Anne Frank's Dairy Full Animated feature film 4K UHD 60 FPS

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00:03:45Hello, I'm home.
00:03:51Daddy, it's you!
00:03:53Oh, you brought home lots of surprises, I'm sure.
00:03:56Let me see them, let me see them!
00:03:58A little patience, Anne.
00:04:00I'm keeping Corpoise's gifts in the meantime.
00:04:02Oh, yes, please!
00:04:06Take my case.
00:04:07Yes, Daddy.
00:04:10Let's go inside, Noah.
00:04:13Daddy, you're back at last!
00:04:15Thank heaven your home's safe.
00:04:19How are you, Edith?
00:04:21Did you have a pleasant day, dear?
00:04:25Can I open my presents now, please, Daddy? Can I, please?
00:04:30Happy birthday, dearest Anne.
00:04:32Here, these are for you.
00:04:35Oh, thank you!
00:04:39The one with the pretty ribbon on it is from Meep.
00:04:44Anne, open your presents carefully.
00:04:50If not, you'll spoil this lovely paper.
00:04:53And the ribbon.
00:04:54Everything is so very precious during wartime.
00:04:56Yes, I know.
00:05:01A book on the cinema!
00:05:06Oh, that's Greta Garbo!
00:05:10And, and Fred Astaire!
00:05:13Oh, I really adore them!
00:05:16Anne, my dear, you should look at the package underneath it.
00:05:21Oh, it's a dream come true!
00:05:23A diary!
00:05:27A diary.
00:05:35Oh, what a wonderful idea!
00:05:37Thank you, Daddy!
00:05:39Oh, what a wonderful idea!
00:05:41Thank you, Daddy!
00:05:43Oh, what a wonderful idea!
00:05:45Thank you, Daddy!
00:05:47Oh, what a wonderful idea!
00:05:49Thank you, Daddy!
00:05:51It's from your mother as well. We both had the same idea.
00:05:54Don't you think you should thank her, too?
00:05:56Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you, Mommy!
00:05:59Take advantage of your carefree life while there's still time.
00:06:06Otto, I'm frightened.
00:06:08We were forced to leave Germany because of Hitler.
00:06:11And now they're making us wear yellow stars on our clothing.
00:06:14In Holland!
00:06:16Yes, I know.
00:06:18The only way to escape the Nazis now is to hide from them.
00:06:21To disappear.
00:06:28What will become of us?
00:06:30This horrible war has me so worried for Anne and Margot.
00:06:33Edith, listen.
00:06:35You know as well as I do that it's too late and too dangerous
00:06:38for us to try to get out of Amsterdam.
00:06:41Korpuis has brought supplies and furniture to our hideout.
00:06:44In addition, Miep is going to help us, so be brave.
00:06:51Friday, June 12, 1942.
00:06:54You were the nicest present of all.
00:07:04I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely
00:07:07as I never have been able to do in anyone before.
00:07:11And I hope that you will be a great support and comfort to me.
00:07:15I want you to be the true friend for whom I have waited so long.
00:07:20And I'm going to call you Kitty.
00:07:24Because of the anti-Jewish decrees, Daddy can't take the tram
00:07:27like everyone else and has to go to his office
00:07:30at the other end of the city on foot.
00:07:33Ever since the German invasion in 1940,
00:07:36Amsterdam has been occupied by the army.
00:07:39And now we Jews must wear a yellow star on our clothing.
00:07:42If not, we can be arrested.
00:08:02My sister Margot and I have been transferred to the Jewish secondary school.
00:08:07Anyway, I'm so glad to be in the same class with Lise.
00:08:14Anne, you know, everyone is saying you're in love with Harry Goldman.
00:08:17Oh, we've walked to school together once or twice, but that's all.
00:08:20Anyway, that's not what he says.
00:08:26Since you seem to be so well informed, tell me what else he's saying about me.
00:08:31Guess, that I'm much too young for him?
00:08:34He says he prefers you to Fanny.
00:08:36That she puts him to sleep.
00:08:40Give me that. You're jealous.
00:08:42Just because Harry and I are friends doesn't mean the whole world has to know.
00:08:45Jealous? You're joking.
00:08:47He's 16 and he thinks all your friends are children,
00:08:50but he likes you because you're his alarm clock.
00:08:57My word, Miss Frank.
00:09:00Why this sudden enthusiasm for our young man?
00:09:06That's enough now. Quiet down.
00:09:08Who would like to solve a problem at the blackboard?
00:09:11No volunteers?
00:09:13Why don't we have an expert solve it? Miss Frank?
00:09:19Come on, Anne, you can do it.
00:09:22Come on, go up there.
00:09:24Come on, it's easy.
00:09:27She's never been in math anyway.
00:09:34Have you lost your enthusiasm?
00:09:38Vacation soon and no more algebra.
00:09:56Oh, how I'd love to go to the city.
00:09:59I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:01I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:03I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:05I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:07I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:09I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:11I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:13I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:15I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:17I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:19I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:21I'd love to go to the city.
00:10:24Oh, how I'd love to go to the cinema again.
00:10:28But even that is forbidden to Jews.
00:10:34Just as it's forbidden to ride the trams,
00:10:37to use a car, to go out after eight at night,
00:10:40Jews must hand in their bicycles, too.
00:10:45Being without a bicycle is one of the most awful things to bear if you live in Holland.
00:10:51You know, it's a shame.
00:10:53We weren't assigned to guard the beach in this heat.
00:10:57That was a close call.
00:10:59I'll never take my bicycle out again.
00:11:01Lise always says, I'm afraid to do anything because it may be forbidden.
00:11:21Just a second. I'm coming.
00:11:27It's a labor camp call-up notice for Margot Frank.
00:11:35What is it?
00:11:39Is it for me?
00:11:41No. No.
00:11:51Dear Kitty, our friends Mr. Kopois, Miep, and her husband
00:11:55came to our house that same night to discuss what we should do.
00:11:59Margot, who's only 16, has received a call-up notice to go to a labor camp in Germany.
00:12:05She's very frightened, because everyone knows what that means.
00:12:09Should we let her be doomed to this?
00:12:12Of course we will.
00:12:14Daddy has decided that all four of us will go into hiding tomorrow morning
00:12:18and not wait until they come to get us.
00:12:23I'm so frightened.
00:12:25We're here to help you, Mrs. Frank.
00:12:27Edith, please. We all need to show courage.
00:12:29This is the call-up notice.
00:12:31Beginning tomorrow, we're going to have to hide.
00:12:33Kopois, will you still help?
00:12:35Of course, Otto.
00:12:37I'm afraid I can't.
00:12:39I'm afraid I can't.
00:12:41Kopois, will you still help?
00:12:43Of course, Otto.
00:12:52There. My bag is full.
