Soir infos (20:00) - 20/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 20/06/2024


00:00Good evening and welcome to this new newspaper. Here are the headlines.
00:16His Majesty the King Mohammed VI has addressed a letter to the head of government on the
00:227th General Review of Population and Habitat, which will be organized towards the end of
00:28the summer of the year in progress.
00:30On the eve of the anticipated legislative session in France, the leaders of the main
00:36parties in the race were in front of the bosses on Thursday.
00:41June 20 coincides since 2021 with the celebration of the World Refugee Day.
00:49The conflicts and catastrophes have pushed more than 120 million people to move
00:54within their country.
00:56His Majesty the King Mohammed VI has addressed a letter to the head of government on the
01:057th General Review of Population and Habitat, which will be organized towards the end of
01:12the summer of the year in progress.
01:13More details in this story by Cheyma Fekri.
01:17The review operation will be organized at the end of this summer.
01:22It should be noted that the renewal of the General Review takes place every decade.
01:27In this, the royal being, His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, underlined that the periodic
01:32renewal of this operation at regular intervals constitutes a fair choice, objective.
01:37Be better armed to accurately grasp the demographic and socio-economic evolution of the country.
01:43Anticipate the changing needs of citizens and develop relevant policies accordingly.
01:49The sovereign also gave his high instructions for the results of this operation to be
01:54handled and analyzed diligently.
01:56The goal is to make it a structuring tool of public policies at the national and local
02:02It should be noted that this review operation requires not only a large mobilization of
02:07important human and logistical resources, but also a commitment and a close and effective
02:13coordination of all public administrations, public establishments, and disenfranchised
02:18As well as local authorities and territorial, regional, provincial, and local collectivities.
02:23An optimal operational organization of this review in respect of the part-time deadlines
02:29and in close coordination with the other participants on the ground, was recommended by His Majesty
02:35the King Mohammed VI.
02:36Citizens are on their side, called to show total cooperation and active participation
02:43in this exercise of general interest, by providing reliable and accurate information.
02:47According to the royal letter, as soon as the data is collected, their treatment and
02:52analysis must be done with caution.
02:53The results should be accessible and usable by the decision-makers and stakeholders concerned,
02:59with the various social projects started, like the health coverage for all, the direct
03:05to households, and the retirement reform.
03:07This data is particularly crucial today for public policies in the kingdom.
03:12And we open the international page, since the Israeli army and the Hezbollah have exchanged
03:20two new cross-border shots on Thursday, after an escalation of rhetoric between the two protagonists
03:27threatening a large-scale war.
03:30Yesterday, the Hezbollah announced that it had fired dozens of rockets on a military position
03:36in northern Israel, in retaliation for the death of one of its fighters in an Israeli-targeted
03:41attack on Der Kefa in southern Lebanon.
03:44And in a fiery speech on Wednesday evening, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned that
03:49no place in Israel would be spared by missiles and drones of his movement in case of an Israeli
03:55attack on Lebanon.
03:56And in a televised speech broadcast live, Hassan Nasrallah also threatened for the first
04:02time Cyprus, a member country of the European Union, the closest to the Middle East.
04:12And in another subject, know that President Rouman announced the withdrawal of his candidacy
04:18at the head of NATO, thus leaving the way open to the Irish Prime Minister Mark Rutte
04:24to succeed the current Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg.
04:29Mark Rutte is known for his ability to reason with former American President Donald Trump.
04:35The decision made by consensus among the member states for this post, which comes from a European,
04:41to name the 57-year-old Irish leader, must be announced by the time of the Washington Summit
04:47in July.
04:48And under the mandate of Jens Stoltenberg, which ends on October 1st, NATO has taken
04:54a crucial importance in the face of war in Ukraine.
05:06And to talk about the issues of the general review of the population and the royal letter
05:15addressed to the head of government, we are live with Abdelatif Komet, who is the dean
05:20of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of Casablanca.
05:25Abdelatif Komet, good evening and thank you for accepting our invitation.
05:30First of all, I would like, just to perhaps bring together the viewers of Média 1 TV,
05:35to explain a little how we explain the importance of the census of the population and the habitat
05:42in general, therefore in the elaboration of public policies.
05:46What is the importance of the census?
05:48In fact, the census provides the government with a certain number of very relevant information
05:54that could serve as a basis for the elaboration of public policies.
05:59You know that the best way to develop public policies is to listen to the needs and expectations
06:06of the population.
06:07There is nothing better than the census because it is a large operation that is multidimensional,
06:14which is multiform, which covers different dimensions, namely the social side, the economic
06:20side, the housing side, the health side, the education side.
06:24And all of this, of course, provides tools for the elaboration of public policies by
06:30the government.
06:31That is why it is a period of 10 years to gather updated information because the needs
06:38evolve, the expectations evolve, and this is the meaning of the census that Her Majesty
06:44has called for.
06:46So, as mentioned in the Royal Letter, it is a census with a broad range of new themes,
06:56including social protection, and we know, of course, all the social projects launched
07:03by Her Majesty the King Mohammed VI.
