• last year
Este capítulo de Ganar o Servir trae divertidos momentos en una nueva jornada de la venganza de los sirvientes. También habrá una penitencia para los peores trabajadores de la casa, y una dinámica que dejará a todos complicados en la convivencia.


00:00:04Thus nombrara cada uno de ellos en tres dos uno
00:00:26Que soy una dama
00:00:34Debes comer una aquí
00:00:41Debes escoger a un participante y darle un beso que dure un minuto
00:01:00Yes, but it's super you'll be missing
00:01:02But you know, no, it's good. Yeah, I repeat a little bit. Oh, no way. I think it's cool
00:01:05But I guess I just feel like it makes Westover. I mean, you know, I said
00:01:08Come on, it isn't very sad. I'm in business. Yes. I'm looking at a plant. There are much as cosas
00:01:13It's gonna expose it or they intimidate when I leave in a room
00:01:16Again, see it in America. I'm not going to spit it. It's gonna I need to have a lot of contigo
00:01:21No me refiero una relación pero dando la cara contigo pero tenéis que gastar con el que está y dándote la mano y todo
00:01:28Esa huella un chico es cuanto me importa
00:01:32No, no que me la suda si no te gusta
00:01:35Que sean celosas a ni estoy contigo ni voy a estarlo que te dije a otra y a te dicte recomend
00:01:40Dije porque no vuelves mejor con ganas que el camino es más fácil. Yo no perdono ni estas estas fuera de juego ahora mismo
00:01:46Arqueta roja tienes no jaste el cuantos partidos está sin jugar por tonto a mí que me hagan esas cosas
00:01:53no existe no hay posibilidad
00:01:58No aprenda papá aprenda
00:02:08Los hemos reunido nuevamente en la arena de la competencia para vivir el cuarto duelo de eliminación
00:02:17Otota te hace eximido de este duelo de eliminación
00:02:28Camila ya va a instalar su cuarta y última argolla blue Mary va entonces
00:02:34Recién por la segunda Camila sube las escaleras del torreón señoras y señores
00:02:39Blue Mary viene para buscar su tercera argolla. Ahí está Camila señoras y señores
00:02:45Levanta la espada
00:02:48Se queda con el triunfo y continúa en competencia una semana más al menos en ganar o servir
00:03:01Desde este momento durante 24 horas viviremos el día de la venganza
00:03:10Le voy a tirar todo. Mira los que pasaron por aquí. Esta es la basura que llene un papelero al toque
00:03:24Mira que asquerosidad
00:03:29Eso, eso Botota suétele
00:03:33Ni se le ocurra Botota
00:03:37Mira ella es sexy pero siento que ya después si eres sexy
00:03:42O sea como que no trates de ser más sexy
00:03:45Porque algunas personas hacen cosas por parecer sexy si terminan como que
00:03:51No es necesario ¿Me entiendes? Menos es más
00:03:55¿Pudiste creer lo que me dijo? Te paraste a la mesa y me dijo que
00:03:58Austin, que te podría dar
00:04:00Es que como que siento que ya eres sexy y como que intentar ser más sexy como que no
00:04:06Una wea así, pero no lo dijo así
00:04:09Yo ya lo veía venir esto
00:04:11Una wea así
00:04:13¿Me estás weando?
00:04:15Ridículo, una wea ridículo
00:04:19Yo me llevaba bien con mi ex en la cama sobre todo
00:04:23Es que como el tema del sexo, una wea te atrapa
00:04:28Uno ayudas a aceptar situaciones y cosas que a lo mejor no son tan buenas
00:04:32Pero porque le tiras mucho la piel
00:04:35Y tú le pillaste
00:04:37Muchas veces
00:04:39Y me siento muy culpable de haber estirado tanto el chicle para llegar a una situación terrible
00:04:47Hoy día es el día de la venganza
00:04:49Señor Austin
00:04:51Acuerda que este cartel se lo tienes que poner a un señor o una señora
00:04:55¿A quién le pondríamos cobarde?
00:04:56A Luis Mateo
00:04:57Es con un suceso que ha pasado que es Fabio Agostini
00:05:00Te creo un 10% de lo que le dijiste
00:05:03Me la suda
00:05:04La actual señora Gala
00:05:06Aquí acá en la caja
00:05:08Luis, encuentro que eres súper carbonero
00:05:11Porque pones buena cara por delante pero después vas metiendo mierda por detrás
00:05:15Tú eres el primero que criticas a todo el mundo y eres un chato porque no tienes huevo para decirlo en la cara
00:05:19Eres súper machista
00:05:20Y no tienes confianza conmigo para dar ningún tipo de opinión de lo que yo hago con mi vida
00:05:25Tú has opinado y has hecho comentarios súper ofensivos sin tener ni voz ni voto
00:05:31Hola, muy buenas noches, sean todos ustedes bienvenidos a un nuevo capítulo de este viaje
00:05:35Que vivimos todos juntos de domingo a jueves llamado ganar o servir de vuelta al pasado
00:05:40Hoy viviremos un nuevo día de la venganza con todo lo que esto implica para los nuevos sirvientes
00:05:46Pero por sobre todas las cosas presenciaremos un capítulo en el que reinará la pasión
00:05:53Muy bien señoras y señores estamos concluyendo este duelo de eliminación
00:05:58Quiero repetir un gran aplauso para ambas participantes
00:06:01Para la ganadora Camila Recavar
00:06:03Y para quien tiene que abandonar este juego
00:06:06Blue Mary
00:06:07Por ahora es todo
00:06:09Que estén muy bien
00:06:10Buenas noches
00:06:12Se fue a despedir a su amiga Blue Mary
00:06:14¿Se ha despedido a su amiga Blue Mary? ¿No?
00:06:16Después de todas las cosas que también le ha dicho a usted
00:06:18No, me despide a mí, a mí me despide a todos
00:06:20¡Qué buena onda!
00:06:21No, pero si usted sabe que yo con la Camila no me voy a sacar a hablar nunca
00:06:24No, yo que iba a saber, tampoco estoy tan pendiente
00:06:26Yo conté que me agarré muy brijo como para ir a bajar a esa brasa
00:06:29Pero es que tú te peleaste
00:06:31Dile que venga a comer piña
00:06:33¿Hay capaz para echarla a la Falón igual?
00:06:35Porque se va a sentir super sola
00:06:37Bueno, tiene que preguntarme más con ella, ¿No?
00:06:39Yo he tenido incidencias con ella
00:06:41No, es que yo tenía vaginas
00:06:43¿Tienes vaginas?
00:06:45¿Tienes vaginas?
00:06:47¿Tienes vaginas?
00:06:50Yo creo que no
00:06:51No, yo creo que no
00:06:52¿Tienes vaginas?
00:06:54¿Tienes vaginas?
00:06:56¿Tenés vaginas?
00:06:59No, because we haven't had a serious conversation.
00:07:01So I think it's a bit cynical.
00:07:03Of course, very cynical.
00:07:06Who do you say,
00:07:07ah, that they don't do the cameras?
00:07:10That's not true, is it?
00:07:13And you can be friends?
00:07:15And I'll be with you all the time, I've told you.
00:07:16No, I can't stand it.
00:07:17Because the expensive ones are dry.
00:07:18I didn't want to answer because I'm...
00:07:20You told me the other day,
00:07:21you're a patient, yes.
00:07:23I'm a knife.
00:07:24You've been caught by your boyfriend, man.
00:07:26He's helped me talk a lot of times,
00:07:27and he told me not to get mad at him.
00:07:29Of course, and then you let go of that activity.
00:07:31It's easy then, I'm going to fuck you,
00:07:32and you're going to get mad at me.
00:07:34In front of everyone, in the activity,
00:07:35he treated you like a housewife,
00:07:36what he told you,
00:07:38that you have studies and they don't serve you at all.
00:07:40But for me that's an irony,
00:07:42because I have a company.
00:07:46I have a company.
00:07:47You know what?
00:07:48Like you say, we don't fuck.
00:07:50I'm not going to do it.
00:07:51And I'm not going to do it.
00:07:52But you have to do it, we're screwed.
00:07:54Someone else does it and I do it.
00:07:55I wash the dishes.
00:07:57Do you know what annoys me?
00:07:58That they see me naked and I find out about the others.
00:08:02They don't tell you.
00:08:03They don't tell me.
00:08:03And they're the typical ones that go around saying that one is...
00:08:06I don't understand, that one is a butcher,
00:08:07that one is this, that one is that, that one is that, that one is that.
00:08:09I find out...
00:08:09Yes, but they're Argentinians,
00:08:11we're going to start smoking them.
00:08:12But they want war.
00:08:14Let's go to war.
00:08:18I've been like this all my life,
00:08:20and I've been doing it,
00:08:21the one who likes it, does it, and the one who doesn't, does it too.
00:08:23But what's happening to me is that I'm bothering him.
00:08:25Too correct.
00:08:27So I felt uncomfortable today with the face he made.
00:08:30And also Panga, he looked at him with a face of...
00:08:33Like, look, what's up?
00:08:35So I felt terrible, man.
00:08:37He also said to me,
00:08:38but you see that we are very different,
00:08:40because I am very conservative and you are very liberal.
00:08:41So it started like that.
00:08:42That's it, have you done it too?
00:08:44I mean, he's playing to see if you...
00:08:46This thing they say about polishing a diamond,
00:08:48well, how to do a little bit of that.
00:08:49Because he really likes it, but...
00:08:52If someone likes you, they have to like you completely.
00:08:55Let's see, it's true that you can always improve, huh?
00:08:57Be careful, it's not like we're perfect.
00:08:58I'm not in love, man.
00:09:00I mean, I'm getting to know him, you know?
00:09:01I'm not...
00:09:02No, but you're quite excited because you can tell.
00:09:05It's just that...
00:09:06How many times have I told you?
00:09:07You're too close.
00:09:08Too much.
00:09:09And he's so low.
00:09:10That's it, just.
00:09:12That's it, it's short.
00:09:13He's good with you, but he wants you to be more...
00:09:16To understand.
00:09:16It's like, hello.