00:12:54Are you ready to go, Edith?
00:13:03I'm terrified for the children and for ourselves, too.
00:13:07I'm afraid of being stopped in the street.
00:13:10Everything we have...
00:13:14Edith, follow the itinerary I gave you,
00:13:16and don't forget to act as naturally as possible.
00:13:18If you do, everything will be just fine.
00:13:20I assure you, you go with Margot,
00:13:22and we'll meet you at the hiding place, just as we'd planned.
00:13:29Five-thirty in the morning.
00:13:31We're taking as much as we possibly can.
00:13:33No Jew in our situation would dream of going out with a suitcase full of clothing.
00:13:53I'm not going to be able to walk normally with all these clothes on.
00:13:56You'd be warm at the North Pole.
00:14:01It's time to go, girls. Are you ready?
00:14:04And don't forget to give the cat some milk before we go.
00:14:07Uh, but Daddy, I was hoping I could take Moshe with me to the hiding place.
00:14:13Please, Daddy.
00:14:15No, Anne.
00:14:17I'm sorry, but it's impossible. It would be far too dangerous.
00:14:20We're already wearing yellow stars.
00:14:22We'd attract even more attention if we took him.
00:14:27I've left a note for the neighbors saying goodbye
00:14:29and asking them to look after him, so don't worry.
00:14:31Come now. Say goodbye to him.
00:14:33I understand. I'm sad too, but we have no choice.
00:14:47Moshe, you'll see.
00:14:50I promise to come back for you very soon.
00:15:04Come, Anne.
00:15:09We really must go now. Get your things.
00:15:12There's no time to lose. Leave Moshe there.
00:15:14You'll come with me, and Margot, you'll go with your mother.
00:15:19Now, we've a long walk, so let's hurry up.
00:15:22But Daddy, I don't want to be alone.
00:15:24I don't want to be alone.
00:15:26I don't want to be alone.
00:15:28I don't want to be alone.
00:15:30Now, we've a long walk, so let's hurry up.
00:15:33But Daddy, where are we going?
00:15:35I think it's better that I don't tell you.
00:15:39Here, Margot.
00:15:43Take this.
00:15:46I feel as if I'm in an adventure film.
00:16:00I feel as if I'm in an adventure film.
00:16:30I feel as if I'm in an adventure film.
00:17:03Anne, we've got to go now.
00:17:30Anne, this way.
00:18:00Where are we going, Daddy? Is it still far away?
00:18:05What a miserable weather. I'd like to believe it's summer.
00:18:07You're right.
00:18:30I feel as if I'm in an adventure film.
00:19:00I feel as if I'm in an adventure film.
00:19:02I feel as if I'm in an adventure film.
00:19:05Walk normally, Anne. Just ignore him.
00:19:16Wait a minute.
00:19:19Damn it!
00:19:21You stupid reindeer! Can't you be careful?
00:19:30Can't you be careful?
00:19:49Can I go up, Daddy?
00:19:51Yes, go on.
00:19:55Come up, Anne.
00:19:59Come with me.
00:20:01Give me your things.
00:20:30Here we are.
00:20:32I don't believe it.
00:20:44Go on. It's all right.
00:21:00Come in. Margot and Mrs. Frank are already here.
00:21:10Don't be afraid, dear. Go on.
00:21:25So this is the mysterious hiding place?
00:21:28That's right, Anne. This is it.
00:21:30When Margot's call-up notice came,
00:21:32we realized we would have to go into hiding immediately.
00:21:35That's why things aren't quite set up.
00:21:37But why didn't anyone tell me our hiding place
00:21:39is right upstairs from your office?
00:21:41We had to make sure that very few people knew about it,
00:21:44and we thought it too big a secret for a little girl.
00:21:46I'm not a little girl anymore, and I know how to keep a secret.
00:21:54This will be your room.
00:22:02The dining room.
00:22:08It's so steep.
00:22:10The pantry.
00:22:12What's in here?
00:22:14You can open it.
00:22:20Now listen to me, everyone.
00:22:22For as long as we're here,
00:22:24the most important rule is not to make a sound during office hours,
00:22:27not to walk around.
00:22:29No one must know that the Frank family is hiding in this house.
00:22:32Obviously, we won't be able to open the windows.
00:22:38We'll have to cover them
00:22:40so that the neighbors can't see us day or night.
00:22:46Anne, you'll help me make some thick curtains,
00:22:48unpack the cartons, put things in the cupboards,
00:22:51and set up the beds in the bedding.
00:22:53Margot, you organize the kitchen.
00:22:55Yes, Daddy.
00:22:57Edith, you should rest. You look very tired.
00:22:59Does everyone understand? Let's begin.
00:23:03Mrs. Frank, I'll be doing the shopping every day,
00:23:06and I'll bring everything up just after midday,
00:23:08as soon as the employees leave for lunch.
00:23:10Oh, I don't know how to thank you.
00:23:12I don't know what we'd do without you, Meep.
00:23:15Oh, it's 8 o'clock.
00:23:17I'd better go down to the office. I'll leave you now.
00:23:20The employees will be here any minute.
00:23:22Just for the time being, wait until noon or tonight
00:23:25to unpack all of your cartons.
00:23:27We're all deeply grateful to you, Meep.
00:23:29Let's hope that this horrible war will be over soon
00:23:32and that we can leave here.
00:23:37Goodbye for now.
00:23:53Everything will be fine, Mommy. You'll see.
00:24:43But I...
00:24:45Shh. Quiet.
00:25:05What's wrong?
00:25:07I have to use the toilet.
00:25:48You won't believe me, Kitty,
00:25:50but there are even special hours for using the toilet.
00:26:07What was that?
00:26:10Don't forget, not a sound.
00:26:37Hello, everyone.
00:26:41Well done.
00:26:43We can't hear a thing from downstairs. Nothing.
00:26:45It's not easy to sit still for so many hours at a time.
00:26:47Oh, I think it's all right for you to talk,
00:26:49as long as you remember to keep your voices down.
00:26:52It would certainly make the time go by faster, wouldn't it, Anne?
00:26:57Well, I hope you understood what Meep just said, Anne.
00:27:00You should use your sister as an example.
00:27:03Well, I think it's about time we made this place a little more livable.
00:27:12Is everything all right?
00:27:18You're hanging up pictures of your favorite movie stars
00:27:21and a picture of our queen, Wilhelmina, too.
00:27:23Yes. Everybody laughs at me because I'm so keen on the royal family.
00:27:27But I don't care. I just hope that this war is over very soon
00:27:30and that our beloved queen and her entire family
00:27:33come back from their exile in London safe and sound.
00:27:36Oh, Otto, how long do you think we'll have to stay here?
00:27:58Margot, can you hear the church bells?
