American Confederate Western HD - movie in English

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00Once, there was a great war that tore a young nation apart.
00:00:29This was not a war against an outside invader, but a conflict between two sides of the same
00:00:38The brave souls of the cavalry were often called upon for particularly dangerous assignments.
00:00:47This is their story.
00:02:18Support, Paul. I know he lost one.
00:02:21I think Glover and Parrish were captured.
00:02:24You think?
00:02:26Didn't see them shot. No one else did either. The horses are missing, too.
00:02:32Yeah, they might have been grabbed. I hope they didn't keep their damn mouths shut.
00:02:38I pulled my troops from the jaws of the dragon and saved them from certain slaughter, and
00:02:48they call me a coward.
00:02:50I've been rightfully upset for being called a coward, and they call me crazy.
00:02:53You did the right thing, General. Obviously, someone agreed. You were awarded the promotion.
00:02:59Makes me think. They must think I've acquired so much.
00:03:05Wisdom is never acquired easily.
00:03:09Our tactics are going to have to change people. We keep making decisions and we stick by them
00:03:13regardless of the consequences. Regardless!
00:03:29What's your name, soldier?
00:03:32Trooper Parrish, 2nd South Carolina Cavalry, Confederate States of America.
00:03:39That's clever. Tell you what I'm going to do. I'll give you ten seconds to tell me what I want to know.
00:03:44And if you don't tell me what I want to know, I'm going to shoot you.
00:03:48Trooper Parrish, 2nd South Carolina Cavalry, Confederate States of America.
00:03:54Ten. Nine. Eight.
00:04:03Seven, six, five.
00:04:22Shoot him.
00:04:33Shoot him.
00:04:45Long night, Miss Olivia.
00:04:47Yes, it was, Henry. Any longer, I'd forget what daylight looked like.
00:04:52If you don't mind, how about looking after the men and me going and cleaning up?
00:05:11All right, now. Hold on there. Doctor! Doctor!
00:05:16I need to see the captain.
00:05:18Who's he with?
00:05:26I'll get a courier.
00:05:29It must be Captain Chessman.
00:05:31Yes, ma'am.
00:05:32One of your soldiers is inside and insists on speaking to you.
00:05:41We're lucky to have him with us, Captain. He's lost a lot of blood.
00:05:46Can I see him?
00:05:49Well, you can try. I've given him the last of the London.
00:05:59Hey, Captain.
00:06:03I can come back if you want me to.
00:06:05No. I need to tell you.
00:06:11Glover's dead.
00:06:13What happened?
00:06:17We got caught during the fight.
00:06:21Some naked captain shot him.
00:06:24I think his name was Falstaff.
00:06:29He kept asking questions.
00:06:31You mean to tell me he was shot after you was taken prisoner?
00:06:37He didn't like the answers. So he shot me.
00:06:43What happened then?
00:06:47I ran.
00:06:51And he shot me in the leg.
00:06:54Probably pretty cowardly.
00:06:56No. No, that's not cowardly.
00:07:01You did what you had to do.
00:07:07Doc and Miss Olivia will fix you up, son. Send you home for a little rest.
00:07:13No. As soon as I can ride again. I want back in the troop.
00:07:17I want back in the troop.
00:07:19Well, if you want to be back in the troop, I'll put you back in the troop.
00:07:26So I hear they're calling what we did yesterday a victory.
00:07:30Well, we killed more of them than they did of us.
00:07:33Bunch of yanks headed back north. Sounds like good news to me.
00:07:37Well, I can't argue with that.
00:07:39So what's next? Where are we going?
00:07:41I'll let Boyle fill you in.
00:07:43This ain't 100%. Things may change. I think we're headed north.
00:07:49How far north?
00:07:51Kentucky. Maybe farther.
00:07:55Think that's a real good idea? Could end this war quick.
00:08:57Peyton, have you been out here all morning?
00:08:59Yes, ma'am. Just keepin' watch.
00:09:01Well, good. Your father's letter said he'd be here sometime this week.
00:09:06Might not be today. Might not be tomorrow.
00:09:09I think he'll be today.
00:09:11That's good, but you can't be too sure of that.
00:09:13I'm pretty sure he'll make it to the house today, Mama.
00:09:16He's right on the other side of the field right now.
00:09:18Thank you.
00:09:40Thank you, Mrs. Chessman.
00:09:49This has been the best darn supper I've had in a long, long time.
00:09:55So, Peyton came across a copy of the Augusta Chronicle about a month ago.
00:10:00And it mentioned about all you were a part of.
00:10:04We actually got reporters following us around now.
00:10:07Reporters? They're in the fight with you?
00:10:10They ain't that stupid. They ain't gonna get that close.
00:10:14When can I join up, Paul?
00:10:19Well, I need you here, boy. Look after your mother and the farm.
00:10:26I hear about it, and I read about it.
00:10:29I don't know a lot, but I do want to fight.
00:10:35He wants to be just like his daddy, Aurel.
00:10:38I know.
00:10:44If something happened to you, Peyton, our family name would...
00:10:47It's hard enough on me with you out there, Aurel.
00:10:50But with the two of you out there fighting, I'd just go crazy.
00:10:57Well, we can't have that.
00:11:01Fact is, you're too young, Peyton.
00:11:05He ain't going in right now. I promise you that.
00:11:17Uncle Phillip.
00:11:18Damien. What a surprise.
00:11:20Glad to see you back. Come on in.
00:11:24Have a seat, Damien.
00:11:26Tell me how you've been doing and how things are going out there.
00:11:29Things are pretty well.
00:11:31Supply chain's hard to keep up.
00:11:34It's time consuming for the troops.
00:11:37I'm glad you're here, Uncle Phillip.
00:11:39I'm glad you're here, Uncle Phillip.
00:11:41I'm glad you're here, Uncle Phillip.
00:11:43I'm glad you're here, Uncle Phillip.
00:11:45It's hard time consuming for the troops.
00:11:48Well, you know I'm an old railroad man from way back.
00:11:51Ran every supply train.
00:11:53Uncle Phillip, I tell you, I wish we had more of your locomotives to work with.
00:11:58All in good time. All in good time.
00:12:01Have you been back to the old family homestead?
00:12:04Yes, sir. Surprisingly enough. I get back there from time to time.
00:12:07Well, that's good to hear.
00:12:09I hope Aunt Minnie's lumbago's doing better.
00:12:12Where are you off to next?
00:12:14Pennsylvania. Big movement up from Richmond and you know we go where the
00:12:18action is. What's your prediction? How long is this war gonna last? Three, six months at
00:12:26the most. Really? Yes, sir. So you're thinking everybody's gonna be home by
00:12:30Christmastime? Lord willing, we'll all be home by Christmas.
00:12:44Stained in deep dark red like the break of dawn.
00:12:49One went north and one went south. Made our home a divided house.
00:12:54The wounds of bleeding Kansas came right at home.
00:12:59From heaven above the angels cried.
00:13:04And brothers sprang and brothers died.
00:13:12Let the tears of the coming crowd now. Mama cries on the porch of our house.
00:13:17The reasons are no longer black and white.
00:13:21And brothers who cried, we all say our hearts cry.
00:13:25For the hero who's just died.
