Cásate con mi Esposo Capitulo 3 Castellano : Español España - Marry my Husband Castellano Audio Español

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Cásate con mi Esposo Capitulo 3 Castellano : Español España - Marry my Husband Castellano Audio Español
01:00Picante y pollo con salsa de soja, ¿salada?
01:03No, yo no.
01:05¿Tú has pedido pollo?
01:07¿Pollo? ¿Qué va?
01:08Venga, que tenemos que darle.
01:10¿Me habré equivocado?
01:12Tiene pollo frito, pollo picante y pollo con salsa de soja.
01:15Las patatas fritas y el refresco son gratis.
01:18Lo siento, pero...
01:20¡Que no es nuestro!
01:22¡Vete ya!
01:24Un momento.
01:26Anda, pues era Sidra.
01:28No hemos pedido nada.
01:30Vete, por favor.
01:32¿No han pedido pollo?
01:34Este es el 401.
01:36Me da igual que sea la dirección.
01:37Vete de aquí.
01:38Oye, oye, antes tengo que comprobarlo.
01:40¿Qué le pasa?
01:42Me estoy empezando a cabrear.
01:44Dime, ¿qué vas a hacer, eh?
01:49Estoy seguro de que es aquí.
01:51Lo comprobaré ahora mismo.
01:52Vuelvo ahora.
01:55¡Que no hace falta que compruebes nada!
01:57No tardo nada.
01:58¡Ya te he dicho que no!
02:05¿Qué haces, Joan?
02:14¡Abre la puerta, venga!
02:17Creo que no deberíamos estar haciendo esto.
02:22¿Pero qué estás diciendo?
02:25No soy el repartidor.
02:26Soy yo.
02:27¡Abre la puerta!
02:31¿Me oyes?
02:36No entiendo por qué te comportas así.
02:39¿Qué valor le estás dando a nuestra relación?
02:43¿Pero qué le pasa a esta?
02:45¿Estás enferma o qué?
02:47Tú no eres así.
02:49¡Abre la puerta!
02:50¿Qué te pasa?
02:52Creo que necesito un tiempo.
02:54Si te va a resultar difícil, dímelo.
02:56Me amoldaré a lo que me digas.
03:18Me voy.
03:19Me tienes harto.
03:25¡Abre la puerta!
03:46¿Me oyes?
03:50No te veo como una chica fácil.
03:53Me gusta más tu interior.
03:57Además, si eres un palo, no hay nada más que verte.
04:02No te lo tomes a mal.
04:07Siento lo de hoy.
04:10Buenas noches.
04:23¿Por qué poco?
04:28¡Me tienes hasta!
04:53¡Madre mía!
04:55Si no salía, iba...
04:57a subir otra vez.
04:59¿Lo he hecho bien?
05:01Sí, muy bien.
05:02¡Ah, qué guay!
05:03Parecía un espía.
05:05¿Pero qué pasa aquí?
05:13¿Puedo irme?
05:23¡Oye, tú!
05:26¿A dónde has ido con todo ese pollo?
05:28Me has dejado solo y me las he tenido que apañar.
05:31¿Pero qué querías que hiciera?
05:33Jug me necesitaba.
05:34Pedazo de...
05:36¡No, no, no!
05:38¡Venga, lanza!
05:39¡Muy lento!
05:40¡Apunta mejor!
05:41¡No te muevas tanto!
05:42Creía que te habías escaqueado.
05:44¿Por quién me tomas?
05:46¿Por qué?
05:49Pues no lo sé.
05:50Me pidió que hiciera una entrega falsa.
05:53Aquí está pasando algo muy raro.
05:55¿Por qué lo dices?
05:56Esta mañana me pidió que encontrara a alguien.
05:58Hice como unas cien llamadas, más o menos.
06:00¿Quería que encontraras a alguien?
06:03¿Por qué?
06:04Pues no lo sé, pero hoy tenía una cara.
06:06Deberías haberla visto.
06:09No me atreví a preguntar.
06:30Uno deberías haber sido famoso.
06:34Se me da mal estar delante de la gente.
06:36¡Problema tuyo!
06:38Eres demasiado tímido.
06:42Sin esa vergüenza habrías llegado muy alto.
06:45Si salieras en la tele así...
