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Home And Away 8301 || Home And Away 11th July 2024
00:00You're a pretty fast runner for someone who's dying.
00:16You are a disgrace.
00:17You should be ashamed of yourself.
00:19You want someone to blame?
00:20Blame yourself.
00:21All I needed was a stupid old woman, colourful enough to believe me, and I found you.
00:25I brought her here, put you and everyone else at risk.
00:29You fooled everyone.
00:30Not you.
00:31Love, I know I've got no right to ask for your forgiveness.
00:33Well, that's too bad, because you haven't.
00:36So how's it coming along?
00:37I just need to know what design you want.
00:39I want it to say blood and sand.
00:41So what brings you around here then?
00:44Something like that.
00:45Your interrogation skills are very rusty.
00:47Call HQ and take the job before they change their mind.
00:50Cash has a new job.
00:51Hey, congrats.
00:52Sorry about all the questions before.
00:54All I really need to know is that you're treating her right.
00:56All good?
00:57All good.
00:58Thank you.
01:25This is a nice surprise.
01:27Oh, you're busy helping out your mates today?
01:29I can wait. It's their fault I had to rush off last night.
01:32True. And trust me, it really did you a disservice.
01:35Oh, yeah?
01:38I'm glad you called.
01:40I was worried Cash's little interrogation had scared you off.
01:43You heard the man.
01:45Just wanted to make sure you were treating me right.
01:47Oh! Is that what he said?
01:50No, but seriously, it's cool. I've met way bigger and scarier brothers than yours.
01:54Yeah, I bet you have.
01:55Actually, wait. How many are we talking?
01:58Hang on. One of my knucklehead mates is here.
02:01Oh, yeah? Convenient timing.
02:03Sorry, I gotta go. I'll call you later.
02:05Well, you better.
02:07I saw the new cop.
02:09Just now. He drove past. Had the clown outfit on and all.
02:12Barely rides with this one.
02:14All right, I'm getting in.
02:25All right.
02:57Devlin! It's good to see you.
02:58Yeah, you too.
02:59What happened to the rooch?
03:00Oh, it got firebombed a few months back.
03:02Are they going to fix it?
03:04Probably not.
03:06So, what did you do to get stuck here with us, then?
03:07It's a long story.
03:09Don't want to share?
03:10Okay. This way, then.
03:19I think we dismissed them.
03:21Didn't waste much time replacing old Franco, did they?
03:24It was always going to happen.
03:27So, what do we do now?
03:31We welcome him to town.
03:35Morning. How are you feeling?
03:40Mind you, I think it'll be a while before the sting really goes.
03:44We all fell for Bronte's act.
03:47Your sister didn't.
03:48Yeah, and normally she'd be parading it around in front of our faces, but not so much this time.
03:53I saw her bedroom door was open.
03:56Has she taken off for the day already?
03:58No, she had a bad night, so she snuck into my bed earlier this morning.
04:02She hasn't done that since we were kids.
04:04Thank goodness for big sisters, eh?
04:07Love, I have to head to work, but if she needs anything, give us a bell.
04:11Yeah, will do.
04:13Great, you're up.
04:24I wouldn't describe this as up.
04:27Do I hear Irene?
04:29Yeah, she just left for work.
04:33Probably a good sign.
04:35Yeah, it is.
04:38I made toast.
04:39Yeah, I can see that.
04:41I'm hungry.
04:43You need your energy to, you know, leave the house.
04:46Last time I left the house I got locked in a container.
04:52I know I've already said this, but I am really sorry.
04:55I'm not mad at you.
04:57I'm not mad at Irene either.
05:08Seems like you're still mad at him.
05:11How long are you going to stonewall him for?
05:13I'm going to stonewall him until I can trust him again.
05:18I don't see that happening any time soon.
05:21Hey, you're back.
05:23How was your trip?
05:25Justin sends his love.
05:28I guess he had a few questions.
05:31But he understood.
05:32We both agreed to play Bronte.
05:34So he wasn't mad?
05:36No, you know what he did when he first saw me?
05:38He gave me a hug.
05:39Of course he did.
05:41And how are you?
05:43Yeah, I love him.
05:44I'm getting there.
05:45More worried about everyone else, to be honest.
05:49Hey, Ro.
05:51Usual doll?
05:52Yeah, usual.
05:53Thank you.
05:54Any news on Bronte?
05:55So, that's actually why I'm here.
05:56Bronte and her off-sider have been refused bail
05:58and are awaiting a court date.
