Night At Love S01 E14

  • 2 months ago
00:30别急 就快要 断线
00:35再等几分钟时间 也许会有答案
00:42Turn me on now
00:45You got something burning inside
00:48Oh fire, fire
00:52Taking your mind away
00:58When nothing but you
01:02Am I a liar
01:06No more wonders
01:12I'm going for you
01:29Part 2
01:44Fangshi, don't you find anything new in this house?
01:49It's all the same
01:51Wait a minute, look around
01:54The lights are different
02:01Where are the lampshades of those two lights?
02:05Where did you keep them?
02:07I don't know, I didn't remove the lampshades
02:11Hey, are you okay?
02:14You've been drinking a lot today
02:16Now you feel like throwing up, right?
02:18And now you want to drink ice-coke on this?
02:20Do you even know anything?
02:22It's good to drink coke
02:24But you've already been drinking so much
02:26Ice-coke is not good
02:28Now don't tell me all this, okay?
02:34Wait, I'll make ginger tea for you
02:38Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your stomach
02:41And drinking ginger tea is good for everything
02:44Now drink this tea and go to sleep
02:56Part 3
03:10What are you doing?
03:12I'm just wiping your face
03:14If you do this, all my make-up will go away
03:17How will you sleep with make-up on?
03:19I'm a sleeping beauty, right?
03:21And I want to sleep peacefully
03:23Okay, as you wish
03:25Where are you going?
03:28Where did I ask you to go?
03:35You're very handsome
03:39No matter how handsome you are
03:41But even after this, I can only see you from a distance
03:47Why did you drink so much today?
03:53I wanted to tell you something
03:57Shoo, are you avoiding me?
03:59Do you know why?
04:01Because I never understand you
04:05I don't understand whether I should love you or not
04:09Fancy asked me to ask you
04:12But I feel like I shouldn't ask you
04:15And especially with you
04:17I can never think of a serious relationship
04:25What do you mean?
04:26I'm in pain
04:32You asked me to talk from a distance
04:35Yes, so I'm talking from a distance
04:38But I can't see you from a distance
04:42Yes, so I'm talking from a distance
04:46But I can't see you from a distance
05:00Shushi, why?
05:42By the way, I don't feel like eating
05:51So he was talking about this light
05:54I knew it
05:55He can do something like this
06:35Fancy, you're up so late
06:38Or are you going to sleep?
06:40Nothing, I just woke up
06:42You don't get up so early
06:44What are you doing here?
06:46I was taking some inspiration for my painting
06:53Wait, I'll make ginger tea
06:55And after this, you go to sleep
06:57Otherwise, you'll get dark circles tomorrow
07:01Oh, it's okay
07:02I don't need it anyway
07:07Sit, we'll talk
07:19That light is really nice
07:23So you noticed?
07:25It's so bright, I'll notice
07:27So, do you like it?
07:30It's not bad, it's okay
07:33It's not bad, do you like it or not?
07:39Try to understand my feelings
07:41Why do you always turn away?
07:46Okay, so you don't like it
07:48That's what I'll think
07:51Just sit
07:52Because you said it's not bad
07:54Does that mean it's bad?
07:58I've told you so many times, don't worry about yourself
08:00Leave me
08:07Okay, from next time, drink carefully
08:10Alcohol is not good for health
08:14And yes, don't drink any cold drinks
08:17And if you do, let me know
08:19I'll make hot water or tea for you
08:21And yes, from next time, you don't get up so early
08:24Go to sleep
08:26Otherwise, you'll get dark circles tomorrow
08:28And your face will get dirty
08:31Otherwise, you'll get dark circles tomorrow
08:33And your face will get dirty
09:01Mr. Mo
09:04Mr. Mo
09:07Mr. Mo
09:30Mr. Mo
09:31Mr. Mo
09:33Mr. Mo
09:58I had a meeting since morning
10:00I was very thirsty
10:02Are you feeling better?
10:07Yes, absolutely
10:09That's good
10:10Otherwise, I would have known that you've done something wrong
10:13You're right
10:18Yes, tell me Mrs. I
10:19Ifu will sign today
10:21I'm going to meet him
10:32Director Shoo, are you okay?
