Lessons Owls Childrens fantasy series All in a row

  • 3 months ago


00:30How's it going?
00:31Our lessons are called
00:33Children's Fantasies with Aunt Owl
00:38And also with me, with Neposluha
00:41Of course with you, Neposluha
00:44Our meetings will be very interesting and unusual
00:49Wow, unusual!
00:51Why is that?
00:53Because I will be studying with you
00:57But Aunt Owl
00:59You know about everything in the world
01:02Yes, I know
01:03But we will be fantasizing
01:06And you can learn all your life
01:10Even if you are the best fantasizer in the world
01:14That's great!
01:16So we will study all together
01:18Oh, Aunt Owl
01:20Why should we fantasize at all?
01:23Because fantasies help to develop imagination
01:28And make our life brighter, more interesting
01:32Without a fantasizer-dreamer there would be no fairy tales
01:37No songs, no pictures
01:40Let's start fantasizing soon!
01:43Okay, Neposluha
01:45Let's start
01:46What should I start?
01:48What should I do?
01:49I don't know how to fantasize
01:51Don't worry, it's very simple
01:54Let me help you
01:56What do you love the most in the world?
02:01Of course, toys
02:04Imagine that we moved to a country of toys
02:09Around you there are plush bears,
02:13Machines, dolls, airplanes
02:16And everything you can wish for
02:20Wow, great!
02:22Can I play with these toys?
02:24Of course, choose any
02:27It's your fantasy
02:30I didn't think that fantasizing can be found anywhere
02:37Can toys come to life and start playing themselves,
02:41Like in a fairy tale or cartoon?
02:43Why not, Neposluha?
02:45It is in the cartoon
02:48Do you want to see a wonderful multiplication fantasy?
02:53Can you imagine?
02:55I know, I know
02:56So, one, two, three
02:58The cartoon begins
03:03I wonder what toys do
03:06When I go to bed
03:08Maybe they start to come to life in a short time?
03:12Dasha the doll tries on a bright holiday outfit
03:16She plays with other bears,
03:18Marches rabbits in a row
03:20Negrityonok eats a banana,
03:22Bekemotyk an eggplant
03:24And merry monkeys read books together
03:31These tricky toys have a lot of fun
03:34But as soon as I wake up,
03:37They go silent
03:46How great, Aunt Owl!
03:48In this cartoon, the girl dreamed
03:51That toys come to life and play with each other
03:56This is a very kind and useful fantasy
04:00So, if I broke the car,
04:03I can tell mom and dad
04:05That she went to a race
04:07Very useful
04:09In no case can you do that!
04:12If you don't want to tell your parents the truth
04:16About the broken car
04:18And start making up nonsense,
04:20Then you will get
04:22A bad fantasy
04:24Which is also called
04:26A lie, not the truth
04:28Do you understand the difference?
04:30I understand
04:32If I don't do this,
04:34My fantasy will turn into a deception
04:37Right, you understood everything correctly
04:40And you guys understood?
04:42Well done, kids!
04:44We will definitely meet again
04:47At the new lessons of children's fantasies
04:50Where we will learn to distinguish
04:52Useful fantasies from harmful ones
04:55Isn't that right?
04:57And watch cartoons about dreamers
04:59Our lesson has come to an end
05:02See you again, guys!
05:05Bye, kids!
05:15Hello, dear children!
05:17Hi, kids!
05:19Aunt Owl and Little House Neposluha
05:22Are glad to see you again
05:24At the new lesson of children's fantasies
05:28Today we will dream again
05:30All together
05:32We will watch cartoons
05:34About dreamers
05:36And we will learn
05:38To distinguish
05:40Useful fantasies from harmful ones
05:43We will watch cartoons
05:45And we will learn again
05:47To distinguish useful fantasies from harmful ones
05:50It will be great, Aunt Owl!
05:52What will we fantasize about today?
05:55Neposluha, I already told you
05:57That we can dream about anything
06:01For example, where would you like to go today?
06:06But it's not fair
06:08I fantasized last time
06:10And I'm very tired
06:11I need to rest
06:12Today it will be your turn
06:14So it will be
06:15Today I will choose myself
06:17What a fantastic journey
06:20We will go
06:22Then it's my turn next time
06:25It's a deal
06:26Today we will visit
06:29A real giant
06:33Oh, how big he is
06:35What if he comes to us?