00:28:01I'm trying to sleep.
00:28:03Margot, I love them, especially at night,
00:28:06because you can count on them.
00:28:09What a beautiful sky.
00:28:15Be careful that no one sees you.
00:28:23Daddy said the Van Danne family will be coming into hiding with us.
00:28:27I hear that their son, Peter, is very nice.
00:28:30Nice-looking, too.
00:28:33I'll never be able to sleep with those church bells ringing every 15 minutes.
00:28:37Look at the stars, Margot.
00:28:40Look at the stars, Margot.
00:29:11Dear Kitty, I can't tell you how oppressive it is never to be able to go outdoors.
00:29:17Also, I'm very afraid we'll be discovered and shot.
00:29:21That is not exactly a pleasant prospect.
00:29:24We have to whisper and tread lightly during the day.
00:29:28Otherwise, the people in the warehouse, which is just below, might hear us.
00:29:41We're almost there.
00:29:47Welcome to our home in hiding.
00:29:49Hello, Mrs. Frank.
00:29:51Hello, Otto.
00:29:55Thank you so much for taking us in.
00:29:57You know my wife, Edith, of course.
00:29:59This is our eldest daughter, Margot.
00:30:01And Anne, who is now 13 years old.
00:30:09And Anne, who is now 13 years old.
00:30:11And I would like you to meet Petronella, my wife.
00:30:14And this is Peter, our only son.
00:30:18And you'll never guess who's inside here.
00:30:20His cat, Mooshie.
00:30:22He wouldn't leave him behind, and he has become part of the family.
00:30:27But you mean you brought a cat with you?
00:30:30Didn't anyone tell you that we don't want any cats?
00:30:33He won't be a burden to you at all.
00:30:35Peter will take care of him.
00:30:37He's fed. He's going to dirty things.
00:30:39And he could give us all away.
00:30:41I know how you feel, Anne.
00:30:43But Mooshie will become your friend, too, perhaps.
00:30:45But for now, why don't you welcome the Van Dance?
00:30:52Peter, the Van Dance son, is just 16.
00:30:55A kind of soft, shy, gawky boy.
00:30:58Can't expect much from his company.
00:31:02Mr. Van Dan, what's been happening outside since we left?
00:31:05And do you know what's become of my best friend, Lise Gosler?
00:31:08What did you say?
00:31:10You heard me, and I really would like an answer, Mr. Van Dan.
00:31:13You know, there are thousands of call-up notices,
00:31:15raids and arrests on the outside.
00:31:17It's a madhouse.
00:31:19I'm sorry, but I don't know a thing about your little friend, Lise.
00:31:22Why should we worry about others?
00:31:25We have enough problems of our own.
00:31:28Yes, you're right.
00:31:32Oh, what a nice large pile of clean sheets you've got.
00:31:35I would suggest that we use these first.
00:31:37What do you think?
00:31:41I thought it would be much better if each family used its own sheets.
00:31:45I agree with Mummy. It would make more sense.
00:31:47Is that how little girls are supposed to talk to grown-ups?
00:31:50Is that the way you were taught to behave?
00:31:52First of all, I'm not a little girl, Mrs. Van Dan.
00:31:55And secondly, don't forget you're in our home.
00:31:57Well, you ought to have been in our home.
00:31:59We were properly brought up.
00:32:01It's absurd that Anne is so frightfully spoiled.
00:32:03I wouldn't put up with it if Anne were my daughter.
00:32:06Hmm. Thank heavens I'm not.
00:32:14Hmm. Let me see.
00:32:16We do use my lovely table service every day.
00:32:18Do you think that makes more sense?
00:32:21You really think so?
00:32:24You really don't know people until after you've had a fight with them.
00:32:28Anyway, at least she's a good cook.
00:32:35Hello, girls. Your mother and I wanted to talk to you for a minute.
00:32:46I can understand how you feel about the Van Dans,
00:32:49but if each of us doesn't give just a little,
00:32:51the lives in this house are going to become unbearable.
00:32:53You should be grateful that we're together in a safe place.
00:32:56The situation is difficult enough.
00:32:58There's no sense in making things harder.
00:33:00But when she insults me, I can't just say nothing at all.
00:33:02Try to ignore what she says.
00:33:04I have no problem at all with the Van Dans.
00:33:07Try to be more like your sister.
00:33:09She doesn't look for trouble. She avoids it.
00:33:12Respect your elders.
00:33:15Anne, dear, please, I want you to show some self-control, that's all.
00:33:43I think of our hiding as a dangerous adventure,
00:33:46romantic and interesting at the same time.
00:33:49You can't grumble all day long.
00:33:51I've been given a lot.
00:33:53A happy nature, cheerfulness and strength.
00:33:56Every day I feel that I'm developing inwardly.
00:34:02I see how beautiful nature is.
00:34:05Why then should I be in despair?
00:34:09Here you are.
00:34:10You're always so kind and helpful, but I...
00:34:12Go on, take it.
00:34:15All you needn't thank me. It's only natural.
00:34:17I'll deliver the potatoes to your office later as usual.
00:34:21I have fewer and fewer ration tickets and things are more and more expensive.
00:34:24What's important is to keep your spirits up and never lose heart, right?
00:34:28One of these days this damn war will end.
00:34:30Let's hope so.
00:34:32Bye. Goodbye.
00:35:05Hello, Meep.
00:35:06Hello, everyone. How are you?
00:35:08Did you have a pleasant day?
00:35:10Don't worry about it.
00:35:14Peter, help me, please.
00:35:16Oh, it's heavy.
00:35:18I found almost everything you asked me for.
00:35:21But it wasn't easy.
00:35:23I have a few surprises for you as well.
00:35:27This is for you.
00:35:28Thank you, Meep. Tobacco.
00:35:30Thank you so much.
00:35:31What else?
00:35:36And here's your movie magazine with all your favorite film stars.
00:35:39Oh, great. Thank you.
00:35:42I thought you might like this autumn leaf as a present.
00:35:53Let me see.
00:35:54Wait. Oh, no.
00:35:56Now look what you've done.
00:36:00Oh, I'm sorry, Anne.
00:36:03Now for the big surprise.
00:36:06Take it, Mr. Frank. Go on.
00:36:13I wonder what it is.
00:36:17Oh, it's a...
00:36:19It's a book.
00:36:21Perhaps you should open it.
00:36:29Oh, it's a...
00:36:31Oh, Meep, it's a little radio.
00:36:33How wonderful.
00:36:34Now we can listen to the BBC and Radio Orange
00:36:36for news of the free world
00:36:38instead of Nazi propaganda newspapers.
00:36:41It's forbidden to have a radio.
00:36:43So, on top of clandestine Jews,
00:36:46clandestine money for clandestine buying on the black market,
00:36:49we can add a clandestine radio.