00:09:17That's the word.
00:09:18They're going to understand that I'm hungry, man.
00:09:20I'm hungry.
00:09:23Well, yes, nice.
00:09:26I don't know how to exercise.
00:09:28No, zero.
00:09:29Zero provokes me.
00:09:31I don't want to provoke you either.
00:09:34I don't want to provoke you.
00:09:36I wouldn't.
00:09:37I'm not saying you have an ugly body or anything.
00:09:40It's just that it doesn't provoke women.
00:09:42I mean, in my case.
00:09:43Look at muscles or a handsome man and that's it, warm me up.
00:09:46I'm good, bro.
00:09:47What's up?
00:09:48How are you?
00:09:54Oh, it really hurts dude.
00:09:57Does it hurt a lot in your mouth?
00:09:58Oh, baby.
00:09:59I tell you it's as if you had a pain in your mouth.
00:10:01I think my girlfriend is swollen, drink lemon water.
00:10:05It's good for swollen.
00:10:07I'll get some wine, bro, so I can get a little,
00:10:09to see if it's a little, dude.
00:10:11Look how I've got it.
00:10:15You talk back.
00:10:16You're amazing!
00:10:18You're amazing, my brother!
00:10:21Do like this and release gas.
00:10:24No, gas!
00:10:25Not even gas?
00:10:26No, but at my house...
00:10:28My stomach is very bad,
00:10:30if you drink a glass of wine.
00:10:33At my house, alcohol is a remedy.
00:10:35It's something necessary.
00:10:36It's in the bottle and it's fine.
00:10:37Very good.
00:10:39I'm going to throw up.
00:10:41But what?
00:10:42I'm going to throw up.
00:10:43I'm kissing you.
00:11:09You get nervous.
00:11:11I really have a very strong look.
00:11:13I do?
00:11:15You coerce me.
00:11:17What's up?
00:11:19You want to be my evil eye.
00:11:22After a fight, after throwing up...
00:11:24No, you have to go to sleep.
00:11:26The man can do whatever he wants.
00:11:28The worst thing is when you get angry at night
00:11:30and everyone goes to their side and you fight.
00:11:32I can't sleep.
00:11:34I have to hug him at night.
00:11:35I have to sleep.
00:11:37That's good.
00:11:38You never have to go to bed angry.
00:11:40It's the worst.
00:11:42If I go to the floor,
00:11:44I know he's afraid.
00:11:45He's careful with the little girl.
00:11:49He's bad.
00:11:50He's already packed his suitcase
00:11:51and I help him do it.
00:11:54And then he says,
00:11:55and all this year he throws it in the trash.
00:11:59And then he puts his suitcase back up.
00:12:09No, but it's heavy!
00:12:11It's delicious.
00:12:12With the shoes it's very heavy.
00:12:14I'm telling you, I'm telling you all.
00:12:16How heavy.
00:12:18No, from the shoe, go away.
00:12:20What a liar!
00:12:21But go away!
00:12:22Don't you see that you're a human being?
00:12:25I can't do this.
00:12:26I can't do this.
00:12:29Heavy, man.
00:12:30How delicious.
00:12:31That smell to sleep, I love it.
00:12:35I like to sleep here.
00:12:37There, the audience screams a lot.
00:12:40They never sleep.
00:12:44I'm going to see Fabio.
00:12:45I hope to see him in my dreams, Austin.
00:12:47Your friend.
00:12:49How was it?
00:12:50Look at him.
00:12:51I would have liked to touch him.
00:12:53Thank goodness he left.
00:12:54It was a lot of temptation.
00:12:57If the theater hadn't happened.
00:12:59One is satisfied with so little, with a chair.
00:13:14Bye, Blue.
00:13:15I can't.
00:13:22Oh, my God.
00:13:24We went out there and I...
00:13:26We went out there and I'm going out here.
00:13:29Hey, Stanley.
00:13:31Go out and walk over there.
00:13:33Let them follow you.
00:13:35No, not there.
00:13:37Go out there, but let them follow you.
00:13:42There it is.
00:13:50You're so relaxed.
00:13:52You're so relaxed.
00:13:54Daniela, get out of there.
00:13:56My queen.
00:13:58Look at her.
00:13:59Oh, my God, you have all the make-up on.
00:14:02Look at your face.
00:14:03No, I don't see it.
00:14:04It's a joke.
00:14:05Yes, it's true.
00:14:08You're crazy, girl.
00:14:09Did you drink?
00:14:10Yes, we drank, we drank.
00:14:13We were drinking a...
00:14:14No, it's a lie.
00:14:16We drank, we were drinking and talking.
00:14:19And, was it nice?
00:14:23No, the champagne was good.
00:14:33Good night.
00:14:34See you tomorrow.
00:14:48When you invite me.
00:15:11What do you think?
00:15:14I feel like I said a lot of things.
00:15:17With your eyes.
00:15:19Tell me something.
00:15:21With my eyes.
00:15:24Tell me if it's good.
00:15:25You're crazy.
00:15:27And it entertains you.
00:15:30The difference.
00:15:31Well, Kimola.
00:15:33You were a very correct woman.
00:15:36No one can say...
00:15:38Zero, correct.
00:15:39No one can say a bad word.
00:15:43You're going to the extreme.
00:15:45But I'm not so extreme.
00:15:47I'm normal.
00:15:48But sometimes I say a couple of words.
00:15:51When I'm with a friend.
00:15:53It's okay.
00:15:56Why are my hands drying?
00:15:58Because you're flying.
00:15:59No, I'm not flying.
00:16:01I'm telling you that you're okay.
00:16:03Because you're you.
00:16:11Or no?
00:16:13What do you want?
00:16:14What do you want?
00:16:16I don't know.
00:16:19You're crazy.
00:16:20Poor thing.
00:16:23You're crazy.
00:16:24You're crazy.
00:16:33You know what?
00:16:37I'm entertaining myself.
00:16:44Because what you're doing.
00:16:48But I can be your personal clown.
00:16:53You're ugly.
00:16:55You're ugly.
00:16:58Let me shut up.
00:17:00Because I'm going to shit on you.
00:17:06What's that face?
00:17:07I'm going to miss you a lot, Valeria.
00:17:13What are you doing?
00:17:21Let's sleep.
00:17:24Good night.
00:17:29Good night.
00:17:47Good night.
00:18:17Good night.
00:18:18Good night.
00:18:19Good night.
00:18:20Good night.
00:18:21Good night.
00:18:50It's so hot.
00:18:52Let's start.
00:18:53Turn a little bit.
00:18:54You can turn little.
00:18:55That one, you're winning.
00:18:58You're playing with all your feet.
00:19:10Good morning, Falo.
00:19:11Good morning.
00:19:12Why don't you do yoga with Dani, Falo?
00:19:13You're going to do yoga?
00:19:14I'll do yoga.
00:19:15Do you want?
00:19:16Let's go.
00:19:17Let's go.
00:19:18I like it when people listen to me.
00:19:22I tell them, go do it yourself, don't listen to him.
00:19:25And I do it.
00:19:26Inhale, close your eyes, inhale.
00:19:31And exhale through the nose.
00:19:35We're going to start moving the neck.
00:19:48It's a new day in the most famous house in Latin America.
00:19:56And while these sculptural bodies,
00:20:05And I, who am a queen,
00:20:07need a little privilege.
00:20:10Lord, send me your all-powerful light,
00:20:13that today, in my revenge,
00:20:15turns me from a pumpkin into a queen!
00:20:24How are you, miss?
00:20:25Good, my love, and you?
00:20:26How was it?
00:20:27Very good.
00:20:28You look beautiful without your glasses.
00:20:31I'm going to wear them when I get blonde.
00:20:34Look how your leg is broken.
00:20:36I saw it.
00:20:37Do you want me to give you a massage?
00:20:40There he is.
00:20:42The only man I massaged.
00:20:44And he's gone.
00:20:45I wanted a Fabio.
00:20:47But, open mind.
00:20:48You know, you gave me a week?
00:20:50With massages and stuff.
00:20:52He let you give him a massage.
00:20:53And one more test.
00:20:55And he was mine.
00:20:57This Barbie needs a Ken like this.
00:20:59I'm too much of a woman for a single bone.
00:21:10Do you think I'm too much of a woman?
00:21:12Or a little?
00:21:13No, I think you just don't understand the language.
00:21:16There's a saying in Chile.
00:21:17Look who you're with, and I'll tell you who you are.
00:21:29How did you feel?
00:21:30Yesterday I had a bad collapse.
00:21:32My head wouldn't stop.
00:21:33And it was like a collapse.
00:21:34Where did you cry?
00:21:36I couldn't stop crying.
00:21:37It was like this.
00:21:38An anguish.
00:21:39It's true.
00:21:40It's not bad.
00:21:41You were there out of nowhere, and boom, the water came to you.
00:21:44Not out of nowhere.
00:21:45Or accumulated.
00:21:46Normal accumulation.
00:21:47As I suppose, an accumulation of the things that have been happening.
00:21:50Because of the things that have happened to you and me.
00:21:53How they can be interpreted outside.
00:21:55Or how people can receive it.
00:21:57Because I really, for me, it was very healthy.
00:22:00Very good vibes.
00:22:01Very enjoying the moment.
00:22:03But, of course, in a super healthy way.
00:22:05And then the shit turned into this shit that is happening now.
00:22:09It's like the La La La trio.
00:22:11A weird game.
00:22:12A shit that is uncomfortable for me.
00:22:14And it's not like I would have liked it either.
00:22:16Since yesterday I started to think about it, and I got a little upset.
00:22:19I collapsed a little.
00:22:20It lasted a long time.
00:22:21There with someone.
00:22:22I didn't see you.
00:22:23You didn't notice?
00:22:24I didn't see you.
00:22:25The Palo and the Blue came with my mom.
00:22:27The condom.
00:22:28The condom.
00:22:29The condom.
00:22:30The condom.
00:22:31The Palo and the Blue came with my mom.
00:22:33The condom.
00:22:34The condom.
00:22:35They were all with me.
00:22:36That yesterday I collapsed doesn't mean that this is going to happen to me every day.
