• last year
Este capítulo de Ganar o Servir trajo muchas polémicas como una pelea entre dos viejas enemigas, y el drama de una joven desplazada por una integrante nueva.


00:00:48Competence individual masculine esta jornada en ganar o servir por la continuidad y la inmunidad
00:01:04Stand up it was a stand-up it was a co-locar. It's a moneta
00:01:08Move circle uno de los
00:01:12nuevamente pangal
00:01:14ganador en la competencia individual masculina y al parecer si
00:01:23Abandon a la competencia por lo tanto botota es el tercer nominado de esta semana
00:01:36El misito a pase lo bien
00:01:45La cena
00:02:22Come a la rogar no parece que aparte está quedando mal pero perfecto no dejará que siga quedando así no le digas nada
00:02:29Pero una rogona es una rogona
00:02:34Alguien quiere rogar más perdón cenar más me suena así como mucho ruego
00:02:39Cúplicas un poquito
00:02:44Dicho ha dicho que lo ni me te digo pero porque rogar tanto
00:02:51No le gusta
00:02:55Pero así con invitaciones directas a la cama demostrando lo que todo el mundo siempre ha pensado de ti
00:03:04Disfruta disfruta
00:03:11Esta es la verdadera arena de la competencia
00:03:14Porque hoy en ganar o servir los hombres van a probar quién es el mejor papá
00:03:28Tengo que decir que no soy tu papá soy tu mamá como te quedó loco
00:03:44El rey no sabe abrir broche
00:03:59Es que a todos los invita a la cama que le pasa este muchacho con las camas llegó con os
00:04:03Austin se agobió de ella empezó con ray ray se agobió de ella si algo sabes que le va a molestar a la otra persona
00:04:09No se lo hagas
00:04:14Yo pensé que quería cenar conmigo ahora eres muy pesada muy pesada muy pesada
00:04:20se pone celosa y empieza a gritar
00:04:23Obsesionada enamorada
00:04:26superame ella ahora
00:04:29rompiendo todo el discurso que ante anteriormente dio porque ya justificó todo el rato que era un juego que no sé qué
00:04:36es un juego y así te pones tú que
00:04:41su madre loco
00:04:45Ha pensado en eso
00:04:49Soldado si yo no soy como lo yo pienso diferente a lo que si yo cuido mi equipo y él se cuida el potito
00:04:54solito a base de que decía eso de todo el fuego de la competencia porque más de una persona que entró
00:05:00eso el fuego lo del círculo de fuego cuando me lo explicó yo encuentro que el legítima porque siempre le
00:05:05Explicación de Facundo también legítima si tú llegas y aún un alguien nuevo al grupo poner la prueba me parece legítimo no estoy de
00:05:11Acuerdo porque si tú llegas al lugar y es un competidor
00:05:14Supuestamente bueno que viene a portar al equipo
00:05:17No lo puede tirar cuando tenía ray tenía el que no se moja el partido no se tira ni cagando cómo lo haría yo
00:05:21Si sé que la cagué yo digo yo menos menos
00:05:32Muy buenas noches sean todos ustedes bienvenidos
00:05:34A esta aventura en el pasado que cada noche incluye una tormenta de emociones con peleas
00:05:39Reconciliaciones risas y llantos todo esto en la casona de ganar o servir de vuelta al pasado
00:05:44Hoy siguen los caguines amorosos y de convivencia que una vez más
00:05:49Enfrentarán a gala con oriana y también seremos testigos ojos del sorprendente embarazo
00:05:55De varios de nuestros participantes con alguno de sus compañeros y no sólo eso porque milagrosamente
00:06:00Además podremos ver cómo se verían sus hijos estoy mucho más en esta experiencia épica y muchas veces
00:06:19Una copita de alcohol
00:06:31Que está pasando aquí
00:06:33Tiene dueño ya
00:06:39Cuál es el problema
00:06:41Es que a todos los invita a la cama que le pasa esta muchacha con las camas
00:06:45Dijo que quería comer en la cama y que como él es un sirviente que se la lleva a la cama bueno evidentemente
00:06:50Tampoco lo han enseñado que en la cama no se come
00:06:53Cuando ella hacía lo mismo cuando ella se besaba
00:06:57Supuestamente siendo mi amiga
00:07:00Solamente es una cena
00:07:03Le pasa lo mismo con todos
00:07:06Austin se agobió de ella empezó con ray ray se agobió de ella y se ha vuelto es porque yo no he querido estar con
00:07:13Ray o sea es la puta realidad y ahora también lo intenta con este
00:07:20fortísima caso y porque se fue Fabio porque también
00:07:24Estaba ya masaje andos en pelotas con el otro pero en este caso tampoco es que tú hagas algo para molestarlo
00:07:30a ella directamente
00:07:36Galadriel me sorprende
00:07:42Si algo sabes que le vamos a estar a la otra persona no se lo hagas
00:07:47Ahora se va a tener que aguantar y yo pensé que quería cenar conmigo ahora
00:07:52Ya fuiste un juguete pero ya que lo haga por joder simplemente cuando lo que me pone carita de buena
00:08:00Ahora que ni me dirija la palabra o sea que ni me la dirija es la misma historia siempre es que no no cambia
00:08:06está da igual los años que pasen
00:08:11Tengo sueño me puedo
00:08:29En la cama de mariela todo lo que provoca
00:08:34Igual sacudo un pelotudo porque o sea recién llegado intentando este convoy
00:08:39una cosa servirle esta cosa
00:08:41No amigo lo siento pero ahí no te voy a dar la razón lo está haciendo porque es lo que le toca
00:08:45cuando se fuese fue bien divertido o sea
00:08:53De momento yo soy tu señora que usted me sirvió
00:09:00Y tenía esto tenía que utilizarlo si no lo iba a perder era eso o un masaje y esto me parecía
00:09:10Que no sé cómo puede terminar así que
00:09:13Si me fío pero hasta un punto
00:09:16Pero que tienen ustedes dos
00:09:21Como risa la pasamos y no mira
00:09:23os digo una cosa a austin le pregunto al principio que si le gustaba yo no pregunta por otras pregunta siempre por mí
00:09:30ha preguntado
00:09:31al chico nuevo también si le gusto yo me lo dijo él
00:09:36La sesión la tiene ella tanto que decía supérame no guapita creo que la opción la tienes tú al revés o sea que bastó
00:09:43y diciendo luego
00:09:45Por favor que no haya más rivalidad de entre nosotras de
00:09:48competencia de mujeres como que competimos entre nosotras yo nunca pensé en que
00:09:53competimos entre nosotras simplemente me callas como el y habían cosas así que no me gusta pero yo nunca he competido contigo
00:09:58a lo mejor lo dijiste porque eras tú la que competías
00:10:02y ahora ya lo veo cada vez más claro
00:10:05Yo estaba con raíl
00:10:08y ella le dijo
00:10:11Y en caravanas en las piernas y tal yo le dije no hay problema o bien yo no hubiera actuado así
00:10:18Que yo le hice lo mismo con raíl yo dije lo mismo no guapa tu chico o lo que fuese tuyo
00:10:24me metió la lengua hasta la garganta hasta las amigas hasta el esófago no es mi culpa vale o sea
00:10:30jamás yo le he dicho lleves a me ya le dije que prácticamente nada
00:10:34y por eso rey volvió al camino fácil digamos
00:10:38A lo sencillo a lo no complicado
00:10:41todavía no ha terminado la actividad no te puedes ir todavía para otro lado
00:10:50No estabas intentando
00:10:52Ya que te hemos visto desde la ventana, bueno te hemos visto desde la ventana, o sea no tengas el turto tampoco
00:10:57Pero dime
00:10:59Vamos, o sea, me la suda
00:11:01Yo que estás medio volviendo conmigo es que la contigo
00:11:03Pero si que...
00:11:05Está como muy...
00:11:08De sacata
00:11:10Te peleaste con ella
00:11:12Hombre es que me parece que siempre
00:11:14Bueno en fin
00:11:16No ella no se pelea, ella la busca
00:11:18Pero no contigo
00:11:20No se si por ella o por raíl
00:11:22En la tarde estaba acá como con raíl todo
00:11:24Cariñitos y besitos
00:11:28No entiendo más nada
00:11:30Pero raíl también es joder
00:11:32Si eres que es raíl
00:11:34Si iba por ahí pero llegaste y cagaste la casa
00:11:36Te hago una pregunta en el oído
00:11:42Allí y ya tenís la cagás, están peleando
00:11:44No no no
00:11:46Es un toro maldito
00:11:48Este es el toro con rabia
00:11:56Me encantó mi cita
00:11:58Así que ustedes tuvieron algo en Brasil
00:12:00Con el hoste
00:12:02Sí, algo así
00:12:05Pero fue el carnaval
00:12:07Sí, el hoste es muy buen chico
00:12:09Yo ahora le digo, me ha cambiado completamente la visión
00:12:11Lo veo full amigo
00:12:13Y como están
00:12:15Full amor
00:12:17Están bien, se les ve bien
00:12:19Se ven como si estuvieran muy bien
00:12:21Pero no tengo idea, yo no puedo hablar
00:12:23Por los sentimientos de nadie
00:12:25Estaba comiendo arriba pero comió poco parece
00:12:27Porque no le gustaba
00:12:29No le gustaba la comida o que
00:12:31No se
00:12:33No creo que hubiera estado nervioso
00:12:35Porque igual se enojó
00:12:37Porque el pangal le dijo
00:12:41Muy mala tu respuesta le dijo
00:12:43Tú me habrías dicho eso
00:12:45El hoste con el pangal le dijo
00:12:47¿Cómo me hice yo ese huevo?
00:12:49Yo no he hecho nada
00:12:51Es que respondió mal
00:12:53Por tu provocación
00:12:55Pero respondió también mal de él
00:12:57No porque tú te viste en una situación
00:12:59Como que te debería haber bañado
00:13:02No pero si a mi ya me quedó claro
00:13:04Estuvo en broma pero era
00:13:06Me vuelto a hacer lo mismo
00:13:08De siempre
00:13:10Es la sensación que yo tenía
00:13:12Que ustedes habían como cambiado de pareja
00:13:14No llegué a tener nada con él acá adentro
00:13:16Porque yo igual no tengo mucha paciencia
00:13:18La verdad
00:13:20Entonces como que estaba muy picote
00:13:22Y al final le dije
00:13:24Ya, corte, somos amigos
00:13:26Para que sepa
00:13:28Vamos a tocar
00:13:30El tema de Fran
00:13:34Porque es importante
00:13:36¿O no?
00:13:38Hay que darle su momento a Fran
00:13:40No, si tú quisieras
00:13:42Podría hablar contigo ya perfectamente ahora
00:13:44Voy a arreglar los problemas
00:13:46No, todavía no puedes
00:13:48Voy ahora ya
00:13:50Tengo que ir al baño
00:13:54La molestia
00:13:57Una molestia tranquila
00:13:59¿Está todo bien?
00:14:01No, pero yo creo que él va a convivir
00:14:03Hablas con ella vos, ¿no?
00:14:05Sí, porque usted es un caballero
00:14:07Porque usted es un caballero
00:14:09Todos vivimos en la misma casa
00:14:11Vamos a opinar de esto
00:14:13No, no es feo
00:14:15Es lindo, hermoso, precioso
00:14:17No se puede
00:14:19No se puede
00:14:21No, porque yo sé que Austin
00:14:23Tiene un corazón
00:14:26¿Qué te farías conmigo?
00:14:28Estoy hablando de Austin
00:14:30¿Pero qué te estás hablando?
00:14:32Que va a seguir quedando mal
00:14:34Rechazo tras rechazo
00:14:36Austin, Ray, ahora tú
00:14:38Espero que seas medianamente inteligente
00:14:40De no darle un chance a esto
00:14:42Robona imposible
00:14:44Pero bueno, cada uno que haga lo que le apetezca
00:14:46Pero ven, estamos hablando
00:14:48¿Vos te vas a ir?
00:14:50Enganchamos y estábamos como la más buena
00:14:52Durmiendo juntos, abrazados
00:14:54Y yo me sentía bien con eso
00:14:56Como que no me parecía nada malo
00:14:58Y de repente
00:15:00La Oriana empezó a jugar ahí
00:15:02Como a coquetear
00:15:04Y ella dice que no, pero sí
00:15:06Y en una actividad
00:15:08Le comió la boca mía
00:15:10Yo no voy a besar a una persona en tu cara
00:15:12Si se supone que quiero tener una buena onda contigo
00:15:14No está haciendo solo la comodidad
00:15:16Y me enojé un montón
00:15:18Pero antes de eso ya habían cosas que él hizo también mal
00:15:20Pero bueno, si él tomé lo hizo
00:15:23Tiene que saber que él también lo hizo
00:15:25Nadie lo obligó a besar a la niña
00:15:39¿Qué obsesión tiene conmigo?
