The golden calf Part One Full Movie Comedy HD

  • 2 months ago
The golden calf Part One Full Movie Comedy HD
00:02:53Neruda's in a row it's got us the who's a
00:05:44Bedny Yorick grish danin zdezh nichego trokat nelzya part of madam pardon
00:05:54The study
00:05:57Scissorhandsивается этот город то есть как
00:06:01Арбатов арбатов благодарю вас
00:06:08Вот я и смотрю
00:06:13Да это не рио-де-жанейро
00:06:32Здрасте вы меня не узнаете
00:06:36Нет не узнаю а между тем многие говорят что я поразительно похож на моего отца
00:06:42Я тоже похож на своего отца
00:06:44Товарищи вам конкретно что нужно так ведь тут все дело в том какой
00:06:51Я сын лейтенанта шмита так так так так
00:06:57Помните очаков ах вон как очень хорошо что вы зашли товарищ шмидт
00:07:06Не узнал
00:07:10Глохнешь тут за работой
00:07:13Великие веки забываешь из москвы до проездом нам в арбатов так
00:07:18Церковь нас замечательные из глав науки приезжали реставрировать собираются
00:07:26Скажите пожалуйста
00:07:29А сами вы помните восстание на броненосца очаг
00:07:33Смутно смутно
00:07:35В то героическое время я был еще крайне мал я был дитя
00:07:41Простите пожалуйста как вас зовут
00:07:44Как вас зовут николай николай шми а
00:07:50По батюшке мой извините
00:07:58Сейчас многие забывают имена героев революции у гарнепа
00:08:05Нет уж этого энтузиазма
00:08:12Собственно ваш город случайно попал
00:08:15Дорожная неприятность остался без копейки да вы не волнуйтесь товарищ шмидт
00:08:23Вот и хорошо что вы не обратились к частному лицу
00:08:27Конечно не надо то всего 50 рублей
00:08:30но 50 может быть
00:08:32не будет
00:08:34А вот все что могу вот все сейчас сейчас
00:09:10Проходите товарищ
00:09:20Герои революции лейтенанта шмидта но что вы товарищи
00:09:29Так вот же товарищ сидит
00:09:31The son of the great and unforgettable hero of the revolution, Lieutenant Schmitt, Nikolai Schmitt.
00:09:48Not good at all.
00:10:01Didn't recognize?
00:10:02Didn't recognize!
00:10:04My dear brother!
00:10:06Bonjour, Don Vasily Buple!
00:10:08Shut up! Shut up!
00:10:10Do you recognize your brother Kolya?
00:10:16Recognize my brother Kolya?
00:10:23How grown up, how grown up!
00:10:27What an amazing meeting!
00:10:29Ochakov! Ochakov!
00:10:32When did you come from Mariupol, although you lived there with our grandmother?
00:10:35Yes, I lived with her.
00:10:40Why didn't you write to me? Why didn't you write to me? I was so worried!
00:10:43I was busy. I was busy.
00:10:45Why didn't you write to me?
00:10:46I wrote to you! I sent you the ordered letters.
00:10:50Here, I even have food.
00:10:53Ochakov! Ochakov!
00:11:02By the way, about childhood.
00:11:04When I was a child, I used to kill people like you on the spot.
00:11:09Such are the harsh laws of life.
00:11:11Or, in short, life dictates its harsh laws to us.
00:11:15Why did you get into the office?
00:11:17Did you see that the chairman is not alone?
00:11:19I thought...
00:11:20You thought? Are you a thinker?
00:11:22What's your name, thinker?
00:11:25Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
00:11:27Marco Aureli?
00:11:33All right, live, I forgive you.
00:11:36Let's get acquainted.
00:11:38After all, we are brothers, the kinship obliges.
00:11:41My name is Ostap Bender. May I know your first name?
00:11:45Balaganov. Shchuro Balaganov.
00:11:48I don't ask about the profession, but I guess.
00:11:51Probably something intellectual.
00:11:53How many convictions this year?
00:11:56This is not good. This is a vulgar occupation.
00:11:58I mean stealing.
00:12:01Stealing is a sin.
00:12:03I hope your mother introduced you to this doctrine as a child.
00:12:06Besides, it's a waste of energy.
00:12:12You see, there's a man in a straw hat.
00:12:16Well, I see. Is this the governor of Borneo Island?
00:12:19No, this is Panikovsky, the son of Lieutenant Schmidt.
00:12:23What? Another son?
00:12:26This is getting funny.
00:12:40The lieutenant had three sons.
00:12:42Two smart, the third fool.
00:12:54Do you have anything to say?
00:13:10Balaganov, have you ever been to Spain?
00:13:13So you haven't seen the bullfight.
00:13:15Let's go and see.
00:13:41Back off!
00:13:48Take off your hats.
00:13:50Cover your heads.
00:13:52Now the body will be taken out.
00:13:56The oak doors opened,
00:13:58and the dead man's ashes were taken out in the hands of his family and friends.
00:14:03Oh, God, the widow was walking ahead.
00:14:06After a short but touching civil panic,
00:14:10the body of the deceased was handed over to the earth.
00:14:33What a bastard!
00:14:35We had 69 children of Lieutenant Schmidt.
00:14:38We divided the whole country into sections.
00:14:43He got the Mordovian SSR.
00:14:45In fairness, Bender.
00:14:47And he has been crawling along my plot for a long time.
00:14:50But I still can't catch him.
00:14:52Do you understand, Bender?
00:14:54Yes, you are a pidgeon, Balaganov.
00:14:57Yes, yes, you are a pidgeon.
00:14:58Don't be offended.
00:14:59I just want to point out the place you occupy in the sun.
00:15:02Go to hell.
00:15:03You are still offended.
00:15:07Trade union of proletarians of intellectual labor.
00:15:09And this is with me.
00:15:11Thank you.
00:15:13You are the son of Lieutenant Schmidt.
00:15:16You are a pidgeon, the son of a pidgeon.
