Lost at Sea

  • 2 months ago
00:01:32The rogue wave came out of nowhere.
00:01:34With no warning, a 40-foot wall of solid water
00:01:37hit us like a freight train
00:01:39and was gone before we knew it.
00:01:49Suddenly, we were upside down,
00:01:51with water flooding through the companionway.
00:02:01What the fuck's happening?
00:02:09Are we okay?
00:02:12Are you fucking kidding?
00:02:13We're upside down, mate.
00:02:14We're bloody sinking.
00:02:15We won't sink.
00:02:16The water will stop rising
00:02:17when it equalizes with the outside.
00:02:20Shit! Shit!
00:02:22Guys, I've got to start it!
00:02:23I've got to start it!
00:02:25Hold on! Hold on!
00:02:31Grab everything you can!
00:02:33The aft cabin is the highest point.
00:02:35Come on!
00:02:36Come on!
00:03:02Look, that's about as good as we want to get it.
00:03:06I can't go in there.
00:03:08What are you doing?
00:03:10Emergency, mate.
00:03:12Come on.
00:03:18I can't go in there.
00:03:22Get in.
00:03:33What now?
00:03:35What the fuck do we do now?
00:03:36Yeah, eat.
00:03:45We're going to die.
00:03:49We're rooted.
00:03:50Shut the fuck up.
00:03:51We're going to break up.
00:03:53Sooner or later,
00:03:54a storm or a container,
00:03:55we're going down.
00:03:57Just keep calm, okay?
00:03:59That's the main thing.
00:04:01We'll be all right.
00:04:04We just turn this thing the right side up.
00:04:09Why not?
00:04:10Once the multi-hull capsizes,
00:04:13it stays that way.
00:04:14Fucked on the drawing board.
00:04:16Bloody death traps.
00:04:18Oh, we rinse something up,
00:04:20make a mask,
00:04:21sail upside down.
00:04:22She's 75% underwater, right?
00:04:30I've got food.
00:04:32I've got water.
00:04:33I've got tanks full of it,
00:04:35thousands of litres.
00:04:37We just have to wait.
00:04:40We'll be okay.
00:04:42I want you guys to relax.
00:04:44The only way forward was to adapt,
00:04:46learn to survive.
00:04:48They needed to accept the situation and go with it.
00:04:52But all they could think about was rescue.
00:05:03Come on.
00:05:18Yeah, of course.
00:05:20Wouldn't need to do it if you built an escape hatch.
00:05:23Now someone's going to hear us.
00:05:26How long before someone picks up the signal, you reckon?
00:05:29Hard to say.
00:05:31Too many boats out here.
00:05:33Have to go plan.
00:05:35How close they have to be to pick up a signal.
00:05:38Depends on the conditions.
00:05:47I'd missed my scheduled departure date.
00:05:50My original crew had dropped out at the last minute
00:05:52and I needed to find replacements at short notice.
00:05:55Jim, check it out.
00:05:57I wanted to sail before the weather changed.
00:05:59John Gurney.
00:06:00Jim, pleased to meet you.
00:06:01Yeah, good to meet you.
00:06:03So what's the weather like in Tonga this time of year?
00:06:05Ah, it's the tropics, mate.
00:06:06You know, sun, warm beaches,
00:06:08more beautiful women you can shake your stick at.
00:06:11I like the sound of that.
00:06:12Well, friendly islands.
00:06:15Could do with a cook.
00:06:16Got any sailing experience?
00:06:17Absolutely none.
00:06:22Oh well, it doesn't matter.
00:06:23I just need extra bodies to keep watch.
00:06:26How long would it take?
00:06:27Hmm, two weeks tops.
00:06:29Trade winds are pretty strong this time of year.
00:06:32You guys should come on down.
00:06:34Check it out.
00:06:38Could be just what you need, mate.
00:06:39Get away for a bit, time to think, clear the air.
00:06:42What about you?
00:06:46Sure, why not?
00:06:48Doctor phoned this morning.
00:06:50Going to see her tomorrow, but um...
00:06:53Looks like I'm in the clear.
00:06:54Life's cancers, it's a repeat.
00:06:57I'm retreating.
00:06:59Fantastic, man. Fantastic.
00:07:02Rosenwald leaving two days time, what do you reckon?
00:07:05Go on, write them down.
00:07:07Come on, Martha, don't do this.
00:07:09I mean it.
00:07:10Write them down.
00:07:12The people I'll have to get in contact with when you drown.
00:07:15For Christ's sake, have some faith.
00:07:17You've never been to sea in your whole damn stupid landlocked life.
00:07:20You can barely swim.
00:07:22We decided to take a break to see if this is what we really want.
00:07:25Not that kind of break.
00:07:26That guy's going to have you cooking from dawn till dusk.
00:07:28That is, when you're not throwing up, you get seasick in a kayak.
00:07:31Look, I'm sorry I can't be on call for you,
00:07:34but I really need to do this.
00:07:37Not your last will and testament, just a name and phone number in the States.
00:07:44Don't forget that.
00:07:46You'll need it.
00:07:47I'll wait in the car.
00:08:12She's had her pick of moments, hasn't she?
00:08:14Bloody air of departure.
00:08:17I suppose.
00:08:18Oh, you know Martha, she's probably just thinking of the worst that could...
00:08:23Neither are us exactly keen on this idea.
00:08:26But it's good you're going.
00:08:27It's important.
00:08:29No regrets, all that.
00:08:45Oh, we'll say goodbye here.
00:08:48What, you don't want to come down?
00:08:50I'm not big on public farewells and it looks like Martha's in one of her moods, so...
00:09:15Be careful.
00:09:17Don't fall overboard.
00:09:18I won't.
00:09:21See you in a couple of weeks.
00:09:22Bye bye.
00:09:33See ya.
00:09:35Love you.
00:09:38Oh, this is going to be so good for him.
