Soir infos (20:00) - 07/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 07/07/2024


00:00Good evening and welcome to Medea TV. It's a pleasure to see you again to talk about the news. Here are the headlines.
00:20The new People's Front creates a surprise in France. The Left Party Alliance is in the lead of the second round of legislative elections in front of the presidential camp, while the far-right arrives in third position.
00:3516 people have lost their lives in a ninth Israeli offensive that targeted a school yesterday in Nusayrat. The latest report states that more than 38,100 Palestinian civilians have been killed since October 7.
00:49In a tense political context, today in Abuja, the summit of the CDAO was held, a meeting that took place 24 hours after the decision of the leaders of the Alliance of States of the Sahel to unite within a confederation.
01:05And to start, place in our special file the legislative election in France.
01:19The results of the legislative place the Left Party Alliance in the lead with 172 to 215 deputies. The new People's Front creates a surprise by becoming the first force of the country.
01:38The Left Party Alliance in front of the presidential camp of Emmanuel Macron and the far-right arrives in third position. None of the blocs therefore obtains the absolute majority.
01:46The National Assembly enters into force with a historic number of deputies elected between 115 and 155. I propose to go to Paris to join our special envoy Bassam Nachar.
01:59The first estimates announced by the polling stations have fallen and the NFP, which wins these elections, is placed first in this poll.
02:13This is a big surprise since everyone expected the victory of the National Assembly, perhaps not an absolute majority, but at least the National Assembly, which was supposed to be first after these elections.
02:26This is what has been confirmed by all the polling stations in recent days. The NFP, which would obtain between 180 and 215 seats. The RN, which would be third after this poll, between 120 and 150 seats.
02:43The RN, which would obtain between 150 and 180 seats. The RN, which would obtain between 150 and 180 seats. The RN, which would obtain between 150 and 180 seats.
03:03The participation rate, which is very high, is 67%, a score unprecedented since 1981, recalling that the participation rate during the 2022 scrutin was 46.23%.
03:24President Emmanuel Macron, who is currently in the Elysée, has met with his Prime Minister from 6.30pm and also with the heads of the parties of the governmental majority to try to analyze the political situation.
03:40The French are waiting for Macron to give an explanation about the formation of the next government and especially the name of the Prime Minister.
03:57A statement that should be made in the next few hours, the next few days or even the next few weeks, but nothing in the articles of the Constitution, forces the President of the Republic to speak on behalf of his Prime Minister in a precise time after the announcement of the results.
04:16Description of these results with political analyst and editorialist Mustapha Tosa.
04:21It's a huge surprise for everyone. All the political analysts who are currently speaking on French television do not hide their surprise because no one expected this collapse of the National Assembly, but above all no one expected this rise of the left and of the French Insoumise.
04:42So there is an upside-down earthquake that is happening.
04:48So to explain this result, there are only two rational reasons that explain it.
04:54The first is that the logic and dynamics of the Republican Front worked at full strength.
05:00At one point the French were afraid of being governed by the National Front.
05:05And they mobilized. The proof is that the participation rate is historic.
05:10They went en masse, perhaps not to give their confidence to the left, but more to refuse seats to the National Assembly.
05:20So there is an electric shock that has crossed French society and that has pushed it to vote, especially young people.
05:29We will see in the evening the sociology of the votes, but according to the images we saw on TV, there were a lot of young people who mobilized to vote.
05:41And when we say young people, we mean the left, the French Insoumise.
05:46On the other hand, when we say workers or retirees, it is much more the National Assembly or the Renaissance.
05:53And the second reason that explains this is that the technique of resignation, which was given as an order from the first evening of the first round, also worked wonderfully.
06:04All the candidates who could lose or win, who could risk winning the National Assembly, withdrew to allow this left to settle and triumph
06:17and to allow the National Assembly to live, not a defeat, because it still has an important group, much more than what it had in the former parliament.
06:30But there is hope, without a doubt, compared to Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen, who were already dreaming of Matignon and who were already starting to distribute the post of minister.