00:15:41¿Qué le pasa? ¿Está enamorada de mí o qué?
00:15:43Voy a empezar a creer que es que me quiere comer a mí
00:15:45Esto ya es acoso
00:15:47Que pesada
00:15:49¿Cuántas veces le tiene que preguntar
00:15:513.000 veces al pibe si le gusta o no le gusta
00:15:53Eres muy pesada hija
00:15:55Eres muy pesada
00:15:57Muy pesada
00:15:59¿Dónde está la friki esta?
00:16:01Y se pone celosa
00:16:03Y empieza a gritar
00:16:05Obsesionada, enamorada
00:16:09Que lo siento si te gusto
00:16:1120 veces le voy a preguntar a todos los machos
00:16:13De esta casa si están enamorados de mí
00:16:15Porque a este también se lo preguntó
00:16:17En un principio
00:16:22Pero tú imagínate
00:16:24Si yo
00:16:26Le hubiera besado
00:16:28Pregunta por mí, porque es que yo quiero que me quiere comer a mí
00:16:30No te la voy a dar
00:16:32No estoy enamorada de ti, no me gustas
00:16:36Para que me supere una puta vez
00:16:38Que pesada loco
00:16:40Ella ahora está rompiendo todo el discurso
00:16:42Que anteriormente dio
00:16:44Porque ella justificó todo el rato
00:16:46Que era un juego
00:16:48Es un juego
00:16:50Y así te pones tú
00:16:52¡Que pesada!
00:16:54¡Su puta madre loco!
00:16:56Esa es la vida mía
00:16:58¿Sabes que no me interesa?
00:17:00Dos mujeres guapas, lindas
00:17:02¿Y para qué se fue a meter?
00:17:04Quizás la pelear por un pendejo
00:17:06De 25 años que recién llegó
00:17:08Yo no estaba en guerra con ella
00:17:10Pero esta situación y lo que acaba de pasar ahora
00:17:12Era solo
00:17:14Y esto va a seguir siendo solo
00:17:16Ella se da cuenta de cómo actúa
00:17:18Estuvo todo el tiempo victimizándose
00:17:20De que ella
00:17:22No sé qué
00:17:24Era un juego
00:17:28No, pero es que me molesta
00:17:32¿Sabes por qué pasa esto?
00:17:34Porque tú también estás...
00:17:36Ahora vas y te la comes
00:17:40Vamos a casa
00:17:42No hay mucha gente
00:17:44La segunda parte
00:17:46Vuelta a la sala
00:17:48Yo te puedo convencer un montón de cosas
00:17:50¿Cómo andás?
00:17:52Pero yo primero no te doy la culpa
00:17:54Lo único que te pido es que más que bonito
00:17:58Me estás hablando bien
00:18:00Ya, me estoy haciendo de buena manera
00:18:02Es que este viene de hace muchas años
00:18:04Está obsesionada a Hevy
00:18:06A mí no me importa ella
00:18:08Es que la conocí antes y todo bien
00:18:10Pero no es que me la quiero comer
00:18:12No, but it bothers me.
00:18:14It's not your fault. You don't have to speak ill of me. Look me in the eyes.
00:18:18No, because do you think I'm fighting for you?
00:18:21No, I'm not fighting for you.
00:18:23You're not doing anything. You're fighting for me.
00:18:26And now you're relaxed. If she doesn't want you, get out of here.
00:18:29You have to be smarter.
00:18:31Yeah, but obviously she's doing it on purpose.
00:18:33It's okay, because it's like that.
00:18:35Even if you didn't do it on purpose, I'd try it with you because all men like it.
00:18:38So, it doesn't matter. Don't let yourself get confused.
00:18:41Ray, I already told you no.
00:18:43Are you sure?
00:18:44Yes, yes.
00:18:45Okay, don't worry.
00:18:46If it wasn't for my son, I would have eaten him any day.
00:18:49And the boy asked me to kiss him if I didn't kiss him.
00:18:51He's a very handsome boy, but he's a boy.
00:18:54I mean, 25 years old. Where do I go with a 25-year-old boy?
00:18:57I can't, I can't.
00:19:04Excuse me.
00:19:05What happened?
00:19:07I told you.
00:19:08You thought I was aquatic, that I was exaggerating.
00:19:11And look what happened.
00:19:12And I was right.
00:19:13I wanted to go crazy.
00:19:14And thank God, look.
00:19:16And what did you do?
00:19:18I just wanted to have dinner in bed.
00:19:20I didn't want to have dinner at the table.
00:19:22And I wanted to have dinner with Facu, who is my servant.
00:19:24I had the right.
00:19:27The one who likes to play, but without crying.
00:19:29I told him.
00:19:30Don't do that to me.
00:19:34They are both dense.
00:19:36No, I was super relaxed and I didn't cry.
00:19:39I was calm and you started with that game.
00:19:44No, but it annoys me.
00:19:46It's good, like.
00:19:48Oh, because I don't get angry with a woman for a man.
00:19:54If you don't even have time, because they already do this to you.
00:19:56Before you can get angry.
00:19:58How do they do it?
00:19:59I don't know.
00:20:00I mean.
00:20:02That's it.
00:20:03What a show, man.
00:20:05What a scandal.
00:20:07Because I think it's positive.
00:20:09What else can it be?
00:20:10No, weird.
00:20:11An attitude like that.
00:20:12With someone, I don't know.
00:20:13One day here.
00:20:14That is the inconsequential.
00:20:15I really don't understand.
00:20:18It has always been the same.
00:20:22Stand up, stand up, little girl.
00:20:23Let's see.
00:20:24Here, here.
00:20:25Here, here.
00:20:26Here, here.
00:20:27Come on.
00:20:30What a scandal.
00:20:32You like it anyway.
00:20:35You have it as if it were evil.
00:20:37As if your posima worked.
00:20:42That's enough.
00:20:44If I tell you something.
00:20:45I say, that's enough.
00:20:48But well.
00:20:49As he is still my servant.
00:20:50Tomorrow, maybe.
00:20:51I don't feel like eating with him in bed again.
00:20:54Well, we'll see.
00:21:07I love it.
00:21:08Because, I mean.
00:21:10It's not the best scene.
00:21:11That you are next to me.
00:21:13While I do piss.
00:21:14No, nothing happens.
00:21:15Ah, well.
00:21:16Look here.
00:21:18Do you need help?
00:21:19It's okay, right?
00:21:21Come on.
00:21:24Don't listen to me.
00:21:26I like to listen.
00:21:27I like to listen.
00:21:30Look, I opened the water.
00:21:31So you don't hear.
00:21:33Is it there?
00:21:34Let's see how it sounds.
00:21:36I'm not going to get out.
00:21:37I'm not going to get out.
00:21:38Because I'm afraid.
00:21:39I'm afraid you're here.
00:21:40Come on.
00:21:41I'm going to leave a little.
00:21:42Come on.
00:21:43I'm not going to leave.
00:21:45I see your shadow.
00:21:46I'm here.
00:21:48I'm here.
00:21:49Come on.
00:21:50God, I can't get out.
00:21:51I swear I'm here.
00:21:53I'm far away.
00:21:55I swear I'm trying.
00:21:56I'm going to leave a little more.
00:21:58Oh, okay.
00:21:59I'm getting out.
00:22:00I'm getting out.
00:22:05I want to talk to you.
00:22:08Well, I'm not going to talk to him today because I'm going to get angry.
00:22:10But I realized I'm angry.
00:22:12He knows the truth.
00:22:14Like me.
00:22:18A little massage here.
00:22:20Your belly.
00:22:21Come on.
00:22:22Come on.
00:22:23The shoulder.
00:22:24That's good.
00:22:26It's too late to solicit these things from the servant.
00:22:30Very good.
00:22:31Very good.
00:22:50Look, I told you.
00:22:51What's wrong with you?
00:22:53He's a classic.
00:22:54He's a classic.
00:22:55I don't know what's wrong with him.
00:22:56I have a thousand reasons why I'm angry with you.
00:22:57And if he talks to you calmly.
00:22:58I want to talk to him calmly.
00:22:59I want to fight him tomorrow, if he says anything.
00:23:01I'm going to get out, because he understands me.
00:23:02I swear to you, 41 years old, 32.
00:23:03We all think the same.
00:23:04When they say no, nothing happens to me, everything happens to me.
00:23:05I know what I do is good, but I don't want to say everything that happens to me.
00:23:06No, I do not want to talk, yes I want it, but I want you to insist, to show me that you
00:23:07are more interested.
00:23:08That you drag yourself.
00:23:09Do not go to the spaces.
00:23:10We hate the spaces.
00:23:11We hate them.
00:23:12It's a lie.
00:23:13That you show me that you have more interest.
00:23:15That you drag yourself.
00:23:16Don't go to the spaces. We hate the spaces.
00:23:19We hate them. It's a lie.
00:23:21I'm going there.
00:23:24I can't fucking believe it.
00:23:27Are you okay, brother?
00:23:28I can't. I swear. I can't stand this moment.
00:23:31Listen to me.
00:23:32No, no, no.
00:23:33He's not fighting.
00:23:34I would like someone to talk to him.
00:23:36I said, no, asshole.
00:23:38I don't know what you're doing.
00:23:39I also like it when people tell me how they are.
00:23:41I didn't tell him to go.
00:23:42He doesn't want to go. I know him.
00:23:43There's no way.
00:23:44He's more stubborn than a mule.
00:23:50My love, did you see how he laughed?
00:23:53What's wrong with you?
00:23:55I'm going to kill you.
00:23:56What's wrong with you?
00:24:00We want to know the truth.
00:24:01The truth of what?
00:24:02And nothing more than the truth.
00:24:04Do you want to talk or not?
00:24:05Talk to whom?
00:24:06Or not.
00:24:08What the hell, Satan?
00:24:11Why are you so stupid?
00:24:12I was telling you.
00:24:13I hope you wanted to.
00:24:14Oh, wow.
00:24:16Oh, and that's why I have to give in?
00:24:19Don't worry.
00:24:20I'm going to talk to my friends.
00:24:21I don't need lawyers or shit.
00:24:27Let's go, Mariel.
00:24:32Go over there.
00:24:33Even if he says no.
00:24:35I already went.
00:24:36I don't care.
00:24:38I need you to insist.
00:24:40Do you want us to hear everything we say in the kitchen?
00:24:43How is the kitchen?
00:24:44You went only because we asked you to.
00:24:46You're going through that moment.
00:24:47That moment doesn't matter.
00:24:50Very good, Mariela.
00:24:51I like you guys.
00:24:52You care about the situation and are very attentive.
00:24:55Thank you.
00:24:57I don't need your advice.
00:24:59So I appreciate your advice.
00:25:01And you put them in the suggestion button, right?
00:25:03And I know they come from love.
00:25:04So thank you very much for that.
00:25:06But I'll take care of it.
00:25:10I'm so embarrassed.
00:25:19He's mad.
00:25:20He hates me right now.
00:25:21He hates me.
00:25:22He hates me.
00:25:25If I were him, I'd hate you too.
00:25:28Because he's a good guy and he's excited.
00:25:30Excited about what?
00:25:32I never...
00:25:36But everything was going well.
00:25:38I gave him two kisses.
00:25:39One in that activity.
00:25:40And the other one...
00:25:41I'm not lying.
00:25:42I'm telling you the truth.
00:25:45If you like him and he's excited...
00:25:46Listen to me.
00:25:47He's a good guy.
00:25:48And then a couple of days later...
00:25:50He's mad.
00:25:53They broke up.
00:25:54And the other one is mad because I don't want to.
00:25:56I'm sorry.
00:25:57I'm sorry, love.
00:25:58I'm sorry.
00:26:00Keep trying.
00:26:01Keep trying to be like...
00:26:03With all the men.
00:26:06And man...
00:26:08All the men are crazy.
00:26:10They love him a lot.
00:26:11Girl, you're scaring them.
00:26:13It's just...
00:26:14Oh, man.
00:26:19I'm going to apply to be a captain.
00:26:21That's it.
00:26:22Good, Bull.
00:26:23Good, Bull.
00:26:24Bull, we were walking outside.
00:26:27And Luis was going.
00:26:28And I told him...
