1976 Under The Doctor HOT MILF MOVIE

  • 3 months ago
A British HOT comedy about a doctor, a bevy of beautiful women and their problems. Can the overworked and over-titillated doctor help his patients while resisting the urge to help himself?
00:00:49🎵Goodbye my friend🎵
00:00:54🎵All things must end🎵
00:00:59🎵Is that the way🎵
00:01:03🎵You mean to say goodbye?🎵
00:01:09🎵The things we had🎵
00:01:14🎵Were they so bad?🎵
00:01:19🎵I won't regret🎵
00:01:22🎵And won't forget🎵
00:01:29🎵The way you smile🎵
00:01:34🎵The way you walk🎵
00:01:38🎵Please stay a while🎵
00:01:42🎵With me and we can talk🎵
00:01:48🎵One minute more🎵
00:01:52🎵Is all I'm asking for🎵
00:01:56🎵And if you feel you still must go🎵
00:02:01🎵Then leave me with🎵
00:02:10🎵The way you smile🎵
00:02:15🎵The way you walk🎵
00:02:19🎵Please stay a while🎵
00:02:23🎵And we can talk🎵
00:02:27🎵I'll say the things🎵
00:02:32🎵That loving brings🎵
00:02:38🎵Put it to words🎵
00:02:41🎵The way I feel🎵
00:02:47🎵Come here to me🎵
00:02:52🎵I know you'll see🎵
00:02:57🎵That breaking up🎵
00:03:00🎵Means only breaking hearts🎵
00:03:07🎵Just sit right there🎵
00:03:11🎵Your favorite chair🎵
00:03:15🎵I'll close the door🎵
00:03:17🎵And we can talk🎵
00:03:20🎵Once more🎵
00:03:24🎵Once more🎵
00:03:31Case history number 2310
00:03:35Left home at 17
00:03:36After an incident with her stepfather
00:03:38Whom she claims insisted on tucking her up every night
00:03:42Even though he knew that she liked to sleep in the nude
00:03:44Eventually of course the inevitable happened
00:03:46And tucking turned into
00:03:48Um, sexual intercourse
00:03:51She first came to see me two months ago
00:03:53Since the incident with her stepfather
00:03:54She's been unable to enjoy a normal sexual relationship
00:03:58On her previous visit she's been morose
00:04:00And somewhat reluctant to discuss the matter openly
00:04:02Today's appointment is for 3.30pm
00:04:15You seem much more relaxed today Marion
00:04:17Mmm, I feel it
00:04:19In fact I feel marvelous
00:04:22Does that account for your clothes?
00:04:24Oh, I hope you don't think
00:04:26No, no, you look extremely attractive today
00:04:28In fact you have a beautiful body
00:04:30Thank you
00:04:32And now, are you learning to use it?
00:04:34To attract men do you mean?
00:04:37Does that thought excite you?
00:04:38Of course
00:04:39Well I, I always used to do it with David
00:04:41Your stepfather?
00:04:43He took a great interest in my netball practice
00:04:46I was on the team and he was my coach
00:04:48He'd spend hours making me bounce around the courts
00:04:51To improve your game?
00:04:52No, to watch my boobs bobbing
00:04:54Oh, I see
00:04:56Mmm, so did David eventually
00:04:58One day I didn't put on a bra
00:05:00And, well as you can see I'm fairly
00:05:04Yes, well I always take a hot shower after practice
00:05:09And I ran into the shower room
00:05:12Took off my clothes and
00:05:14There was David, already under it
00:05:17It was a terrible experience
00:05:19He attacked you?
00:05:20No, he was having a cold shower
00:05:23We eventually warmed it up together of course
00:05:26Oh, that sounds
00:05:27Well, David said that we finished the geography
00:05:30And moved on to biology
00:05:32She wasn't having it
00:05:34Well, it was an awful scene and
00:05:37David ended up saying that I had led him on
00:05:41And mum telling me to leave home
00:05:44This had a severe effect on your sex life?
00:05:46It had a severe effect on my whole life
00:05:49I had nowhere to live
00:05:51Yes, I, I realise that but it made you sexually reticent
00:05:56Yes, I just couldn't get it together with anyone after that
00:06:00Why was that, do you think?
00:06:02When you get thrown out of your own house for having sex there
00:06:05It makes you a bit shy of having it anywhere, doesn't it?
00:06:09Well, when I eventually found a flat
00:06:11And the landlord suggested a little something in advance
00:06:15Well, I slapped his face
00:06:17All he wanted was the rent
00:06:19But other men tried?
00:06:21Oh yes, I had lots of boyfriends
00:06:23Oh, we'd go out dancing or out to dinner
00:06:27The first couple of dates were OK
00:06:29But eventually, of course, they expected me to supply the dessert
00:06:34When it came to it, I, I just froze
00:06:38Well, it sounds a bit dramatic, doesn't it?
00:06:41No, not at all
00:06:43Anyway, they all thought I was just a frigid tease
00:06:47And I lost them all
00:06:49You wanted sex without involvement?
00:06:53I had a dream
00:06:55Well, not a dream really, since I used to think about it more during the day
00:06:59No, more of a fantasy, I suppose
00:07:02That I would meet a man
00:07:04A beautiful man
00:07:06And at that first meeting
00:07:08Without knowing anything about him
00:07:10And the possibility of never meeting him again
00:07:13Having really great sex with him
00:07:16I can see from the look on your face, Marion
00:07:18And from your mood today, that this has happened
00:07:21Would you like to tell me about it?
00:07:23Well, I answered an advertisement in the newspaper
00:07:27For a secretary to a company director
00:07:30My shorthand and typing speeds are very good
00:07:33And so I was invited along for an interview
00:07:36Mr Johnson was his name
00:07:38And I went to see him last Wednesday
00:07:50Miss Parsons, the CEO, sir
00:07:52Miss Parsons?
00:07:53About the vacancy, sir
00:07:55My replacement
00:07:56Oh yes, of course
00:07:58Send her in
00:08:02Come in
00:08:06To say the least, he wasn't quite what I'd been used to meeting at these interviews
00:08:11I just stood there
00:08:17How do you do, Miss Parsons?
00:08:20Do come in, sit down
00:08:22Let me take your coat
00:08:32Right, well I'll just jot down some particulars
00:08:35Yes, I soon realised that he had more in mind
00:08:39Than how many words I could type in a minute
00:08:42He asked me all the usual questions about qualifications and previous employers
00:08:47But I could tell that he was thrown off balance by me
00:08:51You felt that you'd sexually aroused him?