00:09:42See ya, Dad.
00:09:43Bye, Dad.
00:09:44See ya.
00:09:46Bye, baby, bye.
00:09:47Love you, Mum.
00:09:48Be good.
00:09:50Oh, hey, don't be like that.
00:09:52Us girls, we'll look after each other.
00:09:56How's your mate?
00:10:00Is she alright?
00:10:11Oh, come on, cheer up.
00:10:13They'll be fine.
00:10:15Just think of all the fun you'll have when you get him back.
00:10:17He'll be hot to charge.
00:10:18No, it's...
00:10:20It's not that.
00:10:22We're breaking up.
00:10:26We're breaking up.
00:10:31Hey, Jim.
00:10:32Give Phil a hand with the fenders.
00:10:34I'd waited a long time for this adventure.
00:10:37Unfortunately, I wasn't sharing the first leg of the voyage with the men I wanted.
00:10:41But at least I had a crew.
00:10:43Once we made landfall in Tonga, I would replace them.
00:10:57This voyage was going to take me back to my old cruising haunts of the South Pacific.
00:11:02New beginnings, a fresh start, love and adventure.
00:11:06I'd invested everything I had in Rose Noelle.
00:11:09She was my pride and joy, my home, my haven.
00:11:16What do you reckon, Jim?
00:11:18Jim looks a bit green around the girl.
00:11:19Yeah, a bit, right?
00:11:23She's all yours, mate.
00:11:24Right, yeah, OK.
00:11:26...for all of New Zealand until the 6th of June.
00:11:29An intense tropical cyclone is situated off the east coast of the North Island
00:11:34with southwesterly gales gusting to 50 knots and seas rising to 6 metres.
00:11:39The weather is getting worse and worse.
00:11:41...the North Island with southwesterly gales gusting to 50 knots and seas rising to 6 metres.
00:11:47For all of the east coast, Cape Reck to Palisades including East Cape.
00:11:51Severe weather warning for all of the west coast from Te Rapiti to Cape Egmont.
00:11:59This was music to my ears.
00:12:01There'd be no beating into the wind.
00:12:03We'd sail on a broad reach all the way to Tonga and make faster time than I'd hoped.
00:12:11What's he got?
00:12:14I don't know.
00:12:16Looks like he's putting up more sail.
00:12:20The plane would have to be close, within a hundred nautical miles.
00:12:23Come on, John, honestly, how long before they find us?
00:12:26What you gonna remember of me?
00:12:28Of us?
00:12:30John, five days.
00:12:33That's OK, mate.
00:12:35Five days and we'll be out of here.
00:12:38According to the oracle.
00:12:48I estimated our position to be about 140 miles off the east coast.
00:12:53The EPUB signal was well outside the reach of domestic aircraft.
00:12:57We'd need to pin our hopes on an international flight.
00:13:07Jesus, I can't breathe.
00:13:09It's time you took a turn back there.
00:13:11Oh, shit!
00:13:16Can't be much longer now, surely.
00:13:19Somebody's got to hear that signal.
00:13:21They will.
00:13:23We've been pretty lucky up till now.
00:13:28In what way have we been lucky?
00:13:30If one of us had been on deck when that wave hit, it would have been curtains.
00:13:33If we cut the parachute, we would have been flying.
00:13:36Hey, it was your idea to put it out in the first place.
00:13:39Remember that.
00:13:40What's that got to mean?
00:13:42You knew the storm was coming.
00:13:44You put us out here. You risked our lives.
00:14:01Leaving on a journey and arriving at a destination is the best part of cruising.
00:14:06To be honest, I dislike blue water sailing.
00:14:08It bores me to tears.
00:14:10The excitement of bad weather and long night watches soon wears off.
00:14:15For me, it was all about seeing the world and taking my home with me.
00:14:21There's a man who knows what he's doing.
00:14:33We're flying along, mate. She's got a great turn of speed.
00:14:36Oh, yeah. She's fast.
00:14:38Just how I like the woman.
00:14:40Who have you left behind?
00:14:42You have someone in Australia?
00:14:44I'm more interested in who it could be sailing towards, mate.
00:14:47Hey, who's the lady in the picture down below?
00:14:49Well, that is the original Rose Noël.
00:14:53It's an Asian princess.
00:14:55Named the boat after her.
00:14:57I love her my life.
00:14:59You still love her?
00:15:01In spirit?
00:15:03You're going a bit fast, John, don't you think?
00:15:05We're not in that much of a bloody hurry, are we?
00:15:08Well, I want to get as far as we can before nightfall.
00:15:11But why?
00:15:13The weather's changing.
00:15:15The weather's changing? What do you mean? What's it doing?
00:15:17Well, there's a storm coming.
00:15:19And we're going to catch it.
00:15:22It'll be on us pretty soon.
00:15:24And then we'll do some real sailing.
00:15:26A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
00:15:30I don't like this.
00:15:32I really don't like this.
00:15:34Phil had limited coastal sailing experience.
00:15:37Maybe that's why he was so anxious.
00:15:39His fear was contagious.
00:15:41How long is this going to last?
00:15:43What's the big surprise?
00:15:45Have you guys heard the news?
00:15:49We've got to get out of here.
00:15:51We've got to get out of here.
00:15:52What's the big surprise?
00:15:54If you guys heard the rain forecast, you would have known about this.
00:15:57This storm's going to blow us all the way to Tonga in no time.
00:16:01You sailed us into a storm on purpose?
00:16:07Get it. Get it.
00:16:09Get on the radio, man.
00:16:11Fuck yeah.
00:16:13Get us a helicopter. Get us off.
00:16:16Hey, hey.
00:16:18That radio's short range.
00:16:20There's no one out here to hear you.
00:16:24Why what?
00:16:26Why is it short range?
00:16:28Because I don't have a license.
00:16:30Why not?
00:16:32Because I don't believe them.
