• 3 months ago


00:00:00Hello, one and all, welcome back to another thrilling episode of Dimension 20, Dungeons
00:00:11and Drag Queens.
00:00:12I'm your humble Dungeon Master, Brennan Lee Mulligan.
00:00:14With me, as always, are our questing queens.
00:00:16Say hi, questing queens.
00:00:18Hi, questing queens.
00:00:21Last we left off, our questing queens had arrived in the village of Greeley only to
00:00:26discover sinister goings on.
00:00:29In and around the tavern of the Hero's Hall.
00:00:33For indeed, it seems that Merfolk had been sighted with a witch hunter there earlier
00:00:37in the day.
00:00:39And some smell of cedar, reminiscent of the burning of the Foehammer home, clung to the
00:00:47We saw, finally, some answers to these questions as our questing queens descended on a strange
00:00:54figure wearing a corrupted wraith clasp.
00:00:58A witch you had availed yourself to after some quick thinking and a powerful punch to
00:01:02bump Williams, the goblin were-hawker who frequented the tavern, pow, kablooey, summoning
00:01:08a panther of thorns and snapping our friend Wallace in half, who turned out to indeed
00:01:13be a spirit of the dead, masquerading as a living mortal here in this world.
00:01:20As Troyanne turned him to mist, we saw the face of the blood queen, Zarya Hex, the architect
00:01:26of the downfall of the Faerie Folk, indeed, all of these things coming together.
00:01:31With some quick thinking and putting together of clues, we realized that there was a small
00:01:35window of time given that Troyanne's cousin, Kena of Everdeep-
00:01:41Kiki, cousin Kiki, was somewhere in a body of water resting due to the time period that
00:01:47her amulet granting her the ability to walk on land granted her.
00:01:50So you all made haste to Twyla, summoned the shadows and the spirits of grass and leaf,
00:01:55and you made your way up the mountain all the way to face Gargrim, the vulture-headed
00:02:00guardian of the gateway to the underworld.
00:02:04Troyanne spoke, as she often had, revealing her amulet of the Soul Keeper, and each of
00:02:09you spoke your reason for taking this dangerous mission on, some telling the truth and others
00:02:15keeping secrets close to their heart.
00:02:19The flash of magic, swirling purple lavender indigo mist as a wasteland of the dead erupts
00:02:28in all directions before you.
00:02:30You see platforms and deserts, some hundreds of miles long, floating in endless void.
00:02:37You do not see the surface of a world anymore, but instead a shattered reality of stone held
00:02:42together by what might be branches or themselves veins of some long-dead spirit of unlife.
00:02:51Mist and purple magic fills this endless horizon of dungeons, platforms, and wasteland.
00:02:57As you arrive in the desert, the runes disappear in light and just remain faintly charred as
00:03:05though singed by fire, smoking here in the dust.
00:03:10You see wind blowing and kicking up, dust and gravel, and each of you can feel, subtly,
00:03:20not enough to cause you any immediate injury, but just your mere presence here in the underworld.
00:03:26You feel the wind asking to drink your life away, that you may stay here in the realm
00:03:32of the dead forever.
00:03:34As you look around, Troyanne, you recognize this path here, and you see off in the far
00:03:40distance, a winding thread of dark, almost midnight purple water moving through.
00:03:48You recognize this as the River of Sorrow, which leads to the place that you have always
00:03:53come here to do your business, which is as strange as it is to say.
00:03:59One could refer to it as a town, but really, it's more of a cemetery.
00:04:04The village of Hollowgrave, which is the last way station at the edge of the underworld
00:04:11before you come to this land of gateways to the mortal realm above.
00:04:15There is a lot of waste in front of you.
00:04:19It's a long, dangerous journey.
00:04:23What do you all do in this moment, for those of you that are entering the underworld for
00:04:27the very first time?
00:04:29Do we need to use our bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, and disguise ourselves at this point?
00:04:33Have we not been using that?
00:04:34No, we just got down here, and I think that is a wise decision to us, right?
00:04:39The bloop, bloop, bloop, is that what we just discovered upstairs?
00:04:42We got from dude.
00:04:44Dude who I punched in the face.
00:04:47We should use that.
00:04:48Well, I've been here before, and I can tell you for sure that the unalive, the longer
00:04:52that you're here, the undead, the longer that you're down here, they can smell.
00:04:57The un, not walking, the un, not walking, the unbreathing.
00:05:03I'll say Taryan, you know this in the past, so in the past, you have been able to travel
00:05:06here without a wraith clasp because you have that soul keeper amulet, and you have business
00:05:12here in the underworld.
00:05:14You're not sure how well your friends would fare.
00:05:16You know that if the living are powerful enough that they can get here, they are allowed to
00:05:20journey to Hollowgrave, but not beyond.
00:05:25That is sort of the last point where you come and do your business with the dead, and
00:05:28then head back out.
00:05:30You might be okay getting to Hollowgrave, but any place past that, and Hollowgrave is
00:05:35the farthest you've journeyed in the underworld because that's the meeting point where the
00:05:39dead and the living do their business here.
00:05:41I have a suspicion we'll be going slightly beyond Hollowgrave in this journey.
00:05:46But, but, I have some spells that can help us.
00:05:50You know, like there's a rope trick.
00:05:54It's a lasso.
00:05:55It matches your look.
00:05:56It's a rhinestone lasso.
00:05:57Yes, it is.
00:05:58I have a rhinestone lasso that I could use to open a magical sanctuary to hide me and
00:06:06my friends.
00:06:07So for right now, we don't need to hide.
00:06:09We should go to Hollowgrave.
00:06:10We are.
00:06:11Look around.
00:06:12We do stand out like sore thumbs.
00:06:15But no one's trying to get us, so we're good for now.
00:06:16I mean, you know, we also don't know how long your wraith clasp lasts.
00:06:18I know my amulet's in the core.
00:06:21How do we know?
00:06:22How do we find that out, though?
00:06:23Is it a one-time use, or can we use it forever?
00:06:25I think there's one way you find out.
00:06:27I've never used one before, so I can't.
00:06:28You plug it into the wall and charge it.
00:06:30Also, the little elevator that Brooke took us down, we need to, we want to be out of
00:06:35this area before it comes back because Kiki's coming.
00:06:37Kiki is coming.
00:06:38So I say we go to Hollowgrave.
00:06:41And like look around and talk to people and see what's going on.
00:06:44For sure.
00:06:46You two walk in front.
00:06:47I'll be the third one, and you walk behind.
00:06:50Just because.
00:06:51Just because.
00:06:52Why, why, baby?
00:06:53You want to be safe, bitch?
00:06:54Yes, because I have wings and stuff.
00:06:58Delicate little wings.
00:07:00So Ms. Doll Wizard is in the back, protecting you from the back.
00:07:04What are you doing?
00:07:05What is your contribution here?
00:07:06I'm waiting for something bad to happen so they can save us.
00:07:09There you go.
00:07:10You know it.
00:07:11You know what I mean?
00:07:12I'm here.
00:07:13I'm the physically weakest one of the entire group here.
00:07:16But you're the oldest one trying to die, bitch.
00:07:20Who doesn't know that?
00:07:25As you figure out your marching order traveling from this place,
00:07:29let me go ahead and ask.
00:07:31You would probably have a route that you take to Hollowgrave
00:07:34as someone who is supposed to be here.
00:07:37But with your new companions, I put it to you,
00:07:39would you want to journey in a straight route to Hollowgrave,
00:07:42or do you want to go a little bit outside of your way?
00:07:45Basically, you're weighing get there faster
00:07:49versus get there unseen.
00:07:50We need to go unseen.
00:07:51It's safer to go unseen.
00:07:53So there's a chance that Kiana might get there before us.
00:07:56This is true.
00:08:00There's a small chance she might get there before us
00:08:01if we go the unseen way.
00:08:02So this is true.
00:08:03But I think with our powers combined, we can take her.
00:08:06All right.
00:08:07Cut the plot out.
00:08:09Journeying off on your way,
00:08:10I'm going to make a little roll in the box of doom
00:08:12because the underworld is always dangerous.
00:08:16So we're just going to see how much your luck holds out
00:08:19going a little bit out of your way to remain unseen.
00:08:23I'm going to roll.
00:08:25It's pure luck check.
00:08:26We're not adding or subtracting anything.
00:08:28You just want a high roll.
00:08:31It's our group luck.
00:08:32And I'm just going to roll it right in front of you.
00:08:34So all you get to see, this is for you.
00:08:35You just want a high roll here.
00:08:39Not too bad, not too good.
00:08:40As you journey through the underworld.
00:08:42Oh, great.
00:08:44As you journey through the underworld,
00:08:45Troian, you take them off to a series of ridges
00:08:48that sort of spike up towards a sheening mist.
00:08:53There's a strange storm cloud in the air
00:08:55that you could swear almost was like concealing a mirror.
00:08:59You can almost see the mountain and hilltops
00:09:01reflected in a dark glass miles up in the sky.
00:09:05Some strange optical illusion of the underworld.
00:09:09As you journey forward through this place,
00:09:12you eventually arrive at the banks of the River of Sorrow.
00:09:19All of you look and see this deep, dark river.
00:09:23And on the other side, you see that there
00:09:26are some figures wandering out of the waste.
00:09:30Their skeletal bodies sort of have formed,
00:09:33some still with an eye or other piece of rotting flesh
00:09:37hanging from them.
00:09:39You see one of them look at the river,
00:09:42charge into the water, disappear under its depths.
00:09:47No bubbles or movement.
