Coronation Street 9 July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Coronation Street 9 July 2024


00:00I'm sorry.
00:30I'm sorry I couldn't come back until now.
00:33I couldn't.
00:36I was so scared.
00:40And at first I sort of just hoped it'd all blow over.
00:44But then I was scared of what might happen to me if I...
00:51I'm sorry.
00:54I saw her online.
00:56I saw those lads attacking you and I was beside myself.
01:01And now this.
01:06I had to come and see you.
01:09I had to come back.
01:12To see everyone.
01:16I suppose you're the niece.
01:18He's been asking if you can come and see him.
01:22Is he going to be alright?
01:24He's already a lot better than when he was brought in.
01:28Can I get you a cuppa or anything?
01:31No, you're good to her.
01:34Holler if you change your mind.
01:37Try and get some rest.
01:39We'll look after him.
01:54Take care.
02:25It's alright, it's alright.
02:28I'm not going to hurt you.
02:30I just want to talk to you, OK?
02:32Lauren, just talk.
02:35I'm not going to hurt you, you've got nothing to be afraid of.
02:45Let me out.
02:47I just want to talk to you.
02:48Let me go!
02:49Lauren, please.
02:51I'm so sorry.
02:53For dragging you in here.
02:55I had to talk to you and I didn't want to risk...
02:58I only want to talk.
03:01What do you want?
03:04To see you.
03:06To see how you're doing.
03:09I want to help you.
03:20That's all I've ever wanted.
03:23To look after you.
03:33Joel Dearing, duty solicitor.
03:36I'm your knight in shining armour.
03:41My mum's a million miles away.
03:44She won't want anything to do with me.
03:48My dad's in prison.
03:51I don't want anything to do with him.
03:57I don't mean for this to sound harsh.
03:59It may help me get you out of here, but you...
04:02don't have anyone.
04:05I'm so sorry, Lauren.
04:08Everything you've been through and...
04:10and now this.
04:11It's no wonder you temporarily took leave of your senses.
04:18I swear I will do my best to get you out of here.
04:21And when you're out, here's my personal number.
04:24Call me any time, day or night.
04:27I won't let you down.
04:32My knight in shining armour, yeah?
04:39Dee Dee couldn't believe I'd got you off on a caution.
04:43She was so impressed.
04:45The first time we met...
04:48not even a year ago and now, look at us, we're...
04:51planning on getting married.
04:55So please don't mess that up for us, eh?
05:00For her.
05:03Did you have any plans on me back then?
05:07When you walked into that interview room and you saw me all alone?
05:11No family? Friends?
05:14Plans? I...
05:15I don't know what you mean.
05:16You were simply a client who needed legal assistance, that's all.
05:23So that knight in shining armour thing...
05:25doesn't sound like usual solicitor stuff.
05:28I was showing you...
05:30a bit of kindness.
05:35A housewarming present?
05:39I'll open it now, eh? Have you got a corkscrew?
05:41Oh, er...
05:42I don't know.
05:51I'll have to get you one.
05:56thanks for yesterday.
05:58I was convinced I'd be charged.
06:00No problem.
06:07I should be making tracks.
06:10Well, you've got my number now?
06:13Call me if you need anything.
06:14Legal, corkscrew, whatever.
06:17See you.
06:28Today they've announced rail tickets.
06:30They will not be opening after opening.
06:32This is something that we on this show and you, our listeners...
06:36So I thought I had this.
06:37This chance of making some money.
06:39You know, like a little job on the side.
06:41It's not happening now and I didn't know what else I could ask, so...
06:45Not a problem at all.
06:50I will pay you back the second I can.
06:52It's no rush.
06:53It's what I'm here for.
06:57When Ryan told me he was moving back into Carlos...
06:59And then...
07:01you blackmailed him?
07:03To pay you back?
07:04You blackmailed him?
07:06To pay you back.
07:08I was desperate.
07:10And then I helped you.
07:13Without the goodness of your heart, though, was it?
07:15Of course it was.
07:21What other reason could there have been?
07:27So come on.
07:29What's all this about?
07:31I can't do it.
07:33I can't.
07:34You can't do what?
07:37Be a grown-up.
07:39What do you mean?
07:41All this.
07:43All what?
07:44All this.
07:48It's like every day, the summit.
07:50A new bill.
07:53I turned the fridge off because there's now in it.
07:56I've got no money on my electric card anyway.
07:58And I'm freezing.
08:00I'm freezing all the time.
08:03I'm sleeping in my coat.
08:04I'm covered in old blankets and anything else I can find.
