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00:01Previously on Shortland Street
00:04She believed in all that stuff
00:06She could talk to ghosts
00:08Who thought when she leapt
00:10She might stop
00:14It's time to let her go
00:16It's so hard
00:17It's so hard
00:20Your behaviour's been pretty changeable minute to minute
00:22Are you high?
00:23Screw this!
00:24Where are you going?
00:25I just need some space
00:28Have you seen Ehi?
00:29I was about to ask you the same thing
00:31Oh god, this is him
00:32Oh babe, what are you doing?
00:36You bastard
00:44Phil, wait
00:46Why did you want me in there?
00:47Did you want me to film you guys?
00:49Are you that sick in the head?
00:50Baby, I am so sorry
00:51Don't be
00:52You want Natalie
00:53Just go for it, see if I care
00:57I don't even know what I'm doing
00:58You're into Natalie
00:59She's into you
01:00So just own it
01:04Don't touch me
01:11No, it doesn't feel like it at the moment
01:13But this is a good thing
01:14What are you talking about?
01:16Phil finding out about us
01:17We've ripped the bandaid off
01:25I know Natalie's dead
01:26But where does she go?
01:28Uh, she's
01:30She's at the funeral home
01:32They get her ready for the funeral
01:35Where does she go after that?
01:38Um, well her
01:39Her body will be cremated
01:41And um
01:46Do you want hot chocolate?
01:50No, it's okay
01:51You can ask all the questions you want
01:53It's good to talk about Nana
01:55Did Nana follow God's way?
01:58What do you mean by that, buddy?
02:00Tristan said there's a heaven and hell
02:03If you don't follow God's way
02:05You go to hell
02:07Well, you can tell Tristan
02:09Look, lots of people believe different things, honey
02:13And I believe that Nana is watching over us right now
02:18What do you know?
02:19Well, I can't see her
02:21Because she's gone
02:22But I can feel it
02:26So you don't need to worry, okay?
02:28Nana Leanne isn't anywhere bad
02:30She's with us every day
02:36Madonna, hi
02:37Come in
02:42I am so sorry for your loss
02:44Thank you, Madonna
02:47Just some things to get you through the next day or so
02:50You didn't have to do that
02:51Just one less thing to think about
02:53Why don't you join us?
02:55No, no, no, I just came to drop off the food
02:57And I know you've got family things to tend to
02:59But if there's anything you need, just call me, okay?
03:02Thank you
03:09You know that you don't have to put on a brave face for anyone
03:11Right? For me or for Billy
03:13It's okay, I'm fine
03:15I miss Nana's jokes
03:17Yeah, well, maybe you can become the family joker now
03:23Yep, make it a project
03:32Oh, hi-dee-hi, campers
03:37Then you say hi-dee-ho
03:41Hi-dee-hi, TV show from the 80s, one of my faves
03:44Did you watch it from your mum's womb?
03:47No, no reruns
03:50What happened?
03:52Chris showed up
03:53Oh, lovely
03:54Rolling drunk
03:56Telling me how he's going to turn his life around
03:58And how I'm the only one that can help him, blah, blah, blah
04:01Well, that's...
04:02It's emotional blackmail
04:05Yeah, yeah, I suppose it is
04:07I need a man, not a project
04:09Well, damn, girl
04:10Yeah, thanks
04:12You're very brave
04:14I know you won't admit it, but...
04:16I can see you're still in love with Chris
04:18Kind of been easy to turn him away
04:20Shut up
04:21Do you need a cuddle?
04:23What I need is for him to think even for just a second
04:27About how I might have felt
04:29When he shut me out and...
04:31Took off and completely rejected me
04:35He really did a number on you
04:38Makes still loving him even harder
04:41Who said I still love him?
04:44That ship has sailed and sunk
05:06We're supposed to be in a closed relationship and we can't do it
05:09We're very much open, open for business
05:11No, I don't want that
05:12Well, Natalie proved you wrong
05:13I was trying to call it off
05:15So, what I saw was a mistake?
05:18How many mistakes have you had with her?
05:21Earlier this week
05:23Wow, you are unbelievable
05:25You're the one who said that I was a coward
05:27That you were done
05:29It didn't seem like you wanted me anymore
05:31Do you?
05:32How am I in the firing line?
05:33You're the one in the wrong, not me
05:36You're right
05:37I should have told you
05:38Yeah, and you know what I would have said?