00:13:27The twisted truth is how we died.
00:13:31When we found God.
00:13:43Well hey RL, fancy meeting you way up here.
00:13:58Hell of a long ride. I sure hope them higher up know what the hell they're talking about.
00:14:03I wouldn't count on that. If this thing works, the whole war could be over before you know it.
00:14:08I wouldn't count on that either.
00:14:10Only thing I'd count on is old Walter here.
00:14:13Y'all have a good day.
00:14:16Take care RL. Don't give us too much work later.
00:14:22That sounds like a retreat.
00:14:25Doc, we gotta get our boys out of here.
00:14:29No hospital here. It's behind enemy lines.
00:14:32They gotta go now or they'll wind up as prisoners.
00:14:35Some of these men will die if they're moved.
00:14:37Then we gotta move them that can be moved right now.
00:14:53Captain Falstaff. 2nd Indiana Cavalry.
00:14:57This supposed to be some kind of hospital?
00:15:00Something like that.
00:15:03What's inside?
00:15:06Two badly wounded boys.
00:15:09I'll take it they're not from my side of the Mason-Dixon line.
00:15:13That's right.
00:15:14They can't be moved.
00:15:16My boys need a bed. They'll be moving okay.
00:15:22Where you folks from anyway?
00:15:24Augusta, Georgia.
00:15:26That's a shame. How about you miss?
00:15:31Right down the road. I went to school in Philadelphia.
00:15:34Really? I like you already.
00:15:37That doesn't mean I won't shoot you.
00:15:39You hesitate once. You have any of my boys care.
00:15:42We clear?
00:15:45Clear as a bugle.
00:16:04I want eyes on this thing. You don't let them come up behind you.
00:16:27My, my. It's not retreat out here.
00:16:30Regrouping. Not retreating.
00:16:32Prisoner, shut your mouth.
00:16:34These boys have got to be moved. They've got to be moved now.
00:16:36Captain, you have to give us time to finish.
00:16:38No time right now.
00:16:40Captain, if we move this boy, he'll die.
00:16:42He dies. Better dead than a rebel prisoner. Now let's go.
00:16:58ARL, what the hell's going on here?
00:17:01Nobody knows anything, Doc.
00:17:03Are we leaving?
00:17:05I think we are, yeah. I think we're going back.
00:17:08But the Federals just retreated.
00:17:11They retreated 25 times. Hell, we retreated 25 times.
00:17:16Well, for what it's worth, I'd much rather go home than spend time in prison.
00:17:20I mean, if it's at all possible.
00:17:22Looks like you've been keeping some of the Federal boys happy too, huh?
00:17:25We're under duress, believe me.
00:17:27A Federal officer told us he'd shoot us if we didn't work on his men.
00:17:32This Captain Falstaff.
00:17:37An officer, definitely not a gentleman.
00:17:40That's what I understand.
00:17:42Are you familiar with him?
00:17:44Yeah. Damn cavalry captain.
00:17:50Worthless in my boot.
00:17:53Well, I'm going to go water the horses and head back into it, I reckon.
00:17:57Another patch of dirt to conquer, eh?
00:17:59You know the game.
00:18:12Corporal, was that you playing last night?
00:18:14Yes, sir.
00:18:15Thank you. I appreciate that. It helped me sleep. For once.
00:18:22What do we got today?
00:18:24I'm just over at the hospital checking on some of our wounded.
00:18:27Going over the latest scouting reports.
00:18:30And our reports on our men, including the sick, the wounded, and the ones who have been arrested.
00:18:35Speaking of arrested, where's that nephew of mine, Lieutenant?
00:18:39Well, sir, we caught officer's call 10 minutes ago. Has yet to arrive.
00:18:44That boy's been a thorn in my side ever since he came here.
00:18:48I might get tired of him.
00:18:50I know I made my sister a promise that I'd keep him alive, but...
00:18:53Speaking of thorn in my side, where have you been?
00:18:56Sir, keeping up with the troops, sir.
00:18:58Keeping up with the troops. I can imagine which troops you were keeping up with.
00:19:02Which ones and which body house were you into this time?
00:19:06Thank you, sir.
00:19:07Yeah, okay.
00:19:08All right, what are we looking at here?
00:19:10Sir, we're looking at the latest...
00:19:11Pay attention to this.
00:19:12The latest reconnaissance of our scouts.
00:19:14To our direct east, we have General Sherman and his army.
00:19:19We are located here. We have no enforcements in the middle.
00:19:23In the swamp area to our north, we have nobody there.
00:19:27About three miles from our position, we have a river.
00:19:30On the other side of the river in the woods, there's actually two brigades.
00:19:33One to our northwest.
00:19:35There's two full regiments of cavalry and infantry.
00:19:38One full cavalry in the middle.
00:19:40And to our northeast, we have one full cavalry and one full regiment of infantry.
00:19:45Right. Okay, any idea who we're going to be going up against?
00:19:48Sir, the latest report?
00:19:51Yes, sir.
00:19:52Oh, great.
00:19:54And that lunatic Sergeant Major he's got?
00:19:57Still there, sir.
00:19:58He's still with him?
00:19:59Still there.
00:20:00Oh, that's just what I need.
00:20:01Warn the men.
00:20:02Do not get overconfident with these people.
00:20:05I fought with these individuals in Mexico.
00:20:08I know these rebels can fight.
00:20:10They'll fight like a wild cat.
00:20:12And if you make a mistake, they will shove it down your throat for you.
00:20:16They will kill you and laugh while you bleed to death.
00:20:18Yes, sir. I'll warn the men.
00:20:20Speaking of mistakes, where did you get that red vest at?
00:20:23I got this when I was in Nashville last.
00:20:26That is not a military vest. Put one on.
00:20:28You're part of this United States Army.
00:20:31You will look like it.
00:20:32Whether you act like it or not, you will still look like it.
00:20:36Try to put up some kind of masquerade as a respectable officer, please.
00:20:40Yes, sir.
00:20:41Try not to embarrass us all.
00:20:43By the way, I want you to go see the doc.
00:20:46Am I sick, sir?
00:20:48Yes, you're sick. He's going to wean you off of that John Barleycorn.
00:20:51You've been swilling that stuff ever since I've known you, ever since you've come out here.
00:20:55You're going to get cured off this stuff. Go.
00:20:57Yes, sir.
00:20:59Did, was there something about? I said go.
00:21:02Yes, sir. I was wondering about the hat on.
00:21:05Get a proper hat on.
00:21:07Go see the doc.
00:21:08And go. Now.
00:21:09Yes, sir.
00:21:10May I borrow your hat?
00:21:11No, you may not.
00:21:13Well, I'll take mine.
00:21:14I promised your, I promised my sister, your mother, I would take care of you and I would not let the rebels kill you.
00:21:21I didn't make a single promise that I wouldn't do it myself.
00:21:24Now go.
00:21:25Yes, sir.
00:21:30That boy's been a thorn in my side ever since he came out here.
00:21:33I understand, sir.
00:21:35Vengeance is mine, thus saith the Lord.
00:21:37Thus saith the Lord indeed. How about me? Vengeance is mine.
00:21:41You're hurting me.
00:21:42Stop your whining. I've had enough.