00:22:39Today is another day.
00:22:41I have the same thoughts, but different emotions.
00:22:45Worrying about things that don't even depend on me.
00:22:59Good morning.
00:23:00Good morning.
00:23:02Good morning.
00:23:03Good morning, Amanda.
00:23:04Good morning.
00:23:05Good morning.
00:23:06I'm going to thank you because I would also like to talk to you about something.
00:23:10I know that for you, Blumeri was a special partner.
00:23:15So I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that this person has left.
00:23:20I think it's a big loss for this place.
00:23:23So I wanted to tell you that.
00:23:25Thank you very much, Amanda.
00:23:26You're welcome.
00:23:27A hug.
00:23:28A hug.
00:23:29I have to hurry up and change into elegant.
00:23:38We have two less participants.
00:23:43How much longer?
00:23:45until the competition is won
00:23:47but please
00:23:49they are few but good
00:23:51we are who we are and we are who we are
00:23:53and we have to work with what we have
00:23:57Don Pangal
00:23:59what should I do now?
00:24:01take off all my clothes and we all talk together
00:24:03to be in the same mood?
00:24:05no no no
00:24:07you are a servant, what are you?
00:24:09servant with soul
00:24:11but if you are a servant and Don Gonzalo is with the servants
00:24:13I can't believe it
00:24:15please come with me
00:24:17excuse me
00:24:19I found one of the
00:24:23sharing with the gentlemen
00:24:25while you were giving relevant information
00:24:27you didn't even tell me you were coming
00:24:29Don Gonzalo
00:24:31Gala, let's remember what happened
00:24:33last week regarding using the
00:24:35side of the gentlemen
00:24:37no, I was out there
00:24:39when I come, when Amanda also comes
00:24:41the servants come to this side
00:24:43I didn't see you come
00:24:45I didn't see you, I swear to God
00:24:47Don Gonzalo
00:24:51very good
00:24:55no, he's going to attack me
00:24:57he's going to
00:24:59sorry Don Gonzalo
00:25:01servants sometimes it's hard to understand
00:25:03leave a plate
00:25:05they don't learn
00:25:07Amanda, what do you want?
00:25:09I want to mark the point
00:25:11of Sofía, in the little time she has
00:25:13look how she is, with a beard and elegance
00:25:15as Amanda taught me
00:25:17extended and also
00:25:21we are going to flirt here
00:25:23she certainly does it with a lot of beard
00:25:27I could tell you a couple of things
00:25:29if you allow me
00:25:35was about
00:25:37like this
00:25:39I was going to congratulate her
00:25:41because she is perfectly
00:25:45but it seems to me Don Gonzalo
00:25:47that the hair is still being fixed
00:25:49what happens Amanda is that I took advantage
00:25:51of fixing my hair a little
00:25:53because yesterday doing so many things
00:25:55I couldn't even bathe all day
00:25:57the only one
00:25:59because all the rest did what I had to do
00:26:01which was to participate in the here and now
00:26:03but I'm listening carefully
00:26:05this is what Mariela has to do
00:26:07when Amanda arrives and I am present
00:26:09to pay attention to how we are doing it
00:26:11we get up a little earlier
00:26:13and we can do all these things
00:26:15to be able to fix our hair without inconvenience
00:26:17I ask you a favor
00:26:19at the moment when you feel convenient
00:26:21I ask the servants
00:26:23to go
00:26:25and stay there
00:26:27alone in the front
00:26:29ready to listen
00:26:31because you know that Mrs. Mariela
00:26:33excuse me
00:26:35go ahead
00:26:41I can't believe it
00:26:43that you choose the moment
00:26:45when I arrive to bathe
00:26:47I have esteem for you
00:26:49but I can't always laugh
00:26:51because you are disrespecting me
00:26:53you are taking advantage of my confidence
00:26:55I should have Amanda's school
00:26:57because certainly
00:26:59too much
00:27:09most of you already know what we are here for
00:27:11which I love
00:27:13from this moment
00:27:15for 24 hours
00:27:17we will live a wonderful day
00:27:19the day
00:27:21of revenge
00:27:23how great
00:27:25I would like for everyone to applaud
00:27:27because it is a wonderful opportunity
00:27:29Don Luis, are you happy?
00:27:31The truth is that I am not happy, but the truth is that I think my team is going to be useful.
00:27:35And one day before the competition, get out of that comfort zone and bathe in cold water and move the body a little, I don't think it will hurt us.
00:27:40I also want to say that it seems to me that it is an important opportunity.
00:27:43Through the example, it is one of the simplest ways to be able to demonstrate a fact.
00:27:49So I ask those who are now servants to do things as they should during these 24 hours.
00:27:54Do you think, Don Gonzalo, that the change is now being applied?
00:27:58Yes, it seems to me that it is time for it to be applied.
00:28:01And I need the servants, at this moment, to go to the servants' room so that we can start with the servants' service, please.
00:28:10Let's put the table as they put it.
00:28:12Botota, Botota, Botota, Botota, guys, Botota.
00:28:15Come back here, please.
00:28:17But Botota was helping now, wasn't she?
00:28:19Come this way.
00:28:20It's half past ten, nothing more.
00:28:21But she didn't have to do it.
00:28:23She is very uncomfortable with this.
00:28:26Guys, guys, one second.
00:28:28I want to mark the point of the work that we all have here.
00:28:31We know the roles that we have to fulfill.
00:28:33I know that the guys are angry or whatever, but it's not going to be like that.
00:28:36No, no, okay, I'm not saying the demonstration of Botota.
00:28:38I understand.
00:28:39Guys, what interests me is that you do things as they should, that the roles are maintained,
00:28:43and that the function of the servant is really to serve the gentlemen, just as you would like to be served.
00:28:49Do you understand, Botota?
00:28:50Something that didn't happen, but it doesn't matter.
00:28:52We are going to do it again without looking back.
00:28:54Wait a minute, I know that maybe it didn't happen.
00:28:56I know that maybe it didn't happen.
00:28:57The important thing is that it starts to happen at some point.
00:28:59Check the floor, how is it?
00:29:00Yes, that's what I was going to say.
00:29:01It doesn't matter.
00:29:02Guys, guys, if the floor...
00:29:03They know the same as us.
00:29:04Guys, if the floor is dirty, if the floor is dirty, then we clean it.
00:29:08Botota, you have to clean it.
00:29:10Yes, no.
00:29:11To close the subject, listen to me a little.
00:29:12To close the subject, during the week there were sanctions that are going to be communicated.
00:29:15We already informed you about each of them, okay?
00:29:18What sanctions are there?
00:29:20In a minute, Botota, you will realize that this is a very important sanction
00:29:23and you will understand that the work of ladies and gentlemen has to be respected.
00:29:26We will do it.
00:29:27With that, the subject is closed and it also affects the whole team, okay?
00:29:30And now, Mr. Gonzalo, please, if you allow me, can I ask you to accompany them?
00:29:34That's right.
00:29:35Thank you very much.
00:29:36Please, let's go.
00:29:38Let's go?
00:29:42In two seconds, please, get dressed to go and enjoy breakfast.
00:29:47I can't enjoy breakfast, Amanda, if my bed is not served.
00:29:50The servants have to come here to serve my bed.
00:29:53Guys, one second here.
00:29:54But they didn't treat us all week as gentlemen.
00:29:57Understand what you're telling me.
00:29:58The important thing is that we do it.
00:30:00And regarding the Gala sanction, so that you take it into consideration, Botota,
00:30:03it will be given tomorrow and in the competition.
00:30:05And it's not a minor sanction, it's for the whole team.
00:30:10Austin is worried because they haven't changed their sheets or they haven't tidied up the bed.
00:30:19I want to tell you that the sanction that you are going to receive as a team
00:30:26is not going to be easily forgotten.
00:30:30And you are going to understand what the consequences are when we break the rules.
00:30:39So, thanks to Gala, all of you to have the possibility to reflect
00:30:47because it's going to be a lesson for the whole team.
00:30:51So, enjoy this moment with a lot of joy because we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.
00:30:57As the servants would say, excuse me.
00:31:09Is everything ready?
00:31:11Sugar, honey is there.
00:31:13Sugar and knives are missing.
00:31:15Yogurt is missing.
00:31:16I'm going to look for it.
00:31:20What music do you like, Amanda?
00:31:23But don't ask me anymore.
00:31:24Me too.
00:31:25I love it.
00:31:26But your music has something that I like.
00:31:30Is it called Urbana?
00:31:33But can I ask you something?
00:31:35Because when you start singing, I love the music.
00:31:38I like it because it's elegant.
00:31:41But what I don't understand are the lyrics.
00:31:44There are a lot of modifications, Amanda, that are more or less strong to explain.
00:31:54Like perreo.
00:31:55Perreo is a step in which one has to move the waist a lot and the man gets behind.
00:32:01Can you show me?
00:32:02Yes, of course.
00:32:03One goes like this and the other like this.
00:32:05It's an elegance that moves me.
00:32:07And the man gets there and makes another movement forward.
00:32:10So that one doesn't fall.
00:32:11Of course.
00:32:12The signature.
00:32:13I could lose my balance.
00:32:14The signature like this of the waist.
00:32:15You hold it.
00:32:16Do you know that or not?
00:32:19I have a master's degree in those steps.
00:32:21But did you study that dance?
00:32:23It's a doctorate, of course.
00:32:24Please, can you show me?
00:32:26You don't have to do much, Amanda.
00:32:28There are different positions.
00:32:30The man stays like this.
00:32:31Fallon, please go because I need to see this.
00:32:33I want to learn.
00:32:36The hand up here.
00:32:37It has to be the hand up.
00:32:42But you're not taking care of any part.
00:32:44It can fall.
00:32:45It's a beautiful recreation.
00:32:48It's very beautiful.
00:32:50The practice is different.
00:32:53It's time for breakfast.
00:33:00The highest I can see.
00:33:02Did it fall?
00:33:04Yes, but it's very good.
00:33:06In the background.
00:33:11Don Gonzalo.
00:33:13I think the time has come.
