Taking Care of the Rebellious CEO's Daughter for a Month Made Her Warm Up to Me ...

  • 2 months ago
Taking Care of the Rebellious CEO's Daughter for a Month Made Her Warm Up to Me ...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Hey, you wanted something, boss?
00:03My name's Kouta Sasaki.
00:04I'm a 36-year-old company man working at Koiwa Corporation.
00:09And that guy over there, he's our boss, Yamato Ono, who's 40 years old.
00:14We've known each other since we were kids, and he's always been a reliable big brother
00:19Sorry for pulling you in at a busy time.
00:22But first, take a look at this.
00:25She's a beautiful kid.
00:26Wait, could it be?
00:28Yeah, that's my daughter, Julia.
00:31She's gotten even cuter, right?
00:33Did you call me just to brag about her?
00:36Of course not.
00:37There's a favor I need.
00:38Can you watch over her for a while?
00:42Why me?
00:43I'm heading overseas on a business trip next week.
00:47Even though she's in high school, I'm worried about leaving her alone here.
00:51As for the boss's daughter, Julia, we have some history.
00:54Back in the day, I even changed her diapers.
00:57She's grown quite pretty, though.
01:00Half Nordic heritage sure does wonders.
01:04While he was in college, the boss got married to a woman he met while studying abroad.
01:08But she left him shortly after giving birth.
01:11At that time, there was no daycare at the office, so the boss often brought Julia to
01:15work with him.
01:16Daddy, where are you?
01:20Don't cry.
01:21He'll be right back.
01:26Even after a few years when they set up a daycare...
01:28Read me a story?
01:31Um, I'm in the middle of work.
01:33Read it.
01:34Alright, alright.
01:35Your lap is comfy, Coda.
01:40For some reason, she'd frequently escape and come to me.
01:44So, can you take care of her?
01:46I can only ask you to do this.
01:49I'm a guy, you know?
01:52You think you'll make a move on Julia?
01:54No way!
01:55Then it's not a problem.
01:58Well, on a serious note, she's been going through a rebellious phase lately.
02:04A rebellious phase?
02:06Seems a bit late for that.
02:08That's why I'm counting on you.
02:10She's always had a soft spot for you.
02:13That's a thing of the past.
02:14Like, up until middle school.
02:16I haven't seen her in ages, you know?
02:19Quit your complaining, man.
02:21It's just for a week, alright?
02:24Fine, I got it.
02:25Just for that long.
02:28Now that's my buddy.
02:30Man, you're pushing your luck.
02:33And so, I ended up taking care of my boss's daughter.
02:37Next week.
02:39All set for her arrival.
02:41She said she'd come after school, so it should be soon, but still.
02:46Even though it's Julia, I'm a bit nervous.
02:49Oh, looks like she's already here.
02:53I'll be in your care from now on.
02:55Sure, no problem.
02:57It's only for a week, right?
02:58You've got quite a bit of luggage.
03:01It's for a month?
03:03Wait, I thought it was just a week.
03:06I mean, a month?
03:08Afterward, I confirmed right away.
03:10Sorry, sorry.
03:12My business trip got extended all of a sudden.
03:16It's not funny!
03:17I never heard anything about a month-long trip!
03:20I left not only my daughter, but also the company in your hands.
03:24Come on, don't mess with me!
03:27You can handle it.
03:28After all, you're my right-hand man.
03:31I'm counting on you then!
03:32Hey, wait a minute!
03:37Anyway, I'll be looking after you for a month from now.
03:43Don't get too close, old man.
03:47Old man?
03:48Is this what they call the rebellious phase?
03:50Where did the angelic Julia go?
03:53From then on, our shared life was nothing but a series of hardships.
03:58Even if I make dinner...
04:00Got dinner ready!
04:02Um, Julia?
04:05Man, the silent treatment is harsh.
04:08Even during meals.
04:10Don't put carrots in.
04:13Remove all the fish bones.
04:16My arms are tired, so feed me!
04:20Is this kid incredibly spoiled or what?
04:23This place is a mess.
04:26You think so?
04:27I always clean it properly.
04:29Look at this, see?
04:31So much dust still here.
04:33Don't be so fussy.
04:35Is she like a mother-in-law or something?
04:38Could she be a germaphobe?
04:41After about a week, I was feeling totally wiped out.
04:45Phew, this is tough.
04:47I never thought it'd be so nerve-wracking.
