am.
00:16:36Ha, ha, ha!
00:16:38I can't believe the school's entrusting you with this.
00:16:40Well, and here I am,
00:16:42thinking about joining the Navy.
00:16:44Joining the Navy?
00:16:46Where'd that come from?
00:16:48What about baseball in U.T. Austin?
00:16:50Now you sound like your dad.
00:16:52Oh, that's a good one.
00:16:54I mean, it's a good job.
00:16:56It's a good job.
00:16:58It's a good job.
00:17:00Now you sound like your dad.
00:17:02Oh, that's a good one.
00:17:04I do want to go to U.T.
00:17:10what if I don't get in?
00:17:12You know, what if I don't get a baseball scholarship?
00:17:16the Navy would be the way to go.
00:17:20that's a long commitment.
00:17:22That's what, four years of your life, right?
00:17:24Yeah, yeah, four years.
00:17:28I genuinely think it might do me some good
00:17:30to be told what to do for once.
00:17:32My old man barely talks to me.
00:17:34It's like he can't wait for me to graduate and move out, so...
00:17:36Dude, I hear you, man.
00:17:38I mean, I feel like I can never live up
00:17:40to my dad's expectations, either.
00:17:42You know,
00:17:44never good enough.
00:17:46I remember I played freshman football.
00:17:48He noticed every time I was in,
00:17:50it was a running play.
00:17:52So he told me to tell the coach
00:17:54to put me in as receiver.
00:17:56So the coach finally does.
00:17:58And I get this ball from Eric.
00:18:02You know...
00:18:04Don't laugh.
00:18:06Hey, Eric.
00:18:08You know, I was one of his signature spinning ducks.
00:18:10Yeah, you already know.
00:18:14Spinning all sideways and everything.
00:18:16Quality pass.
00:18:20Anyways, I stretched out for it.
00:18:22I missed it.
00:18:24I missed it.
00:18:30I returned to the sidelines.
00:18:32My dad was like,
00:18:34you should have caught the ball.
00:18:36I quit football after that.
00:18:40Dude, you gotta stick with it.
00:18:42I mean, I believe
00:18:46that a person is defined
00:18:48by their work ethic, right?
00:18:50I mean,
00:18:52you create your world blink by blink.
00:18:54It's all in your perception.
00:18:56I don't know, man. I just...
00:19:00I wish you hadn't quit swim team, honestly.
00:19:02I think you could have been great.
00:19:12Alright, bro.
00:19:14One question.
00:19:16What's up?
00:19:18Coach Walters, would you?
00:19:22No? Would you?
00:19:26Oh my gosh, you're a dog, Craig.
00:19:28Are you kidding me in those shorts?
00:19:32Dude, I cannot wait
00:19:34to go to college next year at Texas Tech.
00:19:36I hear the girl's a guy, right?
00:19:38She has like three to one.
00:19:40What about you and Erica?
00:19:42I thought you guys were doing great.
00:19:44She wants to go to Texas.
00:19:46Anyway, I need to meet more sexually sophisticated girls.
00:19:48What do you say?
00:19:50Kind of a cocktease.
00:19:56You should have seen your face.
00:19:58I'm kidding, man. It's all good.
00:20:00Dude, that's not funny, man.
00:20:02I thought it was kind of funny.
00:20:04I'll see you later.
00:20:06Not even funny.
00:20:08I thought it was hilarious.
00:20:10That's not funny.
00:20:12I'll tell you say what up.
00:20:14Alright. Have fun, man.
00:20:20Yeah, you alright?
00:20:26Thanks for picking me up.
00:20:30No problem.
00:20:34You okay?
00:20:36Craig was being a jerk.
00:20:42I'm just tired.
00:20:44I'm going to bed.
00:20:48Thanks for not making a big deal about it.
00:20:50Of course.
00:20:52We have our issues.
00:20:56We don't fight that much, you know?
00:20:58He just wants more of me.
00:21:00But he's...
00:21:02He's good to me, you know?
00:21:04Erica, you don't have to make up excuses.
00:21:06I believe you.
00:21:10Thanks, Ryder.
00:21:12Remember that time in eighth grade
00:21:14we stayed up all night to get tickets
00:21:16to see The Cure?
00:21:18Damn scalpers get the best tickets.
00:21:20It's all rigged.
00:21:22Still a good show, though.
00:21:24The best.
00:21:28Well, here we are.
00:21:32Thanks again for bringing me home.
00:21:38You're a sweetheart.
00:21:40That's what my grandmother says.
00:21:42Craig could learn a thing or two from you.
00:21:44Good night.
00:21:46Good night.
00:21:48Erica, baby.
00:21:50How many times do I have to tell you
00:21:52I'm sorry?
00:21:54Look at this face.
00:21:56Doesn't it say
00:21:58I'm sorry?
00:22:06Fine. I forgive you.
00:22:10Coach Walters works out here.
00:22:18I'm right here.
00:22:22No, babe. It's not like that.
00:22:24I was looking for technique.
00:22:40Hey, Siobhan.
00:22:42Leaving early today.
00:22:44Just not in the mood, you know?
00:22:46What are you going to do?
00:22:48Hop in and I'll show you.
00:25:02You know why I left private school?
00:25:08Because my dad left.
00:25:10I'd get drunk every day just to deal with everything.
00:25:14And those stupid bitches at school.
00:25:18I slept around a lot.
00:25:22Well, anyway.
00:25:24I never finished the year.
00:25:26He sent me to rehab.
00:25:28I was sober for a short while.
00:25:32But in rehab, I learned that I'm an old soul.
00:25:34I'm a wanderer.
00:25:36I often wonder
00:25:38if I'll ever get where I'm going.
00:25:42I feel so alone sometimes, you know?
00:25:44You're not alone.
00:25:46I mean, you can't blame yourself
00:25:48for your dad leaving you.
00:25:52Things aren't easy, okay?
00:25:54I'll help you figure it out.
00:25:56Do you believe in past lives?
00:26:00I guess so.
00:26:02I often dream of a past life.
00:26:04Have you ever had your cards read?
00:26:06What's that?
00:26:08Tarot cards.
00:26:10I've been studying them lately.
00:26:12They work.
00:26:14I believe the past is not fixed.
00:26:16The future's not fixed.
00:26:18It's all in the cards.
00:26:20We need some music.
00:26:22Music's been my salvation.
00:26:24Keeps me sane.
00:26:26It's cheaper than a psychiatrist.
00:26:28I'm into new wave, shoegaze, dream pop,
00:26:32bands like the Cocteau Twins,
00:26:36Felt, Beach House.
00:26:38I'm also into classical music.
00:26:40I'll have to share my mix
00:26:42with you sometime.
00:26:44This is Paganini's 24th Caprice.
00:26:48You know,
00:26:50it said that Paganini's mother
00:26:52sold her son's soul to the devil
00:26:54to become the world's
00:26:56greatest musician.
00:27:12You better head back.
00:27:48Oh, shit, dude.
00:27:50You scared me.
00:27:52We were just driving by
00:27:54to see how it went with Siobhan.
00:27:56Well, uh,
00:27:58we kissed.
00:28:00Right on.
00:28:02So did you, uh,
00:28:04turn on the water,
00:28:06check the water temperature a little bit?
00:28:08Yeah, did you smash back seat?
