Hands Up Dead Man HD Western - Movie in English

  • 3 months ago


00:01:00No, don't shoot me!
00:01:27You won, didn't you?
00:01:46Please, Captain, don't kill us!
00:01:47Take us prisoners!
00:01:48Don't be a bastard!
00:01:49I don't want to take prisoners!
00:01:50The jails in the north are too crowded already!
00:01:51I put down my gun!
00:01:53Stupid thing to do!
00:02:14Goddamn Boston pigs!
00:02:34Stay down!
00:02:41Let's see those dirty rebel faces!
00:02:44I can't shoot through a stone wall, so come out and get it over with!
00:02:58I'm going to murder that bastard!
00:03:18We surrendered to you!
00:03:20Ain't that enough?
00:03:21You want us to get down on our knees and beg for mercy?
00:03:24You want mercy?
00:03:30One less coward.
00:03:33These men aren't cowards.
00:03:36They don't want to be killed, Captain.
00:03:39They want to live.
00:03:40They were ready to die for what they believed in.
00:03:43They fought like heroes.
00:03:45And they surrendered.
00:03:47Are you really a doctor?
00:03:49Or one of those cowards disguised?
00:03:53I'm trying to help a little.
00:03:55I see.
00:03:56A righteous hypocrite.
00:03:59They are the worst there is.
00:04:04What's your excuse?
00:04:15No, please.
00:04:16I don't wish you no harm.
00:04:17I never killed anybody.
00:04:18I'm wounded.
00:04:19They're going to send me home.
00:04:22You're here to help, aren't you?
00:04:24Come on.
00:04:26Use the gun.
00:04:27Show the man mercy.
00:04:28A well-aimed bullet is the best way.
00:04:30It's painless.
00:04:32And it's quick.
00:04:35Very quick.
00:04:36Kid, kill the bastard, Kid.
00:04:38Before he kills us all.
00:04:44A chance to prove you've got guts after all.
00:04:46Go ahead, pull the trigger.
00:04:48Kid, do it!
00:04:49Shoot him!
00:04:54Shoot me.
00:04:56Kid, shoot!
00:05:03Ha ha ha!
00:05:09I surrender.
00:05:10I'm wounded.
00:05:11I'm not going to do any more fighting.
00:05:13All I want now is to go home again.
00:05:21You goddamn southern traitors!
00:06:21Great skies that I know above me
00:06:35My forehead is empty and I see
00:06:43That my heart begun once dire
00:06:47To kill only to gain
00:06:51Long are not for a fool man like me
00:06:59I would like to be like the birds
00:07:07Who can fly upon the mountains
00:07:15Without dogs and without horses
00:07:18I would like to be like the birds
00:07:46You're getting there, sonny boy.
00:07:48Your aim is really handsome,
00:07:49but you're still too slow on the draw.
00:07:51You've got to get the goddamn thing out there
00:07:53faster than you do or you're a dead man.
00:07:57You've got to handle your gun
00:07:58the way you handle a lady.
00:08:00Hold her too loose, she gets away from you.
00:08:02Hold her too tight, she misfires.
00:08:09Just for practice, I want to see you hit that button.
00:08:15You'd practice sooner.
00:08:22We would have beat the north.
00:08:24We would have, you're right.
00:08:26Now it's a waste of time,
00:08:28except to kill turkeys.
00:08:30I can't waste time on birds.
00:08:32I'm busy being a ranger.
00:08:35Want to join us?
00:08:37Wait a minute.
00:08:38Cat, my friend's here getting right.
00:09:08You men ever see the like?
00:09:10This poor idiot thinks he's going to be a ranger
00:09:12and he can't even sit square in the saddle
00:09:14any more than a two-year-old can ride a bronze.
00:09:17If you don't break your ass doing that,
00:09:19I'll break it for you.
00:09:20And you're all just as bad.
00:09:22There ain't one of you here
00:09:23with half of what it takes to be a ranger.
00:09:25You can't ride, you're miserable shots,
00:09:27just look at you.
00:09:30Here, I'll prove it to you.
00:09:32Come on, hit me.
00:09:33Come on, you weak sucker, hit me.
00:09:40You better learn how to box.
00:09:41Now we'll try once again,
00:09:42but use your head and keep your guard up.
00:09:44Come on, get up.
00:09:49Come and get me.
00:09:56You see?
00:09:58Anyone else like to try?
00:10:01You bunch of softies.
00:10:05You, go ahead and hit me.
00:10:32Hot dang, give him a rifle.
00:10:44Oh, them birds are good layers.
00:10:47Dumb bastard, get yourself another target.
00:10:57Well now, ain't you something.
00:11:27Well, I see you took my advice.
00:11:49Tastes like someone washed in it.
00:11:51Try it.
00:11:53Don't expect to get whiskey.
00:12:03You're a baptized ranger.
00:12:32You're a baptized ranger.
