Bridgnorth Booka Bookshop, a welcome addition to the town.

  • 2 months ago
We take a look at the Booka Bookshop in Bridgnorth, and as book shops go it doesn't get much better than this.
00:00So we're here at Booker Bookshop, the Bridge North version, and how are you
00:05ladies, you okay? Very well, yes thank you. If people don't know about Booker Bookshop
00:12what is special about Booker Bookshop? Lee we'll start with you. Yeah sure, so
00:17our passion for books, so all our booksellers are really enthusiastic
00:20about books and obviously we're an independent bookshop so we've got lots
00:25of signed editions, we've got lots of events coming up, we've got exclusive
00:29indie edition books, we're so much more than a bookshop. Yeah, and there's a
00:34shop in Oswestry isn't there? There certainly is, yes. Cool, so how long's this one been open now in Bridge North here?
00:39Since the end of October last year. Yeah, doing what you want to do with it yeah?
00:44Yeah, it's slowly becoming a real part of the community, we run, at the moment we
00:53have four book clubs on the go. Wow. And obviously like you said, lots of events
01:00and we've already got lots of regulars that can come in, pre-order books or
01:07order books that maybe they can't get a hold of in other places. Yeah. And
01:11obviously with us being an independent bookshop we're able to give hand-sell
01:17books to people you know. And what's, so in terms of your own reading interests
01:23ladies, go on, what are you into yourselves? Well I'm a bit of a mood
01:27reader, so it depends what sort of mood I'm in for a book, but you know it varies,
01:32so general fiction, sort of thrillers, romantic sort of books, but sort of general
01:38fiction is my sort of my cup of tea. But you read quite a lot don't you? I read anything and everything, anything above
01:45about 20, more than 20 books a month. I'm also a bookstagrammer so I've been
01:52doing this for a very long time. Yeah. And I will read literary fiction, nonfiction,
01:58especially nature books. Yeah, I read anything and everything really. Do we have any authors
02:05live in Bridgnorth? We have lovely Annie Garthwaite, who lives close by. We have Amy
02:13Bishall, who's a Shropshire person as well. And there's also Clive Grilt as well, who's in the local interest section as well, who does a lot of books. And Liz Hyder, who's Shropshire as well. There's lots of talent in Shropshire.
02:31And do you kind of get, if there's a TV series that's sometimes linked to a book, do you notice that? Do all of a sudden you have like a little run on, you know, almost like fashions, you know what I mean?
02:42So a perfect example of that was David Nicholls' book One Day. So when that went on to a certain Netflix, then we had a surge. And same as if something comes out on film, same thing happens, doesn't it?
03:00And one of our most popular, or one of the frequentest of books is Slow Horses by Meg Aaron, which is a TV series. And the TV series is so good, and so is the book, so people often watch the TV series, then come and start by the book.
03:15Lee, your chief bookseller, so I'm going to pick your brain out. If there was a book that you feel that you absolutely love, but has never kind of got the recognition, it's kind of a little unknown gem, what might that be? Putting you on the spot here a little bit.
03:31That's a very good question. I think for me it is Everything I Never Told You by Celeste, and I always get her last name right, so I do apologise. It's Celeste Ng, I love that book, it's my all time favourite book.
03:45What's the brief kind of, what's that roughly then?
03:48It's a bit of a mystery thriller, so a teenage daughter ends up dead, she goes missing, and then is found dead, and it's sort of about the family dynamic, and how she ended up in that way, and sort of the family relationships between them.
04:07They've got secrets there, lots of mystery and intrigue, but it's one of those books that you just can't put down. On the edge of your seat. Yeah, it's really great.
04:17Cool, what about yourself?
04:19I would say, although it's quite popular in my little world, but not maybe in the wider community, it's Night Circus. So for me it was the first book that I read that was pure magic really.
04:39I think before I'd read a lot more straightforward fiction, whereas this is a bit more fantasy, and it took me into a different world, and it kind of changed how I read, and what I chose to read, so yeah, it's just magical basically.