08:07I'm really behind on the rent.
08:10I can't do it.
08:11I can't.
08:12I can't live like this.
08:13I can't be an adult.
08:14Hey, hey.
08:15We've spoke about this.
08:16I've got cash.
08:17But I already owe you loads.
08:19I do.
08:21I knew when I lent you that money
08:23that I might not see it again.
08:25And that's fine.
08:26It's not.
08:28If you can pay me back one day, brilliant.
08:30But I never expected you to.
08:34It's not right.
08:37Well, hey.
08:39I know I've bored you to death with my life lessons.
08:43But as your self-appointed life coach,
08:46you should know by now that the world is not fair.
08:50I get paid loads to do what I do.
08:54And it pains me that you're sleeping in your coat
08:56to keep warm while I can...
08:59I don't know.
09:00I can just go out and spend 20 quid on a bottle of wine.
09:0420 quid?
09:06It's a really nice one.
09:10Yeah, but it's 20 quid.
09:19Look, I don't know you,
09:20but I don't know you.
09:23I don't know you really well,
09:25but what I do know is,
09:27if you were in the same position as me,
09:29you'd help someone out too, wouldn't you?
09:32You would.
09:37Yeah, I like to think I could.
09:42But I've never...
09:45I could never imagine being able to do that.
09:49Oh, you will.
09:53You will.
09:55You're too good.
09:56And nice.
10:01Good things happen to good people, I swear.
10:03But that's just it.
10:06What if I'm not good?
10:09You know what?
10:10If bad things happen to me, because I deserve it.
10:12Don't go down that road again.
10:13It's just so hard.
10:16So hard.
10:17So hard.
10:20And I can't see how things are ever going to get any easier.
10:25Of course it will.
10:26You've got me in your corner, haven't you?
10:29Look, this is no big deal for me.
10:33I've got money.
10:36So I'm going to put some credit on your electricity card,
10:39I'm going to get some food for your fridge
10:41and I'm going to pay your rent.
10:45No buts.
10:46I'm going to sort this for you, OK?
10:53I don't know if I'll be able to pay you back.
11:00And I don't care if you don't.
11:10I wish there was something I could do for you.
11:13Something to say thank you.
11:17Thank you.
11:28It's OK.
11:31It's going to be alright.
11:46It's OK.
12:11I should...
12:17I'll get some cash for you tomorrow.
12:20Sort you out.
12:23You're making it like I was paying you for it.
12:27I don't need to pay for it. I'd never pay for it.
12:31I wouldn't charge for it either but you always give me cash when we did it.
12:35Don't be so disgusted.
12:36I'm just saying it how it was.
12:39That's what happened.
12:41You can't say you didn't write it.
12:44Gold money, whatever, but...
12:47it's what you did.
12:50It might have made you feel better but it just made me feel worse.
12:55I... I helped you.
13:22Oh, sorry.
13:31I've always been good to you.
13:34I always treated you right.
13:44You're lying.
13:46To yourself, maybe.
13:48You're lying.
13:50I should know.
13:54I'm an expert at it.
13:59Cos I was lying to you.
14:03Lying to myself.
14:06Lying to others.
14:10I lied.
14:12I lied to everyone.
14:15But at least I knew I was lying.
14:17You didn't.
14:19You were thinking.
14:20You were nice.
14:22Are you messing me around?
14:23No, I'm not.
14:24You are!
14:25I don't want to do this!
14:28Are you playing games?
14:31I don't have time for games.
14:32I'm not playing games.
14:34I've got you!
14:35Get off me, Joel!
14:48I have 1,001 things that I need to be doing.
14:51So stop messing me around!
14:56Come on.
15:02I won't be long.
15:09Come on!
15:11And then you'd buy me things to make yourself feel better.
15:16Might as well have been a collar.
15:18It makes you look nicer, doesn't it?
15:22A little bit more respectable.
15:28Dressing me up.
15:30Like one of your playthings.
15:33You weren't complaining at the time.
15:37You are proper deluded.
15:40You were happy.
15:41I wasn't!
15:42Why are you rewriting what went on?
15:46I was scared of you.
15:52You were scared of me?
15:55Why were you scared of me?
16:00You hurt me.
16:07Come on.
16:08No, you...
16:09You loved it a bit rough.
16:11No girl has ever loved what you did to me.
16:15And I asked you to stop.
16:19You wouldn't listen.
16:21You wouldn't listen.
16:24I asked you so many times.
16:27So many times.
16:37That day...
16:40That last day.
16:41The last time.
16:42I saw you.