00:13:01Now that's the way money ought to look.
00:13:25The U.S. government, Prince,
00:13:26the best there is, share and share alike.
00:13:30There you go, Max.
00:13:32Thank you very much.
00:13:33Don't mention it.
00:13:36And we'll keep you in mind, buddy,
00:13:38when we hear of another bank that needs cleaning up.
00:14:02Well, kid, what are you after?
00:14:04I'm not a kid.
00:14:07He's a ranger.
00:14:09You're coming along now, dead or alive.
00:14:14Thanks for the invitation, kid.
00:14:17But I got a reputation for being antisocial.
00:14:20Now, how about that?
00:14:22You're antisocial.
00:14:24One size fits everybody.
00:14:27Now, whether you like it or not,
00:14:29I'm bringing you all in.
00:14:31You just come and do that, kid.
00:14:53Oh, yeah!
00:15:21Good going.
00:15:50It's beginner's luck.
00:15:52You get 500 apiece for those three.
00:15:54At that rate, you'll have a nice little pile of money
00:15:56salting away in no time.
00:16:02I'll eat it someday to catch bigger fish than these.
00:16:56Hey, John!
00:17:06Kid Johnson.
00:17:16Hey, Johnson!
00:17:24It's John, with a pair of handcuffs on.
00:17:31Want a couple more like it?
00:17:54No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:18:23John Clark and his boys.
00:18:43Yep, I arrested them.
00:18:45Killed them, you mean?
00:18:47Isn't that your work?
00:18:48It's carrying out orders.
00:18:50Like it says on the poster, dead or alive.
00:18:52You poaching again?
00:18:57Hell no, I saw these by the side of the road.
00:18:59Yeah, I'll bet.
00:19:01I shot these in memory of a friend.
00:19:05He was from Turkey.
00:19:07Well, that's different.
00:19:10Sorry about your friend.
00:19:11Rest in peace, huh?
00:19:12What's that?
00:19:13He's not going to rest in peace.
00:19:15He's alive and flapping.
00:19:19Hey, kid.
00:19:20Well, look who's here.
00:19:21How you been, Captain?
00:19:22Never better.
00:19:23Who'd you bring back this time?
00:19:24Oh, a big one.
00:19:26John Clark and his boys.
00:19:28Heaven have mercy on their souls.
00:19:31It's too late for that.
00:19:32They're in hell.
00:19:37Here, burn these.
00:19:40Well, Captain?
00:19:43May I remind you of what you promised me?
00:19:46You mean leave of absence?
00:19:48You'd like to spend a few days back home in Springfield, wouldn't you?
00:19:50That's right.
00:19:51You can go.
00:19:52But I want you to tidy up a little business for me while you're there.
00:19:54A bunch of renegades are raising a holy hell in those parts,
00:19:56scaring folks off their land.
00:19:58See what you can do.
00:19:59Have a good time, get some rest, and bring me back a pile of stiffs.
00:20:04Well, I'll try to do that.
00:20:06Good luck.
00:20:08So Turner's out and we're in.
00:20:10Next we join this land to Ballor's, good pasture land and the river.
00:20:14And get our hands on these hills here,
00:20:16which means we persuade Burton and Carson to sell.
00:20:20And I can say honestly it's not going to take much time.
00:20:23We'll own it all when the railroad goes through here.
00:20:26Supposing they don't let you buy it, what happens then?
00:20:29There are ways to persuade people.
00:20:33Everyone has his little weakness, remember, and his little temptations.
00:20:38Find out what they are and he's yours.
00:20:43If you buy, you're going to have to pay.
00:20:46Where do you expect to get a hold of such a large sum?
00:20:50You're a banker, you ought to know about things like that.
00:20:55The Springfield Bank doesn't do much business.
00:20:59It'll be hard for me to transact many more loans.
00:21:02That problem is entirely in your hands, Porter.
00:21:06I don't care what you do.
00:21:12There you go.
00:21:14Two thousand dollars.
00:21:16Thanks for the bargain.
00:21:18A gift, you mean, don't you?
00:21:20Now it's all his.
00:21:22That's right.
00:21:24And he's grateful to you.
00:21:27You and your boys have been real generous, Watkins.
00:21:37Mr. Grayson is grateful to you too, Sheriff.
00:21:40Everything's above board when there's a witness like you around.
00:21:47OK, boys, let's go.
00:21:57Wait a minute, you're forgetting one thing.
00:22:17It's all above board when there's a witness like you around.
00:22:20Why, they threatened us, didn't you?
00:22:39I wouldn't do that, Watkins.
00:22:53The contract belongs to me, Sheriff.
00:22:56Get it.
00:23:12The money.
00:23:34I always pay for what I get.
00:23:41Just so everything's legal, Sheriff.
00:23:47Grayson's well within the law when he offers to buy land from you.
00:23:51The hell he is.
00:23:52He makes his offers at gunpoint.
00:23:54He told me he was worried about us.