00:26:29Luis, it's time for Bull to be a captain.
00:26:32And what did he say?
00:26:33He turned around like this.
00:26:34He still needs four realities.
00:26:36He still needs four realities.
00:26:38He still needs four realities.
00:26:39That's how he did it.
00:26:43Support me?
00:26:48I've heard that you like hot women.
00:26:53I like women and fitness.
00:26:56There's no fitness here.
00:27:06Come here.
00:27:12Come here.
00:27:20What are you doing?
00:27:21I don't know.
00:27:22She's a girl.
00:27:23You can't play with a little girl.
00:27:28You know I'm leaving now.
00:27:29No, no, no.
00:27:31Right to the end?
00:27:32He won't answer anything.
00:27:34I'm going to have zero contacts.
00:27:36Zero contacts.
00:27:40I don't know. I don't care about you.
00:27:44Get in, get in.
00:27:46Don't you want to get in?
00:27:47No, how can I get in? I've already told her.
00:27:51Is this the first time you're going to sleep apart since you started?
00:27:54Oh, no, deep down I see that you also like it a little more, a little more to not have you.
00:27:59Well, you know, look, listen, you know.
00:28:04Very cute.
00:28:34I don't know.
00:28:56She changed me. That's why I didn't do so much.
00:28:58You have to be careful not to get disgusted.
00:29:00And I tried.
00:29:02I don't give a shit about her.
00:29:04She made me uncomfortable.
00:29:05Everyone was looking at me like,
00:29:07Fran, change yourself.
00:29:08So you're saying that she didn't bother you at all?
00:29:10Not at all.
00:29:11Yes, she bothered me, yes.
00:29:13But not because of her.
00:29:14He bothers me.
00:29:16How he reacted.
00:29:17I told her that what I should have said when they asked her,
00:29:20I should have said something to Fran.
00:29:21She didn't say anything to me.
00:29:22She didn't say anything to me.
00:29:29What I don't understand is that Gala was here with Ray yesterday,
00:29:31hugging each other and everything,
00:29:33that the new girl arrived,
00:29:34and she realized that Ray liked the new girl.
00:29:38Ah, that he liked her.
00:29:39Because Ray, when the new girl arrived,
00:29:41he liked the girl.
00:29:45Why didn't you tell her?
00:29:46And why did you have to talk about yesterday?
00:29:48No, if he doesn't order here.
00:29:51When he arrived from his dinner,
00:29:53he had like an hour to talk to me.
00:29:56But he went straight to the table to laugh.
00:29:58He could perfectly figure out...
00:30:00I think it was the nerves.
00:30:01Well, it was his nerves.
00:30:05Because I hope he doesn't go to sleep to talk to me.
00:30:10Nowadays, if I want to talk, I can talk.
00:30:12Today I can.
00:30:14Honestly, I would have liked you to insist, huh?
00:30:17A little to talk to you.
00:30:18Yes, good, good, good.
00:30:19But that's it.
00:30:20Insist, that's it.
00:30:22But it's not that.
00:30:23But really, no, no.
00:30:24It's just that it's...
00:30:26It's like...
00:30:27It's hot.
00:30:30Maybe five minutes?
00:30:32Oh, no.
00:30:34And have you already slept in Cucharita?
00:30:36Are you crazy?
00:30:37No, Cucharita, no.
00:30:38We are more separated than...
00:30:39Not even a kiss.
00:30:40We are alive.
00:30:42Better, friends.
00:30:48It's hot, it's hot, it's hot.
00:31:00Oh, I have to wash the dishes.
00:31:03That one, Franny.
00:31:05To wash the dishes.
00:31:06Since they are ready.
00:31:08What's up?
00:31:11Did you sleep or what?
00:31:12I slept.
00:31:13Now we have to wash the dishes.
00:31:15They are all dirty for breakfast.
00:31:16No, no.
00:31:17Later, later.
00:31:18Don't worry.
00:31:37Go slower.
00:31:39I just woke up.
00:31:41Yes, Manel, something else?
00:31:42I have to wake up too?
00:31:43No, no.
00:31:44I have to wash the dishes so that you can have breakfast.
00:31:47I'm watching you.
00:31:49Please, give me more space.
00:31:51I'm just telling you that.
00:31:53I'm not talking to you.
00:31:54No, I'm not.
00:31:55No, really.
00:31:57Don't worry.
00:31:58The meditation class starts in half an hour.
00:32:00So that I don't start in a bad mood all day.
00:32:03You have to work.
00:32:08He is a client.
00:32:09He has to get up and work.
00:32:10We don't.
00:32:12And he doesn't do anything.
00:32:13He complains.
00:32:16Facu, help me.
00:32:17Give the dishes to Fran.
00:32:18Between the two of you.
00:32:19I'm going.
00:32:20Don't worry.
00:32:21And with that, I'm going.
00:32:22I'm going.
00:32:23I'm going.
00:32:24He tells you.
00:32:25Half an hour.
00:32:26Don't worry.
00:32:27Don't worry.
00:32:28I'm going.
00:32:29I'm going.
00:32:30No, let him get up and do something.
00:32:31Look at me a little bit.
00:32:32When I put on my makeup?
00:32:34The white bucket.
00:32:35It's a white one.
00:32:36I don't know where the white bucket is.
00:32:37Yesterday you took the dishes over there.
00:32:40No, I don't know.
00:32:41I didn't grab it.
00:32:42Oh, my God.
00:32:43I can't.
00:32:44No, no.
00:32:45What do you mean I don't want to?
00:32:46We're getting out of here.
00:32:47There he goes.
00:32:49Gala wants you to go.
00:32:50I'm going.
00:32:51I'm going.
00:32:52I'm going.
00:32:53I'm going.
00:32:54I'm going.
00:32:55I'm going.
00:32:56I'm going.
00:32:57I'm going.
00:32:58I'm going.
00:32:59I'm going.
00:33:00I'm going.
00:33:01I'm going.
00:33:02I'm going.
00:33:03Gala wants you to go.
00:33:04Gala wants to take a shower.
00:33:05She says you can go.
00:33:06I'm serious.
00:33:13I mean really.
00:33:14I mean, in the eyes of any guy.
00:33:16I mean, not me.
00:33:17You want to screw me.
00:33:18Okay, screw me.
00:33:19But show the body every day
00:33:22so they can forget about it.
00:33:24Oh, my God.
00:33:25Are you okay?
00:33:26Are you sure?
00:33:33Oh my God, I swear, I'm so ashamed of myself.
00:33:40If the cat is cured, it doesn't die, it doesn't look for it or anything.
00:33:44I love it so much.
00:33:46It's not that easy either.
00:33:48Luis, I can't get it out.
00:33:50No, no, no.
00:33:51I can't do that.
00:33:52Up to a point.
00:33:53You can get it out.
00:33:58Don't tell him, because then...
00:34:00What did he say?
00:34:01What did he say?
00:34:02I didn't understand him.
00:34:03What did he say?
00:34:04To get his tits out?
00:34:05No, it doesn't matter.
00:34:06To get his tits out, that's what he said.
00:34:08Do you want to tell me what the joke was?
00:34:10I didn't understand.
00:34:11What was the joke?
00:34:12Nothing happened.
00:34:13Son, but what was it?
00:34:14To be seen?
00:34:15I don't know.
00:34:16I didn't see anything.
00:34:17He wasn't there.
00:34:18He wasn't there either.
00:34:19It's okay.
00:34:26That's the kind of thing that women can't get over,
00:34:28since the shower has to fit in the mouth.
00:34:30Yes, no, no.
00:34:31I don't know if it's true, but I don't know if it's true.
00:34:33What he wanted to do was show his tits and ass.
00:34:35To all the people.
00:34:37Because personality bores everyone.
00:34:47No, I can't look.
00:34:48I can't look.
00:34:49Danielita is good.
00:34:50She's my friend.
00:34:57Who broke this?
00:34:58Explain to Mateo that he knows everything.
00:35:01How were the dishes that were there?
00:35:03How were they?
00:35:05No, it was broken.
00:35:06It was already broken?
00:35:07It was broken.
00:35:08Who put the thing on us?
00:35:09No, it was broken before.
00:35:10Who put it on us?
00:35:11Tell me who put it on us.
00:35:12Did you put it on?
00:35:13Maria put it on.
00:35:21Austin, how are you?
00:35:24There it is.
00:35:26Are you wearing the corset or taking it off?
00:35:28No, I was getting ready.
00:35:34This is ready.
00:35:35How nice it looks today.
00:35:36Wow, wow, wow, wow.
00:35:38How are you?
00:35:39Good morning.
00:35:42Tell me one thing.
00:35:43Who put the table?
00:35:44Another one.
00:35:45Another one.
00:35:46But among all of them?
00:35:47It's great.
00:35:48Although we had three losses, because, for example, Ori doesn't wash the dishes.
00:35:53And the new one.
00:35:54I'm coming.
00:35:55This is Adelo and the other one, I'm coming.
00:35:58The piece?
00:35:59It's ready.
00:36:00They are getting up.
00:36:05Look at this face.
00:36:06What do you think?
00:36:07That's how you have to wake up.
00:36:08Come on.
00:36:10Really, Austin?
00:36:11Yes, no.
00:36:12Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:36:15It's heavy.
00:36:16I swear.
00:36:17I just came to bother you.
00:36:18Can I talk to him?
00:36:19Can you go get ready to be able to take your decision?
00:36:21I came to see Falco.
00:36:23Yes, yes.
00:36:24The only thing a man does is train and sleep.
00:36:26Stop screaming.
00:36:27Train and sleep.
00:36:28That's why Galle competes and wins.
00:36:30Because he made women fight.
00:36:31What happened?
00:36:32It's a lie.
00:36:33I came to make you fight.
00:36:38Get down.
00:36:39Get down.
00:36:40You picked me, stupid.
00:36:47I think they should make a strategy.
00:36:50There's no way they can beat us in competition.
00:36:52There's no way.
00:36:53I think he's going to have to auto-vote the team.
00:36:56Have you thought about that, Galle?
00:36:57About what?
00:36:58About signing a couple of soldiers?
00:37:01I'm not like Luis.
00:37:02I think differently from Luis.
00:37:03And I take care of my team.
00:37:04And he takes care of himself.
00:37:05Based on what do you say that?
00:37:07Of everything.
00:37:08Circulo Fuego, the competition, everything.
00:37:09Because he sends a new person to that.
00:37:11Circulo Fuego, when he explained it to me,
00:37:13I found it legitimate.
00:37:14Ah, because he always looks for the explanation.
00:37:16No, I found Facundo's explanation also legitimate.
00:37:18If someone new comes to the group,
00:37:20put him to the test.
00:37:21I think it's legitimate.
00:37:22No, I don't agree.
00:37:23Because if you come to the place,
00:37:24and he's a supposedly good competitor
00:37:26who comes to contribute to the team,
00:37:28you can't throw him away.
00:37:29When he had Ray,
00:37:30he had the one who didn't get wet in the puddle,
00:37:31he didn't even throw himself shitting.
00:37:32How would I do it?
00:37:33If I know I shitted him,
00:37:34I say, I nominate myself.
00:37:36Throw him away because you threw him away to the poet.
00:37:38Hey, don't touch me.
00:37:39You threw him away to the poet.
00:37:40You didn't throw him away.
00:37:41You threw him away to the poet.
00:37:42What did we do?
00:37:43You threw him away to the poet.
00:37:44And you?
00:37:45You threw him away to the poet.
00:37:46You threw him away to the poet.
00:37:47You threw him away to the poet.
00:37:48Why did you go back?
00:37:49Why did you throw him away to the poet?
00:37:50Because it's not good for you.
00:37:51It's the same thing.
00:37:52Do you know the difference?
00:37:53He threw him away to the poet,
00:37:54and he said,
00:37:56Do you understand me?
00:37:57Double face.
00:37:58Poetita, you're going to win.
00:37:59You made an effort.
00:38:00I didn't.
00:38:01I threw him away.
00:38:02Why did you have to go?
00:38:03It's one thing.
00:38:04My team has a union.
00:38:05No one wants this team.
00:38:06How do you want it?
00:38:07One week.
00:38:08Stop, stop, stop.
00:38:09Have you seen how they have done the service?
00:38:10They are good to serve.
00:38:11No, they are good.
00:38:12It's fine.
00:38:14They have a lot of good workers.
00:38:15Look, in my team,
00:38:16I have a lot of rebels.
00:38:17But they do it here.
00:38:18Did you see?
00:38:19I was a witness.
00:38:20The Oriana does it.
00:38:21The Fran does it.
