My Little Pony FiM Season 7 Episode 10 A Royal Problem The Fight with Nightmare Moon and Day Breaker

  • 2 months ago


00:00I never should have banished you to the moon. I should have destroyed you!
00:08No, you can't do that! Day, night, sun, moon, Equestria needs both of you! Without balance, there's no harmony!
00:19Who needs balance when you can have it all?
00:23You can't get rid of me so easily, sister. Unless you plan on smiling me to smithereens!
00:35I told you I was more powerful than you!
00:41Ugh, so much black. We get it, you're sad. You could really use some sun!
00:59It's all my fault! I never should have gone on this mission! Now Equestria's doomed!
01:12That smile's too wide. It's obviously not real.
01:23Why don't you want us to go on our field trip?
01:28I don't. I mean, I do!
01:33That smile's too wide. It's obviously not real.
01:40Celestia! I'm so glad you're-
01:42Celestia! I'm so glad you're-
01:52I've seen a lot, but I haven't seen this before. It's Starlight Glimmers. She's afraid this is what would happen if we continue to fight.
02:00What was I thinking? I'm never going with my gut again!
02:04If you don't fix this soon, it could have a grave consequence on Starlight's psyche.
02:08But my magic isn't powerful enough! I thought if we worked together-
02:11I have your magic, remember? It doesn't work in the Dream Realm. It has to be you!
02:16Oh, Luna, I can't do this! I was wrong. Your job is so incredibly hard.
02:22You have to battle Nightmares and work in the darkness and do it all alone!
02:26It takes such a brave, strong pony to do what you do!
02:30And that pony is you. I walked a day in your shoes.
02:33I thought all you had to do was smile and be adored all the time, but I was wrong!
02:38There is so much more to it than that!
02:55Don't do this to each other!
02:58In order to defeat Daybreaker, you need only to trust in your strength, as I do.
03:09You can't destroy me! I'm everything you want to be!
03:14No, you're not! You are not real, and you will never exist again!
03:28You did it!
03:30Only because you were here. I don't know how you do this alone.
03:35So, um, did you talk to yourself?
03:37Um, a little.
03:40Is this really happening? Or is this still a dream?
03:49Welcome back, sister. I know you had a long night, so I made you some pancakes.
03:56Oh, how nice!
04:03They are delicious! Thank you.
04:09I know that face! They're not!
04:12I know you have to be perfect for everypony else, and you do an amazing job, but you don't have to do it for me.
04:19In that case, they are terrible!
04:23I know!
04:25But it means a lot that you tried. I love you, sister.
04:29I love you, too.
04:31So, this was real!
04:34Or was it not real? And this just happened now, and not in my dream? I'm so confused!
04:43It's all real. It was the right call, going with your gut.
04:50The map was wise to send you, Starlight. Nopony else would have been so bold as to do what you did.
04:56That's a nice way of saying I came dangerously close to messing everything up.
05:01It was just what we needed. The experience has made us closer than ever.
05:10Wait, I'm not doing this!
05:17I believe that one means your mission is complete.
05:20Wow! I can't wait to tell Twilight!
05:23I already know! I mean, I don't know everything. I just got here to bring you your toothbrush!
05:28No, this is just a friendly visit, not interfering because I was worried. I wasn't!
05:32I knew you could do it, and I'm so, so, so, so, so proud of you!
05:34Tell me everything! Start from after I hyperventilate and don't leave out any details!
05:39Oh, uh, by the way, there's a field trip you need to make happen and a Timberwolf issue you need to address.
05:45What? Oh, look, there's the sun! Time for me to turn in!
