Amnesia- Abduction [Custom Story] Part 9

  • 2 months ago
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00:00how's it going everyone PewDiePie here welcome back to abduction the frickin
00:05longest mod I ever played and we're gonna derp it's fire derp derp
00:10shuttle throw chair I couldn't work if you think about it anyway some of you
00:15want to see Ezio Ezio at the Torre de la Fidenza my girlfriend made him for me
00:21and I want him to join me while I play this and we can open this now
00:30progress and it's only been like a couple of seconds I'm a genius I think
00:34I am a genius I could be Einstein think about it no probably not because he's
00:39German I'm Swedish a smart Swedish guy I think a Swedish guy invented the the
00:48wrench so yeah I'm that guy mm-hmm I don't trust you I think we gotta put it
00:58here are you serious I'm a genius I'm a genius
01:08here we have two and I think I might have to replace some parts in here no I
01:21know I know I know I remember I remember do you remember
01:30September dinner so there's one up there that we collected but it didn't save so
01:37I have to replay that later but first of all we have the puzzle part yes and
01:44it's 15 up and 4 down I think I think what do you think it's I don't know
01:48let's find Stefano everyone keeps asking for Stefano but I can't find him tell
01:55Stefano to come back oh sorry it's him when Stefano comes back he's he'll come
02:03back when he's ready I can tell anyway we're gonna go in here and we're gonna
02:08solve this puzzle cuz ah barrels and I'm a I guess I'm not a genius because I
02:15always forget to anyway let's go I'm excited I think there's one lamp here
02:22hiding somewhere there's not a lamp okay I have to use my super eyes and I have
02:30no oil I haven't had oil for like decades or something let's see here
02:37diary snow notes for 15 so 4 up and 15 down or 4 up and stop moving barrel it's
02:50so freaking hard to see stop moving stop Jesus freaking circus but I hate
03:01you barrel I hate you so much all right let's do this I think that's how how in
03:07the fricative frack yes I said fricative frack is there a problem that's oh thank
03:15you finally some light that sure as hell took some time
03:18it's yeah I am disappointed stay stay fuck you are so freaking annoying I hate
03:26barrels okay now I can see there's a 1 there and a 3 there 1 and a 2 since 4
03:32is probably easier to solve there's I can think of two combinations one
03:42combination yeah there's three different combinations so it's either this and
03:48this but I'll make too much I think 10 plus 10 plus I'll be 14 so it'll be this
04:07I'll be too little I'll come on you freaking light I hate sorry why am I so
04:14short fucking barrel come here fucking midget Daniel sorry I'm kind of pissed
04:21today I want to see
04:29okay this is four but it'll be way too much
04:37fuck I'm so fucking barrels you know but could it be four down if it's four down
04:45then there's only two combinations and that's there
04:59five six five one no it's impossible what about you okay so seven plus six
05:17it's too much no it's not I'm stupid
05:22it's yeah why does this fucking try it whatever I saw go down you oh man oh I
05:48can see now ah I got like I don't understand I really really really don't
06:02understand this doesn't work I'm out of ideas and yep doesn't work doesn't work
06:11okay four plus fucking lightning six seven eight nine ten eleven it's too
06:21little it's too little
06:30I'm a genius yeah yeah I'm a genius
06:37ah oh fuck why did I do this why did I do this fuck he's gonna come in here
06:45it is don't look at it it's a fuck he's so sexy his voice are like calling for
06:53me I miss Stefano I miss piggy I miss fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I'm so
07:02screwed I'm so screwed oh oh man oh man I just don't oh fuck I'm so fucked
07:13oh I just want to go out I just want to hang out oh fuck why did I go here I'm
07:22not even supposed to go there oh fuck I have to go back I hope he's gone please
07:29be gone please be gone please be gone people on people on people I don't even
07:33know what I'm saying you see here guys I hear okay it's cool it's cool it's cool
07:37I'm a genius it's okay and now this yes yes okay Indiana Jones moment this just
07:46don't touch it just don't touch it okay I got this we replace it with the glass
07:54anyone bring it
08:07ah nope okay fine with me now we have one more and which we already collected
08:17so I usually go by if I have to replay something you better fucking rewatch it
08:24but I'm not sure I don't trust you
08:31mm-hmm then I'm gonna sacrifice my penis which we'll do later first I don't
08:41remember if it's upstairs or downstairs I remember how it looks like no it's
08:48downstairs I'm a genius it's okay did you know it was downstairs no you didn't
08:53it's okay it's okay I understand I know it was downstairs yeah but let's make
09:02this quick like super duper quick all right let's go yeah maybe we'll find
09:06Stefano I'm excited what does he mean up to I'm missing him all right this is
09:12definitely I just need to remember where I came from cuz I have a tendency of not
09:16remembering but I think we're just gonna go heyo I hear heavy breathing in
09:24the background that's cool that's fine fuck it fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
09:28fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
09:32go in here no problem I already played it and it still scares the shit out of
09:44no problem no problem this is really weird
10:01all right it's stuck and then we'll go really but
10:09I thought nah isn't it door yeah it is door here but shut up
10:21then we went in here right and then we picked up that and then it's like finally
10:26doing it I'm like nope and then I even knew that was gonna happen fuck it's
10:34cool it's cool I got this no problem problem
10:38fuck we already been through this I needed closets just don't find me again
10:55he doesn't like closets but from my amnesia experience he likes closets
11:04fuck it's dark in here I hope there's not someone else
11:16now he's such an idiot luckily let's just go here pick it up and oh fuck fuck
11:27fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
11:41no shit Sherlock what the fuck was I doing I didn't see him the last time I what I was
11:49supposed to do do I have it yeah I have it it's cool but I had to replay this corridor
11:55is it in here no how do I get out of here this is where I came from and then
12:05we go yeah okay it's here it's here I just want to get I think I remember I'm
12:16not sure let's go Stefano I miss you I guess we'll have to find it some other
12:24time right now I just want to sort of finish this mod because it's been like
12:28what pretty a lot of parts
12:34fuck I'm all sweaty
12:38okay now unfortunately we have to sacrifice our penis I know it sucks
12:44Daniel but you gotta do it think while I'm part of the team all right
12:58yeah ask me what it feel like staring at a sky so vanilla telling Kurt Russell
13:03homie this ain't real life I'll be making good on my promises honesty is
13:07confidence a lot of it is missing but I realize I could be better than I was
13:12lighter on my feet cooking up the soul when we fire up the