00:09:49And a moment later,
00:09:53the figure charges up, rushing back in the direction
00:09:58that it just came from.
00:10:00Stands, looks around confused.
00:10:05Howls out, fuck!
00:10:09He stub his toe.
00:10:13Looking across at all of you.
00:10:14How'd you get over there?
00:10:20How'd you get over there?
00:10:22I got hit by lightning.
00:10:26That sucks.
00:10:27I'm so sorry.
00:10:28I apologize.
00:10:29We didn't hit him with lightning.
00:10:30He just died.
00:10:31He's dead.
00:10:32He died and got transported there.
00:10:33Oh, I thought you got hit by lightning
00:10:35and it helped you get there.
00:10:36And I was like, one of us has to-
00:10:37When I was alive, I collected keys
00:10:40and I had a big chest of keys
00:10:42and I got caught out in the rain
00:10:45and I slipped and my keys went everywhere
00:10:47and I had to pick them up and put them back in the chest
00:10:50and I was out there and the storm came
00:10:52and I got hit by lightning
00:10:53and then I survived and I woke up
00:10:55and I had dropped the keys again
00:10:57so I started putting them back
00:10:59and then I got hit again and died on the second time.
00:11:02And we understand and we're sorry.
00:11:05And that is unfortunate and we acknowledge that
00:11:07but this is where you are now.
00:11:10You're just over there now.
00:11:12You all look great.
00:11:14How did you die?
00:11:18Well, I'm not dead, baby.
00:11:23You're alive.
00:11:25You're alive.
00:11:26Is what somebody who was alive would say.
00:11:29And since I'm not alive, bitch.
00:11:38You're a one-on-self.
00:11:41I'm going to need a deception check from Twyla.
00:11:45Please give me a deception roll.
00:11:47Twyla says J-K-L-O-L.
00:11:49Roll it, roll it.
00:11:52Is that a D20?
00:11:53It's a D20 and you're going to add
00:11:54your deception skill on your team.
00:11:57It's a D20 and you're going to add
00:11:58your deception skill on your character sheet.
00:11:59Okay, plus three.
00:12:00Now I-
00:12:01Ain't your deception low?
00:12:03Here we go.
00:12:05Here we go.
00:12:06We got to roll high.
00:12:09Plus three.
00:12:1216 is a good roll.
00:12:13So you see he says,
00:12:15Oh, that's what I would say if I was alive too.
00:12:18That's what I would say too.
00:12:20I wish I was alive.
00:12:21I don't want to be dead.
00:12:24Well, you're on the right side of the river.
00:12:26How'd you get over there?
00:12:27Well, we're coming over there now.
00:12:28We're actually headed, we're headed that way.
00:12:30We'll see you in like 10 minutes.
00:12:32You just hang out over there.
00:12:33We will be on that side in like 10 minutes for sure.
00:12:37Can we get them to,
00:12:38because he's with a bunch of other souls, right?
00:12:40There's a bunch of other souls on that side of the river.
00:12:42Can they make a soul bridge that we can climb over?
00:12:45Because we can't cross the river.
00:12:47Does anyone have a necromancy?
00:12:49Okay, the question,
00:12:50because I can't swim,
00:12:52can I use my swimming power?
00:12:54You can use your swimming power, absolutely.
00:12:56But can I take people with me?
00:12:58Can we ride?
00:12:59I don't believe you can take people with you,
00:13:02but I think you might have some,
00:13:04I forgot exactly all of your abilities,
00:13:06but there are some.
00:13:07Okay, I have one.
00:13:09Can I use,
00:13:10I want to use my Emissary of the Sea ability.
00:13:11Yes, absolutely.
00:13:12Because I can speak to aquatic creatures.
00:13:14What I'm going to do is,
00:13:15I'm going to speak to,
00:13:16I'm going to speak to a sperm whale,
00:13:18a dead sperm whale,
00:13:19and have it crest,
00:13:21and they're going to ride the sperm whale across.
00:13:23Okay, amazing.
00:13:24Go ahead.
00:13:25Give me a roll with advantage.
00:13:26I'm just going to say
00:13:27that this is a persuasion roll with advantage.
00:13:29Persuasion roll with advantage.
00:13:32If you get a 20,
00:13:33we get a sperm whale.
00:13:34If you raise a roll of one,
00:13:35we get a guppy.
00:13:36This thing,
00:13:38this thing will definitely help you.
00:13:40You're trying to convince it
00:13:41to help other people as well.
00:13:43Well, my persuasion is two, y'all,
00:13:44so this is not looking great.
00:13:46Here we go.
00:13:47All right.
00:13:4910, 20.
00:13:52I rolled 14,
00:13:53plus two is 16.
00:13:55And you have it with advantage,
00:13:56so you can roll again if you like.
00:13:57So I got a 14.
00:13:58You can roll again,
00:13:59and if it's higher,
00:14:00we'll use the higher roll.
00:14:01Okay, we'll grab 14
00:14:02and we at least have a free willie.
00:14:03Yes, you got it.
00:14:04Yes, exactly.
00:14:06Oh, fuck!
00:14:08You're good.
00:14:09What is it?
00:14:10Oh, it literally,
00:14:12then it rolled over to two.
00:14:13Oh no,
00:14:14so close to a 20,
00:14:15but we're still going to use the 16,
00:14:16which is a great roll.
00:14:17So you see,
00:14:18so I jump in the water,
00:14:19and then I get,
00:14:20I swim to midway in the bank,
00:14:21and then I-
00:14:22Halfway there,
00:14:23just go ahead and finish the trip.
00:14:25I swivel around in a pattern,
00:14:26and I put both hands
00:14:27on the side of my head
00:14:28and I begin to...
00:14:29All of you above sea level.
00:14:30It's giving Marvel copyright infringement.
00:14:31All right.
00:14:51All right.
00:14:52Well first of all,
00:14:53he is DC,
00:14:54so you're wrong.
00:14:55Zack Snyder's gonna come
00:14:56and fucking sue our asses.
00:14:57She's like a pigeon.
00:14:58And then a sperm whale,
00:14:59two of them come,
00:15:00and I tell them we only need one
00:15:01because we got a 14.
00:15:02And then so I set one back
00:15:03and then the other one
00:15:05crests the water,
00:15:06and I tell everyone to come.
00:15:07All of you see
00:15:11sperm whale.
00:15:12It's skin and flesh
00:15:13bleached with death
00:15:15that has all of these
00:15:16of these serrated lacerations of tentacles
00:15:21as though squid in some ancient primordial ocean
00:15:24had raked across its eyes, sort of bleeding sores.
00:15:28This whale comes up and as it enters forward,
00:15:32I'm actually going to need also,
00:15:33having dived into the River of Sorrow,
00:15:36I'm gonna need a Wisdom saving throw from Troyanne.
00:15:39A Wisdom saving throw?
00:15:41Yes, a Wisdom saving throw.
00:15:42So above your skills are your saving throws and-
00:15:45Does the water do damage?
00:15:48Not physical, but there's a sort of spiritual effect
00:15:51that happens in the water.
00:15:52Okay, so I want-
00:15:53You want a higher roll.
00:15:55So go ahead and roll and add your Wisdom saving throw,
00:15:57which will be above your skills, yeah.
00:15:5914, honey.
00:16:00Oh, no, that's four.
00:16:01Plus, okay.
00:16:01Okay, plus four.
00:16:02Plus four, plus four.
00:16:03I was close, 14.
00:16:04I was like, oh, we got Wisdom.
00:16:05Okay, okay.
00:16:07Now, if I roll bad on this,
00:16:08I'm like gonna be spiritually fucked up.
00:16:10Could be, we don't know, we don't know.
00:16:13Four plus four, eight.
00:16:18Troyanne, as you summon these whales here,
00:16:22this river, you are of the living.
00:16:27This river is not intended to repel you.
00:16:31It is not made for you.
00:16:32It is intended to keep the dead
00:16:35within the boundaries of the underworld.
00:16:37But nonetheless, the magic by which it does so
00:16:40is a magic of sort of eternal loss.
00:16:44You know, these spirits dive into the water
00:16:46to swim to the other side
00:16:47and emerge thinking that they have done so
00:16:49only to find themselves facing the shore
00:16:52that they have just left.
00:16:54And as they do so.
00:16:55Like severance.
00:16:56Like severance, yeah, I'm trying to leave.
00:16:58It's exactly like severance.
00:17:00So this is not intended to cast its magic upon you,
00:17:03but the power that it uses is itself
00:17:05the like grasp or feeling on the life
00:17:09that these souls have lost.
00:17:10And even though you have not lost your life,
00:17:13there are things that you have lost.
00:17:15Do you think she like lost her sense of fashion?
00:17:17Cause that seems to be.
00:17:21One of the first things I noticed.
00:17:25You see, getting to the bottom of the river,
00:17:28you realize that the river is littered with bones,
00:17:32skulls, all these sorts of like underworld things.
00:17:34You're about to have some more.
00:17:35And we're on the same team.
00:17:38And you see, as you reach down and start to call out,
00:17:41you see that there's like reverberations
00:17:44that kick up like dust and mud from the bones
00:17:46at the bottom of the river.
00:17:47And you see reverberations in the water in front of you.
00:17:49You can feel already these beings are coming
00:17:52to help you and your allies,
00:17:53but you see something reflected in the water.
00:17:56You see the face of your father.
00:18:00He's dead.
00:18:02Or reflected at least.
00:18:03You see your father.
00:18:06A beautiful elven man looks at you,
00:18:11smiles, his deep eyes reflecting the forest of his home.