00:15:18And your children will be pidgeons.
00:15:23What happened is not even an episode.
00:15:27Gentleman in search of dozens.
00:15:29And in general, what kind of profession is this?
00:15:31God forgive me.
00:15:32Son of Lieutenant Schmidt.
00:15:34Well, a year.
00:15:35Well, two more.
00:15:36And then your red curls will flash
00:15:38and they will just start beating you.
00:15:40So what to do?
00:15:42How to bring down the bread to the ground?
00:15:45It is necessary to think.
00:15:48Oh, I'm going to ride.
00:15:50Citizens, the taxi is free.
00:15:53Please sit down, citizens.
00:15:55Prices are reduced by 10-12 percent.
00:15:58Do not want?
00:16:00You will regret it.
00:16:05Take into account, Shura, for each vitamin you eat,
00:16:08I will require a lot of small services from you.
00:16:12You, I see, selflessly love money.
00:16:15Tell me, what amount do you like?
00:16:18Five thousand.
00:16:19A month?
00:16:21A year.
00:16:25We are not on the road with you.
00:16:27I need five hundred thousand, if possible, immediately, and not in parts.
00:16:31Maybe you still take in parts?
00:16:35I would take in parts,
00:16:37but I need it right away.
00:16:43Why do you need so much money?
00:16:45And right away?
00:16:46Actually, I need more.
00:16:47Five hundred thousand is my minimum.
00:16:50I want to go, comrade Shura.
00:16:52To go very far.
00:16:55To Rio de Janeiro.
00:16:57I want to go to Rio de Janeiro.
00:17:00I want to go to Rio de Janeiro.
00:17:03I want to go to Rio de Janeiro.
00:17:08You have relatives there.
00:17:13Do I look like a person who can have relatives?
00:17:16No, but I think...
00:17:18I have no relatives, comrade Shura.
00:17:21I am alone, all over the world.
00:17:23I had a father who was a slave,
00:17:25and he died a long time ago in terrible convulsions.
00:17:28But that's not the point.
00:17:30I want to go to Rio de Janeiro since I was a child.
00:17:33I see.
00:17:34Of course, you don't know about the existence of this city.
00:17:37Here is an excerpt from a small Soviet encyclopedia.
00:17:41This is what is written here about Rio de Janeiro.
00:17:44One million three hundred and sixty thousand inhabitants.
00:17:47On the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
00:17:50The main streets of the city,
00:17:52due to the wealth of shops and splendor of buildings,
00:17:54are not inferior to the first cities in the world.
00:17:57Can you imagine, Shura, that they are not inferior?
00:17:59Mulattoes, millionaires, the bay,
00:18:02the export of coffee,
00:18:03Charles Stone,
00:18:05my girl has one little thing.
00:18:08What am I talking about?
00:18:10You understand.
00:18:12One and a half million people,
00:18:13and they are all in white pants.
00:18:17Where will you get five hundred thousand?
00:18:22Show me a rich individual,
00:18:24and I'll take the money from him.
00:18:39You know, Shura, you're making a fool of yourself.
00:18:43Notice this.
00:18:44Stabbender never killed anyone.
00:18:48He was killed, but he was clean before the law.
00:18:53I'm not a surgeon, I don't have wings,
00:18:55but I read the criminal code.
00:18:57That's my weakness.
00:18:59How are you going to take the money?
00:19:01It's not about the methods.
00:19:03I have four hundred relatively honest ways to take the money.
00:19:06It's about how to find such a rich individual.
00:19:10They exist, they must exist.
00:19:13If there are money signs in the country,
00:19:16there must be people who have a lot of them.
00:19:19There are very rich people.
00:19:21Do you know them?
00:19:23Can you tell me the name and exact address
00:19:25of at least one underground millionaire?
00:19:28Even the People's Commissar of Finland
00:19:31can't find a Soviet millionaire
00:19:33with his super-powerful tax machine.
00:19:37And the millionaire may be sitting here
00:19:39at the next table and drinking a kopeck beer.
00:19:42What a shame.
00:19:46I know such a millionaire.
00:19:49Honest word, Monsieur Bender.
00:19:53Go, go.
00:19:55I only serve on Saturdays.
00:19:57There's nothing to pour here.
00:19:59God forbid, Monsieur Bender.
00:20:01You know, Shura, if you finally switch to French,
00:20:04then call me not Monsieur, but Citoyen,
00:20:06which means citizen.
00:20:08By the way, what's the address of your millionaire?
00:20:11He lives in Chernomorsk.
00:20:13Of course, I knew that.
00:20:17Before the Revolution, a man with 10,000 people
00:20:19was called a millionaire.
00:20:21And now I can imagine.
00:20:23No, no, it's all nonsense.
00:20:25No, listen to me.
00:20:28He's a real millionaire.
00:20:32You see, Bender,
00:20:34I happened to be in Dobry recently.
00:20:41So, what's the name of the underground millionaire?
00:20:44Koreiko. Great name.
00:20:46You know, Balaganov, do I have gray hair?
00:20:48No, you don't.
00:20:50We're going to have great battles.
00:20:52You'll have gray hair, too, Balaganov.
00:20:54Why? As you say,
00:20:56he'll bring me a dish with a blue collar.
00:20:58Not a dish, a plate.
00:21:00What about Rio de Janeiro?
00:21:02I want to wear white pants, too.
00:21:04Rio de Janeiro is a crystal dream of my childhood.
00:21:06Don't touch it with your paws.
00:21:08Okay, closer to the body, as Mopasan said.
00:21:11Partly arrive in the city of Chernomorsk.
00:21:14Guard, start marching.
00:21:17I'll be in charge of the parade.
00:21:20Let's make a fairy-tale with soap.
00:21:24It's a pleasant day.
00:21:26Let's make it simple.
00:21:44This is Moscow speaking.
00:21:46This is the Comintern radio station.
00:21:48At the wave of 1744 meters.
00:21:51This is the latest news.