00:28:10No, you're more of a front seat kind of a guy.
00:28:12Which one, huh?
00:28:14It wasn't like that, dude.
00:28:16You're a freaking sicko.
00:28:18We just talked,
00:28:20and things led on to another.
00:28:22Well, hell yeah, man.
00:28:24That's awesome.
00:28:26Guys, I'm thinking we kick this evening up a notch.
00:28:28Let's go fishing.
00:28:30I love fishing.
00:28:32I went with my cousins.
00:28:34We caught some tilapia.
00:28:36It was fun.
00:28:38Not necessarily that fishing.
00:28:40Yeah, not that kind of fishing, J-Dog.
00:28:42Different, but not that one.
00:28:44You have your way.
00:28:46I have my way.
00:28:48As for the right way,
00:28:50Okay, yeah.
00:28:52That's actually really impressive.
00:28:54Thanks, man.
00:28:56I'm not really as dumb as I seem.
00:29:02Hey, you got any beer here?
00:29:04I can't believe we're doing this to Principal Haggerson.
00:29:06If we get caught, I'd never get a scholarship.
00:29:08Relax, Jordan.
00:29:10Have a beer.
00:29:12Alright, it's ready.
00:29:50Let's go fishing.
00:30:04He looks like a dumpling in whitey tighties.
00:30:10That's right, you heard something,
00:30:12but you don't know what the hell it is.
00:30:14That's right, you heard something,
00:30:16but you don't know what the hell it is.
00:30:24Dude, let me see.
00:30:36Bring him on home.
00:30:38Dude, he's getting so pissed.
00:30:44Wait, what is that?
00:30:46Wait, what is that?
00:30:48Wait, where'd he go?
00:30:50I don't know, he's in the bathroom or something.
00:30:52Oh, shit, he's coming!
00:30:54Go, go, go!
00:30:56Go, go, go!
00:30:58Go, go, go!
00:31:00Tiger! Tiger!
00:31:02Fucking Haggerson!
00:31:04Tiger! Tiger!
00:31:06Tiger! Tiger!
00:31:08Tiger! Tiger!
00:31:10Okay, so to reiterate,
00:31:12we don't breathe in the middle of the verse line,
00:31:14just like rap.
00:31:16To be or not to be, that is the question.
00:31:20You don't breathe in the middle of the verse line.
00:31:22To be or not to be, that is the question.
00:31:24Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows.
00:31:28You don't run on either, just like rap.
00:31:30Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer
00:31:32the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
00:31:34Just like rap, you have to know
00:31:36where to breathe in the verse line.
00:31:38So let's get together and work this out
00:31:40in different groups.
00:31:42Why don't we have Jordan, you, and Erica,
00:31:44the smart ones.
00:31:48why don't you guys get together and work on it.
00:31:50And we've got Alec, Janice,
00:31:52and Lindsey.
00:31:54Why don't you guys get together in a group.
00:31:56You guys get together with Justin.
00:31:58Siobhan and Ryder,
00:32:00you guys get together and work.
00:32:02Carlos, Portia here,
00:32:04you guys can work together there.
00:32:06Corey and Emily.
00:32:08Catalina, you can get together with Jordan's group.
00:32:10Let's get into these groups.
00:32:16So confused.
00:32:18All right, look.
00:32:20So now
00:32:22is the winter
00:32:24of our
00:32:28This one happens to be an inversion
00:32:30because the syllables are stressed.
00:32:32I totally
00:32:34don't get this stuff.
00:32:36Yeah, so I was thinking
00:32:38maybe we
00:32:40could go out tonight.
00:32:42I already have plans.
00:32:44Yeah, Fridays I always go to the amp room.
00:32:469 p.m. to close.
00:32:48They have the best DJ.
00:32:50And after a week I've had, I'm in desperate
00:32:52need of some good music.
00:32:54Well, I mean, I could always meet you there.
00:32:56Come with if you'd like.
00:33:04How have you been?
00:33:06My God, you look great.
00:33:08Thank you, how are you?
00:33:10I'm doing good.
00:33:12Do you mind if my friend gets his van?
00:33:14Sure, absolutely.
00:33:16Y'all have a great time, guys.
00:33:18Thank you.
00:33:20Do you have a fake ID?
00:33:22No, I don't need one.
00:33:24I've been coming here since I was 13.
00:33:26It's like another home.
00:33:28Stay here
00:33:30and I'll grab us some drinks.
00:33:34Hi, how are you?
00:33:36I'm good, how are you?
00:33:38Good, I haven't seen you in so long.
00:33:40I know, just working, you know,
00:33:42making money.
00:33:44Who's the fella?
00:33:46He's just a friend, he's really nice.
00:33:48Alright, what can I get you?
00:33:50The usual, please.
00:33:52Sounds good.
00:33:54Crazy cat's up to
00:33:56just getting here for the awesome DJ.
00:33:58Alright, have fun.
00:34:06There you go.
00:34:08This place is cool, huh?
00:34:10Yeah, yeah, it's cool.
00:34:12Do you want to dance?
00:34:16Look, Ryder, we're not together, okay?
00:34:20Look, Siobhan, I'm getting
00:34:22mixed signals here.
00:34:24I mean, the other day at the museum
00:34:26and then we kissed in the park,
00:34:28and now we're together.
00:34:30Sure, we kissed, but it felt right for the moment.
00:34:32Siobhan, look, I want to be with you.
00:34:34I thought you felt the same way.
00:34:36Hey, Blaine.
00:34:38Who's this?
00:34:40No one. Look, can I talk to you?
00:34:42Yeah, relax, alright?
00:34:44I got a few more people I got to see around here
00:34:46and I'll come back and I'll take care of you.
00:34:52What was that about?
00:34:54Nothing, what do you mean?
00:34:56Am I interrupting you two?
00:34:58No, we have an understanding
00:35:00and it's really none of your business.
00:35:04that kid is a dope dealer.
00:35:06This is a hot mess. Forget I told you to come here, okay?
00:35:20Can I talk to you?
00:35:22Maybe she doesn't like you as much
00:35:24as Blaine thinks she does.
00:35:26There are so many other girls
00:35:28out there besides Siobhan.
00:35:30You can do way better.
00:35:32But I've known you since the 4th grade.
00:35:34You're a sweet guy, okay?
00:35:36Yeah, you're that cute girl
00:35:38with the...
00:35:40the w ponytails.
00:35:42The pigtails.
00:35:44Yeah, that's what I said.
00:35:46No, I'm not.
00:35:48You sat right in front of me
00:35:50and you're always so nice to me.
00:35:54Remember that time I accidentally threw up on you?
00:35:56Yes, oh my gosh,
00:35:58I tried to block that out of my memory.
00:36:00Thanks for bringing it back up.
00:36:02I'm sorry about that.
00:36:04Oh, that dress so much,
00:36:06my mom made me throw it away.
00:36:10You know I had a crush on you.
00:36:14I never knew that.
00:36:16Yeah, that's true.
00:36:18I even carved your name
00:36:20on my tree.
00:36:22That's so sweet.
00:36:28Oh, I'm hopeless.
00:36:32What can I say?
00:36:34I was raised listening to the Beatles.
00:36:38So you guys finished last anyways, right?
00:36:40No, look,
00:36:42you put Siobhan on this pedestal,
00:36:44but she's not worthy, right?