00:16:34I don't want to waste the money.
00:16:36When you're out here, you're out here.
00:16:38That's the journey you're on.
00:16:40Fuck you, mate.
00:16:42We're going to flip.
00:16:44We're not going to flip.
00:16:46This yacht can't flip.
00:16:48I've sailed 40,000 miles on one of these.
00:16:50This is just another blow.
00:16:52I'm going to save you with my own hands.
00:16:54We're already past the Tesman together.
00:16:56You're safe, mate.
00:17:03What about a sea anchor? You got one of those?
00:17:05I've got one.
00:17:07Want to stop us bouncing around while we load it out?
00:17:12Have you got one?
00:17:14Of course I have.
00:17:16Well, then let's throw it out, slice down a bit.
00:17:18No way. It's brand new.
00:17:20Cost me a lot of money.
00:17:22It hurts.
00:17:24Let's take a boat.
00:17:26It's not about the democracy, mate.
00:17:28Hey, fuck you.
00:17:30Where is it?
00:17:44OK, drop the bag.
00:18:00OK, hold on to the bag.
00:18:04Take this right.
00:18:06Got it.
00:18:18All right.
00:18:40If I made one big mistake, this was it.
00:18:44Allowing myself to be bulldozed by a terrified crew
00:18:47with no experience of blue water sailing.
00:18:50The noise of waves smashing against a multi-hull is like gunfire.
00:18:54It can be terrifying if you're not used to it.
00:19:02What the hell was that?
00:19:04The chute must have failed.
00:19:06Then we've got to free it.
00:19:08No, too dangerous.
00:19:10It's pulling us side on.
00:19:12You make a mistake pulling it in, you could lose a finger or a hand.
00:19:15Then we cut it loose.
00:19:19It's not as bad.
00:19:21All we can do is sit tight and wait it out.
00:19:24We can't leave the chute like that.
00:19:26I'm a skipper anyway.
00:19:35Get some sleep.
00:19:37We'll sort it in the morning when conditions improve.
00:19:47Thank you.
00:20:10A smile in your eyes, a letter in your pencil.
00:20:13What's that?
00:20:17It's a signal.
00:20:19Maybe it'll pick it up.
00:20:20Yeah, double-jointed ass!
00:20:24We made the master father
00:20:27He hopped back into Vodka with his custom tiger parts
00:20:31We made the master father
00:20:34He could barely break a wing with his double-jointed ass
00:20:44You've risked our lives!
00:20:46What are you after, eh? Insurance money?
00:20:50I'm not insured. I don't believe in it.
00:20:53I'm insured with the gods, not the bottom feeders.
00:20:56Hey, you're in my space, mate!
00:20:58What happens if a wave flips the boat the right side up?
00:21:01Are we going to be fine with all this water?
00:21:03It can't happen, okay? It won't happen.
00:21:05No, we've got to cut an escape hatch.
00:21:08You are not.
00:21:10I'm cutting another hole in this bloody boat.
00:21:12Now you have some respect for her, for me, for everything I put into it.
00:21:15No bloody way.
00:21:17This is our lives we're talking about.
00:21:18If you won't do it, I will.
00:21:26It was painful to watch, like the violation of a loved one.
00:21:31But Rick was not a man to argue with.
00:21:34Once he made his mind up, that was it.
00:21:48Come on.
00:22:19Breaking outside didn't make them feel any better.
00:22:24Seeing the magnitude of what we were up against, their morale sank to a new low.
00:22:29Any hope of a quick rescue seemed a distant prospect.
00:23:12The light.
00:23:19Wait, I'll come back on.
00:23:26That's it.
00:23:35Once the EPIRB battery died, we were on our own.
00:23:39Outside standard flight paths and shipping lanes.
00:23:42Wind, current and the gods were taking us for a ride.
00:23:45The only control we had was over ourselves.
00:23:50Rick, Jim, give us a hand outside, eh?
00:23:53We needed to put differences behind us and work as a team.
00:25:02I got it.
00:25:07All right.
00:25:15I got it.
00:25:36I got it.
00:25:38Fella, give us a bloody hand, would ya?
00:25:40I'm busy.
00:25:42I don't know why you're doing that anyway.
00:25:44Don't bother.
00:25:45We need to make ourselves more visible through passing ships, planes, whatever, that's why.
00:26:11What else was down there?
00:26:12Oh, Jesus.
00:26:14That's what you're doing?
00:26:15Take it easy, man, I didn't mean to.
00:26:17Screw you, Rick.
00:26:18Look, look, I'm bleeding.
00:26:19Oh, get over it.
00:26:20Jesus, you're a bloody moron.
00:26:25And we ration all food from now on.
00:26:27Who says?
00:26:28It's the smart thing to do.
00:26:29We don't know how long we're going to be out here.
00:26:33And we're going to get hold of the sails.
00:26:35You're going to dive for them tomorrow.
00:26:37I've told you already.
00:26:38You can't sell us the boat upside down.
00:26:40And we make decisions by vote from now on.
00:26:42Majority rules and we stick to the rules.
00:26:44You used to be a cop, didn't you?
00:26:46Hey, let it go, Rick.
00:26:48Man, your emotional body is starving in urinate.
00:26:52Have faith in the God within.
00:26:54You can shove your dumb-ass religion up your skinny ass.
00:26:57Rick, pass me the cabbage.
00:27:00Where's the knife? This one's shit.
00:27:07We got tuna.
00:27:08There was a lemon somewhere.
00:27:10Lying around on this leaking silver boat.
00:27:14There we are.
00:27:20When I was a young boy
00:27:23I wanted to sail around the world
00:27:27It's the life for me
00:27:29Living on the sea
00:27:33Spirit of a sailor
00:27:38Circumnavigates the globe
00:27:41I've just been six months in a leaky boat
00:27:45Lucky just to be afloat
00:27:48What song is that?
00:27:49It's a Kiwi classic, man.