00:21:53The flight of the Soviet wing
00:21:56on the route Moscow-Berlin-Paris-Rome-London-Berlin-Warsaw-Moscow
00:22:03over 7,000 kilometers
00:22:05was conducted by the honored pilot Mikhail Gromov
00:22:08and flight mechanic Rusanov.
00:22:10The Faculty of Northern Nations
00:22:12at the Leningrad Oriental Institute
00:22:14of Comrade Yanukidze
00:22:16will be reorganized
00:22:18into an independent university of the Northern Nations,
00:22:20the first in the world.
00:22:22250 representatives of the Northern Nations
00:22:24will be admitted to the new university.
00:22:26Twins. Luxury of volunteering.
00:22:29At the end of August,
00:22:31the plant will hand over two steam locomotives to Persia.
00:22:36Pioneer take-off.
00:22:38In Moscow, the first all-Union take-off of pioneers takes place.
00:22:42Attention, all public, all questions of the pioneer take-off.
00:22:45What is the main idea of the all-Union and local take-off?
00:22:48Preparation for it carried the character of a wide public movement.
00:22:52Foreign news.
00:22:54The chairman of the French Council of Ministers of the PONT-Carré resigned.
00:23:32An original design.
00:23:34The dawn of motorism.
00:23:37Do you see, Shura, what can be done
00:23:39from an ordinary Zinger sewing machine?
00:23:41It is a small device,
00:23:43and it turned out to be a charming kolkhoz sewing machine.
00:23:48Step aside.
00:23:50What do you mean, step aside?
00:23:52Why did you put an advertisement on your hammer?
00:23:55Step aside, I say!
00:23:57What if we want to make a business trip?
00:24:00The air is bad now.
00:24:02We want to take a ride.
00:24:04Sir, please.
00:24:06No, no.
00:24:07You'll regret it.
00:24:09You won't go far.
00:24:11Where should I take you?
00:24:14No money.
00:24:16You can't do anything, sir.
00:24:20Anyway, get in.
00:24:22I'll give you a ride.
00:24:23Why such sacrifices?
00:24:25You won't buy vodka.
00:24:27You won't dance naked at the moon.
00:24:29Why do you think we can dance naked at the moon?
00:24:32Get in.
00:24:33Shura, use hospitality.
00:24:35I see you have a good character, comrade mechanic.
00:24:39Where should we take you?
00:24:41To Chernomorsk.
00:24:43To Chernomorsk.
00:24:44It's only one thousand kilometers to the south.
00:24:47We have a small private business there.
00:24:49Do you want to go together?
00:24:51In Chernomorsk, they value antiques and like to ride them.
00:24:54And in Arbatov, as I see, you have nothing to lose except spare chains.
00:24:58You won't starve on the road, I take it upon myself.
00:25:01And in general, your gasoline, and our ideas.
00:25:05And in general, your gasoline, and our ideas.
00:25:36On the bazaar square of Arbatov,
00:25:38at the sound of the orchestra,
00:25:40we solemnly welcome the participants of the car race.
00:25:43What car race?
00:25:44Won't they chase us?
00:25:46Shura, you have to read the newspapers.
00:25:48Sometimes they sow reason, good and eternal.
00:25:51We are on the highway of the high-speed car race
00:25:56For a while, we will become the head of this car race.
00:25:59Is it clear?
00:26:00Panikovsky is running, Panikovsky!
00:26:03Panikovsky is running, Panikovsky!
00:26:34Stop, stop!
00:26:37Stop, stop!
00:26:38Save me!
00:26:39God will give!
00:26:40Save me!
00:26:41Let's save the bastard!
00:26:43Let him know another time how to violate!
00:26:45Take me, I'm good!
00:26:47I will never again!
00:26:49Drop the bird!
00:26:50I can't!
00:26:51Drop the bird, I say!
00:27:03What is the name of your cart, Adam?
00:27:05Loren Dietrich.
00:27:06Oh, what a name!
00:27:08A car, like a warship, should have its own name.
00:27:11Your Loren Dietrich is distinguished by a wonderful speed and grace of lines.
00:27:16Therefore, I propose from now on to name it Antelope Gnus.
00:27:20Who is against?
00:27:23Then, full forward!
00:27:24The session continues!
00:27:26The destination is Chernomolsk!
00:27:28Then, full forward!
00:27:29The session continues!
00:27:31The destination is Chernomolsk!
00:27:58Greetings, Vasya.
00:28:26I'm sorry.
00:28:42Comrade Koreiko!
00:28:45Alexander Ivanovich, can you tell me how much is 836 multiplied by 423?
00:28:57Thank you!
00:28:58You're welcome.
00:28:59A phenomenon.
00:29:00If I were him, I would have made a career a long time ago.
00:29:03And this hat will not sit on its 46 rubles of salary for the rest of its life.
00:29:15I see a church with a city on the left!
00:29:18Will we meet?
00:29:19Only for 5 minutes.
00:29:20First-class cars are behind us, and our plans do not include a date with them.
00:29:24Driver, how's the gas?
00:29:25Udoev will have enough.
00:29:27Will you greet us?
00:29:28With bows and smiles.
00:29:30I ask you not to open your mouths.
00:29:33Keep in mind, I will not allow looting.
00:29:35No violations of the law.
00:29:37Udoev will give us everything we need.
00:29:49Let's go!
00:30:03Greetings to the participants of the car race!
00:30:06I have a bundle of fuel.
00:30:07Now we will replenish.
00:30:10We have a planned flying rally.
00:30:12Then lunch.
00:30:13Then art.
00:30:14They took the opposite.
00:30:15For the first lunch, a rally for the second.
00:30:17The people have long gathered.
00:30:18It is inconvenient.
00:30:19I see.
00:30:20Then we do not need lunch at all.
00:30:21We take food with dry ration.
00:30:22Comrades will get.
00:30:23I will get.
00:30:24And gasoline.
00:30:25A barrel.
00:30:27Mechanic, get it.
00:30:28There is!
