Amnesia- Cannibalism [Custom Story] Part 1

  • 2 months ago
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00:00Should I pick cannibalism or abduction?
00:10Yeah, abduction.
00:15Which one?
00:16I don't know.
00:17You tell me.
00:19I really don't know.
00:21I wanna know.
00:22Hey yo.
00:23Okay, let's do Olle, Dole, Dof, Kinkel, Kane, Koff, Koffelane, Olle, Dane, Olle, Dole, Dof,
00:40Artan, Pattan, Piff, Paff, Puff, Du, Får, En, Kröf.
00:46Okay, cannibalism it is.
00:47I just gotta make sure I'm recording.
00:48Yeah, I am.
00:49There I am.
00:51I have not surely forgotten it all.
00:56I still remember a lot of things about my childhood, about my life.
01:00There are just some things that I cannot recall.
01:03As if they were covered behind the shadows.
01:06I have an epic movie cinema voice.
01:09Let's go.
01:13I have not forgotten it all.
01:15I still remember parts of it.
01:17I'm not sure about my name and why I'm in this mansion.
01:21Oh, why?
01:22I can't do that voice so long, it hurts my throat.
01:25With dust and cold sweat, however, I do remember that this mansion belongs to a man of a woman.
01:29Yeah, I got it.
01:30Did you get it?
01:33No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.
01:37I guess I'm a change.
01:39I guess I'm a runner.
01:41This sound sounds exactly like, you know, the cracking in... when you're going insane
01:52in Amnesia.
01:53Doesn't it?
01:54I don't know, I think it sounds pretty...
01:58Load already.
02:01Come on, it's so slow.
02:04I wanna play.
02:06Maybe it's not working.
02:08It says not responding, that's not good.
02:11That's usually...
02:12Oh, it works, yay.
02:21What am I doing here?
02:23Oh, pretty, pretty pot.
02:26Not anymore.
02:30Okay, so let's move this stupid chair.
02:35And let's loot before we do anything else.
02:42Oh, okay, so we're following Herbert's cousin from the original Amnesia story, I guess.
02:47I don't know why otherwise...
02:49Whatever, I think his name was Herbert Longthorpe.
02:51My cousin William has arrived today.
02:52His visit was very unexpected, but I always liked William.
02:55I know what he's talking about, William.
02:58As we were boys, we always talked to one another while the others were playing.
03:03Of course, he was tired of the trip and we got no chance to talk today.
03:07He ate and went to bed tomorrow.
03:09We will have a grand conversation.
03:11You know what that means.
03:13But sex.
03:18Okay, that was weird.
03:20Let's just make sure I...
03:21Yeah, see?
03:22The tin box.
03:23You gotta loot.
03:26Oh man, this is pretty creepy.
03:29Sorry, I gotta turn up the volume.
03:30There we go, much better.
03:33Ah, very nice.
03:39That was such a creepy sound.
03:40I didn't know it was from my apartment or somewhere else.
03:43Holy cow.
03:48Creepy sounds.
03:52Mannequins, I don't trust you.
03:57I don't trust bag of potatoes either.
04:02What was that?
04:03Who's playing the piano?
04:05Not cool.
04:12This is really weird.
04:13Shut up, piano.
04:18Stop playing, it's annoying.
04:21I got a key!
04:23Room key of cock.
04:24Cook, I mean.
04:30Ah, which way?
04:31Ah, whatever.
04:37Nice and cozy.
04:41It's like...
04:42I also keep a big freaking stone brick in my closet, because why not?
04:50Another note, I guess.
04:52Dear Herbert, now you read this, I'm not here anymore, because I have left.
04:58Even I know that much.
05:00I have left.
05:02Even I know that much.
05:04My mother and brother need help.
05:13Drop key in cabin?
05:15Me hope it not melt.
05:16Oh, he's retarded.
05:18Maybe we meet again someday.
05:21I thought I was being clever and shit, but apparently he just spells bad.
05:25It's supposed to be the character.
05:27Aren't I smart?
05:29Isn't I smart?
05:31Today I finally had a conversation.