00:27:54I've got to get out of here.
00:28:03I've just been six months in a leaky boat
00:28:09I've just been six months in a leaky boat
00:28:11I think Rick felt he'd lost Jim to us
00:28:13Like someone had stolen his girlfriend
00:28:16Or maybe something else was going on inside his head
00:28:21Meanwhile, back home
00:28:22Jim's girlfriend Martha was becoming concerned
00:28:25By now, he should have made contact from Tonga
00:28:29After three weeks adrift
00:28:30No one had begun searching for us
00:28:32I think it still works
00:28:33I haven't used it for a while
00:28:35I haven't used it for a while
00:28:44You're not going to be able to get through anyway
00:28:46What's that, Darren?
00:28:48What did you say?
00:28:50You're not going to be able to get through
00:28:52Gordon will radio for you
00:28:54You arrange a time with John
00:28:55What do you mean?
00:28:59Gordon's supposed to call him and get his position
00:29:02But John's not going to be able to call him or name the boat
00:29:04Because his radio's illegal
00:29:06That's the deal
00:29:08The deal?
00:29:10I heard him talking about it
00:29:11Gordon's going to call him and give him away the forecast
00:29:17Why didn't you tell us this before?
00:29:19Your dad wouldn't have gone if he'd known they didn't have a proper radio
00:29:23I know
00:29:27How do you drive this thing?
00:29:34Come aboard
00:29:37So, I reckon they're out here somewhere
00:29:42Okay, let's give it a go
00:29:49That's what John and I agreed
00:29:51It's almost half past eight, he might be listening
00:29:55Cargo calling Rose Noel
00:29:58Do you read me?
00:29:59Confirmation, please. Over
00:30:15Was that 28 degrees south?
00:30:17Please confirm or deny, Rose Noel
00:30:2728 degrees south
00:30:29I'm sure that's what he said
00:31:04Let me get up here
00:31:17Something wasn't right
00:31:19I'd filled the tanks to capacity with fresh water before we left
00:31:24Where had it gone?
00:31:26For the first time I had doubts about our survival
00:31:46When are you going to check the water tanks, John?
00:32:01Checked them already
00:32:11What do you mean empty?
00:32:14There's no water?
00:32:15Hang on
00:32:16So, all the water you've been talking about in the tanks
00:32:21Thousands of litres
00:32:24It's all gone?
00:32:26What happened to it?
00:32:29Where's all the water gone?
00:32:31It must have drained out when we capsized
00:32:34Drained out? How come?
00:32:36There are air vents in the tanks
00:32:38Why don't you bloody well tell us?
00:32:41We need to stay calm
00:32:46You guys got to face the facts
00:32:48We're going to die
00:32:49We're going to die
00:32:51And there's no point about your stupid mast or your stupid rationing
00:32:57We've all had it
00:33:00Fuck the lot of you
00:33:02What's happened?
00:33:06Get the knife!
00:33:08Get the knife back!
00:33:09Back what?
00:33:10You drop it, you get it back!
00:33:15Hey, shithead!
00:33:16I brought a present for you
00:33:17Put your feet on it, piss off!
00:33:19If we're all fucked, why don't you swim for it?
00:33:22Bye bye, film
00:33:23Fuck her off!
00:33:24It's not my fault there's no bloody water
00:33:26Rick, stop it
00:33:27Come on, Rick
00:33:29Jesus, Rick!
00:33:31Rick, stop it!
00:33:33Rick, leave him alone
00:33:35Okay, I'll go down and look for the sails now
00:33:38I'll do it now, alright?
00:33:40Is that good enough for you?
00:33:41Yeah, why have you suddenly changed your tune?
00:33:43Because you're a dangerous man, Rick
00:33:44Things go wrong, things don't go your way
00:33:46You throw a wobbly, you don't trust
00:33:49I'll get the sail
00:33:50No, no, no, I'll do it
00:33:52Yeah, sure
00:33:53Bad idea, Phil
00:33:55I should do it, I know where they are
00:33:57So do I
00:33:59Fuck the lot of you
00:34:11What if it doesn't make it?
00:34:13More of everything for the rest of us
00:34:17You're out of line, Rick
00:34:20You're seriously out of line
00:34:47Come on!
00:34:55Rick hated to lose control
00:34:57And his setback could send him into a rage
00:35:00He always needed someone to blame for his predicament
00:35:03Usually it was me, but it could be anyone
00:35:06It was only later I understood what was really driving him
00:35:10He felt he was running out of time
00:35:16Good luck
00:36:04Hello, where's Noel?
00:36:06Come in, do you read?
00:36:10Where's Noel?
00:36:16Where's Noel?
00:36:42Thank God
00:36:44I knew it
00:36:45We'd make it
00:36:47It was a sign
00:36:49I knew we were being looked after
00:37:11I have told you, mate, there's no fish out here
00:37:13Nobody lives this far from the land
00:37:16By the rain, there's...
00:37:19Hey, um, maybe we could have a water ration now
00:37:24Still no sign of rain
00:37:28Hey guys
00:37:30Check this out
00:37:32What are you thinking?
00:37:34Any capsize, we would have been about here
00:37:38Prevailing current, it's going that way
00:37:40Going that way, take us maybe 10, 20 miles a day
00:37:43So, after 34 days drifting, that would put us right off the map
00:37:50But there's nothing there
00:37:52Nothing until South America
00:37:54That's going to take us...
00:37:56At least eight months
00:38:00Or the current could take us north along the line of the continent
00:38:04But we're out of sight of land
00:38:06And that would add another thousand miles
00:38:10Thousand miles
00:38:15Just you wait
00:38:17Your books are going to be famous
00:38:24What the fuck are you doing?
00:38:27You're writing your memoirs?
00:38:29Haven't made my mind up yet
00:38:31Might be a book
00:38:33Might be a lovely gift to my ex
00:38:35Who? Rose Noel?