00:30:29The rally will have to be greatly reduced.
00:30:30Leave the speech for other cars.
00:30:32And how about the rest of the cars?
00:30:33They are behind.
00:30:34punctures, breakdowns, enthusiasm of the population.
00:30:36All this delays.
00:30:37And you are on the commander's car.
00:30:39Klyptunov is with you.
00:30:40Klyptunov, I took off from the run.
00:30:42And Professor Pesochnikov?
00:30:44He is on the packard.
00:30:45On the packard.
00:30:46And the writer Vera Krutz?
00:30:48Here would look at her.
00:30:51And Nizhinsky with you.
00:30:52You know, I'm a little tired of the run.
00:30:57And you are on the Studebaker.
00:30:58You can consider our car the Studebaker,
00:31:00but until now it was called Loren Dietrich.
00:31:02But let me.
00:31:03I read.
00:31:04After all, there is no Loren Dietrich in the run.
00:31:07Participate two Packard.
00:31:10Two Fiat.
00:31:11And one Studebaker.
00:31:13Go to hell with your Studebaker.
00:31:16Who is Studebaker?
00:31:17This is your relative.
00:31:18Your father Studebaker.
00:31:20That he stuck to a man.
00:31:21I explain to him in Russian.
00:31:23The last moment Studebaker replaced Loren Dietrich.
00:31:26And he's messing with my head.
00:31:28What an expert.
00:31:30It is necessary to kill such experts.
00:31:32Studebaker is to serve.
00:31:43I am glad, comrades, to break the car siren,
00:31:56the patriarchal silence of the city of Udoev.
00:31:59The car, comrades, is not a luxury,
00:32:03but a means of transportation.
00:32:06The car is the engine of internal combustion, comrades.
00:32:13The car is also the engine of culture.
00:32:18We will establish the serial production of Soviet cars.
00:32:23The iron horse is going to replace the peasant horse.
00:32:27All on the car, comrades.
00:32:33We will hit the highway,
00:32:39debauchery and bureaucratism.
00:32:42A little strengthened, we continue our difficult path.
00:32:48Buy lottery tickets Avtodor.
00:32:52All in Avtodor.
00:32:54Improve the roads.
00:32:55Thank you for the reception.
00:32:57Hip hip hurray.
00:33:25Thank you.
00:33:40Thank you, comrades.
00:33:44I believe in the automotive future of Luchansk.
00:33:48It is wonderful.
00:33:51There is not much time left.
00:33:54And every third, no, every second resident of Luchansk
00:33:59will become a motorist.
00:34:02Straight as an arrow, the asphalt highway will connect Luchansk with Udoev.
00:34:09I remember an old French joke.
00:34:12Remove the photographer, he interferes with the flow of my thoughts.
00:34:14Go away, go away.
00:34:16Old comrades are getting married.
00:34:19Answers to the notes later.
00:34:22One Frenchman returns from a business trip to his young wife.
00:34:28And suddenly, completely unexpectedly.
00:34:33All in Avtodor, comrades.
00:34:35Thank you for the reception.
00:34:36Hip hip hurray.
00:34:40Hold on.
00:34:49I'll kick everyone out.
00:34:52We lost the chief.
00:35:11We lost the chief.
00:35:40We lost the chief.
00:36:09We lost the chief.
00:36:33I'm coming, old man, I'm coming.
00:36:37I'm coming.
00:36:47She's coming.
00:36:49Did you hear, Alexander Ivanovich?
00:36:51She's coming.
00:36:53A man is late, and she's coming.
00:36:56Now I'll give you the second one and run.
00:36:59They are waiting for me in the youth department.
00:37:06It will be difficult to solve the problem.
00:37:09You'll have to work.
00:37:13What kind of tsiya is this?
00:37:17I'll have to, I'll have to.
00:37:19Only the goose confuses me.
00:37:22Why would such a goose?
00:37:29Alexander Ivanovich, hello.
00:37:31Excuse me, please.
00:37:35Well, how's the industrialization going?
00:37:38The beginning, thank God, there is.
00:37:45Here's a cursed tsiya.
00:37:46If only there were action and cooperation.
00:37:52Do not put unnecessary devices, Zosia Victorovna.
00:37:55There will be no one but me.
00:37:57From this day on, I'm your only canteen.
00:37:59How, why?
00:38:01He went on vacation, and Podvysotsky was fired.
00:38:04So he lost his appetite from this.
00:38:07Well, I think it's not for long, right?
00:38:09I forgot to say.
00:38:10Bad business, Zosenka.
00:38:13Now all the hope is on your scholarship.
00:38:16Nothing, old man, we'll live somehow.
00:38:19I'll run to the youth department, maybe I can work there.
00:38:33Such things, Zosia Victorovna.
00:38:39Have you heard the news?
00:38:41The pilot Sevryugov was found.
00:38:43Yes, they say he is a native of Chernomorsk.
00:38:53Yes, you live like this, alone, not knowing pleasure.
00:39:00What, what not knowing?
00:39:04Not knowing female affection.
00:39:10You know, I want to tell you, Zosia Victorovna.
00:39:17Just as an example of life.
00:39:19One of my acquaintances, an elderly person,
00:39:22not that he was old and not young,
00:39:25not that he was not young, but just, you know, time goes by,
00:39:32years pass,
00:39:36and all this, he says, infuses different thoughts on him.
00:39:40About marriage, for example.
00:39:44He is a good person, in general.
00:39:47A completely harmless person.
00:39:50I think it is possible to love him.
00:39:54He is not a pigeon, like others,
00:39:58and does not like to throw words in the wind.
00:40:01I do not understand why one girl would not marry him.
00:40:10And what, in fact, the pilot Severigov was born in Chernomorsk?
00:40:16Yes. Indeed, time flies terribly fast.
00:40:19You know, recently I was 19 years old,
00:40:22and now I am already 20, and in a year I will be 21.
00:40:28Yes, and then what an amazing coincidence.