00:23:56Afraid we'd end up like Watkins.
00:23:57He's a blackmailer.
00:23:58He wants us to give him money so he can protect us.
00:24:00I'm scared.
00:24:01Don't sell.
00:24:02Whatever he threatens, don't sell.
00:24:04That's what I say.
00:24:06And if we stick together, we can use...
00:24:08I'm not sure about that.
00:24:09Those boys of his open fire...
00:24:10So what?
00:24:11We fire back.
00:24:12Now, don't get excited, boys.
00:24:13Keep it within the law.
00:24:15Everything can be straightened out.
00:24:16But you got to remember, these things take time.
00:24:19Grayson's not getting my land.
00:24:21He keeps telling me I'll be getting a good price.
00:24:24And he's trying to make me sell.
00:24:25The same with me.
00:24:26But don't you do it, Arthur.
00:24:28I swear to you.
00:24:30Me and my boy ain't selling, no matter what.
00:24:36Wake up, son.
00:24:37The party's about to begin.
00:24:38I wouldn't want you to miss anything.
00:24:59You think we can convince him?
00:25:01Yes, Burton should really be thinking of selling to us by now.
00:25:08He's here.
00:25:14It's Burton.
00:25:29Somebody could get hurt, huh?
00:25:31Now, about that business we were discussing.
00:25:33What have you done with my son?
00:25:35First, we straighten out the formalities.
00:25:37I'm paying you far too much for nothing but sand and stones.
00:25:41But then, I promised and I'm a man of my word.
00:25:45Is it a bargain?
00:25:47I said there's a paper to sign.
00:25:52Step this way.
00:25:54These are witnesses and our legal representatives.
00:25:58Mr. Burton.
00:26:00Here's you little boy, all in one piece.
00:26:03These are witnesses and our legal representative, Mr. Burton.
00:26:22Good Lord, Bondine.
00:26:25Here's your little boy, all in one piece.
00:26:29Unfortunately, he has a few scratches that he got playing with the cat,
00:26:32but he's young, he'll heal up in no time.
00:27:02Oh, get down my baggage, would you please?
00:27:04Those three large trunks and that little one too.
00:27:32I'm staying here, so please bring those right in.
00:27:39OK, thanks.
00:27:46Got a room?
00:27:47Yes, of course I have.
00:27:48You'd like the best, wouldn't you?
00:27:52Shall I sign?
00:28:02There you are.
00:28:05Kit Johnson, this is a coincidence.
00:28:08We went to school together,
00:28:10but I wouldn't have recognized you dressed like that.
00:28:12I've been to college.
00:28:13It makes changes in a man.
00:28:15Your folks moved out of town.
00:28:17That's right.
00:28:18I just wanted to see the place again. Nostalgia, I guess.
00:28:20Garcon, the gentleman's luggage goes up to 20.
00:28:24Very nice perfume.
00:28:25Pour me down.
00:28:28Don't tell me you wear it.
00:28:30I sell it, that's how I know.
00:28:33Hi there.
00:28:35Well, this is a pleasure.
00:28:40Ricky, give us something to drink.
00:28:43I suppose you drink.
00:28:44Indeed, I do.
00:28:51You fix the place up?
00:28:53Yes, we keep up to date as much as we can.
00:28:58But the town stays pretty much the same?
00:29:00We'll never see it change.
00:29:02Nothing new has happened here in a dog's age.
00:29:05What the hell are you folks waiting for inside there?
00:29:09I want all of you out here, all of you.
00:29:11You want to wait till it's too late? Get out of here.
00:29:14We're going to settle accounts with Grayson once and for all.
00:29:16He killed my boy to get my land away from me.
00:29:19You're going to help her, aren't you?
00:29:20Bunch of sheep.
00:29:22He'll drive you out of here one by one if you let him.
00:29:25Come on.
00:29:27Help me, all of you.
00:29:29Put a stop to Grayson before he kills us all the way.
00:29:31He killed my son, you hear?
00:29:33Well, finally, something's happening.
00:29:35Remember what happened to Watkins and his boys?
00:29:39Now the same thing is happening to my son.
00:29:46Come back, don't go away.
00:29:51You won't murder anybody again.
00:29:53What's the matter?
00:29:54I already paid you for that piece of land.
00:29:59It's not that you murdered my son.
00:30:01You'll stoop to anything to possess our land.
00:30:05But now, Grayson, I'm going to kill you.
00:30:12Defend yourself, you filthy skunk.
00:30:15I'm ready.
00:30:18Positive you can kill me?
00:30:20Come on, prove it.
00:30:23Can you?
00:30:25You should be able to hit your target from there.
00:30:29You should be able to hit your target from there.
00:30:40Can you?
00:31:29Come on, let's go.
00:31:55Let us pray.
00:31:56Please help us, dear God, to bear hardship at the hands of our enemies.
00:32:08Kit! This can't be true!