07:06What can you tell us about this point, precisely this broadening of themes?
07:11In fact, the census of this year coincides with several structural projects launched
07:16by Her Majesty.
07:17Of course, there is a new development model that has met a certain number of needs, and
07:22to go in the direction of the completion of these objectives, we need updated information.
07:27And of course, there is the project, the mega-project launched by Her Majesty, consisting of the
07:32generalization of social protection and the establishment of the social state with its
07:37different steps, whether it is the different processes that spread until 2025 with the
07:42medical coverage, through the generalization of access to retirement, and then also there
07:48is the direct aid, the housing aid.
07:51So, in order to concretize these different social and societal projects, the State needs
07:57updated information, and precisely this census would allow to have a certain number of
08:05very relevant information, to first of all go in the direction of the concretization of
08:09public policies, but also to re-update them according to new data, new expectations.
08:15And this is a bit the principle of political democracy in fact, in which Her Majesty
08:20signed this project, because it fits perfectly in this trend of hearing and listening between
08:26the government and the population, with its different actors and its different representations.
08:33So, Ablatif-Khomet, precisely this census of the population and the habitat, it requires
08:38a mobilization, an optimal organization, which involves many stakeholders, but also citizens.
08:45How is this done concretely on the ground, Mr. Ablatif-Khomet?
08:49So, in fact, there are two large parties involved.
08:53Of course, there is the whole organizational aspect, in fact, what is called the operational
08:58This is the ground, which is led by the government, the Ministry of the Interior, the Commissioner
09:02of Plans, but also the different local, regional and national representations, which should
09:08be activated to allow this operation to take place in good organizational conditions.
09:16And of course, there is the role of the citizen, the role of the citizen who is involved and
09:21who is in fact, I would say, deeply concerned and interested in the results of this census,
09:27because ultimately, it is about developing public policies in line with the needs of
09:33this citizen.
09:34And so, he is called to actively participate and especially to provide reliable information
09:39and information that would allow to build public policies on tangible, objective elements
09:45and that frame with the reality of the ground such as life, the citizen, but also within
09:51the framework of the development project as it is designed by His Majesty, and which
09:55precisely includes the citizen and the social dimension at the heart of this integrated
10:00and global development policy.
10:02Mr. Ablatif-Khomet, one last question, perhaps very briefly.
10:05This operation is the seventh census since 1960, and it is an operation that is intended
10:11to be innovative and ambitious, and I imagine that there will be technological means that
10:16will be used in this census of the year 2024, concretely with new technologies.
10:24How is this going to be done?
10:26Indeed, because between 2014 and 2024, a decade, the digital dimension has evolved a lot,
10:32and Morocco is now part of it.
10:34It has a very ambitious digital strategy.
10:36Of course, it will exploit this evolution to allow this operation to take place in the
10:41best technical, technological and organizational conditions.
10:45And of course, this is to the advantage of the results and the relevance, but also of
10:49the speed and efficiency, because His Majesty called for efficiency, but also for speed
10:55so that we can exploit these results as much as possible.
10:58The more we have these results, the more we will be able to anticipate.
11:01We will build public policies on the basis of the elements that we will census through
11:06this great national operation.
11:08Abdel Latif Komet, Dean of the Faculty of Economic, Legal and Social Sciences of Casablanca.
11:14Thank you very much for answering our questions.
11:17Thank you.
11:21And in international news, the ambassadors of the 27 Member States of the European Union
11:26approved on Thursday a new substantial package of sanctions against Russia in the war against
11:32Ukraine, announced the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
11:37This package provides new targeted measures and reinforces the impact of existing sanctions
11:42by tightening the mesh of the net indicated by the Belgian Presidency.
11:46This package of strong measures will further prevent Russia from having access to technology.
11:51It will also deprive Russia of additional income in the energy sector.
11:56Congratulations to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.
12:01This package of sanctions, the 14th since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February
12:062022, has been the subject of intense negotiations for weeks in the face of the reluctance of
12:11certain Member States in Germany.
12:18The World Refugee Day is observed every year on June 20, and according to the United Nations,
12:24the number of displaced persons has reached a record.
12:28This year, the number of refugees has increased to 120 million people around the world.
12:32For a world that welcomes refugees, this is the slogan of this year.
12:37And this day wishes to highlight the rights, needs and dreams of refugees, while contributing
12:42to the awareness of the political class to mobilize resources for the purpose of the
12:47survival and empowerment of refugees.
12:50Every minute, 20 people must give up everything to escape war, persecution or terror.
12:59And precisely, on the occasion of the World Refugee Day, a partnership agreement to improve
13:06the access of refugees to care was signed on Thursday in Rabat between the Nufisa Pharma
13:135 Foundation, the High Commission of the United Nations for Refugees and the Moroccan Association
13:18for Family Planning.
13:20This partnership marks a significant step in the continuous commitment of the three
13:25organizations to work together to create an inclusive and supportive environment to support
13:29the refugee populations.
13:31As a result of this agreement, which continues until 2026, the Nufisa Pharma 5 Foundation
13:36commits to make a donation of medicines worth 1 million dirhams over three years to the
13:41benefit of refugees in the Moroccan territory.