00:38:37The poor bitch you named this piece of crap after?
00:38:41Why'd she dump you anyway?
00:38:44She didn't dump me
00:38:46She died in a plane crash
00:38:48Pan Am 816
00:38:50She was on her way to join me
00:38:53But there's been many women since my sweet Rose Noel
00:38:58Too many
00:39:02Sure, I mean
00:39:04You're a real catch
00:39:10Young, normal
00:39:14Rick, let's just
00:39:16Let's play a game
00:39:18Sure, why not
00:39:20Yeah, that's a good idea
00:39:22I'll play the winner
00:39:24Piss off
00:39:31You've got to take it easy on him
00:39:33I know he's annoying but
00:39:35Help me sit up
00:40:36Come on
00:40:44Are you going to tell him or shall I?
00:40:49You should do that outside
00:40:52It's too windy
00:40:56Phil lost the rod
00:40:57Phil lost the rod
00:41:04That was the only rig we had
00:41:09First the only decent bloody knife and now the rod
00:41:13How bloody thick are you?
00:41:15I'm sorry, okay
00:41:16No, not okay
00:41:18It's everything else about you
00:41:20You're a greedy farting pig
00:41:22Look at your head mate
00:41:23You look like you've been in a fight
00:41:24When are you going to learn how low the fucking roof is?
00:41:28I just want to go home
00:41:34It's okay
00:41:36It's okay
00:41:54Hey guys
00:42:20Hey guys
00:42:22Check this out
00:42:24What's going on?
00:42:26It's a collection system for water
00:42:30These are PVC pipes
00:42:31I've got heaps of them in the stub
00:42:33What do you think?
00:42:35I don't see how you
00:42:38How are you going to cut the pipes?
00:42:43But how about
00:42:46Why don't we use
00:42:49The surface of the hull
00:42:51As a catchment
00:42:54And we put wood
00:42:56Along here
00:42:59And over here
00:43:04With drain holes
00:43:09And here
00:43:17Good on you mate
00:43:19Now you're pulling your weight
00:43:20Good on you mate
00:43:24So have we got any wood?
00:43:38You can survive a long time without food
00:43:40But not without water
00:43:43Over the weeks we had reduced our rations
00:43:45To little more than two ounces of liquid each per day
00:43:48It's been a bloody work
00:43:50Precious water was almost gone
00:43:52We were beyond thirst
00:43:55Suffering the onset of dehydration
00:44:06What's that?
00:44:17It's a yacht
00:44:19It's the beacon
00:44:21Quick get the beacon
00:44:23Come on, come on
00:44:38Guys, guys, guys
00:44:39It's too far out
00:44:40They'll never see it
00:44:41They'll never see it
00:44:48You'll kill a right a few
00:44:50Good on you mate, brilliant
00:44:52Okay, stand back
00:44:59Here, take it off
00:45:05Come on, come on, come on
00:45:08Forget it
00:45:10It's gone
00:45:14A yacht like that shouldn't be out here
00:45:16It's a sign
00:45:17It's only not as close to South America as you thought
00:45:20No, it's a sign from God
00:45:22We're going to be okay
00:45:25Okay, no more
00:45:27You give me a fucking headache
00:45:29Everything in life happens for a reason
00:45:31That yacht is a sign
00:45:33We willed her to appear
00:45:36Just like you willed that storm to appear, eh?
00:45:39You fucking wanker
00:45:42God only knows what you know
00:45:43God only knows what you know
00:45:44Don't you know that?
00:45:46Everything comes from within
00:45:47Don't fight it
00:45:49One more word
00:45:51I swear, one more word
00:45:52And I will fucking gag you
00:45:53Breath, breath, breath
00:45:58Thank you God
00:45:59For bringing us this far
00:46:00And thank you for what is to come
00:46:08There is still no contact
00:46:09With the missing crew of the Rose Noel
00:46:11Which left Picton on June the 6th
00:46:13With four local men on board
00:46:16The trimaran was expected to arrive in Tonga
00:46:18By the middle of the month
00:46:20It is now six weeks overdue
00:46:24Following an unsuccessful search by RNZAF Orion
00:46:27Pressure is now mounting for a second search
00:46:30Despite the already considerable expenditure of public money
00:47:13That's it
00:47:42It's raining
00:47:45It's raining
00:47:47Get the bottles
00:48:07Thank you
00:48:08Thank you God
00:48:09Forty days in the desert
00:48:11Thank you
00:48:37They're alive
00:48:38They're on their way
00:48:44Does Rick have a white cable knit jersey?
00:48:54I see him in one
00:48:56Very nice
00:48:58And gumboots
00:49:00On an island
00:49:02Which island?
00:49:05I've asked the guides
00:49:06But they won't tell me
00:49:07They won't tell me
00:49:09The name is
00:49:11Two words
00:49:12Five letters
00:49:13And seven letters
00:49:18Rick's guide is here with us now
00:49:20He's standing right behind you
00:49:24He's telling us they're safe
00:49:40Come here!
00:49:51Come to papa
00:49:54Thanks to you there's no rod
00:49:55No bloody way of catching the bastard
00:49:58Come on Harry
00:49:59Come on
00:50:01Come on
00:50:08He'll be back
00:50:09Don't worry
00:50:10He'll be back
00:50:17I think I got something
00:50:19Oh that's perfect
00:50:22And this
00:50:25We good?
00:50:26Yeah we're good
00:50:27That's all we need
00:50:37Come on
00:50:56Harry's back
00:51:01I'm tired
00:51:08He's down there
00:51:09On the train
00:51:15Come on Harry
00:51:22Slowly mate, slowly
00:51:24Come on Harry
00:51:27Did he jump?
00:51:30He's got it!
00:51:31He's got it!
00:51:34I got it!
00:51:35I got it!