00:40:31You know, one of my acquaintances said that one person makes her an offer.
00:40:37You see, she says he is a good person.
00:40:40A good, kind person.
00:40:42But now she has some kind of longing,
00:40:46longing, some kind of spiritual thirst.
00:40:49In general, at the moment this girl cannot marry this person.
00:40:55And then you think, well, what kind of life could they have?
00:40:58She has a longing.
00:41:00And he has, to be honest, only 46 rubles a month and years.
00:41:05Well, yes.
00:41:11And then she does not love him at all yet.
00:41:15Does not love, but this is also important, right?
00:41:18And you and I will just be friends, okay?
00:41:21It would be better if you married me.
00:41:24Here are the flowers, buy flowers.
00:41:28The salary is delayed.
00:41:30Payment is extremely inaccurate, we want through the bowl.
00:41:33Oh, I want to go to the cinema.
00:41:37Alexander Ivanovich, let's go.
00:41:41Do you smoke, Alexander Ivanovich?
00:41:44No, I quit.
00:41:46I quit.
00:41:51Zosia, Zosia!
00:41:56Zosia, there are two counterfeiters.
00:41:58Only instantly.
00:42:00Well, I'll go, okay?
00:42:02Faster, faster.
00:43:23Give me a million.
00:43:24Give me a million!
00:43:26What's wrong?
00:43:27Give me a million!
00:43:28Give me a million.
00:43:43Give me a million!
00:43:44What are you doing, Comrade Leonidov, I beg you.
00:43:50Give me a million, let him give me a million.
00:43:51Let him give me a million, that's m distributed.
00:43:53Give me a million, one million.
00:43:56Give me a million, neither.
00:44:06Divided by a million.
00:44:08There's a million in here, a million.
00:44:10He's a millionman.
00:44:12I'm asking, give him a million.
00:44:14I've been trying to reach him for half an hour.
00:44:17A million!
00:44:20Good afternoon.
00:44:21Good day.
00:44:45Comrade Koreiko!
00:44:47Alexander Ivanovich!
00:44:53Can you tell me how much is 47 308 multiplied by 251?
00:44:59No, I don't know. Maybe first...
00:45:02What's wrong with you, Alexander Ivanovich?
00:45:04Are you sick?
00:45:08No, it's just...
00:45:11It'll pass. It'll pass.
00:45:14Wait, I'll give it to comrade Koreiko myself.
00:45:17You have a valuable banderol.
00:45:20You have wonderful relatives.
00:45:23Every day a telegram, every day a banderol.
00:45:26You have wonderful relatives.
00:45:31Happy Alexander Ivanovich!
00:45:47The most important thing is to cause confusion in the enemy's camp.
00:45:51The enemy must lose mental balance.
00:45:54To do this is a couple of trifles.
00:45:56Gentlemen, I have a question for you.
00:45:58What are people afraid of?
00:46:00People, in the end, are most afraid of the right and incomprehensible.
00:46:05Yes, yes, more incomprehensible!
00:46:07I am convinced that my last telegram,
00:46:10thoughtfully, together,
00:46:12was made by our counter-agent,
00:46:14with an amazing impression.
00:46:17The client must be accustomed to the idea
00:46:20that he will have to give the money one way or another.
00:46:23It is necessary to disarm him morally.
00:46:25It is necessary to suppress in him
00:46:27reactionary, private-ownerly instincts.
00:46:31Assistant Panikovsky,
00:46:33you were entrusted today to meet with the undersecretary
00:46:37and ask him for a million,
00:46:39accompanied by a request with idiotic laughter.
00:46:43When he saw me, he turned to the other side.
00:46:46That's right. Everything is fine.
00:46:48The client is nervous.
00:46:50The client is worried.
00:46:52And you do not need to calm him down.
00:46:54He goes from stupid confusion
00:46:56to senseless and senseless fear.
00:46:58Do not make a cult out of food.
00:47:01At night, he jumps out of bed and shouts,
00:47:04Mom, Mom!
00:47:06A little more, a little more.
00:47:08The last stroke of the brush.
00:47:09Thank you.
00:47:11And he will finally mature.
00:47:13Crying, he will climb into the buffet
00:47:15and get a plate from there
00:47:18with a blue...
00:47:40Put it away, Vesely.
00:47:45This plate with money is in the hands of Koreiko.
00:47:48If it even exists, this is a magical plate.
00:47:51It exists, commander.
00:47:55The preparatory period is over.
00:47:57The time of active actions begins.
00:47:59Today, with God's help,
00:48:01we will touch for the first time
00:48:03the name of citizen Koreiko.
00:48:05You will touch, Shura,
00:48:07with Mikhail Samoilich.
00:48:14Kefir helps the heart.
00:48:23believe me,
00:48:26believe me, Shura,
00:48:28only theft.
00:48:30Only robbery.
00:48:32Only theft, Shura.
00:48:34Only robbery.
00:48:36You are a pathetic, worthless person.
00:48:37I am the boss here.
00:48:39Who are you?
00:48:41I am the boss.
00:48:43I am entrusted.
00:48:45To me.
00:48:47To you.
00:48:49And to whom?
00:48:51To you?
00:48:53And who are you, please tell me?
00:48:56And who are you?
00:48:58No, who are you?
00:49:01And who are you?
00:49:03You saw.
00:49:05You saw.
00:49:07You all saw.
00:49:09You are all witnesses.
00:49:11What will happen now?
00:49:13What will I do to him?
00:49:15What will I do to him?
00:49:17You do not know.
00:49:19This is a sea of blood.
00:49:21Now there will be a murder.
00:49:23You saw.
00:49:25Now I will tear off his hands.
00:49:27Quiet, quiet, quiet.
00:49:29Sit down.
00:49:31Where did you grow up, Shura?
00:49:33Hands at once.
00:49:35What is it?
00:49:37Why not rob?
00:49:39It's so simple.
00:49:41Okay, let's say.
00:49:43Kareyka walks down the street in the evening.