06:37I'm afraid
06:38Don't be afraid, Neposluha
06:40The giant is kind
06:41Nothing bad will happen
06:44If, of course, he doesn't starve
06:47While he is walking
06:49Let's visit his house
06:52Let's do it
06:53Guys, are you ready to dream with us?
06:57Then let's go!
07:00Wow, what a giant's house it is!
07:04I wonder, has the giant already had breakfast?
07:08I think so
07:10Auntie, look what a huge plate!
07:14A whole herd of cows can probably fit on it
07:19And what a big cup!
07:21It can probably hold a whole sea
07:25And this huge knife
07:28It can cut a mountain in half
07:31Look, Neposluha, on this plate
07:35You can play football
07:37And there will be a place for the audience
07:40A new auntie-owl
07:42We came up with it
07:44I wonder what the giant eats for breakfast
07:47We'll find out when we watch a new cartoon with the guys
07:53It will be a real childhood fantasy
07:59Let's go!
08:04A giant came to us from far away
08:09He eats ten boxes of sweets for lunch
08:13Three cartons of chocolate
08:15Two cartons of marmalade
08:17Six sausages, seven sausages
08:19And a bucket of rice
08:21He drinks lemonade
08:23He eats grapes
08:25He will rest for five minutes
08:27And again he eats, eats
08:30What to do? How to be here?
08:32How to feed Abzhor?
08:34And Auntie Sveta said
08:36To prescribe him a diet
08:38The giant ate the diet and lost weight instantly
08:45It was a lot of fun
08:47I also came up with something
08:49I wonder, auntie-owl
08:51Of course it's interesting
08:53If mom buys a cake for dinner
08:56And I accidentally eat it before the guests arrive
09:01Then I can fantasize
09:03And say that the giant ate the cake
09:06He eats a lot
09:08Oh, don't listen
09:10The giant, of course, eats a lot
09:14But he could not eat the cake that your mother bought
09:19This means that you just came up with it
09:23Especially to hide the truth
09:26Oh, so it turns out to be a harmful fantasy
09:30Very harmful
09:32If we fantasize about giants who eat a lot
09:37Then this is just a funny idea
09:39And if you eat the cake yourself
09:42And blame some giant
09:46Then this is a real deception
09:49Is it clear, auntie-owl?
09:52I will never do that
09:54Well, I'll try
09:56Now everything is correct
09:59Let's say goodbye to the guys
10:01Bye, kids
10:03See you soon
10:04And new wonderful fantasies
10:22Hello, kids
10:24Hi, guys
10:26I'm glad to see you again
10:28At the lesson of children's fantasies
10:31By the way, don't listen
10:33Last time you said that today
10:36It will be your turn to come up with a fantastic journey
10:42Did you forget about it?
10:44What are you, auntie-owl?
10:46Did you forget about it?
10:48What are you, auntie-owl?
10:50How can I?
10:51I didn't forget, of course
10:52Listen, recently my parents asked me to clean the room
10:56And I, well, to put it mildly
10:59I don't like it very much
11:02Didn't you listen to your parents?
11:05What are you?
11:07I listened
11:08I cleaned the room and fantasized at the same time
11:11Well done
11:12Well done
11:13You dreamed about how you will grow up
11:15And you will help your parents in everything
11:19Well, yes, and about this too
11:21But mostly I thought about the city of the future
11:25Where robots do all the work for me
11:28Let's go there today
11:30Sometimes I think that you are an incorrigible sloth
11:35But there is a deal
11:38Let's go to the city of the future
11:42Hooray! That's great!
11:45You don't have to do anything here
11:47Your parents will ask you to clean the room
11:49You just have to press the button
11:52A robot will appear and clean everything
11:56You are a sloth
11:58But you are a wonderful fantasizer
12:01You came up with such a beautiful dream about the future
12:06Thank you, Aunt Owl, for the praise
12:09I just really didn't want to clean
12:13Oh, I mean, I wanted to say that I tried very hard
12:17And what is here in the city of the future?