00:36:51As the news from the outside gets worse,
00:36:54the radio helps the people.
00:36:56I'm sorry, Meep.
00:36:57I'm sorry.
00:36:58I'm sorry.
00:36:59I'm sorry.
00:37:00I'm sorry.
00:37:01I'm sorry.
00:37:02I'm sorry.
00:37:03I'm sorry.
00:37:04I'm sorry.
00:37:05I'm sorry.
00:37:06I'm sorry.
00:37:07I'm sorry.
00:37:08I'm sorry.
00:37:09The radio helps to keep up our morale.
00:37:12This morning, English and American troops
00:37:14landed in Tunis, Algiers, Casablanca and Oran.
00:37:18Ah, this is not the end.
00:37:20I told you we had to remain optimistic.
00:37:23...of the end.
00:37:25But it is perhaps the end of the beginning.
00:37:28You have just heard the voice of Winston Churchill
00:37:30announcing to the free world
00:37:31a decisive step towards the liberation of Europe.
00:37:35Algiers is here.
00:37:37The Allies are now in control of North Africa.
00:37:39The next step, strategically,
00:37:40should be in the Mediterranean region.
00:37:42An invasion of Italy, perhaps.
00:37:44That's all well and good, but Italy's far from here.
00:37:47Yes, she's right.
00:37:48Not a day goes by without listening to the voice
00:37:51of the free world from London,
00:37:53which keeps our spirits up
00:37:55in the hope of being liberated very soon.
00:37:58The other good news is that Meep is going to spend the night here.
00:38:02You can't imagine how happy I am
00:38:04that you're spending the night in this secret annex with us.
00:38:07I am too, Anne.
00:38:14I saved the ribbon from my birthday present wrapping.
00:38:18Everyone laughed at me.
00:38:20They said I was doing up my hair to look like a movie star.
00:38:26I have lots of other colors, too.
00:38:30I have lots of other colors, too,
00:38:32so I can change whenever I feel like it.
00:38:35I'm glad you care about your appearance, even in hiding.
00:38:38It's a very good thing.
00:38:40I would love to enjoy myself again,
00:38:42ride my bicycle, breathe in real fresh air.
00:38:46I want to dance and travel and see the whole world.
00:38:49I know, and I'm sure this horrible war will be over soon, Anne.
00:38:54Wait. Let me do that.
00:38:57Your hair is so soft. Do you brush it often?
00:39:08Please, I really want to know.
00:39:10Have my friends and their families gone into hiding, too?
00:39:14I don't know, and it's too dangerous to ask around.
00:39:18What's happening outside?
00:39:20Well, the Nazis round up Jews both day and night.
00:39:24They're arrested in their houses and on the street, as well.
00:39:27They have to leave everything behind.
00:39:29Their possessions are confiscated.
00:39:31If they refuse, they're beaten or even killed immediately.
00:39:34They have no choice at all.
00:39:36You're all safe here in this secret annex, as you call it,
00:39:40but you've got to be very careful.
00:39:46Meep, I love you so much.
00:39:49I'm afraid they'll arrest you because of us.
00:39:53Meep, I'm scared.
00:39:57Meep, I'm scared.
00:40:21Mr. Frank, you saved my life. Thank you.
00:40:25The danger's the same for eight as for seven.
00:40:27Consider this your home.
00:40:28You know my wife...
00:40:29Dear Kitty, great news!
00:40:30We're taking in an eighth person.
00:40:32Mr. Dussel, a dentist.
00:40:34I'm not so crazy about sharing my room with a stranger,
00:40:37but you gotta be prepared to make sacrifices for a good cause.
00:40:41Anyway, they didn't give me a choice.
00:40:44Every morning he does what he calls exercise.
00:40:50And guess where he prefers spending his time?
00:40:53In the water closet three, four, five times a day,
00:40:56fifteen minutes each time while the whole annex waits,
00:40:59begging him to come out.
00:41:01Do you think he cares?
00:41:03Uh-uh, not a bit.
00:41:13What? A cat?
00:41:17But I... I'm allergic to cats.
00:41:20Get that animal away from me, quickly!
00:41:23Peter, I think you had better take Mushy upstairs right away.
00:41:27I'm asking you to get rid of that cat immediately.
00:41:29Throw him out, you hear? I don't want to see him again.
00:41:32Is that clear? Do you understand?
00:41:34Peter, you heard. What are you waiting for?
00:41:36Go and get rid of Mushy, I said.
00:41:38He's making Mr. Dussel ill.
00:41:40Go on. Go on now. Get that cat out of here.
00:41:43No, Peter, stay here. Don't listen to him.
00:41:45Mr. Dussel, I would like to tell you something once and for all.
00:41:48I've only just arrived here, and you've imposed your schedule on all of us,
00:41:51as well as your ridiculously annoying habits.
00:41:54Mushy's not only a good pet, but he eats mice, which is a big help.
00:41:57How dare a pretentious little 13-year-old girl try to teach me a lesson.
00:42:01That's enough. I can't bear another minute of this.
00:42:04And I, Mr. Dussel, I cannot bear using the desk where I do my writing,
00:42:08under the pretext of needing it to work on your silly so-called thesis.
00:42:14Get out of my sight right now. Out!
00:42:17And not another word.
00:42:19This time you've gone too far. Apologize immediately to Dr. Dussel.
00:42:24And don't let it happen again.
00:42:27Dr. Dussel, please forgive me.
00:42:30I got carried away.
00:42:42You were really frightened, weren't you, my little scaredy-cat?
00:42:50Look who's here, Mushy. It's Anne.
00:42:52She was brave enough to stand up to Mr. Dussel.
00:42:54You should thank her. Let her give you a cuddle.
00:42:59Peter, would it be all right with you if I stayed here for a while, in your room?
00:43:03Why, sure. Come in.
00:43:04Thanks for what you did just now. I'd have never dared.
00:43:09Oh, it was nothing. Just because they're adults,
00:43:12they think they can do anything they want.
00:43:14You know, Anne, I really admire you.
00:43:16You do?
00:43:17Yes. You know what you want, and you're not a coward.
00:43:19Oh, well, who would ever be afraid of a nasty doctor?
00:43:23Your cat was scared, wasn't she?
00:43:31You're joking. Mushy's a he, not a she. Would you like to hold him?
00:43:34A he who's expecting kittens?
00:43:36Look, can't you see how round her tummy is?
00:43:38Give him to me. You're going to see for yourself what he is.
00:43:42Oh, no. Mushy, come back. Come back right now, you hear?
00:43:52You'll never get him out from under there.
00:43:54I'm not going to hurt you. Come on. There, I got him.
00:43:59Now I'm going to show you.