00:49:45I come from the left side.
00:49:47And you come from the right side.
00:49:49It's very dark.
00:49:51I push him from the left side to the side.
00:49:53And you push him from the right side to the side.
00:49:55Then the fool stops and says,
00:49:57Are you a hooligan?
00:49:59Are you a hooligan?
00:50:01Are you a hooligan?
00:50:03And you come up and say,
00:50:05Where is the hooligan?
00:50:07Where is the hooligan?
00:50:09You can not beat.
00:50:11It's the same thing that you can not beat.
00:50:14What are you doing?
00:50:16You can not beat.
00:50:18Bender does not allow.
00:50:20I know, Bender, Bender.
00:50:28Go to Kiev and all.
00:50:32Go to Kiev and all.
00:50:35What Kiev?
00:50:37Go and ask,
00:50:39What Panikovsky did before the revolution?
00:50:41Go and ask, and all.
00:50:43Go and ask.
00:50:45So what?
00:50:47No, you go and ask.
00:50:49And you will be answered,
00:50:51That before the revolution,
00:50:53Panikovsky was blind, Shura.
00:50:55If it were not for the revolution.
00:50:57Is it me?
00:50:59Look at me, Shura.
00:51:01I would go to the children of Lieutenant Schmidt.
00:51:04Oh, Shura, before the revolution,
00:51:06I was a rich man.
00:51:08I had a house, a family.
00:51:10I had nickel-plated samovars on the table.
00:51:12And what fed me, ask me.
00:51:14Well, what fed you?
00:51:16What fed me?
00:51:18Blue glasses and a stick.
00:51:20Here is such a stick.
00:51:22Here is such a stick.
00:51:24And why did you quit this occupation?
00:51:28Before the revolution, Shura,
00:51:30I paid the townspeople on the corner of Khreshchatyk
00:51:31five rubles a month.
00:51:33Five rubles!
00:51:35And no one touched me.
00:51:37Moreover, he made sure that
00:51:39Panikovsky did not offend anyone.
00:51:41He was a wonderful man.
00:51:43His last name was Nebava.
00:51:45Crystal soul.
00:51:47I met him.
00:51:49He is now a music critic.
00:51:51And now take the police.
00:51:53Try to laugh.
00:51:57So I know her better than you.
00:51:59I was a homeless.
00:52:01I hate them.
00:52:03I hate them.
00:52:05I can not stand them.
00:52:07Oh, how it is painful.
00:52:09And so it came to me, Shura,
00:52:11I had to become a scammer.
00:52:13Irony of fate.
00:52:18Hold it.
00:52:20Shura, hold it.
00:52:22For the sake of such an emergency,
00:52:24for your sake,
00:52:26you will have to turn again
00:52:28to blue glasses and a stick.
00:52:29You know, Shura,
00:52:31that theft is much better than robbery.
00:52:34Where is the toilet here?
00:52:38Only theft, Shura.
00:52:42Shura, wait for me.
00:52:59Shura, wait for me.
00:53:24And I stood here,
00:53:26please leave me alone.
00:53:27Let me go.
00:53:31I'm sorry.
00:53:33I'm sorry.
00:53:35I'm sorry.
00:53:37I'm sorry.
00:53:39I'm sorry.
00:53:41I'm sorry.
00:53:43I'm sorry.
00:53:45I'm sorry.
00:53:47Well, it's a deal.
00:53:49It's a deal.
00:53:51It's a deal.
00:53:53Comrade Skobrevich,
00:53:57I have to go that way.
00:54:04Thank you.
00:54:06Thank you.
00:54:08Thank you very much.
00:54:10Thank you very much.
00:54:12Thank you.
00:54:15Please be careful.
00:54:17Yes, yes.
00:54:19Don't worry, please.
00:54:21Everything is very good.
00:54:23Thank you very much.
00:54:25Thank you.
00:54:27Thank you.
00:54:29Thank you.
00:54:38He's not blind!
00:54:40You're an idiot!
00:54:42You're an idiot!
00:54:44You're an idiot!
00:54:46I'll show you!
00:54:57You're an idiot!
00:54:59You're an idiot!
00:55:01You're an idiot!
00:55:03You're an idiot!
00:55:10Panikovsky is being killed!
00:55:12Panikovsky is being killed!
00:55:16That's very fast.
00:55:18Panikovsky is being killed!
00:55:21Kirgulets is behind the corner.
00:55:28Why are you yelling like a polar bear in warm weather?
00:55:31Have they been beating you for a long time?
00:55:33They've been beating me for five minutes.
00:55:35You could say that.
00:55:37Strange old man.
00:55:39Let's go and admire the details along the way.
00:55:50Excuse me.
00:55:52Excuse me again.
00:55:54May I?
00:55:55He's still lying there in the corner.
00:55:57May I?
00:56:01There's a child crying in the bus.
00:56:03Let the expert pass.
00:56:05Step back, you bastard.
00:56:07The road is wide.
00:56:09This one?
00:56:11Calm down, comrades!
00:56:14We'll catch the offenders.
00:56:16I'll ask all the witnesses to write down their addresses and surnames.
00:56:22Who's a witness?
00:56:23Are you a witness?
00:56:25I'll ask all the witnesses to write down their addresses, surnames,
00:56:29official and personal numbers.
00:56:32Let's write it down.
00:56:34Let's show our conscientiousness,
00:56:36our civic activity,
00:56:38and fulfill our civic duty.
00:56:40Where are the witnesses?
00:56:42Comrades, who's a witness?
00:56:44There's no place for hooligans in our city.
00:56:46We must end the hooliganism.
00:56:48Are you a witness?
00:56:50Give me your phone.
00:56:52Who's a witness?
00:56:54Are you a witness?
00:56:56I'm a witness.
00:56:58I'll ask you to come with me.
00:57:00Let's go.
00:57:02A great old man.
00:57:04A talented madman.
00:57:06I also found another great blind man, Panikovsky.
00:57:09Homer Milton and Panikovsky.