00:08:53I knew it
00:08:54He couldn't keep his eyes off me
00:08:57And you encouraged this?
00:08:59Oh yes
00:09:00Well, I did lean over the desk a little
00:09:04To point out a particular line in a reference from a previous employer
00:09:08His face turned as red as beetroot
00:09:11His hands started to tremble ever so slightly while he was writing
00:09:14Were you attracted to him immediately?
00:09:17Oh absolutely
00:09:19He was lovely, his eyes were as brown as Omar Sharif's
00:09:23At what point did you realise you might live out your fantasy with this particular man?
00:09:28When his tongue started to lick my nipples
00:09:31Oh, my little joke
00:09:34Please continue
00:09:36He decided to give me a shorthand test
00:09:39Well, I'd already thought how nice it would be to give him a lovely longhand test
00:09:44He gave you a shorthand test?
00:09:47Now, Miss Parsons, this won't be difficult
00:09:50I promise to go slowly for you
00:09:53If you could just take down whatever I say
00:09:56Of course
00:09:58Anything, Mr Johnson?
00:10:00Sirs, further to your letter of the 12th inst
00:10:04This is to inform you that the consignment of ball bearings has not yet arrived
00:10:09Full stop
00:10:11Complications will arise in the manufacturing process
00:10:14If we do not take delivery immediately
00:10:18Your contract is to provide good balls
00:10:23Er, where was I?
00:10:26Er, you had just got to, er, good balls
00:10:31Yes, er, to, to, er, provide good balls by the 10th of the, er, of this month
00:10:39Er, you have a good deal of duty to honour this contract
00:10:43Et cetera, et cetera, that'll do
00:10:46Now, now, if you could just type that up for me, please
00:10:50Oh, er, where do I find the paper?
00:10:52Oh, it's in the bottom drawer
00:10:57Here, let me
00:11:00I've got some
00:11:02You certainly have
00:11:22Your wife on the line, sir
00:11:24Oh, er, tell her I'm in an important meeting at the moment and can't be disturbed
00:11:28Confidentials must be got
00:11:34That's why I'm firing her
00:11:38Now, er, how are we doing?
00:11:42Oh, it's all right, I can read quite easily from there
00:11:46That was really the moment I knew when I felt his warm hand on my shoulder
00:11:51Were you nervous?
00:11:52Oh, when I was trembling, not from nerves, more excitement
00:11:57And the letter?
00:11:58Oh, I'd made a complete ball for that, if you'll pardon the pun
00:12:02Instead of good deal of duty, I'd typed
00:12:06God, I feel fruity
00:12:13I had no idea that my innocent typing error was going to have quite such a dramatic effect on him
00:12:21He seemed to be lost for words for a moment
00:12:26Then started to undo all of my good work
00:12:30It became obvious that there was
00:12:31Wasting company time on personal matters such as phone calls must be discontinued
00:12:36The abuse of company time is appalling and furthermore it has
00:12:42Furthermore it has come
00:12:45Furthermore it has come
00:12:49Furthermore it has come
00:12:56It's come, it's come
00:13:02You reached a climax?
00:13:03Yes, and so quickly too
00:13:07Oh, it was incredibly exciting
00:13:09Because he was a good lover?
00:13:11Oh, not just that
00:13:12It was the feeling that we might have been caught at any moment
00:13:16Of course, that would be an added stimulus
00:13:18Since your whole fantasy was based upon the idea of illicit sex in a chance meeting situation
00:13:23Oh, I don't think I like the word illicit
00:13:25Well, we can go into that further next time
00:13:27Oh, by the way, did you take the job?
00:13:29No, of course not
00:13:31Well, that would have spoiled everything
00:13:33I don't want to work for a firm that won't let me make personal phone calls
00:13:37Do I?
00:13:46Case history number 2420, Victoria
00:13:52Daughter of the 4th Earl of Stockbridge
00:13:54Educated and exclusive public school for girls
00:13:57Followed by two years in a Swiss finishing school
00:14:01A society debutante who had one of the last coming out parties of any significance
00:14:06However, since coming out she's done very little loss
00:14:10A former member of the so-called jet set
00:14:12She spent most of her time being taken around the world by some very eligible admirers
00:14:17Or as she puts it, wooing, viewing and screwing
00:14:20An interesting observation for future counters
00:14:38She's now turned her back on that particular scene
00:14:41And has retreated to her father's country seat
00:14:43Spending all of her time at home
00:14:45Her father is concerned about her
00:14:47And she refuses even to meet any of the men that he has in mind for her as a potential husband
00:14:55She's extremely anxious to marry her off to somebody with a great deal of money
00:14:59But for the file
00:15:01Check that Lord Stockbridge's account is fully paid up to date
00:15:04Today's appointment is for four o'clock
00:16:34Do you mind if I smoke?
00:16:43No, no, please, go right ahead
00:16:45Is it a help?
00:16:47No, it's a hash
00:16:49Oh, I thought you'd given all that up
00:16:51Silly, of course I have
00:16:57No, this is just a good old coffee or hard up tobacco
00:17:02Do you need it?
00:17:03Well, one must have some pleasures in life
00:17:06But you did have all the pleasures that anyone could ask for
00:17:09You gave all those up
00:17:11Yes, I know, but that was different
00:17:13In what way?
00:17:15Well, it was all so pointless
00:17:18Samaritz in the winter, Saint-Tropez in the summer
00:17:23Saint-Albans in between
00:17:27Oh, didn't Daddy tell you about Saint-Albans?
00:17:30I am surprised
00:17:32No, he didn't mention it, actually
00:17:34Why don't you tell me about it?
00:17:36Well, Saint-Albans is where you will find the country seat of the Right Honourable Rodney Harrington Harrington
00:17:44Is he connected with the Harrington Harrington Bank?
00:17:46Oh, darling, he is the Harrington Harrington Bank
00:17:50Or at least his father is
00:17:52Rodney is more of a branch at the moment
00:17:55Just waiting to take over head office
00:17:57And you visit him in Saint-Albans
00:17:59Is he a boyfriend or a lover?