12:20Robots will do everything for you
12:25And they will wash the dishes
12:27You just have to click with your fingers
12:29And they will do the laundry
12:31On the first command
12:34And they will do the homework for you
12:36Of course
12:37I mean, of course not
12:39I mean, oh, I still have to think about it a little
12:42Okay, don't listen to me
12:44I'm sure you'll come up with something
12:47Just don't do the homework
12:49Now let's watch a cartoon about a girl
12:52Who also loved to fantasize very much
12:57And didn't like to clean the room
13:01Aunt Owl, I'm not the only one who doesn't like to clean
13:05Watch the cartoon and you'll find out
13:15I like to study homework
13:17Brush my teeth
13:18Wash my hands
13:19I like to help my sister
13:21And I like to be obedient
13:27I like to cook dinner
13:29Stroke, clean and wash
13:32Go to the store for bread
13:34And clean the apartment
13:39I like to have order
13:41And I also want to say
13:43That I like to lie a little
13:45That everything is stronger in the world
13:55Cool girl!
13:57I don't agree with you
14:00And I'm sure that this fantasy is harmful
14:04Why, Aunt Owl?
14:06Is it so bad not to like cleaning, washing and ironing?
14:09Because it's not good to tell everyone
14:12That you are engaged in cleaning
14:14When you yourself only sow and bully
14:17How could I not guess?
14:19A good fantasy turns into a lie
14:23That's exactly about robots, cleaners
14:26That's a great idea!
14:28And the girl from the cartoon ...
14:30I understand, I already understand
14:32Well done!
14:34Yes, now I would like to come up with something about the lesson
14:37It's time to say goodbye to the guys
14:40The lesson has come to an end
14:43So soon?
14:44It's a pity
14:45And I just wanted to fantasize more
14:48Yes, don't be lazy
14:50And complete the homework with the kids
14:55Fantasize a little yourself, guys
14:58And be sure to share your ideas with your parents
15:03Goodbye, guys!
15:06See you soon!
15:07I'll run to fantasize!
15:25Hello, dear children!
15:29Hi, guys!
15:31Here we are again
15:33At the fun lessons of children's fantasies
15:37Auntie, what fantastic journey are we going on today?
15:43You know, I recently remembered my childhood
15:52When I was little, there were no computers, no video games
15:58Even toys were made by our parents
16:02What a nightmare! You had such a difficult childhood!
16:06And no, not at all, on the contrary
16:10I really loved to study and go to school
16:14And also read books and draw
16:17But most of all in the world
16:20I loved to go in the summer to the village to my wise grandfather Filin
16:27He lived in a house on Apushka and always gladly received me as a guest
16:33No, I couldn't do that
16:35This is not life, but a constant hustle and bustle
16:38I could, I couldn't
16:40Maybe you want to check?
16:42Not for anything in the world
16:44Well, then, will you not refuse the pleasure of Auntie Owl?
16:49And will you not go with me to the same village from my childhood?
16:55What are you, Auntie Owl?
16:57Of course, let's go!
16:59Get ready!
17:06Here we are in my childhood
17:10How wonderful!
17:13And you know, auntie, I like it too
17:16Tell me with the guys about this place
17:18With pleasure!
17:20This is the house we lived in
17:23Let's go in?
17:25Can I?
17:26Of course!
17:28It is only necessary to really want to imagine
17:33And we are inside!
17:36Wow, how many books!
17:38Grandpa Filin read them all
17:40Yes, they are by ear
17:42And I also read many
17:45Well, then it is clear why you know about everything in the world
17:49Auntie Owl, and what is in the courtyard?
17:53Let's see
17:57In this haystack
17:59We with winged girlfriends loved to jump right off the roof
18:04And when we were still learning to fly, it was very fun
18:08Although Grandpa Filin sometimes scolded me for it
18:13It can not be!
18:14You did not listen to your grandfather?
18:16Here we sometimes do not listen
18:18And sometimes even hooliganism
18:20Just like in a cartoon about one of our neighbors
18:24Cartoon? Great!
18:26Let's watch it with the guys
18:28Of course, we watch a cartoon, and not in the haystack
18:32I have a lot of worries in the morning
18:34I did a lot of work
18:36I read a little book
18:38I combed my brother a little
18:40I watered the flowers on the dirt
18:42I bathed the kitten in a bowl
18:44I salted the porridge in the kitchen
18:47I teased my neighbor Mars
18:50I played with the turkey
18:52And then I went to the river
18:54I fished for five minutes
18:56I ran back to the dacha
18:58I looked into the nest of the cuckoo
19:00I treated the puppy with a bowl
19:03I helped my grandfather a little
19:08Why didn't I sit down?