00:52:02Oh my god
00:52:03Oh Harry
00:52:04You're a top fish
00:52:08And I just hope
00:52:09That you have lots of mates
00:52:11Just like you
00:52:17No fish in the sea eh John?
00:52:19There will be now
00:52:21They'll be coming for the bouncers in the huddle
00:52:25When are you going to check those gas tanks John?
00:52:27There's no telling how far they've paraded
00:52:30One mistake blows all the bits
00:52:33Come on
00:52:35Let's just appreciate what we've got
00:52:38We don't give thanks enough
00:52:41Thank you God
00:52:43For sending us Harry
00:52:45And please help John find his inner what have you
00:52:47So that we can use the bloody gas tanks
00:52:54Harry's friends had begun to appear in numbers
00:52:57After two and a half months at sea
00:52:59The Rosenwell had become a floating reef
00:53:02Our menu was expanding
00:53:04Barnacles, seaweed and kingfish
00:53:07Plenty of kingfish
00:53:12Imagine that fried
00:53:16I'm not going to give up on the gas tanks John
00:53:26You find them
00:53:29Or I will
00:53:31You wouldn't like that
00:53:32It might hurt your precious bloody boat
00:54:09Ok John turn it on
00:54:20Ok John turn it on
00:54:29The coast is coming
00:54:33Shouldn't you be on your knees John?
00:54:56I'm trying
00:55:03You call those even?
00:55:04Yeah he's going to get the big one
00:55:06They're all roughly the same size
00:55:09It's your birthday tomorrow right Rick?
00:55:11You've got a first choice
00:55:14Don't worry Phil
00:55:15You can have the biggest smack then
00:55:26Bloody beautiful
00:55:33A hollow victory isn't it?
00:55:35Could have hit this months ago
00:55:37He knew exactly where those tanks were
00:55:39He didn't have to wait all this time to have hot bloody food
00:55:42We have to fight for everything
00:55:44It's like we're not suffering enough for him
00:55:45That's true mate, that's true
00:55:47Every idea we have he scoffs at
00:55:49He uses his knowledge of the boat to build a power over us
00:55:52Hey the most important thing is
00:55:54We got gas now, not food
00:55:57How good's that?
00:55:58He's starting to sound like a bloody wanker
00:56:02What the hell's wrong with you?
00:56:04He's the one that got this whole thing rigged up
00:56:07It's just...
00:56:08It's too bad for him
00:56:09Fuck you
00:56:11Hey why are you defending him now eh?
00:56:13Sad shit
00:56:14You pussy with a fucking yank
00:56:25Despite our improving situation
00:56:27Rick's moods were becoming darker
00:56:29More erratic
00:56:33Not even Jim was safe from his fits of temper
00:57:16Look at the breast meat
00:57:19Gross chicken
00:57:20Let's get him
00:57:39You got him, come on
00:57:40I got him
00:57:49Albatross burritos
00:57:52And a tomato puree
00:57:56You're a bloody artist Jim
00:57:58What's supposed to happen if you kill an albatross?
00:58:01The ancient mariner was doomed to wander the ocean forever
00:58:05The ancient mariner didn't fry hers
00:58:07So I think we get a pass
00:58:09So much food, we could have people over
00:58:18Happy birthday mate
00:58:22Nice one Rick
00:58:24Keep your warm on watch
00:58:27For he's a jolly good fellow
00:58:30For he's a jolly good fellow
00:58:32For he's a jolly good fellow
00:58:36And so say all of us
00:58:38Hip hip
00:58:40Hip hip
00:58:44What's up man, you alright?
00:58:47Couldn't have had a better birthday
00:58:51Doesn't make sense to be happy out here
00:58:59Come on
00:59:05Most of us gathered here have sailed the South Pacific
00:59:08And most of us know John Glennie
00:59:10So far our requests to mount another search have been fruitless
00:59:14So it may be that we have to find the money ourselves
00:59:17Some fifteen thousand dollars per hour of flying time
00:59:21Does anybody recall anything that he might have said about the route?
00:59:27Yeah, can you tell us if you definitely heard John's voice when you took the position?
00:59:31The speaker never identified himself
00:59:33But you clearly heard Rose Noel
00:59:37I think so
00:59:39You're full of shit
00:59:40Martha please
00:59:41It is only because of your lies that they searched the Kermadecs
00:59:45That was John's fourth waypoint
00:59:47It made sense to look for them there
00:59:50Karen was there, she'll tell you
00:59:53There was so much interference we could hardly hear anything
00:59:59We know nothing, that's the bloody truth
01:00:02What we want is to search from this line 300 miles to the east
01:00:10Funded by friends and family
01:00:12Another search has been mounted for the trimaran Rose Noel
01:00:16Missing at sea now for nearly three months
01:00:18Twenty minutes of flying time in this direction before we turn around
01:00:49It had taken nearly three months
01:00:51But finally we were beginning to work as a team
01:00:54Each of us had a role
01:00:56We had food and water
01:00:58We could have gone on forever
01:01:00Farewell and adieu
01:01:04To you fine Spanish ladies
01:01:08Farewell and adieu
01:01:11To you ladies of Spain
01:01:14Farewell and adieu
01:01:17To you ladies of Spain
01:01:21We've received orders to send for old England
01:01:26And perhaps never more shall we see you again
01:01:31Farewell and adieu
01:01:34To my fair Spanish ladies
01:01:37Farewell and adieu
01:01:39To you ladies of Spain
01:01:44We'll need a bigger boat
01:02:03There was no point in telling the others
01:02:06The ship was too far off to see us
01:02:09It was better to spare them the disappointment
01:02:34Get out here!
01:02:36What's up, Blake?
01:02:38It's all me
01:02:47Is it?
01:02:58Christ, you bastards
01:03:11Fix your eyes, John, you son of a bitch!
01:03:20I reckon we're about ten miles out
01:03:29You OK?