00:18:01Heaven forbid, no, I don't visit
00:18:03I go on an annual pilgrimage
00:18:05Only for Daddy's sake, not mine
00:18:07I don't understand
00:18:09Well, Daddy knows that Rodney is crazy about me
00:18:13And he's been trying to marry me off to him for years
00:18:18Unfortunately, Rodney Harrington Harrington is also incredibly boring, boring
00:18:22And I can't stand him
00:18:24Then why do you go?
00:18:25I told you, for Daddy's sake
00:18:28You see, Daddy banks with Rodney's father
00:18:31And, to be honest, his account is never really very healthy
00:18:35So I keep up this pretence for romance with Rodney
00:18:39Just to avoid any embarrassment
00:18:42I figure that we can be in the red if I'm in his bed
00:18:47Poetic justice, don't you think?
00:18:50What are you writing?
00:18:52Oh, nothing, nothing
00:18:53Just a note for my files
00:18:55Ah, where were we?
00:18:57Oh, yes, you were in bed with Rodney Harrington
00:19:04How long did you spend with him each time?
00:19:07In bed?
00:19:08No, no, on each visit
00:19:10Oh, I didn't know
00:19:11Just long enough to tire him out
00:19:15About half an hour, I suppose
00:19:17Could we be serious, please?
00:19:18Yes, I'm sorry, sir
00:19:20Of course, sir
00:19:21About two weeks, sir
00:19:24Really, if this is going to be too much for you...
00:19:26I'm sorry, I didn't really mean to mock
00:19:28Actually, it really was about two weeks
00:19:31But, really, I don't see the relevance of all this
00:19:34Well, did you feel cheapened by having to do this?
00:19:37Selling yourself?
00:19:39Oh, I've never felt quite so self-deprecating
00:19:43With a chauffeured Rolls-Royce, my own maid and a butler
00:19:47Well, that was hardly a Piccadilly pick-up
00:19:51Oh, no, I never felt cheapened
00:19:54With Rodney and his father talking about millions of pounds' worth of share transfers over the pheasant
00:20:00That was hardly possible
00:20:02Did you ever consider marrying Rodney Harrington?
00:20:08At the beginning, when we first went to bed together, purely for the fun of it
00:20:14What happened?
00:20:15It was awful
00:20:16Rather like a banking transaction, really
00:20:19You know, putting it in when you've managed to raise it and withdrawing it just when you need it
00:20:25With Rodney, it was always a short-term loan
00:20:30Of course, it did have its compensations
00:20:35The moments of solitude were immensely enjoyable
00:20:38When I was able to escape from Rodney for an hour or two
00:20:44Unfortunately, they were few and far between
00:20:53Gosh, there you are, I've been looking for you everywhere
00:20:56Sorry, Rodney, didn't you get my note?
00:20:59Oh, yes, I got it all right, I found it on your pillow
00:21:01I just jolly well didn't understand it, that's all
00:21:05To HRH
00:21:08Gone for a walk, so FU
00:21:12Be back for more later, V
00:21:19To handsome Rodney Harrington
00:21:22Gone for a walk, so follow up
00:21:26Be back for more later, Victoria darling
00:21:30There, easy
00:21:32I see, I say that's jolly clever, Victoria
00:21:35It's sort of speaking in shorthand
00:21:37Hey, listen to this
00:21:39You're like this
00:21:41A chap came into my bank the other day
00:21:44Now he had been at the RAC having a large G&T
00:21:48With his MP, who was an RC
00:21:51And a sort of BBC ITV VIP
00:21:53Who was always on the key V about the OPEC
00:21:56And he suggested that he see me
00:21:58About buying 40,000 shares BP
00:22:01On HP on the QT
00:22:04I said NBG MYOB GIGG
00:22:12Get it, got it, good
00:22:16Rodney, where's your father today?
00:22:18Oh, I didn't think it was that bad
00:22:22Oh, well he had to go up to town
00:22:24There's something brewing about a big takeover bid in the city
00:22:27Really? Why don't you tell me about it?
00:22:30You know how ignorant I am about these high-powered financial dealings
00:22:34That you're so clever at
00:22:36Oh, do you really think so?
00:22:40Of course, father helps a bit too
00:22:43Oh, yes, though he does, my little tiger
00:22:46But I'm sure it's you who really makes the big important decisions
00:22:50Now tell me, who is taking over who?
00:22:53Oh, no, Victoria, I couldn't possibly tell you that
00:22:56I mean, the shares of the companies involved
00:22:58Are going to rock it up when this information comes out
00:23:01It's all undercover at the moment
00:23:03Well, why don't we go upstairs and talk about it before dinner?
00:23:32Oh, come on, Victoria, don't be such a tease, kiss me
00:23:36In a moment, Rodney
00:23:38First of all, tell me the names of the companies you were talking about downstairs
00:23:43No, Victoria, I can't do that
00:23:45In that case, you can't do that
00:23:48Oh, Victoria, please
00:23:50Please? Names
00:23:58All right, international carpets and consolidated bedding
00:24:07I, um, I do hope you like it
00:24:10Oh, yes, I do
00:24:13What did you say?
00:24:17What did she say?
00:24:20She said she loves it
00:24:30Um, you, uh, you can't often get it around here
00:24:36I wouldn't do, but I am hoping that might change
00:24:43What did you say?
00:24:49What did she say?
00:24:50She said it looks like rain
00:24:52Looks like rain? What's she talking about?
00:24:55Don't ask me, mate
00:24:56I'm only the butler, I don't get paid for interpreting
00:25:06Mr. Harrington, Harrington tells me that you unfortunately lost your job with your previous employers
00:25:12Well, that, that is correct, madam
00:25:14Matter of fact, I was previously an employer of Lady Seymour Hoffet
00:25:18Offit, the Seymour Offit
00:25:20Not from where I'm standing
00:25:25Mr. Harrington, Harrington tells me that you unfortunately lost your job with your previous employers
00:25:32Not from where I'm standing
00:25:40Oh, oh, um, well, um, Wilkins, um, what about the next course?
00:25:50Well, darling, um, what did you think of the, uh, cock-o-van?
00:25:55Oh, I thought the van was excellent, but as usual, I could have done with a little more
00:26:02I'll see what I can do, madam
00:26:09Mr. Harrington, Harrington tells me that you unfortunately lost your job with your previous employers
00:26:16Thank you
00:26:21Um, did she like it? I think she's after a bit more, sir
00:26:25Oh, well, give it to her if she wants it
00:26:28Thank you, sir
00:26:31Oh, now, now, I said to him, I said, um, look, old chap
00:26:38An investment in blue-chip government stock will yield 8% compounded, impounded
00:26:52Compounded over five years, which is
00:26:56Uh, where was I?