00:21:44Stand up when there's an officer in your camp.
00:21:49My goodness, this is the worst looking bunch of military men I've ever seen in my entire life.
00:21:56What in the world are you?
00:21:59They call you Smiley.
00:22:01Huh? Smiley?
00:22:05Look at that. Get that off, boy. You don't look military to me at all.
00:22:12What in the world are you, boy?
00:22:16Must be the religious type, huh? Is this your little cross?
00:22:20Get out of my face.
00:22:22Why have you arrested for bribing an officer?
00:22:25For bribing for what?
00:22:26What are you talking about, boy? You see he's trying to offer me gifts.
00:22:32What in the world are you, old man?
00:22:35What is that?
00:22:38It's a dog.
00:22:39A what?
00:22:40A dog.
00:22:41This is a military camp. We should not have dogs in camp.
00:22:46I'll show you how we'll take care of that little problem.
00:22:50Come here, puppet dog.
00:22:52Don't you dare.
00:22:53I'll show you.
00:22:54Leave him alone.
00:22:55This is a military camp.
00:22:56You can't do anything.
00:22:57And I will make sure.
00:22:58Stop it.
00:22:59That somebody's gonna pay for it.
00:23:00Get out of here.
00:23:01I'm gonna shoot something in this house around here.
00:23:04Leave him alone.
00:23:05Get off of me.
00:23:07Hold that dog.
00:23:08What are you doing?
00:23:09I'm keeping up with the men, sir.
00:23:11You have been relieved of your duty as of yesterday.
00:23:13Since when?
00:23:14Yesterday morning.
00:23:15By whose authority?
00:23:17Your colonel.
00:23:18My uncle?
00:23:19Your colonel.
00:23:20My colonel indeed. He brought me here to be in this stupid military.
00:23:25He's nothing. My daddy.
00:23:27He is your colonel. He is your superior officer. He will send you home.
00:23:30Yeah, you think. Give me some of that.
00:23:37I might just lay here for a while and relax.
00:23:39That is the best decision you've ever made.
00:23:42Maybe so.
00:23:44Good night.
00:23:47Ma'am, are you alright?
00:23:48I think so.
00:23:49Come on, let me help you up.
00:23:51I think it's time for you to leave.
00:23:56Yes, please take the dog with you.
00:23:58This is no chance for a military camp for you either.
00:24:01Come on.
00:24:08Need to talk to you, sir.
00:24:15Yeah, what?
00:24:16Sir, I want to let you know that your nephew and I had a brawl.
00:24:19Had to lay him out, sir.
00:24:21He came into camp drunk, struck a woman, about shot a dog, hit me.
00:24:26I had to knock him out, sir.
00:24:28Should have killed the idiot.
00:24:30I swear, I've had enough. I've had it. I've got enough on my mind.
00:24:35Too much right now. I'm sick and tired of dealing with him.
00:24:38He is your responsibility. He's your subordinate officer. You take care of him.
00:24:43Yes, sir. He's actually up against a tree just laid out cold.
00:24:46He'll probably wind up getting up and running around and shooting somebody.
00:24:49He still got a gun?
00:24:50No. He still has his pistol, sir, but I had the cylinder.
00:24:53He won't be able to shoot anybody in his state.
00:24:55Good. Good.
00:24:57Like I said, Captain, he's your responsibility now.
00:25:00You take care of him. You do whatever you have to.
00:25:03I don't want to hear about it anymore.
00:25:15You sure this is a good idea? This is meant to be officers only.
00:25:18I'm going to dance with a pretty woman before I leave here. That's all there is to it.
00:25:26Evening, ma'am.
00:25:35Good evening, gentlemen. What brings you all out this way?
00:25:38Don't mean no disrespect, Captain.
00:25:40We heard there was a dance and we thought we'd come along and see for ourselves.
00:25:44This dance is for officers only.
00:25:47That don't seem quite fair.
00:25:49How do you figure that?
00:25:52That don't seem quite fair.
00:25:54How do you figure that?
00:25:55Well, I don't know. You tell me.
00:25:57Are they going to have a dance somewhere else for soldiers that don't happen to be officers?
00:26:02I reckon not.
00:26:08Lieutenant Ball, rules and regulations.
00:26:13Gentlemen, listen up.
00:26:15If you cannot waltz gracefully, do not attempt to waltz at all.
00:26:19If a lady refuses to dance with you, bear the refusal with grace.
00:26:25No profanity, no stomping of the feet, no smoking of tobacco, no spitting on the floor.
00:26:31Gentlemen, choose your partners.
00:26:36I'm certain they're rude.
00:26:38Mrs. Morgan, ladies, these rude men are the only reason your respectable household hasn't been burned to the ground.
00:26:46These rude men left their own homes and families to protect us from invasion.
00:26:51They've been hungry, thirsty, sick, tired, wounded, and lonely and they just want to enjoy a little music and dance.
00:27:17General Sherman was hopping mad the other day.
00:27:21It seems we lost an entire supply train.
00:27:27More of a robbery, actually.
00:27:29Well, the train wasn't as well guarded as our munitions trains.
00:27:33What did the thieves acquire?
00:27:35Boots and saddles, primarily.
00:27:38Hmm. I wonder if it was Wheeler's men.
00:27:42I wonder if it was Wheeler's men.
00:27:44What happened to the train?
00:27:48The tracks before and behind were destroyed.
00:27:57I suppose. Just more work for me.
00:28:00Tell me, Parker, no one has approached you with the prospect of buying an entire trainload of boots and saddles, have they?
00:28:08Not recently.
00:28:10Mr. Parker, I imagine you have a lot of dealings in and around Atlanta.
00:28:14It is my base of operations at the moment.
00:28:18Well, if you happen to run shy of goods to trade, I suppose we could exchange information.
00:28:25Mr. Quartermaster, you're sounding more and more like a spy.
00:28:30Nothing of the sorts. That is not the case.
00:28:33Well, that's good. Because a man in my position who cannot keep secrets will not be a man in my position for long.
00:28:41Understood. But because you have been a service to me and the General, I have some information for you.
00:28:48All right.
00:28:50I'm afraid it comes in the form of a warning.
00:28:54Oh, dear.
00:28:56You may want to relocate any operations you have from Atlanta.
00:29:03I see. Would it be too much to ask for an estimated time frame?
00:29:08Atlanta will be completely under Federal control by Christmas.
00:29:15Christmas? Of this year?
00:29:20Mr. Peabody, I am afraid you underestimate the resolve of this Confederacy.
00:29:26Maybe. But this information has been provided to you because you have shown yourself to be valuable to our cause.
00:29:34Take it or not, the choice is yours.
00:29:57Move it!
00:30:02Move it!
00:30:26Move it!
00:30:28Move it!
00:30:53Captain Chessman.
00:30:56That's me.
00:30:59Sir, I have a message directly from General Wheeler.
00:31:04You can tell him there's no need for reinforcements.
00:31:10The Federals just pulled up and left.
00:31:14I imagine they're just plumb tired out, too.
00:31:17Sir, he's looking for your troops to reinforce the cavalry at Rosaca.
00:31:21That's not possible, soldier.
00:31:23Rosaca's a six-hour ride, a six-hour hard ride. And that's if we don't stop and rest.