01:03:34Look at it
01:03:35Man, it's real, mate
01:03:44I couldn't find words to describe how I felt
01:03:51I just knew it was coming to an end
01:03:54Whatever that meant
01:03:56Perhaps that was what I was afraid of
01:04:00I didn't know
01:04:06I didn't know
01:04:12The others were looking forward to lives they could return to
01:04:16But my life was here
01:04:19With what was left of my woman, Rosemary
01:04:22I had nowhere else to go
01:04:31You know, we should have the record by now
01:04:35What record?
01:04:36119 days in a no-return buck
01:04:40Give me some kind of record
01:04:42Jesus, John, who gives a toss?
01:04:44I told you, you blokes are going to be famous
01:04:46Let's concentrate on getting on land first
01:04:48Yeah, I just want to get back to Karen and the kids
01:04:50That'll do me
01:04:55Can I?
01:04:56Can I?
01:04:57What? What can't you do?
01:05:00When I was a kid, we used to go on holiday on the Great Barrier Island
01:05:05See that peak?
01:05:07That looks like Yerakimata
01:05:10The mountain on the barrier
01:05:12Well, all mountains look pretty much the same from a distance
01:05:15I worked it out, it must be an island off South America
01:05:18Yerakimata, Mount Hodgson, I reckon that's it
01:05:21Well, how could that be possible?
01:05:22We've drifted thousands of miles in the other direction
01:05:25We might be wrong
01:05:34Making landfall is always dangerous
01:05:37The ocean striking a landmass can produce a short, confused seaway
01:05:43Inflicting wind and currents draw you in like a magnet
01:05:51John, quick, put it on
01:05:53There's no need
01:05:55No more bullshit, put the bloody thing on
01:06:04We could almost touch the land
01:06:07But having no way of steering Rose Noelle, we were in danger of being cast onto the rocks
01:06:16What was that?
01:06:17Must be the mast, hitting the seabed
01:06:20If the mast were driven up through the hull, Rose Noelle could break apart and throw us into the sea
01:06:26We've got to get off the boat
01:06:27We'll be all right, guys, we're being looked after
01:06:31I'm with you, mate
01:06:33Too dangerous, mate
01:06:34Stay with her, you'll be fine
01:06:41Go! Go!
01:06:43Come on, John! Run for the boat, John!
01:06:46Come on, John!
01:06:48No, no, no, one more go, one more go
01:06:51Come on, mate, swim!
01:07:01Come on, John!
01:07:13I was done, exhausted
01:07:16But apart from a blow to the head and a twisted knee, I was OK
01:07:23In the end, after months of constant danger
01:07:26During storm and tempest
01:07:28We just drifted gently to shore
01:07:32And when Rose Noelle could take us no further
01:07:35We slipped into the water and waded to dry land
01:07:59What are you doing, John?
01:08:09You blokes didn't have to worry
01:08:12We were always going to make it
01:08:15We should give thanks
01:08:22Let's just be thankful we made it
01:08:25Let's just be thankful we made it, mate, eh?
01:08:28That's enough
01:08:29Of course we do
01:08:31What did I tell you?
01:08:35Dry land
01:08:43We're never in any danger
01:08:45No one's
01:08:47Thanks to you
01:08:50I've got the sail back
01:08:53You must see it
01:09:03John, we're off, mate
01:09:17Tell me that's not a pahutukawa tree
01:09:20Toi toi
01:09:22Definitely New Zealand
01:09:32This way, guys
01:09:34Looks like a track
01:09:47Oh, my God
01:10:09I'm gonna lose my mind
01:10:11I'm gonna lose my mind
01:10:14Hello? Hello?
01:10:16It's locked
01:10:18What do we do? Break a window?
01:10:20No, no, no, no, it'll be clean
01:10:22It's the worst you can do
01:10:44I got the chair
01:10:50I got the peaches
01:11:01Not connected
01:11:06I must have been in shock
01:11:08Inside a real house after so long
01:11:10Still think we're in South America, mate?
01:11:13Three, two, one
01:11:19I couldn't join the party
01:11:21The feeding frenzy
01:11:27All I could think of was my poor Rose-Noel
01:11:30Drifting helpless in the bay
01:11:33I wanted to return to her
01:11:36But I didn't have the strength
01:11:43Watch out there, buddy
01:11:45Sharp scissors
01:11:48Need a hand?
01:11:50No, I'm good
01:11:52I'm really good
01:12:02Look at us, mate
01:12:04This house
01:12:06We are four bloody lucky guys
01:12:10Yes, we are
01:12:14A toast
01:12:16Tomorrow, with any luck, we find a phone and we get off this island
01:12:20It's very unlikely the four of us will ever be alone again
01:12:23Well, not like this
01:12:27John, I want to thank you for getting us through this
01:12:31Because of you, the Rose-Noel was a...
01:12:34Bountiful mother to us all
01:12:38To John
01:12:42I don't know why
01:12:44You were so certain that we were going to be saved
01:12:47And please, spare us any more of your crackpot theories
01:12:54Although it's hard to admit
01:12:57I guess you were right
01:12:59In the end
01:13:08I love you guys
01:13:10And I hope
01:13:14I hope that
01:13:16After all we've been through
01:13:18We can remain friends
01:13:22Famous friends
01:13:24They'll give us all medals
01:13:26Yeah, they're friends
01:13:28Oh, pudding
01:14:02Can't sleep
01:14:06How's your head?
01:14:08It hurts
01:14:50Yeah, yeah
01:15:02Can I help you blokes?
01:15:07Who the hell are you?
01:15:09Now what are you doing in Jim's house?
01:15:11Where are we?
01:15:13What do you mean?
01:15:15Great Barrier Island?
01:15:22Hey, what's going on here?
01:15:24Who are you?