00:32:13Brown! Hey! What are you doing in that get-up?
00:32:17God knows you're a fine critter to talk like that, Kit.
00:32:20Where's your pistol? I have you forgotten my lessons.
00:32:23Around here, a good Christian keeps a gun handy.
00:32:25What's the matter with you, boy? Want to die young?
00:32:27Keep your blessings for decent men, Padre.
00:32:30Don't waste them on skunks like Burton.
00:32:32Criminals like that aren't worth prayers.
00:32:35Padre's just doing his job, and doing it very well.
00:32:40You saw the man deliberately instigate a duel.
00:32:42He made me shoot. Nobody can say it wasn't entirely legal.
00:32:46I didn't see anything.
00:32:48That doesn't matter. There are plenty who did.
00:32:54What's going on?
00:32:56Legitimate defense. He was crazy.
00:32:59Is that so?
00:33:01That's right.
00:33:03He didn't sound crazy.
00:33:05You better clean your ears out and get a pair of glasses.
00:33:13No, I see enough as it is, without glasses.
00:33:17And my hearing is very good, without cleaning my ears.
00:33:20Let me ask just one question.
00:33:22I'd like to know why you picked our little town to stay in.
00:33:26To see some old friends.
00:33:28Old friends are the best kind. I hope we'll meet again.
00:33:31Of course we will. Of course.
00:33:34And I know it'll be a pleasure to have you as a friend.
00:33:39I think we've met already, Tom.
00:33:43I'm positive. But where?
00:33:46You're right. We have already met.
00:33:49Don't you remember? Bye now.
00:33:58For one client, more or less.
00:34:00M's hard words, Mabel. He was a fine man. He sure was.
00:34:03You see that, Clem?
00:34:06Carson, you're crazy.
00:34:08Your ranch, your land, your crops aren't worth half of what I can offer.
00:34:12Is that so?
00:34:14It's no bargain.
00:34:17I'll try again.
00:34:20I'll make another offer to you.
00:34:27I've been thinking about getting married.
00:34:29In my opinion, the girl's pretty.
00:34:32It's up to Nora.
00:34:35Only the livestock here is the same.
00:34:37You good folks keep this up, then my boys are going to get nervous.
00:34:41I want your land, Carson, and I'm going to have it.
00:34:43We're not selling, Mr. Grayson.
00:34:46Stay out of this, Elizabeth.
00:34:48You're in no position to argue.
00:34:56It's Kit Johnson.
00:34:58Hi there.
00:35:00Kit, it's wonderful to see you.
00:35:04Come over here.
00:35:06To think that when I last laid eyes on you, you were just a little boy.
00:35:09That's right. I guess I've changed a lot.
00:35:11But you haven't.
00:35:15Great to see you, Kit. You're really quite a dandy.
00:35:19Around here, you don't need a walking stick, you need a gun.
00:35:22Recognize that girl over there?
00:35:29Well, look at you, Miss Carson.
00:35:31I grew up while you were away, just for a surprise.
00:35:33How about it, Kit? Did I do okay?
00:35:35Yeah, great.
00:35:37By the way, I brought you back a present.
00:35:40It's from Paris.
00:35:43The best.
00:35:45I'm sure it is, Kit.
00:35:47Mr. Johnson knows all about pleasing the ladies.
00:35:50He understands perfumes.
00:35:52Mr. Grayson, this is...
00:35:54Thanks, Carson. We've already met.
00:35:56That's right. We've met already.
00:35:59Even though it seems our interests are different, aren't they?
00:36:02I buy perfumes, and you buy land.
00:36:06Land and more land.
00:36:08Yes, because I like space to get around in.
00:36:11Yes, so do I.
00:36:13But otherwise, we're different.
00:36:15I'm nothing but a small-time dealer in perfume,
00:36:17while you're in high finance.
00:36:19Yes, high finance is the area that interests me.
00:36:22I've always been successful and ambitious.
00:36:27So I've heard.
00:36:29You want to build a railroad through here.
00:36:31That's very nice.
00:36:33That's very nice. My congratulations.
00:36:36You're well informed for a newcomer.
00:36:38The idea is to make Springfield the commercial center of the state.
00:36:41All the livestock going east will be shipped from here.
00:36:44And if you own the land, you'll be sitting pretty.
00:36:46Everyone in the area will profit by it.
00:36:48I was trying to convince Carson here to come in with me,
00:36:51but I can't seem to make a deal.
00:36:54Do you remember the fable about the lamb
00:36:57who joined forces with a lion,
00:37:00but in the end, lost his life?
00:37:06Pretty good.
00:37:09Maybe you and I could get together at the saloon.
00:37:12Perhaps for a little game of poker.
00:37:17Now that I think of it...
00:37:21Oh, at your service.
00:37:26There's a Mr. Baller who'd like to see you at the saloon.
00:37:29Not for poker, but to sell his land.
00:37:31He didn't seem very happy about it.