19:16And this boy still asks why he did not sit down
19:20Let's better think
19:22What was the fantasy in the cartoon?
19:25Harmful or useful?
19:28I kind of know it's harmful
19:30I kind of know it's harmful
19:32But I can't explain why
19:36Fantasy is really harmful
19:38And all because
19:40Neposedo called all things by other people's names
19:44How is it?
19:46Judge for yourself!
19:48He said he helped his grandfather
19:50And he broke his bike
19:52Yeah, I got it
19:54That's when fantasy becomes a deception
19:57And Aunt Owl teaches that deception is a very harmful fantasy
20:02Well done, Neposedo!
20:04You said everything right!
20:06And now let's say goodbye to the guys
20:10After all, our lesson has come to an end
20:12Goodbye, kids!
20:14See you soon!
20:27New episode every Wednesday!
20:33Hello, hello, guys!
20:38I am very glad about our new meeting
20:41At the lesson of children's fantasies
20:43Yes, glad
20:45But it seems to me that someone here is not glad at all
20:50Neposedo, are you okay?
20:53Yes, Aunt Owl
20:55I am as glad as never before
20:58What's the matter? Why are you so sad?
21:01Eh, the fact is that I am punished
21:04Apparently for a reason
21:07What have you done?
21:09Well, I watched one movie about the ocean
21:11And I really wanted to swim
21:14In general, I arranged a pool in the apartment
21:17It can't be!
21:19How can it be?
21:21It seemed to me a very good idea
21:26Such a fantasy in such a stupid case!
21:30Oh, I got it from my parents!
21:33Now I am punished!
21:35Next time, when you really want something
21:39Try to fantasize about the consequences first
21:44And only then, having consulted with adults, take up the case
21:49Thank you, Aunt Owl
21:51I'll take it into account for the future
21:53It's time to start fantasizing and go
21:57Well, since it happened
22:00Let's go to the underwater world!
22:04Hooray! Let's swim!
22:10Aunt Owl, how great it is under water!
22:13Imagine that we have a large supply of air
22:18And we can ...
22:20And we can stay here longer
22:22And see different interesting places
22:24Look what we have ahead of us
22:28This is a real underwater palace
22:32Aunt Owl, mermaids live in it
22:36And the king Neptune himself
22:38The ruler of the seas and oceans
22:41Let's visit him
22:43Of course
22:45How beautiful!
22:47What a wonderful fantasy!
22:50I really like the underwater world
22:52Not like the pool in the apartment
22:54You see, it's much better to fantasize
22:59Than to do stupid things and be punished for it
23:03By the way, you are far from the only one
23:06Who makes such mistakes
23:09Really, Aunt Owl?
23:11We have a cartoon about one executioner
23:15Very similar to you
23:17Who also wanted to dive
23:21But not in the water, but in the ink, look!
23:28One, two, three, four, five
23:30I'm starting to count
23:32One, tore my hand in a shirt
23:35Two, broke the cups in the kitchen
23:38Three, filled the floors with ink
23:41Four, washed them with soap
23:44Five, broke a leg from a chair
23:47Six, taught a cat to swim
23:50Seven, teased his neighbor
23:55Eight, climbed a branch
23:57Nine, fell from a tree
24:00Ten days later, he was lame
24:03That's how I learned to count
24:05It's even a shame to tell
24:07It turned out to be not a pity and a funny math
24:11Yes, perhaps what I did is still flowers
24:15Compared to what I saw in the cartoon
24:18As for me, it's the same
24:21I understand that, aunt
24:23And I promise to fix it
24:25Okay, I'll call your parents
24:29And I'll say that you realized your mistake
24:32And you won't do it again
24:36Thank you, Aunt Owl
24:38And now tell the guys what conclusion you made today
24:43With pleasure
24:45Guys, you can't always do what you came up with
24:49Especially when parents are not at home
24:52And no one to consult
24:54But you can fantasize
24:58Our fairy tale about the underwater world was useful
25:02We had a great time
25:05And the house is completely dry
25:08But the fantasy about the pool in the apartment
25:12Yes, it was stupid, I admit
25:15Goodbye, guys
25:17Goodbye and fantasize for good health
25:36Hello, my dear guys
25:39Hello, friends
25:41Aunt Owl missed you very much
25:45Yes, and I missed the fun lessons of children's fantasies
25:50And you guys?