00:33:15I see you.
00:33:16Is everything okay?
00:33:17Yes, because the elbows are all in place.
00:33:19I have the impression that it's better to leave.
00:33:22Well, as you wish.
00:33:24Well, see you in two more months.
00:33:26Ah, he would like that.
00:33:29See you later, have a nice day.
00:33:30Thank you very much.
00:33:31Laugh as long as you can.
00:33:43Camila, can you bring me the butter?
00:33:50Thank you.
00:33:54People don't understand that roses and all that
00:33:56gather flies and mosquitos.
00:33:58I mean, I'm going to throw everything away.
00:34:00Look at what happened around here.
00:34:02All the garbage I filled a trash can with.
00:34:05But then they do the very rich, the very fine,
00:34:07the very elegant, and they live in the shit.
00:34:09Just for options, for being lazy.
00:34:12We win the group tomorrow.
00:34:15Tomorrow we have to win and go back to the shit.
00:34:20It's as simple as that.
00:34:23The more beautiful, the more flirtatious.
00:34:27It's a toy.
00:34:28A very toy, Panga.
00:34:30And we like to play a lot with our captain.
00:34:34What a beautiful vest.
00:34:37Realize the color of your eyes, friend.
00:34:39Thank you, Sabelo.
00:34:42Every time you have those flashes of...
00:34:44Tell me what I like.
00:34:46Tell me.
00:34:47Tell me.
00:34:48I've been a servant for a long time.
00:34:54Oh, I'm going to take a massage from that servant.
00:34:57Yes, you can.
00:34:58You can.
00:34:59It's good for the hands.
00:35:00It's good.
00:35:01And in fact, Oriana will lend you the shot.
00:35:03But I'll give it to you very quickly.
00:35:05And at night we share it.
00:35:07Firm Mars.
00:35:15I've been waiting 24 hours for you to be dressed like this.
00:35:21And now, Mateuchi.
00:35:22What are you doing?
00:35:23I don't know what you're doing.
00:35:24I'm here to supervise.
00:35:25What a mess.
00:35:26Try to supervise less and do more.
00:35:28Less is more, Sofia.
00:35:29And I'm a lady.
00:35:30I can't do anything.
00:35:32I just have to be pretty.
00:35:35With a beard and elegance.
00:35:38Very good, this boy.
00:35:40What a prodigy.
00:35:41How he rubs and rubs and rubs the tower.
00:35:47That column that those people have on the high floor.
00:35:51Very good.
00:35:52This server is doing everything right.
00:35:58And if he continues to do things right, he will win a prize.
00:36:03Keep up the good work and you'll win a prize.
00:36:13Oh my God, a woman in her palace.
00:36:23How's it going, Potota?
00:36:25Cindy went out under a bed, and the poet.
00:36:27We never go upstairs.
00:36:30Excuse me.
00:36:31Come in, my servant.
00:36:43I want to be a lady
00:36:47and be able to send a servant
00:36:52to give me a massage on my ass.
00:37:02Oh my God.
00:37:06I want to take off your clothes, beautiful woman,
00:37:14and love you as you want.
00:37:18How can I kiss your skin?
00:37:23Love me.
00:37:32That's it.
00:37:49Potota, you could also take the dust off the carpet.
00:37:54When I was a child, my teacher recommended
00:37:58taking the dust off the carpet.
00:38:00So come here, Potota,
00:38:02because I'm going to do the same exercise
00:38:05so you know how to take the dust off the carpet.
00:38:09I don't know how to do it. Don't worry.
00:38:11Breathe. Breathe.
00:38:16Harder, Potota!
00:38:18That's it!
00:38:20That's it, Potota!
00:38:22Do it!
00:38:24Don't even think about it, Potota.
00:38:28That's it!
00:38:29With impetus! With impetus!
00:38:47Here comes the competition!
00:38:54I'm dying.
00:38:56They're cleaning because they had all their filth.
00:39:01You were a servant,
00:39:02so you're responsible for all this filth.
00:39:04I find it unusual that you have the audacity
00:39:07to blame others for something you didn't do
00:39:09when it was your turn.
00:39:10Thank you very much.
00:39:11Meeting of new lords.
00:39:12It's clear, right?
00:39:14Come with me.
00:39:18We're a few.
00:39:19We are, but...
00:39:20We're a few, but not many.
00:39:22And are you doing things right?
00:39:25I'm asking you.
00:39:26Energy, totally.
00:39:28You know that the dirtier the house is,
00:39:30the cleaner we leave it.
00:39:32What happened, Potota,
00:39:33that you were in a different mood for a moment?
00:39:35You don't have to say how good it was dirty.
00:39:38I swept under the beds
00:39:41and we were sleeping in a dumpster.
00:39:43Yes, disgusting.
00:39:46Now we're going to have a vote.
00:39:49Each one of you is going to vote
00:39:52for a person who corresponds to the resistance team,
00:39:56which in this case are your servants,
00:39:58and that you consider that they work badly,
00:40:02that they do it efficiently,
00:40:04that they lack courage and elegance,
00:40:06and so on.
00:40:11You just said Luis.
00:40:13Let's continue.
00:40:14Fallon, Fallon, Fallon, Fallon, Fallon, Fallon.
00:40:21The result is four votes for Don Luis,
00:40:25three votes for Fallon.
00:40:29No, five for Luis.
00:40:30Now you have...
00:40:31Five for Luis.
00:40:32Oh, what else do you give?
00:40:40Amanda, how are you?
00:40:42Don Gonzalo, don't ask me those intimate questions, please.
00:40:46I request that Don Gonzalo,
00:40:50Mrs. Fallon and Don Luis accompany me.
00:40:54The rest will be done by those who have already been commissioned.
00:41:00They say it to fulfill.
00:41:01No, three, two, one.
00:41:07A little bit, a little bit.
00:41:09The work that Luis and Fallon were doing is pending.
00:41:12The rest of you go up, please.
00:41:17Well, the time has come.
00:41:21A vote was made of these new gentlemen and ladies
00:41:24who have determined that you are missing something.
00:41:29I'm used to being looked at a lot,
00:41:31and that I find defects,
00:41:33because there are people who look for defects a lot,
00:41:35and the rest have to look at their own.
00:41:39The time has come.
00:41:46Don Gonzalo is going to marry Mrs. Fallon now, please.
00:41:58Don Luis, can you come here?
00:42:00This is provoking me.
00:42:06Don't take my hand.
00:42:07No, you let me.
00:42:08Thank you very much.
00:42:09I'm going to be a teacher.
00:42:10It's like a master class.
00:42:12It's a master class.
00:42:15I'm happy.
00:42:16Oh, but don't look at me too much.
00:42:26I'm going to show you my bed, in case you want to meet her.
00:42:28I can't believe it.
00:42:29Since we're married.
00:42:31But don't make a fuss.
00:42:32What fuss?
00:42:35Juan Gal.
00:42:36What's up?
00:42:37Do you allow us to clean the bathroom?
00:42:38But I'm undressing, man.
00:42:40You're right, I'll wait for you here.
00:42:41Sir, you have to wait.
00:42:42Now yes.
00:42:43Thank you.
00:42:46I love it.
00:42:47Look how it fits.
00:42:48Oh, no.
00:42:49But how beautiful.
00:42:50This is a fantasy, Amanda.
00:42:51You don't need a class.
00:42:53I think you're here to teach how to tidy up a bed.
00:42:54Look how it slides.
00:42:55I want to support you.
00:42:56Look how it slides.
00:42:57It's like a dance.
00:42:58I love it.
00:42:59Thank you.
00:43:00Thank you.
00:43:01Thank you.
00:43:02Thank you.
00:43:03Thank you.
00:43:04Thank you.
00:43:05Thank you.
00:43:06Thank you.
00:43:07Thank you.
00:43:08Thank you.
00:43:09Thank you.
00:43:10Thank you.
00:43:11Thank you.
00:43:12Thank you.
00:43:13Thank you.
00:43:15It's a fantasy, Amanda.
00:43:18Of course, you should have done it.
00:43:20Have you ever seen this in the shower in Pangal?
00:43:23Not in your management?
00:43:24No, not in my management.
00:43:28This is like grabbing a woman's waist.
00:43:30How do you grab it?
00:43:32What happened?
00:43:33They taught me that this morning.
00:43:35It's like reggaeton, isn't it?
00:43:38Because Mr. Austin was teaching me some beautiful things today.
00:43:42No, but you see it with cold blood.
00:43:44I don't see it well for that kind of enjoyment.
00:43:51It's not what it looks like, Daniela.
00:43:53It's not what it looks like, Daniela.
00:43:54I'm not jealous.
00:43:55Nothing happens to me.
00:43:56That's what he says now.
00:44:01We disassembled the bed.
00:44:02What do you mean disassembled?
00:44:03Well, in some way, yes.
00:44:04We disassembled it.
00:44:08Yes, Amanda, it's not one, it's two.
00:44:11He also gave me a class.
00:44:13Because he taught me how to grab a woman's waist.
00:44:16Was it like that or not?
00:44:17Yes, but not with that.
00:44:18What do you mean not?
00:44:19I mean, yes, it was with me in some way.
00:44:21Amanda, don't put me in this tight spot.
00:44:23Don Luis, but what tight spot?
00:44:25I did it with the mattress.
00:44:26No, no.
00:44:27But he was telling me that it was a woman's waist.
00:44:29And what were you looking for?
00:44:30With me.
00:44:31So I felt it was me.
00:44:35He's running furniture and everything.
00:44:37Very good, my friend.
00:44:39What do you want me to do?
00:44:41No, no, no.
00:44:42What do you want?
00:44:43I want to smell the rug.
00:44:44We'll clean it.
00:44:45Because the other day a rug came by and it smelled really bad.
00:44:48This is not the one in the bathroom.
00:44:49We'll change it.
00:44:50Anyway, Miss Falon, if I ask you to pass me the rug to smell it, you have to pass it to smell it.
00:44:55You have to smell it.
00:45:01It smells like chlorine.
00:45:02But we'll clean it with chlorine.
00:45:05Patience is the mother of virtue.