05:41Go for it
05:44Babe, look, I am sorry
05:46Yeah, me too
05:48What for?
05:50We don't know how to stick to the rules
05:52Well, don't go
05:53I'm done talking
05:54We're not finished
05:55Let go
05:56You want to tell me something, I can tell
05:58So just say it, I can take it all
06:00Just stop
06:01Mate, let her go
06:02This is none of your business
06:03Do I need to call security?
06:08I'm sorry
06:24Home is it?
06:25Yeah, I woke up early
06:26I thought I'd get started on mum's funeral plans
06:29She's got everything pretty much mapped out anyway
06:31Okay, well, you've got a coffee?
06:34Oh yeah, I can make you one if you want
06:35No honey, it's fine, I can do it
06:37So many calls to make
06:39Place isn't even open yet
06:41Well, I mean, the funeral home will be able to take care of most of it
06:45Just keep it simple
06:47My mother
06:48Don't forget to delegate
06:50Yeah, I think I've got it
06:53Oh my god, what is on that list?
06:55Yeah, pre-selected, some of the basics
06:58So, venue and service, food, flowers
07:01And then there's a reception at the boat club with a jazz band
07:05Yeah, she's got a list of musicians
07:07Don't know how she knows them, but I will track them down, sound them out
07:11See what you did there?
07:13Why don't you give that job to me, I can find them for you
07:15Did I sleep in?
07:17No honey, no, it's early
07:19I'm just trying to get on top of things
07:21Well, I can be on belly duty today
07:23Get them ready, take them to school
07:25Oh, you're a lifesaver
07:26Thank you Cassie
07:29But babe, even without the band, this is a lot
07:33Yeah, but it's what she wanted, so it's what she's going to get
07:40How much did she say she put aside again?
07:44Okay, we'll just keep track of how it's adding up, yeah?
07:46These things can get expensive
07:49Well, you know how much mum loved parties
07:53This is the last one I'm going to get to throw her, so
07:57You know, I've been trying to let this go, but I just don't understand this
08:02Can this wait until I'm up?
08:04You wanted me to catch you in the act, you're beyond disgusting
08:09You text me, telling me to meet you in the encore room
08:11I didn't send you any text
08:12Oh, so you're lying now
08:14Look, we can talk about this, I want to, but I did not send that text
08:20Whatever you say
08:29Why would I send it? That is twisted
08:32I think that's what she's getting at
08:34I don't even know what's happening
08:36Wait, let me see
08:38I don't even remember sending that text
08:40Well, intoxicated in charge of a fine, you wouldn't be the first
08:43I wasn't drunk, I was at work
08:50I'm going crazy
08:53I don't know what I'm doing
09:01Why her?
09:02Who, Natalie?
09:04I mean, you've seen her, right?
09:06Well, yeah, there is that
09:07But personally, she's got nothing on you
09:10Yeah, I could be happier with her
09:12Natalie doesn't do happy
09:14Well, we don't know her, not really
09:16She could be...
09:19Oh, yuck, no, Natalie's all wrong
09:21Well, have you ever loved the wrong person?
09:23Yeah, all the time
09:25I thought I was in love with Naz for a hot second there
09:27Okay, so you can't be with him, but you saw something in him
09:30Something that you didn't see in others
09:34So, you guys going back to plan A?
09:36What's that?
09:37Open relationship?
09:39I don't know
09:40Well, I got a feeling there's a little less fighting
09:45Nearly done
09:48Just leave it
09:54What is wrong with you?
09:56What? I just need people to do their job so I can do mine
09:59Okay, I'm going to ask you again
10:01Are you high?
10:04Mate, I can get a drug test ordered just like that
10:06What, are you going to force me to do it?
10:08I'll take you to court, mate
10:09Look, I'm trying to help you here
10:10Just tell me how I can do that
10:13Okay, that is the boat shed booked
10:16A bit eye watering, to be honest
10:18But, you know, YOLO
10:20That's what mum would say, right?
10:22Or is it like, you only die once?
10:25Is that a thing? Like YODO?
10:28Honey, adding up these musicians' fees
10:31Are we going over budget?
10:33Yeah, I think we might be
10:35But Leanne didn't put more than $10,000 aside
10:39Leanne didn't put more than $10,000 aside, right?
10:43No, no, less than that
10:45But, you know, if we go over budget a bit
10:47We can just put it on the credit card
10:49You can't do that
10:51What do you mean?