00:27:01You were writing out my cheque for daddy, Harrington
00:27:05Was I?
00:27:07Yes, you knew, to help with the fees for my missionary school
00:27:11Ah, yes, sorry, look, um, you see, I, I don't think I, um, I don't, um, want to get approval
00:27:21And to me, it takes you away from me, to us
00:27:31Oh, but don't be silly, tiger, I think of you all the time
00:27:37Um, another note, darling
00:27:42Is it just another little note?
00:27:45There, oh, that's it
00:27:55Oh, darling
00:28:08Good night, sweet prince
00:28:11Come to think of it
00:28:14That's just what I may have
00:28:17Well, that should ensure a nice, even sundown this summer
00:28:56Well, not that long
00:29:11Tell me, why did you bother this time?
00:29:21To knock and wait
00:29:23Oh, well, the thing is, I was brought up proper, see
00:29:29My mum always said that with a lady, you've got to take your time knocking
00:29:34How immensely perspicacious of her
00:29:37Yeah, I thought you might be needing this tonight
00:29:42Yes, I just might
00:29:45The right honourable gentleman won't be moving, he'll be there till breakfast time
00:29:49Is, er, is there anything else you fancy tonight?
00:29:54Anything else I fancy tonight?
00:29:56Really, your terminology is curious for a butler in such a well-run household
00:30:01How did you get the job?
00:30:03Oh, I was a bit lucky there, like these nibs said, my boss was bankrupt and I was out of a job
00:30:09Your Rodney heard about it, he offered me this position
00:30:13But you're no more a butler than I am
00:30:16Of course I'm not, that's where the luck comes in
00:30:19See, I was working in the kitchens, weren't I?
00:30:21Well, wine cellars really, dishing out the bottles of wine for them at dinner time
00:30:27Well, when Rodney HH asked me what I'd done, I told him that I was a butler
00:30:33Next thing I knew, he's offered me this job and here I am
00:30:39A butler, how like Rodney
00:30:43Well, as you're here, you can bottle for me
00:30:48You'll find one in the wardrobe
00:30:51I think you've scored here, son
00:30:53Tonight you could be laying more than the table
00:30:57And now I shall have to squeeze some juice from you
00:31:02Because it must be fresh
00:31:05Orange juice, for Buckface
00:31:10For Fip?
00:31:11Buckface, you name it
00:31:13For Fip
00:31:14For Fip
00:31:15For Fip
00:31:16For Fip
00:31:23Orange juice, I don't think we've got any
00:31:26Well, try in the kitchen
00:31:28You'll find some there
00:31:31Orange juice
00:31:47They need to be squeezed.
00:31:49They're not the only things.
00:31:51Well, go on. Squeeze them.
00:31:55Oh, dear!
00:31:57Oh, dear!
00:31:59Let me see your arm.
00:32:02Let me see your arm, please.
00:32:04Oh, my arm!
00:32:13my arm!
00:32:15Oh, my arm!
00:32:18Oh, my arm!
00:32:23Squeezed orange juice.
00:32:44Oh, but glasses.
00:32:48We should need some glasses.
00:32:50Off you go.
00:32:56Oh, sheesh.
00:32:58You know, I've always found the aristocracy doesn't have the steam.
00:33:18I mean, it was ridiculous.
00:33:25So you gave it all up, including Rodney?
00:33:27Oh, of course.
00:33:28And you spend all of your time at home?
00:33:30That's right.
00:33:32What do you do?
00:33:33I read.
00:33:37That's all?
00:33:38I spend all of my time in the library, studying the history of the Stockbridge family.
00:33:44That doesn't bore you?
00:33:47My ancestors were a lot of things, but never boring.
00:33:53Reprehensible, possibly.
00:33:56Rapacious, probably.
00:33:58Romantic, certainly.
00:34:01But boring, never.
00:34:05Oh, incredibly romantic.
00:34:08The first countess was abducted by the count on the eve of her impending wedding to a certain Lord Carson.
00:34:15They eloped to Devon in a carriage drawn by four white horses.
00:34:21Oh, that's when I would love to...
00:34:26Oh, nothing.
00:34:28Please continue.
00:34:30Well, that's when I would love to have been alive.
00:34:35That's the era I often dream about.
00:34:39You see yourself as a noblewoman.
00:34:41Of what period?
00:34:43Oh, no!
00:34:45Not nearly romantic enough.
00:34:47George and the daughter of the Duke of Stockbridge in the reign of George II.
00:34:54That's my fantasy.
00:34:58Tell me about it.
00:35:00Well, it was a period of rakes and scandals, of opportunities and opportunists,
00:35:10soldiers of fortune and soldiers of war.
00:35:14I'm still a countess, of course, but I dream that my family is still immensely wealthy
00:35:21and men come wooing me for my money rather than the other way around.
00:36:10Oh, that's when I would love to have been alive.
00:36:40Oh, that's when I would love to have been alive.
00:37:09Dearest lady, tell me the truth.
00:37:16My heart is dying every moment you delay.
00:37:20Is there another man which would love as much as me?
00:37:23Of course not, you silly cuckoo.
00:37:26That you should ask such a question.
00:37:32Not even in a theatre, a passing fantasy?
00:37:36Not even that.
00:37:40I cannot believe that, Victoria.
00:37:43One so deserving of love, one so worthy of any man's affection.
00:37:48Many women are worthy of affection, Lord Woodbridge, particularly yours.
00:37:54Why do you question me so?
00:37:57Because my heart is empty without your love.
00:38:02You say that there's no one else, yet you refuse to show me any affection.
00:38:06You let me court you, but you don't let me touch you.
00:38:10I'm the happiest of men when I'm away from you and thinking of you,
00:38:14yet the unhappiest of men when I'm with you and cannot have you.
00:38:18I believe you, Lord Woodbridge, but what would you have of me?
00:38:26A kiss, nothing else.
00:38:36My dearest, dearest love.
00:38:39Now I know that there's no one else.
00:38:42I know it to be true.
00:38:44Have I your hand?
00:38:45What? A mere kiss, my lord?
00:39:00I realize it's all about the passion, my dear.