00:36:46Okay, if you're giving it to your all
00:36:48and it's not enough,
00:36:50then you're the wrong person.
00:36:52You deserve better.
00:36:56You deserve someone that appreciates you.
00:37:02I love her.
00:37:06She's all I think about.
00:37:10I just need to get her to see
00:37:12that we can be great together,
00:37:14you know?
00:37:20I'm being stupid.
00:37:22You're not being stupid.
00:37:24Don't say that.
00:37:26You just can't make someone love you.
00:37:28It sort of just happens.
00:37:34Yeah, well,
00:37:36thanks for listening to my bullshit anyways.
00:37:38It's not bullshit, Ryder.
00:37:44Look, you should really get home.
00:37:46Your dad's going to be
00:37:48Oh, man.
00:37:52Where the hell have you been, son?
00:37:54I slept the night at Greg's.
00:37:56Why the hell didn't you call?
00:37:58Your mother was worried sick about you.
00:38:00You have got to straighten up, son.
00:38:02Dad, not now, okay?
00:38:04If not now, when?
00:38:06All you want to do is blow things off.
00:38:08Go out and have fun with your friends.
00:38:10You need to get your ass in gear
00:38:12so you can get into college.
00:38:14Okay, whatever.
00:38:20You got a problem with me?
00:38:22Then say it.
00:38:24I'll be perfectly honest with you.
00:38:26I don't like you, and I don't like
00:38:28what you're doing to Ryder,
00:38:30so stay away from him.
00:38:32Siobhan, wait.
00:38:34Not today, Ryder.
00:38:36Leave me alone.
00:38:38What's wrong?
00:38:40I've got to get out of here.
00:38:42I can't deal with this shit.
00:38:44Not today.
00:38:46All they do is fight.
00:38:48It's like they treat me as their emotional piñata.
00:38:50Today they're on top of their game,
00:38:52and on top of that, your stupid little friend
00:38:54got on my ass.
00:38:56I hate my life.
00:38:58Siobhan, wait.
00:39:00Why did you have to drag me here?
00:39:02You're stupid for following this chick.
00:39:04There's this thing called stalking.
00:39:06It's illegal, you know.
00:39:08Will you calm down, please?
00:39:10Okay, she left school crying today.
00:39:12She's a big girl.
00:39:14She can handle herself.
00:39:16Dude, the least you can do is come with me
00:39:18to make sure she's all right, okay?
00:39:20Oh, that's all I had was the bass.
00:39:22The bass, I'm trying to keep it.
00:39:24And the electric.
00:39:28Oh, Siobhan.
00:39:54Why do you hate yourself so much?
00:39:56Why do you hate yourself so much?
00:39:58Why do you hate yourself so much?
00:40:24All the time.
00:40:26Oh, look who decided to show up.
00:40:28Little late.
00:40:30Dude, you touched his freaking hand.
00:40:32Are you kidding me?
00:40:34I couldn't help it.
00:40:36It was ridiculous.
00:40:38Okay, I'm just going to sit here, okay?
00:40:42Where's Craig?
00:40:44He's sick.
00:40:46But this badass band was playing
00:40:48and there was no way I was going to miss it.
00:40:50Like you did.
00:40:52But they're coming back in June
00:40:54Is that so?
00:41:00Have you decided where you want to go to college yet?
00:41:02I guess I've given it a little bit of thought.
00:41:04But then again,
00:41:06there's SATs
00:41:08and my PSATs aren't exactly stellar.
00:41:10Yeah, I feel you.
00:41:12Heck, I have no idea how I'm going to do it.
00:41:14I want to go to Texas, but there's no way
00:41:16I'm going to score that high on the SAT.
00:41:18It's your brain, Erica.
00:41:20You have a plan.
00:41:22Texas State will lower their standards
00:41:24and accept yours truly.
00:41:26Shut up! Are you kidding me?
00:41:28I saw the way you were in English
00:41:30teaching Siobhan that Shakespeare stuff.
00:41:32You were ridiculous.
00:41:34No, it's nothing.
00:41:36Come on, I want to show you something.
00:41:38Where are we going?
00:41:40It doesn't matter. Let's go.
00:41:42It's an adventure.
00:41:44It's an adventure.
00:41:46Hey, I'm just going to catch a ride with him.
00:41:48Alright, see you later.
00:41:50You know what?
00:41:52Where I'm going to kill you.
00:41:54Charles Jr.?
00:41:58What I'd like to do after graduation
00:42:00is travel to Europe.
00:42:02Oh, I hear you.
00:42:04Anywhere along the Mediterranean.
00:42:06I mean, my dream
00:42:08would become
00:42:10some painter,
00:42:14you know, live in a small
00:42:16Spanish-style fishing village
00:42:18and have a romantic existence.
00:42:20But that would only
00:42:22fuel your tortured soul
00:42:24and inspire you more.
00:42:34I say that we get Ural passes.
00:42:38Travel all over Europe together.
00:42:40I like that.
00:42:42We will walk through the beaches of Spain
00:42:44and party in the streets of Rome.
00:42:46Do you have a backpack?
00:42:48I mean, we'll walk from village to village
00:42:50with only what we can carry in our packs.
00:42:54Well, you're a gentleman, right?
00:42:56You can carry mine.
00:42:58No, you gotta carry your own.
00:43:00Come on, you wouldn't help Lolo and me.
00:43:08We can't do this.
00:43:10Erica, wait.
00:43:16I don't know what else to say.
00:43:18Thank you.
00:43:22You saved my miserable life.
00:43:26I'm just glad to hear you're alright.
00:43:30It's the last you'll see of Blaine, though.
00:43:32Cops busted him after searching his locker.
00:43:34I know.
00:43:38Look, I also want to apologize about
00:43:40that night at the amp room a while back.
00:43:42It's totally not cool of me to do that to you.
00:43:44Glad to hear that.
00:43:46I've gotta run.
00:43:48I have a doctor's appointment.
00:43:50I'll see you later.
00:44:00Oh, Mr. Money.
00:44:04Thank you for covering for me today.
00:44:06You're a lifesaver.
00:44:08No problem, Mr. De La Vega.
00:44:10Your class is safe
00:44:12in my hands.
00:44:14Fist bump.
00:44:16Bump the fist.
00:44:18A little bit of
00:44:20a little bit of love rocket.
00:44:24A little explosion of love on the earth.
00:44:26Okay. Well, namaste.
00:44:46Namaste, children.
00:44:48Settle, settle, settle.
00:44:50Namaste. My name is Mr. Money
00:44:52and I'm your substitute teacher.
00:44:56Your auras are just
00:44:58spinning out of control.
00:45:00Your chakras are on fire,
00:45:02particularly your root chakra.
00:45:04Don't worry.
00:45:06Don't worry. It's just puberty.
00:45:08It'll end sometime in your mid-thirties.
00:45:10So, uh,
00:45:12Brother De La Vega is out sick today
00:45:14with an extremely
00:45:16contagious cough. He wouldn't even
00:45:18explode the rock.
00:45:20But this man would, yeah?
00:45:22Give me some depth.
00:45:24Hey, what a guy.
00:45:26I got you, Mr. Money. Namaste.
00:45:28What a sweetie.
00:45:30Brother De La Vega failed to leave any lesson plans.
