SIC Reserved Seats Case | Bilal Athar Kayani Raises Huge Questions

  • 2 months ago
#OffTheRecord #ImranKhan #PTI #ReservedSeats #KashifAbbasi #ElectionCommission #SupremeCourt #QaziFeazIsa #JusticeAtharMinallah #humayunmohmand #BilalAtharKayani

SIC Reserved Seats Case | Bilal Athar Kayani Raises Huge Questions
00:00Dr. Mayim Momin, Senator Bilal Kiani, MNA Muslim League, have you seen the Reserved Seats?
00:10It is a big deal that the Reserved Seats have been decided. What is the sense?
00:16In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
00:19See, the real problem with the Reserved Seats starts with the removal of the flag.
00:25Now remember, all these people quote Article 9, 209, 2010, and especially 215 of the Election Act 2017.
00:36In 215, basically, in its sub-section 5, it says that if you are not complete on Article 209, 2010, then the flag is removed from you.
00:50But the case is not about the flag.
00:51Agreed. Listen now.
00:52But you have taken it wrong.
00:53Listen. No. Whether or not you have taken it wrong, that is a different matter.
00:58Now, it is not written anywhere that if the flag is taken back, then you are free.
01:05You are not a political party.
01:06You are not. Now, Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf, remember, if you have taken the flag, then you are free. No problem.
01:12Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf has fought without its flag.
01:17But you cannot even fight as a party.
01:19No. This was a misinterpretation of the Election Commission of the Election Act 2017.
01:26The problem is here.
01:27You have misinterpreted the Supreme Court's decision.
01:29No. The Supreme Court has taken the flag from you.
01:33And they have said that because they have taken it, you are no longer a political party.
01:36No. This is wrong.
01:37This is wrong.
01:38Because, basically, they have said that the symbol has been removed from you. The symbol has been removed from us.
01:42We have got a different symbol.
01:43Someone has got something. Someone has got a bangle.
01:46Someone has got a shoe. Someone has got a car.
01:48Now, we, Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaf, as a political party, we fought on a different symbol.
01:54It's not one symbol.
01:55So, the problem in that was the misinterpretation.
01:59Now, one night before, you tell me that you are a constitutional body.
02:03You tell me that you are Humayun. You are independent.
02:05One night before, you tell me that you are independent.
02:08Now, you tell me that in the next 1-2-3 days, I have to arrange all these things for myself.
02:13So, for that, I have to go to Bukhara.
02:15You know that when you gave the ticket for Nazriyati, the press release of the Election Commission came that you are a party representative.
02:25So, you cannot fight anyone else.
02:27In those circumstances, everyone felt that we should be free.
02:31One more thing.
02:32You know that all those who fought, they had given 2-3 forms.
02:39So, you look at all of them.
02:41So, this is the real problem.
02:43There was also a debate in the court that when the chairman of the Sunni Ijtihad Council did not have any restrictions on him,
02:47when he did not have any decision to take his symbol,
02:49when he submitted his documents, why was he released?
02:53He could have been released.
02:55See, the problem is here.
02:58It is the biased interpretation of the Election Commission of Pakistan.
03:06In this, if you want to do it, you have to do one thing.
03:08I think Justice Mansoor Al-Isha gave a hint.
03:12You give three days from today.
03:15And they will decide where to go.
03:16And they will decide where to go.
03:17This has also happened.
03:19In the name of Allah, good morning, Mr. Kashmi.
03:20Brother, the seat is ours.
03:22Mr. Kashmi, thank you very much for inviting me to your show.
03:24See, the thing is that in the PTI, Mashallah, there are very famous lawmakers.
03:30They are sitting on the front row of the National Assembly.
03:34There is Mr. Gauhar.
03:35Sometimes Mr. Lateef Khosa also comes.
03:37Then there is Mr. Ali Zafar.
03:39And then there is a former Speaker of the National Assembly.
03:43So these people did not know these basic laws of the Sunni Ijtihad Council while joining the Jamaat,
03:48that they will not be able to.
03:50It is there in black and white.
03:52So they knew exactly what they did.
03:54And after that they said that if we make noise, we will be harmed.
03:57See, that is a separate case of your symbol.
03:59Whether or not there is a justice-political Jamaat, this is not a prayer of the Supreme Court.
04:05But this came during the proceedings when they were asked that why did you close the PTI?
04:09The election commission did not have an answer there.
04:11We found out that six or eight people, I heard there are eleven people like this,
04:14who did not participate in the SIC and they are the PTI.
04:18Now the question is that if you have interpreted this wrongly,
04:22the PTI is present, why were they not given the option that this PTI is a political party and they should go into it?
04:27Which is an original sin.
04:28That is why I think what they are saying is that this is also an argument to fix the original sin.
04:33Because this was never the intention of the Supreme Court.
04:36And that is a complete justice argument.
04:38This is one argument and the other is that it was a letter of the law.
04:41No, but the second thing is that after the election,
04:43was there anything that was stopping them from participating in the PTI?
04:46Decisions of the Supreme Court.
04:49Election commission.
04:50But Mr. Kashyap, one more thing.
04:52Sir, one second.
04:53This is a very simple argument.
04:55Listen, listen.
04:56You have made a long argument.
04:57You have made a long argument.
04:58I have to go.
04:59You are waiting for the decision.
05:00No, no, sir.
05:01Listen to me.
05:02If you had gone,
05:03you had three days to join the political party,
05:05to take the reserve seats.
05:07And the Supreme Court would have said, no, we do not agree.
05:09They would have released everyone.
05:11After a month or two, their system would have collapsed.
05:14They had a lot of things to think about.
05:16No, but they specifically decided to choose a party,
05:18which under the laws,
05:21which has never collected any money.
05:23So you think,
05:24if they did not follow the procedure,
05:25then why did they meet?
05:26No, no.
