Devuelveme La Vida - Capitulo 55

  • 2 months ago


00:00I feel so bad.
00:04It's normal. It's guava.
00:06I don't want to eat.
00:24Now that I lay him down and give him something to eat, I'll go and leave him alone.
00:28Why don't you leave me?
00:35Because I love him.
00:37You're wasting your time. You're always going to lose it.
00:45Let's see, Alfredo. Let's not start with this, okay?
00:48Now the important thing is that we get your daughter to forgive you.
00:53Don't come to me with cheap optimism. I don't need it.
00:59I don't need it.
01:03All this was a mistake. Everything. Getting married. Everything was a mistake.
01:07I don't love you.
01:13Why are you telling me this?
01:14Because it's the truth.
01:18I'm bored of being with you.
01:21It makes me desperate.
01:23It bothers me.
01:25If you want to make me happy, leave.
01:29And don't come back.
01:33I don't love you.
01:38Alfredo, let's go.
01:43Go, Ophelia.
01:47I don't love you.
01:49I've never loved you.
01:53I feel pity for you. That's all.
02:06And me?
02:09I'm going to close my eyes.
02:12And I'm going to ask your God that when he opens them again,
02:17you are no longer here.
02:22That you have become ashes.
02:25That you have disappeared.
02:30And don't bother me anymore.
03:10From what I see, he stayed.
03:13And what did he say about the trip?
03:16He agreed.
03:18He agreed to go.
03:19He leaves in a week for Europe and Egypt.
03:22And how long?
03:23Three months.
03:24Three months?
03:25Maybe less.
03:27Well, a lot can happen in three months.
03:30What if he wants to stay there?
03:32No, I don't think he wants to stay.
03:34It's just a business trip.
03:35He loves this land. He loves it.
03:39But we're kicking him out.
03:41We're not kicking him out, we're protecting him.
03:44That's also our duty as parents.
03:48We've enjoyed it so little time.
03:51I can't believe that even with Rogelio missing,
03:53we have to live with fear and surrounded by armed men
03:56all over the farm.
03:57Well, let's hope they find him soon.
03:59For now, we can't run the risk.
04:02When is this going to end, Joaquin?
04:06I swear. Soon.
04:09You should have seen him dressed like an executive.
04:12He looks like his father.
04:14You would have felt very proud.
04:19I'm already proud.
04:27It's good to hear your voice.
04:29Ah, Mr. Ophelia.
04:34Sorry to call you like that.
04:36Out of surprise, but...
04:39I don't know what else to do.
04:41I don't know who else to turn to.
04:44What happened to him?
04:46No, nothing happened to me.
04:48Brasiliano, I know that he has behaved very badly.
04:51That he deserves all the punishment in the world.
04:54That he has been a jerk, an insensitive being,
04:57especially with you.
04:59But we can't let him die.
05:02Mr. Alfredo.
05:06I don't have anyone else to turn to.
05:09And you know him.
05:11And you know how to handle him.
05:14And I have a lot to do.
05:16And I'm very afraid that he will do something stupid.
05:20Brasiliano, please help him.
05:27Don't worry, Mr. Ophelia.
05:29See you later.
05:34What was it?
05:38Sooner or later we have to pay for our actions.
05:41Life gives us and life takes away from us.
05:46It doesn't matter where or with what you were born.
05:50That old man deserves everything bad that's happening to him.
05:54Mr. Alfredo was born in a world of rich people.
05:58With all these lands under his name.
06:03And that's how he understood that he always had to be.
06:05Listen, Maura.
06:07When you live so high up,
06:10everything down there looks small.
06:13Are you justifying it?
06:18He has to pay the way he's doing it.
06:21Losing everything.
06:24Even the respect for his own daughter.
06:27But what life is asking me,
06:30with what I'm doing,
06:31is if I'm like him.
06:33Or if I'm capable of making fire from a fallen tree.
06:37You've become wise, Brasiliano.
06:40What I'm wondering is what your son will say
06:43if you give your hand to the man who ruined your life.
06:49I've read the list and I think there are a lot of guests, Mom.
06:52I know I went too far with the guests,
06:55but I don't know what to do.
06:57I don't know what to do.
06:58There are a lot of guests, Mom.
07:00I know I went too far with the guests,
07:02but I want the house to be full.