00:38:22The Sabelo does it.
00:38:23They do everything here.
00:38:24A woman who does well.
00:38:26That's it.
00:38:27One week.
00:38:28Do you realize?
00:38:29One week.
00:38:30Do you realize?
00:38:31Because no one wants this team.
00:38:32The Ray wants to be the captain.
00:38:36Put this on.
00:38:37Put it on like this.
00:38:39Open it.
00:38:40Like this.
00:38:41All open?
00:38:44Because it's open.
00:38:47Let's go.
00:38:48Make the beds, guys.
00:38:52Fran, don't you see that he's cheating?
00:38:54He's cheating.
00:38:55He's not doing anything.
00:38:56He's doing it with the girls.
00:38:57No, no.
00:38:59He's cheating in the sense that
00:39:00when they call him,
00:39:01he comes to tell you
00:39:02and it generates that conflict in contact.
00:39:04For example,
00:39:05what you did last night,
00:39:06shouting at him,
00:39:07you showed the other
00:39:08that you are interested.
00:39:09You should have ignored her completely.
00:39:11She didn't do it for him.
00:39:12But for nothing.
00:39:13For her, of course.
00:39:14He knows me.
00:39:15He did it because
00:39:16he always asks her things.
00:39:19So I grab her right now.
00:39:22And I tell her face.
00:39:23But I already told you.
00:39:24But the story is that
00:39:25he didn't ask you.
00:39:26He asked all the men
00:39:28if they liked me.
00:39:30Obsession with my person.
00:39:32I'm going to be alone forever.
00:39:34If I think that all the guys
00:39:36love me for interest.
00:39:37But I didn't see it in the Ray.
00:39:38For example.
00:39:39What I'm seeing.
00:39:41Do you understand me?
00:39:42That's what I don't...
00:39:43What are you seeing?
00:39:45It's just a show.
00:39:46There is no real interest.
00:39:47There is no real interest.
00:39:48I'm already in a bad situation.
00:39:50Thank you.
00:39:51For fuck's sake.
00:39:52I don't know.
00:39:53I don't know.
00:39:54No, no.
00:39:55Because they tell me
00:39:56that it's a show.
00:39:57That the guy didn't like it.
00:39:58It's a show.
00:40:00Well, apart from that,
00:40:01you said a guy
00:40:02wouldn't like it.
00:40:03That's why I say.
00:40:04I'm a cuckold, man.
00:40:05So they have to be with me
00:40:06for pure show?
00:40:07No, no.
00:40:08Come on, man.
00:40:10You're not talking about a show,
00:40:12but it's so fucking hot.
00:40:14I think...
00:40:15And for me too.
00:40:16As soon as I see him,
00:40:19I get mad.
00:40:20Well, but...
00:40:21But they're already in a good mood.
00:40:22So I think
00:40:23it's because he's annoyed.
00:40:24The fact that he knows
00:40:25that the one who's with me
00:40:26knows what's going on,
00:40:27so he gets mad.
00:40:29For real, man.
00:40:31This guy.
00:40:32I don't agree.
00:40:33I think he really is,
00:40:34what's getting rid of is real.
00:40:37What did I tell you?
00:40:38How do I say it?
00:40:39I mean, since he doesn't like it, I don't know how to say it.
00:40:42But it's true that he's a dick.
00:40:45And what does that mean?
00:40:46That he's not fucking the other one.
00:40:48I've been in situations like that, but obviously he does respond.
00:40:51But in the end, he comes to tell you.
00:40:54And that's what generates these discussions, you know?
00:40:57That you get jealous.
00:40:58You still like him, don't you?
00:40:59Yes, I like him now.
00:41:01Then tell me.
00:41:03Do you have a lot to clean up or how much money?
00:41:05A little bit.
00:41:06Five minutes.
00:41:07Five minutes.
00:41:08Ten minutes.
00:41:10I don't like this, brother.
00:41:12No, no.
00:41:13The dishes, the breakfast, the food.
00:41:15It's nothing.
00:41:16I'm going to tell you something.
00:41:17If the captain is fired, will you support him?
00:41:19Do you want to be captain?
00:41:20In that case, yes.
00:41:22Let's go.
00:41:23Actually, I should be the captain, but well.
00:41:26Another contest.
00:41:27We have Mateucci.
00:41:28What are we going to do?
00:41:29But I bet on someone who can do something better.
00:41:33I'll tell you one thing.
00:41:34I don't think Austin likes her.
00:41:36I don't know.
00:41:37Well, no.
00:41:39She's beautiful.
00:41:40Any woman who puts me in front of her, I'm not going to feel insecure because of the woman.
00:41:46What bothers me is how he reacts in front of that situation.
00:41:55Because if he had said yesterday, before eating, look, yes, we are going to eat.
00:41:59I still wanted to tell you that I like Fran.
00:42:01Some woman a little more with eggs, but she doesn't have eggs.
00:42:04Because she's a bitch.
00:42:05No, no, excuse me, friend.
00:42:06Yes, because you told him that and then he said something else.
00:42:09And that's why he has to eat.
00:42:10No, the worst thing is that it wasn't the worst thing.
00:42:12I waited for him to come up to me after dinner.
00:42:15He didn't even go to talk to me.
00:42:17He went straight to the table with you to laugh.
00:42:19And I, who was uncomfortable, then I went to bed.
00:42:21Facundo told him, go talk to Fran.
00:42:23And that's why he went to talk to me.
00:42:25He hadn't even gone to talk to me.
00:42:26Well, he's missing a ball.
00:42:29Botota, do you agree with the possible captaincy of…
00:42:33You already have the team.
00:42:34But everyone has to try, I think.
00:42:36But only men.
00:42:37Change, try.
00:42:38That's it, Gabri.
00:42:40Paco, come back.
00:42:42No, son.
00:42:44He says, I'm going and I'm coming back and I'm not coming back.
00:42:46I'm going and I'm coming back.
00:42:47It's warm, this shit, right?
00:42:49You were sleeping and he was coming here.
00:42:51And he shouted at you.
00:42:53Yes, yes, yes, I was listening.
00:42:54You were sleeping.
00:42:55No, I want to fuck him.
00:42:56And I said, no.
00:42:57If not, I was going to come and grab you.
00:42:59He's crazy.
00:43:00I told him to get up.
00:43:02What's wrong with him?
00:43:03He's crazy.
00:43:04Is this okay?
00:43:06Is this person okay?
00:43:07This is how I look when I get drunk.
00:43:08Girl, no, but what do you do with your feet?
00:43:10Girl, it's not okay.
00:43:11I mean, this person is not okay.
00:43:12No, it's just that he has to heal.
00:43:14It's funny because…
00:43:15For me too, but deep down, I'm the one who's going to end up badly, right?
00:43:26Aren't you going to talk to me all day or what?
00:43:28Not yesterday either?
00:43:29A little bit.
00:43:30Are we scaring you?
00:43:31A little bit.
00:43:37Yesterday you were very entertaining.
00:43:39You made me happy.
00:43:41I've seen you happy too.
00:43:43Super happy.
00:43:45In a fairy tale.
00:43:48But it's sad to go back to where I came from.
00:43:51To the same place.
00:43:53It's called conformism.
00:43:55Yeah, what do I have to do?
00:43:57What do I have to do?
00:43:58Walk alone.
00:43:59Now the song changed.
00:44:00The bull in love with life.
00:44:02It's the bull in love with life.
00:44:14It's an honor to meet you.
00:44:15The honor is all mine.
00:44:17Now, here, I'm going to be kind to you, but I'm also going to be very demanding.
00:44:21And I hope you're a servant and that you're the one who works the most,
00:44:24because that's when I'm going to put you to the test.
00:44:26I'm not going to disappoint you.
00:44:27No, no, no, no.
00:44:28No one's going to cheat on me.
00:44:29I'm not going to disappoint you.
00:44:30Yes, yes.
00:44:31I'm not going to disappoint you.
00:44:32I hope, especially for you, that you do very well.
00:44:34Thank you very much.
00:44:35And now I'm going to put an order, because imagine that I arrived and ...
00:44:38Does it bother you?
00:44:40Are you in a good mood?
00:44:41No, not so much.
00:44:42Why, what's wrong?
00:44:43No, but because they scratch me, they eat my head and then I don't know.
00:44:47No, because it has nothing to do with it.
00:44:49You can tell me ...
00:44:50No, nothing, nothing.
00:44:53You don't want to tell me and you're asking.
00:44:54I'll tell you everything.
00:44:55No, you don't tell me everything either.
00:45:03No, now is the time for breakfast.
00:45:05Stop doing that chat, please.
00:45:07No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:45:08No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:45:09Why are you doing that?
00:45:10No, but why do you do that to me?
00:45:12But you are going to tell me that it depends on a chat?
00:45:14I'm dying.
00:45:15It's deforming.
00:45:16I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.
00:45:17No, no, no, no, no.
00:45:18And they lie to me.
00:45:19I don't need anything, I love it.
00:45:21If the ladies are still with the mirror thing,
00:45:24then the steel is suspended in that place,
00:45:26because otherwise it's too much.
00:45:28It's a bit sad.
00:45:30Yes, because something happened in the morning
00:45:31that I didn't like.
00:45:32I was cleaning and they told me to wait five minutes
00:45:34and that's it.
00:45:35And I said, then I don't clean.
00:45:36And they tell me, oh, you look like another person,
00:45:38because you weren't like that, and I don't know what,
00:45:40and that I have all day to clean,
00:45:41and no, I have to do other things too.
00:45:43I'm going to spend all day cleaning.
00:45:44I don't have a problem doing things.
00:45:46The important thing is that you don't keep that.
00:45:48You have to talk to the right people to talk about it.
00:45:50And I love that energy.
00:45:52So, you have to get that out.
00:45:54Okay, thank you very much.
00:45:58I have a question.
00:45:59What's going on?
00:46:00A funny case.
00:46:01A funny case.
00:46:02You can keep talking.
00:46:03It's nothing.
00:46:04I'm sorry.
00:46:05It's nothing.
00:46:06I hate it when people are talking.
00:46:07But who's talking about you?
00:46:08I hate it when people are complaining.
00:46:09No, it doesn't matter.
00:46:10You're talking about me.
00:46:11No, I'm not talking about you.
00:46:12Out of respect for people.
00:46:13Keep talking.
00:46:14What's going on?
00:46:15Why are you quiet?
00:46:17The salt was...
00:46:18There's no salt.
00:46:19Yes, there is.
00:46:26I wanted to do...
00:46:36I'm not going to get mad at you.
00:46:39I'm not going to get mad at you.
00:46:41I'm not going to get mad at you.
00:46:43I'm not going to get mad at you.
00:46:44I'm not going to get mad at you.
00:46:47What's going on?
00:46:48Can you bring the salt?
00:46:49You're disrespectful.
00:46:54If you like salt, you should go look for it.
00:46:58I'm not going to go.
00:46:59I'm not going.
00:47:00I'm not going.
00:47:01I'm going to leave now.
00:47:02They're watching me.
00:47:03No one's going.
00:47:04I'm not going.
00:47:05I'm not going.
00:47:07This gentleman from Facundo arrives.
00:47:10I can't share.
00:47:11You have to teach him that less is more.
00:47:14Secondly, I made a gift.
00:47:16They're going to say you have a week,
00:47:18but there are people who made a commitment.
00:47:21Yesterday, you were going to get a massage.
00:47:23I asked her and she's detestable.
00:47:25She didn't listen.
00:47:26So, Amanda, I also asked her yesterday
00:47:28and I told her what was going to happen.
00:47:31No, what happens is that I want to tell you
00:47:32that today in the morning, very, very, very early,
00:47:34I woke up with a shiver
00:47:36that almost gave me a heart attack
00:47:38because he was washing the dishes
00:47:40and, by the way, he threw things in the bathroom.
00:47:43Who is he?
00:47:45The captain of the other team.
00:47:47I came here and I told him,
00:47:48Luis, I'll tell you the best way.
00:47:50And please be careful.
00:47:51He said it the best way.
00:47:52But hey.
00:47:53I'm going to take care of it now,
00:47:55at this minute,
00:47:56that the balls are filled.
00:48:04What happened to you?
00:48:05They're looking.
00:48:06Mariela is running away too.
00:48:07Mariela is talking.
00:48:09Fish head and everything.
00:48:11First course.
00:48:14Thank you, friend.
00:48:15Yuli, for being the first time,
00:48:17you're not more or less up to it.
00:48:20You give me your hand like this
00:48:21and the other one, clap.