10:33Thank you Mr. Mo
10:35You're welcome Director Shoo
10:37Director Shoo, where were you all this time?
10:39Hello Mr. Mo
10:43Mr. Mo
10:44How did you get this wound?
10:47Oh, this
10:48Last night, my cat scared me to death
10:50And hit me
10:53Yes, cats come on hits in this season
10:55They love to come close
10:56Focus on your work
10:57Come with me
10:59Yes, yes
11:01Let's go
11:05Hello friends
11:06Nice to meet you
11:07Welcome to the live streaming
11:09Today, we've brought a very good product for you
11:11And what is it?
11:12If I tell you about this product
11:13It's a very good product
11:15Hello Director Shoo
11:17I'm Ifu's music producer
11:20Nice to meet you
11:21Ifu joined Lolo's live stream
11:22It's a big deal
11:23It's all because of your support
11:24We also need your support
11:27Who is he?
11:28He's Mr. Mo from Shanghai
11:31Oh, so you're Mr. Mo
11:33Hello, nice to meet you
11:35I'm Ifu's music producer
11:37You helped Ifu
11:38Thank you for that
11:39You're welcome
11:40If you want to say thank you
11:41Then say it to Director Shoo
11:43It's all because of his uniqueness
11:45Yes, of course
11:47By the way
11:48If you're free at night
11:49Shall we go out for dinner?
11:51Yes, of course
11:52With a music producer like you
11:54We need to make a relationship
11:56As you say
12:02Today's live stream will have a good response
12:10What do you like?
12:11Forget about me
12:12You tell me
12:14How about Japanese food?
12:15Of course
12:16I know a good Japanese restaurant
12:18Last time I...
12:22Director Shoo, come with me
12:23There's an urgent work
12:24Which you need
12:26Excuse me
12:27I have other work
12:28And I know
12:29You don't manage my work
12:31This is your responsibility and work
12:34No, it's fine
12:35Your work is important
12:36If you want to go, you can go
12:38No problem
12:39Sorry for today
12:42Okay, Shingyu
12:43We'll meet again
12:45As you say
12:53What happened, Mr. Mo?
12:54Is there a problem?
12:55You left the room early today
12:57You haven't cleaned your room yet
13:01So you were talking about this work?
13:03It's your responsibility
13:04Are you kidding me?
13:05Do you think I'm kidding?
13:08Recently I'm planning something big
13:10This is the biggest company in the business world
13:13Mistakes are not allowed there
13:16So what should I do?
13:18As an investor
13:19You get a lot of pressure
13:21You need a good living environment for this
13:24Which you know very well
13:26So get in the car
13:27Right now
13:41Should I take this?
13:45Wait here
13:46I'll go get the seasoning
13:50Leave the shopping cart here
13:52Leave it here
13:54But how will I get the stuff?
13:56Then pack it in your clothes
13:58Are you crazy?
13:59Let's go
14:04Here's the mutton
14:22Are you done shopping?
14:26I won't think much
14:27I'll take all of this
14:28It's all food
14:32What else do you want to eat?
14:41Mr. Mo, you're here
14:43Aunty, you can go
14:44Leave all this to him
14:47Why should I clean this?
14:48It's already clean
14:50Because you've made the room dirty
14:51So it's your responsibility
14:53And if there's anything important in your room
14:55Then whose responsibility is it?
14:57You have a lot of trade secrets
14:59What if I steal them?
15:00You're very careful and cautious
15:02I know that
15:04Yes, that's me
15:13Aunty, I'll do this
15:16Mr. Mo, I'll leave now
15:18Thank you
15:22You have a lot of trade secrets
15:24So you'll do the bedroom
15:25And I'll do the sofa
15:39What are you doing?
15:40I want to ask you something
15:41What do you want to ask?
15:42I've told you everything
15:43Then tell me again
15:44What do you want to tell me?
15:45You said you're not serious about me
15:47What kind of a person am I?
15:48Either you're not serious
15:49Or I'm not
15:50I'm serious, not you
15:51So you're saying you're serious about me
15:59But I've thought about it
16:01Mr. Mo
16:02We haven't even started yet
16:04So let's end this
16:06But why?