00:45:34talk amongst yourselves.
00:45:36Just don't get too loud, okay?
00:45:40Everybody is out sick.
00:45:42Even Allison's gone, man.
00:45:48The best sub I've
00:45:50ever had.
00:45:52I'm feeling educated.
00:45:54More and more by the minute.
00:45:56Let's get out of here.
00:45:58Come on, come on, come on.
00:46:00Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:46:02Hey, um,
00:46:04Mr. Money, uh,
00:46:06I need to get something from my locker.
00:46:08Yeah, me too, actually.
00:46:10I need to supervise them.
00:46:12They get distracted.
00:46:14Dudes and dudettes.
00:46:20Senior skeptic.
00:46:24Run while you still can.
00:46:32Let's go.
00:47:02You see the sun
00:47:04You see the sun
00:47:06I let you drive
00:47:08Beyond your stars
00:47:10So bright
00:47:12When I see your eyes
00:47:14On my car
00:47:18When I see the sky
00:47:20It's falling
00:47:32When I see the sky
00:47:34It's falling
00:47:56You're my sun
00:47:58You're always
00:48:00My sun
00:48:02I let you drive
00:48:04Beyond your stars
00:48:06So bright
00:48:08When I see your eyes
00:48:10On my car
00:48:14When I see the sky
00:48:16It's falling
00:48:18When I see the sky
00:48:20It's falling
00:48:22All right, I think we lost him.
00:48:24A bunch of suits by the front door,
00:48:26so let's go out the back.
00:48:28Come on.
00:48:40about the other night.
00:48:42Ryder, don't.
00:48:44Let's just pretend it didn't happen, okay?
00:48:50So, I saw you talking to Stefan the other day.
00:48:52How's she doing?
00:48:54She's good.
00:48:56First day back at school,
00:48:58you know, we had a, uh,
00:49:00had a little moment there.
00:49:02That's good.
00:49:06She apologized for embarrassing me at the amp room.
00:49:10An apology from Siobhan?
00:49:12What, that's gotta be like a first for her or something, right?
00:49:14I guess you could say
00:49:16things are getting pretty serious.
00:49:18Oh, shut up.
00:49:20Uh, you,
00:49:22you still plan on taking her to prom?
00:49:24I'm gonna take my $20 now.
00:49:26It's not over till it's over.
00:49:30Still planning on asking her.
00:49:32Nothing can get in my way.
00:50:14Hey, Ryder.
00:50:16Nice car.
00:50:20You wanna ride?
00:50:22Hey, Luke.
00:50:24What's up, man?
00:50:26Hey, what's up, Ryder?
00:50:28What's up, guys?
00:50:36Hey, um,
00:50:38what are you doing for spring break?
00:50:40I don't have any plans, really.
00:50:42Well, a bunch of us are going to Paja.
00:50:44You wanna go?
00:50:46Not really my scene.
00:50:48I went there last year.
00:50:52Besides, there's this new art film at the Bijou.
00:50:54I think I might check it out.
00:50:56That's cool.
00:50:58Look, I've gotta run.
00:51:00I have another doctor's appointment to go to, so...
00:51:02Siobhan, wait.
00:51:08look, I think you're
00:51:10amazing and
00:51:14And I know you've been through a lot,
00:51:16but, um,
00:51:18I wanna be there for you.
00:51:20I like you.
00:51:24Listen, um,
00:51:28I really wanna take you to prom.
00:51:38She said yes.
00:51:44To do homework together?
00:51:46Yes way.
00:51:48She said yes.
00:51:50Good for you, Ryder.
00:51:52Are you okay, man?
00:51:54You're not really saying very much.
00:51:56Yeah, man, I'm just feeling the pressure.
00:51:58We've got that big game
00:52:00against Churchill tomorrow night,
00:52:02and word is there's gonna be
00:52:04some college recruiters there.
00:52:06Dude, that's awesome.
00:52:08Yeah, but, I mean,
00:52:10what if I whiff on every pitch thrown to me, you know?
00:52:12You're gonna do fine.
00:52:14I always do.
00:52:16Thanks, man.
00:52:18Ryder, by the way,
00:52:20excellent on that Catcher in the Rye essay.
00:52:22Thank you, sir.
00:52:24It's actually the first book I've read
00:52:26that I actually enjoyed.
00:52:32Check this out.
00:52:34Here, think you'll enjoy this one too.
00:52:36Jack Kerouac on the Road.
00:52:38Kind of reminds me of you.
00:52:40It's my personal copy.
00:52:42Wow, thank you.
00:52:44You got it.
00:52:46Mr. De La Vega,
00:52:48did you actually play professional soccer?
00:52:50Yeah, I was pretty good
00:52:52until I blew out my knee.
00:52:54Man, I miss that game.
00:52:56Hey, I'll show you a picture of me scoring a chance.
00:52:58There you go.
00:53:02That's so cool.
00:53:04I had good legs, huh?
00:53:06So you guys going to Padre for spring break?
00:53:08Yeah, aren't you?
00:53:10No, I've got to study.
00:53:12I'm taking the SAT next Monday.
00:53:14Is Greg still going?
00:53:16Yeah, for sure.
00:53:18You think he'd actually pass up a chance to party
00:53:20to study with me?
00:53:22If you haven't noticed, he's a little selfish.
00:53:24Trouble with being the firstborn, I guess.
00:53:26You'll have a blast, though.
00:53:28Yeah, we will.
00:53:30Just the water is so cold there,
00:53:32you're going to have to be careful.
00:53:34Did you hear about our boy here?
00:53:36I did it! I got into UT,
00:53:38so cool, man.
00:53:42This kid better remember us when he's big time,
00:53:44am I right?
00:53:46I might.
00:53:48Seriously, guys, I am so stoked.
00:53:50This weekend I'm going to hang out with my cousins,
00:53:52we're going to go fishing, we're going to celebrate.
00:53:54It's going to be awesome.
00:53:56I'm so bummed you're not coming to Padre with us, though, bro.
00:53:58I'll go next time, man, I promise.
00:54:00Sounds good, I'll hold you to that.
00:54:02You better.
00:54:04You ready to go?
00:54:08Dude, I knew you were going to do that.
00:54:12I knew.
00:54:14No doubt in my mind, I knew it.
00:54:16I mean, you came, saw,
00:54:20Vene, vidi, vici.
00:54:22I have no idea what that means, but...
00:54:24Well, you said it already.
00:54:26Well, Allison is waiting on me,
00:54:28but have an awesome time in Padre, bro.
00:54:30I will, dude.
00:54:32Yeah, you better.
00:54:34All right, we will, man. Congratulations, dude.
00:54:36Thanks, man.
00:54:38I'll see you later.
00:54:40All right, bye.
00:54:44Hey, beautiful.
00:54:46You're going to come over tonight
00:54:48before you leave tomorrow to go fishing, right?
00:54:50Of course. I love you.
00:54:52I know.
00:54:54You guys smell that?
00:54:56That is spring break.
00:54:58Oh, I love it.
00:55:00Hey, we're taking your car to Padre, right?
00:55:02Yeah, I got wheels.
00:55:06Wait. Wait, where's my car?
00:55:08You parked it there?
00:55:10Yeah, yeah, I parked it here this morning. Someone stole my car.
00:55:12Oh, shit.
