Pistol for a Hundred Coffins Western HD - Movie in English

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00So, you men call yourself Jehovah's Witnesses and refuse to fight the enemy?
00:00:18The Lord said thou shalt not kill.
00:00:20What about drinking?
00:00:21Is that a big sin?
00:00:22According to God's law, it's wrong.
00:00:24What kind of man are you if you don't drink?
00:00:42Soldier Jim Slade, since you refuse to bear arms against the enemy
00:00:46when our country is in the state of war,
00:00:48according to Articles 142 and 143 of the military penal code,
00:00:53you're hereby sentenced to two and a half years of hard labor.
00:00:55Sentenced to begin at once.
00:00:57Hurry up, get over, come on.
00:01:24Show them like you pigs.
00:01:27You get on with your work.
00:02:27Hey, you, Jim Slade, you're lucky.
00:02:40The war is over and you've been pardoned.
00:05:27I'm telling you the truth.
00:05:54Ain't got no use for shovels around here.
00:05:55Nobody buy them. That's right.
00:05:58I can sell one to the gravedigger, but he's the only one got any use for a shovel.
00:06:02You see, there's no market. Sorry.
00:06:07You there stranger, did you find something you want?
00:06:10I've got everything here and I'm the barber and the dentist.
00:06:17I want a gun.
00:06:19A gun? What type would you like?
00:06:22Just a gun.
00:06:23When you go looking for a gun, it's best to know what you want.
00:06:26They're Colts, Smith and Wessons, Derringers.
00:06:29Saying you want to buy a gun is much the same as buying an animal.
00:06:31But what kind? A cat? A small dog?
00:06:34Any kind, mister.
00:06:36Oh, well, when you put it that way.
00:06:39Here you are, mister.
00:06:40I recommend this without reservation.
00:06:43A Colt caliber 45.
00:06:45It's a model that's very popular and doesn't cost too much.
00:06:48And if you're fast enough, it'll fire all six bullets in just four seconds.
00:06:53But why didn't you come before?
00:06:56You know, you can always count on me.
00:06:58I know.
00:07:00But I had to be alone, Cassidy.
00:07:03My whole world collapsed and I needed time to think, time to decide.
00:07:08I had to decide.
00:07:10Well, don't stand there like a bored.
00:07:13Sit down and have a bite to eat.
00:07:15I'll get you something to eat.
00:07:16I'll get you something to eat.
00:07:17I'll get you something to eat.
00:07:18I'll get you something to eat.
00:07:19I'll get you something to eat.
00:07:20I'll get you something to eat.
00:07:21Sit down and have a bite with me.
00:07:27Listen, son, what's on your mind?
00:07:31You decided?
00:07:34Yeah, I decided.
00:07:41You gotta, you gotta teach me how to use it.
00:07:44Don't ask me to do a thing like that, Jim.
00:07:47You know, our faith doesn't allow killing.
00:07:49You must.
00:07:51Well, they killed both my parents.
00:07:53I want my revenge.
00:07:55You can't refuse.
00:07:56You want to be like this?
00:07:58Crippled for life, huh?
00:07:59Please think, Jim.
00:08:01You start to kill people, you'll get a bullet like me.
00:08:08How many were there?
00:08:10There were four.
00:08:17Well, it looks to me like your mind's all set.
00:08:21And you can't even pull a trigger.
00:08:23There are four killers.
00:08:25And you never handled a gun.
00:08:27This bullet is enough to put you in a wheelchair.
00:08:32Just tell me the names.
00:08:38I recognized only three of them.
00:08:40The Butcher Brothers and...
00:08:43Jeff Mortimer Logan, 43 years old.
00:08:46Guilty of theft, rape, violence, malicious incitement to riot.
00:08:50Arson, raiding, armed robbery and wanted by the authorities of the state of Arizona.
00:08:55In and out of prison for every kind of petty larceny.
00:08:58You are hereby sentenced for these crimes to receive the maximum penalty.
00:09:04Furthermore, in view of the fact that you have confessed your implication in these heinous crimes,
00:09:10the decision of the court is to proceed immediately to carry out the penalty
00:09:15according to the laws of this state.
00:09:18The maximum penalty is death by hanging.
00:09:21I, Judge Jefferson, with the powers invested in me by the federal government,
00:09:25do now hereby declare that this county court has reached a just and fair verdict.
00:09:30And we will proceed at once with the execution of the sentence.
00:09:50Thank you.
00:10:16Thanks for saving my life, friend.
00:10:17If it weren't for you, I'd be six feet under by now, that's for sure.
00:10:23I came right in the nick of time.
00:10:24I just about given up all hope.
00:10:37Hey, by the way, what's your handle?
00:10:39I don't recall meeting you.
00:10:42I don't know you.
00:10:43True, but you know my father.
00:10:46Perry Slade, remember Tucson, Arizona?
00:11:02Pick it up.
00:11:04And stop digging.
00:11:16What are you planning to do with me?