00:18:16You see he goes,
00:18:19sugar, I'm so sorry.
00:18:21They lied to you.
00:18:25And vanishes.
00:18:26And there is a hang of pain within your heart.
00:18:32You suffer three points of damage,
00:18:36which you have a lot of hit points.
00:18:38It is not a fatal blow at all,
00:18:40but you can feel some part of you spiritually is harmed
00:18:44by the vision of sudden truth here in this magical river.
00:18:47Emotional damage.
00:18:49So do I write that down?
00:18:50Yes, in your, so write.
00:18:52Temporary or?
00:18:53In current, so you would just subtract three.
00:18:55We didn't jump in the water.
00:18:57We waited.
00:18:58I'm trying to drink some water.
00:18:59Don't drink this water, do not.
00:19:02I feel like I need to say it out loud.
00:19:04And I thought it would need to be said,
00:19:08but I feel like I need to say it out loud.
00:19:09And here's Twyla just like, ugh.
00:19:13Over on the other side, you see someone just,
00:19:15ugh, ugh, fuck, it's good, it's good.
00:19:20The drink is nice.
00:19:21Got a kick.
00:19:22Does anybody know where the bathroom is?
00:19:24Got a kick.
00:19:25So this whale appears and can absolutely ferry you
00:19:27and your friends to the other side.
00:19:29Do you, having had that vision,
00:19:30do you want it to ferry the other spirits across as well?
00:19:34No, I am not.
00:19:35In fact, as I come up from seeing this vision of my father,
00:19:38I am swimming back to the top.
00:19:39I am tired.
00:19:39I feel, this is a short journey,
00:19:41but I am drained completely.
00:19:43And I try to get onto the whale
00:19:44and my friends have to help me on
00:19:46because I am physically exhausted
00:19:47from this little thing and sort of thing.
00:19:49But I do not help the other spirits.
00:19:50I do not trust them hoes.
00:19:51Because I feel like Gertrude reaches down.
00:19:53She's not very strong.
00:19:54She's pulling and she's looking back at Princess like,
00:19:57please, can you help?
00:19:59Can I summon a beast to help lift her up onto the whale?
00:20:02Sure, sure.
00:20:03We got a beast.
00:20:04We got a beast.
00:20:05Princess has got it.
00:20:06Yeah, for sure.
00:20:08Princess, nothing.
00:20:09Hoist, you hoist Troy-Ann up on the whale.
00:20:11I'm still holding Troy-Ann's hand.
00:20:12We're both in the air.
00:20:15Thank you, Princess.
00:20:16And I'm just standing there with my arms crossed.
00:20:18Just really?
00:20:19This is what we're doing?
00:20:20The whale moves you across the river.
00:20:23As the whale approaches,
00:20:24you see the souls of the dead gathering and waving.
00:20:27The beast, it can let us across, yes?
00:20:34Well, I consult my team.
00:20:35Should we help these souls?
00:20:36Do we think that this would offer us good favor
00:20:39and merit with these?
00:20:40We might need them later.
00:20:42You know what wouldn't do good for us?
00:20:44Causing a scene here.
00:20:46If we, who are we gonna get in trouble with?
00:20:48We may need their help later.
00:20:50Yeah, don't you think they know?
00:20:51They're gonna be gone.
00:20:52They're gonna be gone.
00:20:53They're gonna go back to the earth.
00:20:56Or to Kel Vorda if we let them go.
00:20:58They're gonna become like undead, like zombies upstairs.
00:21:02You don't wanna release them to the world.
00:21:03You got it, you got it, go ahead.
00:21:05They're gonna get mad at us if we say no.
00:21:07So you're gonna let them down while I start fighting?
00:21:09What about one?
00:21:10Don't you just have one of those amulets?
00:21:12Isn't there a reason for that?
00:21:14But once we, we do have an extra amulet.
00:21:16She has an extra amulet.
00:21:17And I have one.
00:21:17No, I have, I have.
00:21:18You have the one.
00:21:19Are you gonna give someone the amulet
00:21:21or are we gonna start just fighting these undead?
00:21:23If we give one, we're gonna have to,
00:21:24the other one's gonna be very upset.
00:21:25We need to find a leader.
00:21:27Is there a leader?
00:21:27I think we have to fight.
00:21:29I think we have to fight.
00:21:30Oh no.
00:21:31Let's fight these motherfuckers.
00:21:32Let's fight.
00:21:33Let me put on my.
00:21:34Tell them no, tell them no.
00:21:34They don't get to leave the underworld lickety split.
00:21:37No, I'm sorry, you can't.
00:21:38They don't get to.
00:21:39That's what we do.
00:21:40Why, why?
00:21:42So it's my fault?
00:21:43It's my fault that I got hit by lightning twice?
00:21:45Cause I didn't wanna leave my keys?
00:21:47Yeah, a little bit.
00:21:48It is what it is, honey.
00:21:49Cause everyone knows that lightning strikes.
00:21:51And you were just out in there.
00:21:52And you got it twice.
00:21:54And you had that really weird umbrella.
00:21:55It's your fault.
00:21:56Oh, it's my fault.
00:21:58Well, aren't you so lucky to still be alive?
00:22:03They're gonna leap at you.
00:22:06They're looking through our spells.
00:22:07I'm getting the bag.
00:22:08I am wounded.
00:22:09It's because of studying spells.
00:22:10Oh yeah.
00:22:11I bought a cadaver.
00:22:12I'm over the top of studying some spells.
00:22:14Crucio, Crucio.
00:22:15Everyone roll initiative.
00:22:17Okay, initiative.
00:22:18Here we go.
00:22:19All right.
00:22:20Oh God.
00:22:21What'd you get?
00:22:22I got a three.
00:22:23Is there a plus?
00:22:24Yes, the initiative's at the top of the sheet
00:22:26next to armor class.
00:22:27I got a, I'm at a six.
00:22:30You rolled a one?
00:22:31I rolled a three plus three.
00:22:32I got a six.
00:22:33I'm at a 20.
00:22:34Oh, I'm at a 20.
00:22:37All right.
00:22:39I did not get a nat.
00:22:40I didn't get a nat though.
00:22:41I just got a one.
00:22:41When you get a 20 like that,
00:22:42we call it a dirty 20.
00:22:43When you get it, when you get an adjusted 20.
00:22:45And I have a 29.
00:22:49What's your, what's your plus initiative?
00:22:51Plus 14?
00:22:52Initiative is 14.
00:22:53You better be initiative.
00:22:55I got my age, 29.
00:23:01Well, I mean, yeah, she just hits people.
00:23:02We're outcasts as well.
00:23:03Twyla's gonna act first.
00:23:05You, you, your reflexes are unmatched.
00:23:07Oh shit.
00:23:08And then it will be Princess and Troy-Anne
00:23:10and then it will be Gertie.
00:23:11So are we fighting one or is he,
00:23:13or is he, yeah, but he's just one guy like this?
00:23:14There are a dozen of these shambling.
00:23:17There's 12 of these sort of shambling undead
00:23:20on the other side.
00:23:22Again, these do not seem to be the spirits
00:23:23of like great warriors, but there are still a dozen.
00:23:26You're sort of a mob of them looking desperate
00:23:29at a chance for life as though they don't seem
00:23:31to be great wizards or have an understanding
00:23:33of the underworld.
00:23:34They just are the souls of normal people that die,
00:23:36but they see your beating blood in your veins
00:23:40and they see how close they are to life once more.
00:23:44So Twyla, you're gonna be first to act.
00:23:45There are a dozen of these sort of shambling undead
00:23:49that are charging at you.
00:23:50What would you like to do?
00:23:52Oh my God, I have no idea what I wanna do.
00:23:54Something, you're good at magic, right?
00:23:56Yeah, I'm good at magic, but like what do I-
00:23:57You have any group spells?
00:23:58The group spell that I have is Pass Without a Trace
00:24:00or the Rope Trick.
00:24:01No, that's something against a group of people.
00:24:02The group of people?
00:24:03Also, Twyla is a skilled markswoman,
00:24:06so you can always fire your bow if you want,
00:24:07if you just want to attack people.
00:24:08Oh, my bow is really strong, isn't it?
00:24:09Your bow is very strong, that's true.
00:24:11Kill these guys.
00:24:12You make two strikes with any of the following weapons.
00:24:15Longbow, your best weapon.
00:24:17Okay, I should do that.
00:24:18Yeah, absolutely.
00:24:19You know what?
00:24:20I'm Twyla, and I'm gonna make a hit with my longbow.
00:24:24Hell yeah.
00:24:25You attack twice, you get to fire two arrows.
00:24:28So go ahead and give me two attack rolls,
00:24:30and I believe you're adding, I believe, plus 10.
00:24:33Okay, 17 plus 10, 27.
00:24:35That is a hit, go ahead and roll again.
00:24:36All right, 10 plus 10, 20.
00:24:39Both of those hit.
00:24:40Because it is the first turn of combat,
00:24:42you also get a third attack because you are a ranger.
00:24:45So you may roll a third attack for free right now.
00:24:48You may.
00:24:51Is that a six or a nine?
00:24:53That is a nine.
00:24:54Okay, so nine plus 10 is 19.
00:24:5719 hits as well.
00:24:58That is three confirmed hits.
00:25:02Good job, Twyla.
00:25:03Okay, but how do we know what,
00:25:04so are three of them dead now?
00:25:05How much power do they have?
00:25:07We're about to find out.
00:25:08You're about to see how tough they are.