00:39:02Do be careful with your nails.
00:39:04This coat was very expensive.
00:39:09Who the devil are you, sir?
00:39:11How dare you?
00:39:13Lady Victoria, you seem to be having a little difficulty.
00:39:17Oh, let me give you a hand.
00:39:18Oh, thank you.
00:39:22Oh, Victoria.
00:39:24Oh, Lieutenant Cranshaw, and I thought you were a gentleman.
00:39:29Sorry, old habits die hard.
00:39:32Lieutenant Cranshaw?
00:39:34Sir, you mean to say you know this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, oh, Victoria.
00:39:40I thought you was a common highwayman.
00:39:42Well, there wasn't much happening on the common, so I thought I'd try my luck in the hills.
00:39:47And what does he mean, old habits die hard?
00:39:51Yes, well, I'm...
00:39:55Lord Woodbridge, allow me to present to you Lieutenant Cranshaw of the Fifth Dragoons.
00:40:02Lord Woodbridge, Lieutenant Cranshaw.
00:40:06Lieutenant Cranshaw is an old acquaintance of mine, who I thought to be still abroad,
00:40:13risking his all in foreign parts, never to return.
00:40:19Wounded in battle and returned home.
00:40:22Oh, my poor, poor love.
00:40:26No, no, it is nothing.
00:40:27We must all make some sacrifices for our country.
00:40:30Eh, my lord?
00:40:32When did you return?
00:40:33I landed just two days since.
00:40:34I came straight to you, my love.
00:40:44You, sir, are a cad and a scoundrel.
00:40:47This lady has promised to me.
00:40:49You jest.
00:40:50She's been spoken for for years.
00:40:52Victoria has promised to me.
00:40:55Good job.
00:40:57Look at the situation.
00:41:00It seems to me that there is only one way to resolve it.
00:41:13Now, gentlemen, whoever wins this duel,
00:41:42This jewel should also win my hand.
00:41:46Well, to be honest...
00:41:48And, of course, all that is behind it.
00:41:53All right.
00:42:08Now, gentlemen, ten pieces.
00:42:111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
00:42:188... 8...
00:42:228, 9, 10!
00:42:28Now, you shall each have the opportunity of firing once.
00:42:36You shall, of course, not fire at the same time,
00:42:39but must wait for the other to let off his shot first.
00:42:43Now, who is to fire first?
00:42:46Let me think.
00:42:48Lord Woodbridge, you made the challenge,
00:43:10therefore you, Lieutenant Cranshaw,
00:43:13shall have the first fire.
00:43:16Ready, gentlemen?
00:43:19Look, there must be another way.
00:43:23Couldn't we just do lots for you?
00:43:28Certainly not.
00:43:30A noble coward, as I thought.
00:43:33Lord Woodbridge, are you ready to receive Lieutenant Cranshaw's fire?
00:43:38Lieutenant Cranshaw?
00:43:50No wonder we're losing the war.
00:43:53My shot, I believe.
00:43:55Look, you're right.
00:43:57We should draw lots for her.
00:44:00Whoever's got the longest one gets Victoria.
00:44:02That's what I'm hoping for.
00:44:05Come on, gentlemen, get on with it.
00:44:09Lord Woodbridge!
00:44:18The cock! He shot the cock!
00:44:21Oh, she takes a long time.
00:44:3732 misses, isn't bad.
00:44:40It's your turn, I think, Cranshaw.
00:44:41Oh, no, boy, I just shot the groom, remember?
00:44:44Oh, yes, of course you did.
00:44:50This is ridiculous.
00:44:51You're not trying, either of you.
00:44:54Have you forgotten the prize?
00:44:58Is it not a prize worth fighting for?
00:45:03A prize worth dying for?
00:45:10Did your shot, I believe, Lord Woodbridge?
00:45:25Lieutenant Cranshaw?
00:45:41For heaven's sakes, man, a woman can't wait forever.
00:45:56Come here.
00:46:02Oh, John, John, stop protesting so.
00:46:07I'm only a woman, after all, and you've been away these two long years.
00:46:11Oh, John, John, kiss me, kiss me.
00:46:16John, John, I can't wait any longer.
00:46:21Oh, John, John.
00:46:24John, John, John.
00:46:29Where is it?
00:46:32Well, as I told you, I was wounded in battle and...
00:46:37Lord Woodbridge?
00:46:41Lord Woodbridge?
00:46:43Why the anticlimax?
00:46:45Oh, but that's half the fun.
00:46:48Keeping the lady's honour intact.
00:46:51It means that she's always available as a pure, innocent creature when the Marquis comes along.
00:46:59The Marquis of Midsomberg, you see.
00:47:02Yes, yes, of course, we can go into that more fully next time.
00:47:05Thank you, Victoria. Please come again.
00:47:29Case history number 2527, Sandra.
00:47:48An extremely interesting subject.
00:47:52Although she desperately wants to be accepted as an ordinary middle-class housewife,
00:47:57she has in fact never been married.
00:48:00Consequently, she's invented a husband and a family
00:48:03and has now come to the stage where she cannot separate fact from fiction.
00:48:25Research shows that she was jilted by her lover on the eve of their wedding
00:48:29and that he ran off with the best man.
00:48:44She's never been able to come to terms with this.
00:48:46And in her own mind, the wedding took place and they have two children,
00:48:49a house in Surbiton and a cocker spaniel.
00:49:01In fact, she lives with her mother in Watford.
00:49:04It is essential to treat the existence of her husband as a reality
00:49:08in order to get her to continue her treatment.
00:49:17Today's appointment, her eighth visit, is for 3.30pm.
00:49:47I'm a little early today. I hope that's all right.
00:50:08Yes, yes, that's fine. It gives us more time together. Do sit down.
00:50:14I won't keep you a moment.
00:50:27Been shopping?
00:50:29Oh, I was just looking at these things.
00:50:32I thought all you young women of today wore tights.
00:50:35Oh, we do.
00:50:37It's just that I saw these in the window of one of those shops in Soho
00:50:41and I don't know how I plucked up the courage, but I went in and bought them.
00:50:45They're not for me, though.
00:50:46Oh, I see.
00:50:47No, they're for Colin, my husband.
00:50:50Your husband likes to wear women's clothes?
00:50:53Of course he doesn't.
00:50:55But he does like to see me wearing things like this.