00:44:02There, he's a male, you see?
00:44:04Thank you, but I've seen quite enough.
00:44:07Mushy is a male cat.
00:44:09All right, Peter, you win.
00:44:12Thanks for the lesson. Leave me alone now.
00:44:41What's going on?
00:44:42Ah! I'm scared!
00:44:53Anne, Anne, I'm here now.
00:45:01Rest in my arms. I'll be shooting soon.
00:45:04You can come and sleep in our room tonight. You'll calm down.
00:45:13How can anyone ever get used to any aircraft noise?
00:45:18It'll be all right now.
00:45:33Ah! Oh, Daddy! Ah!
00:45:41I'm sorry.
00:45:44I'm frightened.
00:45:45Oh, protect me, Daddy, please.
00:45:49Sleep now.
00:45:53I'm not afraid.
00:45:55No, I'm not afraid.
00:46:00She's asleep now. Put her down.
00:46:07Sleep well. Sleep well, my little Anne.
00:46:19Dear Kitty, tonight is the first night of Hanukkah,
00:46:22the festival of light, of hope.
00:46:26We couldn't bring our menorah with us, so we made one of our own.
00:46:36Image Technique
00:46:39Main Model
00:47:01But what are you doing, Mr. Frank?
00:47:16You're supposed to let it burn.
00:47:17Yes, you're right, but given the present circumstances, I think we had better economize
00:47:21on candles.
00:47:22They may come in very handy one day.
00:47:25May we all be blessed with good health until the end of this terrible war and our rapid
00:47:33Anne, stop acting silly.
00:47:38Take your blanket off your head.
00:47:40You've had the flu for almost a week now.
00:47:43Come on now, sit up.
00:47:46Oh, Dr. Dussel wants to examine your...
00:47:48Oh, take the blanket off your face.
00:47:50No, no.
00:47:51Anne, please stop acting like a baby.
00:47:54No, I don't want him to touch me.
00:47:57He's a dentist, not a real doctor.
00:47:59I studied medicine, young lady, whether you like it or not.
00:48:04We don't want the flu to turn into pneumonia.
00:48:09Leave this to me.
00:48:10Mommy, help.
00:48:11No, Tom, just stop.
00:48:12Mommy, you won't help.
00:48:13Mr. Dussel's half deaf.
00:48:14I'll have you know I hear everything I need to hear perfectly well.
00:48:28You'll be all right.
00:48:36It's been seven months since we went into hiding in the secret annex.
00:48:40Terrifying things are happening outside.
00:48:45Resistance members are executed in the street.
00:48:48Machine gun fires a hundred times more frightening than bombs.
00:48:53Jewish families are arrested day and night and deported.
00:48:57No one is able to keep out of it.
00:48:58The whole world is at war.
00:49:00There is nothing we can do but wait until the misery comes to an end.
00:49:04Anne, Anne, Meep's here.
00:49:07Peace in 1943.
00:49:08That's what we all wish.
00:49:09And it's my favorite cake, too.
00:49:10Meep, could I have that big piece just over there?
00:49:30And I like that one, Meep.
00:49:31Ladies, gentlemen.
00:49:32Let's not forget our manners.
00:49:33Thank you so much, Meep.
00:49:46Let's hope that our wish for peace will come true this year.
00:49:50I don't want to alarm you, but I think you should know that it's getting harder and harder
00:49:53to find food.
00:49:54For everyone, that is.
00:49:56I try my luck in the more distant neighborhoods, but after waiting in line for hours, I find
00:50:01there's almost nothing I can buy.
00:50:04A few string beans, some cabbage, a handful of rotten potatoes.
00:50:07What will become of us?
00:50:09It won't be easy finding you provisions.
00:50:11Everything's become so expensive on the black market.
00:50:13Meep, don't forget the risk you take.
00:50:15Of course our reserves of cans and dried vegetables won't last forever, but we'll just have to
00:50:20tighten our belts, that's all.
00:50:23Meep, I have an idea.
00:50:24Why don't you see if you can find someone who would like to buy my suit?
00:50:27I won't hear of it.
00:50:29We need the money, dear, so why not?
00:50:31Besides, what do I need a suit for here, anyway?
00:50:34If we can manage to sell it, then Meep can buy food for us.
00:50:38All right, Mr. Van Dan.
00:50:39I'll try to find someone who will buy it at a good price.
00:50:42Meep, I don't want to take advantage of your kindness, but if you could find some tobacco
00:50:47for me, I would really be deeply grateful.
00:50:50Ay, a brook.
00:50:52What a husband.
00:50:55Dear Kitty, at the moment I'm going through a period of feeling depressed.
00:51:00My longing to talk to someone became so intense that somehow or other I took it into my head
00:51:05to choose Peter.
00:51:10Is the radio broken?
00:51:13I hope you're going to be able to repair it quickly, young man.
00:51:17The radio might not have broken if you didn't trip the knobs all the time.
00:51:21Do you think you can fix it, Peter?
00:51:23Yes, if he promises not to touch it again.
00:51:25Are you insinuating that I do not know how to use a radio correctly?
00:51:30Leave me alone.
00:51:31I can't concentrate.
00:51:32I'm going up to the attic to work on it.
00:51:34Yes, go on, Peter.
00:51:35A change of air will do you some good.
00:51:46Hm, he'd better be careful that he doesn't break it permanently.
00:52:18Can I help you with anything, Peter?
00:52:21Yes, you can hold Mushi for me.
00:52:31Do you ever think about what you want to do later on, when we leave here, after the war?
00:52:36I'd like to go to the Dutch Indies and live on a plantation where it's sunny.
00:52:41I'm going to study art history and live in London and Paris for a while.
00:52:46It was just a loose wire, that's all. It'll work fine now.
00:52:52Let's hope we hear only good news over it.
00:52:55I'm longing, so longing for everything, to talk, for freedom, for friends, to be alone.
00:53:01I can feel my heart beating as if it's saying, can't you satisfy my longings at last?
00:53:06At last?
00:53:29Be careful not to be seen by anyone outside.
00:53:31I am careful. I just want to breathe some fresh air.
00:53:36You're right.
00:53:38I would gladly give up eating if I could only breathe some fresh air.
00:53:41And it's spring too, isn't it?
00:53:59I feel the awakening of spring in me.
00:54:02I feel it in my body and in my soul.
00:54:05I think what is happening to me is so wonderful,
00:54:07and not only what can be seen on my body, but all that is taking place inside.
00:54:14Anne, would you like to talk a bit?
00:54:16You know, Margot, I'm a woman now.
00:54:18This is just my third period, but I feel that in spite of the pain,
00:54:21the unpleasantness and the tiredness, I have a wonderfully sweet secret inside of me.
00:54:27Oh, look at the birds.