00:48:26I've been busy all morning
00:48:27listening to some complaints.
00:48:29You have to meet the dates and dates today.
00:48:33So I need...
00:48:34Did you offer yourself yesterday?
00:48:36Today you are going to ask for it
00:48:37and you are going to say yes.
00:48:38And I have no other choice.
00:48:39I love it.
00:48:41I don't want her to assume a role
00:48:43like we don't want to do it.
00:48:45In fact, I told him yesterday,
00:48:46hey, make the coins count
00:48:48because they're going to run out of time
00:48:49and then they won't be able to.
00:48:51In fact, Galán made it count.
00:48:52Galán made it count.
00:48:53And yesterday he took it to his bed
00:48:55to eat with him.
00:48:57And today he asked him to shower.
00:49:01But you have to do everything
00:49:02your lady tells you.
00:49:03It was a meal that was supported by a bed,
00:49:06that he took to bed,
00:49:07he didn't take anything to bed
00:49:08and he didn't shower either.
00:49:10You have to do it.
00:49:11If she asks you to bathe her,
00:49:12you bathe her.
00:49:14I understand perfectly
00:49:16why you made the table sound
00:49:18like you made the table sound
00:49:20for your colleagues to wake up
00:49:22and I want to congratulate you.
00:49:24It was a harmonious thing.
00:49:25Everyone wakes up happy,
00:49:26with energy.
00:49:27So thank you.
00:49:28I also woke up with you.
00:49:31Don Luis and the chair of gentlemen
00:49:33is for gentlemen.
00:49:35Go and leave it in its place.
00:49:38Now, thank you very much.
00:49:40Thank you Amanda.
00:49:41Keep shining.
00:49:42Thank you Amanda.
00:49:43With charm and elegance.
00:49:51I've never written a tweet.
00:49:54I've never written.
00:49:55But it's always good in my stories.
00:49:58But it's obvious, typical.
00:50:01Because sometimes...
00:50:02It doesn't surprise me.
00:50:05It's the same for me.
00:50:06I probably wrote to everyone.
00:50:09But well, that's how they are.
00:50:14What the fuck are these men looking for?
00:50:16Having pretty women,
00:50:18working women,
00:50:20good mothers,
00:50:21dedicated to their families,
00:50:22to their children.
00:50:23And look at the women we are.
00:50:24That's why I tell you.
00:50:25And they are looking for there and here.
00:50:27It's like throwing like that
00:50:28and grabbing anyone.
00:50:30They don't care.
00:50:31My ex.
00:50:32Do whatever you want.
00:50:34Which one?
00:50:36You don't know what I found out
00:50:37after I broke up with him.
00:50:42Of course it makes you sad.
00:50:43You think, who am I?
00:50:45What a bad woman I am.
00:50:47I'm so horrible.
00:50:48And besides, he told me I was ugly.
00:50:50You don't know what he told me.
00:50:52He told you that?
00:50:54I couldn't wear bikinis from Brazil.
00:50:56Because, imagine.
00:50:57Things like that.
00:50:58But they saw women who wore those things.
00:51:02We were going to have dinner.
00:51:03I was getting ready.
00:51:04And he saw me.
00:51:05And he got mad.
00:51:06I mean, I had to change a thousand times
00:51:09to feel good.
00:51:11Stupid things.
00:51:15And I put up with it a lot too.
00:51:17I put up with it so much
00:51:18that the time came
00:51:19when he would hit me.
00:51:21When he would hit me.
00:51:23My biggest fear
00:51:24was to separate from the kids.
00:51:25When I separated,
00:51:26I began to realize
00:51:27that the kids today
00:51:28are much happier
00:51:29and they are as if I were with him.
00:51:31So everything that happened to me,
00:51:32what he did to me,
00:51:34It's worth it.
00:51:35I step above that
00:51:37so that we can have a good relationship
00:51:40for the kids.
00:51:41I separated from him
00:51:42and he doesn't want anything at all.
00:51:45He's making my life impossible.
00:51:47Do you understand?
00:51:48At first.
00:51:49But then he will realize.
00:51:51But well.
00:51:52In the end,
00:51:53our children are the parents.
00:51:54And they will always be there.
00:51:57You have to fight for what interests you.
00:51:59But she doesn't have to fight for anyone.
00:52:01He has to decide.
00:52:04But she has to decide.
00:52:05Here I am.
00:52:06This is the present.
00:52:07Sleeping crocodile.
00:52:08It's a wallet.
00:52:09I don't tell you to fight him,
00:52:11but I don't tell you to get out either.
00:52:13What do you want me to do?
00:52:14Tell me.
00:52:15What do I do?
00:52:16You have to look for him.
00:52:17Me? Him?
00:52:18Don't let him go.
00:52:19So you don't give him that possibility.
00:52:21So when I finish school,
00:52:22I don't have to look for him.
00:52:25So when I finish,
00:52:26I tell him,
00:52:27let's talk.
00:52:29They are together.
00:52:30They are all together.
00:52:31He says,
00:52:32I come in here.
00:52:43The little one doesn't speak yet,
00:52:44but she understands everything.
00:52:45When are you interested
00:52:46in coming here so much
00:52:47to see how they wash?
00:52:48One thing.
00:52:49I am showing them
00:52:50what I do for a living.
00:52:52Do they have a tourist card?
00:52:53I don't have a tourist card.
00:52:54She was born to me.
00:52:55She was born to me.
00:52:56To take her.
00:52:57Oh, she was born to you.
00:52:58She was born to you.
00:53:00She was born to you.
00:53:01She didn't ask for it.
00:53:02She has to give so many explanations.
00:53:04She is your mother.
00:53:05More or less,
00:53:06but she is his friend.
00:53:07The truth is that I see little interest
00:53:08in getting back to Fran,
00:53:09because, look,
00:53:10he is happy there,
00:53:11he is happy there,
00:53:12and Fran is not seeing him.
00:53:13I am calm.
00:53:14And when I talk to Fran,
00:53:15she knows what to say.
00:53:16Why should I talk to him
00:53:17if he was the one who ...
00:53:18It doesn't correspond.
00:53:19It doesn't correspond.
00:53:20Well, I really don't care.
00:53:21I don't like
00:53:22that he got up
00:53:23and didn't come to say hello to you.
00:53:24Nothing, man, nothing.
00:53:27I don't need a lawyer.
00:53:28No, but that's why I'm telling you here.
00:53:30Fran is not well, man.
00:53:31Don't worry about that either.
00:53:32Don't worry.
00:53:36From the top to the bottom.
00:53:37The only thing people give him is something.
00:53:40He is learning that,
00:53:41in a way,
00:53:42you can get into situations
00:53:43that don't bother him.
00:53:45Yes, it's true.
00:53:46But you don't have a better boss.
00:53:48I was giving you a bad explanation
00:53:49that never appeared here.
00:53:50And out of nowhere,
00:53:51now he explains
00:53:52how to wash the dishes.
00:53:54Why are you so interested
00:53:55in making company
00:53:56to those who wash dishes?
00:53:58Julio, Julio.
00:53:59I miss you.
00:54:03And now he's defending me
00:54:04from Aureliana, man.
00:54:11Come on, come on, come.
00:54:12But come.
00:54:13Because ...
00:54:14What are they talking about?
00:54:15They're talking about you
00:54:16and you don't know what to say.
00:54:17Come on, come on.
00:54:18What does he say?
00:54:19What does he say?
00:54:20He says that he's going
00:54:21to wash the dishes
00:54:22and that there are new applications.
00:54:23But let him come to me
00:54:24then to talk.
00:54:25Why do I have to go outside?
00:54:26No, if he wants to talk to me.
00:54:27No, no, it's not that.
00:54:28Come with me.
00:54:29No, if he wants to talk to me,
00:54:30let him come talk to me.
00:54:31I'm not going to go get him.
00:54:32If you want,
00:54:33the one who is here.
00:54:34But ask him,
00:54:35ask him why he's here.
00:54:36No, don't ask him anything.
00:54:37If he wants him to come,
00:54:38I'm in here.
00:54:39I'm not going to go.
00:54:40But do you want him
00:54:41to come to you too?
00:54:42No, let him come to me
00:54:43if I don't have to come.
00:54:44You're from there
00:54:46You can't tell me
00:54:47what to do to him.
00:54:50They're all talking about me.
00:54:53No, she looks like a 10-year-old.
00:54:59If she's bad,
00:55:00you don't care about her.
00:55:01It's just that I can't...
00:55:03I'm looking for conflict.
00:55:04I'm talking like a normal person.
00:55:06I see Fran,
00:55:07she's my friend.
00:55:08She's upset.
00:55:09Why haven't you fixed it with her?
00:55:11And I come to defend her.
00:55:13Uncomfortable, I'm very uncomfortable.
00:55:15I don't know where to go.
00:55:17I wouldn't meddle.
00:55:18I'm fine.
00:55:20I came to ask you normally.
00:55:23I came to ask you normally.
00:55:24They're saying
00:55:25they want to meet you.
00:55:32I got tired and came here.
00:55:35Who set this up?
00:55:46Now we can talk.
00:55:50They're all talking about me.
00:55:54I don't understand why they're talking about me.
00:55:55I'm not even there.
00:55:57I'm from your team, Luis, my captain.
00:55:59I'm going to make your life impossible, my captain.
00:56:02I can't sleep.
00:56:03She's going to make my life impossible.
00:56:05She's going to make my life impossible.
00:56:06She's accusing me of Oriana.
00:56:08Now they're calling you.
00:56:09I wasn't going to go
00:56:10because if I have to talk to you,
00:56:12I'll talk to you.
00:56:13I don't understand why
00:56:14they made me feel uncomfortable.
00:56:15Point one.
00:56:16And talking about yesterday,
00:56:17I didn't care
00:56:19that she was going to eat.
00:56:21I was uncomfortable with the situation.
00:56:23She came like,
00:56:24I'm coming for you.
00:56:25Then you have to go to the waitress
00:56:27and you have to serve her dinner.
00:56:29I think anyone would have been uncomfortable.
00:56:31I understand that you are a little uncomfortable,
00:56:33but I didn't like that you say,
00:56:35yes, if you want, take it, for example.
00:56:37The reality is that we are getting to know each other.
00:56:39And then it is uncomfortable
00:56:40to try to put a name on it
00:56:42and feel the discomfort
00:56:43and I felt it too.
00:56:44But beyond what you hear,
00:56:45which are obviously nonsense.
00:56:47No, I heard your laugh,
00:56:48I heard how you were having a good time.
00:56:49And I'm tired of being caught by the egg.
00:56:51I've told you several times
00:56:52that I, like you,
00:56:53I go very slow
00:56:54and I'm tired of putting names on things.
00:56:55But I've also seen myself in a situation
00:56:57that they ask me so much
00:56:58that I don't know what to say.
00:56:59When I told her yesterday,
00:57:00take it,
00:57:01it was a joke.
00:57:02It was a way of saying,
00:57:03try it,
00:57:04come on.
00:57:05Unlike you,
00:57:06you don't say anything.
00:57:07I did tell you.
00:57:08I did tell you,
00:57:09yes, you know I cared,
00:57:10I liked you a little.
00:57:11I did tell you.
00:57:12I'm generating this,
00:57:13that you're going to go with her
00:57:14and you're going to come and say,
00:57:15hey, she's with her.
00:57:16I feel uncomfortable,
00:57:17because I'm not doing that.
00:57:18The truth is,
00:57:19now I prefer to know your feelings
00:57:21so I don't feel bad.
00:57:23I don't know what you need me to tell you.
00:57:25I'm not going to say anything?
00:57:26The truth is, I'm clear.
00:57:27What thing?
00:57:28I'm clear.
00:57:29What thing?
00:57:31what we're building, right?
00:57:34I'm not even going to say it,
00:57:35that's the worst of all.
00:57:37Because I'm not going to talk.
00:57:40If you want to get me out,
00:57:41I don't want to get you out.
00:57:43Yes, you're telling her to leave.
00:57:45Yes, and I'll leave her.
00:57:47And she doesn't like me as a captain either,
00:57:49and what?
00:57:50Isn't that bad?
00:57:51If she's not satisfied,
00:57:52you have to go to the other side
00:57:53and have someone come
00:57:54who's satisfied with us
00:57:55and always say things to your face.
00:57:58What's up with you?
00:57:59I'm not going to be behind you
00:58:00looking for you like an idiot.
00:58:01Oh, behind me?
00:58:03Because I'm looking for Polaris
00:58:04and you're not telling me.
00:58:05You're far behind.
