• 3 months ago
Emmerdale 8th July 2024


00:00Hey, if you're here for a brew, you're gonna have to make it yourself. I'm up to my neck
00:11You might want to put work on hold.
00:12Why? What's happened now?
00:16Well, first thing is that Josh is still sniffing around Sarah. Saw them getting all cosy at
00:21the pub.
00:22What is wrong with her? Can't she see what he's like?
00:24No, no, she knows. I don't think she's that interested, which is a good thing.
00:28She needs to stay away from him.
00:29Yeah, well, he's not gonna be a problem, cos he's not gonna be around for much longer.
00:33That's the other thing. Him and Samson are planning moving their trip forward. Swanning
00:38off without a care in the world.
00:41Yeah. Yeah, they're going ASAP.
00:44Right. They're not going anywhere.
00:47Here you go.
00:50Thanks, babe.
00:52Are you eating properly?
00:56The food's awful. It's all a stodge. There's no way I'm asking for a salad.
01:00Why not?
01:01Cos you just don't. I'm learning fast. And, erm, things have got a bit easier.
01:08How come? Are you not sharing a cell anymore?
01:11No, I still am.
01:12Well, I don't think that's right. I think we should go and play.
01:16No, honestly, it's all right. Les, he's been great and, erm, he knows all about me.
01:24Really? I thought you didn't want anyone to know.
01:27I don't, but, I mean, it's not that easy when you're sharing with someone.
01:31He's been fine with it, Ames, which I never thought would happen in here.
01:34You're not just saying that to stop us from worrying, are you?
01:37No. I mean, when I first met him, I thought he was a proper headcase. To be honest, he's
01:43a lot like Cain. You know, the old Cain that'd kick off over everything, but deep down he's
01:48actually sound. He's looking out for me. Look, I'm not saying everything's fine, but it's
01:55been worse. I'm just about handling it for now.
01:58Well, look, hopefully you won't be here much longer. We've got you a new solicitor and
02:03he reckons he can appeal the remand decision because he classed as vulnerable.
02:07Yeah, but, I mean, they knew that before. What makes this one any different?
02:11This is the guy that got Kyle out, so I trust him. He's convinced he can get you home.
02:17That's all I want, to be with you.
02:20I'll see him.
02:25Where is he? Where's Samson? Is he hiding upstairs?
02:30He's out. Not that it's any of your business.
02:36Do you really think that I wouldn't find out?
02:39What are you on about?
02:40Samson gone off abroad and you knew all about it.
02:44Well, it's not a secret. He's going away in a few months, so what?
02:48Don't lie to me. He's going away in the next few days.
02:52You've got that wrong.
02:53He's doing a runner.
02:54He's got nothing to run from.
02:56Open your eyes, Sam. You can't be that stupid. He needs to face up to what he did.
03:02You mean like Adam did?
03:03Well, he was innocent.
03:04Samson's innocent. He's allowed to go away. He's a good lad.
03:08You're deluded.
03:09Just go home, Moira.
03:10Will you tell Samson that his trip's cancelled?
03:14And the only place that he's going is prison.
03:21Oh, I need to pick up some clothes for Laurel.
03:24I can take them.
03:25You stay away from her. She doesn't want to see you.
03:27Are you in the doghouse as well?
03:29Don't give him any sympathy. Laurel's dumped him in about time too.
03:32Sorry to hear that. Ruby's given me the silent treatment. Not that I don't deserve it.
03:36What is it with the men in this village?
03:38Have you heard from Nicky?
03:40No, he won't answer my calls.
03:42Sonny's blocked me.
03:43I just want to know he's alright.
03:45I'm sure he'll be fine. At least they've got each other, eh?
03:49And what have we got, eh?
03:52You've still got Archie. Honestly, I've never heard such self-pity in an alley with Jimmy.
04:00When you're all better, we're going to take you to the park.
04:04We're going to play on the swings.
04:06You don't even know what a swing is.
04:10How's he doing?
04:12Yeah, he's just settling.
04:15Well, we've come to take over.
04:17You were up all night with him.
04:19It's fine. Rose was with me most of it.
04:23Keeping me topped up with tea.
04:25Got a couple of hours of sleep.
04:29Can I hold Evan?
04:31We've talked about this. You know you can't.
04:34He's my brother. Please.
04:37Look, it's really sweet that you want to cuddle him.
04:40But it's just not a good idea right now.
04:43I wash my hands.
04:44I know.
04:46Look, when he's better, I promise you can cuddle him all you like.
04:50Why don't we go over there and we can read him a story?