10:52Well, we can't put it on credit
10:54Why not? We'll just chip away at it
10:59Nick, we've barely been making ends meet since you've been off work
11:02So now I can't afford my mother's funeral?
11:05We can
11:07Yeah, we can, we just have to stick to Leanne's budget
11:10Right, which means she'll only get half of what she wanted
11:15I'm sorry
11:21So, you and Thaddeus
11:25It's lovely seeing you two getting close
11:27Oh, really?
11:29So this is me just saying
11:31You don't have to feel awkward around me
11:33I don't
11:34I would never kink-shame you
11:36Excuse me?
11:37It's a thing, I read about it
11:39In relation to your shared interests
11:44The pirate thing
11:46Oh, speaking of kinky
11:48Here comes Mr. Lycra
11:50I've hurt your eyes, Madonna
11:52What's all this?
11:53I'm sorry for making you both awkward last night
11:56Interrupting your private time
11:59Private time?
12:01Oh, right
12:03It was just a cuddle, you ning-nong
12:05After Chris showed up
12:08Oh, okay
12:10What did he have to say for himself?
12:12I think, you know, worse than Leanne dying
12:15It's just a bit of, poor me, poor me
12:19Are you okay?
12:21He's out of my life and I'm moving on
12:25Of course, that's good
12:28That'll send him a clear message then
12:36Okay, thank you, bye
12:39Oh, another super pricey caterer
12:42I reckon we can do better
12:44Okay, do we have the number of guests yet?
12:46No, still haven't confirmed it
12:54You look so worried
12:56I'm sorry, I'm trying not to be
13:00It's going to be okay, we'll be fine
13:02It's just a little bit of my
13:04I just, I don't want to dig us into a financial hole
13:08Mum had money, okay
13:10All those lottery winnings
13:12If we go over budget with the funeral
13:14Then the world will take care of it
13:18Yeah, I suppose
13:21When we get my inheritance money
13:23It will be covered
13:25Mum would have made sure of it, okay
13:27So just breathe
13:29Yeah, we'll be okay in the law room
13:32I'm sorry for being a handbrake
13:35The best handbrake
13:39Have you heard from Chris again?
13:42Told him to pull his head in
13:44Hoping he'd have apologised to you by now
13:46Yeah right, I kicked him to the curb yesterday
13:49Wasn't he already on the curb?
13:51In the gutter more like
13:53So you're done with him?
13:55Yeah, out of my life, moving on
13:58You sure you're okay?
14:00Honestly, it sucks
14:02I can't do it anymore
14:04Great, now I feel bad
14:06Why do you feel bad?
14:07Because I was pretty harsh on him too
14:09What did you say?
14:10I told him that nothing will change unless he does
14:13To pull his head in
14:15To worry about other people for once
14:17Thanks bro
14:19I suppose our walls are just going to come back up
14:21Not my problem anymore
14:24I asked for a big one
14:26Just take that
14:30Look mate, I'm good now
14:32I don't think you are
14:35Look, it's just the pressure of work and things
14:39Mate, you've been behaving erratically all week
14:41You've been distracted
14:43You bought a wine assaulted your partner yesterday
14:45Whoa, I did not assault her
14:47You gripped the woman's arm so tightly she couldn't move
14:53Look, I can help you, okay?
14:55I know the way out
14:56Look, I'm not a drug addict
14:57Then why are you acting like one?
14:59Is that what it looks like?
15:01I don't do drugs
15:03Okay, then you won't mind a urine test
15:05I'll get clearance from Esther
15:12Look, I have bipolar disorder
15:18Oh, I see
15:23But it doesn't affect my work and I shouldn't have to explain myself to you
15:26No, you don't
15:28But thank you for telling me
15:32Are you happy with your treatment plan?
15:36What, you think I'm not taking my meds?
15:38No, I didn't say that
15:40But you're thinking it
15:41No, I just know that these things can take a while to get the balance right
15:45Have you changed them recently or had an assessment done?
15:48Yeah, I had them changed
15:51Are you happy with them?
15:53To be honest, I can't think straight and things just aren't making sense
15:59Okay, well that must be unnerving
16:04Did you want me to have a look into it for you?
16:06See if I can figure out what the problem might be?
16:11Yeah, that would be cool
16:14Alright, let's get you back on track, eh?
16:24I got us some treats, I think we deserve it
16:30I don't know how I can do this
16:34Hey, hey, come here
16:37How am I going to do it?