00:25:09I think, having adventured here in the Underworld before,
00:25:11you wouldn't assume, it's not the toughness
00:25:13of each individual that bothers you,
00:25:14but rather the number of them here.
00:25:16As individuals, they're probably
00:25:17a little bit easier to defeat,
00:25:19but you're gonna have to act quickly.
00:25:20So Twyla, you're gonna take your D8.
00:25:23Your D8 is this one right here,
00:25:25and we're gonna start rolling damage
00:25:28for your three attacks.
00:25:30So you're gonna roll that,
00:25:31and you're gonna add plus five each time.
00:25:33Okay, come on, come on, big money.
00:25:34One plus five, six.
00:25:36An arrow thuds into one.
00:25:38As this sort of undead creature screams,
00:25:41roll damage for your second attack.
00:25:43Okay, big money, big money, big money.
00:25:46That's six.
00:25:47Is that a six?
00:25:48Yeah, six plus 10, 16.
00:25:49Is that 16?
00:25:5010, yeah, 16.
00:25:51So your first two arrows,
00:25:53one goes through the eye, the only remaining eye.
00:25:56You see this figure collapse in the shallow water
00:25:59at the edge of the river,
00:26:00and disanimate into bones.
00:26:03You have destroyed one of the undead.
00:26:04And Twyla goes, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.
00:26:07Good job, Twyla.
00:26:08And now this, this is your special third attack,
00:26:10so this is actually, you're gonna roll that D8 twice
00:26:13for damage on this last one, and then add a five.
00:26:19Okay, nine.
00:26:2211 plus five is 16.
00:26:24Twyla, you see one of these shambling dead figures
00:26:26looks at you and says,
00:26:29do I recognize you?
00:26:32One of those fairies I served in the armies of Zarya Hex.
00:26:38It would be an honor to kill one more fairy.
00:26:42And describe what happens
00:26:44as you end the unlife of this dead creature.
00:26:49Okay, so this is what I do, all right?
00:26:52I take off all my rings.
00:26:54Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:26:56Take off all my earrings, and then I do one of these.
00:26:59Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:27:02Bleh, a storm of gemstone arrows.
00:27:05Bleh, shreds, tatters, and ribbons of flesh and bones
00:27:09clatter to the ground.
00:27:10Twyla has killed two of the oncoming undead abominations.
00:27:15Good job, Twyla.
00:27:17You're welcome, you're welcome.
00:27:18Hell yes.
00:27:19Princess and Troyanne, you share an initiative,
00:27:21so you can decide between you who goes first.
00:27:22You go first, you're stronger.
00:27:25Princess has been waiting for this.
00:27:28So she cracks her neck a little bit.
00:27:31She cracks her knuckles, and she grabs her giant ax,
00:27:35and she says, rage!
00:27:40Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:27:42And she flies into a rage.
00:27:45See, a skeleton just goes,
00:27:46I've never heard anyone announce it like that.
00:27:48Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:27:51Guys, I think she's about to get really mad at us.
00:27:54I think we pissed off the big one.
00:27:56Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:27:58A broad shoulder kiss.
00:27:59Someone's in a mood.
00:28:02Incredible, you charge forward.
00:28:04You are going to attack.
00:28:06You are now in a rage.
00:28:07Do you want to attack recklessly,
00:28:10or do you want to attack normally?
00:28:12Great, go ahead and give me your first attack roll.
00:28:14You will attack twice.
00:28:18So that's a 14.
00:28:19Do I add something to that?
00:28:20Yes, you're gonna add eight to this.
00:28:22So 14 plus eight is 22.
00:28:23That is a hit.
00:28:25Go ahead and roll your second attack.
00:28:29Ooh, that's definitely gonna do it.
00:28:32Now, you're gonna roll this big dice right here,
00:28:34your D12 all the way on the left of that little line.
00:28:37And now, because you're raging,
00:28:38you're actually gonna add seven damage
00:28:40to whatever you roll.
00:28:42You're gonna knock somebody's head off.
00:28:44Ooh, 19 damage.
00:28:46One hit, ka-pow!
00:28:48A little fountain of bones and viscera.
00:28:50Boom, as one of the skeletons goes flying into the water.
00:28:53Roll damage for your second attack.
00:28:55Ooh, flirt.
00:28:56So that's a nine.
00:28:57Nine plus seven is 16.
00:29:00Just one, two, you're making light work of these undead.
00:29:04Boom, a rib cage is completely vivisected.
00:29:07All of you watch just a surprised pair of arms and a head
00:29:11pop off as the lower torso and legs
00:29:14go scattering into the water
00:29:15from one mighty blow of Princess's axe.
00:29:18I'm gagged.
00:29:20Word, Princess.
00:29:21It's even Goro.
00:29:23Gertrude is like, my God.
00:29:27Princess, you have suddenly cleared a path
00:29:29through these undead.
00:29:30Is there anything that you say to the remaining undead
00:29:31as you begin to carve through them?
00:29:33Dinner is served.
00:29:35You see just a rotting warrior goes like,
00:29:39is she gonna fucking eat us?
00:29:42We're rotting.
00:29:45Troyann, it's gonna be you.
00:29:46Okay, so I'm rolling.
00:29:48You may do whatever you like.
00:29:49There's spells you can cast
00:29:50or you have a very powerful longbow attack.
00:29:53Yeah, I wanna use my longbow attack
00:29:55so I can create two arcane shots.
00:29:57So go ahead and roll your D20 twice
00:29:59and you're gonna add 10 each time.
00:30:00God, it'll work.
00:30:03Four plus 10 is 13.
00:30:05I know that's a very low roll,
00:30:07but these guys have an armor class of 13.
00:30:10So you still hit.
00:30:11That's how good Troyann is of like,
00:30:13even on a three on the die,
00:30:15or sorry, a four on the die,
00:30:16you're still able to hit these guys.
00:30:17Well, let's not get a one.
00:30:18There you go.
00:30:21Hell yes, all right.
00:30:22Two arrows fire.
00:30:25So what it is, so I get energy a little bit
00:30:29and I run in like a little zigzag Chitauri situation
00:30:32that I do a back flip and I get onto a rock
00:30:34and I perch, right?
00:30:36So I get my D12, no?
00:30:39Your D8, so you're gonna get D8,
00:30:41which is that one right there, yep.
00:30:44And I'm rolling to see how much damage I'm doing.
00:30:48So yeah, you're gonna roll the first one
00:30:50and if you wanna make these into grasping arrows
00:30:54to deal extra damage, you absolutely can.
00:30:56Yes, I wanna do grasping arrows.
00:30:59So go ahead, you're gonna roll the D8
00:31:00and I'm actually gonna give you an extra one of these.
00:31:03So take that and your other D6 there
00:31:05and you're gonna roll-
00:31:07All three together?
00:31:07All three together and add them together.
00:31:08What are grasping arrows?
00:31:10So they're these arrows that are imbued with magic
00:31:12and they have restraining and poisonous power.
00:31:15Oh, work.
00:31:16We are fucking these fuckers, though.
00:31:17Yes, so I am perched on this rock
00:31:19and I haven't done nothing yet.
00:31:21You guys are doing great.
00:31:21You're like-
00:31:22I know, she watching.
00:31:24Like I flip back on, I land in like a lunge split almost,
00:31:28you know what I mean?
00:31:29It's like a full-time curse, you're just like-
00:31:30So three, five, nine, 12.
00:31:33And then you're gonna add five to that
00:31:35just from your dexterity.
00:31:37So all of you watch Troyanne sail through the air
00:31:40and the arrow goes on the bow as a normal arrow
00:31:45and in drawing it back,
00:31:47the arrow fills with poisonous venom green light
00:31:51and a like aquamarine venom green undersea poison.
00:31:56But I do it with a lot of things.
00:31:57So as it goes back, as I let the arrow go,
00:32:00I blow onto it too to give it a little extra sasson.
00:32:05The breath exhales, boom.
00:32:09All of you watch, it's like this effect.
00:32:11The arrow hits through the eye and undersea briars
00:32:16and like poison kelp erupt in an explosion
00:32:19and split the skull open of this undead
00:32:23as it hits the ground.
00:32:24And after the body is on the floor,
00:32:26the barnacles start to grow out of it.
00:32:27Ah, sick as hell.
00:32:29I'm gonna mess with these ladies.
00:32:33Go ahead and roll damage for your second attack.
00:32:35And you can use your second grasping arrow here
00:32:37if you want to as well.
00:32:38Okay, I'm gonna use my second grasping arrow.
00:32:39Go for it.
00:32:40How many arrows do you have?
00:32:40I have two.
00:32:41This is my second one.
00:32:42You want two.
00:32:43But Troyanne's abilities reset in a shorter amount of time.
00:32:45Every hour.
00:32:46How do I need these later?
00:32:46Yeah, yeah.
00:32:47So I am off the split
00:32:48and now I see another enemy across the way.
00:32:50So I jump and I'm running towards him.
00:32:52And as I am running towards him,
00:32:53I am drawing my arrow and drawing my bow.
00:32:55I roll a seven plus five,
00:32:56which is 12 plus five, which is 17.
00:32:59And then I am running toward him and I'm drawing my bow.
00:33:02And then I, the venom is drawing in.
00:33:04I let it go.
00:33:05I run, I look at the bow as I'm running and I stop
00:33:07and then I get another headshot.
00:33:09Headshot and it just leaves a stream of blood and briars
00:33:15like growing up out of the ground in a line.
00:33:19Well, each of these mighty warriors have,
00:33:21you have halved the amount of enemies chasing you.