00:50:58Colin's always hated tights and I promised him that on my next trip to London
00:51:03I would get a pair of nice silk stockings.
00:51:08Look, they've got seams.
00:51:10How deliciously decadent.
00:51:12Why does your husband like stockings so much?
00:51:15Oh, come on now, you must be joking.
00:51:18I mean, haven't you ever run your hand up a stocking leg?
00:51:23May we talk about you?
00:51:25Oh, yes, I'm sorry.
00:51:26I didn't mean to...
00:51:27Your husband finds them stimulating?
00:51:29Oh, yes, I suppose he must do.
00:51:31Not that he ever needs stimulating. He never thinks of anything else.
00:51:35If I'm in the kitchen, for instance, bending over the oven to see if my Yorkshire puddings have risen
00:51:40and he comes in, next thing I know he's got both his hands up my skirt and he's putting the meat in.
00:51:45Your husband is highly sexed?
00:51:47You can say that again.
00:51:49Not that I'm complaining.
00:51:51Well, then why the suspenders?
00:51:52Ah, well, you see, they are going to be an anniversary present for him
00:51:58to remind him of the day he proposed to me.
00:52:02Ah, I see.
00:52:04Would you like to tell me about that?
00:52:06Well, yes, you see, I first met Colin when I joined a large pharmaceutical manufacturing firm.
00:52:12Colin was a research chemist and I joined as a trainee.
00:52:17Mr. Foster, come and look at this chemical grouping. It's fascinating.
00:52:24Even then he was more interested in biological groping than chemical grouping.
00:52:29And you objected to this?
00:52:31Well, of course I did. I mean, I had only been there for two days.
00:52:36Anyway, the girls had all warned me against him.
00:52:39Well, go on.
00:52:40Well, every time he came anywhere near you, he had one hand here, the other hand there, the other hand somewhere else,
00:52:46the handsome chemist, and he'd say,
00:52:49He had one hand here, the other hand there, the other hand somewhere else,
00:52:52the handsome chemist, we used to call him.
00:52:55And did you continue to reject his advances?
00:52:58Yes, I did. Then he stopped.
00:53:02I got quite offended, so I decided that the next time he tried, I would change my tactics.
00:53:10He had asked me to stay behind one evening to do some overtime on a project I was working on.
00:53:16Unfortunately, he couldn't stay for as long as he hoped.
00:53:19Yeah, well, where has this lecture taken place?
00:53:23Are you sure that nobody else can do it?
00:53:25No, right.
00:53:26Okay, sir, I'll do it. Thank you. Bye-bye.
00:53:30Bloody hell!
00:53:32No, I'm sorry, Sandra. I've wasted your evening by asking you to work late tonight.
00:53:35Professor Langton is due to give a lecture at Manchester University, and he can't make it.
00:53:39So he's asked me, no correction, all of me, to go in his place. I'm sorry.
00:53:43Night, Richard.
00:53:44Good night.
00:53:46Oh, never mind. I'll work on for a bit anyway.
00:53:49Yeah, and I'd work on you for a bit too, if I thought it might do some good.
00:53:52You don't want to be late for your lecture, do you?
00:53:55Oh, no.
00:53:57What's the subject?
00:53:59Oh, I forgot to ask. Good night. Nobody listens anyway.
00:54:02Good night, love.
00:54:03Good night.
00:54:04See you in the morning.
00:54:06Thank you.
00:54:12I remember that it was a very hot summer that year,
00:54:15and I couldn't bear to wear even a thin blouse under my uniform.
00:54:19I decided to freshen up before going home.
00:54:22So I went to one of the sinks for a quick wash.
00:54:28Oh, my God!
00:54:30Oh, you frighten me to death.
00:54:33I didn't hear you come in.
00:54:35I could see you were busy, so I thought I wouldn't disturb you.
00:54:38I thought you were in a hurry.
00:54:40Oh, I am. I forgot my papers.
00:54:42I just remember what the subject was.
00:54:45The effects of the naked female body on the fibres of Y-fronts.
00:54:48Oh, wow.
00:54:50Sandra, I'm crazy about you.
00:54:52I love you. I love you.
00:54:54Oh, me too, Colin.
00:54:56You love you?
00:54:57You. I love you, silly.
00:54:59Oh, Sandra.
00:55:01Come on. Get up on the bench.
00:55:04I know I'll work on this bench.
00:55:05I dream of having you off on it.
00:55:07Please get up.
00:55:10What's that? Your lecture?
00:55:12Let them wait. Let them wait.
00:55:14Sandra, will you marry me?
00:55:17I thought you just wanted a quick session.
00:55:19I do, I do, but I thought you might say no.
00:55:21Do I look like a reluctant virgin?
00:55:23No, we can have it both ways.
00:55:24A quick one now and a wedding later.
00:55:28Oh, lovely.
00:55:34Oh, Sandra.
00:55:37I can't get it in.
00:55:39I'm not surprised.
00:55:40I've still got me tights on.
00:55:50He dislocated his shoulder and broke his arm in two places.
00:55:54Hence the stockings.
00:55:56On every date after that, he would always check before we went out
00:55:59by running his hand up my leg to see I wasn't wearing tights.
00:56:03I fooled you one night, though.
00:56:04I didn't put on anything underneath.
00:56:06What happened?
00:56:07We didn't go out.
00:56:09This practice stopped after you were married, I take it?
00:56:11Well, no, not at first.
00:56:13I mean, it was our little game, you see,
00:56:14but later on, after the first baby was born,
00:56:17well, then I went back to wearing tights.
00:56:19After the first baby?
00:56:21I see.
00:56:22Did this have any effect on your husband's feelings towards you?
00:56:25How do you mean?
00:56:26Well, did he still make love to you as afterwards?
00:56:28Oh, well, of course he did.
00:56:30I mean, whatever I wear doesn't make any difference.
00:56:34I'm sure that he thinks that having it off will be an Olympic event one day
00:56:38and that he just keeps in training.
00:56:41He sees me as a sort of a walking, no-lying-down version of the marathon.
00:56:47I wouldn't mind, but I don't have to do anything, you see.
00:56:51I don't understand.
00:56:52Well, I don't have to encourage him in any way,
00:56:55get him all worked up, get him panting for it.
00:56:59You would like to?
00:57:00Oh, yes.
00:57:02I mean, take last week, for example.
00:57:06I spent over an hour in the bath.