00:55:14Oh, damn.
00:55:16Oh, shit.
00:55:18Why does this always happen to me, huh?
00:55:20Why not this thing?
00:55:22I'm so sorry, bro.
00:55:24Damn it!
00:55:28I got to tell my dad, man.
00:55:30Who's my dad?
00:55:32Uh, I don't know, man. Your dad scares me.
00:55:34Give me ideas. I don't know what to say, dude.
00:55:36Blame it on Hagerson.
00:55:38Yeah, Hagerson stole his car.
00:55:40No, that's not funny. No, seriously, it's not funny.
00:55:42That guy chased our car with a bat.
00:55:44That guy's crazy.
00:55:48Well, that was fun.
00:55:50Want to know what my old man told me?
00:55:52I should have been more responsible.
00:55:54He asked if I locked the car.
00:55:56No, Dad, I left it in with the keys and the ignition.
00:55:58So, what about Padre?
00:56:00It's a no-go, man. Unless you want to run a car.
00:56:04I don't have money for that.
00:56:06Either do I.
00:56:10Well, you know, when in doubt,
00:56:12Greg it out. Let's roll.
00:56:14Hold on. Okay, go pour those.
00:56:16Oh, my, dude.
00:56:18I know you're bummed about your car,
00:56:20but, you know, cheer up, man.
00:56:22Nothing Greg Randall can't help you with.
00:56:24Come on, baby. Let's go.
00:56:26Ladies, dance floor. Let's do this.
00:56:28Come on. I got a shop waiting for you.
00:56:30Let's go, buddy boy.
00:56:32Come on. We're gonna cheer you up.
00:56:34Yo, who's that guy look like?
00:56:38Oh, that guy.
00:56:40Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:56:42Not one guy in that movie.
00:56:44Yes, yes, yes.
00:56:46I'm tired of these snakes on this motherfrickin' plane.
00:56:48Nicholas Cage!
00:56:50Oh, my God. He totally does.
00:56:52Yo, let me get you a drink, man. What do you want?
00:56:54I don't know what you have.
00:56:56I got everything, bro. This is tequila.
00:57:00Is Erica here?
00:57:02Yeah, she's somewhere. I don't know.
00:57:08Oh, Erica.
00:57:13Guys, this is my best friend
00:57:15in the entire world. Let's get over.
00:57:17Yeah. You want a drink?
00:57:19No. What is this?
00:57:23It's disgusting.
00:57:27What is that?
00:57:29You like it? Yeah.
00:57:31How much does she drink? Five or four.
00:57:33I have no clue. Five or four? Let's go.
00:57:35Come on, finish that. Come on, come on, come on.
00:57:37Oh, my gosh.
00:57:39That's crazy.
00:57:41Erica, you shouldn't be drinking like this, girl.
00:57:59Oh, oh, oh. Let me get it.
00:58:01Celebrity shot.
00:58:05Did you see that?
00:58:07Did you see that?
00:58:09Oh, my gosh. Oh, yes. You guys are my favorite. Here we go.
00:58:11Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
00:58:13Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
00:58:17Amazing. Oh, man. It was a champ.
00:58:23Oh, my dude. You made it.
00:58:25Home to see you.
00:58:27She's a freakin' Ferrari.
00:58:29Freakin' hot, man.
00:58:31I'm going in.
00:58:37What's your name?
00:58:41Melissa, you ought to be in pictures.
00:58:43I prefer a live audience.
00:58:47So, uh, you ladies don't have a name, do you?
00:58:49No, we don't.
00:58:51No, we don't.
00:58:53No, we don't.
00:58:55So, uh, you ladies don't have drinks.
00:58:57What's going on?
00:58:59Do we need drinks? We need drinks.
00:59:03Oh, I like where your head's at, Melissa.
00:59:05Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:59:11So, I think I've been pretty chill
00:59:13about this whole Siobhan thing.
00:59:15So you want to give me my $20 now or later?
00:59:19I am not paying you $20
00:59:21until I see her at prom
00:59:23because for all I know, she could ditch.
00:59:25Oh, shut up.
00:59:27Oh, Erica.
00:59:29I'm just kidding.
00:59:31So you still hate her?
00:59:33If she makes you happy,
00:59:35then I'm happy.
00:59:41I hate her.
00:59:43Yeah, I can tell.
00:59:45You know what?
00:59:47You said that you've kissed Siobhan before,
00:59:49but I just don't believe you.
00:59:51Why not?
00:59:53Just don't.
00:59:55Well, shut up.
00:59:57Look, okay,
00:59:59you are going to prom with Siobhan,
01:00:01then you're probably gonna kiss her, right?
01:00:03And me being
01:00:05the great friend that I am,
01:00:07I think I'll help you practice.
01:00:11I mean, I kissed you that night
01:00:13at limelight.
01:00:21Oh, shoot.
01:00:25You okay?
01:00:27Ah, ladies.
01:00:29Claudio shot.
01:00:37Alright, let me see this.
01:00:39I got a song.
01:00:41Everybody, I got a song.
01:00:43I got a song to play right now.
01:00:47I fell in love with her
01:00:49Her pubic hair
01:00:51They touched the floor
01:00:53I cannot take it anymore
01:00:55I said,
01:00:57Goddamn, you gotta shave that thing.
01:00:59Let's score
01:01:01When her pubic hair
01:01:03Touched the floor
01:01:05Yes, thank you.
01:01:17Yes, thank you.
01:01:21You can go back to doing whatever you were doing.
01:01:23Oh, shoot. Okay, Erica.
01:01:25I'm sorry.
01:01:27No, it's fine. Sit up.
01:01:31You threw up on me
01:01:33in 4th grade, and...
01:01:35I almost threw up on you.
01:01:37Yeah, well, at least you missed.
01:01:39Okay, so...
01:01:43Oh, my.
01:01:45Spoke too soon.
01:01:49You know what? I'm gonna run inside
01:01:51and get you some ginger ale.
01:01:53It'll probably help with your stomach.
01:01:55Okay. Thank you.
01:01:57Don't move, please.
01:01:59Okay, I'll be right back.
01:02:15Hey, have you seen Greg?
01:02:17Uh, yeah, he's over there.
01:02:19Over there? Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you.
01:02:21Excuse me for a moment.
01:02:31Get out of here!
01:02:37Oh, shoot.
01:02:39Hey, I'm sorry. I know you told me to wait.
01:02:41I just wanted to make sure you're okay.
01:02:43I think I'm gonna go find Greg.
01:02:45Let's go outside, Erica. I'm just gonna find Greg.
01:02:47Erica. I'll see you in there.
01:02:57Come here, Greg.
01:02:59Come here.
01:03:01Who could you do this?
01:03:03Shoot. Erica.
01:03:05Erica. No. Erica. No.
01:03:21Let's go back and finish what we started.
01:03:23Come on.
01:03:25What was that, Greg?
01:03:27Rodney, you're the asshole. You could've kept her from going in there.
01:03:29Don't you dare put this on me, okay?
01:03:31You're the dumbass who's messing around when we got someone special like Erica.
01:03:33You jealous bastard.
01:03:35You finally get your weird-ass Chabon chick
01:03:37and you wanna fuck up my relationship?
01:03:39Wow, Greg. Wow.
01:03:41You got a hard-on for a chick who doesn't give a shit about you?