00:54:30I adore them. I envy their freedom.
00:54:34Would you let me read your diary one day?
00:54:37Well, yes, perhaps certain parts of it.
00:54:40I have the feeling that you're jealous of my seeing Peter alone, that it makes you sad.
00:54:44No, you're wrong.
00:54:46It can't be much fun being a fifth wheel.
00:54:49I'm used to it.
00:54:50Don't say that.
00:54:51I'm happy for you that you found a friend here.
00:54:54Anne, what do you want to do in the future?
00:54:57Hmm, my greatest wish is to become a journalist, and then later on, a famous writer.
00:55:03I can shake off everything when I write, everything.
00:55:06My sorrows disappear and my courage is reborn, you see?
00:55:11I would like to be a teacher or a midwife and take care of little babies.
00:55:15After all, you're a woman.
00:55:17I would like to be a teacher or a midwife and take care of little babies.
00:55:21After the war, what I want to do is to publish a book that I'm going to call The Secret Annex.
00:55:27I only hope I'm capable of doing it.
00:55:29My diary will certainly be a big help.
00:55:32You'll do it, Anne. I'm absolutely sure of it.
00:55:34You're very ambitious and you have a lot of talent.
00:55:37It's nice talking together like really close friends.
00:55:41Yes, that's what two sisters should be like.
00:55:48The Secret Annex
00:55:52The Secret Annex
00:56:10Dear Kitty, anti-aircraft fire and bombing, monstrous air battles.
00:56:15We've forgotten what a quiet night is like. The house trembles.
00:56:19The bombs don't fall too far from here.
00:56:21Imagine, Kitty, the annex in flames and all of us having to leave.
00:56:26It would be a last resort since being out on the street would be just as dangerous for us as the bombings.
00:56:44Mommy, I only have one blouse.
00:56:46My sweater's too small. It barely covers my navel.
00:56:49What are you doing?
00:56:50I'm minting Margo's blouse for the tenth time.
00:56:52Can't you see that I'm a woman now?
00:56:54All of my undergarments are too small and worn out. I can't wear them.
00:57:05You shouldn't complain.
00:57:06Think about the horrors in the world, people dying.
00:57:09You should consider yourself lucky to be alive and safe.
00:57:17You really know how to raise someone's morale, Mommy.
00:57:20I'm sorry, but do you think my morale's high with this interminable war?
00:57:24You may think you're a woman now, but you're just an insolent little child.
00:57:28Listen, Mommy, I'm not a child anymore.
00:57:33The long months shut up in here have matured me more than you think.
00:57:37If you'd just let me be myself, I might be able to find some happiness here.
00:57:41If you'd just let me be myself, I might be able to find some happiness here.
00:57:46It's shameful you spend so much time alone with Peter.
00:57:49You shouldn't go up to the attic so often to see him.
00:57:52It makes no sense at all to encourage him.
00:58:11Don't you find it surprising that Anne is so quiet this evening?
00:58:15Mother, why can't you leave her alone for once?
00:58:19Her silence is rather surprising.
00:58:21She must be thinking about the next chapter of her masterpiece.
00:58:24She must be thinking about the incomparable taste of this rotten potato.
00:58:28Will you all leave her alone?
00:58:39If God lets me live, I will achieve more than Mommy has.
00:58:44I will not remain insignificant.
00:58:47I'm going to work for mankind.
00:58:51You know, Kitty, it's paradise here compared to the outside.
00:58:55Many of our Jewish friends have been arrested by the Gestapo
00:58:58and then transported in cattle cars.
00:59:01We assume that most of them are murdered.
00:59:03The BBC talks about concentration camps and gassing.
00:59:10Oh, please, please, my friend.
00:59:30No, please, please.
00:59:33No, please.
00:59:49Why did you abandon me?
00:59:51Please, please, I'm here. I'm here.
00:59:53Take my hand.
00:59:57Please. Please take my hand.
01:00:00Anne, don't leave me.
01:00:03Anne, leave me.
01:00:05Please. I'm here, please.
01:00:08Please, I'm here. I'm here.
01:00:11Calm down, Anne. Calm down.
01:00:14It was a nightmare. It's all right now.
01:00:17Go back to sleep.
01:00:23Don't worry. Go back to sleep.
01:00:44Here, Anne.
01:00:48Happy birthday, my dear.
01:00:54Oh, thank you. It's so pretty.
01:00:57And a pair of shoes, too.
01:01:02For your 14th birthday, everybody in the annex chipped in.
01:01:07You're growing so quickly. You really need them.
01:01:22Oh, it's that horrible cat again.
01:01:24Come here.
01:01:26Come on.
01:01:37Oh, what a lovely young lady you are.
01:01:40You look really nice. Happy birthday, Anne.
01:01:43Anne's not a child anymore.
01:01:50Such elegance and poise.
01:01:53Thanks to you all.
01:02:34One, two, and up!
01:02:37With your cigarettes and pipe tobacco,
01:02:39all our money is going up in smoke.
01:02:41Get me away from her before I do something horrible.
01:02:44Stop it. Calm down.
01:02:46Again and again I ask myself,
01:02:48would it not have been better for us
01:02:50if we hadn't gone into hiding,
01:02:52if we were all dead now
01:02:54and not going through all this misery?
01:03:08I want to go on living, even after my death,
01:03:11and that's why I'm grateful for this gift
01:03:13of being able to write and express my innermost thoughts.
01:03:21For tomorrow's French lesson, go over your irregular verbs.
01:03:24D'accord, papa.
01:03:55Thank you, Margot.
01:04:02Dearest Kitty, winter is really severe,
01:04:05and our food supply has gone further and further down.
01:04:08Stale, dried-up bread,
01:04:10potatoes and salad that have a sweet, rotting smell,
01:04:13dumplings made out of flour that are so heavy and sticky
01:04:16that you feel as if there are rocks in your stomach.
01:04:19When you're hungry, though, you can't complain.
01:04:22We need money, so I've decided
01:04:24that we're going to sell your fur coat.
01:04:26What? You'll do no such thing.
01:04:28I love that coat, and I won't let you sell it
01:04:31under any circumstances, you understand?
01:04:33Why are you being so selfish?
01:04:35You've had that old rabbit fur for almost 20 years now.
01:04:38Meep can probably sell it for 300 florins.
01:04:40Me, selfish? I don't believe what I'm hearing.
01:04:42If you spent less on your horrible tobacco,
01:04:44we would have money to buy food,
01:04:46and besides, I have every intention
01:04:48of wearing my coat when the war is over.
01:04:50When the war is over, you must be dreaming.
01:04:53We have to survive,
01:04:55and we can't survive if we have nothing to eat.
01:04:59I can't take it anymore.
01:05:01This war is so long.