00:33:26In a single moment.
00:33:27Gertrude, you see, Gertrude, what do you do?
00:33:32Hey, Gertrude is standing as far back as you can.
00:33:34First, she goes, oh, and she's watching all of these.
00:33:37She's like, oh, oh, oh, oh.
00:33:41Watching her friends just annihilate these.
00:33:43And she's like, cause Gertrude is not,
00:33:45she's not often around as many people.
00:33:47So she's like, all right.
00:33:48So she has the will, like muster up the will.
00:33:51And she sees there's still six of them left.
00:33:53And she's like, I gotta do something.
00:33:54So she's going to do Thunder Wave,
00:33:58which will scatter all the nearby enemies.
00:34:00And it has a great description.
00:34:01Can I read it?
00:34:02Yeah, read the description.
00:34:02A wave of thunderous force sweeps out from you.
00:34:04Each creature in a 15 foot cube originating from you
00:34:07must take a constitution saving throw on a failed save.
00:34:11There's a big burst coming out of me.
00:34:15Well, yeah, okay.
00:34:15First what happens is she sees her friends.
00:34:17She musters up the courage and then she runs in
00:34:20and she's kind of cowering underneath Princess.
00:34:23And then she decides to do Thunder Wave.
00:34:27Okay, you can cast Thunder Wave.
00:34:28You can also cast it at a little bit
00:34:31of a higher level spell if you want.
00:34:33So do you want to put a lot of oomph into this one
00:34:35or do you just want to do a standard cast?
00:34:37It doesn't hurt my friends, does it?
00:34:38Actually, the way everyone's described,
00:34:40like Twyla's shooting at range,
00:34:41Trianne has run off a little farther
00:34:43and Princess has just sort of cleared an area around her.
00:34:46So I'm going to say in this moment,
00:34:47you can protect your friends from this burst of magic.
00:34:49Got it, okay.
00:34:50So if you want to gas it up a little bit, you can.
00:34:53You know what, let's gas it up.
00:34:54Let's put the pedal to the metal, mate.
00:34:57Pedal to the metal.
00:34:58Hell yeah.
00:34:59So you're going to cast it with a third level spell slot,
00:35:01which means you're actually going to roll four D8.
00:35:04So you're going to take your D8
00:35:06and you're going to roll it four times
00:35:08and add all of that together.
00:35:10Okay, the first one is a?
00:35:14One, I pulled the old Monet.
00:35:16Gertie, hold on.
00:35:17But this one is a three.
00:35:20Wait, stop and take a Boniva, girl.
00:35:22This one's a three.
00:35:24This one is a three.
00:35:28So we're at seven.
00:35:29Seven, we're going to roll again.
00:35:32This is too much pressure.
00:35:33I don't do well in battle.
00:35:36I don't even go around people.
00:35:38Just saying hi is a big deal for me.
00:35:40So please just give me a break here.
00:35:42And I rolled an eight.
00:35:43Yeah, there it is.
00:35:45Okay, 15.
00:35:48So now they're going to roll saving throws against this
00:35:50because they're trying to avoid this happening to them.
00:35:52Their constitution saving throw is only a plus two
00:35:56in your difficulty class as a very powerful spell caster.
00:35:59It's actually a 16.
00:36:00So there are six of them left
00:36:02and they need to roll 14s or higher in order to save.
00:36:07So I'm going to roll this in front of you
00:36:08and we're going to see how many of them are vaporized.
00:36:11Well, I want to describe how she did it, okay?
00:36:12Yeah, yeah, go for it.
00:36:13So she runs into the middle.
00:36:14She's nervous.
00:36:15It's not like a fierce run.
00:36:17She's like, ugh, ugh.
00:36:18She runs, but she leaps.
00:36:20Her arms are just flying.
00:36:22She balls up this hand, balls up this one.
00:36:24And all the pressure, you can see like the lightning,
00:36:27like she's condensing it down.
00:36:29And then she waves over her head
00:36:30and she just smashes it into the ground.
00:36:33And then it just goes,
00:36:34and they cast the wave out around her.
00:36:36And she looks nervous the whole time.
00:36:38She's like, ugh.
00:36:40Let's see, let's see how many.
00:36:42And the good news is even if they succeed,
00:36:44they still take half damage.
00:36:52Gertie, you rush forward.
00:36:55You hit the ground.
00:36:57Having just watched half their number be destroyed,
00:37:00two of these dead sort of have a moment's hesitation.
00:37:04Those two have a moment's hesitation.
00:37:06That moment's hesitation is what causes them to survive
00:37:08because four of them make the decision to leap at Gertie
00:37:11in the moment that you let go of the spell
00:37:14and all of you watch them simultaneously separate
00:37:21at every joint in their body,
00:37:24including the joints in their skull and ribs.
00:37:27The storm tears them apart.
00:37:29Four of them are vaporized instantaneously.
00:37:33Two of them scatter backwards.
00:37:36There are the only two remaining.
00:37:40In the midst of all of this,
00:37:42you see it is now their turn to act.
00:37:43And there are only two left.
00:37:45And then something strange happens.
00:37:47One of the two turns over and takes a sort of thick
00:37:53like hand ax and beheads the one next to it.
00:37:58Even, and partially like singed,
00:38:00still smoking from Gertrude's spell.
00:38:02You stole that man!
00:38:05And you look and see a figure stand up,
00:38:09rotting, wearing sort of noble clothing
00:38:14like a black military coat with epaulets and medals
00:38:17and wearing a, you know,
00:38:20it's like somewhat rotting garb,
00:38:23but a big jaw with tusks, rotting flesh.
00:38:28And you see this one stand up,
00:38:29turn and look at Princess Raging.
00:38:32Say, Princess, my niece.
00:38:38Princess, you turn and behold your father's brother.
00:38:44Kerwin Foehammer, who turns to you and says,
00:38:49no, no, tell me it is not true.
00:38:52Tell me, tell me you have not died.
00:38:57You are still alive.
00:39:01And you see this undead figure collapse to his knees,
00:39:05go to hold Princess's hand and like bury his forehead
00:39:10as he weeps onto your hand, Princess.
00:39:13You are still in a rage right now,
00:39:13but I wanna ask everyone, you know,
00:39:15it's the thick of combat, you've dispatched,
00:39:17you know, this was, you let them have it.
00:39:21But suddenly this figure has revealed itself
00:39:23from the ground.
00:39:23What do you do in this moment?
00:39:26Can I ask him what happened?
00:39:29You absolutely can.
00:39:31Your Uncle Kerwin is a proud warrior.
00:39:35He has a strong jaw, he sort of has like
00:39:36this salt-and-peppered hair that's slicked back
00:39:40and these long mutton chops that accentuate
00:39:42his like big jaw even more.
00:39:44He's got this massive orcish sword on his back.
00:39:49And he looks at you and says,
00:39:53I, the fire came so fast,
00:39:58it consumed us all.
00:40:01It was a flicker in the mist,
00:40:06the shade of some horrible thing,
00:40:09a woman in red robes, like a queen of blood.
00:40:16She came there in the night and took my sword
00:40:22and she held one hand aloft,
00:40:25pointed a finger and said,
00:40:28this is the hour of your passing.
00:40:32I felt my heart stop in my chest.
00:40:36And I fell to the ground dead,
00:40:38struck down by sorcery before the fire could take me.
00:40:43I know not what our family did to cross her,
00:40:47but I know her name, Zarya Hex.
00:40:56I've journeyed here in these wastes for so long,
00:41:01for so long, looking for any other member
00:41:05of the Foehammer family I could find.
00:41:08Wondering if any poor witness had survived.
00:41:14Piece by piece, I tried to put the mystery together.
00:41:22I came across one in Hollowgrave,
00:41:26not far from here, the town, who said,
00:41:30I asked as I often did if any had seen Foehammer
00:41:34still living in the world above.
00:41:36And someone said, I had.
00:41:39There was a orcish waitress at a place
00:41:42called the Fish Tank in Darktide.
00:41:44And I said, what?
00:41:47No, we're nobility.
00:41:48And she said, well, I saw a orc working,
00:41:51wearing a pink tutu at a place called
00:41:53the Fish Tank in Darktide.
00:41:55And I said, well, I suppose the home did burn down.
00:41:59And I saw you here and thought you dead.
00:42:03But if you are still alive,
00:42:04why have you come here to the Underworld?
00:42:06To find out what happened.
00:42:10There she is, my little girl.
00:42:13My sweet princess.
00:42:16Look, if I can be of any aid while you venture down here,
00:42:20I will do what I can.
00:42:21But I have not found your mother or father here,
00:42:24nor indeed your brother nor sister.
00:42:27But I fear that they have passed.
00:42:30It is possible that they have gone deeper
00:42:34into the Underworld.
00:42:36There are places here that devour souls,
00:42:39hold on to them for eternity.
00:42:40Places less wild than here by the river's edge.
00:42:46I am so sorry, princess.
00:42:53I wish
00:42:56I wish only that
00:43:01I'm sure there is revenge you seek.
00:43:04And knowing now the name of the woman
00:43:06who was the architect of our downfall,
00:43:08I can imagine there is some freedom
00:43:10in having a target for your vengeance.
00:43:15But, princess,
00:43:18your best revenge is to leave this place
00:43:21and live your life.
00:43:25Do not fall here in the Underworld.
00:43:28I promise.
00:43:29He puts his head to your head, looks around and says,
00:43:32sorry for trying to board the whale.
00:43:35My name is Kerwin Foehammer.
00:43:36I am the uncle of your companion princess.
