Amnesia- An Unexpected Arrival - I HATE IRON MAIDENS - Part 1

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00How's it going everyone and welcome to Unexpected Arrival, yeah, YEAH, YEAH UNEXPECTED ARRIVAL!
00:12Sorry, I get that sometimes, I have to scream really loud, like RAUB, not RAUB.
00:19What are these floating rocks?
00:21Can I headbutt them? Headbutt!
00:23Headbutt, fuck I love headbutting.
00:25Everyday in school I would headbutt everyone, I was like, what's up bro, and I was like, headbutt, headbutt.
00:30I'd do everything wrong, like even the teachers.
00:32They were like, whatever you do, Billy, don't headbutt me, and I was like, headbutt, headbutt.
00:38I'm just saying, headbutt.
00:39The Unexpected Un-Unex, Un-Un, Un-Unex, Un-Unexpected, Un-Unexpected, Un-Unexpected Arrival.
00:51Un-Un, Un, no? Just me?
00:54I don't know, I'm having trouble figuring that out.
00:59What's going on? I'm in the forest, what's up?
01:05Oh, we're in a house.
01:07Maybe I can headbutt this.
01:09I mean, it could work.
01:11Oh, let's go in here.
01:12Hello? HELLO?
01:15SAVE ME!
01:17Okay, maybe not, sorry for screaming so loud.
01:20I don't mean to kill animals. Headphones.
01:22Kill headphones? Ears.
01:24What? Can you kill ears?
01:26I guess you can, if you want to.
01:28What's the giant Jesus doing there?
01:31I'm gonna pump this so hard.
01:32That's what she said? He said?
01:34Oh, there was a skull coming from there.
01:37Wow, that's pretty cool.
01:41What are you doing there?
01:42Did someone twist your nipples?
01:46Oh man, I hope no one twists my nipples.
01:48I'm gonna hold my... like this.
01:50Entire playthrough.
01:51I guess I can't walk.
01:52I guess I'm gonna do what girls do.
01:54Don't twist my nipples!
02:02What? I mean, what? That was awkward.
02:04I was just kidding.
02:05I don't care if he's naked.
02:07I mean, it helps.
02:09With what?
02:15The nightmares of my past still drown my soul in flames.
02:18Wow, that's deep.
02:20Really deep, bro.
02:22I wish I was that deep.
02:24In you.
02:26No, I don't.
02:27What? I have a girlfriend.
02:33Are they having sex again?
02:35Yeah, definitely.
02:41Okay, let's see what the note says.
02:43Striving to find the difference between reality and nightmares.
02:46Well, I've been there.
02:48Fuck, this forest is so creepy.
02:50That's a beautiful night sky, though.
02:52Love them stars.
02:53I count one.
02:54I count two.
02:57I count two times.
03:03Oh, naked guys everywhere.
03:05Oh, fuck.
03:06Don't mess with teleporting naked guys.
03:09Oh, fuck.
03:14Oh, fuck, fuck.
03:15If there's anything my mom told me, she'd be like,
03:17Piri, come here.
03:18I'm gonna tell you something important.
03:20What is it, mommy?
03:21Don't ever mess with teleporting naked guys.
03:29Worst scenario ever.
03:30Ah, fuck.
03:31I hate owls.
03:35Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:37Go, go, go, go, go, go.
03:42Oh, fuck.
03:43Oh, no, they're gonna rape me for sure.
03:54What's going on?
03:56Oh, they're taking off my pants.
03:58No, don't take off my pants.
04:01As long as they're not...
04:02They're like, pat on the back.
04:03Good job, Piri.
04:08What's going on?
04:11What's going on?
04:14Oh, man.
04:19Like, if this was real life for me, I would be like...
04:22I'm going back in the forest.
04:24But I guess...
04:25I guess I have to...
04:27Go in here.
04:30That's a pretty sweet line, brah.
04:31Can I stroke you?
04:32That's what she said.
04:39Oh, man.
04:43This is no safe haven for murder-er-er-er.
04:47What's a murder-er-er?
04:53Oh, fuck.
04:54I'm locked in.
04:55Of course.
05:04I wanna go out!
05:05Help me!
05:09We're good.
05:10We're good.
05:11I need my lantern.
05:12And Stefano.
05:14Okay, it's...
05:16I wrote something down.
05:18I must explore this mysterious castle further.
05:20I should tread carefully, though.
05:26Tell me!
05:28Tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
05:33What are you doing here, Pewdie?
05:34I was sleeping!
05:35What do you want?
05:37Stefano, what are you doing in here? I'm scared
05:41Pity you're always scared
05:44What do you want? I need to get I don't trust you
05:48Thank you
05:50That was awesome. Thank you. It's okay. I get used to it. I know you don't trust them. You can trust me though
05:56I'm a bro. Now. Do you want to get out of this castle? Yes, actually I do well
06:02Go in that door right there. Oh
06:04There was a door there. It's locked Stefano. Well, I'm out of ideas. Okay, maybe we need to find a key
06:13Yeah, nice
06:15Nice conception conception. Really? I don't even know what
06:19Crowbar, I'm Gordon Freeman. I'm Gordon Freeman. I'm gonna trip. No, you're not Gordon Freeman your beauty focus. Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, Stefano
06:30Sorry about dropping you geez, you don't have to stop talking Stefano. Are you all right?