00:31:30Shit! Shit! Shit!
00:31:34My boys need a break!
00:31:37Is that what you want me to tell him?
00:31:40No one gets any sleep anymore. No one.
00:31:45I'm just a messenger, sir. I understand.
00:31:49Hold up.
00:31:52Men, General Wheeler needs us north of Atlanta.
00:31:57The man here says it's critical.
00:32:01This means an all-night ride, fellas. Then we jump right into the fight.
00:32:08This is above and beyond the call of duty.
00:32:14Any of you think you can't make it, then don't go.
00:32:19Ain't nobody gonna think any less of you.
00:32:22Me for one, I'm going.
00:32:26All good.
00:32:28I guess I should go with you.
00:32:30I'm with you, Captain.
00:32:32I'm in.
00:32:34I think you've got your answer.
00:32:36Boots and saddles, boys.
00:32:39Mount up!
00:34:35Glory, Captain.
00:34:37Most tired I ever been.
00:34:43What's that glowing in the west there, Captain?
00:34:45Looks like the sun forgot to set.
00:34:49That's Atlanta.
00:34:51I imagine they're burning it.
00:34:54Shouldn't we move in? Try to help them?
00:34:57We ain't God's peers.
00:35:00There's flesh and blood.
00:35:07There's only so much we can do.
00:35:10You seem distracted, Mr. Parker.
00:35:13I have a lot on my mind, Mr. Peabody.
00:35:16I will not apologize for the fact that the war has turned in our favor.
00:35:20I don't care about that.
00:35:22Your forces destroyed, burned, completely obliterated the entire warehouse district of Atlanta.
00:35:31You were given ample warning earlier this year.
00:35:36My primary warehouse was located in the center of that district.
00:35:43The goods in that warehouse had already been purchased, and I had already accepted payment.
00:35:51What were the goods in question, Mr. Parker?
00:35:54A trainload of...
00:35:56Boots and saddles.
00:36:01I trust this will not interfere with our dealings.
00:36:04Nothing gets in the way of business.
00:36:07Very good. I have a list.
00:36:11I will do whatever I can for you.
00:36:28What's that?
00:36:31I don't know.
00:36:34Let's go.
00:37:04Not a good idea.
00:37:34Good job.
00:37:44You kept him from shooting me in the back, but I see he doesn't have a cylinder in that pistol.
00:37:49Drop it. Drop it.
00:37:54And the cup.
00:38:00What unit are you with?
00:38:03With the cavalry, sir.
00:38:05Wrong answer.
00:38:08The only reason that I don't put one right through your head, two reasons.
00:38:11One, because my man is standing behind you and I don't want your brains on him.
00:38:15The other one is I don't want the rest of your unit down upon my men.
00:38:20Now you're gonna mark yourself out of here right now, on foot.
00:38:24You're gonna leave me without a horse?
00:38:28We're gonna eat him.
00:38:33Start walking. That way. Right now.
00:38:38Keep walking. Real slow.
00:38:46You're gonna eat my horse? I'm gonna crush you.
00:38:51Come on, Duke. I'll kill you.
00:38:55Come on. Come on.
00:39:00Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
00:39:06Kill the animal.
00:39:09Ow! Ow! Ow!
00:39:30My dearest companion, I sent myself to write a few lines
00:39:35and to tell you our health and the happenings of home.
00:39:39I have sad news.
00:39:41Our nephew William has departed this life.
00:39:44I have consoled my sister with the blessings of a Christian's assurance
00:39:49that all things work together for the good of his people.
00:39:53She is inconsolable, I fear,
00:39:56and has requested that I impress upon you once more
00:39:59the importance of protecting and keeping from harm her eldest son.
00:40:04Typhoid fever remains rampant in the Negroes,
00:40:07and I fear that your precious child will succumb to the dreaded disease as well.
00:40:12But I will protect her as I am able.
00:40:15I have no other news to speak of.
00:40:18We pray hourly for your safety,
00:40:21and that you will return to us.
00:40:24I remind you once more of your faithful promise to do so.
00:40:29Always, your loving wife.
00:40:33I'll try.
00:40:40I tried.
00:40:42I tried.
00:41:01Is that you?
00:41:03No, it can't be.
00:41:43Listen to me.
00:41:45You wouldn't listen to me. I told you I tried.
00:41:49You promised.
00:41:51You promised.
00:41:54I'm not listening. I tried to keep her out of trouble. I tried to protect her.
00:41:58You promised.
00:42:00You promised.
00:42:02You promised.
00:42:04You promised.
00:42:07You promised.
00:42:09You promised.
00:42:11You promised. You promised.
00:42:15Why didn't you listen to me?
00:42:20It's just me sir.
00:42:22You're having one of your nightmares. Are you ok sir?
00:42:27This is one of the worst ones you've had in a while sir.
00:42:32Oh, I don't know how much longer I can deal with this.
00:42:36Sir, why don't you tell me about your nightmare this time?
00:42:47You never want to talk about it.
00:42:49It's about that idiot nephew of mine.
00:42:51He got killed.
00:42:53Sir, don't you remember?
00:42:55More than 24 hours ago, he was ambushed and he was killed, sir.
00:43:02He wouldn't listen.
00:43:03I did the best I could, sir.
00:43:05I know you did, I know you did.
00:43:07This war is just one big nightmare, that's all it is.
00:43:10Just one nightmare after another.
00:43:12It finally dawned on me the other day.
00:43:14I was down there at the hospital, saw the dead lined up.
00:43:19They're all boys.
00:43:22That's when it dawned on me, that's when it made sense what this whole stupid thing is
00:43:27Let's see how many children we can kill.
00:43:30We kill theirs, they kill ours.
00:43:32You know, a couple of women get involved, a couple of mothers, then oh well, they get
00:43:36killed too.
00:43:37Sir, it's not your fault.
00:43:39Yeah, it is my fault.
00:43:41No, sir, it's not.
00:43:42I took part in this.
00:43:44I'm like everybody else that took part in this.
00:43:46You know, I had an old Irish sergeant tell me one time that the first time he heard that
00:43:51rebel yell, it sounded like the Banshees coming to take our souls to hell for what we were
00:43:55doing to our fellow men.
00:43:56And you know, he was right.
00:43:58He was right.
00:43:59Because we're all going to hell over this.
00:44:03Do you think God approves of what we're doing?
00:44:05Killing, slaughtering each other like animals?
00:44:08We're all going.
00:44:09It's just some of us are already part of the way there.
00:44:12All we have to do is finish the journey.
00:44:23Well, Damien, I appreciate you taking time to come pay me a visit.
00:44:31You look tired, Damien.
00:44:32Are you okay?
00:44:37I can't remember a time when I wasn't tired.
00:44:40It takes a toll on a person after a while.
00:44:43So what do you think?
00:44:45How much longer do you think it's going to be before this disastrous conflict comes to an end?
00:44:51There's a lot left to be done.
00:44:54Let alone end this war.
00:44:56So what do you mean by that?
00:44:59We need to wash things clean.
00:45:00You think so?
00:45:02Seems to me this has been wrapping itself up fairly quickly on its own.
00:45:07You want to see that happen, Uncle Philip?
00:45:11Do you really want to see that happen?