25:52Thank you, Neposluha
25:54Thank you, my dear children
25:57I am very pleased to know that you love our fun lessons
26:03And now it's time to go to dreams
26:07Aunt Owl, we didn't have an elevator recently
26:10And I climbed the stairs for a long time
26:13I was bored and I started fantasizing
26:18I dreamed that it would be great to have wings
26:22I could fly and I wouldn't have to climb the stairs for a long time
26:26Very interesting, Neposluha
26:30Very interesting, Neposluha
26:33I admit, I learned to fly as a child
26:37You are lucky, Owl
26:39And what to do with a small house?
26:42First, don't be upset
26:44Secondly, you can dream
26:49Aunt Owl, let's fantasize today
26:52About a trip to a flying city
26:55Where all the inhabitants have wings
26:58Great, my dear, let's do it
27:01Get ready
27:03Let's fly!
27:07Aunt Owl, Aunt Owl, look!
27:10I'm flying, how great!
27:12Look, look!
27:14Yes, Neposluha, you have a great imagination
27:17Yes, look, Aunt Owl
27:19Winged cars and traffic lights in the clouds
27:23And here is a pedestrian crossing
27:25These stripes are made of real clouds
27:28Then this is not a pedestrian crossing
27:32But a pedestrian flight
27:35Yes, exactly
27:37Where else would we fly?
27:39I suggest a flying library
27:42Well, no, there is nothing in the world
27:44Let's fly to the flying football field
27:48As you say, Neposluha, this is your imagination
27:52Besides, I believe that sports
27:55Are no less useful than books
27:58Both of them need a lot of time
28:04Let's fly back
28:06Otherwise your parents will worry
28:10No, no, I want to fly again
28:13Okay, let's fly again
28:16But we can skip the cartoon
28:19About new fantasies
28:22Well, no, I will not miss the cartoon
28:24Let's fly home, aunt
28:26Let's fly!
28:32Here we are at home
28:34Yes, by the way, about the game
28:36Do you know what else is a great way
28:41To fantasize together?
28:43No, aunt, what is it?
28:45This is a fantasy game
28:48Wow! Fantasy and a great game at the same time
28:53How is it?
28:54Very simple
28:56Let's watch a cartoon together
28:59Just about such a game
29:02About how children dream of flying on a plane
29:07The noise is fun in the yard
29:09There is a care for the children
29:11We are preparing for the flight
29:13We are building a plane together
29:15Alyonka brought a fan
29:17This will be our propeller
29:19Dad's razor
29:22The fence will go to the wing
29:24From the clock we will glue the arrows
29:27For the wheels we will take the plates
29:30That's all, a little more
29:33And it's time for a long-distance flight
29:35Get ready to take off
29:38We were immediately invited to sleep
29:41Okay, we'll sleep a little
29:44Let's fly in the morning
29:52Aunt Owl, I understand everything
29:55The guys played together and fantasized
29:58They built a plane and dreamed of flying on it
30:02Great game
30:04Well, children, that's all for today
30:08Aunt Owl, let's ask the guys after the lesson
30:12To try to arrange a fantasy game with friends or parents
30:16Great idea
30:18Just guys, don't break the plates
30:21And don't break the fence
30:24Good luck to you guys
30:26See you again, my dear
30:29Fantasy for health
30:43Children's Fantasy Game
30:48Hello, children
30:50Hi, guys
30:52Let's start a fun lesson of children's fantasies
30:57Let's start from the most favorite lessons
31:00Thank you, Neposluha
31:03Did you want to tell about your homework?
31:06Of course, Aunt Owl
31:08Listen, yesterday my mother and I were in a big store
31:12And we went to the sweets department
31:14I think I figured out what was next
31:18Don't interrupt, aunt
31:20Okay, okay
31:22There was so much delicious, delicious
31:25I immediately wanted to try it all a little
31:29And cakes, and eclairs, and cakes, and ice cream
31:32And sweets, and chocolate, well, everything
31:35Of course, I didn't doubt it
31:38It was all, all
31:40And you asked mom
31:43Yeah, I asked to buy
31:45But mom said that eating so many sweets is harmful
31:48That teeth and stomach may get sick
31:51And offered me to choose something
31:53And you chose
31:55Oh, I had to choose for a long time
31:58I asked for chocolate
32:00Well, I love chocolate most of all
32:05Yes, but I thought it would be great
32:08If I didn't have to choose something alone
32:11And came up with such a country
32:13Where you can eat as many sweets as you want
32:16And what you want
32:18They are everywhere, everywhere, a lot, a lot
32:21And you want us to be together with the guys?