07:04We haven't had a party here in the hacienda in so long.
07:07I don't know.
07:09I want there to be music and joy and dance.
07:13I want the workers to come.
07:15I don't know. Do you want to invite someone else?
07:17No, I don't. What about you, honey?
07:19I had thought of Beatriz, but she left the country.
07:22And, well, Joey.
07:24Yes, it's a shame that Joey can't be here.
07:28I have the menu. I'll go get it.
07:30If you want, go to the dining room and I'll catch up with you.
07:42Mati, what a pleasure to have you here. Welcome.
07:47Thank you.
07:49I took advantage of the fact that Sara and Tino were not coming to La Victoria,
07:51so I decided to leave with them and come by to say hello.
07:53I imagine you are invited to the happy wedding.
07:57Don't tell me it still hurts.
07:59The truth is that I don't know what bothers me the most.
08:02If the fact that Tino doesn't love me,
08:04that my dad is more worried about his new son than about me,
08:07or knowing that my mom wants to lock me up forever in this hacienda.
08:10Are you serious?
08:14The good thing about having so many bad things on top of it is that
08:16I still haven't decided which of them bothers me the most.
08:19Come on, let's have a drink.
08:20Who is attending here?
08:29I think it's best if you leave.
08:31Wait a minute.
08:33You don't know who I am.
08:35Nobody throws me out of nowhere.
08:39Sir, please leave.
08:41Let's avoid problems.
08:45You're going to have problems because I have a lot of money.
08:47And I'm going to buy this business.
08:49And I'm going to throw you out for being rude.
08:51Calm down.
08:53And for bad work.
08:55Calm down, sir.
08:57I buy this business.
08:59I'm AzcƔrate.
09:01Respect me!
09:03Shut up, you drunk old man.
09:05And you don't get in where you haven't been called.
09:07I can make you and all of you go to jail.
09:12Look what I found.
09:14Take it.
09:15We have to pack the next round.
09:21That's not yours, sir.
09:28Take it because the day is getting bitter.
09:31Come on, Mr. Alfredo.
09:33The only thing that embarrasses me is not having anything to contribute to the party.
09:38No, don't worry.
09:40Mariana is happy organizing everything.
09:42As if it were her own wedding.
09:43Oh, don't look at me like that.
09:45What happens is that neither you nor I are looking for such a big party with so many guests.
09:49Right, honey?
09:51Yes, we had thought of something familiar only.
09:53Oh, don't be so ungrateful.
09:55No, it's not because I'm ungrateful.
09:57Joaquin understands what I mean, right?
09:59It's just that my mom is celebrating love.
10:01Her love.
10:03Her new life with Joaquin.
10:07Well, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.
10:10Well, that's exactly what I was thinking when I saw you organizing everything, making the list of guests.
10:16I hadn't seen you so excited in a while.
10:19Your eyes were shining.
10:21Well, that's a sign.
10:23What do you think?
10:31Stop that.
10:34It's an order.
10:36I'm not going to let you do that.
10:37It's an order.
10:39I'm not going to let you die next to a bottle.
10:42You're not going to tell me how I have to die.
10:47I die as I please.
10:50It's my decision.
10:52If I die drunk and alone or as I please.
10:59And Alfredo AzcƔrate deserves a worthy death.
11:03At the height of his last name.
11:04And you're going to help me die?
11:07Or did you come to kill me?
11:10Yes, right?
11:12To take revenge.
11:14To give me the final blow.
11:17If I had wanted to kill you,
11:21I would have abandoned you at the place where I picked you up.
11:28Die is the easiest way to escape.
11:31And I'm not going to let you escape.
11:38There are still many reasons to live.
11:43You just have to get off your cloud and step on the ground that we all step on.
11:48Let's go.
11:50Come on.
11:51Where are you taking me?
11:52Come on.
11:54Come on.
11:55Shut up.
11:57You are very rude.
11:59You are very rude.
12:01She has to take you.
12:05So what are you going to do?
12:08I don't know.
12:10It's not that I have many options.
12:12Either I go back to the United States or I stay in this seat.
12:16Or you come back with me to Cali when the marriage is over.
12:19That's it. Solved.
12:21Believe me, what I would most like is to be at the front of the magazine again,
12:24but after everything that happened, my dad forbade me to return.