01:05:03The Nazis are about to win in the end.
01:05:06Bite your tongue!
01:05:27It's me, Peter.
01:05:33Hello, Mooshie.
01:05:41You've been crying.
01:05:45My parents fight so often.
01:05:50If only I didn't have to be stuck with them all of the time.
01:05:53Oh, Peter, I know how you feel,
01:05:55and I'd love to help you if you wanted me to.
01:05:57It gnaws away at you.
01:05:59Even if you don't say anything,
01:06:01you still take all their fighting to heart.
01:06:04I'm so happy to be here together with you.
01:06:07So am I, Anne.
01:06:09I... I...
01:06:11We're not...
01:06:13We're not alone anymore.
01:06:35Peace in 1944.
01:06:39This is the second time we've celebrated New Year's here.
01:06:42Meep, we don't know how to thank you
01:06:44for the risks you've taken to help us these last 18 months.
01:06:47Don't thank me, and I'll continue to do my best.
01:06:50Until the liberation, and let's hope that's soon.
01:06:53Yes, the end of the war in 1944.
01:06:57That's right. We must never give up hope.
01:07:00Meep, would you try to sell my lovely fur coat?
01:07:05Darling, wait. Perhaps you shouldn't sell it.
01:07:08No, no, I behaved very foolishly the last time we talked about it.
01:07:11Here, Meep, try to get 300.
01:07:24Peace at last in 1944?
01:07:29I love you.
01:07:35I love you.
01:07:57Stay here.
01:07:59Why? What is it?
01:08:06Be careful.
01:08:12What can it be?
01:08:14A thief, perhaps? I'd better go down and see.
01:08:35Mooshie, stay here.
01:09:00Stop it.
01:09:05Stop it.
01:09:38It must have been burglars.
01:09:40And when they heard the noise, they got frightened and ran.
01:09:42If they suspect that there are Jews hiding here, they could give us away.
01:09:46It's all because of that miserable cat.
01:09:48How many times have I said we have got to get rid of him?
01:09:53I can't take anymore.
01:09:55Shh. Somebody is opening the front door.
01:10:04Hey, we'd better check this.
01:10:06An open door at this time of night, that's very strange.
01:10:25Look at the mess in here.
01:10:27The burglars must have gotten into this office.
01:10:29That's why the front door was broken in.
01:10:35They must have made a fast getaway.
01:10:37Look at this.
01:10:41Forget it. It doesn't lead anywhere.
01:10:43It's just a bookcase.
01:10:45Yeah, you're right. It's late. Let's go back and file a report.
01:10:48That night, I really thought the Gestapo would find us and that we would all be deported.
01:10:57Oh, no.
01:11:15It seems it was Heidi's job of leaving his basement.
01:11:18They arrested him.
01:11:19I wonder what they're going to do with him now.
01:11:21His poor wife.
01:11:27Mr. Frank, I don't want to alarm everyone,
01:11:29but I think you should know that the man who I buy vegetables from has just been arrested.
01:11:33He must suspect something about us.
01:11:35Let's hope he doesn't say anything under questioning.
01:11:37Now, where am I going to get food from?
01:11:39Be twice as careful from now on, Meep.
01:11:41Your life is at stake, as I'm sure you realize.
01:11:43I'll explain the problem to the others.
01:11:45We'll just have to make do with less, that's all.
01:11:58Burying our heads in the sand has led nowhere,
01:12:01while Nazi Germany was rearming for war.
01:12:03No one in Europe lifted a finger to prevent it,
01:12:06and now the entire world is paying for it.
01:12:09Ah, it's time for the news.
01:12:11This is London.
01:12:13This morning, General Eisenhower announced the landing of Allied troops in Normandy with these words.
01:12:18A landing was made this morning on the coast of France
01:12:21by troops of the Allied Expeditionary Force.
01:12:24This landing is part of a concerted United Nations plan for the liberation of Europe.
01:12:30We're going to be liberated at last, Otto!
01:12:40General Eisenhower continued, saying,
01:12:42we will accept nothing less than total victory.
01:12:55...from Nazi Germany.
01:12:57In stormy weather conditions,
01:12:59U.S. airborne troops captured their first key town, St. Mary's.
01:13:04British glider troops seized key bridges east of Caen
01:13:08and fired with the most intense bombardment in naval history.
01:13:12In all, the Normandy invasion deployed 150,000 ground troops,
01:13:1715,000 tanks, 5,300 ships, 12,000 aircraft,
01:13:22Operation Overlord, the largest amphibious assault in history,
01:13:25marks the beginning of the liberation of occupied Europe from Nazi Germany.
01:13:40Happy birthday, Anne.
01:13:44As I'm sure you know, I wasn't able to shop.
01:13:47Nevertheless, you're 15 today,
01:13:49and here is my contribution to your future career as a writer.
01:13:57And this is from us, a brooch I wore when I was your age.
01:14:00I'm sure it will look lovely on you. There.
01:14:03Oh, it's really pretty.
01:14:05Thank you with all of my heart to both of you and to Peter.
01:14:08I feel so elegant, and it's all thanks to you.
01:14:11And this gift is from your mother.
01:14:15And your father, of course.
01:14:19The art history book you wanted so much.
01:14:26And some necessary undergarments.
01:14:31They're nice.
01:14:33They're wonderful presents, and I love you very much.
01:14:36And I want my sister to have this.
01:14:39No, no. You're crazy, Margot. No, I can't accept it.
01:14:43It's your very favorite necklace. I can't take it.
01:14:47But you're my favorite sister. I love you very much, Anne.
01:14:51And I love you too.
01:15:03Dear Kitty, everyone is convinced that the liberation is coming soon.
01:15:08Will this long-awaited freedom, which still seems too wonderful,
01:15:12too much like a fairy tale, ever come true?
01:15:15The best part of it is that I feel that friends are approaching.
01:15:21Is it because I haven't poked my nose outdoors for so long
01:15:24that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature?
01:15:28Watching the flowers bloom, seeing the birds, the clouds,
01:15:32the moon and the stars all give me peace and keep my hopes alive.
01:15:46I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery and death
01:15:51because I still believe that deep down people are good.
01:15:55I can feel the sufferings of millions, and yet, if I look up into the heavens,
01:15:59I think that it will all come out right, that this cruelty too will end,
01:16:04and that peace will return to the world once again.
01:16:15Well, my friends, as soon as we're liberated,
01:16:17I promise to take all of you to the very best restaurant in Amsterdam,
01:16:21and I will never touch another bean as long as I live.
01:16:25And now let me tell you what I promise.
01:16:28I promise to keep smoking you out,
01:16:31but with the best cigars in the world.
01:16:34Peter, what are you going to do?
01:16:36Oh, uh, me?