16:43You're listening to Weatherfield FM.
16:44Online and on digital.
16:45The time is 2 o'clock on Friday 23rd February.
16:49Let's head right over to our newsroom.
17:22Right, Bobby.
17:27Your dirty mouth.
17:30You don't make a sound without my say so.
17:38You hate me.
17:42Like you.
17:43Now listen, please.
17:45Ah, please.
17:49We have to make time for this.
17:51I've been calling you for days.
17:53Yeah, I know and I've been trying to find my time for you.
17:54Shut up.
17:59You don't want me coming here.
18:01You said you don't want me.
18:06Doing this.
18:07I'm in charge, not you.
18:12How dare you say you don't want this.
18:17No, I swear.
18:19I've been trying to find time so that I was ready for what you wanted.
18:44Please, Joel.
18:45I don't like this.
18:46I don't want to do this anymore.
18:47You're scaring me.
18:49I don't want this.
18:50This is what we do.
18:53It's what I pay you for.
18:55Not anymore.
18:58Or I'll call the police.
18:59Call the police?
19:00What exactly will you tell them?
19:03Are you trying to kill me?
19:06I'm not trying to kill you.
19:07Get out.
19:09The police wouldn't believe you anyway.
19:12Your word against mine.
19:15Well, Dee Dee would believe me.
19:26Don't be mean.
19:32Don't be mean.
20:56And that's why I had to disappear.
20:59I had to.
21:02Or you'd have killed me.
21:08Were we playing a game?
21:11Is that what we were doing?
21:13Was I getting it rough because that's what I liked?
21:15Is that what you think?
21:19You left me for dead.
21:23You just left.
21:24All of this.
21:26It stops now.
21:30I'm ending this.
21:34Where do you think you're going?
21:44I thought you said you were scared of me.
21:48I was.
21:50I was.
21:53But now I'm not.
21:56And why's that?
21:58You found some inner power?
22:00You go, girl.
22:01I'm not scared of you.
22:03Because I'm not alone anymore.
22:06Have you got a boyfriend?
22:08Some big bloke who's going to treat you really nice?
22:14Then who?
22:15Then who?
22:22Don't be silly.
22:23No, no.
23:04Is it mine?
23:09I haven't slept with anyone else.
23:12I don't put it about, despite what you might think.
23:17I mean, how far gone are you?
23:20Is it too late to make it go away?
23:24I'm just wondering how...
23:26I, if...
23:28Five months.
23:29Five months?
23:39Have you told anyone about it?
23:42I haven't got anyone else to tell.
23:48That's a relief.
23:50No, I...
23:53So how come you've let it get this far?
23:56I mean, I thought you might not have wanted to keep it,
23:58considering what you said about how you felt about me.
24:01I didn't realise at first.
24:04Not for a bit.
24:08And then when I...
24:09When I did realise, when I knew for definite,
24:12I don't know, I just started to feel things
24:15I could never imagine feeling.
24:23This might have had something to do with you at the start,
24:25but it's got nothing to do with you now.
24:30It's mine.
24:35I feel him move.
24:37I feel him move.
24:48Or her.
24:53It's moving around inside me, and it's...
24:57For the first time since I...
25:00I can't remember, I've...
25:03I've got... I've got somewhere.
25:07I've got someone.
25:15We have to talk about this.
25:16Don't talk about...
25:19Look, I get it, I do.
25:22I get what you're saying, but, Lauren, please,
25:24if you'd let me, I would love to be a part of the...
25:26No, you nearly killed me, then left me for dead.
25:28No, I didn't. I went to get help.
25:30I left to get help. You have to believe me.
25:33It's the absolute truth.
25:39Well, us.
25:40Me, I...
25:42I was in a total state.
25:45I legged it from the flat.
25:47I ran as fast as I could.
25:51Yeah, I suppose I could have just called for an ambulance straight away,
25:54but I don't know, I wasn't thinking straight.
25:57I don't know, I wasn't thinking straight.
26:00But then I saw this ambulance heading along the road.
26:03I ran towards it, waving my arms around, calling for it to stop.
26:06I was so desperate to get help.
26:09To get you out of the flat, but I didn't know what to do.
26:13I was running around like a headless chicken.
26:19They must have had an urgent call.
26:21They put their sirens on and they sped off before they saw me.
26:28Then I came to my senses and I realised I could just call for an ambulance.
26:33But I couldn't find my phone.
26:37I thought I must have dropped it when I was running around.
26:42So I ran back to the flat, to you.
27:34Oh, no!
27:39But the door was locked.
