Amnesia_ Through The Portal_ Custom Story_ Part 2

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00I should be an actor. I should be an actor. Anyway, what is this? Maybe we can use this
00:06That was pretty that was pretty trite for the music and all that but we need to go really far
00:10I have to avenge my bro. I have to avenge my bro. I
00:14Started like trees and shit here. I don't understand that
00:19Oh good good good momento, we need a man. It looks like the portal is great on the ground point star
00:23However, it seems an orb is needed much like Alexander, but we where do I find the orb? I don't understand
00:30Why can I just go anywhere? Where how do you go around for I don't understand. Why can I do good?
00:34I gotta just go
00:38I need an orb. Where do I get my orb the fuck? Where is this?
00:45Nope nothing nothing at all
00:49What that door just totally opened by itself
00:54What's this?
00:57Three need one arm and I am far it's this way, but it's actually that way
01:07Must avenge bro must avenge
01:14Barrels and mushrooms fire lights secret entrance what?
01:28Let's go in here
01:32I'm super scared. Oh
01:36No, oh no
01:38This is bad
01:40Is it really bad? What the hell is this? This is the flower and it's glowing perfect
01:45Okay, two ways ago. Oh, let do let off Kinky Lanik off
01:49Koffe Lana Pinky Barney over to let off I don't put on piff-puff-puff do for and
01:55No, all right, since I always take the wrong path. I'm gonna go this way
02:05Always the wrong path no matter how I do is I should trust the rhyme. I should trust the Swedish, right?
02:14Okay, what about this stones and shit I need to climb the stones
02:20Perfect. Yes, I'd go. I don't care. I am on a quest to save
02:29Should I click that I
02:31Don't trust it
02:33Let's read this first red nihilist. I do six an interesting side effect of experimentation today
02:39It seems being a fall. I am for a secret
02:44What we know of as by day the basic matter of our organic life to find such a
02:50Domestic substance so far from home is simply mind boggling bubbling yet. It is
02:56In the sense, we are all needed in need a part of the same universe
03:00However, I infer discovery target the methods which I excrete my day for I am for inhabitants
03:06It's troubling to say that I don't even hear what it the hell I'm saying when I do that. I got another power
03:13Core, why do I say core? What is core?
03:18This looks like a piece of large article as of tribal technology using the newly discovered science
03:24we can learn in
03:26infinitely more about the universe in which we live by
03:29Instantaneously travel between dimension with the mind about that. We discover our world forever change on our ship
03:41On air show seeing us how the lyric and carry carnate tip of the planet or revolution suggest an exhibit race and secretly mention
03:47They want I found like one disease. There is wildlife and for you
03:50But no other significant result or carry on to the quadrant of to the world of the letters in British English
03:55Do the abstruse direction there? I've read some is vision
04:00Starting and says right. I'm too poor to read all that. It's like why put all the notice one
04:07experimental foundry
04:08Inspire our hair
04:10Will it do the dog can kill on a cough cough along a binky bonnet little bit off
04:18Let's go. Oh, I want to find find my friends my buddies fun, bro, but he's dead
04:25He's fucking dead he's fucking that I can't believe
04:32So is everything nice and clear now, not really
04:39We can really travel
04:43So maybe you could give me one, you know, I don't want it. Oh, come on more something really
04:50In spite of the amount of power contained with those we do not understand enough to comprehend that I'm just doing
04:56Well, it's easy to absolve each power
04:58This will set this mysterious or we're born in this world. Oh
05:05Guardians, oh, yeah, they're talking about the penis monster and stuff like that. I don't want to read about things. I mean
05:14Nothing kind of gross. I mean, I don't read about pieces never ever read about these
05:20It's a maybe that one time in school that we have to read about Venus's. That's kind of awkward
05:25the same
05:26okay, let's go here and
05:28through this one
05:30tingly tingly and
05:33Notes I hate notes, but whatever the spires closed due to recent events blah blah blah blah. All right interesting
05:42very fun
05:44Or we could have just gone straight just ignored all of these
05:49Empty bookshelves. I bet he was too lazy to put books in them
05:57Mushrooms just gonna go here. What is this? You already painted that? What is this?