06:48Y luego...
06:51Nuestras ventas se dispararían hasta el infinito y más allá.
06:55Por cierto, no puedo venir este domingo.
06:58Ya he avisado al segundo chef.
07:00¿A dónde vas?
07:01¿Tienes una cita a ciegas?
07:02¿Ya estás listo para tener esas citas?
07:05No es eso.
07:06Para nada.
07:08Tengo una reunión de exalumnos.
07:10¿Ah, qué?
07:12¿Vas a ir?
07:13¿No evitas esos eventos desde que tu primer amor te rompió el corazón?
07:18Te dio calabazas, ¿no es verdad?
07:22A ti, a ti no te rechazan tan fácilmente.
07:27Oye, ¿cómo te has enterado de la reunión?
07:31No hablas con nadie.
07:44¿Por casualidad...
07:47¿Está libre este domingo?
07:57Verá, parece una buena persona, pero...
08:00Ya estoy prometido.
08:02Lo siento.
08:06No es eso.
08:08No es lo que piensa.
08:09No es eso.
08:13Hay una reunión de exalumnos.
08:15Vino un hombre y fue él el que me lo dijo.
08:20No sé quién es.
08:22No iba a mi instituto.
08:23Vaya, esto me huele a chamusquina.
08:27En estos casos es mejor no meterse.
08:29No vayas, a no ser que quieras ver...
08:31A tu primer amor.
08:36¿Qué te he hecho yo?
08:38No debería ser así.
08:41No quiero...
08:43Volver a hablar contigo.
08:46¿La echas de menos?
08:48Desde aquel fatídico día juraste no salir con nadie.
08:51Hasta llevas puesto un anillo falso.
08:56No debería ir, ¿verdad?
08:58Ay, Dios.
08:59Si vas a ir a...
09:00¡Chas, chas, chas!
09:01Ve con todo y ponte...
09:03Tu mejor traje.
10:04La verdad es que hoy me he enfadado mucho.
10:07Me las pagarás el domingo en el Gosul Jung.
10:09No llegues tarde.
10:11No voy a ser guapa de la noche a la mañana.
10:33¿Vienes ya, mi media naranja?
10:35Hoy es nuestra cita.
10:38No llegues tarde.
10:39Ponte guapa.
10:42No se pueden pedir peras al olmo, pero...
10:46Al menos yo sé lo que vale.
11:02¡Jung, sumín! ¡Sumín, eres tú!
11:08Estás preciosa.
11:10Ella siempre no ha sido así.
11:12Es una princesa, no ha cambiado nada.
11:14¡Gente, que ya ha llegado Sumín a beber!
11:20¡Un brindis por el instituto Teja de Bussan!
11:29Bueno, desde que estás en esta gran empresa te noto un poco más cambiada.
11:33Ahora pareces una chica pija de ciudad.
11:37He tenido suerte. Jung me ha ayudado mucho.
11:42¿Sigues hablando con ella?
11:45Es mi media naranja.
11:47No me lo puedo creer.
11:48¿Cómo dejas que te manipule?
11:50¿Qué hace ella?
11:51Se sigue aprovechando de ti, ¿no es verdad?
11:54No me molesta mucho.
11:55Y ahora está más guapa.
11:57Ah, vendrá más tarde.
11:58La he avisado.
12:00Perdona, ¿pero va a venir a la reunión?
12:03Por favor, chicas, sed buenas con ella, ¿vale?
12:06No está pasando por un buen momento.
12:09A ver, sorpréndeme.
12:13¿Te acuerdas de que la recomendé y le conseguí un puesto en Iván Key?
12:18Pues se ha enamorado de Park Minoan y...
12:20Espera, espera, ¿Park Minoan?
12:22¿Ese no es el que te gusta a ti?
12:23Es el mismo, ¿no?
12:30Ah, eso.
12:33No, no, no es lo que creéis.
12:37No le saquéis el tema, por favor.
12:40¿Y por qué no, Sumin?
12:43Ya está otra vez.
12:50Hola, Yun.
12:52Sumin, ¿dónde estás?
13:00Si no sabes llegar, te voy a buscar.
13:07Estoy aquí, detrás de ti.
13:21Yun, ¿qué es esto?
13:24¿No íbamos a comer solas?