06:42We are now listening to the analysis of Zakaria Aboudaheb, Professor of International Relations at the University of Mohamed V of Rabat.
06:50In other words, in light of these results, it is clear that the new Popular Front is imposing itself as an important political force.
06:59I think it has the legitimacy today to claim governmental leadership.
07:04And you know, Mrs. Nadia, that the strategy of Mr. Mélenchon, let's say the leader, are the presidential elections of 2027.
07:13This is clear. And I think he won the bet in the end, because he was intelligent.
07:19He even said some time ago that he does not intend to present himself as Prime Minister.
07:24And he even declined the offer to participate in the debate alongside Mr. Attal and Mr. Bardella, because he knows that he needs more authority, etc.
07:35This is the first point. The second point, France is experiencing cohabitation in recent years.
07:41Of the 4th, of the 5th Republic, it seems to me.
07:44Exactly. Whether it is with Mr. Mitterand or Jacques Chirac, we are Jacques Chirac with socialism, I don't know, and so on.
07:49But at some point, I believe today that France is at the threshold, it seems to me, of a 6th Republic, if I'm not mistaken,
07:56since we may have to review the 1958 constitution a little bit and plan fake guards that allow to unlock this kind of situation,
08:05which sometimes happens abruptly and by political surprise.
08:10And therefore, now, in my opinion, we must show political realism.
08:14We must save France from major commitments.
08:16And because we are soon also on the eve of other elections, as important as the American elections.
08:22There are also, as we said earlier, major geopolitical issues.
08:27This means that France does not have the right today to remain in indecision, in uncertainty.
08:33At some point, I believe, we should forget or bury the political hedgehog momentarily,
08:39and then prepare what is necessary for the 2027 elections, so that we have more visibility compared to today's and tomorrow's France.
08:46French authorities fear riots after the announcement of the final results of these legislations.
08:52On Friday, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, stated the mobilization of 30,000 policemen and gendarmes
08:58to prevent violence from breaking out between the supporters of different political parties.
09:03News from the Proche-Orient
09:14The Proche-Orient is now heading where the Israeli army has been carrying out intense attacks in the Gaza Strip for 10 months.
09:22Israeli officials have announced a return to Doha in the coming days to relaunch talks with Qatari mediators.
09:27Discussions with American mediators are also taking place in Egypt, according to Egyptian media Al-Qahera News.
09:36An Israeli attack killed 16 people on Saturday in Nusayrat.
09:40Israeli troops targeted a school housing dozens of displaced people.
09:44Local authorities are denouncing a hateful massacre of civilians,
09:47while Tzahal said he had targeted terrorist targets since October 7.
09:51Since October 7, Israeli attacks have cost the lives of more than 38,150 Palestinian victims.
09:57More than 80% of the population is displaced,
10:00and famine affects the entire Palestinian enclave,
10:03where the deaths caused by malnutrition are mainly among children.
10:10Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso are joining forces through the creation of a confederation,
10:15a decision made yesterday at the first summit of the States of the Sahel Alliance.
10:18In parallel to Abuja, the summit of the CEDAO was held today.
10:22The economic community of West African states is confronted
10:27with the persistent violence of the terrorist threat,
10:30economic problems and the difficulty of bringing together a regional force.
10:36This Sunday, the heads of state of the CEDAO held a summit in Abuja,
10:40and at the heart of the discussions is the question of relations with the Alliance of the States of the Sahel.
10:43I invite you to listen to the analysis of Bakary Gueye, editor-in-chief of the website Initiative News.
10:49The summit in Abuja was convened to try to look at the economic situation,
10:58the security situation, especially in West African countries.
11:03It is a summit that intervenes in a difficult context,
11:07also in a context of crisis within the sub-regional organization.
11:16An organization that, as we have seen for a few years,
11:20has been going through a lot of ups and downs,
11:23notably with the multiplication of state costs in West Africa
11:27and also with the repatriation of the constitution,
11:33in front of which the CEDAO has remained practically,
11:37if not indifferent, at least powerless.