06:06Lyric raisin layer. Oh, I have drank a lot of lyric raisin in my life. Mm-hmm
06:13The fuck is lyric raisin?
06:18Let's go here. Oh, yeah
06:25This looks beautiful I
06:28Love waves. Oh
06:30Hello, you are pretty this man is being deceased from learning. Yes
06:37who said
06:39School isn't dangerous
06:45Was read about this guy they're walking up and down the halls
06:48It's only matter of time now one of them don't have to key out in the hell on person
06:51But there's no way bring back without them noticing these things
06:54They look so much like us yet so different that the center it has my head even to think about their appearance
06:59They're coming as well in this key. It's the only way I can keep it. Oh, we have to penetrate him
07:05Through his penis like the last time. Yeah, we have to do it
07:10Throw this
07:16Nothing, of course, why do I even bother right? I just want to look one more
07:21I like that. There's no tinderboxes. I think that use of tinderboxes. It's kind of overrated
07:29It's my thought it's what I think
07:33Bro, what are you doing here, bro?
07:37Love beauty. I'm still alive. Somehow. I don't almost that
07:42He cut off he cut off. Don't talk. Don't talk
07:46He cut off my penis. I can see that I can see I'm sorry
07:58Wait, it's totally here. Hey find your penis. Where where where?
08:04Let's go. No, I'll leave them there for this one. What is up here? Can I go here?
08:10There's nothing there. It's pointless
08:14I'm just gonna check in these
08:21That's sound coming from how does he even get inside here? How small can you be that's what she said
08:34I'm so funny
08:41Oh, I missed miss no, I went in here I picked up the ladder and I'm in
08:47so small
08:48smells like wine
08:56Maybe I'm just saying maybe don't rush to anything right now. I'm saying maybe maybe he wants to wine. Oops
09:04Yeah, take the wine oh fuck it actually worked holy you like that
09:16Shut up shut up shut up
09:22I'm going I'm going
09:25So that's what happened if you drink too much
09:29You turn into a bro
09:35Don't drink too much wine kids
09:42He totally just fell down the stairs Oh fuckity fuck mushrooms it was you
10:06Sexy I can't have enough of this money. Oh
10:12Fuck it's coming over. It's coming over. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. It's not problem. I'm a man
10:22Let's go go take your wine and leave like I want wine. Oh fuck
10:32How the fuck did you see me take your wine and go bro
10:39What does he want I have done anything
10:44Fuck I
10:47Wanted to run past him that idea about a day about a day about a day about a day. Let's go a bump
10:56Oh fuck you got me fuck I thought I couldn't make it stop stop moving
11:07That was kind of creepy, okay good we don't have to wait for him or anything wait, where am I? Oh he blocked
11:16Oh wait, I can't get that let's go
11:20No, I jump ah such a retard
11:25I think we're done in here. We have the key
11:31So we can go
11:33to the place
11:35Where I wanted to go a oh experiment. Oh, it's a lot. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So the only do it off actually work
11:44Yeah, yeah, yeah
11:47Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can't even clap
11:53Whoa, oh
11:56Crap the bro is here
11:59And he's really really already let's go here first
12:05Doesn't work. Oh, what is this?
12:11Cool cool, it's like there's like a line. Oh
12:15Oh, they're in here
12:17You think you're tough, huh? You think you're tough, huh? I never seen him this close before and actually look at it
12:25Man, you are one
12:28You are one sexy fella
12:36You think it's half huh? I think it's half. Where's the bus now? How about this don't have the real
12:46Can't go there. I don't have anything else
12:52So I would assume we open this door now, let's hope I don't release them
12:59Come on I told you take it
13:08Uh-huh, the red one we can go with
13:11Oh, wait backward
13:17Bro, I didn't mean to kill you
13:23Okay, now we can go
13:26No, really it's raining. Oh
13:32That's awesome
13:36But I don't have a penis it's my penis I need my penis
13:40Let's put him here
13:46And let's drag that down
13:56Yeah, ask me what it feel like staring at a sky so vanilla telling Kurt Russell homie
14:01This ain't real life. I'll be making good on my promises
14:04Honesty is confidence a lot of it is missing but I realize I could be better than I was
14:09Light on my feet cooking up his soul when we fire up