12:28I don't even know why he worries so much if something happens to me,
12:31knowing that now he only lives on behalf of Joey.
12:34I feel lost, Maxi.
12:36The magazine was my only salvation.
12:39Don't say that.
12:41Your dad is just excited about the meeting with Joey.
12:44That's it.
12:46But hey, let's change the subject.
12:48It was someone asking about you.
12:50A lady was very upset and wanted to hear your story.
12:53It's something about a complaint with some land, something like that.
12:58Did she give you a number?
13:00Of course.
14:12What are you doing here?
14:16Get me out of here. Take me home.
14:21Take me home.
14:26Obey me!
14:31Move away.
14:52Did you do that to me?
14:58I didn't know you were so romantic.
15:00Me neither.
15:18Marianas, face me.
15:25Do you want to marry me?
15:30Oh, yes.
15:49Thank you.
16:08Oh, yes. I was almost going to leave.
16:11If you're going to control me like this before we get married,
16:13what am I going to say at that wedding that I don't accept?
16:15Don't confuse my desire to see you with my desire to control you.
16:21Well, it's not bad to wish the other a little bit, right?
16:27You want to punish me, right?
16:29You don't know how much I wish you.
16:32Well, you'll keep your desire because when I get there,
16:35I'm not going to give you a single kiss, so you know.
16:39Just seeing you makes me happy.
16:41For now.
16:43Well, is everyone confirmed for the farewell?
16:46Yes, everyone is confirmed.
16:48And you're sure you don't want to do it without your friends?
16:51You know what?
16:53I don't want to spend a single night away from you.
16:57Don't you want to spend the rest of your life with me?
16:59Of course I do.
17:02So, see you later, okay?
17:04Bye, my love.
17:13My love, have a good time.
17:15And please, come back from Cali early tomorrow.
17:18Don't take too long.
17:20You're not going to miss my wedding either.
17:22So calm down.
17:26Take care, okay?
17:30And drive carefully.
17:50Hello, who is this?
17:52It's Lucy Mosquera.
17:54Miss, I thought I'd never receive your call.
17:57Yes, I'm sorry.
17:59The thing is, I've had a lot of trouble,
18:01but I'm very interested in talking to you.
18:03Oh, you don't know how much I appreciate it.
18:05And do you think it's possible for us to meet in person?
18:09I'm near Cali.
18:10Yes, I think so.
18:12And can it be today?
18:14It's pretty urgent.
18:16Yes, of course.
18:18Tell me where you want to meet.
18:20At a relative's house.
18:22If you want, take notes.
19:10Sir, take me to Cali, please.
19:41What are you doing here?
19:45I came for you.
19:48Don't get confused.
19:50You're going to Europe today, aren't you?
19:52I wanted to see you before I left.
19:55Before you got married.
20:05I'm sorry.
20:07I'm sorry.
20:08I'm sorry.
20:14I warn you once that absolutely nothing or no one
20:17is going to change my plans.
20:19I didn't come to change your plans, Sara.
20:26Look, I don't know what you want,
20:28but right now I'm going to my bachelor's party.
20:31I don't have time to talk, okay?
20:33I understand you have your bachelor's party.
20:35I want to take more time from you,
20:36and I don't bother you anymore.
20:40I'm sorry, I have to go.
20:42Sara, please.
20:44Let's talk one last time.
20:46I want you to really forgive me.
20:48Forgive me for everything.
20:50If you came for that, I forgive you.
20:53I have to go.
20:55Have a good trip.
20:57Sara, wait.
20:59Sara, please.
21:01Joey, I already told you I have an appointment
21:03and I'm not going to miss it.
21:05What are you doing?
21:07Get out of my car right now.
21:11The taxi is already gone.
21:13I can't go back.
21:16Look, I'm going this way.
21:18Is it okay?
21:21Joey, I don't want to talk right now.
21:23Why do you always have to make everything so difficult?
21:25Well, if you say it's difficult,
21:27it's because you still care, right?
21:28Look, either you shut up or I won't take you.
21:30And I warn you once that I'm going to take the old highway
21:32to get to the city center faster.
21:34I'm going that way.
21:38Old highway.
21:40He should have arrived by now.
21:42It shouldn't take long.
21:44Do you know how Sara is when she gets better?
21:46Yes, but she promised she would be punctual.