13:30¿Cuánto tiempo?
13:36¿Cuánto tiempo?
13:50No voy a ser guapa de la noche a la mañana.
14:03Ya sé que tienes planes para el domingo, pero...
14:06¿Y si quedamos mañana?
14:27Ha subido a 1,4 millones de Wones.
14:29Invertí 3 millones, así que ahora ya son 6.
14:34Y así, cuando cobre, lo invertiré todo.
14:59¿Qué pasa?
15:11Se nota más de lo que creía.
15:21Por eso el director me dijo que no me los pusiera.
15:26No puedo ser más tonta.
15:29¿Qué pasa?
15:40Qué bonito.
15:53Perdón por llegar tarde.
15:55No pasa nada.
15:56¡Hala, Yuon! Hoy estás guapísima.
15:59¿Llevas la ropa que te compré?
16:02Y para hoy tengo esto.
16:06¡Gorras a juego!
16:11Este para ti.
16:14¡Te queda de maravilla!
16:18Ojalá a mí también me quedaran bien las gafas.
16:22¿Qué dices? Las gafas son de feas.
16:24Arriba es autoestima. Eres guapa, pero que muy guapa.
16:30¿Y Minwong?
16:32Llegará en nada.
16:36Qué buen tiempo hace hoy, qué calor.
16:40Dame las golosinas.
16:47Perdona, nos las acabamos y no he comprado más.
16:50Juppe, sabes que me encantan esas golosinas.
17:00¿Qué pasa aquí?
17:01¿Yuon, has vuelto a enfadar a Sumin?
17:03Minwong, Yuon no se ha acordado de traerme mis golosinas favoritas.
17:08Estoy triste. Si le importara, las habría comprado.
17:11No es justo.
17:14¿Dónde tienes la cabeza?
17:16¿Dónde tienes la cabeza?
17:19¿Pero sabes qué? Las he comprado yo.
17:22¡Mis golosinas favoritas! ¡Eres el mejor!
17:27¿Vamos a ver las flores?
17:30¡Coge las cosas!
17:34¡Date prisa!
17:45¡Hala! ¡Qué bonito!
17:48¿Lo tienes todo?
17:50¡Ah, mira ese de allí! ¡Ah, qué es precioso!
17:57Hoy es el día de nuestra gran cita.
17:59¡Ay, lo siento mucho!
18:02Tranquila, no pasa nada.
18:05¿De auténtic?
18:11Su Ming me los ha regalado.
18:13No son de auténtic, son falsos.
18:15Me acabo de enterar.
18:22Estos son los reales, ¿no?
18:24Sí, los auténticos.
18:28El brillo es distinto, ¿lo ves?
18:30Son fantásticos.
18:32Gracias, ¿a que son bonitos?
18:38¿Por qué ya no bebes tanto?
18:40Me gusta mucho beber contigo a ti, ¿no?
18:43¿Pero qué dices?
18:45Si yo bebo mucho.
18:46¿Ah, sí?
18:47Dijiste que no bebías.
18:48Que dejaste de beber el día que la liaste por una borrachera.
18:56¿Estás bien?
19:08Dejé de beber un tiempo, pero empecé otra vez por culpa de Minuan.
19:15¿Volviste a beber por culpa de Park Minuan?
19:20No ahora.
19:21Pero dentro de cinco años, sí.
19:25Beber con moderación está bien.
19:28Era una tontería dejar de beber por miedo a volverme a equivocar.
19:33¿Quieres empanadillas?
19:38¿Nos trae otras seis empanadillas?
19:41En aquel entonces, ese desliz por la borrachera me parecía un mundo.
19:44Se me había olvidado.
19:47¿Por qué le di tantas vueltas y me volví tan introvertida?
19:50Sus empanadillas.
19:53Huiyong, me caes muy bien.
19:55Eres alegre y reconfortante.
19:57Me gusta mucho, ¿es por eso que te llamas así?
20:00Ahí le has dado.
20:02Mi nombre significa conexión alegre.
20:04Conecta con quien sea desde la alegría.
20:07Ese es mi lema.
20:09Se nota.
20:10Huiyong, brindemos.
20:13¡Por la alegría!
20:14¡Por el destino!
20:22¡Prueba esto, está riquísimo!