00:37:33I can change his mind on that score.
00:37:36I imagine you're forceful at convincing a person.
00:38:02Do you remember?
00:38:04This is Valiant.
00:38:05Of course, Valiant, so it is.
00:38:07When I left, he was just a little fella.
00:38:09He won't let anybody but me in the saddle.
00:38:11He's terrible.
00:38:12Your horse has good sense.
00:38:15Would you like him?
00:38:22He's great.
00:38:24If Baller's not careful, he'll end up like Burton.
00:38:27Free from strife and six feet under.
00:38:29You're not going to let that happen, are you, kid?
00:38:31Why, Padre Brown, are you advising me to stick my nose into somebody else's affairs?
00:38:36Why not?
00:38:37Someone's got to stand up to Grayson.
00:38:39To tell the truth, I wouldn't mind doing it myself.
00:38:41In a friendly, Christian kind of way, if you understand.
00:38:44Yeah, I understand.
00:38:47Come out!
00:38:49The boys aren't going to shoot you.
00:38:51We just want you to sign the contract.
00:38:53I'm not selling my land to Grayson.
00:38:57Open up, Baller, or you'll regret it.
00:39:40Oh, Helen!
00:39:47You must stop this killing!
00:39:49Sell the land!
00:39:50But don't shoot anymore!
00:39:51Don't shoot!
00:39:53Is it worth the life of your daughter?
00:39:55Sign the contract!
00:39:59We'll sign it!
00:40:00Take the land, but don't shoot anymore!
00:40:07Come in, you murderer!
00:40:16Come to your senses, Baller.
00:40:18Good for you.
00:40:19Sign your damn contract.
00:40:21You'll have the ranch, the house, it's all yours.
00:40:24We're getting out.
00:40:26Don't be silly, Baller.
00:40:29Grayson only buys the land.
00:40:31You can stay here and work.
00:40:32You can go to hell!
00:40:49You're under no obligation to sell.
00:41:19Come on.
00:41:47Full house.
00:41:49Let's go.
00:42:19Let's go.
00:42:49Let's go.
00:43:10Do you feel as bad if I join you?
00:43:13What do you say?
00:43:14Sit down.
00:43:19Let's go.
00:43:38You play very well.
00:43:40At cards?
00:43:42At more than just poker, I'll bet.
00:43:44You're the kind who succeeds when you're playing at love.
00:43:47I can take care of myself,
00:43:49but I've been told my game could use a little improvement.
00:43:53Romeo, let's play.
00:44:00Let's go.
00:44:02Let's go.
00:44:03Let's go.
00:44:18Four kings.
00:44:23Cheating bastard.
00:44:30calls me a cheating bastard, especially when they've got a price on their heads
00:44:33like you all. A price I wouldn't mind having.
00:45:31You're pretty quick on the trigger.
00:45:33What's your name? You the sheriff?
00:45:34Lee Grayson.
00:45:36I'm sorry. I should have asked your permission.
00:45:39They were your men.
00:45:40Do you do this for pleasure? A hobby, shall we say?
00:45:43Is that your reason to kill?
00:45:45No, to make an honest buck.
00:45:46That's what I imagine.
00:45:48May I ask your name, Mr...
00:45:50People call me Dollars because a dollar saved my life once.
00:45:55And your name, ma'am?
00:45:56I'm called Mabel.
00:45:58What's all the shootin'?
00:46:05Oh, Lord, he loves us.
00:46:07I'm glad you're here, Sheriff.
00:46:09Just another case of legitimate defense.
00:46:13Is he insinuating that my men were fugitives from justice?
00:46:20That's putting him out, eh?
00:46:26It's entirely legal.
00:46:27That's music to my ears.
00:46:29And on those three I delivered earlier,
00:46:31let me see, that makes 1,800.
00:46:36When can you get me the money, huh?
00:46:43Call me the undertaker right away.
00:46:46I'm loco about a good funeral.
00:46:48I'll take care of it.
00:46:49And lots of flowers.
00:46:51All right.
00:46:53I was told that your place was very, very amusing.
00:46:56Yes, and for special customers, I do all I can.
00:47:01Well, if you don't mind me asking,
00:47:03I'd like to ask you a few questions.
00:47:06What's your name?
00:47:24All you can?
00:47:26Not one customer has complained yet.
00:47:30And you won't either, I know.
00:47:34I'm beginning to think that I know who that man was
00:47:37who protected Bella.
00:47:40Of course, it could be our friendly killer here.
00:47:43I'm sure it was him.
00:47:45It could be somebody else.
00:47:47Well, he's a good suspect.
00:47:49Maybe but you're to find out for sure who was at Ballas last night
00:48:03Watch dollars. He could be the one who messed things up for us. Be sure you don't let him out of your sight
00:48:16About a little something to drink for our hero
00:48:50All right up you get back to work
00:49:00On your feet now, there's a mess of work to do today. So look sharp stop what you're doing all of you
00:49:09Who is the boss here
00:49:11Who authorized this construction?