05:32Oh, we know.
05:34I'm sure you enjoyed it.
05:36About the past and the present.
05:37About the future.
05:38Surprisingly, when I mentioned the experiment, he was shocked.
05:40At least, to a degree, I was prepared for.
05:42Of course, I didn't mention the most horrid part, but still, I think that in time, he will accept my experiments.
05:52I just gotta make sure I loot everything.
05:54I don't know why they won't give you a ladder in the mod.
05:57It's so annoying.
06:01I came from here, right?
06:10It's so green and shit.
06:11Holy cow, sledgehammer.
06:13He uses this against the bro.
06:23Nothing else.
06:29Oh god, it's so dark.
06:34Oh, here's a door.
06:36Of course it's locked.
06:37Maybe I can use this.
06:39Holy cow!
06:40I'm a freaking genius.
06:42I'm a genius.
06:49Sitting Jesus.
06:51Sitting Jesus.
06:55Oh man.
06:56Oh man.
06:59That scared me.
07:00Today, I gave a vaccine to all the dogs, and now the master's best one is missing.
07:05Of course, the master suspects me.
07:08But I'm not to blame, even though I'd stolen the spare key in his room.
07:14I think that was a clue.
07:15Actually, I think I should read that again.
07:18Oh, come on.
07:22Stolen a spare key to his room.
07:25So he should have a key here somewhere, I guess.
07:28I don't know.
07:29I'm just saying.
07:30He said he stole a key.
07:34I'm a freaking genius.
07:36Okay, so let's go to Herbert's room.
07:40Man, you are one sexy hell of a guy.
07:43What are you doing in the closet?
07:45Oh, I see.
07:47At least I did him a favor.
07:54What the heck?
07:56That was like the water monster.
08:03What is in here?
08:09Nintendo box.
08:14Oh, come on.
08:16Everything is like...
08:26Okay, there's nothing in here.
08:27I guess we can move on.
08:31What's up with this room?
08:35I like the level design.
08:38Actually, this brick shed.
08:43Oh, tin box.
08:46I thought there was going to be a door here.
08:49Oh, I can't break that.
08:51Oh, I can break that, apparently.
08:58Okay, maybe this works.
09:04This is where it came from.
09:06It's going...
09:07Tin box.
09:10It's mine.
09:12What is that?
09:13What is that?
09:15Oh, it's like a cross.
09:21Oh, maybe it works here.
09:24I need to find Herb's room.
09:25How do I know which one is Herb's room?
09:32I wish there was a big sign saying...
09:35I found Herb's room!
09:39Shut up, Daniel.
09:45Loot everything.
09:55What the heck?
09:58Oh, presents.
09:59Nom, nom, nom.
10:01Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.
10:07Herb is longing for dairy too.
10:09When I woke up, my eldest servant, Bob,
10:12told me about two very odd things.
10:14First, during the night, someone stole a notable amount of meat from my cellar.
10:19Secondly, blah, blah, blah, missing dogs.
10:21The first case is odd enough, but the second is very unsettling.
10:26First, I suspect my new cook, at least about the first case,
10:31but when we searched the kitchen and his room, we found nothing.
10:36He could not have eaten at all during the night either.
10:40I promised a reward for anyone who finds the one responsible for the crime.
10:43I did not change the chance to talk with Willem in jail,
10:46because I was strolling the forest, looking for my dog until the late night.
10:51I don't think that was any clue.
10:53Maybe it was, I don't know.
10:55I have oil.
10:58Oh man, it's so much nicer with a lantern.
11:02We only find a key, and I don't really know where it leads to.
11:07I guess we could just get...
11:08Oh man.
11:10I guess we gotta just try every door again.
11:15What is that sound?
11:19Who's doing that?
11:25I love my lantern.
11:29Oh yeah, we've been here.
11:32I love my lantern.
11:35I love it so much.
11:36We've been in here too.
11:38There's only one door, and it's here.
11:40So it's gotta be this one.
11:53Don't you dare.
11:59It's gotta be this one.
12:08Break stuff.
12:11Because we are badass.
12:19And I have to end it there. See you.