01:03:43You know what, Greg? Screw you.
01:03:45You know what? Bring it on. Let's go.
01:03:47Stop. Stop. Stop.
01:03:49We gotta get out of here. Go.
01:04:29Hey, Erica, you haven't been responding to my texts.
01:04:31You okay?
01:04:35Excuse me, everyone.
01:04:37I regret to inform you that
01:04:39this past weekend
01:04:41we lost a student of ours.
01:04:45Jordan Oliver died this weekend.
01:04:49Apparently, there was a storm
01:04:51and it sank their boat.
01:04:53Thank you, all of you, for being here.
01:04:55Jordan was taken from us
01:04:57way too soon.
01:05:09He was one of the best things
01:05:11I've ever seen.
01:05:15I'm sorry.
01:05:17I'm sorry.
01:05:19I'm sorry.
01:05:21He was one of the best
01:05:23students I ever had the honor of teaching.
01:05:27He will be missed.
01:05:31Now, one of our students,
01:05:33Ryder Jensen,
01:05:35would like to say a few words
01:05:37on his behalf.
01:05:51Hello, everybody.
01:05:55I'm Ryder Jensen.
01:05:59As most of you know,
01:06:01Jordan loved poetry
01:06:05and, um,
01:06:07he was one of the bravest people
01:06:09I've ever met.
01:06:11This is
01:06:13Lord Alfred Tennyson's Ulysses.
01:06:15Though much is taken,
01:06:17much abides.
01:06:19And though we are not now
01:06:21the strength which in the old days
01:06:23moved earth and heaven,
01:06:25at which we are,
01:06:27we are.
01:06:29One equal temper of heroic hearts,
01:06:31made weak by time and fate,
01:06:33but strong in will
01:06:35to strive,
01:06:37to seek,
01:06:39to love.
01:06:41To strive,
01:06:43to seek,
01:06:45to find,
01:06:47and not to yield.
01:06:49Jordan never backed down from a challenge.
01:06:51He faced it head-on,
01:06:53whether it was
01:06:55baseball or
01:06:59he faced it.
01:07:01He never backed away from his destiny.
01:07:05And we can all honor Jordan
01:07:07by facing our destiny,
01:07:09by striving,
01:07:11to seek,
01:07:13to find, and not to yield.
01:07:17No matter how scary it may be,
01:07:19we all need to stay strong for Jordan
01:07:23that's how he would have wanted it.
01:07:29I really do wish you the best.
01:07:33You deserve
01:07:35somebody great.
01:07:39I'm sorry, sweetheart.
01:07:41I know.
01:07:43It'll be okay.
01:07:47I'm gonna go get the car.
01:07:53Erica, are you okay?
01:07:55I can't believe he's gone.
01:08:03I know, me either.
01:08:09It's okay.
01:08:13It's okay, Erica.
01:08:15It's okay.
01:08:23I'm sorry that
01:08:25I've been so distant recently.
01:08:29It's just really overwhelming.
01:08:35Greg cheating on me, and
01:08:39then this.
01:08:41Erica, you can't think like that, okay?
01:08:43Apparently he was cheating on me
01:08:45with others, too.
01:08:49That's what you get
01:08:51when your girlfriend's a virgin.
01:08:55I'm so sorry.
01:09:01It's okay.
01:09:05I'm fine.
01:09:09We were very different.
01:09:11You know, I guess
01:09:13I was
01:09:15just blind to it
01:09:17out of fear of being alone.
01:09:23I don't really think he ever knew what he had.
01:09:37On a better note, I got accepted into Texas.
01:09:41That's so, so great.
01:09:43With one stipulation, of course.
01:09:47Successfully completing summer school,
01:09:49which happens to start right after graduation.
01:09:55I mean, everything's gonna work out.
01:09:59I know it will. You always make it.
01:10:03Well, have fun at prom.
01:10:07You finally got Siobhan.
01:10:15What do you want?
01:10:17You're not gonna try to kill me, are you?
01:10:19After what you did to Eric,
01:10:21I probably should.
01:10:23Parent's home?
01:10:27I gotta be here.
01:10:29Can I have one?
01:10:33I'm sure you take what you want anyways.
01:10:41I'm sorry.
01:10:43I screwed up.
01:10:45I know.
01:10:49Erica doesn't deserve me.
01:10:51She's better off without me anyway.
01:10:55I lost her.
01:10:57I don't wanna lose you, bro.
01:11:01Can you forgive me?
01:11:09Yeah, I can.
01:11:25What if this is as good as it gets?
01:11:29These are the best times of our lives.
01:11:31Man, if in 20 years I look back
01:11:33and these are the best years of my life,
01:11:35it'd be pretty sad.
01:11:37But at least you'll have that.
01:11:39I mean, what about Jordan?
01:11:41Everything going for him.
01:11:43Now he's...
01:11:45He's dead.
01:11:47Sucks what happened to Jordan, man.
01:11:53Life is unfair.
01:11:55Hey, here's to Jordan.
01:11:57To Jordan.
01:12:03Look at you.
01:12:05So handsome.
01:12:07Don't forget the corsage.
01:12:09Do you know how to put it on?
01:12:15I'm good.
01:12:17Thank you.
01:12:23Well, look at you, Mr. GQ.
01:12:25I still can't believe you're taking
01:12:27Siobhan Alexander.
01:12:29You better be careful with my car.
01:12:35Thanks, Dad.
01:12:39You're welcome.
01:12:57What's up, man?
01:12:59What's going on?
01:13:01Where's Dream Girl?
01:13:03She didn't ditch it, did she?
01:13:05No, she's in the restroom.
01:13:07All right.
01:13:09You okay?
01:13:11I'm fine.
01:13:13Come on, play it back.
01:13:15Oh, Siobhan, calm down.
01:13:17Okay, let's go sit down.
01:13:19No, I want to dance.
01:13:21Siobhan, you're gonna get us kicked out of here.
01:13:23Leave me alone, Ryder.
01:13:25Gosh, this is a hot mess. I'm calling my mom.
01:13:27Siobhan, stop.
01:13:29I don't want to be someone's crush.
01:13:31You think you know me, but you don't.
01:13:33I know you pretty well.
01:13:35I love you.
01:13:37You don't love me, Ryder.
01:13:39I treat you like shit, and you're still nice to me.
01:13:41It's because I love you, though.
01:13:43No, the more you look at this,
01:13:45the more you'll realize that you don't truly love me.
01:13:49You just want me.
01:13:51I just wish I felt the same way about you.
01:13:57But I can't feel something that isn't there.
01:14:01You're going to make someone
01:14:03You're going to make someone very happy someday.
01:14:09Goodbye, Ryder.
01:14:33Goodbye, Ryder.
01:15:05Wow, Eric, I knew you'd come.
01:15:07You look amazing.
01:15:11My mom thought I'd regret it if I didn't go.
01:15:19I'm sorry.
01:15:21It's okay.
01:15:23I'm fine. It's okay.
01:15:25It's okay.
01:15:27It's okay.
01:15:29It's okay.
01:15:31I'm fine.
01:15:33It's over with.
01:15:35Where's Siobhan?
01:15:37She ditched.
01:15:41Should've known.
01:15:45Guess I owe you that $20 after all.
01:15:53I am so glad to be done with this scene.
