While Mountain Climbing, CEO's Daughter's Pants Got Caught on a Branch…

  • 3 months ago
While Mountain Climbing, CEO's Daughter's Pants Got Caught on a Branch…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Phew, finished the project proposal, well, that's gotta do it, I guess.
00:06My name's Ken Yamada, and I work in the planning department of a company that sells
00:11outdoor gear.
00:12I'm a newbie who's been here for three months, and I love mountains and anime.
00:16Hey Ken, just cause you're a newbie doesn't mean you can slack off, you know?
00:22I haven't been slacking off, I put my heart and soul into it in my own way.
00:26Oh really?
00:27Well, as long as you did your best.
00:31She's Ron Tenshin, she's my senior who's been assigned to mentor me.
00:35By the way, you free next Sunday?
00:39Why you asking?
00:40I thought we could go hiking as a team building event, of course you're coming, right?
00:45Oh yeah, there are quite a few mountain enthusiasts at our company, huh?
00:50That's right!
00:51By the way, which mountain exactly?
00:54Koiwa Mountain!
00:55It should be perfect for strengthening our bonds!
01:00That's a good choice!
01:02So, are you up for it?
01:04Yes, I'm looking forward to it.
01:06With this, all the newcomers are in, let's prepare!
01:11When you say all the newcomers, does that mean even…
01:16Who's even?
01:18Are you talking about me?
01:20Ugh, you heard that, huh?
01:23Is there something wrong with me joining?
01:26I didn't say anything like that!
01:28Then what's the problem?
01:29If you have something to say, just say it!
01:32This is Karen Takano, technically, she's a fellow new recruit like me.
01:37However, there's something specifically different about her compared to the regular
01:42I just thought it's weird that the company president's daughter is going hiking.
01:48Of course I'm going!
01:50Hiking is a piece of cake!
01:51I used to go hiking with my dad when I was little!
01:54Hmm, with your dad, huh?
01:57What's with that tone?
01:58Is it wrong to call him dad?
02:00Nah, it's fine, I think it's cute!
02:05Don't say weird stuff like that!
02:08Did I say something strange?
02:10Ugh, forget it!
02:12What's up with her?
02:13I really can't figure her out, even though I'd like us to get along better.
02:18I don't really get along with Karen, the company president's daughter.
02:22It seems like she doesn't like me much, as she always treats me with a cold attitude.
02:28I hope this hiking helps us get closer, even just a bit.
02:32Works more fun when everyone's getting along.
02:35However, on the day of the hiking, it was just me and Karen who showed up for some reason.
02:41Hey, where are the others?
02:43They all had sudden things come up.
02:47Ran got a sudden flare-up of her chronic illness.
02:51That's obviously a fake illness!
02:54Ugh, climbing with just the two of us is so boring!
02:59You don't have to say it like that, you know?
03:01Well seriously, do you really want to climb that badly?
03:04Of course!
03:05The mountain's right in front of us!
03:07There's no other choice but to climb it!
03:10You're that eager to climb with just me?
03:13Well, if that's what you want, I can accompany you.
03:18I'll count on you!
03:19Hiking alone can be dangerous, you know.
03:22Honestly, you get all fired up when it comes to mountains.
03:25Couldn't you be more interested in other things?
03:29And so, our hiking with just the two of us began.
03:33Ah, mountains are amazing, aren't they?
03:36The air is so different up here, don't you think?
03:39All you've been talking about is the mountain.
03:42This was supposed to be a date.
03:44What's wrong?
03:45You feeling unwell or something?
03:47Come on, give me your hand.
03:50Hey, don't suddenly get so close!
03:53Why not?
03:54I've been holding back a lot.
03:55If I accidentally spill them, what are you gonna do?
03:58Oh, I see now.
04:00I'll cover my ears.
04:01Do your business behind some bushes.
04:04Don't go too far, got it?
04:06Excuse me?
04:07Geez, if only you didn't hold it and just said you needed to go.
04:11That's not it!