00:45:09What do you think of the work of art that your partner did?
00:45:12Wow, impressive.
00:45:13I love it.
00:45:14Everything is perfect.
00:45:23You went too far.
00:45:24It was super clean and super nice, kid.
00:45:26Thank you.
00:45:27What were you doing?
00:45:28It's colored, Falon.
00:45:29I don't know.
00:45:30I'm asking.
00:45:31I don't give a damn.
00:45:32I don't give a damn.
00:45:33I don't give a damn.
00:45:34I don't give a damn.
00:45:35I don't give a damn.
00:45:36I don't give a damn.
00:45:37I'm asking.
00:45:38Don't get into intimacy, Luis.
00:45:39I know.
00:45:40No, we were doing the center.
00:45:42I see it very colorful, I don't know.
00:45:43You're doing it in a very committed way.
00:45:46Am I very red?
00:45:47Yes, of course.
00:45:48Look at the eight.
00:45:50The one who knows, knows.
00:45:51What did you do, kid?
00:45:52The bed.
00:45:53Garbage and elegance.
00:45:54As you say, as you like to make the bed, we disorganized it.
00:45:57That's it.
00:45:58Two times.
00:45:59Two times, but always with garbage and elegance.
00:46:02I showed you how to hold the waist.
00:46:04In such a short time, Luis?
00:46:07Sometimes less is more.
00:46:15The question I could ask is, everything that is happening in this experience,
00:46:22is it going to be constructive?
00:46:24And is it going to bring you something?
00:46:25Is it going to bring me something?
00:46:26Everything I'm living here.
00:46:33This challenge, you say, can be a proof of coherence,
00:46:36or perhaps simply a personal affirmation.
00:46:39You know the correct answer in your heart.
00:46:41Don't let anyone make you doubt yourself.
00:46:44It's time to practice an authentic revolution
00:46:47and to question the pre-established paradigms,
00:46:49the social structures, your comfort zone,
00:46:52which is limiting your authentic progress.
00:46:54Don't wait for the world to understand it and give you permission to shine.
00:46:57Reveal yourself and become who you really are.
00:47:00A full, free, and happy being.
00:47:05It can't be clearer than that.
00:47:07You react and that's it.
00:47:09Don't be afraid.
00:47:10Be yourself.
00:47:19Am I really going to change my identity and operate?
00:47:23Yes or no?
00:47:27Pablo Carayani Camara.
00:47:28Am I really going to change my identity and be a woman?
00:47:42I say goodbye to all of you.
00:47:44The show is impeccable.
00:47:46Now we just have to bathe and enjoy the day.
00:47:58When do we finish?
00:48:00Oh my God.
00:48:01You guys are so dirty.
00:48:05What happened?
00:48:08The hostess.
00:48:15Wait, wait, wait.
00:48:16Oh, I'm choking.
00:48:18It smells like armpit.
00:48:20That's me.
00:48:22I get things.
00:48:25No, it smells good.
00:48:26That's me.
00:48:27I get things.
00:48:28No, it smells good.
00:48:45I put rose petals inside the cups.
00:48:49With that, it's done.
00:48:51Are you going to cover the bathroom?
00:48:52No, if I put two or three.
00:48:54So that the water looks pretty.
00:48:56Of course.
00:48:57A detail.
00:49:02Butter in order.
00:49:04We wrap the whole house.
00:49:06The most beautiful detail we've given her are some rose petals inside the bath cups.
00:49:12A round of applause for Otto.
00:49:24Thank you very much.
00:49:25It's clean.
00:49:26I like to walk here.
00:49:32Everything is wonderful.
00:49:33Very delicious.
00:49:43We finally sit down.
00:49:45Cheers, little one.
00:49:48For seeing you.
00:49:53Give it to me.
00:49:54Give it to me.
00:50:08I want more.
00:50:13With sound included.
00:50:20With more turns.
00:50:24Open your mouth.
00:50:31We'll have to talk later.
00:50:43What did you say?
00:50:44It was a dog.
00:50:50To those toys?
00:51:07I was super in love with my ex-husband and my daughter was one year old.
00:51:10And then one day we came back from a trip and he said to me,
00:51:12Hey, what do I have here?
00:51:13He said to me, scratch me because I was driving.
00:51:15I said, there, there, look for me.
00:51:17And I took it out and it was the box.
00:51:18Oh, I'm dying.
00:51:20And I felt so happy.
00:51:21Every day I looked at my ring.
00:51:23Well, when he took me to work.
00:51:29My love.
00:51:30Yes, I love that you are excited.
00:51:32Because it smells real.
00:51:34It's a beautiful moment.
00:51:35It was so good.
00:51:38I was also seeing a bridge.
00:51:40Do you want to get married to him?
00:51:41No, I don't think God is going to give me that love, you know?
00:51:43To develop that love.
00:51:45That's it.
00:51:46That's too much.
00:51:50What did you want to say?
00:51:51What does it mean to feel it?
00:51:53It's just that, guys, those things are born with those things.
00:51:56And I don't feel bad about that.
00:51:58Obviously, I'm excited about the stories.
00:52:00Because it's true that finding life, sharing it with someone,
00:52:03and having someone every day who understands you,
00:52:06who manifests his love for you and pushes you to move forward,
00:52:08must be incredible.
00:52:10It's like I've never seen it.
00:52:12It's all the more beautiful.
00:52:14But there's also a time for everything.
00:52:20I love the stage of a baby.
00:52:22I love it when they're babies.
00:52:24Do you know what I think happens to me?
00:52:26That I want more.
00:52:28You're already three.
00:52:29You've already got the urge to have a baby.
00:52:31But Iaco...
00:52:33I've fallen from the Holy Spirit.
00:52:35But ask for a kiss.
00:52:37So he can get up with a kiss.
00:52:40Get up with a kiss.
00:52:44I've always told him that.
00:52:46And he says no.
00:52:47Fuck you.
00:52:50I'm not asking you for money.
00:52:51I just want a baby.
00:52:55Maybe it happens when you have kids and you separate.
00:52:58If I didn't have a crystal ball,
00:53:00I wouldn't know what would happen.
00:53:02I used to get along with my ex.
00:53:04Especially in bed.
00:53:06The issue of sex catches you.
00:53:11It helps you to accept situations that aren't so good.
00:53:15But it takes away a lot of skin.
00:53:18Did you peel it?
00:53:21Many times.
00:53:22I feel guilty for stretching the cycle so much
00:53:25to get to a terrible situation.
00:53:28You would never go back to him.
00:53:32It's okay.
00:53:33I can't.
00:53:37She's sexy.
00:53:38She's sexy, but she doesn't consider herself sexy anymore.
00:53:42She doesn't try to be sexier.
00:53:44Some people do things to look sexy
00:53:48and end up...
00:53:49And they don't need to.
00:53:50It's not necessary.
00:53:51It's less is more.
00:53:53It's okay.
00:53:57When I'm in a relationship, I turn around a lot.
00:54:00It's difficult to be single.
00:54:01Imagine being with someone.
00:54:02I'm going to enjoy it too much.
00:54:04Someone who hugs you when you need it.
00:54:07I don't want to.
00:54:08What if you want to go out with your friends?
00:54:10I don't want to spend my spare time with someone.
00:54:15I don't want to.
00:54:16Do you want to be alone?
00:54:18I'm going to be alone for a long time.
00:54:20Maybe tomorrow I'll change my mind.
00:54:25The grandparents are always in the same place.
00:54:28Day and night.
00:54:29We haven't sat down in five seconds.
00:54:31Drinking coffee.
00:54:33You know what he told me?
00:54:34You stood at the table and he told me...
00:54:38Ah, okay.
00:54:39What I could give you is...
00:54:41Being sexy and trying to be sexier...
00:54:45No, not like that.
00:54:47But didn't he say it like that?
00:54:48I saw it coming.
00:54:51You want to do it like that?
00:54:53Are you kidding me?
00:54:54He told me that.
00:54:55By the way, this is ideal.
00:54:57I don't know what's wrong with saying no.
00:55:00So you also voted for me for the one I do less.
00:55:07It was for the one I do less.
00:55:09Stop, stop, stop.
00:55:10How never?
00:55:11It was for the one I do less.
00:55:12Look, your compatriot.
00:55:14The concept was different.
00:55:17I can't explain every step I take.
00:55:19You say, I voted for you because I didn't see you do anything.
00:55:22Or no.
00:55:23I voted for you because maybe...
00:55:25Because, stop.
00:55:26You never saw me as a servant.
00:55:27You never saw me as a servant.
00:55:28You don't sit down and defend him.
00:55:30When I have something to say, I'll say it.
00:55:31You know that.
00:55:32I don't know, I'm waiting for it.
00:55:33Tell me.
00:55:34And I even distrusted Fran.
00:55:35I said, Fran, because I didn't expect it from you.
00:55:38You are terrible.
00:55:40How do you feel?
00:55:41Pretty good.
00:55:42Seeing the house clean.
00:55:50Is he going to go up?
00:55:51Oh, how he's playing.
00:55:52Oh, how cute.
00:55:54How he's playing.
00:55:55How romantic.
00:55:57Oh, look at him!
00:56:03He's happy, very happy.
00:56:16While conflicts and love conflicts seize the opportunity to win or lose,
00:56:20Mati gathers with the contestants to raise the temperature once more.
00:56:25It simply comes with an activity that will require the maximum honesty and good sense of humor of each one of them.
00:56:32The mechanics are very simple.
00:56:34When we name an adjective, they will have to relate it to one of the participants.
00:56:43What a surprise, Mati!
00:56:49We meet upstairs, guys!
00:56:51Let's go with the gringas!
00:56:56Today is the day of revenge.
00:56:59So, I want us to really talk today.
00:57:02Let's take off our masks.
00:57:04Let's say the things that we wanted to say, perhaps, a long time ago.
00:57:07The former servants, who today are enjoying the freedom and all the benefits of being gentlemen,
00:57:13will be able to tell you everything they think,
00:57:16and, in addition, they will be able to judge the participants.