01:15:57I don't even know why I came.
01:15:59I think I'm going to go.
01:16:01Wait, Erica, don't leave.
01:16:05I mean...
01:16:07I would like to dance
01:16:09with the most badass Shakira
01:16:11if she doesn't mind.
01:17:09Ryder, um...
01:17:13I just want you to know that I...
01:17:17I've always liked you.
01:17:19But, um, you're still in love with Siobhan, and that's totally cool.
01:17:33Just do me a favor and don't call me anymore.
01:17:35I can deal with not being with Greg, but I want to be with you.
01:17:41And if you don't want that, I, um, I think it's just best if we don't talk anymore.
01:17:48No, Eric, wait.
01:17:50No, just respect my feelings, Ryder.
01:17:56Oh, jeez.
01:18:23Good evening, sir.
01:18:24How you feeling?
01:18:27I'm placing you under arrest for suspicion of DWI.
01:18:37Ryder, Jensen, you're posted bail.
01:18:48I'm going over to Greg's.
01:18:50Are you freaking out of your mind, Ryder?
01:18:52Greg's my friend.
01:18:54Okay, I've known him since elementary school.
01:18:56I probably won't even see him again.
01:18:58What were you thinking, Ryder?
01:19:01I messed up.
01:19:02Okay, Dad?
01:19:04I'll say you did.
01:19:05Honey, honey, this isn't helping.
01:19:07Boy, this is my house.
01:19:09And as long as you live under my roof, you're gonna follow my rules.
01:19:12Do you understand?
01:19:14And I'm out of here.
01:19:15Ryder, no.
01:19:16Ryder, get back here.
01:19:22What is wrong with you?
01:19:23You think this is some kind of game?
01:19:25When are you gonna wise up, son?
01:19:27You can't go around thinking just one big party after another every freaking night.
01:19:32You've got your whole future ahead of you, son.
01:19:36Don't go throwing it away.
01:19:37Can you stop saying that?
01:19:40I feel like I'll never match up to you.
01:19:42Like I'll never be good enough.
01:19:45You just yell at me and tell me to apply myself.
01:19:48You expect me to randomly get it?
01:19:52Dad, look.
01:19:53I'm sorry.
01:19:54I'm sorry.
01:19:55Nothing goes my way.
01:19:59Okay, I have the worst luck.
01:20:04I love the girl that doesn't love me back.
01:20:10And now I realize too late that the girl who's always been there for me loves me.
01:20:15And you know what?
01:20:19She's the one.
01:20:21She wants nothing to do with me.
01:20:24I get so confused, Dad.
01:20:27What if I don't get into college?
01:20:30What am I supposed to do then?
01:20:32I don't know what my future is.
01:20:37I'm scared, Dad.
01:20:41I'm just scared.
01:20:45I'm sorry, son.
01:20:49I never meant to hurt you in any way.
01:20:52I've been doing my best just trying to teach you and trying to show you how to do things
01:20:55and what to do to prepare you to be a man.
01:20:58I haven't had anybody to teach me.
01:21:01My dad was never around.
01:21:02You know that.
01:21:04I'm doing the best I can.
01:21:06I just want the best for you and I want the best for your sister.
01:21:10I want you to have more and better than I've had,
01:21:13more than I've been able to provide for you.
01:21:16I love you, son, with all my heart.
01:21:21Please forgive me if I hurt you, son.
01:21:25I love you, son.
01:21:31I love you, Ryder.
01:21:32I love you too, Dad.
01:21:34Everything will be okay, son.
01:21:35I promise.
01:21:37Everything will be okay, Ryder.
01:21:41Let's get in the house before your mom has a heart attack.
01:21:51Jordan would be proud.
01:22:13This is a madhouse and it's run by smackers!
01:22:17What am I, the Prince of Darkness?
01:22:20I don't deserve this!
01:22:22God, I gotta retire!
01:22:24Why don't they just rename me?
01:22:26Make me Principal Glitterbox!
01:22:29Everybody craps on me anyway!
01:22:31Well, check it out, Ryder.
01:22:33They made a memorial page for Jordan in the airbag.
01:22:37God, I miss him.
01:22:38Hey, let's take a photo, huh?
01:22:40Hey, Miss Jensen, would you take a photo for us, please?
01:22:44Thank you.
01:22:49One more.
01:22:50I'm so proud of you.
01:22:53Thank you so much.
01:22:57I love you.
01:22:58I love you too.
01:22:58See you in the car.
01:23:01Congratulations, son.
01:23:02Thanks, Dad.
01:23:03Congratulations, darling.
01:23:06Greg, good luck to you.
01:23:07Thank you, Miss Jensen.
01:23:09Congratulations, guys.
01:23:11Thanks, Dad.
01:23:13I gotta go, so I'll see you guys later.
01:23:15All right.
01:23:15Bye, Allison.
01:23:18Well, we had a good run.
01:23:21We had one hell of a year, man.
01:23:24Ryder, man, I see you in the future living large,
01:23:30having finally found your soul girl with five kids, one of them named Greg.
01:23:34Yeah, okay.
01:23:35And they all dance whenever music is present.
01:23:39Seems about right.
01:23:41Hey, don't forget I'm having a party tomorrow night.
01:23:45See you around, man.
01:23:46Love you, dude.
01:23:47Love you, bro.
01:23:55Thank you.
01:23:58See you in the car.
01:23:58Yes, ma'am.
01:24:01Hey, Ryder.
01:24:06I'm sorry about all the shit that went down this year.
01:24:08Not gonna lie, it did hurt.
01:24:11But I'm okay.
01:24:13I know I deserve to be loved, and I hope you find love one day, too.
01:24:17Thank you.
01:24:19Well, good luck to you, Siobhan.
01:24:22I will never forget what you did for me that night.
01:24:25You saved my life.
01:24:27And like I said, you are going to make someone very happy someday.
01:24:32Look, I've gotta run.
01:24:33Take care, Ryder.
01:24:34Okay, bye.
01:24:38Hey, Siobhan, wait.
01:24:44What do you think about Erica Severson?
01:25:03Hey, son.
01:25:04You all right?
01:25:10Nobody ever said that life was easy.
01:25:14Here, you got some mail.
01:25:16Love you.
01:25:18Hey, Ryder.
01:25:19First off, you're probably wondering why I wrote you a letter instead of texting you.
01:25:24Well, I accidentally deleted your number from my phone.
01:25:29Okay, actually, I intentionally deleted it.
01:25:33Kind of regret that.
01:25:34Anyway, I hope this letter finds you well.
01:25:37I've settled into the routine of summer school, and I really like the independence.
01:25:41The campus is beautiful, and there's so much to do in Austin.
01:25:47Thank you again for that dance at prom.
01:25:49I will always cherish that moment.
01:25:53I still remember that night we kissed.
01:25:56Wish I knew the truth about Greg then.
01:25:59Perhaps things could have been different.
01:26:03Sometimes the person you want most is the person you are better off without.
01:26:08If you don't put up with their disrespect because you love them,
01:26:11you put up with it because you don't love yourself enough to know that you deserve better.
01:26:18Ryder, you're a good person with a big heart.
01:26:21Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
01:26:25Your friend always, Erica.
01:26:32Dear Erica, I'm glad to hear you're doing great.
01:26:36You'll do awesome because you're so smart.