21:48Tino, it's been a minute.
21:50She hasn't arrived yet.
21:52I don't know what to do.
21:54I don't know what to do.
21:56I don't know what to do.
21:58Be patient.
22:00See? It must be her.
22:02No, it's Lucy.
22:08Thank you.
22:16What are you doing here?
22:18I thought you weren't allowed to come to Cali.
22:20They didn't give me permission.
22:22I escaped.
22:26You came at the right time.
22:30I'd like you to come with us.
22:32Has Sara arrived?
22:34No, she's almost here.
22:37Tino, are you really sure about this marriage?
22:40Of course.
22:42I've never been so sure in my life.
22:46Your girlfriend is just as sure as you.
22:48I just saw her with her ex.
22:50I mean, your ex-sister.
22:52That's impossible.
22:54Jo is in BogotĆ” and she's going to live in Europe tonight.
22:56Are you sure?
22:58Are you two together?
23:00Too much together.
23:15What happened?
23:19I don't know.
23:21Oh, God.
23:29Let's see.
23:37Hello, neighbor.
23:41How are you?
23:42Good morning.
23:43What happened?
23:44An earthquake.
23:45Is it serious?
23:47Yes, it's serious.
23:49They say the road where you came from is also closed.
23:51I don't know.
23:53I advise you to park the car.
23:55Because this takes time.
23:58Thank you.
23:59Thank you.
24:01I told you not to take the old road.
24:03Of course, I knew there was going to be an earthquake.
24:05Well, I knew.
24:07I don't know what we're going to do,
24:09but I have to get to that bachelor party anyway.
24:11I have a route.
24:12Which one?
24:14Let's cross the mountain.
24:16That would take me about four days.
24:20Well, if you want, I'll be happy to accompany you, Miss Benitez AzcƔrate.
24:24So funny, right?
24:25Well, it's not funny at all.
24:28So what do I do?
24:30It's my fault that there are no roads in this country.
24:33What are we going to do now?
24:35As I see it,
24:37I have to go find a place to wait.
24:41With patience.
24:56I'm leaving.
24:57I'm leaving.
24:58He's not leaving.
25:01At least he brought whiskey.
25:04You have no right
25:06to have me locked up here.
25:08That's a crime.
25:10I'm very sorry, Mr. Alfredo.
25:12But locking him up is the only way
25:14he can be away from his vice.
25:17I'm sorry, Mr. Alfredo.
25:19I'm sorry, Mr. Alfredo.
25:21But locking him up is the only way
25:23he can be away from his vice.
25:26If you don't get me out of here,
25:28I'll starve to death.
25:30Be grateful that I was able to treat your illness
25:33here in the country, where everything is cured.
25:35I was locked up in a asylum.
25:56I'll starve to death.
26:00If you don't want to eat, that's your problem.
26:15Good afternoon.
26:17Good afternoon.
26:19Good afternoon.
26:20Hello, good afternoon.
26:21You were so kind to lend me your phone.
26:22I'm very sorry, but the phone line is not working.
26:28Let me guess, the downfall?
26:32We'll have to wait for the technicians
26:34from the phone company to come.
26:36Well, we have to be patient.
26:38If I hadn't seen the downfall with my own eyes,
26:41I swear I'd believe you planned all this on purpose.
26:43Believe me, if I had planned it,
26:45I wouldn't have ended up like this.
26:47I'm really sorry.
26:49But you can go eat something,
26:50drink something at the restaurant in the meantime.
26:52No, thank you.
26:54There it is.
26:56I'm hungry.
27:00Yes, of course.
27:02She left a long time ago.
27:04I'm starting to worry because nothing is coming.
27:06No, she was late because she tried all the dresses.
27:08She was very excited, she didn't know what to wear.
27:10I wanted to surprise you.
27:14Of course.
27:16You doubt it?
27:18I had never seen her like this.
27:20No, don't worry.
27:22I don't think she'll be long,
27:24but please let me know when she arrives.
27:26Of course, I'll let you know.
27:28Mariana, have you heard from Joey?
27:30At this time,
27:32he must be on a plane to Europe.
27:34And I'm really going to miss him.
27:36Yes, me too.
27:38Well, have a good time.
27:42See you later.
27:44Are you crazy?
27:46Don't you dare say that to Tino.
27:48I didn't, I said it because it's true.
