The Kapil Sharma Show, hosted by comedian Kapil Sharma, is a popular Indian television comedy and talk show. The show features a cast of recurring characters who contribute to its humor and entertainment. One of the notable characters is played by Sumona Chakravarti, who portrays Sarla Gulati (often referred to as Arora), Kapil's on-screen love interest in various avatars across different seasons.
00:00I didn't like your interference at all.
00:02Mr. Chinti, I'll tell you something.
00:04Tell me.
00:04I don't like bottle gourd curry at all.
00:07I thought there can't be anything worse than that.
00:10But I turned out to be wrong.
00:18I'm telling you the truth.
00:20I didn't like your face at all.
00:22Not at all. I... a fool.
00:26Mr. Chintu, your face is worse than the bottle gourd curry.
00:33Why are you laughing so loudly, pumpkin?
00:38You called him a pumpkin.
00:40What did you add to the curry?
00:42Tell me something.
00:43Do you really work at the gym or you just look like that?
00:49I'll tell you something.
00:50I saw a match of yours.
00:52In 1990.
00:53You were out on 8-0.
00:56You watch the same match in which I was losing.
00:58I like that match a lot.
01:01Actually, I have a DVD player.
01:02Whenever I feel like playing cricket, I put your CD on.
01:07I thought you'll score a goal at least once in that match.
01:13But tell me something.
01:15How can someone watch a match by putting a CD on?
01:19I'll tell you something.
01:21I'll tell you something.
01:22If you like any bad words from me,
01:26think about it. I've given it to you.
01:30Think about it. I've given it to you.
01:33He gives such bad words.
01:34Yes, he does.
01:36You keep quiet.
01:37This is a debate.
01:38I'll tell you something. Don't mind.
01:41Control your mouth.
01:46Mr. Arora.
01:47I don't know why I feel that this boy will be a liar when he grows up.
01:51His friend Kapil Sharma doesn't have to wash the utensils.
01:54I don't know why I feel that I don't like your face.
01:58I feel like giving him a shot of rose water.
02:01And then I'll put chillies in the water tank of his house.
02:06You won't believe it.
02:08People will say that both of us are on fire.
02:14I'm not having fun at all. I'm going.
02:18I'm going live. I'm going out of the TV.
02:19Where are you going?
02:20I'm going to London.
02:23I'm going to London.
02:24Mr. Arora, you can't go to London.
02:27Listen to me.
02:29You did the right thing.
02:31This girl is sitting in a ladies' TV.
02:32It's a pink colour TV.
02:34I want to strengthen my relationship with India in London.
02:39I don't like touching.
02:42You won't believe it. I don't even let my wife touch me.
02:46She tells me to come closer.
02:47I told her that it was about marriage.
02:48There was no need to come closer.
02:51Mr. Arora, you're an old man.
02:52That's why I'm being polite to you. Sit over there.
02:54Son, I was about to spit on your face.
02:58You think I'm old.
02:59I'm young from inside.
03:01I want to go to London.
03:03Look, please keep the debate heated.
03:05Please. Please.
03:07Who taught you to be heated?
03:13Our next question is..
03:15Listen to me.
03:16You just say the question.
03:18The question is next.
03:19The question is next. Have you ever been asked the last question?
03:22Have you ever been asked the last question?
03:24It seems like you're doing it for the first time.
03:25I'm having fun. I'm telling you.
03:28I'm leaving. I'm not having fun.
03:30It's okay.
03:32Okay, I..
03:36Amy's mother.
03:37That's a good rhyme.
03:38I like your daughter.
03:40You have only one piece?