00:43:40I am deceased.
00:43:44It's okay.
00:43:45You look nice, though, for a dead person.
00:43:48What sexy tusks you have.
00:43:50Oh, thank you very much.
00:43:52I appreciate the compliment.
00:43:53You look cute.
00:43:56I was not married in life,
00:43:57and even if I was,
00:43:58it's sort of a till death do you part kind of thing.
00:44:02If there can be of any service to you
00:44:03traveling here in this realm,
00:44:04I would love to be.
00:44:07Do you all accompany princess on her quest here,
00:44:11or do different matters bring you to the Underworld?
00:44:13We all have our own journeys here.
00:44:16I understand.
00:44:18Well, yeah, I think I've kept up pretty well.
00:44:19The nice thing about being killed by a death spell
00:44:21is it doesn't really mutilate you.
00:44:24You just sort of, pow, I'll stop your heart, you know?
00:44:27So do you, can he kind of hang out with us
00:44:30for a little bit?
00:44:31Yeah, and come with us and show us?
00:44:33Yeah, why not?
00:44:34Yeah, you know, if you're not doing anything.
00:44:37I was trying to swim across the river
00:44:38to get back to the world of the living.
00:44:39That means you know everything where we want to go,
00:44:42like, right?
00:44:43I know some, certainly, but I can't.
00:44:47How far could you get us?
00:44:50It depends on who you're trying to get to.
00:44:52Well, let me look up my book.
00:44:53I want to apologize to everyone
00:44:54because I realize that I fucked up.
00:44:56I could have avoided all of this.
00:44:58I had a spell called the Water Walk
00:45:00that can take 10 allies with me.
00:45:02We could have avoided the whale.
00:45:05Troy, yeah, I know.
00:45:06We just fought all these skeletons and demons.
00:45:10I apologize, I apologize.
00:45:12And you had me here crying
00:45:14because her uncle came back from the dead?
00:45:16Sometimes I don't know my own strength.
00:45:18Oh my God, I hope you got that.
00:45:19That was beautiful.
00:45:20It was a beautiful tear.
00:45:21It just went flying.
00:45:22I am so mad.
00:45:24You got the find your cousin spell, too?
00:45:27Water Walk, you and up to 10 allies
00:45:29gain the ability to walk on water.
00:45:31You didn't have to tell us that, though.
00:45:33Because now we're mad.
00:45:35I was sad, and now I'm mad.
00:45:39Kerwin looks and says,
00:45:41I would be more than happy to accompany you.
00:45:43I would be of whatever,
00:45:45you find me in a rather humbled state.
00:45:48I have clearly been here attempting
00:45:49to swim across an unswimmable river
00:45:52for what feels like an eternity.
00:45:54But I certainly know the lands on this side of the river
00:45:58as well as any dead soul.
00:46:00But what brings you here?
00:46:04There are some things worth seeking and others not.
00:46:09I imagine you I recognize.
00:46:12You are Troy Anne of Everdeep, yes?
00:46:14I am, yes.
00:46:15Says I, I've been here many times before.
00:46:17Well, I believe your friend
00:46:21with whom you do business awaits in Holograve.
00:46:27You've come, certainly, by a back channel,
00:46:29which is good enough as it is.
00:46:31The Janari, which, you would remember, Troy Anne,
00:46:34are a type of demon that kind of, like,
00:46:37enforces the paths to the living.
00:46:39They're not much threat to living people,
00:46:41but they specifically stop the dead
00:46:43from leaving the underworld.
00:46:45The Janari have been out in force,
00:46:47and I think your contact is waiting for you
00:46:52in Holograve at the Inn of the Empty Glass.
00:46:55Something tells me you might be up to something
00:46:57quite dangerous here in these realms.
00:46:59How's it work?
00:47:00If we get, if you go back up to the land of the living,
00:47:04will he become alive again?
00:47:06Well, we can have to give him the amulet.
00:47:08Waterwog, that bitch.
00:47:09No, the waif, the waif, not the amulet, the.
00:47:12The waif, the wraith.
00:47:15The wraith clasp.
00:47:15Yeah, the one with the red.
00:47:16Because he's dead.
00:47:17It would do the reverse.
00:47:19That would make him think he's alive.
00:47:20So Wallace's gem now goes to you.
00:47:22If we need that.
00:47:23I'm just asking hypothetically.
00:47:25Like, I don't know how it works.
00:47:28What you would know is that it's possible
00:47:30for him to get back to the lands of the living,
00:47:32but if he was not resurrected,
00:47:35if there was not a great healing magic
00:47:37that could actually restore his life,
00:47:39he would walk in the lands of the living as a dead spirit.
00:47:43He would be, you know, it might be something
00:47:45that would be worthwhile if he had someone
00:47:47in particular to haunt.
00:47:50You have that?
00:47:51Couldn't I do that?
00:47:52Well, I don't know, reach your healing, what does it say?
00:47:54I think Twyla and Gertrude, you would know
00:47:55that the magic to restore the dead to life,
00:47:59there are forces that can do that.
00:48:01And I do know that.
00:48:03There are forces that can do that.
00:48:04There's a heavy cost.
00:48:05Heavy cost, and as you think of those forces,
00:48:08I think you look, now that you're on this side,
00:48:10the far side of the River of Sorrow,
00:48:12and once again.
00:48:15Are we not undead now?
00:48:17Oh, we're alive, we are still alive.
00:48:18We are alive.
00:48:19We are very much alive.
00:48:20And hear a whisper.
00:48:21Oh, Fenara.
00:48:26And you see there's a shudder that Kerwin feels.
00:48:30You have heard it then, the name of the goddess of death.
00:48:39You see Kerwin says,
00:48:43she reigns here in the underworld,
00:48:47unworshipped by the living, but worshiped still by the dead.
00:48:53To restore the dead to life,
00:48:56a boon from her could be granted.
00:49:00She would have that power,
00:49:01but few living can wield it on their own,
00:49:04not without her say so.
00:49:08We really are off to meet the wizard here.
00:49:11So that means you have to come with us.
00:49:13So we have options.
00:49:14We can either send him back,
00:49:15and he can kind of look like he's alive up there.
00:49:17Just come with us.
00:49:18He doesn't seem to want that either.
00:49:20Yeah, I mean, that's your family.
00:49:21He should come with us.
00:49:23I think so.
00:49:24We'll have more help fighting.
00:49:25Even though he doesn't seem like he wants to.
00:49:26And more eye candy on the road.
00:49:27I mean, he did tell you to leave, right?
00:49:31Well, he said don't get trapped down here.
00:49:33Yeah, yeah.
00:49:34He didn't say leave right now, he said don't stay.
00:49:36We're not gonna get trapped down here.
00:49:38All right, so you're gonna ask him?
00:49:41Should we ask, should I ask?
00:49:43And you have your extra wraith class anyway.
00:49:45You're the one that has two.
00:49:47I am.
00:49:47Well, we don't have an extra wraith class.
00:49:49He doesn't need it.
00:49:50Would that one work for him though?
00:49:51Because he's undead.
00:49:52He's already undead.
00:49:53He doesn't need one.
00:49:53Yeah, she's already dead.
00:49:54He looks at you and says,
00:49:56I know not your mission here,
00:49:57but I would see my niece kept safe.
00:50:01Certainly, I already would have protected you with my life,
00:50:05and now I don't even have to worry about losing that.
00:50:07So, I will keep you safe if I can.
00:50:12Great, let's do it.
00:50:13If you can.
00:50:15I mean, a little bit better than that.
00:50:18I will definitely keep you safe.
00:50:19Okay, great.
00:50:20Be nice to her uncle, Jesus Christ.
00:50:21I got you, girl.
00:50:22I'll die, so you know.
00:50:24He looks and basically says,
00:50:26you've made it across the river.
00:50:28The hollow grave, there are some things, I think,
00:50:32worth you attending to there.
00:50:33If you're looking for more information,
00:50:36and you see here, he says,
00:50:38Shalila of the Lost Breath,
00:50:41and you remember this.
00:50:42So, we've now reached the farthest
00:50:43that Troyann has ever been in the underworld.
00:50:45Shalila is who you meet here to give your stuff to.
00:50:49It's like, she waits for you there,
00:50:52and I'll remind Troyann this moment
00:50:53that you only have six of your seven souls that you need.
00:50:55I'm still missing the one that Kiki stole
00:50:57when she killed Jon Favreau.
00:50:59Which I guess we still believe.
00:51:01No, when she kills it?
00:51:01Mark Ronson.
00:51:02Mark Ronson, sorry.
00:51:03Jon Favreau.
00:51:05Which, who we believe is on the way behind us.
00:51:07We can still intercept the soul.
00:51:09So, are we already at this point, or?
00:51:11It's up to you to decide what to do.
00:51:12Kerwin is here to help.
00:51:13You can venture straight into the wastelands,
00:51:16deeper into the underworld if you want,
00:51:18but you see a short distance away, hollow grave is there.
00:51:20I cannot get to Shalila without my seven souls.
00:51:22What soul do you need?
00:51:24What specific souls do you need?
00:51:25Mark Ronson.
00:51:26Or one of equal value.
00:51:27Which was stolen by her cousin.
00:51:29Well, which one is equal value, though?
00:51:32Mark Ronson.
00:51:33Is your uncle equal value?
00:51:34His soul's already here.
00:51:35Yeah, no one else is, no one else, everyone,
00:51:37besides us, can I kill one of you?
00:51:39Not me.
00:51:40Can we let him go and bring him back?