04:13Don't hold it.
04:15It'd be a real mess if you...
04:17I just said it's not like that!
04:19I'm done.
04:21I'm heading ahead.
04:22Hey, wait up!
04:24The path up there is tough.
04:26Quit being so nosy, I'll be fine!
04:30What's that strange noise?
04:32Hey, Karen, you, um...
04:35Geez, what?
04:36You're so loud!
04:39Behind you!
04:40Your p-p-pants!
04:43Seriously, what's wrong with you?
04:49Don't look!
04:50It's embarrassing, don't look!
04:52It's okay, I only saw a tiny bit.
04:55You sure?
04:57Of course!
04:59What's happening?
05:01Why is this happening?
05:03Well, come on, cheer up.
05:05Accidents happen on hikes, right?
05:07Ugh, it's not that easy to accept.
05:10I can't stand it anymore.
05:12Even if you say that, what should we do in this kind of situation?
05:16Tell me something interesting?
05:18Something to lighten the mood?
05:20You're asking too much!
05:22Hurry, come on!
05:24Cheer me up?
05:25Geez, fine.
05:26Oh, I've got it!
05:28Did you see the last episode of Magical Demon Lyrical Lily?
05:32Man, it was awesome!
05:34I never expected Otakura to show up there!
05:38What are you talking about?
05:40Well, you like it too, right?
05:44You're definitely watching it, you liar!
05:47It's a misunderstanding!
05:49I just caught a glimpse of it!
05:51Forget it right now!
05:52Forget it!
05:53Hey, don't be so unreasonable!
05:56But seriously, I never thought the company president's daughter would wear such childish undies.
06:03I bet you were thinking about it!
06:05Why'd you figure it out?
06:07In the end, the hiking wasn't about hiking at all.
06:11And the next day...
06:14Sorry about yesterday.
06:16I had a bad case of my...
06:20It's your chronic condition.
06:22Can't be helped.
06:24How was it with Karen?
06:26What do you mean?
06:27Actually, Karen really likes you, Ken.
06:31She's always being all grumpy because, well, she's so fond of you that her face lights up.
06:38She likes me?
06:40Ah, it's good to be young.
06:43I'm trying to help her so I gave her a little nudge.
06:46So, was it all a lie from the start?
06:49About strengthening our bonds?
06:52You catch on quick.
06:55No, seriously.
06:56I've been lost since earlier.
06:59Is this person just joking around?
07:02Geez, seriously.
07:03You didn't have to tell him, you know?
07:05I said it was our secret, just the two of us.
07:08But honestly, wouldn't it be better to be straightforward?
07:13I know that, but...
07:16Well, if it's come to this, you should take responsibility.
07:21Why are you throwing this on me?
07:23Cause you...
07:25Saw that.
07:27You know?
07:29Just do it!
07:30Be quiet and do what you gotta do like a man!
07:33This person, always saying things that make no sense.
07:37And that night, I was immediately stuck taking responsibility.
07:41What's going on?
07:44I'm moving in here starting today.
07:48If you say no, I'll tell daddy.
07:51That's so unfair!
07:53No way to refuse when the undies thing came up.
07:56And that's how I ended up in this weird cohabitation with Karen.
08:02From then on, things started to change little by little in Karen's attitude.
08:07Lately, she even wakes me up gently every morning.
08:10It's morning already.
08:11Time to wake up.
08:17Are you awake?
08:18Come on, get out of bed and let's have breakfast together.
08:22No way!
08:23It's an emergency right now.
08:25Quit babbling nonsense and get up already.
08:28No, please!
08:31Your food will get cold.
08:33Come on, get up!
08:35I told you, I can't right now.
08:37And so, our lively mornings began.
08:40During lunch break.
08:42Aren't you having lunch now?
08:45Yeah, I am, but...
08:47Let's have lunch together.
08:48Follow me.
08:49Hey, where are you taking me?
08:53Like, duh.
08:54Do I have to spell it out for you?