01:15:25We're the crew from the Rose-Noel
01:15:29That drama ring that we're missing
01:15:32That's right
01:15:40You guys are supposed to be dead
01:15:44Really good to see you
01:15:58A few hundred metres either side of that cove
01:16:00I've been filling out a report on four dead bodies
01:16:03No chance
01:16:06Yeah mate
01:16:13Hi, can I speak to Heather please?
01:16:21It's me
01:16:23Sorry, love, didn't recognise you
01:16:26Are you there?
01:16:27Oh God, sorry, yes
01:16:29Oh darling
01:16:31I don't believe it's true, it's really you
01:16:34Yeah, it's me
01:16:37Look, we're on Great Barrier Island
01:16:39We're heading into Auckland so
01:16:41Get the first flight you can, are you and Maddy?
01:16:43Yes, I will
01:16:44Oh darling, I love you, I love you, I love you
01:16:46Maddy, Maddy
01:16:50Oh darling
01:16:53See you soon, okay?
01:16:56Port of departure
01:17:07Date of capsize
01:17:17Martha, it's me
01:17:20Are you there?
01:17:22Yes, of course I am
01:17:24You're flying us to Auckland
01:17:26Can you please get on the plane and meet me there?
01:17:32Please Martha
01:17:36Okay, bye
01:17:43So first
01:17:45Kay, you mentioned
01:17:47Sightings of a freighter
01:17:54Listen, hey, hey, hey
01:17:59Here, sneaky poo
01:18:01It's snowmobiling
01:18:06Hey babe, jeez, I've missed you
01:18:09Yeah, I know, I've really missed you
01:18:11Yeah, well you should get a
01:18:13Get a plane
01:18:15Get a plane to Auckland as soon as you can
01:18:26John, your turn
01:19:04Did you have any doubts that you'd make it?
01:19:06Not one
01:19:07Why's that?
01:19:10Abiding faith
01:19:16Mr. Glenny, I presume?
01:19:19Ross Lang, Marine Transport Division
01:19:20This is Captain McKinley
01:19:22Mind if we ask you a few questions?
01:19:26Did you keep a logbook, Mr. Glenny?
01:19:30Any idea where it is now?
01:19:32This was so unexpected
01:19:34Are you serious?
01:19:35Christ, can't this wait?
01:19:37If you want us to believe your story, Mr. Glenny, you'd better cooperate
01:19:40After all we'd been through
01:19:42What did you do for food and water all the time you were supposedly adrift?
01:19:50Rick, don't
01:19:56I struggled to comprehend how we could have survived so much and yet be treated with such suspicion
01:20:01I don't know what these men have been doing for 119 days, but they haven't been drifting on the ocean
01:20:06And it was only the beginning
01:20:08We had no inkling of what we were about to walk into
01:20:12No one would believe us
01:20:20Damn it!
01:20:21Mary, please
01:20:26Many people are wondering what power and spirit they had
01:20:29These four men who spent July, August and September adrift from the Pacific Ocean
01:20:34Their goals are to retrace the 119 day voyage of the Rose Noel with the use of a computer
01:20:39It's not too good to be true. We've no salt sores, far too well fed
01:20:42What have they got there all the time?
01:20:44Who do they think they're kidding? Bloody drug smugglers I reckon
01:20:47They're having a don and it's all bullshit
01:20:49I don't believe a word of it
01:20:51How can they be floating around for so long without someone seeing them?
01:20:54It's just impossible, it's just
01:20:56On the eye you're okay, mate, it's just not humanly possible
01:20:58I know what conditions are like that time of year
01:21:00No yacht's gonna stay afloat for even half that time, mate
01:21:03Amid the euphoria, relief and sheer joy at the survival of the crew
01:21:07some serious questions arise
01:21:10The transport minister has asked for a preliminary investigation
01:21:14into the crew members' claims of the 120 day ordeal
01:21:17which has attracted widespread scepticism
01:21:21So what do you say, John, in response to those who don't believe you?
01:21:25Is there an alternative story?
01:21:28You know, I couldn't give a stuff what anybody thinks
01:21:33Jim, check it out, John's on the telly
01:21:36We were adrift all that time and survived
01:21:39only because we were careful, clever
01:21:43and looked out for each other
01:21:45For the rest of my life I'll be grateful to Phil
01:21:48and Rick and Jim
01:21:51in circumstances that were the best men I could have hoped
01:21:55If you're watching this, guys
01:21:58I thank you
01:22:00We needed a miracle and we got one
01:22:04Skipper John Glenny claims his yacht was capsized by a huge wave
01:22:08three days into their voyage
01:22:10But now, after surviving 119 days drifting at sea
01:22:15the Rose Noel broke up in a storm yesterday
01:22:18Mr Glenny returned to the wreck by helicopter
01:22:21accompanied by Marine Division investigators
01:22:24who were trying to piece together the final voyage of the Rose Noel
01:22:30John, have a look at this
01:22:34I might have been wrong
01:22:38It's perhaps New Zealand's most miraculous survival story ever
01:22:42How four men and an upturned boat
01:22:45could drift on the high seas without trace for nearly four months
01:22:49and live to tell the story
01:22:51So remarkable was their tale of survival
01:22:54that some began to doubt that it ever happened
01:22:57But a report released today backs up the incredible saga
01:23:01This inquiry with detailed scientific evidence supporting it
01:23:06has demonstrated that this is absolutely true
01:23:10and in fact is one of the great stories of human survival on the seas
01:23:14Rose Noel Skipper John Glenny
01:23:16describes the report as fair and thorough
01:23:19He says it answers the doubts some people had
01:23:24Sadly, eight months after our return
01:23:27Rick died of a brain tumour
01:23:29Jim helped take care of him
01:23:31and then trained as a nurse
01:23:33Phil went back to sea
01:23:35He even made several voyages across the Pacific
01:23:38and fathered another child
01:23:40But despite the ordeal we had survived so well together
01:23:44after we left the island
01:23:46we never saw Rick, Jim or Phil ever again