32:24Yes, aunt, send my sweet kingdom
32:28Well, Neposluha, great idea!
32:38Here it is, my sweet miracle
32:42So, Neposluha, I wonder
32:44What is so wonderful here?
32:48Well, how, aunt, look
32:51Not water flows in this river, but milk
32:54It's even condensed on the shore
32:56And this is sand from real cocoa with sugar
32:59If you mix it all, you will get a sweet chocolate drink
33:05Look, the grass and flowers are made of marmalade
33:09And the petals are made of colorful jelly
33:12It can not be!
33:14And the clouds are also not simple
33:17They are made of cotton wool
33:19Just stretch your hand and grab
33:21I like it
33:23And these mountains, aunt Owl, are not made of stone
33:27And from the most delicious chocolate
33:30This is very cool, Neposluha!
33:33You are a great dreamer!
33:35Thank you, aunt Owl
33:37When I told my mother, she did not immediately believe
33:40Maybe you told it badly?
33:43Maybe, eh
33:45It would be great if she saw it all herself
33:48No, nothing is easier, Neposluha
33:51After all, we have a cartoon about such a country
33:55And in it everything is as you tell
33:58Call your mother to the screen
34:00Let her watch a cartoon with us
34:04Hooray! I'm already calling!
34:06We are watching the sweetest cartoon in the world!
34:12In the field of fabulous miracles
34:15There is a secret place
34:17There rose to heaven
34:19A candy tree
34:21Exactly five weeks later
34:23Caramel will sing
34:25And behind it marmalade
34:27And, of course, chocolate
34:29Lazy people ring on the branch
34:32And with a filling of candy
34:34All kinds of delicious cakes are ripening
34:39I pulled to Zephyr
34:41And ...
34:43Accidentally woke up
34:47It's a pity it was just a dream
34:50I liked it very much
34:56Well, exactly, a sweet kingdom!
34:59This is a real miracle!
35:01And to be honest, does this happen?
35:04The answer to the question of whether to believe in miracles
35:08Everyone should find it themselves
35:11Although I confess
35:13I prefer to believe
35:16And now, Neposluha
35:18Let's go back to our fantasy
35:21Tell me what it was
35:24Useful or harmful?
35:27It's very simple
35:29The fantasy was useful
35:31After all, it's so great to fantasize about a sweet tree
35:35Clever Neposluha
35:37Our lesson has come to an end
35:40Goodbye guys!
35:43See you soon!
36:03Hello guys!
36:05Hello everyone!
36:07Welcome to a new fun lesson of children's fantasies
36:14Aunt Owl!
36:16Yes, Neposluha
36:18Before going to bed, I fantasized about who I want to be when I grow up
36:22Very interesting! And who?
36:25Just promise not to laugh
36:27I promise, Neposluha, of course I promise
36:31I dream of becoming a space housekeeper
36:34And work at an orbital station
36:37Wonderful fantasy!
36:40And I was afraid you wouldn't like it
36:43What are you, Neposluha?
36:45It's just great!
36:47I think you already know
36:49What a fantastic journey we will go on today
36:55Of course!
36:56I want to go to the space orbital station
36:59No, nothing is easier
37:01Are you ready?
37:03The key to the start!
37:13Finally, Aunt Owl!
37:15We are in space!
37:16At the very real station!
37:19Good fantasy, Neposluha!
37:21Tell me, why aren't we in spacesuits?
37:25We just don't need them
37:27The station produces artificial air
37:30Why are we suddenly floating in the air?
37:34I'm not waving my wings!
37:36It's because, Aunt Owl, that we are in zero gravity
37:41That's right, there is no gravity in space
37:45So we can fly freely around the station
37:51And there, probably, is the main control room of the station
37:56Right, little spaceship?
37:59Where are you?
38:00I'm here, Aunt Owl!
38:02Fly over here!
38:03What a complicated equipment you have invented!
38:07It wasn't complicated at all
38:09But if it's a secret, I haven't figured out yet
38:12What are all these buttons and levers for
38:14If you want to work at such a station,
38:18you must know the purpose of each device
38:24Yes, Aunt Owl, I'll find out for sure
38:27This, for example, is laser gun control
38:30But why guns?