16:08I want to play safe
16:09And you're a trap
16:11I don't want to make the same mistake again
16:13Shu, is there any misunderstanding about me?
16:16Not at all
16:17Then why do you think I'll trap you?
16:20You just want me
16:22You're very possessive
16:23So you're not good for me
16:26I can't take it
16:27But I can avoid it
16:28So it's better if we stay away
16:31It seems like you know a lot about me
16:35Thank you for telling me this yourself, Mr. Mo
16:47I understand
16:49Mr. Mo
16:50I have some important work
16:51I'll transfer the money for the cleaning
17:39You know your stomach is already upset
17:42You're having a cold drink with such hot food
17:44Did something happen?
17:45Nothing happened
17:49When we were at the supermarket
17:50You saw something on your phone
17:52Since then
17:53You've been behaving differently
18:00Because she's married
18:02She has posted photos on social media
18:06When we were together
18:07She didn't post any photos
18:09That's why she's a little sad
18:11Do you understand?
18:12It's okay if she's married
18:14Besides, for a person like her
18:16Why are you troubling yourself?
18:19I've told you so many times
18:21Just mind your own business
18:22Stop lecturing me, okay?
18:25Look, I'm saying this for your own good
18:28Just understand
18:29If you don't move on
18:31You'll keep suffering
18:36Who told you all this?
18:38You don't know anything about me
18:40I told you
18:41You don't know anything about me
18:42You don't have to act smart
18:44Just eat your food
18:45And mind your own business
18:58Hey, what happened? Stop
19:02She's so careless
19:03You can't even look at her while eating
19:10Mind your own business
19:20Lower the flame
19:21You'll burn yourself
19:40Thank you for coming today, Yu-Yu
19:43I can do this much
19:50About our break-up
19:52Please don't tell mom
19:57I just spoke to the doctor
19:58Mom's condition right now
20:01She's not well
20:02She's not well
20:03She's not well
20:04She's not well
20:05She's not well
20:06She's not well
20:07She's not well
20:08Mom's condition right now
20:10If we tell her about our break-up
20:12She won't be able to accept it
20:13And maybe she won't even get an operation
20:18Mom wants to meet you anyway
20:20Otherwise she won't even eat
20:23I didn't have any other option
20:26That's why I called you
20:31Yes, I'll handle it
20:35Thank you
20:36Shall we go now?
20:56Shall we go?
21:08Let's go
21:23Mom's happy to see you
21:25She ate
21:27Now she can sleep in peace
21:33I'm afraid
21:34If she wakes up in the middle of the night
21:36She'll start looking for you
21:39I was thinking
21:40I'll stay here tonight
21:41Maybe she'll like it
21:43Thank you so much
22:08Hi sir
22:09Is there anyone sitting here?
22:20It's me
22:22I've come from so far
22:23Won't you wait for me?
22:25I have some important work
22:29It's me
22:30I've come from so far
22:31Won't you wait for me?
22:33I have some important work
22:38I look so different today
22:48My new look
22:49How is it?
22:52Where are you going?
22:53I'm free
22:54Shall I come with you?
22:56Will you come with me to watch a new comic show?
22:58No, thank you
23:02Why do you do this to me?
23:06I'm a girl
23:07I know you don't love me
23:09But please don't do this to me
23:16Listen to me
23:17If you hate me so much
23:19Then I don't want to live in this world
23:22You mean
23:23I'm the meaning of your life
23:24This is so unfortunate
23:26As you wish
23:28I'm not that crazy
23:32I like latest movies
23:34And I want to go to expensive restaurants
23:36And I have a lot of plans with my friends
23:39Their birthday parties
23:40And trips with them
23:43I have some important work
23:44Wait for me
23:45I'll come with you
23:57My leg is injured
23:59I can't even move
24:05I'll come in the afternoon
24:06And do due dilligence
24:07You come to the hospital
24:08And drop someone home
24:11If you're done with your work
24:12You can leave
24:14I don't like coming to the hospital
24:16I always feel bad
24:19But I'm glad I came to the hospital today
24:22Because you came with me
24:26My leg is hurting
24:32She's fine now
24:34But mom doesn't want to operate
24:37You can convince her
24:39She'll listen to you
24:42Walk slowly
24:43I'm in pain
24:59Shingyu and Fan Yuanshi
25:01What are you doing here?