00:11:19Bury you like a Christian.
00:11:21Come on.
00:11:24Come on, move, dig.
00:11:39Come on.
00:11:45I didn't want to do it.
00:11:57All I wanted was the money.
00:12:00It was the others.
00:12:03There was four of you.
00:12:05Yeah, but I didn't kill anyone.
00:12:08It was the others, the Butcher Brothers.
00:12:11Who was it for?
00:12:12A guy from Texas.
00:12:13His name's Corbett.
00:12:15I swear to you, I didn't kill anyone.
00:12:17Like hell you didn't.
00:12:18You said Corbett?
00:13:14Senor, you're sure that he is the man you want?
00:13:25What's a man called?
00:13:26Butcher, Tony Butcher.
00:13:29He's a good husband to me.
00:13:31Please, it's his brother.
00:13:33No, I'm sorry.
00:14:14No water.
00:14:35Listen to me.
00:14:37Anyone here know Freddy Butcher?
00:14:39I want to talk to him.
00:14:40Lousy cards.
00:14:41I'm Freddy Butcher.
00:14:43Something I can do for you?
00:14:46I thought you should know your brother's dead.
00:14:49I killed him two hours ago.
00:14:59You want to get yourself killed for nothing?
00:15:02My brother isn't the type to get himself killed by the likes of you.
00:15:06Who are you?
00:15:07I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before.
00:15:12Jim Slade is the name, that should ring a bell.
00:15:42Nothing on Corbett, but I recall the name.
00:15:58Maybe if you try in another county, you might have better luck there.
00:16:01Another county?
00:16:04Another hundred, if it's necessary.
00:16:09I hope you find what you're looking for.
00:16:13Howdy, what town is this?
00:16:25Galveston, amigo. Tarrington, Texas.
00:16:28See you around.
00:16:42Welcome to Galveston stranger,
00:16:52to be a blinded son of these here parts.
00:16:55Who are you burying?
00:16:57No one's being buried yet.
00:16:59Of course, the day is still young.
00:17:01My grandpappy always said, always be prepared.
00:17:04And that's my motto.
00:17:08Well, let's have a look at you, sonny.
00:17:10You don't seem the type to wind up in one of my boxes.
00:17:16You look too sort of sensible, you know.
00:17:18Yeah, I can spot them pretty quick by now.
00:17:21The ones who are born on the long ride.
00:17:27Oh, are you going to offer a drink to old Ben?
00:17:29That's me.
00:17:36Spot a whiskey.
00:17:44No, water.
00:17:48A glass of whiskey and a glass of water.
00:17:50Easy there, Ben.
00:18:10Any more strangers come through and you'll be boozed to the eyeballs.
00:18:14Tell you, it's mighty surprising to me as mayor
00:18:17to see two strangers come through in one day.
00:18:20Yeah, it sure is. Mr...
00:18:26My name is Douglas.
00:18:29I try to spread the word of God.
00:18:32I'm not a preacher, but I do the best I can.
00:18:36I hope this time will be an easy one.
00:18:38I'm afraid it's too quiet.
00:18:41Even the bar doesn't seem to do much business.
00:18:45Is that right, mister?
00:18:46I don't drink alcohol.
00:18:49My faith forbids it.
00:18:51I belong to the order of Jehovah's Witnesses.
00:19:16You stay here.
00:19:31I'm going to go outside and take a look around.
00:19:33There's too much action going on here, Dane, it worries me.
00:19:46Out, strangers.
00:19:58Welcome to Galveston.
00:20:01Better just shut your mouth and get inside.
00:20:02Go on, let's go.
00:20:14Let's go.
00:20:16Hands up, everybody.
00:20:23This is a hold up. Nobody move.
00:20:28Just a moment.
00:20:29What's the meaning of this?
00:20:30Get over there, you. Move.
00:20:40Here, you take this money for now, Slim.
00:20:43All right, where is it?
00:20:45There's more cash than this.
00:20:47In Galveston.
00:20:52How much did you get?
00:20:54Just this lousy $720 here.
00:21:02It's chicken feed.
00:21:05You keep it.
00:21:07I want that $200,000
00:21:09that was transferred here from Dodge City the other day, mister.
00:21:13What did you do with that bundle of money here?
00:21:17Oh, what a pestle of a town.
00:21:22Even the whiskey stinks.
00:21:24Am I right, hombre?
00:21:25Hey, am I right or not?
00:21:27I wouldn't know. I don't drink whiskey.
00:21:31You don't drink whiskey?
00:21:35Madre de Dios.
00:21:37Do you hear that, hombres?
00:21:38In this bar, they only drink water.
00:21:41Hey, let me have some water.
00:21:47Water is pretty good for washing.
00:21:50But if you use it too often, then
00:21:53it is bad for the skin.
00:22:17Mister, tell me where that $200,000 is.
00:22:21But I told you it's not here.
00:22:23It was supposed to arrive yesterday, but the shipment was delayed.
00:22:26Ask anybody in town, they'll tell you the truth.