00:57:08I put on new perfume and a new nightie,
00:57:11and then, pow, in he comes, leaps on me,
00:57:15and, well, you know.
00:57:20Well, the next day, I was cleaning out the boiler
00:57:22and Colin comes home unexpectedly.
00:57:24There I was, filthy dirty with my head stuck up the flue pipe,
00:57:27and, pow, he's at it again.
00:57:29I mean, it makes no difference, you see.
00:57:32He just uses my body.
00:57:35And you feel that you're losing your femininity?
00:57:38Oh, exactly.
00:57:41Oh, you do understand a woman, don't you?
00:57:44Yes, may we continue?
00:57:45How would you like the problem to be resolved?
00:57:48Well, I would like to see the roles reverse.
00:57:51Get me to turn Colin on.
00:57:53Give him the hots for me.
00:57:55Make him wild with passion before he even got anywhere near me.
00:58:00Describe it to me.
00:58:02Well, I imagine that everything starts off very normally
00:58:07and I work up to it.
00:58:10Where would you like it?
00:58:12On the table, as usual, love.
00:58:14Now, that would normally be enough on its own.
00:58:21That looks nice.
00:58:23I hope you like it.
00:58:25I've made a bit of a cock-up of it, I'm afraid.
00:58:33Tastes all right to me.
00:58:35Oh, pass the sauce, please, love.
00:58:45Anything else?
00:58:46No, it's fine, thanks.
00:58:49Er, would you like a bit of mine?
00:58:59If you're not hungry, love, wasting up won't knock.
00:59:02Would you like another plate?
00:59:06No, this one's fine.
00:59:19Now it's eating on its own. Intercepted by him.
00:59:25King again. United still after him.
00:59:27But I'm afraid he's done it.
00:59:33Two lumps.
00:59:35Did you put two lumps in?
00:59:37Now it's King flipping the tackle well past Thompson.
00:59:41Trying to get past John, but he's beaten there.
00:59:43Well beaten.
00:59:48He's been dominating, love. He's been brought down.
01:00:19I thought you'd taken that to the cleaners.
01:00:21You know that I'll need it next week.
01:00:27Oh, big boy.
01:00:29How do you like to make a lady happy?
01:00:31Careful, love, you'll crease me trousers.
01:00:34Or if you want to forget the happy.
01:00:37How do you like to make a lady happy?
01:00:42Do you fancy a game of cards?
01:00:49Right, what do you want to play?
01:00:51How about a game of strip poker?
01:00:53Sandra, you can't play poker. Come on, what shall we play?
01:01:01All right.
01:01:12Oh, dear. I lose that one, don't I?
01:01:15What are you doing?
01:01:16Well, I may not be able to play strip poker, but I can play strip snap.
01:01:20Strip snap?
01:01:23Oh, come on, don't be a spoilsport.
01:01:28All right.
01:01:41Come on, it's snap again.
01:01:43Come on, it's snap again.
01:02:05Look, this is ridiculous. You're not even trying, are you?
01:02:07You haven't won one hand yet.
01:02:09What's wrong?
01:02:10Well, it's snap again.
01:02:13Snap again.
01:02:14All right, I win. Come on, it's time for bed.
01:02:19Look, turn the light out before you go in there.
01:02:43Knock, knock, knock
01:02:56Here you are. Here am I.
01:03:00We can't let this chance go by.
01:03:03Let this chance go by.
01:03:06Cause I must have my baby with you.
01:03:11You must come, you must stay, cos I must have it away.
01:03:18Must have it away, cos I feel like a nice long lay.
01:03:26So, you will not give me what is mine.
01:03:31OK, I must take it.
01:03:34Remove this.
01:03:38And now this.
01:03:45You would like to take my clothes off?
01:03:50OK, lie down.
01:04:02When I told you not to move, I meant it.
01:04:08When I told you to lie down, I meant all of you.
01:04:15Oh, I see you have raised a protest.
01:04:21Then you must take the full punishment.
01:04:25No, no, no.
01:04:28Anybody's going to take the punishment.
01:04:30It's you!
01:04:32Oh, lovely one.
01:04:35It still ends with him making love to you.
01:04:37Oh, of course it does. I never intended to deny him.
01:04:41Just to tease you.
01:04:43Well, yes, it's, like you said, femininity.
01:04:46You did say I was very feminine, didn't you?
01:04:49Yes, that's right, I did.
01:04:51Well, then, that's that.
01:04:54What shall we talk about next?
01:04:56Well, actually, you've overrun your time already. I'm sorry.
01:04:59You want me to go, don't you?
01:05:02You don't like me.
01:05:04Of course I do, Sandra. It's just that I do have other people to see.
01:05:07Please come again next week.
01:05:09Oh! Oh, yes.
01:05:13I'll get my husband to look after the two children.
01:05:28Nurse, are you there?
01:05:29Yes, sir.
01:05:30Oh, good morning.
01:05:32Yes, sir.
01:05:35Come in. Oh, good, you're ready for those notes.
01:05:38Fine. Sit down, will you?
01:05:43The psychological effect on emotionally unstable women
01:05:49that can be caused by men in a position of trust.
01:05:56The relationship between a doctor and a patient...
01:05:59Excuse me, sir, you haven't forgotten your appointment with Marion, have you?
01:06:02Marion? Marion?
01:06:04Case 2310. Sexual relations with relations.
01:06:09A depressive...
01:06:10Yes, thank you, nurse. Oh, is she here now?
01:06:12Oh, yes.
01:06:13Oh, right, send her in, will you? We'll finish this up later.
01:06:24Ah, Marion, come in. Sit down.
01:06:31Well, how are we today?
01:06:33Oh, OK.
01:06:34Just OK? You seem rather elated.
01:06:37I've come again.
01:06:40I can see that, you're here.
01:06:42No, no, he put it in again.
01:06:45I'm sorry, I'm lost. Who put what in again?
01:06:48Mr Johnson.
01:06:50Mr Johnson?
01:06:51Yes. He put the advert in the paper again, and I answered it again.
01:06:56And the same thing happened.
01:06:58Marion, have you seen your mother recently?
01:07:00He decided to give me a shorthand test.
01:07:03I think we ought to talk about your mother, but where are you living now?
01:07:05But I could tell he fancied me.
01:07:08It was those eyes.
01:07:10Rather like yours, they were.
01:07:15Of course, he couldn't resist me.