00:58:06Sit down, come and tell me.
00:58:07Sit down.
00:58:08What's wrong?
00:58:09What did they tell you?
00:58:10No, I'm not going to tell you.
00:58:11I'm not going to tell you.
00:58:12What else do you want?
00:58:13When you tell me what they told you,
00:58:14I'll tell you,
00:58:15so you're going to tell me.
00:58:16That they were telling me
00:58:17that you came like this,
00:58:18as if it were natural.
00:58:19Because they say
00:58:20that she was with another
00:58:21who was also known,
00:58:22and so on,
00:58:23and so on,
00:58:24with the same nonsense as always.
00:58:25Who said that?
00:58:26No, that doesn't matter.
00:58:27Who told me?
00:58:28I can imagine.
00:58:31Now she's here.
00:58:32I mean, obviously she's coming for you.
00:58:34As if you were going to play there,
00:58:36that's it.
00:58:37I'm not going to play anything.
00:58:39You're the only one
00:58:40who's been there,
00:58:41and that's you.
00:58:42Because I'm not that one.
00:58:43I mean, I've been with you,
00:58:44but with no one else,
00:58:45and I'm not going to be with anyone
00:58:46because I don't care about anyone.
00:58:48I'm in a situation
00:58:49where I want to be
00:58:50like the poor thing,
00:58:51the poor thing of the front man.
00:58:53Do you care how you look?
00:58:54No, but I do feel like this.
00:58:56But why do you feel like this?
00:58:57Because the whole house
00:58:58has made me feel like this.
00:59:00But it's not like that.
00:59:01It's not like that, no.
00:59:02You don't talk to me
00:59:03with your hands,
00:59:04with your eyes,
00:59:05until I leave you here,
00:59:07until you talk.
00:59:08And if you don't talk,
00:59:10I don't want to talk to you.
00:59:12What you want to say is that.
00:59:14Why the hell do you ask me
00:59:15if you're going to put me face?
00:59:16No, because you don't finish talking
00:59:17and I don't agree
00:59:18with what you're saying,
00:59:19but yes.
00:59:20Well, that's what I'm telling you.
00:59:21Relax, we're talking nicely.
00:59:22Yeah, but if I'm talking to you,
00:59:23don't turn around,
00:59:25Because I'm stressed
00:59:26that people talk to me like that.
00:59:27I'm always like that,
00:59:28people don't know me,
00:59:29because I'm real,
00:59:30I suck, I like it,
00:59:31who doesn't like me?
00:59:32One says you,
00:59:33the other says I suck.
00:59:34I don't care, I'm like that.
00:59:35If you're told that
00:59:36I don't know who told you,
00:59:37don't tell me because
00:59:38you know I'm going to look for you.
00:59:40that doesn't happen.
00:59:42But come on,
00:59:43that's just it,
00:59:44I mean, I said,
00:59:45I don't care if they tell me
00:59:46and tell me those things
00:59:47that I don't like.
00:59:48Don't worry,
00:59:49at some point
00:59:50I'm going to tell you everything
00:59:51to see who
00:59:52who falls for it.
00:59:54I don't know,
00:59:55I didn't find this relationship
00:59:56in the team either.
00:59:57Me neither.
00:59:58That one wants to go
00:59:59to the other side
01:00:00and we should unite
01:00:01as a team.
01:00:03I mean, it's super understandable
01:00:04how Camila feels.
01:00:05Camila feels uncomfortable
01:00:06because they make her feel
01:00:07unwanted and loved
01:00:08inside the team.
01:00:09No, no.
01:00:10Wait, wait, wait,
01:00:11it's not like that.
01:00:12It's not like that,
01:00:13because competitively,
01:00:15and competitively,
01:00:16and I'm giving her
01:00:17the best competitively.
01:00:18And what,
01:00:19it has nothing to do
01:00:20with anything.
01:00:21I mean,
01:00:22in the case
01:00:23that you go there,
01:00:24you know,
01:00:25if you want to interpret
01:00:26all the words
01:00:27that I say for bad,
01:00:28anything you say
01:00:29you're going to feel bad.
01:00:30I'm telling you
01:00:31that competitively
01:00:32it's the best.
01:00:35and it's not bad.
01:00:36If he's going
01:00:37and bringing it
01:00:38out of nowhere.
01:00:39But then,
01:00:40I'm the captain.
01:00:41I'm the captain.
01:00:42What did I tell you?
01:00:43What were you going to say?
01:00:44You said tell him.
01:00:45It's better
01:00:46because I have nothing
01:00:47to hide.
01:00:48I have nothing to hide.
01:00:49Well, that's why
01:00:50I don't want you
01:00:51as the captain.
01:00:52And as a liar.
01:00:53It's good that you say it.
01:00:54That's why
01:00:55I'm going to make your life
01:00:57because I don't want you
01:00:58as the captain.
01:00:59But don't make it
01:01:00so impossible for me either.
01:01:03Why did he pick her up
01:01:04with you?
01:01:05Because Pangal
01:01:06went to tell her
01:01:07that I'm the captain
01:01:08and I told her
01:01:09that I would have Bo
01:01:10and Fran on this side.
01:01:11But why did Pangal go?
01:01:12Because that's what
01:01:13I told you.
01:01:14That's what I don't understand.
01:01:15Yes, yes, yes.
01:01:16And Austin says
01:01:17don't tell me
01:01:18what I have to do
01:01:19and he ran off
01:01:20to talk to Fran.
01:01:21I fight with anyone
01:01:22I don't know.
01:01:23I don't want you
01:01:24to leave me.
01:01:25I love you.
01:01:26I don't care.
01:01:27If you had approached her
01:01:28or slept with me
01:01:29I don't know,
01:01:30you wouldn't be mad.
01:01:31Yes, but
01:01:32I don't know,
01:01:33I understand that
01:01:34when someone gets mad
01:01:35you give them space
01:01:36until they calm down.
01:01:37I wanted to help you
01:01:38take your things.
01:01:39And I said no thanks.
01:01:40You were super red.
01:01:41Yes, fucked up.
01:01:42I was humiliated.
01:01:43I broke the
01:01:44pumpkin bells
01:01:46No, it's twelve
01:01:47and everything
01:01:48ha ha ha
01:01:49and I
01:01:50don't remember
01:01:51bring me dirt.
01:01:52Your demonstrations
01:01:53don't interest me anymore.
01:01:54I don't care.
01:01:55So you want me
01:01:56to speak nicely to you.
01:01:57No, I don't want you
01:01:58to speak nicely to me.
01:01:59In case you
01:02:00want to go
01:02:02I won't be there
01:02:03in a fucking trio.
01:02:04Or if I want to go
01:02:05in a trio
01:02:06I'll go in.
01:02:07But tell me something
01:02:10But I trust you
01:02:11to tell me something.
01:02:12We wake up
01:02:13together, Jomezito.
01:02:14I don't care.
01:02:15I haven't done it
01:02:16with any other person here.
01:02:17I don't intend to do it either.
01:02:18I get it.
01:02:19I get up my team
01:02:20so that the table is clean.
01:02:21I get up my team
01:02:22so that the beds
01:02:23are ready.
01:02:24I get up my team.
01:02:26You would miss
01:02:27a little bit of that.
01:02:28You shouldn't be so selfish
01:02:29and train
01:02:30and train
01:02:31and train
01:02:32and do things
01:02:33the way they should be.
01:02:34I train at seven thirty
01:02:35in the morning.
01:02:36But when your team
01:02:37touches you,
01:02:38you don't do it.
01:02:39Seven thirty.
01:02:40You get up at five
01:02:41so you don't
01:02:42talk a lot.
01:02:43You get up at five
01:02:44because when your team
01:02:45touches you
01:02:46you don't do it.
01:02:49It's running out.
01:02:50I'll give you.
01:02:51It's running out.
01:02:54Do you want to go?
01:02:55I like it.
01:02:56I like what's happening.
01:02:57Do you want to continue
01:02:58on that path?
01:03:00It was never my intention.
01:03:02Look, look, look.
01:03:05It was never my intention
01:03:06that the girls
01:03:07were going to be so mega.
01:03:09But it's going to happen.
01:03:10It's going to happen a lot
01:03:12in here.
01:03:13Because outside
01:03:14it's the same.
01:03:15I'm going to kiss you
01:03:16in the activity.
01:03:24No, Meji.
01:03:25Like an idiot.
01:03:41They were calling you outside.
01:03:47And why did he listen to you?
01:03:49I don't know.
01:03:50He didn't say anything.
01:03:51I have no idea.
01:03:52He didn't say anything.
01:03:56I know perfectly well what I have to do and what I don't have to do.
01:03:59No one tells me what to do.
01:04:05Does it catch your attention?
01:04:06I don't know.
01:04:07Tell me the truth.
01:04:08It's okay.
01:04:09If it didn't catch my attention, I wouldn't have invited him.
01:04:12He already said that he likes it.
01:04:14That he likes it.
01:04:15Well, let's see.
01:04:16That's why I...
01:04:18That he's interested.
01:04:19That's it.
01:04:20I'm not going to look for a man.
01:04:22I'm not that kind of wise guy.
01:04:24Stop, Rita.
01:04:26I have self-esteem.
01:04:27I mean, make it clear that you like it, but that they look for you here.
01:04:29I have self-love.
01:04:34I work a lot as a model.
01:04:36I do a lot of campaigns.
01:04:38Very skinny women.
01:04:41I was with many.
01:04:43Who did you meet?
01:04:45I met a lady from her house.
01:04:47It's true.
01:04:48I went out with a guy named G.
01:04:50Who is he?
01:04:51He's the manager of Jay-Z, Nick Minaj.
01:04:54Did you meet Madonna's house?
01:04:56Yes, because we were the after of the Oscars.
01:05:01But it was forbidden to enter with a phone.
01:05:03The decoration was from floor to floor.
01:05:06It looked like a wedding.
01:05:07Flowers, flowers, flowers, flowers.
01:05:15How many porn movies did you do?
01:05:16No, I didn't do porn.
01:05:17What did you do?
01:05:19How many?
01:05:2137 episodes, I think.
01:05:23But in photos.
01:05:25Making it good.
01:05:27Like sexy?
01:05:29It was Playboy.
01:05:30I was very careful.
01:05:31It was the best.
01:05:32It's top.
01:05:33But wait.
01:05:34Playboy looks good.
01:05:35No, no.
01:05:36I don't do porn.
01:05:37No, no.
01:05:38That's why.
01:05:39I don't care.
01:05:40I never did porn.
01:05:41No, not porn.
01:05:42I would have done it, yes, but it scares me.
01:05:45I can't.
01:05:46I can't.
01:05:51No, no, no.
01:05:52This is his leg.
01:05:53It can't be.
01:05:54My leg?
01:05:55God, it's hard.
01:05:56You have something here.
01:05:57Show me.
01:05:58Show me.
01:05:59Show me.
01:06:00Show me.
01:06:01Show me.
01:06:02Show me.
01:06:03Show me.
01:06:04Show me.
01:06:06It's power.
01:06:07It's power.
01:06:08It looks like this.
01:06:09I don't do porn.
01:06:10I don't like it.
01:06:11Only football.
01:06:13No, this is hard.
01:06:14And this.
01:06:15Oh, no.
01:06:16He put it hard.
01:06:17He put it hard.
01:06:18How is this?
01:06:20But, God.
01:06:22It's like...
01:06:23No, really.
01:06:24I mean, it's like...
01:06:25So you get used to what power is.
01:06:27Oh, my God.
01:06:32And how do you tame it?
01:06:33I can't tame it.
01:06:34And what?
01:06:35You can't tame it.
01:06:36It's been tamed.
01:06:37No, it hasn't been tamed yet.
01:06:38It hasn't been tamed yet.
01:06:39In your fucking life.
01:06:40But in your fucking life.
01:06:41I mean, it doesn't exist.
01:06:42There's no possibility.
01:06:43What doesn't exist?
01:06:44I can't be tamed by anyone.
01:06:45No, really?
01:06:48Because this is how I say my goodbyes.
01:06:49You don't say goodbye.
01:06:50You do your house party.
01:06:51Another toothbrushing...
01:06:52Vario de nuestros participantes han pensado alguna vez en ser padres y se han imaginado,
01:06:56mudando, sacando chanchitos, y paseando a sus herederos.
01:07:00Bueno, hoy, les vamos a cumplir este sueño para que se prueben en la cancha de la paternidad
01:07:06y veremos de qué están hecho.
01:07:08Estos son los futuros padres de Ganar o Servir, puestos a prueba.