00:22:29Would the bank be this empty if the money was here, would it?
00:22:40We went to all that trouble for $720.
00:22:47Here, join me to drink, amigo.
00:22:49Come on, just a quick one.
00:22:53Come on, amigo.
00:22:55Don't make me angry.
00:22:56The Lord said unto Isaac, do not provoke.
00:23:19Unless ye be provoked.
00:23:21That's what the Lord said.
00:23:22You idiots.
00:23:23We're here to hold up a bank, not to play around the saloon.
00:23:28Go on.
00:23:32And you just stay here nice and quiet.
00:23:40The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Amen.
00:23:53It's certainly the best solution.
00:24:19Gentlemen, it was my good fortune to be present a few minutes ago
00:24:23when you amply demonstrated your cooperation and your patience.
00:24:27More to the point, your ability to handle a pistol.
00:24:30Yes, men, you may well be the answer to our prayers.
00:24:35As mayor of this town, I stand ready to talk a deal with you.
00:24:38I'm offering $5,000.
00:24:42I mean, $5,000 to each of you,
00:24:44if you stay here and help defend the town against this dirty gang of killers.
00:24:48That's kind of tempting, I admit, but
00:24:51I'm afraid you're mistaken there.
00:24:54You see, my work isn't killing people for money.
00:24:58It's more like saving their souls.
00:25:00Besides, why should these bandits return?
00:25:02They'll be back.
00:25:03They only got away with $700.
00:25:06A bank robbery for $700?
00:25:09They must have been after the Dodge City shipment.
00:25:11It's an enormous sum and the bandits knew of it.
00:25:14You see, as it was, the bank was almost completely empty.
00:25:17It's that time of year when the farmers need cash to buy seed.
00:25:21Because of this, we had arranged a loan of $200,000 from a bank in Dodge City.
00:25:26But fortunately for us, the shipment was delayed there for two weeks.
00:25:30So that's what it's all about.
00:25:31Those bandits will be back. You can bet on it.
00:25:34They'll shoot up this whole town.
00:25:37They've got their informers, of course,
00:25:40and they're not going to leave us alone until they get their hands on that money.
00:25:43That's for sure. They even killed our sheriff.
00:25:45Look here, son, I'm not offering peanuts.
00:25:49Will you give it some thought, please?
00:25:51No, thanks. It's not the money.
00:25:54I've got other things to do.
00:26:43Sell your horse. It'll be quick. Hurry up, damn you.
00:26:56Haven't we already met?
00:26:58Maybe so.
00:27:00Hurry up. Sell that horse.
00:27:04I'm not going to sell it to you.
00:27:06I'm not going to sell it to you.
00:27:08I'm not going to sell it to you.
00:27:10I'm not going to sell it to you.
00:27:12Sell that horse.
00:27:20You won't get very far like that.
00:27:22You ain't going to stop me.
00:27:34You played the wrong card.
00:27:35Bastard, pull the trigger and I'll tell them.
00:27:38Pleasant dreaming, Harris.
00:27:41Hey, wait.
00:27:48Any objections?
00:27:51You shot one of my men this morning.
00:27:53Well, they provoked me.
00:28:11Your sins will follow wherever you go, said Isaac to Jacob.
00:28:34And then came darkness over the land
00:28:36and the Lord's punishment fell on the children of Israel.
00:28:40Terrible scourges and plagues followed one upon the other.
00:28:44Boils, famine, corruption and lust.
00:28:47According to the prophecies of the wise men.
00:28:49I beg you to heed the warning in the pages of the Bible.
00:28:51Cleanse your souls of sin.
00:28:53Find humility.
00:28:55Hallelujah, brothers.
00:28:59Do you have a room?
00:29:01As many as you want.
00:29:02Everybody's left town.
00:29:04I guess we're in for a lot of trouble in the next few days.
00:29:07If you ask me, and you didn't,
00:29:09I'd say it's a pretty good reason to stay away from here.
00:29:14On the contrary, it's a good reason to be here.
00:29:19And I have a special appointment with someone.
00:29:22I'll stay.
00:29:23My key, please.
00:29:24With pleasure.
00:29:24Well, do you accept my offer?
00:29:26Yeah, all right.
00:29:28Well, is the bill ready?
00:29:29I can't wait to get out of this place.
00:29:32Where are you going?
00:29:34As far as I can get from this wretched hole,
00:29:35if you let go of my arm.
00:29:37Well, why don't you stick around?
00:29:41Everybody knows those bandits will be back
00:29:43and I don't like singing to empty seats.
00:29:46Well, how about singing for me and the mayor?
00:29:50And the preacher over there.
00:29:52How'd you like that, Mr. Douglas?
00:29:56For such a public, it's hardly worth the bother.
00:30:00You want me to ship your bags on ahead?
00:30:01Yes, please.
00:30:04You can send her bags upstairs.
00:30:06She ain't going anywhere.
00:30:09OK, but why?
00:30:12It's all got to be the same here.