04:53That's a great idea.
04:55Come on, I'll help you pick a book.
04:57Chad said I'd find you in here.
04:59I'm not skiving.
05:01She said I could have a break.
05:03No, I just wanted a word.
05:05I'll need to get back in a minute.
05:09Why didn't you tell me you'd shifted your trip?
05:14I'm sorry.
05:16I'm sorry.
05:18I'm sorry.
05:20I'm sorry.
05:22I'm sorry.
05:24I'm sorry.
05:27I thought you were going after trial.
05:29It's not definite.
05:31It's not what Moira thinks.
05:33How does she know?
05:35So it's true.
05:37I haven't planned anything yet.
05:39We only decided the other day.
05:42You can't run off, you know.
05:44Is that what she's saying?
05:46Because it's not true. I wouldn't do that.
05:48That's what I told her.
05:50I just don't get why everyone's on at me
05:52when I'm the one that got stabbed.
05:54They all hate me.
05:56No, they don't.
05:58Cain and Moira do.
06:00And I'm scared of what they'll do to me.
06:02Well, they wouldn't hurt you.
06:04They can't if I'm not here.
06:06I need to get away.
06:08Just for a bit.
06:10I don't think it's a good idea.
06:12Look, please, Dad.
06:14I feel like everyone is watching me and it's stressing me out.
06:16I just want things to be normal again.
06:18I know it's not fair.
06:20You shouldn't be being punished for telling the truth.
06:22You're the victim here.
06:25I'll be happy here.
06:27And I'll be home for the trial.
06:29Well, if it's what you really want,
06:31I can't stop you.
06:33I just want the best for you, that's all.
07:07Hey, I brought you some clothes.
07:09I said that Nicola was going to do that.
07:11You didn't have to come.
07:13I know, but I wanted to see you.
07:15Jay, it's over.
07:17I meant what I said.
07:19I know.
07:21It doesn't stop me caring, though.
07:25I don't suppose you've heard from Sonny?
07:27Oh, don't pretend that you care all of a sudden.
07:29Well, of course I do.
07:31It's all a big mess.
07:33Hi. You've got a nerve.
07:35I brought her stuff.
07:37You went through her drawers?
07:39We are married.
07:41Not for much longer. Me and Gabby sorted out a few bits for you.
07:43Oh, thanks, Nic.
07:45Why are you still here?
07:47We need to talk about the kids and what we're going to tell them.
07:49Well, nothing at the moment. They've had enough to deal with.
07:51Use your initiative, Jay. Feed them. Reassure them.
07:54You know, to ruin anyone else's life is not difficult.
07:56Yeah, well, we were just wondering
07:58if you know when they might let you come home.
08:00No, I don't know yet.
08:02Okay, well,
08:04if you need me, you know where I am.
08:06For God's sake, have a bit of dignity.
08:08She's made her feelings perfectly clear,
08:10and you're just embarrassing yourself.
08:12This has got nothing to do with you.
08:14I'm looking out for her. She had a heart attack because of you.
08:16You can pin a lot of stuff on me, but not the heart attack, all right?
08:18I hate that this has happened to you.
08:20At least she's finally come to her senses and got rid of you.
08:22Peter, please! You two, can you just stop?
08:28Yeah, me too.
08:30Time to go.
08:32Take care, Laurel.
08:36Me mam's doing me head in.
08:38Keeps asking if she can come and visit like it's some sort of jolly.
08:40She probably just wants to support you.
08:42No, she wants to come and have a nausea.
08:44She'll be looking around, asking what everyone's in for.
08:46Well, nobody says except they're innocent.
08:48Everyone's innocent.
08:51It's not true.
08:53It's not like all of us have been convicted yet.
08:55We don't have to go, do we?
08:57There's never enough time.
08:59We'll make up for it when I get home.
09:01I love you.
09:03I love you too.
09:07See you soon, yeah?
09:11Hi there.
09:13Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.
09:15I was hoping you'd get introduced, but this place isn't very social.
09:17I've heard a lot about you.
09:19Are you Les?
09:21You mentioned me then.
09:23Oh, yeah. Matty said you've been great.
09:25I'm so glad he's sharing a cell with someone who understands.
09:27We've been dead worried about him.
09:29Of course.
09:31A scary place like this.
09:33Every bloke's worst nightmare.
09:35I think it's even worse for him.
09:37He's terrified people will find out.
09:39And honestly,
09:41I thought everyone in here would be transphobic,
09:43so I'm really glad you've proved us wrong.
09:45I'll look out for him.