06:00And thanks to Irene, everyone affected by the pair
06:02is being reimbursed as we speak.
06:04That's great news, isn't it?
06:06Yeah, well, thanks to Dana.
06:08If it were up to me, I'd have lost all my savings
06:10and half of yours.
06:12And you wouldn't have been the first.
06:13You know, the other two victims didn't even realise
06:15they'd been scammed.
06:16That's terrible.
06:17They assumed Bronte was still in Canada
06:19doing the clinical trial.
06:21She even sent them letters saying things were going well.
06:24Poor things.
06:26Like I said, they didn't know they'd been scammed.
06:28Must have been a real shock.
06:29Yeah, well, not an easy thing to find out.
06:32Would you mind coming down to the station?
06:34I'd like to go over your statement again.
06:36There's a few things I need to clarify.
06:38Yeah, love.
06:39Of course I will.
06:43Fresh air is good.
06:45You wanna grab a coffee?
06:47I'm not going anywhere near salt.
06:49I've been meaning to ask, where are the I told you-sos?
06:52You were proven right about Bronte.
06:54That's usually your favourite thing.
06:56Why are you saying that like it's a rare occurrence?
06:58I am really proud of you, though.
07:00You stuck to your guns, despite everything.
07:02Yeah, and everyone.
07:03Well, you never doubted yourself.
07:04That's pretty amazing.
07:05You gonna remember this next time we have an argument?
07:08Not a chance.
07:09It's OK, I'm gonna remind you.
07:12If you're looking for Xander, he doesn't start work until later.
07:15You know, can everyone actually just shut up about Xander?
07:18I am angry with him, and I actually told you
07:20that I didn't want to see him.
07:24She OK?
07:25Not by a long shot.
07:28It's simple.
07:29We don't have the resources, and the Riverboys know it.
07:32Pretty shameless about it, too.
07:34When was the last time you took down one of their operations?
07:36A while.
07:37I mean, picked them up for little things here and there,
07:39but that's about it.
07:41You don't understand.
07:42They're everywhere.
07:43We can't make a move without them knowing.
07:45Sounds like you're letting them walk all over you.
07:47Does it?
07:51Like I said, shameless.
07:57I'm sorry.
08:15Thank you for going through all that again.
08:18You're gonna be OK.
08:20Honestly, love, I feel like an idiot.
08:23Irene, don't call yourself that.
08:25That's exactly what I am, and Bronte saw it.
08:29She turned on the waterworks and I came running.
08:31You were being kind.
08:32And generous.
08:33That's all the most people ever are.
08:35Most people would see that as gullible.
08:38Irene, I convinced people to help her.
08:42Hell's bells, I talked her into suing the flippin' diner.
08:45Now you've given me enough information to make sure
08:47Bronte never does that to anyone ever again.
08:50Thanks, love.
08:51It's kind of you to say so.
08:54I'm gonna let Felicity know that Salt's gonna be reimbursed.
08:57I'm sure she'll be happy to hear it.
08:59See ya.
09:04You did well.
09:05And now everyone's gonna get their money back.
09:08A lot of people are hurting, Leah.
09:12I brought that girl into everyone's lives.
09:15This is on me.
09:18And we're home again.
09:20Yeah, I'm ecstatic.
09:23I'm sure Xander will never think to look for you here.
09:26After what he did, I am allowed to not want to see him.
09:30So do you think it's fair that everyone else gets a free pass but him?
09:34I don't care if it's fair or not.
09:36He didn't have my back.
09:37I know you've got trust issues.
09:39I mean, who wouldn't with what you've been through?
09:41But Xander isn't Ollie.
09:43It's a completely different situation.
09:44No, you're right.
09:45I have been betrayed in two completely different ways.
09:47Thank you.
09:48Lucky me, right?
09:49I understand that you're hurting.
09:50No, you don't.
09:51You absolutely don't.
09:52You have no idea what I'm going through.
09:54I finally thought I had something good in my life.
09:57Okay, you have to stop with the pity party.
09:59I'm sorry, pity party?
10:01What happened to you sucked, and I'm sorry.
10:03But you're acting like you're the only person that's ever been let down.
10:05And going on about it is not going to fix anything.
10:15This is a bad idea.
10:16You think questioning them about a crime is a bad idea?
10:19Pick your battles, is all I'm saying.
10:21You don't know these guys like I do.
10:23Yeah, I'm getting hurt.
10:25Why are we here?
10:27I thought you'd tell the new guy to get stuffed.
10:29I'll fill you in later.
10:33Okay, gentlemen.