27:40I couldn't understand, but then I presumed you were OK and you'd locked me out.
27:44I called to you through the letterbox, begging you to open the door.
27:47Telling you over and over again that I'd made a mistake.
27:50No! No, no, no!
28:09Then I thought you might not be there.
28:11I... I thought you might have gone to the hospital.
28:16I searched everywhere for you.
28:18Oh, no! No!
28:32Hey, we're at home this weekend. Everton?
28:35Should totally smash him, right? I mean, on paper.
28:38Oh, well, that's the thing, we don't play on paper, do we?
28:40Tell me about it.
28:42Oh, well, it should be a busy weekend.
28:44Days, weeks passed and I kept asking around for you.
28:49But nobody had heard anything.
28:52I thought you might have gone back down south to your mum's or a mate's somewhere.
28:58I was so worried about you.
29:05I made a mistake.
29:07I flipped out and I hurt you. I know that.
29:12And I hate myself so...
29:14You should!
29:17I mean, it was no-one else's fault, was it?
29:19I ain't done out to deserve that.
29:24No-one deserves what you did.
29:28No-one deserves getting spanked over the head with a massive lump of wood,
29:32not just once.
29:35You hit me. Again. And again.
29:38I'm so sorry. I've got issues.
29:40You think?
29:41I've got issues that I need to work on and I've already started.
29:45I have.
29:48I'm, erm... I'm seeing a counsellor now.
29:54she's helping me work through these feelings.
30:01You're getting off hurting women?
30:08I shouldn't have hurt you. I shouldn't...
30:11I shouldn't have hurt you. I shouldn't...
30:15And this... this is no excuse.
30:17But I'm... I'm...
30:20I messed up.
30:25All the time we were together, eh?
30:28And I was giving you the worldly, wise voice of experience,
30:32telling you how you should live your life.
30:35I had no right.
30:42I've never told anyone this before,
30:49when I was a kid, I found out my mum was having an affair.
30:54I saw it with my own eyes.
30:56My mum with another man.
30:59And my dad must have found out about it too.
31:02And, well, he went downhill from there.
31:06He got depressed, like...
31:08properly depressed.
31:20It's OK.
31:22I don't want Lauren.
31:25No, it's Nina.
31:39You probably thought my life was all sunshine and rainbows
31:43in comparison to yours, but...
31:46my dad, he's better now.
31:50when he was at his lowest, he took it out on me.
31:54I was only a kid and he used me as a punching bag.
31:59My mum must have known about it.
32:02He told me not to tell her.
32:04He threatened me, but she must have known.
32:06She must have, but she did nothing.
32:10This therapy...
32:12counselling made me realise that this is where it all started.
32:20In my head, my mum destroyed my dad
32:23and then she chose not to protect me when he started to hurt me.
32:29When I...
32:32lost it with you...
32:37that's what was going on on the inside.
32:42But... I know now.
32:46And I'm changing...
32:49I'm changing my thinking, I'm sorting myself out.
32:52I swear to you, Lauren,
32:54I swear I will never lay a finger on you again.
33:06So, erm...
33:09go on.
33:11Let's get out of here.
33:15Please, Lauren, let's...
33:17let's go somewhere where we can talk properly.
33:21Give me this chance and you won't regret it.
33:25Let me make amends.
33:49Rest. You need to rest.
33:53I saw Lauren.
33:55You saw Lauren?
33:57Here, here. She was here.
34:02Roy, Lauren's not been here.
34:07was here.
34:08I've been with you the whole time and I've not seen Lauren or anyone else.
34:12It was before...
34:13before you...
34:15before you came.
34:19Lauren was here.
34:31Excuse me.
34:32Sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering if anyone has been in to see my uncle before me.
34:36You're his immediate family. There's no-one else?
34:39Yeah, just me.
34:40And I imagine they didn't allow you in until he was comfortable?
34:43Yeah, yeah, that's right.
34:44Then no-one else would have been here before you.
34:46Oh, OK. Thank you.
34:52What are you thinking?
34:55Tell me, please.
35:00I'm thinking...
35:04that I don't believe a single word that falls out of your mouth.
35:07It's the truth. You've got to be...
35:09No. No.
35:11I'm not going to lie.
35:13I'm not going to lie.
35:15I'm not going to lie.
35:17I'm not going to lie.
35:19You've got to be...
35:20No. No.
35:21You've said what you've had to say.
35:23I'm good for you, but I need you to get out of my way now.
35:26Please, Lauren...
35:27No, Joel!
35:29You tried to kill me.