08:57I made lunch for you, Ken.
09:00Let's eat together, okay?
09:03Man, she's way too cute when we're alone.
09:06Now I get it that she's holding back in front of everyone else.
09:10Why are you just standing there in silence?
09:13You don't want it?
09:15No, I'm really happy.
09:18That's good to hear.
09:20I woke up at three in the morning just to make this for you, Ken.
09:23Three in the morning?
09:25That's still nighttime!
09:28Here comes the airplane!
09:33How is it?
09:35Does it taste good?
09:36Yeah, it's really good!
09:40If you have any likes or dislikes, tell me, okay?
09:43I want to know everything about you.
09:45Uh, sure.
09:47She's acting way different.
09:49Is it true that she likes me?
09:51For real?
09:52And at night.
09:54Yeah, this week's lyrical lily was awesome, huh?
09:57I can't wait for the next episode.
09:59You're right!
10:01I can't wait for it, too!
10:03Uh, I've been trying not to think about it, but this back thing...
10:08Hey, didn't you start watching it from the middle of the series?
10:12Was it really that nice?
10:14Of course!
10:16You see, Ken, I want to know everything about what you like.
10:20I want to be dyed in the colors of the person I like.
10:23Or something like that.
10:25What on earth are you talking about?
10:27I'm sorry.
10:29I felt so embarrassed that I ended up acting all tough.
10:32Actually, it was our first date, and I was really happy.
10:36I see.
10:39Do you hate me now?
10:41No, of course not.
10:43That's a relief.
10:45Come on, give me a hug!
10:47Hey, let go!
10:49No, I won't let go!
10:51She's so clingy!
10:53Not that I mind, but we need to clarify things soon.
10:57I heard from a colleague that you've been into this.
11:00That's why I started watching this anime, too.
11:02What? Really?
11:04You did that for me?
11:07Back when we climbed Mount Koiwa, remember?
11:10I want to be completely covered in your colors.
11:13Huh? But climbing the mountain with just the two of us...
11:16Hey, can I ask you something, like, now?
11:19Yeah, what is it?
11:21Why are you so into me?
11:23Seriously? It's way too late for that.
11:26Don't tease me.
11:28Okay, okay.
11:30The reason I like you...
11:33I guess it's because it was a destined reunion, you know?
11:37What do you mean?
11:38Seems like you don't remember, but...
11:40We actually met once before, you know?
11:44Really? I don't remember at all.
11:46I knew it.
11:48I was frustrated because you didn't remember, so I acted cold towards you.
11:53Why didn't you just tell me? It would have been better that way.
11:57Nope! I won't tell you.
11:59I want you to remember it yourself.
12:01Come on, now.
12:03And? I gave you plenty of hints. Still drawing a blank?
12:08Sorry, for now, it's just not clicking.
12:12I see, yeah.
12:15I guess it's too much to ask you to remember all at once.
12:20You should have managed my expectations.
12:23After that, things got kinda awkward between Karen and me.
12:30I guess it's my fault for forgetting.
12:33This can't continue like this, but what should I do?
12:37Hey, did you and Karen have a fight or something?
12:41Are you some kind of mind reader?
12:43Just saying. You guys are both wearing your attitudes on your sleeves.
12:47So, what's the deal?
12:50It's not a fight, really.
12:52It's just that we apparently met before, but only I don't remember.
12:56Well then, here's a piece of advice.
12:59What is it?
13:00Go to Mount Koiwa again.
13:02Again? We just went there not long ago.
13:05Exactly! How about you give it a shot? Come on, trust me!
13:09I don't really get it, but if it helps me get along with Karen...
13:14And on the next day off, I invited Karen to go hiking once more.
13:18We somehow made it to the summit, but things were still pretty awkward.
13:23Hey, do you climb Mount Koiwa often?
13:26Uh, kinda, I guess. What about you?
13:31Me? Come to think of it, I used to come here a lot for club activities back in my student days.
13:37I remember you were in the Mountain Climbing Club, right?