20:24¿Ya mismo?
20:26Allá voy.
20:28¿A qué está rico?
20:32A decir verdad, me alegro de que hayamos quedado hoy.
20:36Los domingos no se puede beber mucho porque el lunes se trabaja.
20:40Es verdad.
20:42Mañana es la reunión de exalumnos, ¿no?
20:44¿Nos controlamos?
20:45Ya, bueno.
20:48Aún no tengo claro si al final iré o no.
20:52La verdad es que además de no ser de las populares, me acosaron.
20:57¿Qué? ¿Te hicieron bullying? ¿Es en serio?
21:00¿Pero por qué?
21:02Ni idea.
21:03De repente todos me odiaban.
21:06Eso me hizo sentir pequeña y cometer más errores.
21:11Y después de eso, me odiaron mucho más.
21:16Haberles preguntado por qué lo hacían,
21:18¿Cómo iba a hacerlo?
21:20No puedes saberlo si no lo preguntas.
21:23A ver, yo soy de las que huyen cuando las cosas se complican,
21:27pero hay que intentarlo y gastar todos los cartuchos antes de eso.
21:32Me gustaría saber si de verdad están locos o si tienen sus razones
21:37para no tener que arrepentirme después.
21:40¿Para no arrepentirte?
21:44Tiene mucha razón.
21:47Tiene mucho sentido.
21:49¿Cómo no se me había ocurrido?
21:52Su minna es demasiado buena con ella.
21:54Tanto que se pasa.
21:56Siempre igual, desde el instituto. Esa Ju-on...
21:59Jeje, espera.
22:01Ju-on no estaba sentada a la mesa.
22:06Tengo que oír el resto.
22:08Tienes razón.
22:11Si no quiero arrepentirme después, debería ir.
22:17¿Qué pasa?
22:19Convertir un pasado vergonzoso en historia no es algo que
22:23alguien como yo pueda hacer de la noche a la mañana.
22:27Puede que no, pero siempre se puede intentar.
22:32¿Ah, sí?
22:33Más vale prevenir que curar.
22:35Los que están preparados no fracasarán nunca.
22:52¿Qué estás haciendo?
22:54Me encantan las empanadillas.
22:56Me las comeré luego en casa.
23:03Ha llegado la hora de compensarte por tu amabilidad.
23:17¡Hola, señora Song!
23:19¿Cuánto tiempo, Ju-on?
23:21Ella es mi jefa favorita del trabajo, Kang Ju-on.
23:26Hola, soy la estilista Song Ye-min.
23:28¿Están preparadas?
23:37¿Qué pasa?
23:38¿Qué pasa, Ju-on?
23:40¿Qué pasa, Ju-on?
23:42¿Qué pasa, Ju-on?
23:46Pagaré todo esto con los puntos de mi membresía.
23:49No, Ju-on.
23:53Mi salvadora.
23:55¿Los puntos que caducan hoy?
23:57Vaya, menos mal.
23:59¿Qué habrías hecho sin ella, Ju-on?
24:02Qué pelo más sano.
24:03Cualquier corte le quedará bien.
24:05¿Se lo rizamos?
24:06¿O mejor ondulado?
24:09Un cambio radical podría hacerle parecer una persona completamente diferente.
24:15¿Y si le hacemos unas ondas y una permanente de pestañas?
24:19Y luego le arreglamos las cejas...
24:25No quiero ser otra persona.
24:32Vale, entendido.
24:34Entonces, Ju-on, hoy vas a renacer.
24:37¡Toma ya!
24:39Y hazle la raya en el otro lado y...
24:42¡El maquillaje!
24:44¿Está Nam?
24:45Sí, avísala.
24:47Ju-on, hoy vas a conocer a tu nueva versión.
24:50La verás enfrente del espejo.
24:52Estará delante de ti.
25:07Los que no son mentalmente maduros juzgan a los demás únicamente por su aspecto.
25:12Si quieres algo, vístete para la ocasión.
25:15Ese es el principio.
26:03¡Estás perfecta! ¡Estás estupenda!
26:05It makes you feel like a glove.
26:08You look gorgeous. Do you like it?
26:35Yes, I do.
27:05And this one?
27:09Oh, what a nice taste!
27:11The classic is timeless.