00:57:21and, in addition, they will be able to judge the participants
00:57:26with negative adjectives.
00:57:29For example,
00:57:34On the other hand,
00:57:35the current servants
00:57:38will be able to tell the current gentlemen
00:57:44with positive adjectives.
00:57:47As Fran said,
00:57:49Smart, affectionate, loyal.
00:57:52All that.
00:57:53Are we clear about how we are going to play?
00:57:56So, let's start with the current gentlemen.
00:58:03Very good. You have to remember everything you experienced as a servant.
00:58:07You will have to choose from the negative adjectives.
00:58:11Aquatic, coalman.
00:58:16It has to be one of the following.
00:58:19Luis Mateucci.
00:58:22Here you have to hang the poster.
00:58:25There he comes, Luis.
00:58:26Sometimes cool, sometimes Chanta.
00:58:28What for? A poster, not a mirror.
00:58:30Yes, yes, yes.
00:58:31Put it there.
00:58:32Put it there.
00:58:33Yes, no, go, come.
00:58:34Say something, it's not.
00:58:35You're here.
00:58:36Then, no.
00:58:37I find you, Chanta.
00:58:38Is it good as I'm saying it?
00:58:39Yes, I tell you.
00:58:40Do you want to consider me third?
00:58:42No, no, why?
00:58:43No, I'm not going to throw water at anyone.
00:58:45It doesn't characterize me.
00:58:46Cool, all the rage, but then you miss that.
00:58:50It's good, it's good.
00:58:51So as not to be so aquatic.
00:58:53Because then they come to me for third and I don't like it.
00:58:55Because in the end, Chanta, I can pass the poster to you and you take it and bring it.
00:58:59And don't tell me.
00:59:00It would be good if they told me.
00:59:01I'll tell you, I'll tell you.
00:59:02But look, sometimes I don't need to tell you.
00:59:05Chanta, that's being at least honest.
00:59:08Honesty before everything, right?
00:59:09You don't like me.
00:59:10I don't like you.
00:59:11That's why.
00:59:12Okay, thank you very much.
00:59:15Let's continue with a positive adjective.
00:59:17The next one to pass is Raimundo.
00:59:24Remember that you have to put this poster on a man or a woman.
00:59:27There's Mariela, remember.
00:59:28No, no, no, no.
00:59:30It's not that either.
00:59:31Yes, yes, yes.
00:59:34No, I didn't know.
00:59:36Bull, man.
00:59:38The bullet.
00:59:39The bullet.
00:59:40Put the poster on him first and tell him why.
00:59:43Well, I find you sexy because it's the same for you to scream it, do it and live it in your life.
00:59:49I loved it, thank you.
00:59:51It's just that yesterday we had a conversation with Oriana.
00:59:53Yes, just today.
00:59:55Hey, what do you think, Austin, that you look at her like that with a face of love?
00:59:58Well, I find that beyond the physical, Fran has something more powerful and it's her heart, how beautiful it is.
01:00:06How beautiful.
01:00:07Hey, Oriana, why does he laugh at you?
01:00:09Of happiness, of love, of affection.
01:00:11No, he laughs at me, like, yes, it makes me happy that he says that, but it's true that I like that he highlights being sexy,
01:00:17that nothing happens for being it, that it doesn't go out, so I liked the detail he did.
01:00:23When it comes to showing...
01:00:24Sexy is the sexiest in the house.
01:00:25More than Oriana.
01:00:26Look, Oriana likes to show, but like in this reality show she's saving it.
01:00:29I've matured, I've matured.
01:00:30No, he doesn't even notice the maturity, because it was something that he liked before,
01:00:33but now I think that Fran is the one who proves to be sexier.
01:00:36Why are you judging Luis if he doesn't get it?
01:00:38You can also judge, Mariela.
01:00:39I thought that each person had to say it in advance.
01:00:43They stole the title from me.
01:00:45There's no other sexy here.
01:00:48Very good.
01:00:49Let's continue now with one of the gentlemen in this day of revenge, Oriana.
01:00:53Take it.
01:00:54Take it.
01:00:55It has to be an adjective, qualitative, negative.
01:00:58I would have liked to be able to put charcoal to someone, well, from my team, but what a shame that you can't.
01:01:04Can I put it on him anyway? Please, I need it.
01:01:07I'll leave it on him for a little while, so he looks good.
01:01:10Take it, friend.
01:01:12She wants to put it on him for a while.
01:01:14Yes, yes.
01:01:15He likes it, he likes to turn it on.
01:01:17You know, when it's about to catch fire, he puts more firewood.
01:01:21Something bad.
01:01:22I'm going to put the only person I have nothing to do with is Falon.
01:01:26Falon, please.
01:01:28Literally, it's preserved.
01:01:29Guatica isn't bad either.
01:01:31No, Guatica isn't bad.
01:01:33Terrible Guatica.
01:01:34The most Guatica.
01:01:35Terrible Guatica, crazy.
01:01:36And well, that's it, and I don't think you need me to tell you more.
01:01:40I mean, I think you'll think exactly the same as me.
01:01:43Just as Guatica as she is, I am too.
01:01:46I mean, you accept it.
01:01:48I'm Guatica.
01:01:49I'm Guatica.
01:01:50Terrible Guatica.
01:01:51Very good.
01:01:52Terrible Guatica.
01:01:53It's time for Camila to come.
01:01:54Yes, I'm more Guatica than everyone else.
01:01:56I'm more Guatica today.
01:01:59For Sabelo.
01:02:00Sabelo, brilliant.
01:02:01And today you shine with that crown of queen.
01:02:04You are brilliant.
01:02:05Oh, my love, thank you.
01:02:07Well, I admire the art of transformism and I feel that you are a very good representative of transformism
01:02:14coming from Argentina, here in Chile.
01:02:16And to be a transformist you have to be brilliant because you have a lot of talent.
01:02:20Sabelo, my love.
01:02:22Thank you.
01:02:23A round of applause for Sabelo.
01:02:26It's Mr. Austin's turn.
01:02:33I can't find it.
01:02:34I can't find the adjective I'm looking for, Mati.
01:02:35Which one would you like?
01:02:36I would put coward.
01:02:38Who would we call a coward?
01:02:39Luis Mateuche.
01:02:40There is no cowardly cartel.
01:02:41What do we do?
01:02:43You can choose between liar, coward.
01:02:45Let's do this one.
01:02:49If it's true, you haven't messed with me.
01:02:51That's a reality.
01:02:52I've seen things that I didn't like about Mariela.
01:02:56I think you've bothered her more than once.
01:02:58The other thing is with a success that has happened, which is Fabio Agostini.
01:03:01I believe you 10% of what you said.
01:03:04Don't sweat it.
01:03:05Fabio is a person who always goes forward, says things in his face.
01:03:08And I'm really sorry he's not here.
01:03:10The coward thing, I think it's him.
01:03:12He saw me 20 times on the street and was not able to tell me any of that.
01:03:15And he had to go into a reality to not tell me, but to act.
01:03:18That's it.
01:03:19With respect to Fabio.
01:03:20With respect to Mariela, it's nothing.
01:03:21She laughs.
01:03:22I laugh.
01:03:23Can I talk?
01:03:24I really like Luis.
01:03:25And from the beginning, I told him.
01:03:27But if at some point, Luis, I felt bad.
01:03:29Maybe it's a joke.
01:03:31That's why when I passed by, I apologized.
01:03:33Yes, but for example, yesterday you had to introduce me and sell me.
01:03:36And you said, poor thing, they are bad.
01:03:38But they are not bad.
01:03:39They are very good.
01:03:40If you want to take it as bad, it's fine.
01:03:42It's like a half-ass thing.
01:03:43Like you, I do like you.
01:03:46It hurts me a little.
01:03:48Thank you very much for the sincerity.
01:03:52Who comes next is Daniela.
01:03:58Brave, pangal.
01:04:00I think that in the sense that despite the differences that we have personally,
01:04:04that in the end we are a little bit similar.
01:04:06I find him brave in the sense of an adventurer.
01:04:09To do things.
01:04:11Build houses on the tree.
01:04:13And how he likes adventures.
01:04:16He does all that.
01:04:19Do you feel like a brave pangal person?
01:04:21If Dani tells me, of course.
01:04:22Thank you very much.
01:04:23Thank you, Dani.
01:04:24Who comes next?
01:04:30Piggy or pig?
01:04:31You, silly.
01:04:33No, you were wrong.
01:04:34Reality, man.
01:04:38You put the sign first and then you explain to us why.
01:04:40Maybe he has another pig concept.
01:04:42I don't know how he is a pig for cinema.
01:04:48In his daily life he has questions like eschatological,
01:04:52erupting, being like...
01:04:57Like a man.
01:04:58Pig, pig everywhere.
01:04:59Pig like he doesn't bathe.
01:05:00Get wet.
01:05:01Get wet, pig.
01:05:02Get wet.
01:05:03Fix it.
01:05:04He doesn't want to fix it.
01:05:05He's a pig.
01:05:06Sabelo, last night I think he erupted a little bit.
01:05:08Did you ever hear him erupt?
01:05:13Does he have attitude like a pig?
01:05:16Brutal, grotesque, vulgar, ordinary.
01:05:21That's it.
01:05:22Vulgar, ordinary, rude.
01:05:25Okay, girl.
01:05:26He doesn't consider you any of the other things?
01:05:29No, thank God.
01:05:32Thank God.
01:05:33You were selfish.
01:05:34Now you've changed.
01:05:37You never were.
01:05:39I was going to choose you.
01:05:40Brave, bitch.
01:05:43You can't do that to me.
01:05:44No, she's not here.
01:05:46But well, I love being dirty.
01:05:50Does anyone think Botota is dirty?
01:05:52Not at all.
01:05:54I'm the cleanest.
01:05:55I'm the cleanest.
01:05:56Thank you very much, Sabelo.
01:05:57Thank you very much, Botota.
01:05:58Now let's go with the servant, Luis Mateucci.
01:06:06If you can clearly see the years of study she had,
01:06:08and if I'm someone who fucks her, annoys her,
01:06:11I know I'm looking for an answer,
01:06:13and I know she's going to give it to me.