00:49:13The railroad is not going to pass through here what you're building is a violation of the law do you hear
00:49:21Stop work
00:49:23These are orders from mr. Grayson
00:49:26Take all of your equipment and clear out of here. It's going to be trouble
00:49:34You hear me clear out get moving
00:49:42What you're doing you hear you've got no right to be here pack up your trash and get out
00:49:58What the hell do you think you're doing
00:50:01Stop this work. I'm just doing the job the tracks ain't gonna pass this way. I'm not the boss here
00:50:06I'm just the head of the work crew hired by the property owners property owners liar
00:50:17Are you a property owner? No, I just work here the whole area is under the control of the West Company
00:50:24The West Company, I'll see about that
00:50:31Come in chance
00:50:34Who are you looking for who's in charge here? Can I take your hat?
00:50:43There's a gent to see
00:50:48Excuse me, sir. There's a gent here to see you. I
00:50:55Might have guessed it'd be you that's right
00:51:01Do you remember now where we met? I didn't come here to fool around you owe me an explanation
00:51:06What the hell is this all about?
00:51:08Why can't you figure it out? I got the idea from you Grayson
00:51:16Women's underwear. What kind of work is that?
00:51:19but land
00:51:21Land is money and more money as you ought to know. I
00:51:25Want to be rich, that's all when I was a boy
00:51:30My father used to say find out how the boss makes money and you'll make money
00:51:35About the land. My reason in coming here is to buy it all of it. Absolutely
00:51:42Well, how much can you pay plenty?
00:51:48First I'll have to talk with my partners partners
00:51:52Talk with my partners
00:51:54partners, of course
00:51:57Partners the owners have formed a kind of corporation. I
00:52:01Don't like the smell of the West Company
00:52:04These partners will hear from me. You're all messing around with the wrong man, and you'll regret it
00:52:39Mean I'm saying my prayers right now, but no matter
00:53:26What's going on
00:53:29Just playing with fire
00:53:31Padre Brown
00:53:32That's what you think
00:53:35He's no priest
00:53:36Take a look
00:53:38He's a fake
00:53:40But how many men have you been fighting? It was four against one. Why not a perfume salesman can fight if he has to
00:53:48Come on let's go find the undertaker
00:53:55They're dead it's because of you you rascal I didn't get my cassock they stole one somewhere
00:54:02Anyway, now we sit and wait for Grayson to make the next move
00:54:05He's not the type to quit and he'll do something drastic to get the West Company out of his way
00:54:09He'll use force this time and we've got to be ready. Don't worry. He can't win. We're smarter than he is
00:54:15We've got the good Lord on our side
00:54:37Can't explain
00:54:39You've got to come hurry hurry Nora wait get my gun
00:54:55Here they are nice going little girl
00:55:14Well, mr. Johnson nice to see you throw your gun down big man they get it
00:55:50Grayson would like you to go back to the perfume business get up
00:56:25Said get up
00:56:31Can't you leave us alone
00:56:34I'll mess around where you're not needed next time. I won't be so gentle. Let's go
00:56:43You'll all hang for this get the alcohol Nora get bandages
00:56:57All over
00:56:58You'll be all right, son
00:57:00We're not beaten yet
00:57:02And we're gonna fight back. You see what's happened the railroad shoes and armored wagons to protect the workers
00:57:07How are you going to get around that? I've decided to buy out the West Company. I'll offer to buy at a higher price
00:57:13That's ridiculous. They want too much
00:57:16Unless you can lay hands on the sum of money like that arriving from st. Louis. What are you getting at?
00:57:22You heard what I said
00:57:24This is known only to the bank
00:57:33This is way beyond what I've been hoping
00:57:37For the building of the railroad straight across the state to the end of the line
00:57:44And you mean tomorrow this money will get deposited in your bank. Yes, I may claim that honor
00:57:50my bank is the safest Iran a
00:57:53special stage of the Wells Fargo
00:57:56Left st. Louis yesterday and tomorrow morning
00:57:59It should get into town and before it does our boys will meet it. You be careful. There's an escort with it
00:58:06Be a child's play
00:58:08The boys know what to do
00:58:11maybe but
00:58:13Let's not arouse suspicion
00:58:14If anything goes wrong, it means my bank could be ruined. Keep your shirt on Porter. Nobody could possibly suspect your back
00:58:24We'll wait at Carson's Pass, uh-huh, that's okay
00:58:37I'll bet our mr. Grayson is crazy with worry by now and thinking up some wild scheme
00:58:43Yep. Now he's dealing with a united group of men instead of only single ranchers
00:58:48That about finishes all that pressure
00:58:51It means he's been beaten
00:58:54And when the railroads completed
00:58:58Everyone will have his land again and all our good fortune is due to you
00:59:05But now we must get to Grayson and spy on his movements and forestall him
00:59:10Get it's difficult to spy on anyone around here
00:59:15Grayson's got them all under his thumb
00:59:17Naturally, nobody trusts the sheriff. He's the worst a lot
00:59:22Listen to me. Oh, what are you muttering? I asked you to pardon me Lord if I've seen just once, huh?