04:49Hey, Koda!
04:50You look exhausted!
04:52Yeah, kinda.
04:54Actually, things have been...
04:56This girl here is my junior, Ran Tenshin.
04:59I've been looking out for her since she joined the company.
05:02Oh, I see.
05:04You know what it is?
05:06She's probably lonely without her dad around, right?
05:09Hmm, maybe.
05:11But she's already in high school, you know?
05:14Age doesn't matter.
05:16She's a girl, and they want to be pampered for as long as they can.
05:20So that's why she's so spoiled and rebellious?
05:23But if I think about it...
05:25No matter how much her dad adores her,
05:28it's just the two of them at home.
05:30Julia must have felt lonely all this time.
05:33Right, that makes sense.
05:35She probably couldn't get the attention she wanted when she needed it.
05:38That's why she's going through a rebellious phase now.
05:41In that case, I'll make sure to give her all the attention she needs,
05:45including what her dad couldn't!
05:47If that's the case, Kouta,
05:49I've got something nice for you!
05:51What's this?
05:53Tickets to Tokisuku Fantasyland!
05:56Is that the new amusement park that opened recently?
05:59Use these to get closer to her!
06:02Sounds good.
06:03I should invite her on our next day off...
06:06after getting home.
06:08I got these from my colleague.
06:11Have you heard of Tokisuku Fantasyland?
06:13If you're interested, maybe we can go together sometime.
06:16Oh, but you're in high school,
06:18so maybe this kinda...
06:20you know, not your thing anymore?
06:22I wanna go!
06:25I wanna go absolutely!
06:27She's really excited!
06:28What's going on?
06:31And on the promised day...
06:33This way, hurry up, come on!
06:35Hey, don't pull me like that!
06:37If you don't hurry, the morning show will start!
06:40If you're too slow, I'll leave you!
06:42That's mean!
06:43Doesn't that make bringing me along pointless?
06:46Where we headed was...
06:48Love Com Ranger Heartbeat Heroes.
06:52Oh, it's a superhero show!
06:54Oh, wow!
06:56It's red!
06:57The real red!
06:58And real pink!
07:00My first time seeing them!
07:01Oh my gosh, it's amazing!
07:03Man, you look like a different person!
07:06I wonder if she's into this kinda superhero stuff?
07:10If you wanna laugh, go ahead.
07:12You probably think it's weird, right?
07:14That a grown-up like me likes this stuff.
07:17My classmates always laugh at me.
07:19Nah, it's not like that.
07:23I gotta admit, it's a bit surprising.
07:25But hey, you should enjoy what you love,
07:27no matter how old you get.
07:29There's no need to hold back your feelings.
07:32My bad!
07:33I got a bit carried away there.
07:38I didn't say I didn't like it.
07:42Could you give me more pets?
07:44Aw man, she's so cute!
07:46I see.
07:48I didn't really need to hold back, so I...
07:50Uh, did you say something?
07:52It's nothing.
07:56But the next day,
07:58something strange happened with Julia's behavior.
08:00I'm back!
08:02Welcome home, darling!
08:04Whoa, what's with that?
08:06I borrowed it from a friend in the drama club.
08:08Uh, okay.
08:10But why a maid outfit?
08:12Guys like this kind of stuff, right?
08:14All frilly and cute.
08:16Uh, I won't deny that.
08:20Now I'm doing a load.
08:22Can you hand me the laundry?
08:24Why does it look like we're a couple?
08:26Plus, right now?
08:28Hmm, I only have a handkerchief.
08:30Then that'll do.
08:32Hey, why did you put it in your pocket?
08:35What are you talking about?
08:37No, I mean, my handkerchief.
08:39I don't know what you're talking about.
08:41You can't fool me with that.
08:43If you're not gonna wash it,
08:45give it back!
08:47No can do.
08:49Come on, Julia.
08:51What's gotten into you all of a sudden?
08:55Didn't you say that you don't have to hold back your feelings?
08:59Wait, is this about the other day?
09:01From now on, I'll express my feelings more.
09:03So be prepared.
09:07What's going on?
09:09What does she mean?
09:11And as more time passed,
09:13around three weeks later,
09:15Coda, wanna sleep together?
09:17Whoa, no, you can't.
09:19You have your own bed, right?
09:23I can't sleep unless I'm with you.
09:25Hey, don't.
09:27Your bed is so warm, Coda.
09:29And it smells really nice.