00:30:13Everything normal like.
00:30:15Normal for whom?
00:30:17For a certain Corbett.
00:30:20It's all got to look like it was or he won't be back.
00:30:33I find chess an interesting game.
00:30:52It makes one think.
00:30:53Do you always play alone?
00:30:55Nobody wants to think in this cussed place.
00:30:59You want to play?
00:31:00Are you asking if I know how to think?
00:31:02Any man who preaches the Bible is a thinking man.
00:31:05Mr. Douglas, you seem to be one of the few men around here
00:31:08who believe that a pistol doesn't resolve every problem.
00:31:11I guess you talked me into a game after all.
00:31:20They're at it again, sir.
00:31:21It's that Chevelle.
00:31:22What the hell is happening?
00:31:24We got a lot of loonies here.
00:31:26You see, we had a madhouse right here in Galveston
00:31:29up until a week ago when one of them set fire to the building.
00:31:33Certainly was a terrible thing.
00:31:35We had to put them up temporarily in the jailhouse.
00:31:38They need help.
00:31:39Yeah, but the trouble is we can't move them because of Corbett.
00:31:43Please, I know the agreement we made didn't include this,
00:31:46but in a way, well, you're acting as sheriff here.
00:31:48Come along now, Sonny.
00:31:50I'll go with you.
00:31:50If we don't hurry, by the time we get there, they'll have their throats slit.
00:31:53Sounds awful.
00:31:55Come on, let's go.
00:31:56Maybe I can give you a hand.
00:31:59I'll be right back.
00:32:13Give me the key.
00:32:20Come on, be quiet.
00:32:30Now there be good boys and don't quarrel.
00:32:35You hear? Or there'll be no food tomorrow.
00:32:37And anyone who makes a fuss, he'll get tied up like Davis.
00:32:40You can't just keep them in a cell like that.
00:32:42They're mad, not criminals.
00:32:43They're also criminals.
00:32:45Nothing else we can do about it.
00:32:47The two hospital helpers perished in the fire.
00:32:50Well, the county doctor comes to visit when he can.
00:32:53The fact is in there, at least they can't hurt anyone.
00:32:56The one who's laughing back there is a sex maniac called Barrett.
00:33:02Last year, he violated and killed his cousin, that one Chevelle.
00:33:06He hates Jackson, who has amnesia.
00:33:10The old man who was playing with the match, his name's O'Hara, a pyromaniac.
00:33:16Last year, he just set fire to his house and burnt his whole darn family.
00:33:21You need a better solution to this situation.
00:33:23This is plain inhuman.
00:33:25It isn't that easy, I'm afraid.
00:33:29I say we go wait for Corbett.
00:33:32All right.
00:33:51How do, Sheriff?
00:33:54I'm not the sheriff.
00:33:55Any news of the money?
00:33:57Has it arrived?
00:33:59Because if it ain't arrived yet, there's no use waiting for Corbett.
00:34:23Hey, gringo, are you the one who only drinks water?
00:34:44That's right.
00:34:47Well, someone offered me two hundred dollars to put you out of the way.
00:34:51Got anything to say to that?
00:35:23Take him.
00:35:26My, that there is a fine corpse, Sonny.
00:35:28Many thanks.
00:35:30Best shooting I've seen in many a day.
00:35:33That's right, my boy.
00:35:34That was pretty good shooting.
00:35:36Mind if I try?
00:35:53It's not bad, but the hammer is a little stiff and that makes it slow.
00:36:03Want to try?
00:36:05No, no, I don't think so.
00:36:07Thank you all the same.
00:36:09Listen to those madmen.
00:36:11Must have been the shooting that woke them up.
00:36:24Your fool brother was always shooting off his mouth,
00:36:26always saying how fast with a gun he was.
00:36:28So what happens?
00:36:29He's killed by an idiot who only drinks water.
00:36:38We held up the stage, not a penny anywhere.
00:36:40Are you sure?
00:36:41Sure as anything.
00:36:43If there'd have been any gold at all around, we'd have found it.
00:36:47It'll be coming.
00:36:49Don't worry, the cash has got to arrive.
00:36:50The bank can't function without money.
00:36:52This morning, we set our men on a hill surrounding the town.
00:36:55No one gets into Galveston without our permission.
00:37:00It is not easy to hide that much money.
00:37:02And they got to pass this way to get to Galveston.
00:37:06Morning, barber.
00:37:07How many teeth you pulled today?
00:37:09Not one, Jim.
00:37:11Ain't no more victims. Everyone's too broke.
00:37:13Bye now.
00:37:15Well, good morning to you, sonny.
00:37:17Good morning.
00:37:18Where are you going with that new wagon?
00:37:20Mighty pretty, isn't it?
00:37:23The most stylish of all my wagons.
00:37:24Because the widow Slim, why, she wants to give a good burial
00:37:27to a good for nothing old drunk
00:37:29who up and fell right into the river, the unfortunate cuss.
