Labour Party के नेता ने बताया Kier Starmer प्रधानमंत्री बनने पर Britain में क्या करेंगे

  • last month
ब्रिटेन में सबसे लंबे समय तक सेवा देने वाले भारतीय मूल के सांसदों में से एक, लेबर पार्टी के वीरेंद्र शर्मा का मानना है कि भारत और यूनाइटेड किंगडम के बीच संबंध देश के नए प्रधानमंत्री कीर स्टार्मर के नेतृत्व में और मजबूत होंगे। स्टार्मर शुक्रवार को ऋषि सुनक की जगह ब्रिटेन के नए प्रधानमंत्री बने। आईएएनएस से खास बातचीत में वीरेंद्र शर्मा अपनी और प्रधानमंत्री कीर स्टार्मर की कार्यनीतियों और भविष्य की प्रतिबद्धताओं के बारे में जानकारी दी। उन्होंने कहा कि पिछली सरकारों और राजनीतिक पार्टियों ने ब्रिटेन की व्यवस्था को नुकसान पहुंचाया है। पुलिस, राष्ट्रीय सेवाएं, शिक्षा, सड़क परिवहन जिस भी क्षेत्र का आप नाम लेंगे हर तरफ डैमेज किया गया है। कीर स्टार्मर का पहला काम होगा कि इन व्यवस्थाओं को और बिगड़ने से रोका जाए।

#labourparty #britainelection2024 #britishpm #kierstarmer #virendrasharma #labourpartyleader #britainelections


00:00The first and the most important, we have put our own manifesto, which is a Labour manifesto,
00:07how under the leadership of Clare Stamber as a new Prime Minister, how he wanted to take the
00:15country forward. First of all, he has to, with a major challenge, where the previous governments
00:23and the previous political party has damaged the system in Britain. They damaged the economy of
00:30this country. Every system is broken, police, NHS, National Health Service, education, roads,
00:39transport, you name it, is broken. So what Clare Stamber, the first immediate role for him is
00:49that to stop that deteriorating further so that he can turn it back to bring it to the
00:56stabilisation in those areas where we need to improve NHS. We need to have the skilled workforce
01:05to that. We need a skilled workforce in other fields as well. So they will be looking at
01:10whether they have to create, and which I feel is that they have to train the workforce in this
01:16country, but also to seek support from the other friendly countries to get those immigrants coming
01:23and helping us. Like I came here 55 years ago to support the country to be rebuilt here after the
01:32war. I think that is what the government, the priority will be to stop the deterioration,
01:40turn back into the directions where it is positive and they can bring the peace and
01:46prosperity for all in the world and in the country. There's many other areas which I'm
01:53sure the government will be looking at and then tell us what steps and how they're going to do it.
01:59Today they don't know how much money they got. Today they will be later on finding out whether
02:04they got the money in the treasury or where to get the money from. So that's where they will be working on.