27:50You don't want to believe me, it's your problem.
27:52And if you're right, I shouldn't have told him anything.
27:54There are people who are happy living the lie.
27:56Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, come here.
28:00I know you're upset because I made you suffer,
28:02but don't be vindictive.
28:04Oh, Tino, now, please, get over it.
28:06Don't think it's so important.
28:08It was very nice while it lasted, yes,
28:10but in the end you gave such an unspeakable insult
28:12that made it very easy for me to forget you.
28:14Could you stop fighting, please?
28:16We're not fighting.
28:18Guys, can you calm down?
28:21You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?
28:23Yeah, it's great.
28:25You know what I mean.
28:27The truth doesn't bother me that fate collaborates with me.
28:30It's not time for fate.
28:32Well, you don't know how to drive,
28:34so you're absolutely right.
28:36Here, because of you and your son,
28:38we have to wait.
28:40That's it, Sara, we're here.
28:42Why are we going to waste time like this?
28:45When we can...
28:46when we can...
28:48talk about something more important.
28:50No, we have nothing to talk about.
28:53Look, for me it's okay
28:56that you want to get married,
28:58that you're looking for me,
29:01to be happy.
29:03Tino is a good man.
29:07And without a doubt, I love you.
29:15But I doubt you feel the same way you feel for me.
29:21You know, you're right about that.
29:23Because I don't feel the same way for you, Tino.
29:26What I feel for you.
29:28Because I don't feel anything for you.
29:34Do you think that a love like the one we had in life was that easy?
29:38It wasn't love.
29:40I can't believe you're saying that
29:41when I did the impossible for us to have everything.
29:44And you know that.
29:46Look, Joey, I...
29:49I love your brother.
29:51And I want to marry him.
29:53And I'm going to marry him.
29:55But that doesn't mean that I'm happy to hurt you.
29:58If you don't want to believe me,
30:00then it's your problem.
30:02No, wait, wait, wait.
30:04I'm sorry.
30:06I'm sorry.
30:08I'm an idiot.
30:10I'm an idiot.
30:12And now you realize it.
30:14I'm an idiot in love, you know?
30:17Because Sara, I love you.
30:19Like no one else.
30:21And I'll never feel the same way.
30:23I wouldn't be willing to give my life for someone like I do for you.
30:25Joey, Joey, Joey.
30:27It's over.
30:29I decided to be happy a long time ago.
30:31And that will never happen to you.
30:43I hope he's really happy.
30:50He deserves it.
31:06Did you send for me?
31:07Yes, yes, Ɓngel.
31:09I'm very worried.
31:11My father seems to have been swallowed by the earth.
31:13I can't believe we couldn't find him.
31:16I haven't seen him since yesterday.
31:18They tell me he left La Victoria and hasn't returned yet.
31:22I haven't seen Josefina since yesterday either.
31:26Do me a favor.
31:28If you find him, please let me know.
31:31Yes, sir.
31:38Can I tell you something?
31:40Yes, of course.
31:46I'm very happy to be able to marry the woman I really love.
31:53You're a very lucky man.
31:58Excuse me.
32:07Excuse me.
32:16Miss, your phone is ready.
32:19Thank God.
32:27Don't worry, I'll answer.
32:33Mati, yes, yes, it's me.
32:34Wait, wait, wait.
32:38Where are you?
32:40I wanted to get there faster,
32:42and I took the old road to go through the center,
32:44but no, there's a terrible collapse and I can't get through.
32:46I'm stuck.
32:48Oh, cousin, why didn't you tell me before?
32:50No, because there was no one on the phone.
32:52What? I can't hear you.
32:54Hello? Hello? Mati?
32:59Sara, you don't have to worry.
33:01Let me tell him to go get you.
33:02No, no, no, Mati, no, because as I'm telling you,
33:04the tracks are closed on both sides, so...
33:06No, it's better not to tell him.
33:08Besides, a tree fell and...
33:10And I'm also with Joey.
33:13Oh, Sara, don't tell me that.
33:15Does that mean what Lucy said is true?
33:17Lucy? What do you mean?
33:21Mati? Mati, hello? Hello?
33:23Lucy said she saw them together on the road.
33:27No, and she's dressed up.
33:29Sara, are you with him?
33:30I mean, yes, we're together, but not as you think.