35:34Have you any idea what that's like?
35:37I thought I was going to die.
35:40I laid there thinking I was dying.
35:43And if I weren't, then I soon would be if you knew I was alive.
35:47I lay there, holding my breath,
35:50praying that you'd go.
35:53And when you did,
35:56when the door closed and I dared to,
35:59I got up and I left
36:01without a second thought of what I needed or where I was going.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I licked it away.
36:07Away from...
36:09from my home.
36:12The one place where I belonged.
36:15I finally, once in my life, I belonged somewhere.
36:24People that cared about me.
36:28Everyone except you.
36:31I had to leave that.
36:34Everything good in my life because of you.
36:38I had blood...
36:40pouring from my head,
36:42and my hair was soaked with it, and I just ran.
36:46Terrified that you'd be round the next corner.
36:48I couldn't breathe.
36:51My head hurt.
36:53My chest hurt.
36:56Every little bit of me...
37:02I had to keep running.
37:05I was tired.
37:09But I couldn't stop.
37:14Eventually, I got into town.
37:17I started asking people for money.
37:20A quid for a bed for a night.
37:29a quid for a bed for a night.
37:32I knew it would risk it.
37:35But I had to keep my head down.
37:40It took hours.
37:43But I ended up with enough to get on the coach.
37:47Where to?
37:52I got on the coach.
37:55I sat at the back.
37:57It felt like I'd only started breathing normally again once we got on the motorway.
38:03And I started thinking about what had happened.
38:07And I just cried.
38:11I couldn't...
38:13I couldn't stop.
38:15The tears were just pouring from my face.
38:20It couldn't work out. I'd got myself into this mess, but I knew it was my fault.
38:25Yeah. I was the one that made you flip out because I didn't give you what you wanted.
38:33But then you always just did what you wanted anyway.
38:38So I thought maybe it wasn't that after all.
38:42Maybe it was because I hinted I'd blackmail you.
38:47I mean, you knew I could do it.
38:49You knew I'd done it to Ryan.
38:51That thought never entered my mind.
38:53Oh, I know.
38:54Because you exploded.
38:58You suddenly lost it.
39:02And that's something else, that.
39:06An immediate reaction.
39:08Not a calculated thing.
39:12But I figured it out.
39:16When I was sat at the back of that coach.
39:20That the reason you snapped...
39:26...was because I said her name.
39:30Dee Dee.
39:32You lay one finger on me, and I will scream this entire building down.
39:44It's mad, innit?
39:46Her name.
39:49Out of my mouth.
39:51Your beautiful...
39:53...girlfriend's name.
39:55Out of the mouth of your dirty little bit on the side.
40:02How dare I say her name?
40:05How dare I bring her and everything she means to you into your head when you're with me?
40:14But that's what I did that day, innit?
40:18That's what I did wrong.
40:23Do you know what days, weeks after it happened...
40:27Do you know what blinding realisation I had, Jo?
40:32I hadn't done anything.
40:37I had done nothing to deserve nearly getting beaten to death.
40:41Because nobody deserves that.
40:46It had absolutely nothing to do with me.
40:51But it 100% had everything to do with you.
40:56Look at me.
40:58Look at me!
41:02You're the problem.
41:04Not me.
41:09So no, I don't want to talk to you.
41:12And I don't want you anywhere near me and my baby.
41:16Not yours.
41:20Because deep down...
41:22...I know how little you think of me.
41:26To you, I'm just a problem.
41:30Something to be gotten rid of.
41:33You're wrong.
41:38Where you going?
41:42Get off the floor!
42:13Door closing.
42:16Door opening.
42:24Door closing.
42:33Hey, baby, OK?
42:35I'm good, where are you?
42:37Just heading into work.
42:39Just imagining a really boring thing, you know?
42:42Oh, isn't it weird?
42:45Oh, yeah, I wish it could.
42:48Just bumped into an old client hanging around outside the building.
42:51She's got a bit of a grudge.
42:53She got a custodial back in the day.
42:55A nightmare, yeah.
42:57Are you running?
42:59The sooner I sort this problem, the sooner I can rest.
43:09You sure you're OK, though?
43:11Yeah, yeah.
43:12All right, well, do you want me to come round on a mercy mission
43:15with some food and a bottle of wine?
43:17Oh, you know, that would be lovely.
43:20But I don't know how long I'm going to be. I might be half an hour.
43:22I might be an all-nighter.
43:24Hey, OK, we'll just not work too hard, yeah?
43:29All right, love you.
43:31I love you, too.
43:39Just go!
44:03THE END