13:44I invite you to listen to this effect.
13:46François Rébé Degas, he is the representative of the High Commission of the United Nations
13:50for Refugees.
13:53It is a signature that fits perfectly into the themes of the World Refugee Day for the
13:59year 2024, which are solidarity and inclusion.
14:03Inclusion in the health systems that a national policy allows, immigration and asylum, but
14:11also an inclusion that feeds on the involvement of the Moroccan ecosystem, both with the
14:22private company Pharma 5.
14:25It is the story of a will to ensure sovereignty in Morocco at the level of the pharmaceutical
14:36industry and an association born in 1971, the Medical Association for Family Planning,
14:44very committed to inclusion, the inclusion of Moroccans in all health systems, but also
14:50the inclusion of foreign populations residing in the territory of Morocco, migrants and
14:57And a commitment, both at the level of Pharma 5 and its foundation, which is part of the
15:04continuity, commitment and fidelity, since it is a partnership with Pharma 5, which has
15:13been in progress since 2019.
15:17We are now signing a three-year agreement, which includes a part of the medical equipment
15:23and also financial equipment, and which also fits perfectly into the Moroccan reverberation
15:34on the African continent of everyone's inclusion in national health systems.
15:42On the eve of the first round of the anticipated legislative session in France, the representatives
15:47of the main parties in the race gave their great speech this Thursday in front of the
15:53And it was the former Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, who opened the series of hearings
15:57by reiterating his commitment to politics in favor of the companies deployed by the
16:03current presidential majority.
16:05He was followed by Eric Coquerel and Boris Vallaud for the New Popular Front.
16:10And Jordan Bardella and Eric Ciotti.
16:13They were the first to appear at COTACO since the announcement of their alliance for the
16:18National Assembly and its partners.
16:20These speeches took place at the time when Gabriel Attal presented the program of the
16:25majority to the French, to choose him as Prime Minister.
16:32And the risk of a crisis of a growing regime in France, the scenario of a majority relative
16:39to the next legislative session is more than ever possible.
16:43Jordan Bardella, a candidate for the National Assembly, said that he would refuse to be
16:48Prime Minister if his party only obtained a simple relative majority.
16:54What would happen if this was really the case?
16:57More elements of the answer with Mustafa Tosa, he is an editorialist.
17:03It is true that so far no poll, no opinion study, gives us to this or that party the
17:10ability to have an absolute majority, namely 289 seats in this future parliament.
17:16All polls announce relative majorities.
17:20And in this case, Jordan Bardella, the boss of the National Assembly, openly said that
17:26he would not accept the post of Prime Minister in Matignon if he did not have an absolute majority.
17:31So the most widespread scenario in the circles of political analysis and in French media
17:37is that we risk reaching a fractioned National Assembly, divided into three large groups.
17:44The National Assembly Group and LR of Derek Ciotti, which could make an important entrance
17:50but without having an absolute majority.
17:53The Front de Gauche group, which could also make a massive entrance and have a lot of
17:59deputies, much more than the NUPES of Javis.
18:03And then also the presidential majority, which could, without being able to recover the majority
18:09of the current parliament, be able to resist and form a group.
18:13And in this case, in this fragmented National Assembly, everyone talks about an inability
18:20to govern the country, an ungovernability of the country.
18:24And then we get right into a sequence called the regime crisis.
18:28And it is at this moment that President Emmanuel Macron must make historic decisions.
18:33Anticipated presidential elections, the formation of a technocrat government,
18:39working to make a government of the National Union with the Front de Gauche and possibly
18:44the presidential majority.
18:46So all this, all these scenarios, it is Emmanuel Macron who will have the hand to describe
18:50the new sequence to come after this crisis.
18:54The UN Security Council condemned on Thursday the recent attacks of the March 23 movement
19:00and other rebel groups in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, worrying about their impact
19:06on the explosive situation in the region.
19:09Members of the Council condemned in the strongest terms the recent series of attacks of the M23,
19:14which made civilians and wounded victims a soldier of peace, according to this statement
19:19published on Thursday.
19:20The Council expresses its deep concern about the impacts of these attacks, which aggravate
19:25the explosive security situation and instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in the region,
19:31as well as the already difficult humanitarian conditions.
19:35And in Morocco, this weather alert, which provides a warm weather from Saturday to Monday
19:44in several provinces of the Kingdom, with temperatures varying between 37 and 42 degrees
19:50according to the General Direction of Meteorology.
19:53These temperatures are expected in the provinces of Benimellel, Fké Ben Salah, Gnifras, Tat,
19:58Rhamna, Yousoufia, Shishawa.
20:00And this wave of heat could also affect the provinces of Qalaat Sraghna, Marrakesh,
20:06Boulayakoub, Fes, Mknes, Taounet, Sidi Slimane, Khmisset, Sidi Qassim, Rashidia, Zagora,
20:12Tinghir, Tata and Ousarde.
20:20And this is the end of this newspaper.
20:22Thank you for following it.
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