00:59:28Look, my friend. The best thing to do is go to the saloon
00:59:32And ask that young lady. I think her name is Mabel if she'll help you
00:59:37She's very close to Grayson and knows about everything he does
00:59:41She could get you the inside information. She's a I mean a nice girl
00:59:45I get it you think out to pretend I'm head over heels in love with her
00:59:49Right. Well, we don't have to go that far
00:59:53That's a very pleasant idea
00:59:55And with your blessing, I'll do it
01:00:05You listen kid you're doing this for the information, right? Yes the information my son careful that you don't fall into mortal sin
01:00:15The lady isn't a bad girl, but she's just unfortunate
01:00:19Her sense of morality should allow her to see the light. Are you sure you trust her? She could betray you
01:00:25I'm gonna have to risk that
01:00:28Kid if I can help you in any way or give you advice believe me
01:00:31I've had a lot of experience with women like Mabel. Oh, have you now? No, don't misunderstand
01:00:36I mean experience of a professional salt in trying to help these misguided girls return to the narrow path
01:00:41I envy you but watch out battery Brown. You're exposed to temptation on all sides. God help you
01:01:04Thought your only interest was perfumes kid
01:01:10No, you don't want to wear that it's very strong it's a perfume for men
01:01:21Do you treat every customer you get the way you treat me or do you really like me
01:01:28Of course
01:01:29You like Grayson. I
01:01:33Don't consider Grayson so special
01:01:36You're much better. I
01:01:38Hope you're planning to see me again. Is that right?
01:01:45I can use protection. I depend on Grayson. He's my protector
01:01:53Yes, I can see that
01:01:59Everyone in town is afraid of him. I
01:02:03Wonder if a man like Grayson is capable of loving anyone I
01:02:11Suppose he is I
01:02:16Don't know about loving he's capable of murdering me sure and me too
01:02:24Thank God he's away
01:02:29Where'd he go today to Sacramento I
01:02:35Think he said Carson's Pass. I don't know
01:02:40What a place to go
01:02:45There's absolutely nothing around there except wind and
01:02:50Buzzards, well, it's none of my business. I'm sure he must know what he's doing
01:02:56They struck gold in the hills I suppose
01:03:00And he wants exclusive rights to the mine I
01:03:04Don't know where he is and I don't want to know. I hope he stays away. You're much better in bed
01:03:09Don't tell me you've fallen in love with me
01:03:12Why not?
01:03:15You wouldn't mind would you
01:04:52What's going on
01:04:54Somebody's already been here
01:04:57They kill the guys and left the gold go get it
01:05:12You go to
01:05:25Over there
01:05:36Easy does it easy
01:05:45What a lot of gold it weighs a ton, yeah, this here's a big box ago
01:05:50Okay, boys you can all get up now happy
01:06:10Come on now smart guy and put up your hands
01:06:19Come on let's see that pretty face. I'll put a hole in that box and then it'll be your casket
01:06:29If I can't do it, I gotta wait until you come out
01:06:33You're not going to make me waste any more bullets. You hear me?
01:06:40Can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it
01:06:44I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it
01:06:46I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it
01:06:50It's the bullseye now, let me try
01:07:09Come on out kid stretch your legs a little looks like a cemetery, don't it?
01:07:20You got here just in time
01:07:22Thanks. I was beginning to get a little hungry in there. We've got a pretty big catch
01:07:28And the rewards are gonna look very nice. Yeah, we'll get something for saving the gold, too
01:07:33Grayson's in for a surprise. Wouldn't you say let's drop in and see it?
01:07:37First, why don't we see if the sheriff is around?
01:07:40Great idea Ranger. He can't deny the evidence this time, can he?
01:07:49What's keeping him so long Grayson
01:07:53They're covering up their tracks
01:08:04What happened
01:08:06Surprised us we rambushed in the middle of the bus somebody must have Oh
01:08:13What happened?