01:06:14Oriana, can I tell you this?
01:06:15When we look for a victim,
01:06:17when we try to stop loving someone,
01:06:19no, go home.
01:06:20Because clearly here I can look for the majority,
01:06:22and no one is going to tell me anything.
01:06:23So what good is it to me?
01:06:25I love to laugh,
01:06:26it's just that sometimes I feel like it's a little too much.
01:06:28I know I can go too far.
01:06:29But what we're going to do
01:06:30is that when the hand passes,
01:06:31I'm going to answer.
01:06:32You told me.
01:06:34It went well.
01:06:35No, but it's not fair for you to say that,
01:06:37because I do know him,
01:06:38and the first person who approached Mariela
01:06:40to tell her the same thing she just said,
01:06:42it was me.
01:06:43If he annoys her,
01:06:44it's because he trusts her and gets along with her.
01:06:47If not, I wouldn't do it.
01:06:48That's what I'm telling you,
01:06:49I've known him for two and a half years,
01:06:51I've been with him.
01:06:53I mean, that's a reality.
01:06:54You're so worried.
01:06:55No, what happens is that we were talking,
01:06:56we were talking about saving yourself.
01:06:58The truth is,
01:06:59all the time,
01:07:00all the time,
01:07:01and that shows.
01:07:02You're so worried.
01:07:03I'm not just behind a camera.
01:07:04Except you.
01:07:05You're so worried, bro.
01:07:06You attack Mariela,
01:07:07you attack Gala.
01:07:08There are people who don't feel comfortable.
01:07:09And you didn't attack Gala,
01:07:10telling her,
01:07:11why do you have to say it like that?
01:07:13You didn't attack her,
01:07:14and he told you.
01:07:15You didn't attack Gala
01:07:16and you didn't attack Mariela.
01:07:17If I had attacked Gala,
01:07:18I would have gotten closer.
01:07:19Well, at least the pandemic is in the face.
01:07:21Well, but each one is different.
01:07:23Oh, man,
01:07:25it's you, it's me.
01:07:26What's the problem?
01:07:27Why do you touch her like you want?
01:07:29It's you, it's me, brother.
01:07:31Let's continue with Mariela, please, Mariela.
01:07:34But without getting mad, yes.
01:07:39The world.
01:07:41You know that I find you very cool, I like you a lot, I laugh a lot with you and I have
01:07:45affection for you.
01:07:46But I'm going to put this sign on you because I feel that sometimes you have been selfish,
01:07:50not with material things, but with people's feelings.
01:07:53There are times when you may have had to be more careful with some actions so as not
01:07:59to hurt your own susceptibilities of people who were having an approach like you had.
01:08:08It's a topic that is already on the side.
01:08:11With Galá I was always clear.
01:08:13I have always maintained my speech, it is not that I walk on one side as well as I do not,
01:08:17I love you, I will be with you for all my life and such.
01:08:19I prefer that.
01:08:20She had a few days angry with me, then we talked, everything went well, there is no bad
01:08:24vibes, we all want to be well, we all want to have a good time and enjoy.
01:08:28That's it.
01:08:29Okay, thank you very much Mariela.
01:08:30Thank you very much Ray.
01:08:33It's Fallon's turn.
01:08:37I'm going for this one.
01:08:41For Galá.
01:08:42For Galá, passionate.
01:08:46What are you talking about?
01:08:48Wait for me to touch.
01:08:53My beautiful Galá.
01:08:54Galá is passionate in every way.
01:08:57She is very in love.
01:08:59She is very affectionate.
01:09:00Well, I could have also put affectionate, but I think this word fits all that adjective.
01:09:10In love, I don't know.
01:09:11Passionate, yes.
01:09:12And I love to be like that, although sometimes, obviously, it comes linked to negative feelings,
01:09:17because obviously, when you are passionate, you live it all.
01:09:20That's it, alcohol.
01:09:21But I like to be like that.
01:09:23Thank you, Fallon.
01:09:26Now it's Mrs. Fran's turn.
01:09:34Just like that?
01:09:36Come here.
01:09:38Selfish and hungry.
01:09:40Well, selfish because I consider that I wanted to vote for the half cake that you wanted to vote for,
01:09:45so as not to share it with the rest of your colleagues.
01:09:48Come on, how cute.
01:09:49Very cute.
01:09:50I found you very selfish because you have been many times also as a waitress
01:09:54and you have seen yourself happy in life eating the dessert,
01:09:56so I thought you could think of the other.
01:09:59So I find you selfish for that.
01:10:01And I find you hungry, hungry, hungry, hungry,
01:10:03because I consider that you have no other tool than to come and fight reality.
01:10:10Well, thank you.
01:10:11Hungry, hungry and very hungry.
01:10:12I hope when you want to say things, you say them in the face.
01:10:15I have told you in the face.
01:10:16No, not me.
01:10:17You, you, you, you.
01:10:18And you start saying you, you, you, you, you.
01:10:19And it's like ...
01:10:20Are you worried about me then, what I'm talking about?
01:10:22Oh, I love it.
01:10:24If I knew it in the Latin area, I would be my fan.
01:10:26Poor thing, I didn't even know it existed until she entered my email list.
01:10:29Look how liar.
01:10:30You too.
01:10:32Far away.
01:10:33Okay, thank you very much.
01:10:34You already had the opportunity.
01:10:35Thirty-five and with great pride, with great pride.
01:10:38I hope you get to be like this when you are my age.
01:10:41I hope.
01:10:42Because I'm already ...
01:10:45Next, we go with Botota Fox.
01:10:47La Cocina.
01:10:50We go with La Cocina Fox.
01:10:53Positive, smart.
01:10:56Oriana, smart.
01:10:57Very smart.
01:10:58It's not because I suck or anything like that, because I've never dated you, but I find you smart.
01:11:04Because you know how to handle yourself in a reality show and do what you want.
01:11:10And that speaks of a smart person.
01:11:13This flatters me a lot, because the truth is that I consider that I am.
01:11:17And many times I pretend to be stupid.
01:11:20But you don't have a hair.
01:11:21But not a hair.
01:11:22Not an extension.
01:11:23Not an extension hair.
01:11:25So I love it.
01:11:26Thank you very much.
01:11:27Thank you very much, Botota.
01:11:30Thank you, Oriana.
01:11:31La Cocina.
01:11:33And we close this game with the current lady, Gala.
01:11:37Here in the box.
01:11:39Pass me all the posters.
01:11:45Because I'm very upset.
01:11:46Of course, because you scream.
01:11:47You're in Porcina.
01:11:48Here's another one.
01:11:52All of them.
01:11:53Come on, stone.
01:11:56The problem is that she does it outside too.
01:11:58Before I came to a conclusion, I was watching you, because at first it seemed like we were having a good time.
01:12:04But the truth is, I don't understand your attitudes at all.
01:12:06I find that you're super carbonero.
01:12:08Because you put a good face in front, but then you put shit in the back.
01:12:12You're one of those who throw the stone and hide the hand.
01:12:14You're hitting everyone's ass.
01:12:16No, I think it's incredible.
01:12:17I love you!
01:12:18You suck my socks, that's why.
01:12:20Because I feel that you lick Oriana's ass a lot, because you wouldn't be anyone without her.
01:12:23Speak for yourself.
01:12:24No, we're boyfriends.
01:12:25With Pangan, you've never been able to...
01:12:27What did I say?
01:12:28The fact that you're super blunt, that you don't go behind people's backs.
01:12:33You're the first one to criticize everyone, and you're a chanta because you don't have the balls to say it in your face.
01:12:37Carbonero, for the same reason.
01:12:38I'm also carbonero, that's true.
01:12:39Because you're always talking and talking shit about me in the discussions.
01:12:43Because I think you're lying to Daniela and being selfish, because I'm sure that...
01:12:46Yes, but you're also very aware of my relationship with Daniela, because you're always telling her little things.
01:12:50Yes, because you're a liar.
01:12:51You're a liar and selfish, because you're going to end up hurting Dani, the other Dani...
01:12:55Everything you touch, you hurt.
01:12:58You hurt me.
01:12:59Well, you're super sexist, you say it quietly, but you say it.
01:13:03You create the conflict, but then you hide your hand.
01:13:07I don't like pretty girls who go from the best world to the worst.
01:13:11That's called education.
01:13:12Because when I saw you...
01:13:13That's called education.
01:13:14No, you don't have education.
01:13:15Not being a carbonero is education.
01:13:17Because when I saw you outside, before coming in, you told me,
01:13:19I imagine you're not going to make a game with Oriana.
01:13:21You said that.
01:13:22The same thing you did with Fran.
01:13:23The same thing you did with Fran.
01:13:24Luis, you're all fucking day talking shit about all the conflicts,
01:13:27talking bad about everyone, creating problems, throwing stones, hiding your hand.
01:13:32You're a bastard, you're a bastard.
01:13:34And besides being a bastard, besides being a bastard, it's true that you always go
01:13:38either on the side of a woman or against a woman.
01:13:40And that's being a bad guy.
01:13:44And you don't trust me to give any kind of opinion of what I do with my life.
01:13:48You have commented and made super offensive comments without having a voice or a vote.
01:13:51Hey, I'm going to tell you something else.
01:13:53I'm going to tell you something else.
01:13:55Daniela is with me.
01:13:57So don't meddle in my relationship.
01:13:59If you don't like her meddling in yours, which I don't do,
01:14:01I never said anything bad to her.
01:14:03I never said anything bad to her.
01:14:08I never said anything bad to her.
01:14:09But you know what's good?
01:14:10For several days, she's been throwing me indirect punches and stuff.
01:14:14And she doesn't have the balls to tell me things face to face.
01:14:16So tell me things face to face.
01:14:19I'm telling you that it's going to end up hurting you.
01:14:21And I hope it doesn't.
01:14:22But it's my problem, because it's my problem.
01:14:24And she's doing it.
01:14:26If she knows something.
01:14:27I'm not meddling with your life.
01:14:28No, I'm not depending on him.
01:14:29What you two have is more than that.