00:37:33Why not come along and give me a hand to dig the hole?
00:37:35Sure, I'd love to.
00:37:36I'm going to get the money.
00:37:37I'm going to get the money.
00:37:38I'm going to get the money.
00:37:39I'm going to get the money.
00:37:40I'm going to get the money.
00:37:41I'm going to get the money.
00:37:42I'm going to get the money.
00:37:43Give me a hand to dig the hole.
00:37:44Are you crazy?
00:37:46Well, I'm going back to bed and get me a little more shut eye.
00:37:54Douglas, come along, will you?
00:37:56And help me with the burying.
00:37:59Well, I sure do feel sorry for the poor departed.
00:38:04Rest in peace.
00:38:05I'll alone.
00:38:07Then no one wants to join me.
00:38:09Well, see if I care, I'll go alone.
00:38:14Hey, come on, Sonny.
00:38:16Hide yourself down inside that box.
00:38:18I'm making snappy too.
00:38:20We're late already.
00:38:43Oh, is you darling?
00:39:00I'm darling.
00:39:09All right.
00:39:09Now the danger is all over.
00:39:11Can you hear me?
00:39:12Can you?
00:39:13You can come out now, Mayor.
00:39:15That is, if you want to.
00:39:23If you don't mind my saying so, it's uncomfortable being dead.
00:39:36Hurry up, we got no time to lose.
00:39:41Move on over.
00:39:44Thank you.
00:40:07It's dangerous, Mr. Douglas.
00:40:09It's also pitiful.
00:40:10This is terrible.
00:40:11We've got to separate these poor bastards.
00:40:15Where's Jim? Get him here at once.
00:40:17He went to help Barry Slim.
00:40:20Why don't you call the mayor?
00:40:21Get him over here then.
00:40:22No, you're talking.
00:40:24He's the one to call, not us.
00:40:25It's his problem, not ours.
00:40:27He's right. It's not our business.
00:40:29Hurry, man. There's not much time.
00:40:31It's almost ready.
00:40:32The next part is difficult.
00:40:33I'll wait here, Jim.
00:40:34You go try to get the deputies we asked for from the governor.
00:40:37They ought to be able to get here in a couple of days.
00:40:39For the moment, you're the only one here to guard the cash.
00:40:43Don't worry.
00:40:58This one isn't dangerous.
00:41:03You wouldn't hurt anyone, would you?
00:41:05But look here, where are you going to put him?
00:41:10This is some place, you know, we can take him.
00:41:12The hotel doesn't like cellars, sir.
00:41:14We've often used it as a dormitory.
00:41:17Let's take him over there then.
00:41:21Playing with fire.
00:41:23It's a bad business.
00:41:24Hold your fire, idiots.
00:41:27That poor daughter of a grave digger is going to be very busy in a few days.
00:41:33Any news, Douglas?
00:41:37Chavos started his old tricks again.
00:41:39So I transferred Jackson to the cellar here.
00:41:42Any luck in your ride?
00:41:43What do you think?
00:41:54Who the hell is that?
00:41:56I don't know. All I know is he sure ain't no victim of mine.
00:41:59I'd say he was a poor bank president, gents.
00:42:02You know what happens when you see too much money all at once?
00:42:13I'm going to go get a drink.
00:42:14I'll be right back.
00:42:25Heading for the saloon, Ben?
00:42:26Not drinking tonight.
00:42:28And not now, anyhow.
00:42:30Might need one later to wash down the fear.
00:42:33Expecting business?
00:42:35Not exactly.
00:42:37Perhaps though before the night's done with,
00:42:39we might have a dead corpse or two.
00:42:41I see. Well, good luck.
00:43:54Hey, everything OK up there?
00:43:56Quiet as your cemetery.
00:43:58Nice little place, huh?
00:43:59But I'm sure you wouldn't want to be there.
00:44:01Not for a minute.
00:44:03But I wouldn't mind a little sleep right now.
00:44:05What about Corbett? You think he'll show up?
00:44:08Yeah, I'm sure he will.
00:44:11Everyone in town saw us come back here.
00:45:55I've had enough.
00:45:56I only hope tomorrow I can get out of this miserable place here.
00:46:09Hey, you're cutting out early.
00:46:11It's not that early and tomorrow I expect to be kind of busy.
00:46:24Give me a whiskey.
00:46:27And quit that awful playing, it's too hard on the nerves.
00:46:31Well, what's wrong if once in my life I pay for a drink? Go on, pour.
00:47:54Hey, what are you looking at?
00:48:28Hey, what's happening?
00:49:05That fool old Harry.
00:49:18Go get help, hurry.
00:49:25The madmen have escaped, hurry.
00:49:31They set fire to the jailhouse.
00:50:24No, no, let me go.
00:50:54No, no, no.
00:51:22All right, Jed, take her in there.
00:51:26I'm sorry.
00:51:27I know it bothers you to kill anyone.
00:51:37What the Lord has given, only the Lord can take away.
00:52:15That evens the score, Jed.