13:40Yeah, that's right. It was all because of an anime I was obsessed with back then.
13:46Huh? The Mountain Climbing Club, Mount Koiwa...
13:50I feel like I'm on the verge of remembering something.
13:53Is something wrong?
13:55Nah, it's nothing. What was it? Maybe just my imagination?
14:01Afterward, we had lunch at the summit and prepared to descend.
14:07Hey, what's wrong?
14:09I think my leg cramped up. It's so embarrassing, isn't it?
14:14It's not funny, you know. You won't be able to walk for a while.
14:18You should go on ahead. I'll rest for a bit and catch up.
14:22You really think I'd do that? No way, that's out of the question.
14:26But, I don't want to be a burden to you anymore. I don't want to be seen as a clingy girl.
14:33What are you saying? Did she really think that? Or did I make her feel that way? Just hold on to me, okay?
14:42Hey, what are you doing?
14:44You can't walk on your own, right? So, I'm taking you down myself.
14:48It's impossible. Your stamina won't last.
14:51It's not impossible. I'm not leaving you behind, no matter what.
14:56Hey, doesn't this feel heavy to you? You okay?
15:01Yeah, I'm fine. This ain't my first rodeo, you know.
15:05Huh? What do you mean?
15:08Back in my freshman year of college, I was on a club trip to Mt. Koiwa.
15:12And at that time too, I carried someone who got injured and couldn't walk down.
15:16So, I'm used to this kind of thing.
15:19Yes! You finally remembered! It was me!
15:24Huh? But the person back then was a guy, you know?
15:27I knew you'd say that. That's rude. Just cause I had short hair.
15:32Wait, really? That was you, Karen?
15:35But I remember you were wearing men's gear.
15:38Oh, that was my dad's hand-me-down.
15:41If you're so suspicious, want me to wear it next time?
15:44No, thanks. I can't believe it.
15:47We really met back then. I'm glad I could remember it.
15:53Thanks, I'm fine now. I can walk on my own.
15:56Alright, but don't push yourself too hard.
15:59Yeah. Hey, there's something I want to talk to you about.
16:04I, uh, really like you, Ken.
16:08What? Why all of a sudden?
16:10I've been thinking about it a lot.
16:12Even now, if you hadn't helped me back then, I wonder what would've happened to me.
16:18I owe so much to you. So, I love you.
16:24It feels good to finally say it.
16:28So, how do you feel about me?
16:32I want you to tell me properly already.
16:35Oh, that's right.
16:37I, uh, also really like you, Karen.
16:42Back during the new employee training, remember when I messed up the task and had to stay late?
16:47You helped me out, even though you were complaining.
16:50I thought you're a good person deep down.
16:52So, yeah, I started liking you.
16:54I realized I'd been watching you without even realizing it.
16:58That's how it was. I'm so happy.
17:02So, we're a couple now, right?
17:04Well, I guess so.
17:06Geez, Ken, you're so aloof.
17:09But, uh, that's what makes you charming, I guess.
17:12Hold on. Quit hugging me.
17:14I guess I can't walk alone after all.
17:17Hey, cut it out with the lies.
17:20And so, we were able to convey our feelings to each other without a problem.
17:25We've already reported it to Ron, too.
17:28Congratulations, you two. You make a great couple.
17:32Looks like Ken is a potential future president now.
17:36Yes, my dad's excited, too.
17:39What? I'm hearing about it for the first time.
17:42By the way, ever since we started dating, Karen's attitude has become even softer.
17:48Now, whether at work or at home, she's been pretty sweet.
17:52That once-cold Karen is nowhere to be found.
17:55Hey, Ken.
17:56Huh? What's up?
17:59Guess what kind of panties I'm wearing today.
18:02Take a guess.
18:05Living with Karen is always full of surprises.
18:08I'm sure we'll make countless unforgettable memories from here on out.
18:13Hi, it's me, Mel.
18:16Thanks for watching my channel.
18:19I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too.