00:45:14Of course I do.
00:45:16You know, I've invested all of my time, resources, finances, essentially my whole life to keep this railroad going.
00:45:23All the destruction, the rails, the rail cars, the depots, the stations, all that's going to have to be rebuilt.
00:45:32And I can see a lot of money in this reconstruction.
00:45:36That's the only way you see it? Dollars and cents?
00:45:40Well, Damien, like I said, I'm a businessman.
00:45:43And I like to recognize opportunities as soon as they arise.
00:45:47And this is an opportunity.
00:45:49Well, just what is it you'd like to see happen since you asked me the same thing?
00:45:58What do you mean by that?
00:46:01Kill them all.
00:46:04Kill every single one of them, start from scratch.
00:46:08Every single one?
00:46:10You mean you're counting the children, the women, as well as all the men?
00:46:15It's a sesh, women and children. They don't count.
00:46:19Well, Damien, I'm afraid you won't be getting any endorsement from me.
00:46:23And why is that?
00:46:26I've got to rebuild this railroad. It's going to take a lot of manpower.
00:46:30We've got soldiers coming back from the war that are going to be looking for work.
00:46:35I'm going to be counting on that workforce to rebuild this railroad.
00:46:39And if you kill all of them, how do you expect me to accomplish that?
00:46:44I just wish we had a weapon.
00:46:47A weapon so big it could destroy an entire town with one blast.
00:46:53It'd be a thing of beauty.
00:46:57Well, Damien, I'm afraid this war has robbed you of an awful lot.
00:47:02I think it's robbed you of your humanity.
00:47:05And I think what's even more important, it's robbed you of what's in here.
00:47:23Sergeant Major, this is the area that it happened in.
00:47:26How do you know that, Tracker?
00:47:28I knew where they were headed.
00:47:30Yeah, this is where it happened.
00:47:33Where is he?
00:47:35There he is.
00:47:37Where is he?
00:47:39I don't know.
00:47:41I don't know.
00:47:43I don't know.
00:47:45I don't know.
00:47:47I don't know.
00:47:49I don't know.
00:47:51I don't know.
00:47:53I don't know.
00:48:05Get him water, quick. Get him out of there.
00:48:10Is he alive?
00:48:12Cut him out of there.
00:48:17Get him some water.
00:48:23Damn Yankees.
00:48:25They left me to die.
00:48:28They got the captain.
00:48:30They got Justman.
00:48:40He is the rebel captain, sir, that was captured outside of Hampton.
00:48:45He doesn't look like a captain to me.
00:48:48I don't know.
00:48:49He doesn't look like a captain to me.
00:48:53What's your rank, Reb?
00:48:57R.L. Chestman.
00:48:59Hampton Legion.
00:49:00Buford Brigade.
00:49:01Was he alone when he was captured?
00:49:03Yes, sir, and he was heading somewhere very quickly.
00:49:06So you were outside of town, on your own, wearing an enlisted man's uniform, knowing we had arrived.
00:49:13What was your mission?
00:49:16R.L. Chestman.
00:49:17Hampton Legion.
00:49:18Buford Brigade.
00:49:22I am very familiar with the prison you have down here called Andersonville.
00:49:26A vile institution that has tortured and starved our boys for years.
00:49:31You look at me when I talk to you, boy.
00:49:35We have a prison at least as vile as Andersonville.
00:49:38If I send you there, you will not come back.
00:49:41If you have a family down here, you will not stay.
00:49:43If you have a family down here, you will not see them again.
00:49:45Do you understand me?
00:49:52Send this man down.
00:49:53Yes, sir.
00:50:01Captain, a word?
00:50:02Yes, Private.
00:50:03It seems Captain Chestman has been captured, sir.
00:50:06Thank you.
00:50:07You may stand at your post.
00:50:11Colonel, a word?
00:50:12Yes, we just got the report that Captain Chestman has been captured, sir.
00:50:16Good, good.
00:50:18Take a detail, go get him and bring him here.
00:50:22Yes, sir.
00:50:23Chestman is mine.
00:50:24Follow me, Private.
00:50:25He is mine.
00:50:29About time we finished this thing.
00:50:36Colonel, I have a gift for you.
00:50:39Look at me. Sit!
00:50:40Sit down, Chestman. Sit!
00:50:43Private, take your post.
00:50:46Captain Chestman, you're coming with us.
00:50:49Do you understand me?
00:50:50You've got a choice.
00:50:52You can come with us peacefully.
00:50:54Otherwise, I'm going to let them put you on that troop train.
00:50:57It's going to take you off to that hellhole prison camp.
00:51:00Where you might make it to Christmas, but I doubt it.
00:51:03Or you can come with us, behave yourself.
00:51:07And there's a good chance you may see your home again.
00:51:10Now, what's your choice?
00:51:13What the hell do you think you're going to do? Take me out and kill me?
00:51:16Chestman, if I was going to kill you, I would have snuck in there.
00:51:19When they first brought you in here, I would have cut your throat in your sleep.
00:51:23And nobody would have been the wiser. You understand me?
00:51:26You could try.
00:51:27No, I would have done it. I would have done it.
00:51:30No doubt I would have done it.
00:51:32Now, don't think that I'm asking you to compromise your Southern honor.
00:51:37You're not helping me. Do you understand?
00:51:40I'm just using you as a piece of trade goods.
00:51:43Well, I'll go with you because I just want to see how it's going to turn out.
00:51:46And it's going to turn out one way or the other.
00:51:48And it's going to be finished.
00:51:51You understand?
00:51:52We'll see.
00:51:53Captain, take him and get him a mount.
00:51:56And give us about three days provision.
00:51:58Yes, sir.
00:52:00Yes, sir.
00:52:01Do you remember what the colonel just told you?
00:52:02Yes, sir.
00:52:04What you saw, heard, and seen never happened.
00:52:07You did not see anything.
00:52:12Get up.
00:52:14I said get up, Chessman.
00:52:15Chessman, what did I tell you?
00:52:17Let's go.
00:52:26I'm finally going to finish this thing one way or the other.
00:52:37Let's go.
00:52:57What's on your mind?
00:52:59I want to parlay.
00:53:01You unarmed?
00:53:03I'm unarmed.
00:53:04Well, I'm unarmed.
00:53:05What's this about?
00:53:08Colonel wants to discuss some terms with you.
00:53:11I'm sure he would. I see he's got my Captain Chessman.
00:53:14Well, Captain has switched officer's coats and put on a first sergeant's blouse to hide his true rank as Captain.
00:53:21So let's see what this Colonel of yours has to say.
00:53:24Well, I will go back and bring the Colonel up here.
00:53:26If he's got the cojones, tell him to come on back and talk to this Sergeant Major.
00:53:30I'll do that, Sergeant Major.
00:53:36Colonel, I have discussed terms of the parlay with that Sergeant Major.
00:53:42He is unarmed.
00:53:44I told him we were unarmed, and we'll discuss the terms of this prisoner exchange.
00:54:05Is this yours?
00:54:18Colonel, what exactly is on your mind?
00:54:20It's about that young man that you stomped the other day.
00:54:23That was my nephew, and I promised his mama I'd take care of him.
00:54:27I watched him come into this world.