10:37You vandalised my car.
10:39Oh, you came to the right guys.
10:41We saw the whole thing.
10:43I just wish we knew it was yours.
10:45We would have stopped the bloke.
10:47Can you identify this bloke?
10:49He was about my height.
10:51Hair about this long.
10:53I reckon you would have liked him.
10:55Right, Rory?
10:57You guys know I'm just going to pull the CCTV footage from the car park?
11:00About that.
11:01We don't have any.
11:03Cameras go up.
11:05They disappear.
11:07Every time.
11:09We just stopped installing them.
11:12Unlucky big boy.
11:18Here's something you'd like to add, Rory.
11:20Are we done here?
11:22We're done for now.
11:27If you need anything else, just let me know.
11:31You can get my number, right?
11:36How do you know Rory Templeton?
11:40He's dating my sister.
11:44My condolences.
11:48That's great, but I feel awful.
11:50We told our customers we'd be donating to a good cause.
11:53And Auntie turned us into liars too.
11:57You know how to pick a cop sister.
11:59Good one.
12:00Brought her.
12:02I guess this one's a cousin.
12:07Friends of Molly Hudson, right?
12:10I forgot about it.
12:11We make surfboards, right?
12:12Oh, I've got a main left hook too.
12:15Just stay out of trouble.
12:16You too, Chief.
12:22You finished with your friends already?
12:23Not quite.
12:24One of them tagged along for the ride.
12:27Hey, I'm Felicity.
12:28I think I saw you on the beach the other day.
12:30I could have done.
12:34Because I'm extremely loyal.
12:36And because he howls whenever things don't go his way.
12:40Can we take a break?
12:42Hang out with us?
12:43Yeah, give me one sec.
12:44And I will be right with you.
12:46Too easy.
12:50What have you done here?
12:51You couldn't have dropped her over the phone?
12:53You said anything about dropping her.
12:56We have a unique opportunity to get some dirt on the new cop.
12:59Come on.
13:00I'm going to take you for a drive around town.
13:02Show you where the least terrible coffee is.
13:04Rory Templeton.
13:06Possession of an unlicensed firearm.
13:10How has this guy avoided time?
13:11Your sister has an interesting type.
13:13She doesn't know who he really is.
13:15Then I suggest you tell her.
13:16But what I wouldn't do is dig too deep on the Riverboys.
13:20Okay, why's that?
13:21Because it's day one and it's already personal for you.
13:23It's not a great start.
13:24Are you telling me that they're not persons of interest in other cases?
13:27Do I need to remind you why you're here?
13:29Who you're replacing?
13:30Franklin McGrath.
13:31What's he got to do with this?
13:34Do you think the Riverboys have something to do with his death?
13:39Hey, tell me about the last case he was working on.
13:42Maybe I can help.
13:46Franklin was running surveillance on one of the Riverboys' hangouts.
13:50He was convinced it was being used to move product.
13:52Was it?
13:53Who knows.
13:55But Franklin wouldn't let it go.
13:58Even on his nights off he was always out there watching.
14:01On his own?
14:02Most of us don't want to be here even when we're paid to be.
14:06What's your theory?
14:07I don't have one.
14:09One night he just went missing.
14:11A few days later we found his body washed up in the dam.
14:14And the investigation found nothing?
14:16You think people around here are going to talk?
14:18Look at us, we're spread thin.
14:19A cop died. You should have access to all the resources you need.
14:22You'd think so, wouldn't you?
14:27Welcome to Mangrove River.
14:29Stick your neck out here, it's going to be the last thing you ever do.
14:40You can't hang out for long, but I'm free later.
14:46Sounds good.
14:48So, what was the big emergency that you needed Rory back for?
14:54Ah, yeah, well...
14:56I have a bone to pick with you first.
14:58Yeah? What's that?
15:00Your brother drove past us today, in uniform.
15:04You never told me he was a cop.
15:06Oh, well, he was unemployed until yesterday.
15:09Pretty sure you don't get a badge overnight.
15:11He was sort of suspended.
15:14What for?
15:15Got his hand caught in the cookie jar, did he?
15:18Actually, he took down a corrupt detective.
15:21And they fired him for it?
15:23Yeah, that sounds more like the cop side, eh?
15:25What's that supposed to mean?
15:27Hey, grab us a drink, would ya?
15:30So, your brother went back to work for them, even after they stabbed him in the back?
15:35Yeah, Cash is a good guy. He cares about people.
15:40Why all the questions?
15:43I'm just trying to get to know ya.