33:32Not as you imagine.
33:34The thing is, we met and...
33:36Mati, please, please, I'm asking you not to answer him.
33:38I don't know.
33:40I don't want to make a scene where he's not there.
33:42Well, when I get there, I'll explain everything to him
33:44and that's it.
33:46So what do I tell him in the meantime?
33:48Well, you're right.
33:50Give it to me, give it to me.
33:52I'll explain it to him once and I'll get out of that.
33:54No, no, no, I'll take care of it.
33:56I don't want to ruin the supposedly best day of his life.
33:58Rather, come quickly.
34:00No, no, no.
34:02Well, then, tell him to call me,
34:04that I'm trapped here because of that crash,
34:06and that as soon as I can, I'll go there.
34:08Go ahead, I'll take care of it.
34:10Sara, are you sure you're safe?
34:12Mati, you too.
34:14Yes, I'm sure.
34:16If you don't arrive in three hours, I'll come for you.
34:18Ready? Where are you?
34:20In the hotel, what's the name of the hotel, sorry?
34:22Paraiso Terrenal.
34:24Are you with me at the motel?
34:26Motel? No, Mati, hello?
34:28Motel, no.
34:30Sara, can you hear me?
34:45What did she say?
34:49She told me that she was late because there was an accident on the road, a crash.
34:55What do you mean? Where?
34:57I don't know where, but don't worry, she already told Mariana.
35:01That's weird, I talked to her and she didn't tell me anything.
35:03Because Joaquin went after her.
35:08Yes, the thing is that he was close and you know, he's a man, cars, roads, he knows that.
35:14But don't worry, he told me to tell you that he's fine and that he can't wait to see you.
35:23And what else did he say?
35:25Something about Joey?
35:26Joey, no.
35:28No, no, no, he didn't say anything about Joey.
35:30I think Lucy got confused and thought it was him.
35:35Tina, you know that Sara when she says something, she does it.
35:40Besides, she loves you.
35:42Trust that, okay?
35:44Rather, let's go.
35:46You don't need your friends alone.
35:48Have a drink.
35:57Of course, it seems absurd to me that we can't be together, that we can't see each other.
36:02We're not 15 years old anymore, Mariana.
36:04But what's wrong, we're going to miss each other a little.
36:07Well, it's fine, it's fine, you're right, but we've already waited too long to be together.
36:14And I don't want to waste any more time.
36:16Well, tomorrow is the ceremony and it's bad luck to see the bride before time.
36:20No, no bad luck.
36:21No more bad luck, we spent it all.
36:24Now everything is good.
36:26That's why I love you so much.
36:28Because you always make me smile.
36:31I count every second to be with you, did you hear?
36:36Joaquin, Lucy left.
36:51I love you.
37:10Dear Mariana, I can't tell you, daughter, why I lost the right to be your father when I decided to destroy your life.
37:19And incidentally, without realizing it, I also destroyed mine.
37:26I don't know how many days I have left in this world, Mariana.
37:34But I want you to know that every second I'm still alive, I'm going to pay for each of your sufferings.
37:49I love you.
38:01When I told you I forgave you, I told you the truth.
38:08Do you really love him?
38:13Yes, a lot.
38:15Tino was always luckier than me.
38:19Joe, I'm sure you'll find someone someday.
38:22Oh, no, no more.
38:24Don't tell me this.
38:26And I know I didn't do well to get her back.
38:29I don't have that right.
38:31And it's even better if she marries Tino, you know?
38:34And so I stop thinking and you know that one day I was more important to you than I really am.
38:39Joe, you've always been important to me.
38:41You've always been important to me.
38:43I don't even pretend to be.
38:47Sara, believe me, if I could turn back time, you would save a lot of pain.
38:55Why think about the impossible now?
39:02Tell me you didn't ask for it.
39:04No, but it would have been a very good idea.
39:06Just life, which is cruel and likes to put salt to the wound.
39:14What do you think?
39:16I thought you were one of those who didn't wait for any man.
39:20And who told you that I'm waiting for a man?
39:23Well, then, while your friends arrive, let's dance.
39:26And let them wait for you.
39:28Or me.
39:30Me or Joe?
39:36Then let's dance to this song one last time.
39:39And I swear I'll never see you again.
39:55Cheers to that.
39:59Thank you.