00:52:17Might as well turn in, the fire is under control and old Harry is buried in it.
00:52:21And the others?
00:52:22It's bad, that poor old Joe got bashed on the head real nasty.
00:52:26And he killed the deputy and Chevelle's disappeared too.
00:52:30One thing I don't understand.
00:52:33Why Corbett hasn't made another raid on the town?
00:52:36Maybe he's thinking twice about that because you're still around, my friend.
00:52:48Hurry, Corbett and his men attacked the James ranch, they need help.
00:52:53Hey, wait for me, I'll go along with you.
00:52:55I'll give you a hand, now wait.
00:52:58Nope, you stay here, I'm going alone.
00:53:46Help me!
00:53:48For God's sakes!
00:53:50Help me!
00:54:01Help me!
00:54:03Help me!
00:54:05Get up, mister.
00:54:07Come on.
00:54:16Pretty neat, eh?
00:54:18This little trick works all the time, eh gringo?
00:54:20You know, Verdugo?
00:54:22This is the man who killed your brother, yes sir.
00:54:27I am overjoyed to see you, amigo.
00:54:30That was nice work you did with those lunatics.
00:54:32A brave man, and quick as a snake he is.
00:55:20He's been gone long.
00:55:36Now see you're praising him though.
00:55:38But make it fast.
00:55:39Hold it!
00:55:44You're a cool one, you are.
00:55:46Was mighty brainy using a funeral wagon to bring in the money.
00:55:50I just got to show you my gratitude for the favor you did.
00:55:53Let him down, Freddy.
00:55:54Put him on his horse.
00:56:06Freddy will take you back to town.
00:56:09Let everyone get a look at
00:56:11a sample of what to expect if they don't come across with the money.
00:56:16And as for you,
00:56:17you got three hours to beat it out of Galveston.
00:56:19You hear me?
00:56:23And that's the last warning I'll give you.
00:56:26Leave the county or you'll end up in Boothill.
00:56:28Now get out of here.
00:56:39Gosh almighty, it's Jim.
00:56:47Be careful.
00:56:48Look what they've done to the poor kid.
00:56:51Come on, take him inside.
00:56:54Oh, to hell with it. I'll never get out of this two bit place.
00:56:56That dang Corbett.
00:57:00Here you go, son.
00:57:03A whiskey in hurry.
00:57:06You'll be all right. Just don't fret, son.
00:57:10How do you feel?
00:57:12What happened to you?
00:57:15Corbett gave me three hours.
00:57:17To get out of Galveston.
00:57:19I'm sure that he's coming here to get the money.
00:57:22That's bad news. But what can we do?
00:57:25Do you want my opinion then?
00:57:28Get the hell out of this damn place.
00:57:31I'm staying in Galveston. Right here.
00:57:33Good for you.
00:57:37I was worried there for a minute that you were going to leave me here all alone.
00:57:41Well, Mr. Mayor,
00:57:42the $5,000 offer is still open.
00:57:44You have my word on it.
00:57:46That makes two of us then.
00:57:48Two guns are better than one.
00:57:50Wait a minute.
00:57:52Count me in.
00:57:57What about you then, Bill?
00:57:59Of course. That's the only way I'll get any customers again.
00:58:02That's fine. I'll prepare a nice cool spot in the town graveyard,
00:58:05especially for Corbett.
00:58:07That's right.
00:58:09There you are.
00:58:19I'm nice and comfy for you.
00:58:22You'll be right happy here.
00:58:26I'll be right back.
00:58:28I'll be right back.
00:58:30I'll be right back.
00:58:32I'll be right back.
00:58:34I'll be right back.
00:58:36I'll be right back.
00:59:06I'll be right back.
00:59:36I'll be right back.
01:00:06I'll be right back.
01:00:32Stop it, you'll kill him.
01:00:33Stay the hell back.
01:00:34This is my business.
01:00:36It's my business too. Let him go.
01:00:38I said don't butt in.
01:00:42Hand me that gun. Come on.
01:00:51You should only kill to stay alive, boy.
01:00:53Preacher, you shouldn't have done that.
01:00:55You'll be sorry for it.
01:00:57Now just give me back my gun.
01:01:07The job don't interest me no more. I'm leaving.
01:01:26Where are you? Show yourself.
01:01:37What's the matter? You scared or something?
01:01:40Come on out.
01:01:50Corbett, I want to talk to you.
01:02:00Where are you? I want to make a deal with you.
01:02:07Don't shoot. My gun's empty.
01:02:13Throw your gun down.
01:02:21Give me the bottle.
01:02:26Well, you made a mess out of Verdugo.
01:02:29Just even the score.
01:02:30So now you and the preachers had a bit of a fight.
01:02:34And you want to even that score.
01:02:38I must look like an idiot.
01:02:40I'm not here to joke around.
01:02:42I had to mess up Verdugo.
01:02:45To make it look convincing.
01:02:47Otherwise, I couldn't have had a quarrel with a preacher.