00:54:29I put him astride his first horse, then I had to pick him up after you stomped him like a dog.
00:54:34Colonel, I've never regretted killing any Yankee, but I'll tell you, I see what it's about now.
00:54:40It's about a promise to a woman that you couldn't keep.
00:54:44When I give my word, I keep it. It doesn't matter who it's to, even to you.
00:54:49I would highly suggest you cut your losses today.
00:54:52I thought you were unarmed.
00:54:54The Sergeant asked me if I was unarmed.
00:54:56You said you was unarmed.
00:54:59I knew you was a dirty, lying, no-good rib.
00:55:02You're going to take and you're going to walk away from here today.
00:55:05And I'm taking Captain Chessman with me.
00:55:20Turn and walk away now.
00:55:23Turn around. Turn around, sir.
00:55:33Turn around.
00:55:44I cannot let this go, Sergeant. I cannot let this go.
00:55:50I am not letting this go.
00:55:52No, Colonel. No, Colonel. No, Colonel.
00:55:55Colonel! Colonel!
00:56:00No, no, no, sir. No, no, sir.
00:56:02Finish it. Finish it.
00:56:29You get bumped down to Sergeant RL?
00:56:45You get bumped down to Sergeant RL?
00:56:47No. It's too dangerous to wear bars.
00:56:53Where's the flag?
00:56:54Not the best idea right now.
00:57:00He's inside?
00:57:05What's his spirit like?
00:57:33I beg the General's pardon, but I need those numbers.
00:57:39You're going to need a drink.
00:57:41We're in the right damn place.
00:57:48I'm going to need a drink.
00:57:50You're going to need a drink.
00:57:52We're in the right damn place.
00:58:00How many, General? We need to know.
00:58:05Best reports say 50,000 troops. Maybe more.
00:58:16You wanted to know.
00:58:18But they're all out west of the Savannah River, correct?
00:58:21At the moment, these are well-equipped troops.
00:58:25Captain Jessamine, they have pontoons.
00:58:29They have everything they need.
00:58:35My guess is they'll all be in South Carolina by the end of the week.
00:58:41I'd like to see my family, if there's enough time.
00:58:44If you haul ass there and back.
00:58:46Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
00:58:50They could be at your place.
00:58:52Tomorrow. They could be at your place tonight.
00:58:56Whatever you do, do not let down your guard.
00:59:09Yes, sir.
00:59:23I'm going to need a drink.
00:59:25You're going to need a drink.
00:59:27We're in the right damn place.
00:59:29I'm going to need a drink.
00:59:31You're going to need a drink.
00:59:33We're in the right damn place.
00:59:35Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
00:59:38They could be at your place tonight.
00:59:40Whatever you do, do not let down your guard.
00:59:43Whatever you do, do not let down your guard.
00:59:46Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
00:59:49Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
00:59:52Whatever you do, do not let down your guard.
00:59:55Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
00:59:58Whatever you do, do not let down your guard.
01:00:01Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
01:00:04Whatever you do, do not let down your guard.
01:00:07Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
01:00:10Whatever you do, do not let down your guard.
01:00:13Keep in mind there are Federal scouts everywhere.
01:00:17How long are you here for?
01:00:19I gotta go back in the morning.
01:00:22Where's Peyton?
01:00:24He's in town.
01:00:26What town?
01:00:31I was just through there.
01:00:33I saw your daddy.
01:00:35Why is Peyton there?
01:00:38He's looking for a job.
01:00:40He's looking for a job.
01:00:43Why is Peyton there?
01:00:46He's looking to join up.
01:00:49There's nothing I can do to stop him.
01:00:52I'll stop him.
01:00:55He thought you'd be so proud of him.
01:00:59I would be, but that's not the point.
01:01:03We're gonna have to work this out.
01:01:07So Peyton, how are things going in Hampton today?
01:01:11I didn't sign up yet, if that's what you mean.
01:01:14You know that's what I mean.
01:01:16He wanted to talk to you about it first.
01:01:20I figured I'd try to get a hold of you before I signed the paper.
01:01:27Peyton, why do you want to join up?
01:01:31Peyton, why do you want to join up?
01:01:35Well, they need every able-bodied man.
01:01:38Yeah, I'm aware why they need every able-bodied man.
01:01:45Dying is so easy out there, Peyton.
01:01:52You don't get to stop, back up, or think about it.
01:02:00A bullet hits you, bam, you're gone, just like that.
01:02:04R.L., wasn't that the same when you went in?
01:02:12Things were different back then.
01:02:14We thought we could win.
01:02:17So you don't think we can win?
01:02:20We ain't going out without a hell of a fight, boy.
01:02:22You been riding your horse?
01:02:24Yes, sir.
01:02:26I used to do the same thing when I was your...
01:02:35R.L., are you okay?
01:02:42R.L., are you all right?
01:02:54I can't let you do it, boy.
01:02:56What do you mean, Pa?
01:03:01I can't let you join up, son.
01:03:06But he's been doing everything you...
01:03:10Y'all need to listen to what I have to say.
01:03:12Listen to what I have to say!
01:03:17You see this?
01:03:25This is what I have to wear out there.
01:03:30What's the rank?
01:03:35That's right.
01:03:36That's what I have to wear out there!
01:03:38I thought you were a captain.
01:03:40I am a captain.
01:03:43I can't even wear my own damn uniform out in that field.
01:03:46If they see my rank, I'm a dead man!
01:03:51This ain't fair.
01:03:54It's not about what's fair, boy.
01:03:58It's about living or dying.
01:04:01And there's been far too many dying.
01:04:05Far too many.
01:04:16Look at all of them.
01:04:40We gotta go warn the lieutenant.
01:04:55Henry, they're raiding the nursery.
01:05:03Look at who they're putting in the front line.
01:05:17Afternoon, soldier.
01:05:23What's your name, son?
01:05:26How old are you, Joshua?
01:05:28I'm 16.
01:05:33How old are you, really?
01:05:36I joined up fair and square.
01:05:38They had me sign my name.
01:05:48Captain Chessman, I'd like to file an official letter of protest.
01:05:53Protest for what?
01:05:55My husband and I just spoke to a young boy who was allowed to join up.
01:05:59This boy appeared to be 12, maybe 13 years of age.
01:06:02How old did he say he was?
01:06:04He said he was 16.
01:06:08Well, maybe he is 16.
01:06:11This boy was not even approaching 16, Captain.
01:06:14We cannot just sit by and watch this happen.
01:06:17Miss Olivia, you know I don't allow anything like that in my troop.
01:06:21Yours is not the only troop.
01:06:23We cannot allow this to happen.
01:06:26If it doesn't concern my troop, there's not anyone going to listen to me, and you know that.
01:06:30Are you refusing to forward my letter?
01:06:32It's signed by the doctor as well.
01:06:34No, no.
01:06:36I'll forward your letter.
01:06:38I appreciate that, Captain.
01:07:08Down by the riverside, down by the riverside, down by the riverside, I'm going to lay down my heavy load.
01:07:31Down by the riverside, down by the riverside, down by the riverside, I ain't going to study no war no more.
01:07:43I ain't going to study war no more.
01:07:45I ain't going to study war no more.
01:07:49Where did you learn that song, sir?