40:04Tino, you shouldn't drink anymore.
40:10They should be here by now.
40:12He must be on his way.
40:15This is not normal.
40:17Give him time, okay?
40:19Sara will go through that door at any moment.
40:21And I assure you that he will not like to see his fiancƩ in that state.
41:17You never understand anything, Joe.
41:20Sara, forgive me.
41:22No, no, no, because instead of asking for forgiveness for one thing and for the other, you're not mature enough.
41:25I know you still feel things.
41:28You can see it.
41:30I felt it when we were dancing.
41:32You're going to deny it.
41:34Do you want to know what I feel for you?
41:38Matilde, what happened with Sara?
41:40She's coming.
41:45A toast to the bride who doesn't come.
41:50Not another drink, Tino.
41:52Tino, please, people are starting to talk.
41:54Don't play with me, I don't care.
41:56If Sara doesn't like this, she's going to get me involved in the marriage.
41:59You have to calm down, okay?
42:04Everyone's bored.
42:07And Sara's not coming.
42:09Sara's coming, but that's why I need you to stop acting stupid.
42:12You've told me that all afternoon.
42:15It's her, see?
42:17I told you.
42:19Sara's here.
42:23Where's Lucy?
42:25I think she's upstairs.
42:27Joaquin, where's Sara?
42:29How did it go with the car repair?
42:32Shouldn't she be here?
42:34I'm sorry, Tino. I have to talk to my daughter.
42:36I'll go with you.
42:38You're a liar.
42:42What the hell is going on?
43:03I clearly asked you not to leave Bucaro.
43:06Dad, please.
43:08I can't just sit here and do nothing.
43:11Okay, then let's look for another option.
43:14Of course.
43:16The option I like the most, right?
43:18That I go back to the United States, because I'm a nuisance.
43:20No, that's not true.
43:22Dad, you've never known what to do with me.
43:24If I'm wrong, it doesn't mean that I've stopped loving you with all my heart.
43:28And that's why you insist that I go to another country?
43:29No, I insist because you're not safe here.
43:32If you don't like it, I won't allow you to continue working in that magazine.
43:35Why do you insist on disauthorizing me?
43:39I'm sorry, Joaquin.
43:41I accidentally heard what I was telling you, and it's not like that.
43:45Lucy is here because I asked her to come.
43:48I wanted her to accompany me to my farewell party.
43:54I know I may not have done it right,
43:56but she's safe here.
43:58Are you sure you didn't come for the magazine?
44:00No, I came for you, right?
44:02But I didn't tell you anything because I knew you weren't going to let me come.
44:05It's dangerous anyway, daughter.
44:07You're right, Joaquin.
44:09We're going to the farm tomorrow.
44:11And tonight I'm going to stay here with you.
44:13Of course, he's at home.
44:15Please, give him a coffee so he can get over the drunkenness.
44:27I loved you with all my heart, Joaquin.
44:29And I still love you.
44:31Because there are loves that stay in my heart forever.
44:36But I don't trust you.
44:38And I would never do it again in my life.
44:41And do you know why?
44:43Because I don't like how you behave at all.
44:45Because what you did today of coming here to give me a forced kiss,
44:48to complicate absolutely everything and what did you say?
44:51I'm going to do whatever I want and I don't care about anyone.
44:53I don't care about anyone.
44:55No, no, no.
44:57No, no, no. You wanted to listen to me? Then shut up and listen to me.
44:59Because you have to be told things so you know you're immature,
45:02you're selfish, you don't care about anyone, you don't care about others.
45:05And that's precisely why you made me think that you don't love anyone,
45:08not even me, not even your own brother.
45:11Nino and I are not brothers.
45:14Are you listening to what you're saying?
45:16That's precisely why I chose not to love you.
45:19Because you're not capable of changing and you're not going to do it either.
45:20Because you don't know how to value the things that really matter.
45:25You say you love me, that you love me, that you adore me and what?
45:28I don't want your love, I don't like your love.
45:30Because your love is a force that absolutely damages everything.
45:33Because one day we could have a child and you, because of you...
45:36And that's what's never going to forgive me, right?
45:39That's why we broke up.
45:41That's why.
45:43And Tino is not to blame for all his misfortunes, as you think.
45:47Because if you and I are not together today, it's not for him.
45:50It's for you.