27:22I withdraw it.
27:23It will be again.
27:25I'm sorry.
27:26I'm sorry.
27:27I'm sorry.
27:28I'm sorry.
27:29I'm sorry.
27:30I'm sorry.
27:31I'm sorry.
27:32I'm sorry.
27:33I'm sorry.
27:34It will be again.
27:35Why? If it's not bad at all.
27:39Because this bag is for another person.
27:49Dude, don't cough in the meat.
27:51Did you catch a cold?
27:53It's because of the smoke. I'm fine.
27:57What's wrong?
27:59Your girlfriend doesn't call you or what?
28:01I don't call her either.
28:03You have to know when to move a card.
28:12You have to leave them alone so that they think well.
28:15And when they have thought, they call you.
28:18You don't know anything.
28:19Can you help us?
28:23I'll help you.
28:25Ah, it's the hammock. No problem.
28:28This is great. We stretch it.
28:30One, two and three.
28:33Oh, sorry.
28:35How clumsy.
28:37Come later and try the barbecue.
28:52That whore is holding up a lot.
28:56You're going to die anyway.
28:58Die now!
29:33The empanadillas are cold.
29:36Mom, give me more.
29:48Thank you, Cuyo.
29:55I'm going to bed.
29:57I'm going to bed.
29:59I'm going to bed.
30:00I'm going to bed.
30:02I'm going to bed.
30:08Hey, I'll look at your food kit proposal.
30:11Jurán and Sumín will be on the team.
30:13They'll compensate what you're missing.
30:17Have you read my proposal?
30:20Will John Sumín be on my team?
30:28Remember tomorrow's date, right?
30:30At 5.30 at the Gosul Jung.
30:41Who is it?
30:43It's me.
30:45What did you do today?
30:48I went to eat tokbokki with Huijun.
30:52He's sleeping now.
30:54Is Huijun at your house? Why?
30:57We were talking and he's asleep.
30:59We drank a little.
31:07Why didn't I go?
31:11Hey, did I do something to upset you?
31:16Did you do something to upset me?
31:18No, I didn't.
31:19What's up?
31:23I called to ask you a favor.
31:29What is it?
31:37It's about your kit proposal.
31:38It's a great idea!
31:40It's a great idea.
31:41Can I retouch it and present it again?
31:43Can I retouch it and present it again?
31:50I'm afraid not.
31:51I'm afraid not.
31:52That's my proposal.
31:53That's my proposal.
31:55Why not?
31:56I have a good feeling about it.
31:58I want to see it.
31:59I want to see it.
32:00I want to see it.
32:01Let's help each other!
32:02Let's help each other!
32:04You should have told me.
32:05You should have told me.
32:06If I had known,
32:07If I had known,
32:08I wouldn't have fixed it.
32:11I'm sorry.
32:12I'm sorry.
32:13I'll give you my next great idea.
32:14I'll give you my next great idea.
32:15Oh, and...
32:16Oh, and...
32:19In work, don't treat me as if I were a nobody.
32:24We're friends, but my position is higher than yours and I have a lot more experience.
32:28Don't ask me to bring more coffees because I won't obey any of your orders again.
32:33Let's not mix work with personal life.
32:40I'll hang up. See you tomorrow.
32:50What did she say?
32:53Kanjuan, how dare you talk to me like that?
33:01I've cancelled all my plans for you.
33:04See you tomorrow.
33:08I love you. See you tomorrow.
33:10I'll show you my new earrings, Yeji.
33:13She's so strong.
33:15When she's under the watch, she forgets how clumsy she is.
33:20Well, I'll have to remind her again.
33:24See you tomorrow.
33:37I'm here. They've brought the chicken. Come.
33:40How's your mother?
33:42Now she's calm because she knows I'm with you.
33:46My mother is very annoying.
33:48I'm 31. Why does she control me so much?
33:51Because you're very pretty.
33:53It's normal for her to worry.
34:00are protected since they're little.
34:06What if my mother...
34:09What if my mother has instilled it in me?
34:12Now I need a good man to protect me.
34:24She's got a point.
34:27Younggu, we've talked about work.
34:29Shall we move on to another topic?
34:33Of course.
34:35From now on...
34:37we're more than colleagues.
34:46That's it. Here.