25:06For the pre-marital examination?
25:08No, I came here for aunty's physical examination
25:12I'm sorry, Shingyu
25:14I heard you've been together for a long time
25:17So I thought I'd get some good news
25:20Ms. Lin
25:21I'm sorry
25:22I didn't mean to interrupt
25:24I just wanted to say
25:27Ms. Lin
25:28What happened to your leg?
25:30We went to a restaurant
25:32And I fell down by mistake
25:34Someone's right
25:36Love is blind
25:38It takes more than 100 days for a bone to heal
25:41For that, Lingzhi
25:43He takes good care of me
25:44So I don't have to worry about him
25:46Are you done?
25:53I'll wait for the good news
25:55See you, bye
26:24Where's Lingzhi?
26:25Why did he leave without me?
26:27Set up something
26:28I want to stay at his place
26:31Listen to me carefully
26:33If Mr. Mo isn't here
26:34There are so many other guys in the world
26:36Why don't you try someone else?
26:38You said you'd help me
26:39Don't try to fool me
26:40I can't do anything
26:42He's my boss
26:43And besides
26:44I can't force him to do anything
26:48Tell me
26:49You can change your mind now
26:52What do you mean?
26:56Guys are different
26:58If you make them suffer
26:59They'll come after you
27:01I mean
27:02You have to make them suffer
27:05Then they'll come after you
27:07But you...
27:09Am I not like that?
27:11You told me to do this
27:14I didn't say that
27:16I just told you to be patient
27:21You're right
27:24I should do this
27:27Let me tell you
27:29You have to tell them
27:31That it's not the last option
27:33There's a line of guys after you
27:35The guys are crazy after you
27:37Then they'll realize
27:39You're so smart
27:41Only a man can understand another man
27:44Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
27:47I just found out
27:50Can you drop me home?
28:04This is nice
28:05Mr. Mo and the princess are together
28:08I'll leave now
28:09Should I drop you?
28:10No need
28:11You stay with them
28:15I shouldn't have disturbed you
28:17But at this time
28:18I didn't understand
28:22If you're with me
28:24I can deal with all this
28:28Aunty loves me a lot
28:30I can do this much for her
28:32I'll leave now
28:48Is this a tape?
28:52I've liked it since childhood
28:54I have all their albums
28:56So you're a classic type
28:58Do you still listen to tapes?
29:00I haven't listened to it for a long time
29:02They don't mix it so easily
29:04You're right
29:06By the way, where do people listen to songs from tape recorders?
29:11I don't know
29:12I don't know
29:13I don't know
29:14I don't know
29:15I don't know
29:16Do you listen to songs?
29:18I have kept it
29:19Not just to listen
29:21Because it means a lot to me
29:24I have put my all time on it
29:27And it's the most beautiful part of my life
29:30These are our memories
29:32That don't go away easily
29:38Who told you all this?
29:41I don't want to see the people I hate
29:43Move ahead
29:44Why doesn't anyone understand?
29:45You don't know anything about me
29:47Don't try to be smart
29:48Mind your own business
29:53You're right
30:16When I and Lingze went to the restaurant
30:18I fell down by mistake
30:20Lingze is there for him
30:21He takes good care of me
30:23Someone has rightly said
30:25Love is blind
30:29Stop thinking about him
30:31What do you have to do with him?
30:33I don't know
30:34I don't know
30:35I don't know
30:36I don't know
30:37I don't know
30:38I don't know
30:39I don't know
30:40I don't know
30:41I don't know
30:42I don't know
30:43I don't know
30:44I mean
31:01Why am I thinking so much about him?
31:03We're with Selene now
31:05I shouldn't come between them
31:14Mr. Mohan
31:15Where are you going at this time?
31:17I was going to throw the garbage
31:20Where's the garbage?
31:21Did it fly away?
31:22What do you care?
31:44I don't know
31:45I don't know
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