01:14:31You made an offensive comment the other day.
01:14:32I told you, if you offend me, I'm going to tell you what I think.
01:14:34I'm telling you.
01:14:35Well, if you have something to tell me, tell me face to face.
01:14:37And don't throw things at me like that.
01:14:39I'm not saying anything.
01:14:40But you're saying he's a liar.
01:14:41I'm not saying anything.
01:14:42You said he's a liar for what you're doing with her.
01:14:45She's saying I meddle in her relationship.
01:14:47But you know that.
01:14:48You know that.
01:14:49You know that.
01:14:50You have to stop being so carbonero, caguinero, and meddling.
01:14:53And if I tell you, it's wrong.
01:14:54And if the others tell you, it's right.
01:14:56It's nothing like that.
01:14:58I have a trust with Panga that he has given me.
01:15:01And if something bothers me...
01:15:02There is no trust.
01:15:03What are you talking about?
01:15:05That's why I'm telling you.
01:15:06I open the relationship I have.
01:15:07Don't come with trust.
01:15:10I appreciate that we have shared.
01:15:13Today is the day of revenge.
01:15:15Go enjoy and take advantage of talking.
01:15:19See you later.
01:15:20Thank you.
01:15:25She's still hurt from years ago.
01:15:27The other day, in the dance activity, she came and threw herself up.
01:15:30Even Dani got jealous.
01:15:31Oh my God.
01:15:32She's hurt.
01:15:33I can't find another explanation.
01:15:34I had a problem with him.
01:15:36I even fought with him once because I found him out there.
01:15:38Because it's always the same.
01:15:40It's always the same.
01:15:41And Dani doesn't understand why she gets angry.
01:15:43If I see a friend, I tell him to get lost.
01:15:46If he doesn't understand, I tell him to go away.
01:15:49Because I think he's a good guy.
01:15:50I hope he doesn't get angry.
01:15:54I'm hurt because of this gesture and this word.
01:15:57This way of expressing yourself to a man.
01:16:02No, no, no.
01:16:03That can't be an insult.
01:16:05I'm sorry.
01:16:06I didn't want to get involved because I didn't have a ball in that funeral.
01:16:10You know me.
01:16:11If I want to get involved...
01:16:13The others started.
01:16:14What did I do?
01:16:15The others started.
01:16:16I don't feel like him.
01:16:17The only one who got hit by a car was Pangal.
01:16:19He said...
01:16:21I had nothing to do with it.
01:16:24But Claudio also told him.
01:16:26And he got angry with Claudio.
01:16:28Because Claudio also told him that.
01:16:30How many of them had been here.
01:16:32Because they had told you, Austin, Ron...
01:16:36It's okay. Do whatever you want.
01:16:38But if you go as an empowered woman and do whatever you want,
01:16:41you're not offended.
01:16:42It's always the same.
01:16:43The same.
01:16:45I don't buy it anymore.
01:16:46But you know what happens?
01:16:48Then you laugh.
01:16:50And you fall like an idiot again.
01:16:53Adriana and Pateucci get close.
01:16:55But you have to know...
01:16:56They get close and Pateucci is a ridiculous shit.
01:16:58He turns everything around.
01:17:00He invents everything.
01:17:01He puts shit.
01:17:02He's so fake.
01:17:05Then you have the other one.
01:17:07Mariela too.
01:17:09Oh, poor thing.
01:17:10You're selfish with your feelings.
01:17:11Feelings of...
01:17:12Where is Dalida?
01:17:13This morning she was touching his hair and she's about to forgive him.
01:17:17I don't understand why Adriana is angry.
01:17:19What does it have to do with it?
01:17:20They're independent people.
01:17:21Because they're his exes.
01:17:22I don't understand.
01:17:23I don't understand.
01:17:24It's something I've never seen in my life.
01:17:26No, but...
01:17:27Who knows?
01:17:28Who knows?
01:17:30And you, Mariela, don't defend yourself there again.
01:17:32You're going to leave her alone.
01:17:34But I told her...
01:17:35I'm not defending you.
01:17:37I'm not defending you.
01:17:38And if I did, it was because I saw you.
01:17:40I was touched and you were crying.
01:17:41I told her...
01:17:42But you let him...
01:17:43Forgive him.
01:17:44You let him...
01:17:45I'm in limbo.
01:17:46That's crying.
01:17:47Why didn't you tell me?
01:17:48I told you.
01:17:49It was him.
01:17:50And you didn't believe me.
01:17:51You blamed me.
01:17:52Because everyone told you it was me.
01:17:53No, no, no.
01:17:54And when he said it was him...
01:17:55Oh, and...
01:17:57And then he put it in there and you found it there, right?
01:17:59And you were crying.
01:18:00You hid it.
01:18:01You asked us everything.
01:18:02And again.
01:18:04What I don't look for...
01:18:05I don't look for it.
01:18:06So you don't defend yourself like you did Austin.
01:18:07So you don't defend yourself anymore.
01:18:08You're fighting for nothing.
01:18:09With family and stuff.
01:18:10For things like that.
01:18:11And with him, what a realist.
01:18:12It's good to be saying things like that.
01:18:13Imagine if I use all those words towards her.
01:18:14How do I look as a man?
01:18:20Now, if a woman uses it against me, it's perfect.
01:18:21I applaud her.
01:18:23Blown up.
01:18:24Blown up.
01:18:25She has something against me that I don't know what it is.
01:18:26Something inconclusive.
01:18:27The only thing I had was inside the reality show.
01:18:28Outside, I had nothing because I was never interested.
01:18:29I think it's fine with what Mariela Demetrius did in mine.
01:18:31She was living it.
01:18:32She was living it.
01:18:33She was living it.
01:18:34She was living it.
01:18:35She was living it.
01:18:37I think it's fine with what Mariela Demetrius did in mine.
01:18:41She was living it.
01:18:42She was living it.
01:18:43She was living it.
01:18:44She was living it.
01:18:45She was living it.
01:18:46She was living it.
01:18:47She was living it.
01:18:48She was living it.
01:18:49She was living it.
01:18:50She was living it.
01:18:51She was living it.
01:18:52She was living it.
01:18:53She was living it.
01:18:54She was living it.
01:18:55She was living it.
01:18:56She was living it.
01:18:57She was living it.
01:18:58She was living it.
01:18:59She was living it.
01:19:00She was living it.
01:19:01She was living it.
01:19:02She was living it.
01:19:03She was living it.
01:19:04She was living it.
01:19:08Tell you one more time and you can't tell me another one.
01:19:11We might see you cut it in half.
01:19:13I'm going to tell Mariela and say...
01:19:15Come on.
01:19:16I didn't think you'd come up with this.
01:19:17She was living it.
01:19:18I didn't know it was going to be like this.
01:19:28Don't worry about him.
01:19:30He's a faggot.
01:19:33He chose me and I didn't know what to say to him.
01:19:36He's so surreal.
01:19:42They told me I was a woman.
01:19:45They told me...
01:19:47They told me I was a quatri...
01:19:51But I can't accept that from a girl.
01:20:00Me he said that you are born. We have a lot of sorority
01:20:08Yes, I said Olivia la poca la poca
01:20:11Empathy I get you on the reality and then I don't know if they do
01:20:14But I'm going to give you a zero zero
01:20:17Comigo verdad no te importaba lo que pensaba la otra mujer de la ciudad a mientras te lo comias en el jacuzzi en el
01:20:21Cajón del meipo I see he can win a la mujer la mujer que buena es la mujer
01:20:33Took some brassica de ciego no espérate porque lo que me falta es que esté amiga con las otras espérate
01:20:44Cuando uno se de cuenta de una web uno tiene que decir inmediatamente
01:20:47Es que no te aguanto esta web porque bla bla bla bla bla y ya te dije el otro día que no me voy a
01:20:51Remar si nos reímos los dos ningún problema pero si tu wea
01:20:59Porque yo me dicen diez y yo respondo si en la iglesia no le aguanto
01:21:04No, no, no es conmigo porque me siento orgullosa que me hiciera
01:21:08agradezco mucho de corazón el único que fue
01:21:11es una sensación que yo tengo en base a como yo pero la sensación es todos me dicen
01:21:16Cuidado pero cuídate el corazón me parece un mentiroso lo que está haciendo
01:21:21Me las o que es lo que ha sido con otras personas pero porque tiene que actuar conmigo como
01:21:27Los problemas que tú tienes con él díselo a él no metas mi nombre
01:21:30Yo cuando lo que pensaba de tu relación correcta ya me te lo dije a tu cara no y no en una
01:21:37Si tú tienes cosas con él díselo a él
01:21:39Pero no uses mis cosas o sea lo que pasa entre mí porque ustedes no saben lo que pasa entre yo y él
01:21:49Les tenemos un reto es de transformismo
01:22:15El otro día cuando ella fumó te enteraste de ella que le dijo es que ves como me mientes
01:22:22así serás capaz de mentirme con todo pero enfadado de verdad de que le ha dado una cargada a un cigarro
01:22:27y estamos hablando una mentira de traición y dice así
01:22:31por eso ella se apaga un poquito y encima el hostin como le chupa, chupa medias a saco del pangal tío
01:22:38Son terribles
01:22:39Me llevaba muy bien con él pero a mi se me empezaba a caer genial
01:22:44Antes de que vayan a tomar posiciones
01:22:47Quiero informarles esta tarde lamentablemente debo comunicarles que van a tener una sanción
01:22:55Como ya le fue anticipado la decisión ha sido que ustedes como equipo
01:23:03Si, a modo de costumbre
01:23:10Esos ojazos, tu y esos ojazos
01:23:13Muy cerca, muy cerca
01:23:20Ya te lo ganarás, ya te lo ganarás
01:23:22Buenas noches
01:23:24Buenas noches
01:23:33Venga me lo voy
01:23:39Venga me lo voy
01:23:45Buenas noches
01:23:47Por favor que pasen los clones de Sabelo
01:24:03Todos recibimos a los igualitos
01:24:05A Botota Fox
01:24:09Subtítulos por José Miguel Pinto Escuela de Lingüística PUCE