16:40I'm so sorry, Nick, I've never been good at money stuff, I'm trying really hard but I suck
16:44It's not the money
16:48What's this?
16:49A bookmark
16:53I made this bookmark for Mum when I was seven
16:57And she was so child
17:00And every book she read since then she would use my bookmark
17:07That's really sweet
17:08Yeah, and when I was old enough to read the book, the first one that she used the bookmark on, she gave it to me
17:17And she said that it was the first feminist book that she'd ever read
17:23And it changed the way that she thought about books
17:30And that's why it made my bookmark so special
17:35Oh, Nick
17:38I don't know how I'm going to be okay without her
17:42I know, honey, I know we miss her too
17:47But I can never talk to her
17:51I'm never going to fight with her again
18:06Hey, hey, hey, hey, you've got to stay in your room
18:08No, don't you even try to help
18:10Okay, I'll just count you down
18:12Okay, on my count, one, two, three
18:16Hey, where's Marty?
18:17He's on his break
18:19I'm here
18:20NVA incoming
18:21I can help
18:22No, patient safety comes first
18:23I can still assist
18:25Look, it's not your arm, it's us
18:27Can we communicate without arguing?
18:29This needs to be perfect, best practice
18:32Okay, a truce
18:34Yeah, you heard me
18:36You really mean that?
18:37Yeah, of course I do
18:38Patients come first, always
18:39Now what have we got?
18:42Female late 30s, car versus pole
18:45Fractured femur and window glass through one eye
18:49Is that my NVA?
18:51Sage with us
18:52Okay, straight through to recess
19:03How are you doing?
19:04Better than I was yesterday
19:06That's good to hear
19:08How are you and Harper?
19:11Uh, looking forward to her getting back from her rescue mission
19:14You remember your brother Garrett?
19:16Long story, turns out she didn't need to jump on a plane to save the guy
19:19But there you go, family
19:23Hey, sad about Leanne, isn't it?
19:27Watch your poppy guys up at the Col, see how she's doing
19:29Oh, I'm sure she'll appreciate that very much
19:33It's really good to see you, mate
19:35Take care of yourself, will you?
19:37Thank you
19:43Sober now?
19:45I'm so sorry about turning up like that
19:48I'm so embarrassed
19:50You're a mess
19:52I probably still am, just not drunk
19:58So what can I do for you then?
20:01I just wanted to say
20:04I know I've treated you so badly
20:07And I'm sorry
20:11You rejected me over and over and discarded me
20:15I know, I was in a dark place
20:18Not that that's any excuse, but
20:22I've been there for so long now, and I've had enough
20:26It feels like some light is starting to come through
20:35I still care for you, very much
20:39Yeah, well, my feelings for you haven't evaporated either
20:47I can't be with you
20:49It's not that you want to change, no, that's great
20:52I want to see that too
20:56But you and me, as a couple or whatever
21:01It's too late
21:04I know
21:05I don't expect you to take me back
21:08I just wanted to say sorry
21:12Thank you for your apology
21:15And I really hope you get better too
21:25Well, we could go somewhere private if you want
21:28At this point, I don't care
21:30We just need your professional opinion before we talk to the, you know
21:33I'll say it, the psychiatrist
21:35You're not doing well on your medication
21:40I'm surprised, it's had fairly solid results across the board
21:43Do you want me to call the prescription up?
21:45No, I've got them here
21:53What are you doing?
21:55Something's not right
21:58This isn't the correct drug
22:01It's glucose, sugar pills
22:04Well, I don't understand
22:06Well, if you made a mistake, just say so
22:08No, no, no, see these markings?
22:10We don't even stock this brand
22:13I personally delivered your prescription to you in ED
22:18No, you didn't
22:20No, I gave it to your friend to pass on
22:22Which friend?
22:25What's going on?
22:27Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but it's you
22:30You're the one who's nuts
22:31What did she do?
22:32She switched my meds
22:34I was trying to help you
22:35You're going to jail for this
22:37You don't need to live longer
22:39I can take care of you because I love you
22:41No, no, no, you're delusional
22:43I just know that we are supposed to be together
22:45No, I don't want you!
22:46You don't know why!
22:48Get off!
22:49Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's enough!
22:51Wake up, Mihai!
22:53She doesn't love you!
22:55Get off me!
22:58We can start a new life together
22:59You want to run away?
23:00I just want out
23:01A new beginning
23:02Lily was a mistake, but we're good together
23:05Or goodbye
23:06I'm in love with someone else