01:07:17And we did it again.
01:07:20Under the desk.
01:07:23Under the desk?
01:07:26Nurse! Nurse! In here, quick!
01:07:29It was wonderful. I'm going again next week.
01:07:33Marion, you must control yourself.
01:07:36Marion, look, please.
01:07:39Now, now, Marion, we mustn't get carried away, must we?
01:07:43After all, we don't want him struck off, do we?
01:07:47For taking advantage of pretty young patients.
01:07:53Right, Marion, see you next...
01:07:56Yes, fine, thank you.
01:08:03I think she's improving.
01:08:06Now, look here, nurse, don't get the wrong impression.
01:08:08She's just very, um, very...
01:08:11Yes, pretty.
01:08:12Good heavens, nurse, what do you think I am?
01:08:14Who's next?
01:08:15Oh, Lady Stockbridge. Case number 2420.
01:08:18Case number 2420. Ancestral problems.
01:08:21I ought to mention...
01:08:22Thank you, nurse, I can remember some case histories.
01:08:25Don't say I didn't warn you.
01:08:27Warn me?
01:08:39Oh, you've fallen for me!
01:08:42How sweet!
01:08:44Lady Victoria, I'm sorry, I'm somewhat thrown.
01:08:46And I'd forgotten that I'd had the couch moved.
01:08:49It doesn't look as though it's been moved, me.
01:08:52Are you all right?
01:08:53Yes, yes, I'm fine. Would you like to sit down?
01:09:00Tell me, why are you wearing those clothes?
01:09:04Well, that was a perfectly civilized question.
01:09:06Oh, no, I mean fancy dress balls.
01:09:09I've been advised one this week,
01:09:11and I've just been to the costumers to hire my gown.
01:09:15Do you like it?
01:09:17Yes, yes, most becoming.
01:09:19So, you're getting out and about. Well, that's good.
01:09:22Tell me, who is escorting you to these functions?
01:09:25Oh, a dashing military man.
01:09:29You'd like him.
01:09:31Lieutenant Crenshaw.
01:09:33Lieutenant Crenshaw?
01:09:35He's awfully good-looking.
01:09:37And I do hope he's a good dancer as well.
01:09:40Tell me, Victoria, have you seen your father recently?
01:09:43I imagine he's frightfully good at the military two-step.
01:09:49How's your two-step?
01:09:52Look, Victoria, we haven't got time for all this.
01:09:56Oh, Lieutenant, tell me,
01:09:59is your war wound any better?
01:10:03Now, listen, Victoria, I am not Lieutenant Crenshaw.
01:10:06I am your psychiatrist.
01:10:09Well, in that case, I've got something to show you.
01:10:15Oh, my God.
01:10:17Now, look, Victoria, please be careful.
01:10:19It's not loaded, is it?
01:10:21Of course not. Don't be silly.
01:10:23Well, anyway, you'd better give it to me.
01:10:25I knew it's not your shop.
01:10:27Victoria, give me the gun.
01:10:33I'm sure he won't miss it.
01:10:36Oh, but I do.
01:10:38Oh, John.
01:10:42Oh, John.
01:10:46My, my, we are having problems today, aren't we?
01:10:49If we could manage to keep our hands off the patients, it would help.
01:10:53But you don't understand, nurse.
01:10:55She shot it off.
01:10:57Well, perhaps that will slow you down a little.
01:11:00Might I suggest a cold towel wrapped firmly around the head for an hour or two to cool you off?
01:11:05Now, look here, nurse.
01:11:06I will not be spoken to.
01:11:17Ah, nurse, I don't think I'll see any more patients today.
01:11:21Please cancel all other appointments.
01:11:23Yes, I think that would be advisable.
01:11:26Today does appear to have been something of a struggle for you.
01:11:29Go home and sleep it off.
01:11:31Yes, thank you, nurse.
01:11:35It's only me.
01:11:37I just remembered something I wanted to tell the doctor.
01:11:39I'm afraid the doctor can't see you, Sandra.
01:11:41But I've come back specially.
01:11:42I'm very sorry, Sandra.
01:11:44No, no, that's all right, nurse.
01:11:45I'll see Sandra, but no one else.
01:11:48I'm not sure I understand anything anymore.
01:11:55You've been shopping again?
01:11:57Oh, good.
01:11:58No, I was only just going to bring...
01:11:59The coat!
01:12:00You brought the coat.
01:12:02You expect me to wear this, don't you, eh?
01:12:03Want me to put it on?
01:12:04Oh, I won't, do you hear?
01:12:05I won't.
01:12:06You'd like me to make an exhibition of myself, wouldn't you, eh?
01:12:09Act out the little fantasies for you.
01:12:10Well, I refuse.
01:12:11Do you hear?
01:12:12I absolutely refuse.
01:12:13I will not play these silly games with you.
01:12:14Well, no, I mean, I was just going to...
01:12:16You want me to expose myself, don't you, eh?
01:12:20Act out the little perversions.
01:12:21Well, I won't, do you hear?
01:12:22That's what you want, isn't it?
01:12:26I was just going to take it to the cleaners.
01:12:30I'm terribly sorry, Sandra.
01:12:32What came over me.
01:12:34I must apologise.
01:12:37Oh, look, don't leave just yet.
01:12:40I don't want to stay here with you.
01:12:42I'm going back to my mum.
01:12:44These people are normal in Watford.
01:12:50I think you ought to see a doctor.
01:13:19Now we're exposing ourselves to patients.
01:13:22My, my, doctor.
01:13:23This sexual therapy isn't having a very good effect on you, is it?
01:13:26up Coropody and work your way up. After a while you'll reach the knees and then you
01:13:31can move on to higher things. Now look nurse! Oh come doctor, I'm not silly. I know why
01:13:38you wanted to cancel those appointments. It's me, isn't it? You've always desired me.
01:13:44You've always wanted me. Now just a minute. Give me my glasses. What are you doing?
01:13:56I can't take any more! I can't stand it! Leave me alone! You're all mad, all of you!
01:14:23The way you smile. The way you walk. Please stay a while.
01:14:42Hello, get me Dr. Gill, will you? Thank you. Oh hello, Dr. Gill. Oh nurse Addison here.
01:14:50That's right, Dr. Boyd's nurse. Could I make an appointment for him to see you on Monday?
01:14:55I... I think he needs a little... help.