11:42In any case, for the summit in Abuja,
11:45the West African leaders will try to narrow the angles,
11:49try to see how, in any case,
11:52they will try to restart the organization,
11:56which, after being one of the most solid organizations institutionally and administratively speaking,
12:04is also quite effective in the past,
12:09and has become completely deadlocked,
12:12notably with the last retreats of member countries of the AES,
12:17i.e. Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria,
12:22which passed at a higher speed by leaving the organization
12:26and creating a new confederation.
12:30So really, it is a rupture, in any case,
12:33which puts the organization in an inexplicable situation,
12:37and we do not see how, in any case,
12:40the organization will try to narrow the angles
12:47and to limit the damage.
12:51The CEDAO is confronted with the terrorist threat,
12:54economic problems and difficulties to bring together a regional force.
12:58So what approach should the organization adopt to face these challenges?
13:01We listen to the analysis of Bakary Gueye, editor-in-chief of the website Initiative News.
13:06Very reduced maneuvering range,
13:09especially since we have seen that the countries that really need the CEDAO the most today
13:15have practically left the organization,
13:19because we know that today the security situation is much more degraded
13:25in these three countries that have left the organization,
13:28and we have seen that the CEDAO is not able to find a solution
13:35to try to play the role for which it was created,
13:39simply because the heads of state who constitute it practically act alone,
13:48and there is not a common policy that allows the CEDAO
13:54to be able to make a policy that can be up to the task
14:01and that can allow the organization to intervene to solve the security problems
14:06that are the most urgent problems today,
14:10and in any case we see very badly how the organization will take it
14:15to be able to get out of this difficult situation.
14:21Yesterday, in Niamé, on the occasion of the first summit of the Alliance of States of the Sahel,
14:26the heads of state of Mali, Niger and Burkina have signed documents
14:31creating the Confederation of the Alliance of States of the Sahel,
14:34an enlarged cooperation beyond the security pact that the three countries had reached in September 2023.
14:40Our correspondent Jean-Gybril William tells us more.
14:43The meeting is historic and takes place almost a year after the announcement
14:47of the creation of a confederation composed of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger.
14:52It is in Niamé that the heads of state of the three countries leaving the CEDAO
14:56held this Saturday the first summit of the Alliance of States of the Sahel.
15:00An unprecedented meeting marked by the signing of four documents
15:04that made their alliance within a Confederation of States of the Sahel possible.
15:09An alternative to all factual regional regrouping
15:15by building a sovereign community of peoples,
15:21a community far from the manipulation of foreign powers,
15:26a community of peace, solidarity and prosperity based on our African values.
15:36A rapprochement that is no longer limited to the simple question of security
15:41and a common struggle against terrorism.
15:44In addition to a common force created last March,
15:48the three countries, members of the Confederation,
15:51now intend to mutualize their forces in various areas.
15:53We have considered it necessary to extend and expand the architecture of the CEDAO.
16:01What brings us together today must allow us to go to other areas in addition to defense,
16:08including finance and economy, infrastructure, health, education, etc.
16:16Strong announcements that come to end the divorce now assumed
16:20with the Community of States of West Africa
16:23who slammed the door at the beginning of 2024.
16:26A sign of hope for the populations of the Nigerian capital,
16:30thousands came on Friday and Saturday to celebrate the CEDAO for the first time.
16:35We rejoice because we know very well that the leaders to whom we have trusted
16:42will really want to come out.
16:45Great leaders who will be at the table of all Nigerians,
16:51all Burkinabes and all Malians.
16:53Those who will come out of this alliance will be aligned.
16:58Because we know it's the truth.
17:00CEDAO, it's yours.
17:03It should be noted that it is Mali that was designated to assure the first presidency
17:07of the Confederation for a period of one year.
17:09Burkina Faso, on the other hand, was to host the next parliamentary meeting
17:13of the Confederation of the Alliance of the States of Sahel.
17:17At the end of the very first summit of the Alliance of States of the CEDAO,
17:21Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria,
17:24gathered around the AES, decided to form a confederation
17:27before the stage of the federation.