01:07:15Un nuevo día en la cazona de Ganar o Servir.
01:07:18and I come with a lot of fun activities
01:07:21because I love to have a good time.
01:07:23How are you?
01:07:30Let's go to the stairs.
01:07:31Oh, wait, look,
01:07:32the arm, the bottle and the collagen.
01:07:34I want to see how it feels
01:07:35because everyone talks so much about collagen.
01:07:37Oh, I feel like a child!
01:07:38I'm so happy!
01:07:39I'm so happy!
01:07:43That girl is hot,
01:07:44but I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:07:47Well, how are things over there?
01:07:49I love it.
01:07:50And what's the problem?
01:07:51Don't hide it.
01:07:52I'm not talking about this.
01:07:53We're talking about economy.
01:07:54Of course.
01:07:55Well, then, the shares went up.
01:07:57Yes, up, but heavy.
01:07:59And what's the problem?
01:08:00Up, up, up.
01:08:01No money to pay the shares?
01:08:02But you know,
01:08:03they always tell you,
01:08:05the brokers,
01:08:07they tell you,
01:08:08no, but slowly,
01:08:10don't risk it, you know?
01:08:12But the one who doesn't risk it...
01:08:14He doesn't win or lose, but...
01:08:16Of course.
01:08:17The one who doesn't risk it doesn't win.
01:08:18What do you know?
01:08:19We're talking about shares.
01:08:20If you're going to buy shares,
01:08:21do you go all in,
01:08:22or do you risk a little?
01:08:24No, you have to risk everything.
01:08:25The one who doesn't risk it doesn't win.
01:08:26That's what life is about.
01:08:27To be successful,
01:08:28you have to bet.
01:08:30Otherwise, no.
01:08:35This morning,
01:08:36I think a lot of things have happened.
01:08:38Love is in the air.
01:08:40It could be said like the song,
01:08:41Love is in the air.
01:08:43It could be said like the song,
01:08:44Love is in the air.
01:08:46You always tell me, Botota,
01:08:47that I go through like four towns.
01:08:49Of course.
01:08:50I'm going to go through,
01:08:51but like ten kilometers.
01:08:53Because in truth,
01:08:54when love is in the air,
01:08:55a relationship begins,
01:08:57getting to know each other,
01:08:58I don't know,
01:08:59falling in love,
01:09:00and what happens next?
01:09:01The kids come.
01:09:02The kids come.
01:09:04Have you ever imagined this?
01:09:05Let's practice, Carlita.
01:09:07Let's practice that instinct.
01:09:09You practice when you want.
01:09:11The important thing is to give consent.
01:09:12You know that very well.
01:09:14Have the men of this house
01:09:15ever thought of being parents?
01:09:19If I didn't propose it before,
01:09:20it's because I would like to have everything ready
01:09:23to give it my best.
01:09:24Because in the end,
01:09:25one goes to the background,
01:09:26and I think the child goes to the foreground.
01:09:29You are very young,
01:09:30but sometimes young people
01:09:32also dream of paternity.
01:09:33Have you ever considered the possibility?
01:09:35After 30 years.
01:09:36Not today.
01:09:37And how do you imagine yourself as a father?
01:09:39A Russian baby.
01:09:40A baby.
01:09:42Not very attentive,
01:09:43but I would like to be established in every way
01:09:46to give him everything he needs.
01:09:48Boy or girl,
01:09:49I wouldn't care.
01:09:50Pangali, you?
01:09:51No, no, no.
01:09:52Pangali is crazy.
01:09:54No, no.
01:09:55I think I'm at the limit, Carlita.
01:09:57Men don't have limits.
01:09:58Men don't have limits.
01:09:59No, no.
01:10:00I say to do things.
01:10:01Do what I do.
01:10:02Do sports.
01:10:03Imagine, I don't know.
01:10:04Have the energy to do it.
01:10:05A son or daughter,
01:10:06go to the river with them,
01:10:07and the sports you do with them,
01:10:08and be fine.
01:10:09I've seen older parents
01:10:10and it's more difficult
01:10:11because they don't do the same
01:10:12as younger parents do.
01:10:13And do you feel prepared?
01:10:14I've had such a good time,
01:10:15I've done everything,
01:10:16and I'm always looking for something,
01:10:18and I think that with that something
01:10:20I can land a little.
01:10:21You're going to have a great time anyway.
01:10:23Yes, that's what it's about.
01:10:24It's going to be better.
01:10:25Would you like to be a father?
01:10:26Yes, totally.
01:10:27I've always said it.
01:10:28Yes, I would love to.
01:10:29How do you see yourself as a father?
01:10:32Mom, really.
01:10:34And I think I would love to have someone
01:10:36to leave a legacy
01:10:38and be able to take care of him.
01:10:40Yes, that would be nice.
01:10:42Yes, I would love to.
01:10:43It would be a mistake not to reproduce myself.
01:10:47Give him a round of applause.
01:10:50Austin, would you like to be a father?
01:10:52I would love to, Carlita.
01:10:53I know he would be an exceptional father,
01:10:55super loving.
01:10:56I would love to take him, I don't know,
01:10:58to the beach, to run with me,
01:10:59to jump in parachutes,
01:11:01to ride a motorcycle,
01:11:02to do a lot of sports.
01:11:04If he were a woman,
01:11:05would you do the same activities?
01:11:06The same ones too,
01:11:07if he likes it, obviously, right?
01:11:08I'm not going to impose it.
01:11:09Austin is perfect.
01:11:11He's a poet.
01:11:12But does he practice?
01:11:13Well, one is constantly learning.
01:11:19Carlita, just like Austin,
01:11:20it would be a mistake for me
01:11:21to reproduce myself, I think.
01:11:27I love children.
01:11:28I love them.
01:11:29I think I didn't find the right person.
01:11:31That's true.
01:11:32He loves children.
01:11:33Every time he sees a child,
01:11:34he starts playing with them.
01:11:35But I think that comes
01:11:36with age, when you find
01:11:37the right person.
01:11:38How old are you,
01:11:39like in the projection,
01:11:40more or less?
01:11:41Fifty, more or less.
01:11:44No, when Carlita arrives,
01:11:45that's not...
01:11:47Well, I want to tell you
01:11:48that the time has come.
01:11:51A miracle has happened
01:11:52in this little house.
01:11:54Now they're going to be parents,
01:11:56And I want to see them,
01:11:57little guys,
01:11:58to see what they're made of.
01:11:59So much that they like
01:12:00to go to the competition arena,
01:12:01to show off with their muscles.
01:12:03Now let's see
01:12:04what kind of parents
01:12:05they could become.
01:12:07Guys, come with me.
01:12:08Women, up.
01:12:09Let's go.
01:12:31Okay, little guys.
01:12:33This is the real arena
01:12:34of the competition.
01:12:36This will be tougher
01:12:37than an elimination duel.
01:12:39Because today,
01:12:40in Win or Serve,
01:12:41the men are going to test
01:12:42who is the best dad.
01:12:44Oh, I swear to you,
01:12:45the babies are going to love it.
01:12:47I want to be the same.
01:12:48I want to be the mom.
01:12:50I mean, I look great as a mother.
01:12:53I love it.
01:12:54Now I love it.
01:12:55It's like,
01:12:56the baby is born,
01:12:57and it comes out like this.
01:12:58That's when you get the instinct.
01:12:59I'm going to give you
01:13:00different challenges,
01:13:01and then you're going
01:13:02to be evaluated.
01:13:04The first pair
01:13:05to interact and try
01:13:07to be a good father
01:13:08is Luis and Pangal.
01:13:12That's yours, Pangal.
01:13:13The one with the color
01:13:14of your eyes.
01:13:15It has the same hair.
01:13:19The first thing
01:13:20you have to do
01:13:21is move the babies.
01:13:23Since we're in Win or Serve,
01:13:25and we're in the past,
01:13:26there are no disposable diapers here.
01:13:29In the past,
01:13:30they used a kind of cloth,
01:13:33and on top of that,
01:13:34you covered the baby.
01:13:35Here we have
01:13:36the two captains.
01:13:37I don't want to move anyway.
01:13:38He doesn't want to move.
01:13:39He says,
01:13:40he's your father.
01:13:41He has to move.
01:13:42He's your son.
01:13:43It's your daughter.
01:13:44It's your daughter.
01:13:45Let's change the level
01:13:46of totality,
01:13:47or softness.
01:13:48Let's start, kids.
01:13:49From now on,
01:13:50clean your children.
01:13:54The baby is crying.
01:13:58He's really shit, son of a bitch.
01:14:00No, no, no.
01:14:01It was a joke.
01:14:02It wasn't a joke.
01:14:04He's shit.
01:14:06He's crying.
01:14:07He's crying.
01:14:08Look at what he's getting
01:14:09from the neck.
01:14:10What's this?
01:14:11Come here, come here.
01:14:13The ball.
01:14:15The ball.
01:14:20Excuse me, excuse me.
01:14:25Pancal is doing amazing!
01:14:28He lifted the door.
01:14:30Pancal is doing it.
01:14:31He's ready, Pancal.
01:14:32Calm down, baby.
01:14:33Calm down.
01:14:34Calm down.
01:14:35He's doing it with love.
01:14:40Pancal is cleaning his face.
01:14:42He's doing it like a baby.
01:14:44In a triangle, my friend.
01:14:45That's it!
01:14:47Luisa broke his neck.
01:14:50Calm down, baby.
01:14:53Calm down.
01:14:55They don't even named him baby.
01:15:00Pascal, Pascal.
01:15:01Look at Carlito, he's a baby.
01:15:02Give him milk.
01:15:03Is it hot?
01:15:04We have to check that it's not hot, because
01:15:07he can get...
01:15:09I saw.
01:15:10It's true.
01:15:11He has to check the temperature.
01:15:12Baby, you're gonna shit yourself!
01:15:13I'm sorry.
01:15:14I'm sorry.
01:15:15I'll clean it up with water.
01:15:17No, no.
01:15:18It's your daughter.
01:15:29Tranquila, tranquila.
01:15:46is that her children are no longer so calm,
01:15:48and they cry and cry.
01:15:50How would you calm your baby?
01:15:52Let's see them in action.
01:15:53No, no, no.
01:16:02The monkeys do that.
01:16:04Easy, easy.
01:16:05Put it like this.
01:16:20No crib.
01:16:20Easy, easy, easy.
01:16:22How do you like the eye?
01:16:24Oh no, oh no.
01:16:26Yes, yes, yes.
01:16:27He didn't like the crib.
01:16:29Go and get them, what are you going to do?
01:16:32Oh, and you can also do this with the hook.
01:16:37Because sometimes he has colic, so he puts it upside down.
01:16:41The technique of the bat.
01:16:47Luis does it better.
01:16:48Luis is perfect.
01:16:49I mean, everything he does.
01:16:53Did it come out good or not?
01:16:55There he stopped, did you see? There he stopped.
01:17:08Daniela is already in love with Luis.
01:17:10Every day more, every moment more.
01:17:13Just in case anyone had doubts, there is Luis' moustache.
01:17:19And this is Pangal's moustache.
01:17:22Good, perfect.
01:17:24Now, Rai and Botota.
01:17:30The natural blondes of the house.
01:17:36Two men who want to be parents and who want to show that they can.
01:17:40Please change your babies.
01:17:47I have to tell you that I'm not your dad, I'm your mom.
01:17:51Rai doesn't know how to open the brooch.
01:17:53He doesn't know.
01:17:54It's his birthday.
01:17:55Hey, she's pretty, but she's intolerant to lactose.
01:18:00No, no.
01:18:02I screwed up the shot.
01:18:07How are the girls, Botota?
01:18:14Oh, Rai, what a tragedy.
01:18:17Hey, relax, she's pretty.
01:18:21Rai, look at her face.
01:18:23She killed her neck.
01:18:24She killed her neck.
01:18:25You killed her.
01:18:31Rai is still there.
01:18:38Forgive me.
01:18:40Forgive me.
01:18:42Forgive me.
01:18:44No, take care of me too.
01:18:46Don't say that, I'll kill her.
01:18:49Poor baby.
01:18:53It's what you got, I'm sorry.
01:18:55I'm your father.
01:19:01Mom told me.
01:19:03Mom told me.
01:19:06He's still cleaning his ass.
01:19:09How are you, Rai?
01:19:10He's drying up.
01:19:13He's drying up.
01:19:16In this, the baby made her pee on her face.
01:19:19Yes, it's true.
01:19:31It's good that this is only fiction.
01:19:37Maybe she's cold, Botota.