38:32Someone is attacking the station!
38:35Come on, Aunt Owl!
38:37No one is attacking!
38:39Guns are needed to shoot down flying meteorites and comets
38:43so that they don't fall to the ground
38:45Oh, that's it!
38:47How did I not guess at once?
38:51I see you just have to become a spaceship when you grow up
38:57Space flight!
38:59What could be more interesting?
39:01It's interesting to watch a cartoon about space flight
39:06Another child's fantasy
39:08that I specially prepared for this lesson
39:12Oh, how interesting!
39:14Let's watch it quickly!
39:16Let's watch!
39:22When I grow up, everything will be very simple
39:26I will live as I want
39:28For example, I will fly into space
39:31and I will jump on the moon
39:33Then no one will tell me
39:35that I can't behave like this
39:38that I should be obedient
39:41Then I will return home
39:43and there will be lunch, of course
39:45solid chocolates, citron marmalade
39:48Then it will be life
39:50There will always be holidays
39:53It's a pity that I will have to wait for a long time
39:56In the meantime, it's time to go to bed
40:03It's funny, Aunt Owl!
40:04The boy and I from the cartoon
40:06dreamed of very similar things
40:08but completely different
40:10Every child dreams in their own way
40:14in a special way
40:16This is the beauty of fantasy
40:19Yes, but we are very similar in one thing
40:21We still have a long way to go
40:23before we grow up and can fly into space
40:26No problem!
40:27Show patience and perseverance
40:30going to the set goal
40:32making your dream come true
40:34And you will definitely succeed!
40:38Yes, Aunt Owl, I understand!
40:40And you guys understand?
40:43Well done, kids!
40:45And our lesson has come to an end
40:48Goodbye, guys!
40:51See you again, friends!
41:11Hello, dear children!
41:13Hi, guys!
41:14Hi, kids!
41:15It's great that we are all together again
41:19at another fun lesson of children's fantasies
41:24Right, Neposluha?
41:27Aunt Owl, do you know what else would be great?
41:32I think it would be great to turn into an invisible person
41:35Why is that?
41:37It's so easy!
41:39I broke the vase and disappeared
41:41And there is no one to punish
41:42And who will be guilty then?
41:45What's the difference?
41:47Let everyone think it's the wind
41:49Let's say
41:50And what else?
41:52So, Neposluha, anyone can be guilty
41:55but not you, right?
41:57Of course!
41:58I can't be seen
42:00Are you sure this is a useful fantasy, Neposluha?
42:05I don't know, Aunt Owl
42:07It's definitely useful for me
42:10but I don't know if it's useful for others
42:12Then, before the end of our lesson
42:15you will have to decide
42:18what your fantasy is
42:21good or bad
42:23To do this, we will all go together
42:26on a new fantastic journey
42:30To the place where we are invisible?
42:32On the contrary
42:34We will go to an invisible city
42:40Let's go!
42:42Where am I, Aunt Owl?
42:44I told you, Neposluha
42:46In an invisible city
42:49But I can't see anything
42:51That's why, dear
42:53the city is called invisible
42:56I feel very strange
42:59I don't even know what I'm sitting on
43:02I'll help you with that
43:04You are sitting on a bench in the park of an invisible city
43:09Imagine a bench
43:13Where are you standing, Aunt Owl?
43:16I'm standing on a huge old stump
43:20Can you imagine?
43:21I see
43:24How does it work, Aunt Owl?
43:26It's very simple
43:28Everything is like in your fantasy
43:30but the opposite
43:32To make objects visible
43:35you just need to want or fantasize
43:40You just need to want
43:43I want to see the sky
43:46And there are clouds in the sky
43:48Land, grass
43:50And there are tall buildings in the distance
43:55And people are walking in the park
43:57Do you like to fill the world
44:00with objects and people?
44:02Yes, it's just great!
44:04Then now is the time
44:07to watch a cartoon about a childish fantasy
44:12very similar to what you told at the beginning of the lesson
44:18Oh, I would fantasize a little more
44:24If I had an invisible hat
44:27I would envy my friend Dima
44:30I would eat as much ice cream as I wanted
44:34I would not get off the bike in the morning
44:37I would be able to walk, jump, run and jump all day
44:41I would shoot from a slingshot, draw on a fence
44:44I would not teach lessons
44:46I would be such an excellent student
44:48I would have only five marks in my journal
44:52That would be beautiful
44:54It's a pity that this is just a dream
45:07Did you like the cartoon, Neposluha?