09:33you can't be sniffing like that.
09:35I can't help it.
09:37I love this smell.
09:41Geez, too cute.
09:43Don't get any weird ideas, Coda.
09:45She's the boss's daughter.
09:47Then, one day,
09:49we went shopping together
09:51to buy some daily supplies.
09:53This is like a date with you.
09:55Nah, it's not like that.
09:57It's not like that.
09:59Nah, it's not like that.
10:01It's just regular shopping.
10:03Oh, hey there, Coda.
10:05What a coincidence.
10:07Wait, this voice is...
10:09Oh, it's you, Ron.
10:11Why do you seem disappointed?
10:13Kinda mean, you know.
10:15Right, right. Sorry.
10:19So you're hanging out with the boss's daughter, huh?
10:21Looks like things are going well.
10:23Lucky you.
10:27thanks to you, Ron.
10:29Ugh. Coda,
10:31who's this?
10:33Huh? Oh,
10:35she's my junior from work.
10:37I'm Ron Tenshin. Nice to meet ya.
10:39I'm Julia.
10:41Coda, can we go now?
10:43Huh? We don't have to rush, you know.
10:45No, I don't want things
10:47to get sold out.
10:49Well, I guess
10:51I'm in the way here.
10:53See you at work.
10:55See you later.
10:57I wish it was just me.
10:59What's up with Julia?
11:01She seems different, doesn't she?
11:03A few hours later.
11:05Coda, thanks for today.
11:07I bet you're tired,
11:09so how about I give you a little massage?
11:11Whoa, seriously?
11:13Well then, I'll take you up on that.
11:15Well, I guess she's
11:17the same as usual.
11:19Maybe that weird vibe earlier
11:21was just in my head.
11:23Right there.
11:27you're pretty tight.
11:29You think so? Oops,
11:31something's totally bumping into my back.
11:33Um, yeah,
11:35I'm good now.
11:37Feeling a lot more relaxed.
11:43It stinks.
11:45Huh? Do I smell that bad?
11:47My bad if I do.
11:49No, not you.
11:51I'm catching a whiff
11:53of some unfamiliar girl scent.
11:55Huh? Girl scent?
11:57It's all your fault, Coda.
11:59You're making me feel like this.
12:01Um, what are you talking about
12:03since earlier?
12:11Coda, you're mine,
12:13you know. What?
12:15Marry me.
12:17If you don't, I'm gonna tell on Dad.
12:19Tell your Dad what?
12:21That you've driven me
12:23absolutely bonkers.
12:25Her eyes are bloodshot, and I don't
12:27quite get it, but things are getting
12:29way too wild. I need
12:31to get her to back off for now.
12:33Ten minutes later,
12:35after a fierce showdown.
12:37Phew, have you cooled off
12:39a bit? Coda, you're such a
12:41meanie. You didn't need to resist
12:43like that. I had to, didn't I?
12:45You were clearly losing it.
12:49You're right, but my
12:51emotions were just overflowing.
12:53Overflowing, huh?
12:55She's really cute, though.
12:57So, what was that all
12:59about earlier?
13:01Guess I gotta tell you after all,
13:05If you really didn't want to, it's cool.
13:07No, actually,
13:09I want you to listen, Coda.
13:13the thing is,
13:15I'm crushing on you.
13:17Huh? You're into me, Julia?
13:19But I'm way older,
13:21you know? I know,
13:23but I can't help it.
13:25I've liked you since I was a kid.
13:27Every time we met, my feelings
13:29just kept growing.
13:31Come to think of it, we used to run into each other
13:33at company events back when she was
13:35in middle school, didn't we?
13:37I thought being a kid
13:39and all, you wouldn't take me seriously.
13:41So I tried to give up multiple
13:43times, even tried to make myself
13:45hate you. Is that
13:47why you were all cold and distant at
13:49first? Yeah,
13:53I thought giving up might be
13:55a good opportunity.
13:57So when I heard from Dad about the idea of
13:59living with you, I gave the green
14:01light. Oh, so
14:03that's what it was.
14:05Sorry for being a jerk.
14:09No worries, I ain't mad.
14:11In fact, I'd heard from your dad that it might
14:13just be teenage rebellion, so
14:15it kinda makes sense.
14:17Ugh, I'm seriously in a rebellious
14:19phase. Even though
14:21I'm in high school, my dad keeps sticking
14:23his nose into my future plans.