35:04I love you.
35:30Hi, Joan.
35:32I mean, where are you?
35:40If you don't know how to get here, I'll look for you.
35:45I'm here, behind you.
35:59What's this?
36:00Weren't we going to eat alone?
36:12Wow, how long!
36:19Wow, what a change!
36:21You've gone from being a class clown to a princess.
36:25I don't remember you,
36:27but I think you're a weirdo.
36:29And rude.
36:31Oh, no, I'm sorry.
36:33I don't have many lights.
36:35He hasn't changed.
36:37He was a fool before, and he still is now.
36:41Hey, have you seen Sumin's earrings?
36:44Who's the rude one here?
36:49The earrings?
36:52Hey, they're not the same.
36:54These are much prettier.
36:59Theirs look cheap.
37:03They're an imitation.
37:05You copied her?
37:07Sumin, you should have bought the real ones.
37:10There are very good imitations.
37:12In the end, when there's no money, you do what you can.
37:25Makeup is an art.
37:27You improve with practice.
37:42Copies are complicated.
37:44No, no, no.
37:46They can be grade S, grade A and grade B.
37:49They're different.
37:51Grade A and grade B. They're different.
37:54And then there are all the others.
37:57What are those?
37:59Imitations that don't even have the decency to look like real earrings.
38:06They'd only give them to you for one reason.
38:09Humiliate you.
38:18Come on, let's drink.
38:20You had others to say you'd copied.
38:23So yours would look real compared to mine.
38:28But you did wrong.
38:30I know. I'll leave you mine.
38:33I think I've found a true friend.
38:37I'm sorry.
38:50I'm sorry.
39:13Kan Yuon always surprises.
39:15Why has he come when he doesn't like anyone?
39:17Maybe he came to eat.
39:19Have you seen her? She looks like a homeless. Poor thing.
39:26Kan Yuon always surprises.
39:29Why has he come when he doesn't like anyone?
39:31Maybe he came to eat.
39:33Hey, have you seen Seul's talk?
39:35Have you seen her? She looked like she was going to premiere, didn't she?
39:39But why is she still with Sumin?
39:41It's very clear.
39:43Sumin is too good with her.
39:46What's wrong with her? She's like a lamp. She steals everything.
39:49I couldn't stand her.
39:51Me neither.
39:54Poor Sumin. She really is lucky.
39:57We have to take care of her.
39:59Always the same, since high school.
40:06Yuon wasn't sitting at the table.
40:16I'm sorry.
40:47Hey, did you hear everything?
40:49Why didn't you say anything?
40:51Let's see, Yeji.
40:53I came in first. Do I have to go out to say hello?
41:08Don't listen to me. Keep talking.
41:10But I'm curious.
41:12What did I do to Sumin?
41:14You don't know?
41:16I wanted to be like her, and you copied her.
41:18Haven't you copied her earrings, too?
41:26Sumin gave them to me, but they were fake.
41:36It was too obvious.
41:38So I bought the real ones.
41:40Did I do something wrong?
41:44Now I want to know.
41:46What else did I copy from Sumin?
41:50The men.
41:51What was his name? Park Min-hwan?
41:53He's the guy who's dating Sumin, right?
41:56People don't change.
41:58Sumin was dating someone at high school,
42:00and they broke up because of you.
42:04I'm sorry.
42:06I didn't mean to.
42:09What do you mean Sumin and Eun-ho broke up because of me?
42:13Were they dating?
42:15So Sumin has something going on with Min-hwan?
42:19She recommended you for a job at the company,
42:22and you go and steal her boyfriend.
42:24Bad friend.
42:26I can't believe what I'm hearing.
42:30What do you mean?
42:32Hey, if you're going to get upset
42:35when you hear a part of the story,
42:38at least take the trouble to verify it.
42:44Pay attention.
42:49I'm a sub-manager at U&K.
42:52The eventuals also have cards.
42:55Exactly, that doesn't mean anything.
42:57I joined the company seven years ago,
42:59how long ago did Sumin join?
43:01I remember recommending her to me
43:03in my second year as a sub-manager.
43:05Last year?
43:07That's right.
43:08I asked her for her business card
43:10at the beginning of last year.
43:13But the strangest thing is that Park Min-hwan
43:17is actually my boyfriend.