01:26:39This past month, I've learned a lot about myself.
01:26:42I've had time to reflect on everything that happened this past year.
01:26:46Sometimes we just fall in love with the wrong person.
01:26:50It just happens.
01:26:52I don't hate Siobhan.
01:26:53I'm actually thankful for the experience.
01:26:58Plus, she had a really great taste in music.
01:27:00I'll have to share with you.
01:27:01I'm going to community college tonight just to get my grades up.
01:27:05I've been reading a lot lately.
01:27:08Jack Kerouac's On the Road reminds me about our talk of traveling the world that night we kissed.
01:27:14A quote from Kerouac's novel, Big Sur, stuck with me.
01:27:18The story ends on a surprisingly optimistic high note when he writes,
01:27:23something good will come out of all things yet.
01:27:26It'll be golden and eternal just like you.
01:27:29Golden and eternal just like that.
01:27:33I believe this.
01:27:35Nobody knows what the future has in store and that's what's exciting.
01:27:39Years from now, these times will only be tattered memories.
01:27:44So I'm going to enjoy the present.
01:27:47Anyway, thanks for thinking of me.
01:27:49And I hope to see you soon.
01:27:51Take care.
01:32:49Sumo fight's about to go down.
01:32:51Troy's getting our fat suits ready.
01:32:53And it's just gonna go down right here,
01:32:55right now.
01:32:59You got a problem with me? Just say it.
01:33:01I'll be proof of the answer.
01:33:03They're fighting over me.
01:33:05I love to see they all look that way.
01:33:07That's my little bro.
01:33:09I know.
01:33:11How cool is it when I can make a kiss with my brother.
01:33:13Thanks so much.
01:33:15No problem.
01:33:21Rolling, rolling, rolling. Quietly, guys. Come on.
01:33:23Everybody, watch your shadow.
01:33:25Come on.
01:33:27He's gonna walk in, right?
01:33:29Where is my shadow?
01:33:31Come on.
01:33:39Make sure that you don't see anything when they open the door
01:33:41and come outside.
01:33:43Go outside a little bit.
01:33:45And then you've got honey.
01:33:51Taking a sick day, man.
01:33:55Oh, yeah. Maybe that's what it is.
01:33:57I think that's what's really happening.
01:34:01I offered her $100 for those shades.
01:34:03She still wouldn't take it.
01:34:05I mean, dude, crazy things happen.
01:34:07Who knows? You may even make a movie
01:34:09about our high school here.
01:34:11You saved me, man.
01:34:13You saved my life.
01:34:15And like I said,
01:34:17you are going to make someone
01:34:19marry me someday.
01:34:21I'm sorry. There's a fly on his eye.
01:34:23Just figure it out.
01:34:25We don't have to do the whole thing.
01:34:27So we are in class
01:34:29and Ryder decides to chase after me.
01:34:31It's super awkward.
01:34:33We haven't seen each other in a long time.
01:34:35There's a lot of tension
01:34:37and uncomfortableness.
01:34:39What's that?
01:34:49Um, that's causing
01:34:51trouble with Principal Hagerson.
01:34:53Right in the back midway.
01:34:55Okay, as I'm coming in.
01:34:59Okay, guys.
01:35:01Let's do this.
01:35:03Emily, you're inside the QM, right?
01:35:05Okay, set, everybody.
01:35:07Boys, you guys are good?
01:35:09Just pranked old man Hagerson.
01:35:11You know, as we usually do.
01:35:13He came running out in his chonies.
01:35:15His wife beat her.
01:35:17He looked fabulous.
01:35:19It's all training.
01:35:21Am I good? Is my hair okay?
01:35:25Am I cool? Do I look like,
01:35:27you know?
01:35:29Why do you hate yourself so much?
01:35:33Oh, shoot!
01:35:37There you go.
01:35:43Sound for sound.
01:35:45There's no band going on.
01:35:47Rolling, rolling, rolling.
01:35:49Scene one on two.
01:35:51One on four. Apple, take two.
01:35:53Prop scene. Wrapped.
01:35:57Halfway done with the day.
01:35:59God, I gotta retire!
01:36:01Why don't they just rename me?
01:36:03Make me Principal Letterbox.
01:36:05Everybody cracks on me anyway.
01:36:09I am...
01:36:11It's either or.
01:36:25When in doubt,
01:36:27crank it out.
01:36:29I got the flow, and after I graduate,
01:36:31you know, I got to go,
01:36:33and I got Scott over here,
01:36:35and he's the director, yo,
01:36:37because I'm hitting all these
01:36:39hundreds of a show.
01:36:41I'm the lord. Lord of the body.
01:36:43He's lord of the dance.
01:36:45Fixing my hair, fixing my hair.
01:36:47Siobhan ditched class,
01:36:49decided to follow her
01:36:51because she's the love of my life.
01:36:53I'm feeling a little crazy right now,
01:36:55but Ryder's
01:36:57hopping in my sweet ride.
01:36:59I think she was taking me to the zoo
01:37:01or the museum.
01:37:03As you can see here,
01:37:05four with that.
01:37:07Yeah, no, I love the cast.
01:37:09Like, we were talking about,
01:37:11for probably the past week,
01:37:13that, like, everyone's just so genuine
01:37:15and loving and caring,
01:37:17and I'm just happy that I met you guys.
01:37:19Riker, Alexa, Risa Poo,
01:37:21Blaine, I know you're not here right now.
01:37:23But you feel like you're with us.
01:37:25Lori. I feel Lori.
01:37:27Rydel. I'm so sorry.
01:37:29Yesterday, it was so good.
01:37:31D-Troy Austin,
01:37:33arms up a gauntlet, back at it again.
01:37:35Velocity Youth, day five, wrap.
01:37:37It's out. Out in this.
01:37:45I am pretty hot, aren't I?
01:37:47You're my dad, so...
01:37:49I think so.
01:37:51You know, you'd think he would want his son to be
01:37:53decently good-looking.
01:37:55Let's go. Staring contest right now.
01:37:57Technically, I'm gonna lose
01:37:59because I have contacts, but it's okay.
01:38:01It kind of feels like we've all literally
01:38:03been going to high school for three years together.
01:38:05The camaraderie and, like,
01:38:07the chemistry is there.
01:38:09It's awesome. It's awesome.
01:38:11She's such an amazing person.
01:38:13So, like, our first take,
01:38:15our first take,
01:38:17she was like, oh, my gosh, you're so serious.
01:38:19I was like, I'm sorry, that felt really mean.
01:38:21I don't know what I was doing.
01:38:23Everyone's fantastic.
01:38:25We all get along really great,
01:38:27and I think we all just connect on, like, another level.
01:38:29Yeah. So, when it comes to being
01:38:31behind the camera or in front of the camera...
01:38:33We hang out so much off-screen, and I think it shows
01:38:35on-screen, which is really, really great. I love it.
01:38:37Five, six, seven,
01:38:39to the right we go, circle, up,
01:38:41circle, up, circle,
01:38:43up, up, up.
01:38:45That's just a teaser.
01:38:47Just a teaser, y'all. Stay tuned
01:38:49so you can see more here
01:38:51at the prom of Colossal Youth
01:38:53Thanks for watching Colossal Youth.
01:38:55Woo! We love your support.
01:38:57We love you guys.