45:10Aunt Owl, you won't believe it
45:12but for the first time in my life
45:14the lesson itself seemed to me much more interesting than the cartoon
45:17How great we are fantasizing today!
45:20And what can you say about your society, boy?
45:25About the fantasy of becoming invisible?
45:29We don't have any common fantasy now
45:32I realized that it is much better and more interesting
45:35to fill the world with objects than to disappear from it
45:38Then see you again!
45:51Hello, my dear children!
45:54Hello, friends!
45:56I am glad to see you and the little house Neposluha
46:00at the last lesson of children's fantasies
46:04Is it really the last lesson?
46:06How quickly the time has flown!
46:09No, it's not the last lesson
46:12It's the last lesson of children's fantasies
46:15Is it really the last lesson?
46:17How quickly the time has flown!
46:20Yes, Neposluha, it's a pity
46:22but we visited wonderful fantastic travels!
46:29Yes, we were in the country of toys
46:31And also in the house of the giant
46:34And also we visited the city of the future with robots
46:37And, of course, the guys must remember
46:40how we moved to the village from my childhood
46:44Do you remember the sweet country?
46:47How else can I forget
46:50about our flight to space to the station?
46:53Great! It was great!
46:56But most of all I remembered the invisible city
46:59And now, Neposluha, we will go
47:03on another fantastic journey!
47:08And where this time?
47:10To the cave of robbers?
47:12No, we are moving to the country of fantasies
47:17Are you ready, Domovionok?
47:19Always ready!
47:20Then let's go!
47:23I don't understand, auntie
47:25You said that we would go to the country of fantasies
47:28We are in the country of fantasies
47:30Can't you see?
47:32This country is very similar to your scientific hollow
47:37A real country of fantasies
47:40Can be anywhere
47:42Even in a scientific hollow
47:44And what is special about it?
47:46Everything is possible here
47:49And any wishes come true here
47:53Absolutely any?
47:55And you check
47:56Great! I want to have wings again
48:00So that I can fly again
48:05And I also want there to be winter, snow
48:08And a new year has come
48:10I see you liked to fantasize
48:14Yeah, and now I want autumn
48:17Rainy autumn
48:19So not long and get wet
48:21Let me have an umbrella
48:23And I have an umbrella, like this
48:25And I like summer more
48:28And me, and me?
48:29Maybe you will be interested to know
48:32What other children fantasize about
48:36Imagining that everything is possible
48:39Of course it is interesting
48:41Then come up with a cartoon
48:44Oh, a cartoon!
48:46I can come up with a cartoon myself
48:48Are you ready, auntie?
48:50Let there be a cartoon
48:56A fox was sitting on a pine tree
48:58Flying past a sausage
49:03A hare was diving from a bridge
49:05From a carrot
49:09A carcass was spread in a net
49:11Uncle Peter was caught in it
49:14A cat Vasily ate hay
49:16A sparrow was growling at an elephant
49:18He was walking along the street
49:20On a five-ton dump truck
49:22Suddenly an angry bull
49:24Attacked him from the hill
49:27The fish were singing loudly
49:29Dancing under the fence
49:31An elephant, a monkey and a flea
49:34That's how the nonsense came out
49:38This is some kind of nonsense
49:40I did not come up with this
49:43Is it possible?
49:45And the fact that you still have wings
49:48Is it possible?
49:50Wow, I didn't even notice anything
49:53So you can fantasize about anything
49:56And not even feel the difference
49:58For example, that I am a poet, an artist or an inventor
50:01Don't fantasize that you are a poet
50:04Start writing poetry and become one
50:08Don't fantasize that you are an artist
50:11Draw pictures, become an artist
50:15Yes, I understand, guys
50:17And don't fantasize that you are inventors
50:20You just have to invent
50:22And that's right
50:24Dear guys
50:26Our lesson of childish fantasies
50:29Has come to an end
50:31We will definitely meet you
50:34At other fun lessons
50:38We will definitely meet
50:40I will not miss this at all in the world
50:43Goodbye, my dear
50:47Bye, friends