01:16:38I'm going to go and see all the fantastic films I couldn't see being here.
01:16:43And, of course, Anne will tell you which films you have to see.
01:16:52It's so wonderful to laugh and to dream.
01:16:56I'm going to pay a visit to every good pastry shop in the city.
01:16:59And I'm going to buy you a whole new wardrobe.
01:17:02And a new fur coat.
01:17:04And you, Margot, what will you do?
01:17:08All I can think about is a nice hot bath,
01:17:12and staying in the tub for hours.
01:17:14Excellent idea.
01:17:16Well, for one entire week, I want to be all alone.
01:17:20Fine, as long as you don't forget me during that time.
01:17:23I understand you perfectly, Mrs. Frank.
01:17:26All right, dear, I'll stay out of your way.
01:17:28And what about you, Anne?
01:17:31There are lots of things I can't wait to do.
01:17:35Like going back to school in September,
01:17:37walking freely around Amsterdam,
01:17:39and especially seeing my friends again.
01:17:41Oh, you mean you don't want to go to the cinema?
01:17:56Dear Kitty, things are going well.
01:17:58There's more and more reason to hope.
01:18:00Really, everything is fine.
01:18:03Incredible news!
01:18:04A general in the German army tried to kill Hitler.
01:18:08What a pity that Der Fuehrer managed to escape with just a few cuts and burns.
01:18:22Well, what good news do we have today?
01:18:24It seems that the Allies are gaining ground, but slowly.
01:18:39That smells good.
01:18:40Does it?
01:18:41The recipe is simple.
01:18:43You take some canned food,
01:18:44some potatoes, red beans, red beans, and more red beans.
01:19:33Yes, may I help you?
01:19:35Oberscharführer Silberbauer, where is your director, Mr. Korpuis?
01:19:40We know you're hiding Jews here.
01:19:42Where are they?
01:19:43Aren't you ashamed to be helping Jewish trash?
01:19:46Miep should have been here ages ago.
01:19:48Yes, you're right. It's not like him to be sitting here.
01:19:51I'm sorry.
01:19:52It's not like Miep to be sitting here.
01:19:54It's not like Miep to be sitting here.
01:19:56It's not like Miep to be sitting here.
01:19:58It's not like Miep to be sitting here.
01:20:00Yes, you're right. It's not like him to be so late.
01:20:08You're so silly.
01:20:13Where are these 50 Jews hiding?
01:20:20They must be up there.
01:20:26Here they are.
01:20:28Don't move!
01:20:31There are eight of you,
01:20:33just as the person who betrayed you told us.
01:20:36Search them. They may be armed.
01:20:38And then search the whole place.
01:20:41I want you all out in the street in five minutes.
01:20:44Do you understand?
01:20:45Bring me all your valuables first.
01:20:48Your valuables.
01:20:49You understand German, don't you?
01:21:17She can.
01:21:48Snell, snell, little Jew!
01:22:13Get inside.
01:22:17Quickly, quickly!
01:22:47Get inside.
01:23:18My dear, dear Kitty, you're my friend,
01:23:21and I know you understand my message of freedom
01:23:24and compassion for all the men, women and children of the world,
01:23:28regardless of their race, religion or belief.
01:23:32May you live in peace
01:23:34and help to make this a better world for all humanity.
01:23:47© BF-WATCH TV 2021
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01:26:07© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:26:10Oh, it's a dream come true!
01:26:12A diary!
01:26:13Friday, June 12, 1942.
01:26:15You are the nicest present of all,
01:26:17and I'm going to call you Kitty.
01:26:19Ever since the German invasion in 1940,
01:26:22Amsterdam has been occupied by the army,
01:26:24and now we Jews must wear a yellow star on our clothing.
01:26:27If not, we can be arrested.
01:26:29Beginning tomorrow, we're going to have to hide.
01:26:31But Daddy, where are we going?
01:26:33I think it's better that I don't tell you.
01:26:35Here we are.
01:26:36So this is the mysterious hiding place?
01:26:38Welcome to our home in hiding.
01:26:40Thank you so much for taking us in.
01:26:42Dear Kitty, I can't tell you how oppressive it is
01:26:45never to be able to go outdoors.
01:26:48Be careful not to be seen by anyone outside.
01:26:50I just want to breathe some fresh air.
01:26:52We have to whisper and tread lightly during the day.
01:26:55Otherwise, the people in the warehouse,
01:26:57which is just below, might hear us.
01:27:03Also, I'm very afraid we'll be discovered and shot.
01:27:06That is not exactly a pleasant prospect.
01:27:09Terrifying things are happening outside.
01:27:12Jewish families are arrested day and night and deported.
01:27:15The whole world is at war.
01:27:19I have fewer and fewer ration tickets,
01:27:20and things are more and more expensive.
01:27:21What's important is to keep your spirits up and never lose heart.
01:27:24My greatest wish is to become a journalist.
01:27:26I really admire you.
01:27:27You know what you want, and you're not a coward.
01:27:30I'm so happy to be here together with you.
01:27:32So am I, Anne.
01:27:33After the war, what I want to do
01:27:35is to publish a book that I'm going to call
01:27:37The Secret Annex.
01:27:38My diary will certainly be a big help.
01:27:52You are the nicest present of all,
01:27:54and I'm going to call you Kitty.
01:27:56Beginning tomorrow, we're going to have to hide.
01:27:59Dear Kitty,
01:28:00I can't tell you how oppressive it is
01:28:02never to be able to go outdoors.
01:28:04Also, I'm very afraid we'll be discovered and shot.
01:28:08Terrifying things are happening outside.
01:28:10The whole world is at war.
01:28:14My greatest wish is to become a journalist.
01:28:16After the war, what I want to do
01:28:18is to publish a book that I'm going to call
01:28:20The Secret Annex.
01:28:21My diary will certainly be a big help.
01:28:37The Secret Annex
01:28:38The Secret Annex
01:28:39The Secret Annex
01:28:40The Secret Annex
01:28:41The Secret Annex
01:28:42The Secret Annex
01:28:43The Secret Annex
01:28:44The Secret Annex
01:28:45The Secret Annex
01:28:46The Secret Annex
01:28:47The Secret Annex
01:28:48The Secret Annex
01:28:49The Secret Annex
01:28:50The Secret Annex
01:28:51The Secret Annex
01:28:52The Secret Annex
01:28:53The Secret Annex
01:28:54The Secret Annex
01:28:55The Secret Annex
01:28:56The Secret Annex
01:28:57The Secret Annex
01:28:58The Secret Annex
01:28:59The Secret Annex
01:29:00The Secret Annex
01:29:01The Secret Annex
01:29:02The Secret Annex
01:29:03The Secret Annex
01:29:04The Secret Annex
01:29:05The Secret Annex