00:57:11A warm...
00:57:13A warm company.
00:57:15And the hooligans?
00:57:17A sailor from a broken ship.
00:57:18They beat up Panikovsky,
00:57:20and now they want to fire him.
00:57:22I wanted to, I thought,
00:57:24to bury him in silence.
00:57:26A pathetic, worthless person.
00:57:28He's to blame for everything.
00:57:30Don't you dare touch me,
00:57:32or I'll have a nervous breakdown.
00:57:34I'll teach you a lesson.
00:57:36You work like a dog's tail.
00:57:39That's all.
00:57:43Ostap Ivanovich,
00:57:45you see,
00:57:46Mikhail Samuelyev is right.
00:57:48Honest, noble words.
00:57:50Ostap Ivanovich,
00:57:52we're with Shura.
00:57:54Ostap Ivanovich,
00:57:56do you believe in Panikovsky?
00:57:58Believe us,
00:58:00we'll make it up to you.
00:58:02I won't let you go.
00:58:04Ostap Ivanovich,
00:58:06I beg you,
00:58:08through my body.
00:58:10That's all.
00:58:17It's so warm.
00:58:19Don't you swim at night,
00:58:21Aleksandr Ivanovich?
00:58:25All right, then wait for me here.
00:58:27I'll just dive in and come back.
00:58:46I'll be back.
00:59:16Quiet, quiet.
00:59:18Quiet, quiet, quiet.
00:59:20Quiet, quiet, quiet.
00:59:22Quiet, quiet, quiet.
00:59:25Quiet, quiet, quiet.
00:59:27Quiet, quiet, quiet.
00:59:35May I light a cigarette?
00:59:38I don't smoke.
00:59:42What time is it, do you know?
00:59:43Do you know what time it is?
00:59:46I think it's 12 o'clock.
00:59:4812 o'clock? I had no idea.
00:59:51Hands up!
00:59:53I said, hands up! What's so hard to understand?
00:59:55Hands up!
00:59:59Uncle! Uncle!
01:00:01Uncle, what are you doing to me?
01:00:04I wanted to know what time it is!
01:00:07I'll show you what time it is!
01:00:09Uncle! Uncle!
01:00:11I'll show you what time it is!
01:00:14Hit him! Hit him!
01:00:16Where are you taking me?
01:00:41What a wonderful night!
01:00:44I accidentally dropped the fireworks.
01:00:47What a wonderful night!
01:01:11Ouch! Ouch!
01:01:41Ouch! Ouch!
01:01:52Who are you?
01:01:54Who are you?
01:01:56Who are you?
01:01:58Who are you?
01:02:00Who are you?
01:02:02I'm the boss.
01:02:04Who are you?
01:02:06Who were you yesterday and who will you be tomorrow?
01:02:08Don't touch me!
01:02:10Who are you?
01:02:12Who are you?
01:02:14Who are you?
01:02:18I didn't bother you.
01:02:20What were you doing here?
01:02:22On the floor?
01:02:24Sharing money?
01:02:26It's interesting. Go on.
01:02:31Go on.
01:02:33And I'll see.
01:02:37Let me go!
01:02:39I wanted to be fair.
01:02:42He owes everyone 2,500 rubles.
01:02:44You owe him,
01:02:49and me
01:02:5110,000 rubles.
01:02:53All right.
01:02:55Mr. Kareyko's salary
01:02:57is 20 years of service.
01:03:00Now let's split it up.
01:03:02He has a special opinion.
01:03:05Ostap... Ostap...
01:03:07He has a special opinion.
01:03:09I have a special opinion.
01:03:11Why don't I have a special opinion?
01:03:13I won't split 10,000 rubles.
01:03:15I won't split 10,000 rubles.
01:03:17Think about it.
01:03:19That's right.
01:03:21He owes me money.
01:03:2310,000 rubles.
01:03:25I won't split 10,000 rubles.
01:03:27This is for me.
01:03:29This is for him.
01:03:31This is for Ostap.
01:03:33This is for me.
01:03:35This is for Ostap.
01:03:37This is for me.
01:03:39This is for him.
01:03:41This is for Ostap.
01:03:43This is for me.
01:03:45I'm leaving today.
01:03:47Here, catch it.
01:03:50This one's for me, this one's for him, this one's for me, it's him, this one's for Astap...
01:03:55For Astap...
01:03:57This is for me, this is for Astap...
01:04:00This one's for me, this one's for me, Astap...
01:04:03This one's for me, this one's for Astap...
01:04:08So, we're. Astap, four thousand.
01:04:11And two for Pologanov.
01:04:13He doesn't have money for work.
01:04:16Kazlevich for what?
01:04:18It's a robbery.
01:04:20Who is Kazlevich to share with him?
01:04:22We don't know any Kazlevich.
01:04:24That's all.
01:04:26What can be Kazlevich at this moment?
01:04:28You're done.
01:04:30I will share.
01:04:32Only in fairness, Bender.
01:04:34In fairness.
01:04:36Oh, Shura.
01:04:46Stop joking, Bender.
01:04:48We have to share in fairness.
01:04:52At this late hour, Shura, I'm not going to joke.
01:04:54Why did we work?
01:04:56You can't do this.
01:04:58Explain this.
01:05:00We are trying, Mikhail Samuelich.
01:05:06To you,
01:05:08the beloved son of Lieutenant Schmidt,
01:05:10I want to remind you
01:05:12that we came here
01:05:14not for 10,000.
01:05:16I personally need
01:05:18at least 500,000.
01:05:20Why did you send us?
01:05:22The thing is,
01:05:26Who are you?
01:05:30The thing is, Shura,
01:05:32I'm not an imposter.
01:05:34I read the criminal code.
01:05:36I'm an ideological fighter
01:05:38for money.
01:05:40It was a test.
01:05:42A serviceman with 46 rubles in his account
01:05:44has 10,000 in his pocket.
01:05:46It gives him a huge chance.