01:08:15Somebody must have talked
01:08:17If I get my hands on that kid Johnson was already expecting us. He was I might have known he'd be there
01:08:25Hey, my name dollars was there too. It seems that boy Johnson is a ranger
01:08:36Porter this means our plans have been ruined. No, all the other weaknesses were shot. Nobody knows you did except you
01:08:46You made a mistake by coming back here
01:08:53Now there are no witnesses
01:08:58Take him out
01:09:07What do you think Johnson would do now
01:09:14Want to know who betrayed us
01:09:17The sheriff knew and you Porter
01:09:21But Grayson I stand to lose more on this than anybody else
01:09:34In that case
01:09:36You betrayed us miss maple
01:09:39You've been playing around with Kit Johnson. You betrayed me you bitch
01:09:46No, you told him no, no I didn't you
01:10:29Got something to show you come on down a minute
01:10:43Give me the chest
01:10:52Hey, go easy that's worth its weight in gold
01:11:02What do you mean by this Johnson go to Carson's Pass sheriff and you better take along the undertaker why
01:11:09We brought you a gift
01:11:11The gold that Grayson tried to steal dare you say that about mr. Grayson
01:11:16You're nothing less than a bounty killer
01:11:25How dare you say something so unflattering about a captain especially when he's a ranger want to show him Oh
01:11:36And now we're getting to the end of this farce we'll leave the money with you come on boys
01:12:07How about I'm locking the cell for us, what do you want open up you've got the key
01:12:19That's it sheriff
01:12:24Now all you have to do is arrest Lee Grayson
01:12:27Arrest Grayson. Uh-huh, but there's no proof to warrant my doing such a thing
01:12:32Six of his men lie dead out of Carson's Pass that not for you. Let's go
01:12:44But but mr. Grayson is natural for the wrongdoing of his men
01:12:51We might say that you're one of his men too what
01:12:57You don't know what to answer to that
01:13:00We'll give you time to think it over
01:13:04But there's no sense of trying to capture Grayson
01:13:07His house is like a fort with guards all over the place
01:13:11Courage is part of your character, isn't it? Sure
01:13:16And this is a good chance to show it
01:13:20We'll go with you how about but
01:13:30I didn't Brown
01:13:33Padre Brown
01:13:41Mabel what happened?
01:13:48You never had to good
01:13:52Try not to spend it all in one place
01:14:09Be alright have faith my daughter have faith the doctor take care
01:14:17Have faith kid kid help me Mabel
01:14:45What happened who did this to you
01:14:54It was great
01:15:00How about it need me more proof sheriff Grayson did it arrest him
01:15:18Hail Mary full of grace. The Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb
01:15:25Now and at the hour of our death
01:16:03Recently better get out of here before it's too late. Nobody's leaving till I say so they managed to kill six of your men
01:16:08They've got the money. What more do you want drink to my help?
01:16:12You can do as you damn please. I'm getting out. Sorry Porter. You're staying
01:16:20Couldn't you understand you should do what you're told and keep quiet
01:16:26We are both in it
01:16:32It's clear I hope that nobody gets out of this house except for the purpose of killing Kit Johnson and anyone with him
01:16:41We wait for him here make sure you have plenty of ammunition and post yourselves in your usual places
01:16:48When they get here I want them to think there's an army waiting to attack them
01:16:57Let them see
01:17:03Open the gate. It's me. Hey open up. It's the sheriff
01:17:12Close it close it immediately Johnson's out there shoot at him shoot
01:17:50After you captain please no, I'll go the other way. Good luck to you kid at your orders
01:18:48Come on get behind
01:19:23There's your sample case kid
01:20:05Will you throw that you must be out of your mind
01:20:19Boys are worse than the plague. Lord. God have mercy
01:20:36May God have mercy on your soul
01:20:51Here's a perfume I think you like it's called blast
01:21:04God commands us not to kill. Yeah. Hey, how about him?
01:21:19You're gonna rest in peace you two
01:21:44Excuse me. These are for you
01:21:57Rest in peace mayor Cooper mayor Cooper
01:22:07Till it was but I'm only looking for one Johnson
01:23:04Know that trick. I remember it from way back. I
01:23:10Won't take your life. I don't shoot men when they're disarmed
01:23:17Captain now, do you know where we met?
01:23:28I remember this pistol. I've learned how to use it
01:23:38Pull the trigger
01:23:54That's too easy I'd much rather have you alive
01:24:02I've come to arrest you Grayson
01:24:13No, ranger if you want these on me come and put them on me yourself
01:24:22The man hasn't been born yet powerful enough to put these handcuffs on my wrists just come and try
01:26:10Well, I arrested him, yeah, he won't take a prison space, huh?
01:26:16Afraid not but the law says dead or alive and I always respect the law, especially when there's money in it
01:26:30Well kid what are you gonna do with all this reward money you're really worried about that, aren't you?
01:26:55Yeah, we'll leave the chest with you but remember it's for what the railroad a fine way to talk to Christian
01:27:02Oh when they put the railroad in we'll come back and visit you
01:27:05Why don't you stay here kid? We need men like you in this town
01:27:09And Nora needs a man like you for how about that you're joking I'm not the marrying kind
01:27:19You may not be the marrying kind but you'd still make a decent husband take a month's leave and propose to the girl
01:27:25Well, all right, if it's an order
01:27:30You could be happy with a range, right?
01:27:37Padre Brown, will you help me? I'm really not cut out to be a husband, but I'll try
01:27:45Don't worry my son trust in the will of the Lord and in your wife
01:27:57So long captain get we'll be waiting for you