01:02:52What's your point?
01:02:53They offered me $5,000 to prevent you from taking 200,000.
01:02:57What's your offer?
01:02:59If I help you get your hands on the money.
01:03:02What do you figure?
01:03:05The whole town's waiting for you. Fighting angry.
01:03:08Is it a deal?
01:03:09Mighty interesting.
01:03:10I have a proposal to make to you.
01:03:13You hold up the stagecoach from San Antonio.
01:03:16I want to be sure you're ready and willing to practice what you preach.
01:03:20And it's the surest way I know.
01:03:22To compromise you and Galveston.
01:03:26Give this to him just before the shooting begins.
01:03:30And if he gets any ideas,
01:03:32bury him quick.
01:03:37It's a real work of art.
01:03:38All right, now, I'll take care of your teeth tomorrow.
01:03:40You just come in early in the morning and I'll fix you up.
01:03:46Look who's here.
01:03:47You came back.
01:03:49You know, I figured you never left here for good.
01:03:52I just rode in.
01:03:54To have a shave.
01:03:55Howdy, Billy.
01:04:21You're right.
01:04:22Howdy. Old man Scott wanted me to sort of drop by.
01:04:28Sit down over there. Keep quiet.
01:04:46Stay where you are. Don't move. This is a hold up.
01:04:49Stay put. Get out of there.
01:04:52Now give me your valuables and be quick about it.
01:05:14You're staying with me.
01:05:17Hey Douglas, I know you're there.
01:05:21I'm listening.
01:05:23The girls, here with me.
01:05:25We're coming out, so don't do nothing foolish.
01:05:33Don't shoot or you'll hit the girl.
01:05:36We're coming out now.
01:05:38Throw down your gun.
01:05:51I never figured he'd join the bandits.
01:06:10Bad business.
01:06:12Well, I told you he wasn't a man to be trusted.
01:06:14You wouldn't listen.
01:06:18He took me by surprise, the dirty rat.
01:06:22Well, he made his choice.
01:06:24He'll burn in hell.
01:06:26Just look at this.
01:06:28A hundred seventy dollars and two gold watches.
01:06:30It's peanuts, that's all.
01:06:32If we lose a man for every hundred dollars we make,
01:06:34we ain't gonna have any men left pretty soon. Take that.
01:06:36Those guys in Galveston sure are trigger happy.
01:06:39They'll be waiting for us. You can bet on it.
01:06:41It'll be just about as easy as falling out of a tree.
01:06:44Yeah, what makes you think so?
01:06:46Well, here, let me show you.
01:06:48Now here's the town.
01:06:52Here's the bank.
01:06:54Up here's the sheriff's office.
01:06:57And my plan is to send in four wagon loads of your men
01:07:00disguised as Mormons to take up position in front of the bank.
01:07:05Now I'll ride in with three of your gang
01:07:07and attack the sheriff's office.
01:07:09That's where the preacher is gonna be waiting.
01:07:11We'll take him by surprise and get him out of there.
01:07:13And that practically puts the town in your pocket.
01:07:16All you have to do then is,
01:07:18is walk in and pick up your two hundred thousand dollars.
01:07:26Good plan. We move tomorrow morning.
01:07:43Let's go.
01:08:13Let's go.
01:08:43Let's go.
01:09:14Well, Jim.
01:09:16It's tomorrow morning.
01:09:18What's the plan?
01:09:22They're coming in dressed as Mormons.
01:09:24Right after I surprise you.
01:09:26Good. We'll stay out of sight until they get inside the bank
01:09:29and then explore the dynamite.
01:09:30They'll be blown to bits.
01:09:32Who will be watching the cash?
01:09:34The mayor.
01:09:36I'll make sure he gets the cash.
01:09:38I'll make sure he gets the cash.
01:09:40I'll make sure he gets the cash.
01:09:41The mayor.
01:09:42I'll make sure he knows what to expect.
01:09:45All right.
01:09:47But be careful how you shoot tomorrow.
01:09:49This morning, you almost didn't miss me.
01:09:57One more thing.
01:09:59Leave Corbett for me.
01:10:02I've got a score to settle with him.
01:10:12You've planned it real well.
01:10:14It's perfect.
01:10:16The charge of dynamite won't explode, of course.
01:10:19Here's to your health, Corbett.
01:10:23Don't worry about the mayor. I'll take care of him.
01:10:25Just get the money and run.
01:10:27What about Jim?
01:10:29This time I want him dead.
01:10:33And what about those four idiots you're going to have standing guard with you, partner?
01:10:37Don't worry about that.
01:10:39This gun has six bullets in it.
01:10:42And Moses led his people to the banks of the Jordan.
01:10:46And the evil ones were punished by the angel of the Lord.
01:10:50And the angel of the Lord is me.
01:11:05Hey, what are you doing here anyway?
01:11:08Stay quiet.
01:11:11Leave me alone.
01:11:16Well, now, I just wanted to make sure the road was clear.