01:05:48A big chance.
01:05:50Tomorrow I will return
01:05:52these 10,000 to citizen Koreiko.
01:05:54And he will take them.
01:05:56And when he comes to an end,
01:05:58I will take him with my bare hands.
01:06:00Because as a smart man,
01:06:04he will understand that a part
01:06:06is less than a whole.
01:06:08And in order not to lose the whole,
01:06:10he will give me this part.
01:06:12And then
01:06:14a plate with love will appear on the stage.
01:06:16With love.
01:06:18That's right.
01:06:20Cheer up, old man.
01:06:26Why are you crying?
01:06:28Give me my money.
01:06:32I'm very poor.
01:06:36I haven't been in the bath for a year.
01:06:40I'm old.
01:06:42Girls don't love me.
01:06:46Apply to the World League of Sexual Reforms.
01:06:50Maybe they will help you there.
01:06:52Nobody loves me.
01:06:54Nobody loves me.
01:06:56Why should they love you?
01:07:00people like you are not loved.
01:07:02Girls love young,
01:07:04tall and politically literate.
01:07:06And you will die.
01:07:08Who will write about you in the newspaper?
01:07:10Another one burned down at work.
01:07:12Right, Polikovsky?
01:07:14Or death has torn out of our ranks
01:07:16a public official like that.
01:07:18And therefore
01:07:20on your grave
01:07:22will sit a beautiful widow
01:07:24with peach eyes
01:07:26and weeping children.
01:07:28They won't shout,
01:07:30Papa, Papa,
01:07:32do you hear us?
01:07:34Don't say that!
01:07:36I'll kill you all.
01:07:38You don't know Polikovsky yet.
01:07:40Polikovsky will sell you all
01:07:42and buy us again.
01:07:44Old man,
01:07:46tell me, will you work or not?
01:07:48I'm asking you for the last time.
01:07:52I will.
01:08:06Citizen Koreiko?
01:08:14Alexander Ivanovich?
01:08:18That's right.
01:08:20That's right.
01:08:26Please, sit down.
01:08:32I came with an order.
01:08:34Please, please.
01:08:42We want to please you, Alexander Ivanovich.
01:08:44Will it be interesting to know?
01:09:06I don't smoke.
01:09:16You don't smoke?
01:09:20whether you like it or not,
01:09:22try to sign
01:09:24the receipt.
01:09:26You're mistaken, comrade.
01:09:28What receipt?
01:09:30What receipt?
01:09:32What do you mean?
01:09:34You were robbed yesterday.
01:09:36Nobody robbed me.
01:09:38No, no.
01:09:40How could you not be robbed?
01:09:42You were robbed yesterday by the sea
01:09:44and you took 10,000 rubles.
01:09:46Sign the receipt.
01:09:48Nobody robbed me.
01:09:50That's a mistake.
01:09:54I'm sorry.
01:09:56I'm in a hurry to go to work.
01:10:02What work?
01:10:04Where are you going, citizen?
01:10:06Don't interfere with my work.
01:10:08Sign the receipt.
01:10:10Think about it.
01:10:12How can I have so much money?
01:10:14It's cold.
01:10:16That's right.
01:10:18That's right.
01:10:20How can you have
01:10:22so much money?
01:10:26Are you all right?
01:10:28Is your stomach all right?
01:10:30I'm fine.
01:10:32You know, I'm a very healthy person.
01:10:34Don't your heavy dreams bother you?
01:10:36No, they don't.
01:10:38But for now.
01:10:40Don't forget
01:10:42that I beg you
01:10:44not to eat raw tomatoes
01:10:46at night
01:10:48so as not to harm your stomach.
01:10:50All the best.
01:10:52Be healthy.
01:10:54You are an interesting person,
01:10:56Alexander Ivanovich.
01:10:58Everything is all right with you.
01:11:04With such happiness
01:11:06and freedom.
01:11:14Well, what?
01:11:16Shura, lock the door.
01:11:18A plate.
01:11:24A plate.
01:11:26You don't think
01:11:28about your heart at all.
01:11:30You can't have so much liquid.
01:11:32You are a fool.
01:11:36You are a fool.
01:11:38You are a fool.
01:11:40You are a fool.
01:12:00I understand everything.
01:12:02What do you understand?
01:12:06If it's not a secret.
01:12:08What's inside?
01:12:10My pigeons.
01:12:16My little friends.
01:12:18There is everything in this folder.
01:12:20There is everything.
01:12:24Palm trees, girls,
01:12:26blue express trains,
01:12:28the blue sea, a white ship,
01:12:30Shura Yashin,
01:12:32a little-dressed Smokin,
01:12:34lacquered Japanese,
01:12:36teeth, socks without holes,
01:12:38your own billiard,
01:12:40the most important thing is power,
01:12:46which is given by money.
01:12:52Stop your cruel jokes.
01:12:54To the point, boys.
01:12:56The main thing is clear.
01:12:58The defendant has money.
01:13:00And, apparently,
01:13:02the money is huge.
01:13:04We are starting an investigation
01:13:06on the case of citizen Koreiko.
01:13:08For this we need
01:13:12Don't drag me, Ostap Ibrahimovich.
01:13:14We must, no,
01:13:16we simply must
01:13:18mix with a vigorous mass of servants.
01:13:20What servants?
01:13:22Shura, what masses?
01:13:24When are we going to share
01:13:26our money?
01:13:28What are you talking about, Shura?
01:13:30Comrades, let's sit down.
01:13:32Shura, come here.
01:13:34When are we going to share,
01:13:36Ostap Ibrahimovich?
01:13:38Never, my poor friends.
01:13:40Tomorrow this money will be put
01:13:42in the bank on the current account
01:13:44of our future office.
01:13:48That's all, Shura.
01:13:50Don't worry, Nikolai Samuelovich.
01:13:52This is the end.
01:13:54This is the end of the first series,
01:13:58First series!
01:14:02The hearing continues,
01:14:06jury members.
01:14:32The End