43:32Hello, honey.
43:34I'm at the reunion of former students.
43:36Did you call me?
43:38Oh, no, I didn't mean to bother you.
43:40I called you by accident.
43:42Have a good time.
43:44Oh, okay.
43:46I understand.
43:47My friends want to say hello, right?
43:56Hi, how are you?
44:00friends of Ju-on.
44:02Hey, are you really his boyfriend?
44:04Do you swear?
44:05Hi, I'm Park Min-hwan, Ju-on's boyfriend.
44:08I didn't know Ju-on had more friends
44:10apart from Sumin.
44:12Take care of Ju-on for me when I don't...
44:47Where are you going?
44:49You, Kang Ju-on!
44:54Okay, we believe you.
44:56But at school, why did you tell her to leave her boyfriend?
45:12That's enough, girls.
45:14You can't do that to a friend.
45:16Stop it.
45:21Oh, yes, it's true.
45:24There's something I don't understand.
45:26I liked Ju-on.
45:29Sumin never went out with him.
45:35Did you go out with Ju-on?
45:45Let's see...
45:46Let's see...
45:52I'm sorry, Ju-on.
45:54I didn't know how to tell you.
45:56I didn't know if you liked him or not.
45:58How was I supposed to tell you I went out with him?
46:07Didn't you say I asked you to leave him?
46:09Then why didn't you tell me?
46:12I was wrong.
46:13We kept it a secret.
46:15That's why you didn't know.
46:17Did you know or not?
46:18Explain yourself.
46:22Ju-on, that's enough.
46:23Poor girl, you're scaring her.
46:25With that personality, I'm not surprised you don't have any friends.
46:28Why are you so stubborn?
46:29I talked to her like you talked to me.
46:32And I let you.
46:34Have you forgotten how you tormented me for three years?
46:37Have you forgotten how you tormented me for three years?
46:41I showed you my card and I explained my version to you,
46:44and now you don't like my personality.
46:47What if the card is fake?
46:49Like the fake purse you brought today.
46:53What are you talking about, bitch?
46:56I bought it in a store.
46:58And I paid it in 12 months with my first salary.
47:01Or maybe not.
47:04You think you're funny, don't you?
47:06You say it's fake based on your intuition,
47:09and then you question me?
47:11What else do you want me to tell you, Yeji?
47:13Apologize to me!
47:15Apologize right now!
47:16Apologize to me first!
47:21You believed Sumin,
47:23and you harassed me for three years.
47:26Do you still want to do it in a reunion of ex-students?
47:34You don't want to apologize because you just wanted to intimidate me?
47:37Very well.
47:38What are you saying?
47:40I am a person with principles.
47:45Sumin and Uno never dated?
47:48They say yes.
47:49Who are you to say otherwise?
47:54I won't speak for the others.
48:05But I can speak for myself.
48:12Sumin and I...
48:17never dated.
48:34How long, Kan Yuan?
48:41What the hell are you saying?
48:46Leave him.
48:51I'm sorry.
48:52Explain yourself.
48:54It's a promise.
48:55I'm sorry.
48:56I'm sorry.
48:57I'm sorry.
48:58I'm sorry.
48:59I'm sorry.
49:00I'm sorry.
49:01I'm sorry.
49:02I'm sorry.
49:03It's a promise.
49:04When you break it, you have to have a good reason.
49:07I don't understand.
49:10How do you want me to understand you?
49:12I can't explain it to you.
49:15It's not right,
49:17but I won't do it.
49:21Listen to me, Jok.
49:23You're going to be the one who inherits the Yu Wan Kei Group.
49:26As the General Director.
49:28Is that what you're going to tell people
49:30when you make important decisions?
49:32Is that how you're going to run the company?
49:34If I take command of the company,
49:36no one will ask me for explanations.
49:42It doesn't matter how good you are.
49:46It's always better to work hand in hand with someone else.
49:52A great man has to have a partner.
49:55A good partner.
49:58You think so?
49:59Yes, even your father.
50:02I don't think so.
50:08Young people these days
50:10say it's better not to get married.
50:12What nonsense.
50:14Do you think so too?
50:16Of course.
50:18I want to get married.
50:21I like someone.
50:25That's it.
50:27That's all.