00:51:41You literally can't kill me.
00:51:43His soul's already here.
00:51:44His soul's already been taken.
00:51:45Someone got his soul and it's gone.
00:51:46Kiki has the soul.
00:51:47Can I disguise myself as a soul?
00:51:50No, because I need to put you in my soul amulet bag.
00:51:53Kerwin looks and says,
00:51:55there is someone who's in town, in hollow grave right now,
00:51:59if you wanted to try to sneak in and see them
00:52:01before going to Shalila.
00:52:05I don't know if you would've had
00:52:06much business with him before,
00:52:06and it's rare that he comes through hollow grave,
00:52:07but there is Ny'rath.
00:52:10He is a byssalane, he's a jackal-headed demon.
00:52:15He sells many magical wares, powerful artifacts,
00:52:19weaponry, things of that nature.
00:52:23And I think he's been known to dabble
00:52:25in trading souls once or twice.
00:52:27So, if you needed something specific,
00:52:29it's possible he would have something
00:52:31that could fulfill that seventh slot for you,
00:52:34but he will bargain for it dearly.
00:52:38We got two things.
00:52:39I think we go there, because I don't know
00:52:41how long Kiki's gonna take.
00:52:42Yeah, we should go there.
00:52:43Yeah, let's go there and see what he's got.
00:52:44It's kind of the only way.
00:52:45Let's go see Ny'rath.
00:52:47Kerwin throws the sword in his back and says,
00:52:50whoa, an adventure I was not expecting,
00:52:52but a very exciting one.
00:52:55Ladies, allow me to show you to the underworld.
00:52:58Walking up a shadowy hillside, again,
00:53:02almost, it's so alien and strange here.
00:53:04No life or plant matter grows,
00:53:06and it's only these strange tendrils of pulsing magic,
00:53:09and far off in the sky, distant sights of other platforms
00:53:14and dungeons floating off in the lavender purple ether
00:53:17of the underworld's pulsing light.
00:53:21You journey along the river up this small, stony ridge
00:53:25and look down at the town of Hollowgrave.
00:53:29Hollowgrave is a strange sort of place,
00:53:32a town in the underworld, and you see that
00:53:36the buildings kind of grow up catty-corner, almost.
00:53:39It's almost like the geography or the architecture
00:53:42doesn't make sense.
00:53:43Things that should have toppled over instead
00:53:45stay kind of leaning at terrifying angles.
00:53:48You see that some of the shingles on the roofs
00:53:50will deteriorate, and as they come loose,
00:53:53will fall up into the sky rather than falling down.
00:53:57The town is built around the harbor of a ferry,
00:54:00and this long, ancient ebony wood ferry boat
00:54:06that has two sort of curling dragon's heads on either side
00:54:10with a rope that allows the boat to move
00:54:11from one side of the room to the other.
00:54:13This is sort of the official entry point.
00:54:15Troyann has taken this ferry many times
00:54:17in her journeys here.
00:54:18The town's sort of grown up around it,
00:54:22and you see for the first time
00:54:24that not only are there some spirits of the dead
00:54:26here in town that seem to have some reason
00:54:29to dwell eternally in sight of this exit
00:54:34to the lands of the living,
00:54:35but there are also many demons here,
00:54:37spirits of the underworld.
00:54:39I think those of you who would know
00:54:41or have interacted with demons before,
00:54:42their motives are not pure, but when we say demons,
00:54:45we don't necessarily mean that they are intent
00:54:47on the destruction of all living things,
00:54:49but rather that they are just creatures of the underworld.
00:54:52Their business concerns the dead.
00:54:53They are a much different sight than the dead souls
00:54:56who have gathered around here.
00:54:57You see some of them you recognize as the Jannari
00:55:00that we've mentioned before.
00:55:01These are like seven foot tall.
00:55:04They're like reptilian, but almost still kind of amphibious.
00:55:08They have these broad, wart-covered shoulders,
00:55:10these squat, frog-like heads,
00:55:12but with rows and rows of serrated teeth like sharks.
00:55:16They have three eyes, one in the center
00:55:18and two kind of off on the corners of their head.
00:55:21And they move around with these large weapons
00:55:23and spell books as sort of enforcers
00:55:26of this way station of the afterlife.
00:55:29I don't know, a club, more or less, kind of like that.
00:55:32I know the one.
00:55:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:55:35Walking up, you see a couple of different areas
00:55:38and Kerwin points them out, Princess's uncle.
00:55:42There's the place you recognize, Tram,
00:55:44which is the Inn of the Empty Glass.
00:55:46This is where you've met Shalila in the past.
00:55:48Normally, when things are going well,
00:55:50your life is supposed to be,
00:55:52take the ferry, cross the river,
00:55:54go to the inn, make the deal, get out.
00:55:56You see the Inn of the Empty Glass there
00:55:59and Kerwin also points out off in the distance
00:56:02that there's a squat stone tower
00:56:05made of like a black volcanic stone
00:56:07that shimmers almost glass-like.
00:56:10Kerwin refers to that and says
00:56:11that there's the Archive of Forgotten Things,
00:56:15place of arcane knowledge, magic, things of that like.
00:56:18If you're looking for Nyarith, the-
00:56:21The Abbey.
00:56:22What's that?
00:56:23The Abbey?
00:56:24Yeah, he'll be outside the Abbey there
00:56:25at the Longshadow Bazaar.
00:56:28That's right, he's a Jekyll-headed demon.
00:56:30He says, no, you gotta be careful with Nyarith
00:56:32because, again, he drives a hard bargain,
00:56:34so I'll just say to be on your guard,
00:56:37but you'll find him there outside of the Archives.
00:56:40So, where do all of you journey to here in Hollowgrave?
00:56:43I'd like to just envision you getting
00:56:45a piggyback ride from your uncle.
00:56:48Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:56:49My sweet little princess.
00:56:51Oh, God, ooh, wow.
00:56:55Feet just drag on the ground.
00:56:59All right, well-
00:57:00Where should I go?
00:57:01You know this place better than any of us.
00:57:02I do, and I think, let's do it.
00:57:08What, we just walk over there?
00:57:10I mean-
00:57:10I've never been here.
00:57:11Is it far?
00:57:12You're sort of up on a little ridge
00:57:13looking down at the town.
00:57:14The big points of interest are
00:57:16there's the Archive that has
00:57:17a little marketplace outside of it.
00:57:19There's the Inn, which is sort of
00:57:21where you go to meet this person,
00:57:23and then there's the Ferry back to the Lands of the Living.
00:57:26So, if you wanna just go deal straight with Nyarith,
00:57:28you'd probably head right over to the Bazaar,
00:57:30to the marketplace.
00:57:30And we're in a water town, so you have the water walk.
00:57:33Just keep that in mind.
00:57:36I have a question.
00:57:36We can't, you can't buy things in this game, right?
00:57:39You can't-
00:57:40You can buy things.
00:57:42Now, buying them in the Underworld
00:57:44is something that Trojan has not done before.
00:57:46You've heard some stories about the fact that
00:57:49people tend not to just take straight cash
00:57:52at that marketplace.
00:57:53They tend to ask for things that are
00:57:55a little bit harder to come by.
00:57:57That's right, I don't, I've never been down here,
00:57:59and I do have a lot of anxiety.
00:58:01So, I'm gonna be looking toward you
00:58:03for a little bit of guidance,
00:58:04since these are kind of your stomping grounds.
00:58:07Well, what do we want from Nyarith?
00:58:10We want the soul so that you can go to,
00:58:13what's her name?
00:58:16Shanjila, so I can, because I'm trying to-
00:58:22I try to get the soul,
00:58:23because I have six souls, I need seven.
00:58:24I can do the swap with Miss Thing.
00:58:27Nyarith, so that I can get the seven souls.
00:58:29Okay, so what do we have?
00:58:30What do we have between us?
00:58:31Okay, we have five wraiths, six wraith clans.
00:58:35Five wraiths, and I have a separate amulet.
00:58:38No, you have the extra wraith clans.
00:58:39And a corrupted one, yeah.
00:58:40And a corrupted wraith.
00:58:41Oh, yeah, right, right, the corrupted one.
00:58:42I have a torch, a tinderbox, an herbalism kit,
00:58:44a crystal, a dagger, a quarterstaff, and witch's garb.
00:58:47What do you guys have?
00:58:48I have a tutu.
00:58:52That's all you have in your-
00:58:54No, I have a whole bunch of the things I'm,
00:58:56like weapons and stuff I'm using.
00:58:59But I also have a signet ring.
00:59:03Ooh, what does a signet ring do?
00:59:04Your signet ring is used by nobility.
00:59:08It's a ring with your family's crest on it
00:59:10that you use to seal letters and wax
00:59:13so that people know that it is from a member of your family.
00:59:16So, very precious.
00:59:18Ooh, that's, yeah.
00:59:19Very precious, but it's also one of the last heirlooms
00:59:21of your family.
00:59:21Yeah, I don't wanna get rid of it.
00:59:22We need some new stuff.
00:59:23Let's do stuff.
00:59:24I'm not getting rid of that.
00:59:25Well, also, Uncle might have one.
00:59:26Yeah, he got one.
00:59:27I have playing cards we can get rid of.
00:59:29You're playing cards.
00:59:30What if we beat his ass?
00:59:31But what do the playing cards do?
00:59:33Is it like, are we just playing Uno?
00:59:35You may just have some Uno cards.
00:59:37Yeah, so I feel like we can convince this motherfucker
00:59:40that these playing cards are really fantastic.
00:59:44You don't hear this.