01:07:51I'm a Quaker, and in our fellowship, we welcome our African brethren as equals.
01:07:56You must be Colonel Peabody.
01:07:58I am he.
01:07:59What can I do for you, gentlemen?
01:08:03No one's ever called us gentlemen before.
01:08:05I like you, Quaker folk.
01:08:06Daniel, let me do the talking.
01:08:09Colonel Peabody, is it true that now that your army's here, we don't have to stay on the plantation?
01:08:13Only if you so desire.
01:08:15President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation nearly two years ago now.
01:08:20You're free men.
01:08:22We didn't know.
01:08:24They never told us.
01:08:26Unfortunately, the Confederacy has not acknowledged Mr. Lincoln's proclamation.
01:08:30Now, what would you like to do with your freedom?
01:08:33We'd like to join up.
01:08:35Very well.
01:08:36What are your names?
01:08:37My name's Joshua, and this is my son Daniel.
01:08:40What work did you do?
01:08:42Well, I was a blacksmith, and he was a groom.
01:08:45Private Joshua Smith, Private Daniel Smith.
01:08:48I will give you a note that you will take to the supply sergeant.
01:08:50Unfortunately, we no longer have any uniforms, but he can still process your paperwork.
01:08:56You will then report to the stables.
01:08:58When you hear the bugle, it is dinner time.
01:09:00You will be paid at the first of each month.
01:09:02Is that satisfactory, gentlemen?
01:09:04That sounds just fine.
01:09:05Take heed, gentlemen.
01:09:06General Sherman is very particular about the care of his horse.
01:09:10We'll take good care of him, sir.
01:09:12I am sure you will.
01:09:13One more thing.
01:09:15If you are going to be a part of this army, you must learn something very important,
01:09:18and that is how to salute.
01:09:21Stand straight.
01:09:24Arm up.
01:09:25Palm face out like this.
01:09:30Very good.
01:09:31Thank you, sir.
01:09:34Thank you.
01:09:37You have reminded me why I have been here.
01:09:40I have thought of the Hebrews when they made their exodus.
01:09:44They were free, but they did not yet have their freedom.
01:09:50No one is truly free until they can claim what is rightfully theirs.
01:09:55No one is truly free until they can choose their own path in life.
01:10:09Yes, sir.
01:10:10Can you find me some apple bread?
01:10:12Right away, sir.
01:10:22Who are you?
01:10:23I'm a nurse.
01:10:24Our nurses have not yet arrived.
01:10:26I am tending some men who cannot be moved.
01:10:28What were you doing in there?
01:10:29I had to remove a young man's leg, and he is in agony.
01:10:33I have to find something to alleviate his pain.
01:10:35Well, that pineapple brandy should help alleviate his pain.
01:10:39He's a soldier.
01:10:40Is he one of ours?
01:10:42Bullets do not discriminate.
01:10:44Neither do I.
01:10:46But yes, he was wearing a blue coat.
01:10:49Will he survive?
01:10:51I believe he will, even with the loss of the leg.
01:10:55I suppose I must thank you for not shooting me.
01:10:58Truth be told, I could not shoot anyone.
01:11:01Could not?
01:11:02You are an armed officer.
01:11:04I am a Quaker.
01:11:06The regulations say I have to carry a sidearm,
01:11:08but there is no regulation saying that it has to be loaded.
01:11:11A Quaker in Sherman's army?
01:11:13I'm the quartermaster.
01:11:15Because you are honest, you do not steal.
01:11:18I am just a man among men.
01:11:20In this way, I can serve both my conscience and my country.
01:11:24I see.
01:11:25Could you take me to see General Sherman?
01:11:27For what reason?
01:11:29I have nothing in the hospital.
01:11:31I need food, bandages, soap, chloroform, all kinds of medicine.
01:11:35And I must protest the enlistment of children in the armies.
01:11:40Very well.
01:11:42Come with me, please.
01:11:54Your brandy, sir.
01:11:56Where's my apple brandy?
01:11:58This rot gut is a last resort.
01:12:01Begging the General's pardon, sir,
01:12:03there was a young soldier who lost a leg.
01:12:05I gave it to him for the pain.
01:12:07You gave an enlisted man my brandy?
01:12:10With all due respect, sir,
01:12:12he sacrificed a limb for the cause.
01:12:14I can always procure you more brandy.
01:12:17Of course.
01:12:19Is there anything else?
01:12:20A lady requests an audience with you, sir.
01:12:24You mean one of the rebels?
01:12:26She is a nurse.
01:12:27She is tending both our wounded and theirs.
01:12:33Bring her in.
01:12:50Madam, please be seated.
01:12:59would you explain your business here?
01:13:01Sir, this war is claiming the lives of our children.
01:13:05Boys as young as 12 years old are enlisting and being killed.
01:13:09I am here to beg you to put a stop to this cruelty.
01:13:13War is cruelty.
01:13:15There's no sense trying to reform it.
01:13:17The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.
01:13:24But these poor boys did not cause this war.
01:13:28Most of them do not even understand why they are fighting.
01:13:32You are a father.
01:13:34Would you want this for your own children?
01:13:37I lost one son when he was nine.
01:13:40I lost my youngest son when he was only six months.
01:13:44At least your rebel boys were allowed to grow up a little.
01:13:47Sir, I am truly sorry for your loss.
01:13:52But your boys died at home,
01:13:54surrounded by their loving family.
01:13:57Our children in the field endure hardships that break the strongest men,
01:14:03and then they perish alone and terrified.
01:14:08Please, halt this slaughter of the innocents,
01:14:12lest there will be no one left when this war is over,
01:14:15and your name will be synonymous with the utmost brutality.
01:14:22If the people raise a great howl against my barbarity and cruelty,
01:14:26I will answer war is war and not popularity-seeking.
01:14:30Whoever wears a rebel uniform will bear the wrath of the United States Army,
01:14:35and the battlefield is no place for a lady.
01:14:38Colonel Peabody will escort you back to your home.
01:14:42What was my home is now in the ashes of Atlanta.
01:14:46I intended to make Georgia home,
01:14:49and civilian casualties are an unfortunate
01:14:53but unavoidable consequence.
01:14:56The South has grieved with every step of your march.
01:15:01Your northern brethren share your grief.
01:15:05General, I shall not denounce your methods,
01:15:09for you are a man of war, and I am a woman of peace.
01:15:13But as long as our soldiers continue to fight and bleed,
01:15:16so shall I stand by the field to nurse them.
01:15:20And I must make one more request.
01:15:22I can do nothing for you.
01:15:23Yes, you can.
01:15:25I understand that you have a great deal of respect for your field nurses.
01:15:29That is my profession as well.
01:15:32Please, give me supplies.
01:15:35I can still save a few lives.
01:15:38Sir, our nurses have not yet arrived,
01:15:42and she is treating our wounded as well as theirs.
01:15:45Very well.
01:15:48I have learned that nurses are far more popular than any of us generals.
01:15:52War is hell, and you are truly the angels of the battlefield.
01:15:58Fill out the requisition and triplicate and bring it to me in the morning.
01:16:01Sir, I have men who need medicine today.
01:16:04Very well.
01:16:06Just sign my signature.