50:33Do I have the pleasure of meeting you?
50:37What family are you from?
50:39What's your name?
50:43It's not appropriate.
50:49What did you say?
50:51I studied business as I was told.
50:54I went to the US branch.
50:56I joined the marketing team when you asked me to come back.
51:00I did everything you asked me to do.
51:03This time,
51:05trust me.
51:07Don't you dare
51:09make me feel bad.
51:11When have you done something you didn't want to do?
51:13When have I forced you?
51:15You listened to me because you didn't have any dreams, Jock.
51:19Accept it.
51:21Then this time I'm going to follow my own path.
51:24You are ungrateful.
51:29I love you.
51:38Grandpa, I'm telling you what's wrong with me.
51:43I like someone.
51:48But I don't want problems with women.
51:59I love you.
52:15Who is the woman you've fallen in love with?
52:19Investigate it.
52:21I wouldn't worry.
52:23I've never made a mistake.
52:25That's what scares me the most.
52:27People who aren't used to getting out of their comfort zone fall apart.
52:31It's true.
52:33But I don't think he's one of those who falls apart
52:36because of a woman.
52:38And then?
52:40The president?
52:42I couldn't get my son to retrain.
52:44How am I going to do that with my grandson?
52:48But that's another story.
52:52He locked himself up
52:54when his mother died.
52:58Why does he suddenly behave like that?
53:02Well, investigate it.
53:05The sooner we cut him off, the better for us.
53:20It's so hard.
53:23There's a reunion of ex-students.
53:28Excuse me, do we know each other?
53:30No, but I think you should be aware.
53:34Why are you telling me this?
53:36Do you remember Kan Yuan?
53:40I know there was a misunderstanding.
53:42I think it would be best if you went to clarify things.
53:48Wait, why would I have to clarify anything?
53:52To help Kan Yuan.
54:18Yes, tell me.
54:20Sir, where are you? Are you coming?
54:22I'm on my way.
54:30There he is! Isn't that Beku?
54:32Of course it is!
54:34He's alive!
54:36I'll call him and he won't pick up.
54:38One moment. What are you doing here?
54:40Well, never mind.
54:42Did you say...
54:44that you and Su Ming never went out?
54:54Did you like me?
54:58Then why did you do that?
55:20Why did you do that?
55:51He dressed like that...
55:54to go to the meeting?
56:19Wait, Yuan!
56:34I'm sorry.
56:36Did I clean your hand?
56:47What should I do?
56:49I don't know.
56:55I have to go now.
57:03No, no, no.
57:05I want to tell you something first.
57:08I never liked you.
57:13I said it without thinking.
57:20Well, I...
57:24I like you a lot!
57:50Why are you hesitating?
57:55If your heart keeps fighting, are you a dog?
57:58Just like angels and devils.
58:04You hesitated day by day.
58:08You hid it so that no one would see it.
58:13Tell me you love me.
58:18From now on,
58:20I won't be stupid about formalities.
58:24You're so beautiful.
58:26I'm sorry.
58:27She's gone crazy.
58:29You harassed her!
58:31Don't mess with me!
58:32Calm down, my half-orange.
58:34This time I'm going to do something about it.
58:37Mr. Yuan, it's nice to see you smile.
58:40Yu Jiwook feels something for you.
58:43It's true.
58:44There was a scandal between them.
58:46I'll tell Yuan.
58:47I'll tell him that my Nuan cheated on her with his Min and hurt her.
59:16I'm sorry.
59:17I'm sorry.
59:18I'm sorry.
59:19I'm sorry.
59:20I'm sorry.
59:21I'm sorry.
59:22I'm sorry.
59:23I'm sorry.
59:24I'm sorry.
59:25I'm sorry.
59:26I'm sorry.
59:27I'm sorry.
59:28I'm sorry.
59:29I'm sorry.
59:30I'm sorry.
59:31I'm sorry.
59:32I'm sorry.
59:33I'm sorry.
59:34I'm sorry.
59:35I'm sorry.
59:36I'm sorry.
59:37I'm sorry.
59:38I'm sorry.
59:39I'm sorry.
59:40I'm sorry.
59:41I'm sorry.
59:42I'm sorry.
59:43I'm sorry.
59:44I'm sorry.