01:19:40Oh, look how cute.
01:19:46Be careful with her head.
01:19:49She broke her head.
01:19:51Botota is...
01:19:54She's lost.
01:19:55She killed her.
01:19:56Yes, totally.
01:19:57She's a baby.
01:19:58I'm going to take her to the urologist later.
01:20:01Oh, look at her, she's so pretty.
01:20:05Rai, how are you?
01:20:07I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:20:09Rai is dressing up.
01:20:11She's good, she's good, she's not hot.
01:20:15They call her Torito.
01:20:17Oh, Rai.
01:20:19How are our participants going to calm their children
01:20:22when they're crying?
01:20:26That's it.
01:20:27What do you mean, that's it?
01:20:29And the baby catches you when you get nervous
01:20:31and starts crying even more.
01:20:36I don't care.
01:20:38I don't care.
01:20:40It's not that difficult.
01:20:43Hi, baby!
01:20:49That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.
01:20:55She fell!
01:20:57Good job!
01:20:59Good job, guys.
01:21:00How could they not take care of a baby?
01:21:04It's time for Facundo and Austin, please.
01:21:11I'm going to teach you.
01:21:12Come on, girl!
01:21:13Behave yourself, my queen.
01:21:16What happened?
01:21:17What happened?
01:21:18What did you do?
01:21:19What did you do?
01:21:20Did you really poop?
01:21:21Did you really poop?
01:21:22Yes, I pooped.
01:21:23Oh, shit.
01:21:24Let's see.
01:21:27It smells bad.
01:21:29Did you stink of poop?
01:21:34That's disgusting.
01:21:35Let's go, my queen.
01:21:37What do you want?
01:21:38Stop screaming!
01:21:40Don't scream, don't scream.
01:21:41Shut up.
01:21:46Hey, Austin.
01:21:47You've practiced a lot.
01:21:49Of course.
01:21:50I've changed my nieces' diapers.
01:21:52He's a liar.
01:21:53This guy doesn't care about anything.
01:21:56Be careful with the poop.
01:22:02He's laughing at Facundo.
01:22:04Oh, I broke it.
01:22:07The girl is going to dance!
01:22:09That's right.
01:22:10The line!
01:22:11Fuck the line.
01:22:12The line!
01:22:15The line!
01:22:19She looks like the girl from...
01:22:21What's her name?
01:22:22Oh, I like her!
01:22:29Let's dance.
01:22:30Let's dance.
01:22:31Let's dance.
01:22:32Let's dance.
01:22:33What's your daughter's name?
01:22:35What are you doing?
01:22:36What are you doing with the creature, brother?
01:22:41Wait, I can't put water on it.
01:22:43There it is, there it is.
01:22:45That's it.
01:22:46Facundo's legs are stuck.
01:22:47That's it.
01:22:49What happened?
01:22:50What happened?
01:22:51Is it hot?
01:22:52Oh, what a mess.
01:22:57Stop, stop.
01:22:58Don't cry, don't cry.
01:22:59Stop, stop.
01:23:02It's cold.
01:23:03No, it's okay, look, it's okay.
01:23:04I'm running out of patience.
01:23:09Stop crying!
01:23:10Stop crying!
01:23:15Carlita, please, don't cry.
01:23:17Shut up, shut up.
01:23:18That's where the faithful wah-wahs came from.
01:23:22Leave her there.
01:23:29My God, what a terrible thing that just happened.
01:23:31A lot of stress with the terrible ones.
01:23:33That's why I don't have a car.
01:23:41Now, some questions that you're going to have to answer.
01:23:43Pangal, pay attention to this one.
01:23:45What is the calostro?
01:23:47The first milk, the first milk that comes out of the breast.
01:23:49I know, I know.
01:23:50No, but wait a minute, Pangal.
01:23:51I have no idea, Carlita.
01:23:52But that's in the animals too, not just...
01:23:54Imagine fighting with a rhinoceros, with an elephant, you have to know.
01:23:57Well, but he doesn't know.
01:23:58What is the calostro?
01:24:00The calostro.
01:24:01The first milk, the first milk of the woman, I don't know everything.
01:24:10Luis, the question for you.
01:24:11What is going out with a Sunday 7?
01:24:13Sunday 7?
01:24:16Getting pregnant.
01:24:17Ah, going out with a Sunday 7.
01:24:19It's a very Chilean expression.
01:24:20Incorrect answer, but yes, because he's not Chilean anymore.
01:24:23What is it?
01:24:24Sunday 7 is getting a woman pregnant.
01:24:25It's perfect, give him a round of applause.
01:24:31What is the most common method that doctors use to know the sex of the baby?
01:24:46And they stick it, Raymundo.
01:24:47They stick it.
01:24:48It's already born.
01:24:50And they pass it to her at first, then they cut the cord and they give it to her so that
01:24:51she has it in her chest.
01:24:52That's correct.
01:24:54Now, Facu, pay attention.
01:24:55How many children did the woman have that holds the Guinness World Record for the mother
01:24:56with the most children?
01:25:3169 and 27 deliveries.
01:25:33Yes, she had multiple deliveries.
01:25:37You look so beautiful!
01:25:43What is a contraction?
01:25:45A contraction is, uh...
01:25:48a contraction, in effect...
01:25:50a contraction of the wife.
01:25:51I have no symptoms to go to a...
01:25:53And where do the contractions occur?
01:25:55The contractions are here.
01:25:56Where? Here? In the gut?
01:25:58In the uterus.
01:25:59In the belly.
01:26:00More specific.
01:26:01Where are the babies? Where are they? Inside what?
01:26:03In the uterus.
01:26:04Ah, in the uterus.
01:26:09Let's invite the ladies of this house.
01:26:12The girls, please.
01:26:13Let's see.
01:26:14A disaster.
01:26:23Not all of you are mothers,
01:26:24but we have the maternal instinct.
01:26:27But based on what you saw,
01:26:29each of you will choose the future father of your children.
01:26:34If you had to choose the father,
01:26:36according to what you saw.
01:26:39I felt that at least they took the babies.
01:26:41More security.
01:26:43I was surprised because I thought it was more abrupt.
01:26:46He did it very delicately and connected very well with the baby.
01:26:49He was a little girl.
01:26:51Carlita, the way they took the baby,
01:26:54how they secured her neck.
01:26:56The two I liked were Ray and Pangal,
01:26:58but I'll stay with Ray.
01:27:00Because of the care.
01:27:01Ray was a little more careful than Pangal,
01:27:03but they were there.
01:27:04Very even.
01:27:05I know I'm pretty.
01:27:06You're pretty.
01:27:07Come on.
01:27:09Well, I think several of them did it well,
01:27:11but I'll stay with Ray,
01:27:12because I leave her well dressed and she did it.
01:27:14The best.
01:27:15She put on a cardigan.
01:27:16She put on a cardigan.
01:27:18She put on a sock and then a whole one.
01:27:22She knew how to get the hook out.
01:27:24I was between Luis and Ray,
01:27:26but Luis messed it up when he started doing the step-by-step,
01:27:30so I'll stay with Ray.
01:27:31I find that Luis had more tattoos,
01:27:33he knew what to do,
01:27:34but I felt that Pangal had a feeling with the baby.
01:27:37Yes, I'm ready.
01:27:38I felt that there was a feeling there,
01:27:39that he was looking at him.
01:27:41Baby, I'm ready.
01:27:42Everything because I was ready.
01:27:43I'm still between Ray and Pangal.
01:27:45I really like Pangal's touch.
01:27:47And these hands.
01:27:48Ray lacked a little patience.
01:27:50Did he lack patience?
01:27:51He was delicate.
01:27:52Ray had a lot of patience,
01:27:53but I think,
01:27:54I think,
01:27:55because I was surprised,
01:27:56I think Ray is about to make some attempts.
01:27:59Ray is about to make some attempts.
01:28:02I don't know why they chose Pangal,
01:28:04maybe the baby went up.
01:28:05Hey, why are you so mean to me?
01:28:07No, because you want the baby to go up.
01:28:09Yes, that's a box baby.
01:28:10I'm talking about what I think since I was a mother.
01:28:12Luis surprised me a lot.
01:28:14Luis, I mean,
01:28:15Ray, he changed better.
01:28:16But he,
01:28:17the only one who grabbed him and put him down,
01:28:18like when the kids have colic,
01:28:19it was him,
01:28:20and he took out the,
01:28:22the pig,
01:28:23as we say here.
01:28:24So with Luis.
01:28:26Or with Ray.
01:28:27And with the arms.
01:28:28With Luis.
01:28:29I find that Ray and Luis were the best,
01:28:30but I think that because of a matter of knowledge and more,
01:28:33I see Luis more experienced.
01:28:35So I think Luis,
01:28:36you could make Dani and me a child.
01:28:43Direct mom.
01:28:44Well, this doesn't end here.
01:28:45Do I have to change diapers now?
01:28:47Oh, okay.
01:28:48But why do you get so nervous about this?
01:28:49Oh, I like that.
01:28:50Let's see, Oriana.
01:28:51Go, go.
01:28:52Let's practice.
01:28:53Your friend wanted, Carlita.
01:28:54Well, no, no, I don't want,
01:28:56it gives me a lot.
01:28:57What thing?
01:28:58Carlita, I'm telling you that your friend wanted a baby.
01:29:03but what we are going to do next
01:29:05is that those like,
01:29:07like they are going to come.
01:29:08They're going to come.
01:29:11They're going to be portrayed with that beautiful thing that happens to us women while we're
01:29:16Because yes, they're going to be pregnant, girls.
01:29:19And they're going to be portrayed with the man they chose.
01:29:23The men who were selected are going to change their clothes for this photograph.
01:29:29Not the rest.
01:29:30It stays as it is.
01:29:32Now, let's go with the second leg of this game because we are looking for the son and
01:29:37the daughter in winning or being mine.
01:29:40See you in a little while.
01:29:42They're going to be pregnant, girls.
01:29:43And they're going to be portrayed with the man they chose.
01:29:45We look like brothers, man.
01:29:46The first settlers of America.
01:30:10Hi Maire Forget me
01:30:17hey look at the picture I can see sincerity
01:30:19true love
01:30:20saying she is my woman
01:30:23I love it, he looks like proud of the baby
01:30:27That's my son
01:30:29Which one would be your room?
01:30:31The fifth because he lives in the fourth
01:30:35Later on we'll see how that baby came out
01:30:40I told him that you were mad at Gala for something she did, and he hit Gala in the nose.
01:30:45I mean, here.
01:30:46Did you see that hot blow?
01:30:49Where? When?
01:30:50Oh, but watch out.
01:30:51I don't believe you.
01:30:52He, Lafran, has nothing to do with it.
01:30:55You say you saw one thing, but I saw another.
01:30:57Follow your instincts.
01:30:59I didn't even look.
01:31:00Why do you get like that? You don't bore me.
01:31:02You don't bore me.
01:31:03I mean, I'm telling you.
01:31:04No, it's fine.
01:31:05You don't know me, but nothing.
01:31:06I mean, don't touch me because I swear.
01:31:09I'm talking to you.
01:31:10You don't know who you're talking to or who he's talking to.
01:31:14I don't care, because you don't care.
01:31:16You and the rest.
01:31:17But what did I do?
01:31:18I mean, I'm telling you.
01:31:19We're talking to each other.
01:31:20I don't have to tell you anything.
01:31:21Give me an explanation.
01:31:22I'm not going to give you an explanation because I don't get it.
01:31:24Is everything okay?
01:31:25Well, it's clear to you.
01:31:26You're wrong.
01:31:27You don't know me, but not this.
01:31:28Then don't do that shit.
01:31:29Come on, come on.
01:31:31It's time to open a new session in this great assembly.
01:31:37Through the 15 votes of our participants, we will meet the fourth nominee.
01:31:45Let's see the result.
01:31:49This is the blessing of Mariela and Pancay.
01:31:59How beautiful!
01:32:00Ray and Fala.
01:32:05How beautiful!
01:32:09Luis and Daniela.
01:32:14Oriana and Raimundo.
01:32:18How beautiful!
01:32:20Very beautiful!
01:32:21Let's see.
01:32:22Pancay and Camila.
01:32:23Let's see.
01:32:24C'mon, come on.
01:32:26I'm not saying anything.
01:32:28I'm just saying.
01:32:32A panda.
01:32:36He looks like Babelucho.
01:32:38A new breed.
01:32:48Girl, this girl was born without patience.
01:32:50I'm a goat, girl,
01:32:52but I hate the world so much.
01:32:54Ha ha!