01:16:08I am most grateful for your generosity.
01:16:11I have long admired Clara Barton and her associates,
01:16:14and when your nurses do arrive, I shall be honored to work alongside them.
01:16:19Peabody, are my quarters prepared?
01:16:20Yes, sir. That has been attended to.
01:16:24I see no reason why I will continue to be needing you.
01:16:27You're dismissed.
01:16:29Thank you, sir.
01:16:59Miss Olivia, Sherman's getting close. We've got to evacuate.
01:17:03Is Doc in the wagon?
01:17:04Yes, we've got as many as we could in there.
01:17:06I can ride.
01:17:08Ma'am, I'm afraid we don't have any spare horses.
01:17:11But don't worry, ma'am. We would never leave you. You can ride with me.
01:17:15Sir, it would be highly improper for a lady to ride behind a gentleman who is not her husband or a family member.
01:17:22What about him? Can he keep up with the infantry?
01:17:24He can barely stand.
01:17:27Well, ma'am, I'm sorry. We'll have to leave him.
01:17:29Take this man instead. He cannot walk, but he can hold on.
01:17:34I can't let you do that. You'll be captured.
01:17:37I am not a soldier. Please, take this man. You have to leave immediately.
01:17:44All right. Are you sure you can ride?
01:17:47If you'd just help me up. If I have somebody to hold on to, I'm pretty sure I can ride.
01:17:52Miss Olivia, you take this cross. It was my grandfather's. He wore it at Lexington. It'll protect you from Sherman.
01:18:00Thank you. This ride will not be pleasant, but hold on, and you will recover.
01:18:16Down with the eagle, up with the cross.
01:18:20How's it hanging? Fall out on the right!
01:18:50Steady, boys. Hold it steady.
01:19:20Hold it steady.
01:19:50Hold it steady.
01:20:20Hold it steady.
01:20:50Hold it steady.
01:21:20Hold it steady.
01:21:23Hold it steady.
01:21:26Hold it steady.
01:21:29Hold it steady.
01:21:51Miss Olivia, where are you going?
01:21:54I'm going out to see if I can locate some of the wounded.
01:21:57You know, I could order you to stay, but I know it wouldn't do any good. So here.
01:22:03Thank you, Captain.
01:22:05But can you use it?
01:22:07On anyone who could attack a wounded man, of course I can.
01:22:20Thank you.
01:22:50Thank you.
01:23:20Thank you.
01:23:50Thank you.
01:24:30Miss Olivia, help the other soldier.
01:24:33But this boy needs help.
01:24:35Miss Olivia.
01:24:36But we have to try to...
01:24:37No, no.
01:24:38Miss Olivia.
01:24:41He's cold.
01:24:44I don't feel nothing.
01:24:48So, Josh, where you come from?
01:24:53Right up the road. Hampton County.
01:24:58Does your mama and papa know where you are?
01:25:02Mama does. Daddy died fighting.
01:25:07Died fighting.
01:25:09Like you, like a good soldier, huh?
01:25:15Yes, Joshua.
01:25:17I want to go home.
01:25:20It won't be long now, son. It won't be long.
01:25:38Mr. Peabody.
01:25:40In all of our meetings, you always warn absolute Colonel Regalia.
01:25:45Why are you incognito?
01:25:48Already several of our officers have been assaulted.
01:25:51And last week, a man I knew very well, a Major, was murdered in his sleep.
01:25:59You thinking Gorillaz?
01:26:01Who else?
01:26:04Mr. Peabody.
01:26:06This march that has been perpetrated by your General Sherman
01:26:11has been brutal on the people that live here.
01:26:16Do you think there'll be uprisings?
01:26:18Maybe, but...
01:26:21the resources are so depleted.
01:26:24So you have nothing left to trade.
01:26:27Not really. Not as much.
01:26:30Personally, I'm just waiting for the next step.
01:26:32And what might that be?
01:26:34The way I see it, everything that has been destroyed will have to be rebuilt.
01:26:39And within this reconstruction, we will find an ocean of opportunity.
01:26:49What do you plan on doing after this conflict is over?
01:26:54I mean, you're a clever man with good ideas.
01:26:57You have a good head for business.
01:27:00I just want to go home.
01:27:05Home and family, of course.
01:27:09But think about it.
01:27:11Are you really going to be content
01:27:14living out the rest of your days on that Pennsylvania farmhouse porch
01:27:18watching the sun go down, watching the sun come up,
01:27:21watching the sun go down, watching the sun come up?
01:27:26Yes. It is all I want. It is all I dream of.
01:27:31Yes, well, I must apologize for my demeanor at our last meeting.
01:27:35You gave me fair warning about what was about to happen to Atlanta,
01:27:38and I ignored that information, but it was good information.
01:27:43Yes, it was good information.
01:27:46But where does that leave us?
01:27:48I would like to return the favor.
01:27:52You have information for me?
01:27:55I do, but like me, in our last information exchange,
01:27:59you will probably turn a blind eye.
01:28:02I'm listening.
01:28:05There is a carriage of gold headed north.
01:28:12Please continue, Mr. Parker.
01:28:16Plans have been set into action
01:28:20regarding your beloved Mr. Lincoln.
01:28:25What would be the reason for these plans at this point?
01:28:41I do have the laudanum, Mr. Parker.
01:28:45And I have the apple brandy.
01:28:48It doesn't keep the General waiting.
01:29:12You've chosen an appropriate day to come back home to me, James Peabody.
01:29:17This truly is a good Friday.
01:29:23It has been a long and difficult journey,
01:29:26and there is much that I have to tell you.
01:29:29And we will talk.
01:29:31We will talk about everything from morning till night, if you wish.
01:29:36But first, I'm afraid there is a schedule to discuss for tomorrow.
01:29:42I know you've been looking forward to the day that you did not have to wear this uniform.
01:29:47However, the good folk of town have scheduled a grand parade.
01:29:52Quite a to-do, actually.
01:29:54A parade?
01:29:57Very well. It seems I will be marching again.
01:30:01Nay, all you must do is sit on the review stand and wave.
01:30:06I am no hero.
01:30:09There are men who have received other marching orders
01:30:12who are more deserving of being on that review stand.
01:30:16Let's get you inside for a while.
01:30:19I imagine you're hungry.
01:30:40Miriam, what is wrong?
01:30:43I've just come from town, James.
01:30:46I was helping with the preparations for the parade.
01:30:50I'm afraid it's been cancelled.
01:30:53Oh, I'm sorry. Why?
01:30:58James, I can't even say.
01:31:04What has happened?
01:31:07Official news. I saw the telegram.
01:31:15President Lincoln has been assassinated.
01:31:21My father, Captain R.L. Chessman,
01:31:25Confederate States of America,
01:31:28was one of the lucky ones.
01:31:32He came home.
01:31:35As the many thousands of sons, brothers,
01:31:39and fathers of the South returned,
01:31:42the nation was at peace.
01:31:45As the many thousands of sons, brothers,
01:31:49and fathers of the South returned,
01:31:52the nation began to rebuild.
01:31:56But these brave soldiers will never be forgotten.
01:32:04These were the men who rode with General Lee,
01:32:08the men who rode with General Wheeler,
01:32:12the men who rode with the Legion.
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