14:25Oh, yeah.
14:27I can kinda imagine.
14:29I know, right? He's always like,
14:31what about this college? How about
14:33that university? It's so annoying.
14:37he just really cares about you, you know?
14:39Ugh, it's not just about
14:41my dad. Right now,
14:43I seriously
14:45like you, Coda.
14:47Remember what you said at the amusement
14:49park? About
14:51not holding back.
14:53That just sent me spinning.
14:55So please marry me?
14:57Julia, I mean,
14:59I... Of course,
15:01she's cute and all, but just
15:03cause of that, can I see her as a
15:05romantic interest? She's the
15:07boss's daughter, and she's still in
15:09high school. I'm sorry,
15:11but I can't give you an answer right away.
15:15yeah, you're right.
15:17Getting married out of the blue
15:19is pretty heavy, huh?
15:21I'm sorry, too.
15:23No big deal. After that,
15:25our shared life was just plain awkward.
15:27And then...
15:29Thanks for having me all this time.
15:31Oh, it's nothing.
15:33It was fun.
15:37Well then, I'll... Yeah, take care.
15:39See ya.
15:41I wonder how I truly feel about Julia.
15:43After that, we went back to our
15:45regular lives, not seeing Julia.
15:49And a month passed.
15:51Phew, another exhausting day
15:53at work. Wha-
15:57What's wrong? Coda...
16:01Dad wants me to...
16:05go to a foreign university
16:07after I graduate.
16:09He says it's better for my
16:11future. What?
16:13Abroad? No way.
16:15I don't want to be away from you,
16:17Coda. I want to stay by your
16:19side. Julia...
16:21She cares about me this much,
16:23and here I am, running away
16:25from my own feelings.
16:27It's time to make up my mind.
16:29The next day, I was
16:31staying at the boss' place.
16:33Hey, what's up with this sudden visit?
16:35I gotta talk about
16:37Julia's future plans.
16:39Julia's, you say?
16:41Please, don't let Julia go abroad.
16:43Why you gotta butt in, though?
16:47I'm really into
16:49Julia, you know? I wanna seriously
16:51date her. Of course, I'm aware
16:53of the age gap, but I'm serious.
16:55I'll take care of your daughter and make her
16:57happy. I swear!
16:59Oh, Coda!
17:01That's so sweet!
17:05Seems like it's a no-go, huh?
17:09I'll dedicate my entire life to her!
17:11Please, let me have Julia!
17:13Wait, did you just say
17:15entire life? Huh?
17:17Yeah, I did.
17:19Then I guess you'll be dedicating the rest
17:21of your life to the company.
17:23Wait, what?
17:25I'll appoint you as our next
17:27CEO! What?!
17:31Thank God!
17:33Well, I've been thinking about eventually passing
17:35the company to you. I highly value
17:37your abilities.
17:39Uh, thank you?
17:41But man, I never expected
17:43you guys to take it this far.
17:47What do you mean?
17:49Well, I kinda thought you might get together at some
17:51point, so I wanted to see how you'd handle it.
17:53It went way beyond what I
17:55expected. Wait,
17:57so you'd planned it all along?
17:59Recommending the overseas university
18:01too? Well, you know,
18:03a little adversity makes love
18:05exciting, right?
18:07You mean you tricked us?
18:09I can't believe it!
18:11So, when are you planning the wedding?
18:13Can you give us a bit more time?
18:15What I said earlier was just in the
18:17heat of the moment.
18:19Aw, I can't wait anymore!
18:21Darn it! No way out, huh?
18:24After that,
18:26following high school graduation,
18:28Julia started attending a local university
18:30and also worked part-time
18:32at our company in between studies.
18:34Her education is, of course,
18:36my responsibility. We decided to get
18:38married after her college graduation,
18:40and now, we're officially engaged.
18:42Hey, babe!
18:44Come on, I keep telling you, don't
18:46call me that during work!
18:48Teach me a lot, okay?
18:50About work and
18:52other stuff too, maybe?
18:56It's like a teen drama
18:58around here!
19:00Just keep it professional, alright?
19:02It was a spur-of-the-moment
19:04marriage, but I don't regret it one bit.
19:06I'll spend my whole life
19:08making her happy, cause you
19:10can't deny love!
19:12Hi! It's me,
19:16Thanks for watching my channel!
19:18I'm super happy
19:20if you watch the next
19:22and other videos too!
