Sostenibilità, Pierini (Coca-Cola Hbc Italia): “Stabilimento Nogara certificato Gold da Water Alliance”

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Negli anni abbiamo investito in una fabbrica che si mantiene solo in una visione di medio e lungo periodo, per questo abbiamo ottenuto la certificazione Gold della Water Alliance, che dimostra un uso assolutamente responsabile dell’acqua, sia nel monitorare la fonte e la sua stabilità ma anche nell’investire in nuove tecnologie e nuovi processi. Per noi è fondamentale”. Lo ha detto Giangiacomo Pierini, Corporate affairs & sustainability director di Coca-Cola Hbc Italia, a margine della presentazione del progetto di ricarica delle falde acquifere nel territorio veronese, promosso in collaborazione con il Consorzio di Bonifica Veronese.


00:00The Nogara plant has invested since 2013 150 million euros in sustainability,
00:15in particular to protect the water resource.
00:18We were looking for a project that would go beyond the industrial activities that we do here
00:23and the opportunity to contribute to this forest infiltration area seemed to us the right opportunity
00:29to go and contribute to a project that helps the territory in the management of water,
00:34which sometimes there is too much and sometimes there is little.
00:37Over the years we have invested in a factory that is maintained only in a medium and long-term vision.
00:43For this we have obtained the Gold certification of the Water Alliances,
00:48which demonstrates an absolutely responsible use of water in monitoring the source and its stability,
00:55but also in investing in new technologies and new processes that allow them to be used over time.
01:00For us this is fundamental and we started doing it in the factory.
01:03This project does something more than that,
01:06which does not directly impact the plant but the water basin of the territory.
01:11Sustainability is born in our plants.
01:13We carry out productive activities, the Nogara plant is the most important in Italy,
01:17but it is the largest in Europe in terms of production capacity.
01:20And basically we have focused on two areas.
01:23On the one hand the responsible use of water, on the other the packaging.
01:27We have worked for a 100% recyclable packaging, produced in Nogara.
01:32We have worked to reduce the raw material,
01:35so we have tried to minimize the impact on the environment of our activities.
01:40As for water, we have reduced the water intensity,
01:44which is the use of the water used to produce a liter of drink.
01:48Today it is 1.56 liters.
01:51This 0.56 is not dispersed.
01:53In the valley of the processes it is cleaned and put back in the river Tartaro,
01:57which flows next to our plant.
01:59Then it is used mainly for agricultural purposes in the valley of our plant.