00:59:44Really fantastic playing cards.
00:59:45Well, let's see what deception we roll.
00:59:48I think that between us,
00:59:50do you have anything of value, you think?
00:59:52Yeah, I mean, there's a crystal, and I have a-
00:59:56How about the Seed of All Blossom?
00:59:57But I need that.
00:59:58No, you don't.
01:00:00He's gonna eat it.
01:00:00Maybe we can trade.
01:00:01We have so many Wraiths.
01:00:02We have, maybe we can trade the Wraith Plus.
01:00:05We have six, so we can trade one of those,
01:00:07because I don't need that.
01:00:07I already have my amulet that lets me come down here,
01:00:10so I don't need that.
01:00:11Well, the one that we don't need
01:00:12is the one that Undead produces.
01:00:13Maybe we can give that for a soul.
01:00:15And this person's an undead person, right?
01:00:17He's a demon.
01:00:18He's not undead.
01:00:19But they could probably use it
01:00:20to put in a potion to make something else.
01:00:21We can ask them.
01:00:22So let's say let's head there.
01:00:24You journey down to the Longshadow Bazaar.
01:00:27Here in the Lee of the Archives,
01:00:30you see many stalls and different
01:00:33sort of little shops selling potions and mysterious things.
01:00:37It's, again, strange to have a marketplace
01:00:39here in the Lands of the Dead,
01:00:40but you see many things being sold.
01:00:42You see there's a strange sort of like beetle-headed
01:00:45sort of apothecary being like,
01:00:47potions of memory, long lost love,
01:00:50things of dream and hope that have suffered
01:00:53and died here in the Lands of the Dead.
01:00:56And you quickly sort of leave that place behind,
01:00:59and you see a very well-appointed shop.
01:01:02A lot of these places are sort of open-air stalls.
01:01:06But you approach an actual store.
01:01:08A little beautiful gold embossment
01:01:11on a glass pane set in the door
01:01:14that says, Nyrith's Curios.
01:01:18And you see many magical objects through the window.
01:01:22And you see there is a demon inside
01:01:26wearing beautiful silk robes
01:01:29of many different shifting geometric patterns and designs.
01:01:34Long sort of fur-covered paws
01:01:36that nonetheless have these long, curling, clawed fingers.
01:01:39The jackal fur of his head is quite gray,
01:01:42as though advanced with age,
01:01:42and he has a small little pointed cap on his head
01:01:46and a pair of gold-rimmed rectangular spectacles
01:01:50that go all the way down his long jackal snout
01:01:53and kind of rest towards the edge of his nose.
01:01:55He looks up and says,
01:01:57welcome, please, come in, customers.
01:02:00Welcome, welcome.
01:02:01He's so well-spoken.
01:02:02Kerwin looks at you and says,
01:02:05I better not show my face here, princess.
01:02:08I'll keep watch on the street.
01:02:10As the four of you enter,
01:02:12you see Nyrith looks up and says,
01:02:15well, welcome, one and all, to Nyrith's Curios.
01:02:17If you're just here to browse,
01:02:19feel free to peruse the goods and wares.
01:02:22But if I may be of any service at all,
01:02:25you need simply ask.
01:02:27Okay, before we go ask,
01:02:29so we're gonna try to sell you a crystal,
01:02:31one of the extra amulet.
01:02:32I don't even know what my crystal does.
01:02:35What crystal is it?
01:02:36It just says crystal.
01:02:37Your crystal is one of your arcane folk guides,
01:02:39something you use in spellcasting.
01:02:40You could get rid of it,
01:02:41but then you'd be in a lot of trouble
01:02:44if you lost your staff.
01:02:45So you'd just be down to your staff for casting spells
01:02:48if you got rid of your crystal.
01:02:49You don't do that.
01:02:50And he already needs her crystal.
01:02:52You're arcane, so I thought it was my crystal.
01:02:53So you're just gonna-
01:02:54I thought it was just a crystal.
01:02:55You're the one-
01:02:56I thought it was just some obsidian or something.
01:02:58I don't know what you got.
01:02:59You don't wanna sell playing cards?
01:03:00You're the one short a soul.
01:03:02Are we gonna do an honest deal
01:03:03or are we gonna try to trick this guy?
01:03:05Well, if he wants the cards,
01:03:06he's not really being tricked.
01:03:08Do you really have playing cards?
01:03:09Yes, there's playing cards.
01:03:11Okay, let's try to sell these uno cards.
01:03:13So what if this deal goes wrong
01:03:15and he gets mad or something?
01:03:17We can fight.
01:03:18We just beat up a dozen dead zombie people.
01:03:22I mean, I have Medals of Valor, too.
01:03:23I don't really care.
01:03:24What else?
01:03:25You are holding out.
01:03:26You took my whole list.
01:03:27What do y'all have on y'all's goddamn list?
01:03:28Y'all weren't listening to me when we were going down.
01:03:31Do you want me to tell you what I got?
01:03:33Well, you can't have this.
01:03:33The Fae armor, the longbow, the two short swords.
01:03:36Playing cards you can have and Medals of Valor
01:03:38I'll give to you as well
01:03:38because I don't think I need that.
01:03:40I know I'm great.
01:03:41I don't need the Medals.
01:03:42Okay, so we have Medals of Valor to trade.
01:03:46Playing cards.
01:03:47Let's try playing cards, Medals of Valor.
01:03:49And we have the extra Wraith Clasp.
01:03:50We can try.
01:03:51Yeah, we should try like one Wraith Clasp.
01:03:55And then if he doesn't bite, we can do two.
01:03:58Now you didn't hear all this.
01:03:59Well, what about the playing cards?
01:04:00I'm pretty sure it's like-
01:04:02Let's start with the playing cards.
01:04:04It's how they're weighing you down.
01:04:06You want to get rid of them.
01:04:07I just-
01:04:07She wants to get rid of the-
01:04:09I have these playing cards.
01:04:12Do you go up to Calvorda often?
01:04:16Oh, when was the last time I was up there?
01:04:18It might've been more than a century ago at this point.
01:04:20So you don't know how big these playing cards are.
01:04:22They are kind of a big deal.
01:04:26In fact, put your gloves on to show them
01:04:29because you can't touch them with your hands.
01:04:30So show them the card.
01:04:32They're really nice.
01:04:34Look at these cards, honey.
01:04:35He takes a like little telescoping set
01:04:38of very powerful jeweler's eyeglasses.
01:04:41And he's like, let me just put on my appraising spectacles.
01:04:44Don't touch them, please.
01:04:48Well, that looks like a set of soldiers playing cards.
01:04:57You see, he looks at them.
01:04:58I'm going to need a persuasion check from you.
01:05:02And I'm gonna set the difficulty ahead of time
01:05:04to let you know how hard this is gonna be.
01:05:05So you're gonna roll your D20.
01:05:07The persuasion check here, the difficulty is 25.
01:05:10My persuasion is a plus eight.
01:05:11So you need a 17 or higher.
01:05:13Oh, honey.
01:05:14Oh my God.
01:05:15Okay, you can do it, Gert.
01:05:17A one?
01:05:19Is that a one?
01:05:19Oh my God. It's giving a one.
01:05:22It's giving a one.
01:05:22It's giving a one.
01:05:24Of playing cards.
01:05:26Are you sure?
01:05:27There's so many of them.
01:05:29Marith looks at you and says,
01:05:31now, it is a very rare and precious thing
01:05:34for four living mortals to come and visit me here.
01:05:38Although mortals might be a bit of a stretch
01:05:41in some of our cases.
01:05:43But I'll say this.
01:05:45You are welcome to lie to me as much as you'd like.
01:05:49But if you do so again,
01:05:52I will simply have to close early for the day.
01:05:56We didn't lie to you.
01:05:57Shh, don't, don't, don't, don't lie.
01:05:59Don't antagonize me.
01:06:01I just hear.
01:06:02Let me be clear.
01:06:03Everybody gets one.
01:06:04So that was yours.
01:06:05Wait a minute.
01:06:06Where was the lie?
01:06:07Where was the lie?
01:06:08Tell me where the lie was.
01:06:09Hey, ladies, ladies, ladies, group up.
01:06:11Let's spellcast later.
01:06:12Ladies, group up.
01:06:13You know what?
01:06:14Let me go invisible.
01:06:15Wait, I can't.
01:06:16Group up, group up.
01:06:18Twilight, you are a loose cannon.
01:06:20I have borderline personality disorder.
01:06:22And I hear that.
01:06:23We are trying to, we do not want to upset this.
01:06:26But what did we lie about?
01:06:27We just didn't lie.
01:06:28We were just trying to sell him cards.
01:06:30We told him they were rare and they're not.
01:06:31It was, yeah.
01:06:33These are rare.
01:06:34To you.
01:06:35You see, you see, Nyarith interjects and says,
01:06:38the cards themselves are not rare,
01:06:42but your attachment to them is.
01:06:45Oh, shit.
01:06:47Wow, you're a steak and it's well done.
01:06:50So we got to offer something.
01:06:53Let's not upset him.
01:06:55Let's not upset.
01:06:57I think we need to come correct.
01:06:59We're looking for a soul, right?
01:07:02Did you just tell him?
01:07:03Are we just telling him?
01:07:04Are we not?
01:07:05We are, are we telling him?
01:07:06That's what we need.
01:07:07Now he knows.
01:07:07Are you trying to say a soul for a soul?
01:07:10Don't say that.
01:07:12You see, Nyarith perks at his little ears.
01:07:14Oh, are you guys planning on giving me away?