17:29A decision to be pressed in the Malian capital.
17:32Our correspondent tells us more.
17:34In Bamako, the first summit of the Alliance of States of Sahel
17:38has been closely followed on many platforms.
17:41The speeches of the three presidents
17:43have then become one of the debates in the grains.
17:46The decision to close the summit,
17:48to go to the confederation, did not surprise many.
17:52We are already in a confederation that does not say its name.
17:55Since the beginning of the crisis in these three states,
17:59Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria,
18:01the states have begun to reconcile through the procedures,
18:05through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
18:07With the creation of this alliance
18:10and the establishment of a joint force in March,
18:13some estimate that the confederation
18:15will help more in the fight against terrorism.
18:20But not only.
18:22If they manage to get together,
18:24to give each other a hand,
18:26I think it will give a new momentum
18:29for security.
18:32And then, on the economic level,
18:36I think these three countries will reap natural resources.
18:40I think that will be good for the population of these three countries.
18:48A little surprised by the speed of the events,
18:51some say they observe for the moment
18:54the implementation of this confederation
18:57and see its results on the ground.
19:00This is a first for us.
19:02It was a surprise for me personally.
19:03But we can't judge without seeing the actions of these three heads of state
19:11and how this new adventure will unfold.
19:16We will observe and see.
19:19We wish them good luck.
19:22For that, it will be difficult.
19:24There are many challenges ahead of them.
19:26At the end of this summit,
19:28it was agreed that Mali will hold the presidency for a year.
19:30Burkina will host the parliamentary session on the period
19:35before the next summit planned in a year.
19:40Ivorian journalists participated in a meeting
19:43on the competitiveness of the companies operating on the national territory.
19:48During this meeting, they discovered
19:50how the Development Fund of the Professional Training,
19:54an Ivorian public institution, works.
19:56More precisely, with Hippoet J. and Ange Wilfred.
19:59Strengthen the performance and competitiveness of companies
20:03and increase the level of workers in various sectors of activity.
20:07These are the main priorities of the Development Fund of the Professional Training, the FDFP.
20:12The Ivorian public institution therefore multiplies the strategies
20:16to allow investors and entrepreneurs operating on the territory
20:20to give an important place to quality in their initiatives.
20:24During a meeting with the media actors
20:26in the city of Balnear in Kambassam, in the southeast of Abidjan,
20:30the Secretary General highlighted the contribution of the organization
20:33in the development of human capital in Ivory Coast.
20:36These are the companies that fund the economy.
20:38And within these companies, the first resources are human resources.
20:43And our mission is to qualify these human resources,
20:47develop their skills and ensure that these companies
20:50are able to produce as they should.
20:52According to the report of the exercise 2022-2023,
20:54the FDFP has registered 14,262 beneficiaries of training plans,
21:004,691 beneficiaries of projects of very small companies,
21:05521 new qualifications and 821 renewal of qualifications of training operators.
21:11For Philippe Hountry, the work done by the institution during this period is remarkable.
21:17Last year, for example, we were able to make an execution rate of more than 90%.
21:21That is, we were able to take over more than 90% of the needs
21:25that were expressed by the companies in terms of developing skills,
21:29in terms of supporting these companies.
21:31We were also able to support at important levels
21:35all the projects that were implemented within our country.
21:39The meeting allowed the participants to better understand
21:42the functioning of the structure.
21:44For them, the initiative is to be saluted.
21:45The FDFP was able to form cooperatives,
21:49to train people in the agricultural world
21:52to allow them to better structure themselves.
21:55The training palette that I have seen
21:58makes me think that the FDFP is truly a tool
22:03to bring know-how.
22:06The next challenges of the structure are, among others,
22:09the monitoring of the 2023-2027 action plan,
22:11the obtaining of the ISO 9001 certification version 2015
22:16and the finalization of the digitalization of the business and support process.
22:21This is the end of this newscast.
22:23Thank you for following it.
22:25Stay with us.
22:27The info continues on Mediain TV.