01:11:19I won't bother you no more.
01:11:21You better not. And don't involve me in any shooting.
01:11:23All I want to do is get out of this place.
01:11:25Well, go ahead. Go.
01:11:27But not tomorrow.
01:11:29Or you'll wind up in a fine box.
01:11:31This town brought me bad luck from the moment I came here.
01:11:33You could be right.
01:11:35You better leave.
01:11:37But not tomorrow.
01:11:39Very pretty.
01:11:41Tomorrow I'll stay in bed till noon.
01:11:43You're used to that.
01:11:45Misty, you're looking for trouble.
01:12:00Hold it.
01:12:04Come on, you ain't going to kill me
01:12:06just as I got a whole lot of work to do, are you?
01:12:08I didn't know it was you, Ben.
01:12:10And you be careful.
01:12:12Only Douglas and I know you're not working with Cor,
01:12:14but everyone else thinks you're a bandit.
01:12:16And if they see you, they'll shoot you dead.
01:12:19Okay, my old friend.
01:12:21Did you do what I told you to do?
01:12:22Of course.
01:12:28Good work. Let's go.
01:12:39Tell our friends in San Antonio to say a prayer for us.
01:12:42When you return, you may find us all dead and buried.
01:12:44So long. Have a pleasant journey.
01:12:47Good luck.
01:13:09Good luck.
01:13:40Hello, Douglas.
01:13:42Everything set up just like you wanted.
01:13:44When they get here, we'll be ready for them.
01:13:48I'll take a look around.
01:14:10Stay undercover and wait for me.
01:14:20Not yet, Stuart.
01:14:22You'll ruin everything.
01:14:24Just wait a while.
01:14:26I'll be back.
01:14:28I'll be back.
01:14:30I'll be back.
01:14:32I'll be back.
01:14:34I'll be back.
01:14:36I'll be back.
01:14:38Just wait a while.
01:14:59Right into the trap.
01:15:08Everything ready, Mayor?
01:15:10I followed your suggestion and brought the chest of money here.
01:15:38Move in and get the money.
01:16:07Douglas, I got your back.
01:16:26Go back to bed!
01:16:38One single blast and we killed them all
01:16:40and the poor idiots didn't even know the money was safe right here.
01:16:44Yeah, the plan worked out fine, all right.
01:16:47What do we do now, Douglas?
01:16:51You've served your purpose.
01:16:54But, but Douglas...
01:16:56Hey, what are you doing?
01:16:57Get him in a dead place.
01:17:37You bastard!
01:17:56Corbett, you bastard!
01:17:58You raided a ranch in Tucson, murdered my family.
01:18:02There were four of you did it.
01:18:03You, Jeff Logan and the Butcher Brothers.
01:18:07Only you are still alive.
01:18:10No, you're wrong.
01:18:11There's another one alive yet.
01:18:15The man who really commanded the band.
01:18:17You're lying.
01:18:18You're lying!
01:18:19Believe me, I'm not.
01:18:21What's his name?
01:18:22Tell me before I kill you.
01:18:25Spit it out!
01:18:30The Bible preaching rat, he'll rot in hell.
01:18:34He pulls the gun faster than me.
01:18:38I'm going to kill you.
01:19:05Hi there.
01:19:06Hey, looking for old man preacher?
01:19:09That was very clever of you and Jim.
01:19:12When did you take the money out of the bank?
01:19:14Last night.
01:19:15It sure was smart, wasn't it?
01:19:18Don't play games with me, Benton.
01:19:21Where did you hide it all?
01:19:23You got one minute to tell me where it is.
01:19:27I don't want to lose my temper, old man.
01:19:30You got about 30 seconds.
01:19:3910 seconds.
01:20:10Corbett is dead.
01:20:11And now it's your turn, Douglas.
01:20:15You wrote an excuse for a preacher
01:20:17who murders without dirtying his hands.
01:20:20You wiped out a family.
01:20:22My family.
01:20:25And now you wipe out your whole band because you want the money.
01:20:29Just put that gun of yours where your mouth is.
01:20:32Stop praying, preacher.
01:20:39I'm going to kill you.
01:21:09I'm going to kill you.
01:22:02May you rest in peace, Douglas.
01:22:10Corbett is dead, and so is Douglas.
01:22:15He was the leader of the band.
01:22:20Now I've got a lot of work to do.
01:22:22All them corpses.
01:22:28I'm going to kill you.
01:22:30I'm going to kill you.
01:22:32I'm going to kill you.
01:22:34I'm going to kill you.
01:22:36I'm going to kill you.
01:22:37I'm going to kill you.
01:22:58Yeah, I can't bear the sight of water.
01:23:07So you're leaving.
01:23:08And you?
01:23:09My work's finished.
01:23:10No reason to stay.
01:23:11I'm not needed anymore.
01:23:15It's back to Arizona.
01:23:17Goodbye, Marjorie.
01:23:23Best of luck, Jim.
01:23:37© BF-WATCH TV 2021