06:35Stefano, it's not funny
06:37Stefano, okay. Okay. I'm good. I'm good. Hey, oh, sorry. I always punish Stefano on everything
06:45So let's try and use the crowbar here
06:48I'm He-Man. I have the power. That's not He-Man, I guess
06:54Yeah, all right, let's go in here but be careful
07:07Was that my ex-girlfriend
07:11Your ex-girlfriend. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. No. No. No. No. Oh fuck
07:18Now be careful pity be careful
07:22Look naked guys never good news. Never good news. Remember what your mom told you
07:28It's locked, but there's a small hole in the for a key. Okay, we need to find the key look
07:37Behind you pity! What?
07:40That's not funny
07:42Okay, let's go in here. I hate you Stefano
07:46Good times good times, man. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm serious now though. Go there. Oh
07:58Okay, it's good it's good it's good he's behind you I need to hurry back here
08:07Open! Open the door Stefano! Stefano, Stefano, Stefano!
08:11No, no, no, no, stop it! Stop making noise!
08:17Stefano, Stefano, Stefano! We need to hide it Stefano!
08:21Where? Closet! Closet! The closet is locked! Stefano, where do I go?
08:28Okay behind here, okay, okay camouflage Stefano. Camouflage mode activated.
08:35Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Actually I need you down here Stefano
08:41Do you see him? Oh fuck I see him.
08:46Okay, let's just wait him out. Don't make any noises. Oh, the fuck did I say Stefano? I'm sorry!
08:55Okay, I don't think they'll find me though. It's good. It's good
09:07Is he still there?
09:09What is he doing? Is he making pancakes?
09:12Let me see
09:14Yes, it's okay. He's making pancakes. Oh, don't make noises
09:18Did he leave?
09:20Okay, good. He left. Let's make some Stefano cakes. Stefano cake. Oh best cake ever
09:27No, but seriously though
09:29Where do I go?
09:32Where do I go?
09:37Nice nipple. He was making Stefano cakes. Okay, so where do we go now? Oh
09:44There's a naked guy here. Watch out. I think he wants to
09:50Be careful, baby
09:51I'm awkwardly close to his ass when I'm reading this. The king sealed to
09:56Ordered to seal to? How do I read sometimes? The king ordered me to seal the area of only Kedrek. Epic name, bro. Kedrek
10:04Has the key to the private quarters. Even he has locked himself away in madness. I lost the king in this room
10:12His room. I'm too weary to leave this hall. The voices in my head are growling
10:17I just cry every night. I can't sleep a minute. The groaning of my own soul cheers me to score
10:23I'm running in my own pity. Maybe there's still hope for the others
10:28It's Martin who wrote this! How nice!
10:31I'm so happy!
10:32Yeah, but it's just Martin. Let's make some pancakes. Damn, that's nice.
10:36Why is everyone in this game called- every mod I play, everyone is called Martin. Martin!
10:42That's damn nice. Now we're going to find Martin. No, I mean Stefano. Oh, right.
10:47Okay, Stefano. Let's go
10:50Don't make noises
10:53Okay, I think it's in here. Oh, it's open now. Oh good. Ooh, look at this Iron Maiden
10:59I don't trust Iron Maidens. You go first, Stefano
11:03Is it good? Yeah, it's good. It's- I'm just in this guy's crotch, so I don't know
11:08Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
11:10Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
11:12Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
11:14You said it was good, Stefano!
11:16Oh! Oh! Oh!
11:18Oh! Oh! Oh!
11:20It seriously doesn't work!
11:23I fucking hit my leg in the table
11:28Oh man!
11:32Amnesia is serious business
11:34You could seriously die from this
11:38Oh man!
11:40I hate Iron Maidens!
11:42And you said it was okay, you freaking liar, Stefano
11:48Stefano, you said it was-
11:50Seriously, my leg fucking hurts
11:53Oh my god
11:55Am I- I dropped you again
11:57It's the second time
11:59Second time I dropped the camera whenever there's an Iron Maiden
12:01And the door is closed now
12:03Well, that's fucking splendid
12:05Let's go, Stefano. Let's go!
12:07The key should be in here, though
12:09No, actually it shouldn't
12:11But there's-
12:13Oh, actually it is here
12:15Bloodstained key, fucking great
12:17See, I'm pissed now
12:23I'm a fucking walking paradox
12:25No, I'm not
12:27Threesomes with a fucking triceratops
12:29Reptar, rapping as I'm mocking
12:31Death rock stars wearing synthetic wigs
12:33Made of anwar's dreadlocks