09:48Keep your secrets safe with me.
10:10It's great that you're getting out tomorrow.
10:12And I've been thinking
10:14you need a fresh start.
10:16You can come and work for me in the B&B.
10:18Oh, can you imagine?
10:20Why not?
10:22I don't want you as my boss.
10:24I'm fine where I am. Jay's not that bad.
10:26Oh, don't go soft on him.
10:28You can't let him worm his way back in.
10:30You really don't like him, do you?
10:32I never thought he was good enough for you.
10:34But it's what you think that matters.
10:36I loved him.
10:38Past tense, that's good.
10:40Yeah, but I still worry about him.
10:42You know, he's gonna really miss Sonny.
10:45Yeah, I know.
10:47And honestly,
10:49well, it's a bit of a relief.
10:51There you go.
10:53Your stress levels are halved already.
10:55Yeah, I know.
10:57But I really worry about the kids.
10:59Little Archie.
11:01He's never been so settled in a family.
11:03Him and Dottie, they're like brother and sister.
11:05You know, I just hate
11:07what it's gonna do to him.
11:09He'll be fine.
11:11Don't worry about the kids.
11:13I'd rather have two happy parents go their separate ways
11:15than two miserable ones
11:17stay together trying to make it work.
11:21I wish it'd get better.
11:23Yeah, we all do.
11:25I think it's gonna be all right.
11:27Can I get an ice cream?
11:29Of course you can.
11:31As soon as you and Lucas finish your schoolwork.
11:34It feels so unfair, doesn't it?
11:36We're gonna get through this.
11:38Feeling sorry for myself? Ignore me.
11:42Better do these meds.
11:44Why don't I do that?
11:46It gives you a chance to go watch a film
11:48with Clemmie and Lucas.
11:52Yeah, well, I'll just fall asleep if I'm sat down there.
11:54Might as well keep busy.
11:56Okay, thanks.
11:59Right, go on.
12:05What have I done?
12:07I've done something wrong?
12:09Hey, leave it with me.
12:11I need to learn.
12:13I'll deal with it then.
12:15Oh, how are you doing?
12:17What, it's not enough that you've driven him away?
12:19You want to wipe out all traces of him as well?
12:21These are not yours.
12:23Whoa, that's not what this is.
12:25You're glad he's gone, aren't you?
12:27Of course I'm... I love him.
12:29Well, then why did you never show him?
12:31I don't know.
12:33I don't know.
12:35I don't know.
12:37I don't know.
12:39I don't know.
12:41I don't know.
12:44Why did you never show him?
12:46Because I'm a terrible dad, aren't I?
12:56I messed him up.
12:58I forced him to do stuff that he didn't want to do.
13:00I didn't even think about how he felt.
13:06I hate myself for it.
13:08Kid, I hate you too.
13:10I remember him winning every single one of these.
13:14Everything he did, he made me proud.
13:16I just didn't know how to tell him.
13:20I suppose because no one ever told me when I was a kid.
13:24I didn't know I had to tell him constantly.
13:26There's a difference between constantly and never.
13:28Well, I did say it.
13:32I just wish I'd said it more.
13:36Well, it's too late now.
13:41And that's why I'm putting these away.
13:43I can't look at them. It's too much.
13:45I can't go through this again.
13:47I'm so sorry, Ruby.
13:49Do you know?
13:53I don't think
13:55that I knew what love was till I met you.
13:57And even then, I didn't get it.
13:59But I do. I get it now.
14:01I can't lose you as well.
14:05It'll kill me.
14:09Did you do this to me? Come here.
14:17He's asleep.
14:19I'm so sorry.
14:23It's not your fault.
14:25We need to call Jenny.
14:27No, we don't need to bother her. I know what I'm doing.
14:29So do we give him another dose?
14:31Well, we can't.
14:33In case he's swallowed some.
14:35We're going to have to wait till the next one.
14:37Well, is that okay?
14:39They said that we need to make sure he gets every dose.
14:41He should be alright.
14:43Just as long as he doesn't miss another one.
14:49You've perked up.
14:53I'm the same after a visit from the missus.
14:57I love seeing her.
14:59Hate saying bye.
15:01Yeah. Don't we all?
15:03Well, they've got me a new solicitor.
15:06Says he should be able to appeal me being on remand.
15:08Mate, that's brilliant.
15:10Yeah. I've got Cain to thank.
15:12Who's Cain?
15:14He's my mum's husband.
15:16Your stepdad?
15:18Yeah. Don't really call him that.
15:20Do you not like him?
15:22Nah, he's alright.