15:45Figure out what kind of trouble I'm getting myself into.
15:48Oh, you have no idea.
15:56I'm sorry.
15:59I was not implying that I'm the only one that's ever been let down.
16:04I've let you down plenty of times.
16:06Tell me about it.
16:08I'm sorry, too.
16:10You've been through a lot.
16:12I've been through a lot, too.
16:14You've been through a lot.
16:16Tell me about it.
16:17I'm sorry, too.
16:19You've been through a lot.
16:21You're allowed to have a pity party.
16:23Just a small, tiny pity party.
16:37Come in.
16:39What's wrong?
16:40No, nothing. I just wanted to check on you.
16:42Yeah, I'm okay.
16:44Also, Xander wanted me to tell you he's worried about you.
16:46Well, he's worried about me now, is he?
16:49Maybe you should reply to one text?
16:52Why would I do that? I'm angry at him.
16:54I have every right to be. He didn't trust me.
17:10No matter what, no one blames you for what happened.
17:13No, I know they don't, Leah.
17:15They pity me.
17:17That's not true.
17:18Yes, it is.
17:19I was such an easy target.
17:22No, Bronte is a scammer.
17:25A really good one.
17:26Is that all I am now?
17:28Some vulnerable old lady that can't be trusted with her own bank account?
17:31I mean, no.
17:33I trust you with my life.
17:35You were strong and capable.
17:39I used to think myself like that.
17:43But boy, I didn't see Bronte coming.
17:46You weren't the only one.
17:48I was closest to her.
17:50She was living under my roof, for God's sake, and I had no idea.
17:56What does that say about me?
17:59That you see the best in people.
18:01I love her.
18:03It says I'm a fool.
18:08Hey! How's the big first day back at work?
18:11Shouldn't you be having lunch with your new colleagues?
18:13Maybe next time. We need to talk.
18:16We need to talk about Rory.
18:17He said he saw you today.
18:19I need you to end things with him.
18:23Since when do you care who I'm dating?
18:25Since you started dating a gang member.
18:28What are you talking about?
18:30This new posting of mine?
18:33It's at one of the worst stations in the whole state.
18:36And the gang your boyfriend's in is the reason why.
18:38So I'm just going to need you to stay away from this guy.
18:40Okay, please?
18:42I wouldn't be asking you this if it wasn't important.
18:44So please, do as I ask.
19:01Did work finish early?
19:03I've had enough for one day.
19:06Did, um, Harper manage to get you out?
19:09Um, yeah. For a bit.
19:11I just, um, prefer being at home.
19:18Listen to this.
19:19He says,
19:20Dana, come on.
19:21Don't let Bronte come between us.
19:23You at least owe me a conversation.
19:25I owe him.
19:27I owe him, even though he's the one that messed up.
19:29Well, I don't think...
19:30I'm sorry.
19:31Why all of a sudden is it on me to make him feel better?
19:33You know what, I, um, I don't know.
19:35Sorry, I can't help.
19:37Okay, well, do you think I should reply to this?
19:38Or am I just going to keep ignoring him?
19:40I think you should trust your own gut.
19:42Because, you know,
19:44mine hasn't done me any favours lately.
19:56Here you are.
19:58Don't worry.
19:59I'm on my own.
20:01I left Dingo by the side of the road somewhere.
20:04Wasn't sure what beer you liked, so, uh...
20:06Got the kind I liked.
20:09Thought we could go back to your place.
20:11Buy something fun to do.
20:16You okay?
20:19Not really.
20:24I had a, uh...
20:27pretty interesting chat with Cash earlier.
20:32I'm sure you could probably guess what that was about.
20:36Probably could.
20:41So is it true?
20:43Are you in a gang?
20:46If that's what you want to call it.
20:49Look, I don't know what your brother's told you.
20:52But please, just...
20:55Just let me explain.
20:57Give me one good reason why I shouldn't dump you right now.
21:07Tell your brother he's got nothing to worry about.
21:10Neither do you.
21:12Cash is worried about you. I am worried about you.
21:14You don't need to be. You don't know him like I do.
21:17Why don't you try getting your facts straight
21:19before you start throwing accusations around?
21:21You know nothing about me.
21:22Well, I know my sister's not going to hang out with somebody like you.
21:24We'll see about that.
21:26You don't want to get involved with Rory Templeton.
21:28Do you think he's got anything to do with this murder?
21:30Rory runs the boys.
21:31He's their leader, so, yeah.
21:33I'd say he's in it up to his eyeballs.
21:35He's in it up to his eyeballs.