15:24My dad's my dad.
15:26We get on. He's been good about everything.
15:28Supportive, you know.
15:30Sounds like him. He's fully in the bill.
15:32Your solicitor's here.
15:37We weren't expecting him.
15:39Good luck, mate.
15:51You're in the wrong cell.
15:53I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you.
15:55Not after what I've heard.
16:01I had a very interesting chat with your better half.
16:05I can't go on like this.
16:07It's not making either of us happy.
16:11I'll change.
16:13I'll be better.
16:15I don't want you to be different.
16:17What? Trying to be good all the time?
16:19That's not the person I fell in love with.
16:21Then what do you want me to do?
16:23Keep putting me first?
16:25I am.
16:27I told Charles that I was the one that knocked Ethan over.
16:29That was for you.
16:31It was more lies, though.
16:33I'll do whatever it takes.
16:35I know you sound a bit desperate.
16:37I don't want to lose you.
16:41I can't be on my own, and you can't either.
16:45We need each other.
16:47I know we do.
16:49We've both made mistakes.
16:51But we need some time away from this village
16:53to think about us without everyone sticking their oar in.
16:57What about Bali? I've always wanted to go.
16:59Yeah, I like the sound of that.
17:02And then when we come back,
17:04we'll track Nicky down and bring him home.
17:08He's a grown man, off with his boyfriend.
17:10I can't force him
17:12to live with his mum and dad for the rest of his life.
17:16Never thought I'd hear you say that.
17:18Yeah, well, he's free, isn't he?
17:20From this whole thing
17:22we've got going.
17:24I can't say I blame him.
17:28It's time he spread his wings.
17:32He'll come back to us when he's ready.
17:34What if he doesn't?
17:36What if we've lost him for good?
17:38I can't stand the thought.
17:40I've never seen him again.
17:42It won't be forever.
17:44He does know we love him.
17:46And that we will always be here.
17:50And if that's not enough, then
17:54we've got each other.
17:56He had no idea
17:58that Samson was about to do a runner.
18:00Is he going to stop him?
18:02I don't know. Sam wants him out of the way.
18:04Less chance of admitting the truth.
18:06They just don't care about Matty.
18:08Well, we could steal his passport.
18:10Yeah, well, I already thought of that.
18:12I couldn't find it anywhere.
18:14I'm sorry, you've broken in already?
18:16What was unlocked?
18:18Well, it's always unlocked.
18:20It's also chaos,
18:22so I've no idea where it is.
18:25Right, okay.
18:27So, what are we going to do?
18:29I don't know.
18:31Just keep an eye on Samson
18:33and make sure he doesn't skip the country.
18:35Right, so how are we going to keep tabs on him?
18:39Well, sorry to barge in.
18:41I just wanted to tell you how much better Matty's doing.
18:45Buzzing about this new solicitor.
18:47Oh, so far he's not done a lot.
18:49Well, give him time.
18:51Well, I told him he's going to get him off.
18:53And having this cellmate's making all the difference.
18:57I know. I thought it would be the worst thing that could happen to him.
18:59Having to share.
19:01Nowhere to hide.
19:03But I've met Les, and he seems really nice.
19:09I'm just trying to get to know you.
19:11Being friendly, like.
19:17And you?
19:19Are you being rude?
19:22All I'm asking is about you and her.
19:24And how you met and that.
19:26Just friends, I told you.
19:30But does she know you before?
19:34Before what?
19:36Don't play that game.
19:38It's weird, innit?
19:40Looking at her.
19:42Well, you'd never guess.
19:44She looks so normal.
19:46But she can't be, can she?
19:48And you?
19:50She's with you?
19:52What did you say to her?
19:54It's not what I said.
19:56It was all her.
19:58She couldn't wait to spill her guts.
20:00Told me everything about you.
20:10I don't know what you're talking about.
20:12You had us all fooled.
20:14It's quite the act you've got going on.
20:17I knew something wasn't right about you.
20:19They shall put you in a women's prison.
20:21You might have got out alive.
20:23Get away from him.
20:25I'm just saying hello to Matilda.
20:27I said leave him.
20:33Well, that's not a him.
20:35Get out.
20:39I'm going.
20:41But I'll be back.
20:43And you won't always have your guard dog around to protect you.
20:54How did he find out?
20:56Does it matter?
21:00Listen, you've got to be careful, mate.
21:02He ain't going to let this go.
21:06At least you've got my back.
21:08Safe when you're here.
21:10I'll get out of here.
21:16I'm sorry, mate.
21:18You've got to be on your own.