• last month
00:02:13Especially so Capitán por supuesto que la escuché donde está sido a desaparecido
00:02:21Usted le dijo que hiciera esa transmisión no sé de qué está hablando
00:02:34No le dispararía a una dama desarmada yo no ve a una dama
00:03:34Ayuda por favor ayuda
00:04:21I know
00:04:23Can and I estoy ciego no puedo ver Ana soy yo Isaac
00:04:31Oh Dios mío
00:04:35Ana deja de gritar tonta quieres que los alemanes te escuchen
00:04:40Se fueron no he visto ninguno pero si nosotros sobrevivimos puede haber otros
00:04:47Ana debemos dejar este lugar
00:04:50Toma mi mano no te voy a hacer daño tienes mi palabra la palabra de un judío
00:04:56Ana estoy por irme puedes quedarte o puedes venir conmigo
00:05:01y estoy seguro de que el rey tiene muchas oportunidades para una tonta polaca ciega
00:05:17Y los otros trabajadores
00:05:20Ana apenas podemos cuidar de nosotros mismos que Dios esté con ellos adonde vamos
00:05:27lejos de aquí
00:05:29a lo este a la puesta del sol al este están los rusos tampoco debemos toparnos con ellos
00:05:36debemos movernos mientras aún tengamos luz
00:05:45Que tan mal se ven mis ojos cariño no soy médico pero parece que tus ojos están magullados y sangrando
00:05:58Desearía estar muerta
00:06:00Ana ese es un deseo que se podría conceder fácilmente pero no deseo ser parte de él
00:06:06¿Estás bien para caminar?
00:06:08Estoy mareado un poco enfermo quizás una conmoción cerebral
00:06:15debemos continuar
00:06:23Subterráneo de Berlín
00:06:59Hola hola
00:07:04Hay alguien ahí
00:07:07Que alguien me ayude
00:07:27Hola hola
00:07:36Hola hola
00:07:41Hay alguien aquí
00:07:47Quienes son ustedes
00:07:49Soy el doctor German y ella es la enfermera Clara. Te hemos estado cuidando desde que llegaste aquí
00:07:55¿Dónde estamos?
00:07:57Se encuentra a unos 50 metros por debajo de la calle de Berlín
00:08:01Me fui de Berlín
00:08:03No es seguro
00:08:06¿Qué es este lugar?
00:08:08Este es una instalación médica
00:08:10Específicamente el quirófano de esta instalación médica
00:08:14Este no es un hospital adecuado
00:08:17Bueno estamos un poco en el lado experimental
00:08:20¿Qué le pasó a mi pierna?
00:08:23Señora Fallenburg ¿Qué es lo último que recuerda?
00:08:27Estaba en el Kohnstein
00:08:29Fuimos atacados
00:08:33Goles de cohetes
00:08:35Llamas por todas partes
00:08:37Me caí
00:08:39Hubo un ataque aéreo
00:08:41Y hubo un incendio
00:08:45Eso es todo lo que recuerdo
00:08:48El Kohnstein ha sido destruido
00:08:50Quedó muy malherida en el ataque
00:08:53Traerla aquí le salvó la vida
00:08:55¿Mi vida?
00:08:57¿Pero mi pierna?
00:08:59Estoy tan desfigurada
00:09:01¿Y el dolor?
00:09:03Creo que podemos ayudarla con eso
00:09:06¡Dediqué mi vida al tercer Rage!
00:09:09¡Merezco la atención médica adecuada!
00:09:12Ya, ya, no se preocupe
00:09:15El Dr. Hammond tiene una propuesta para usted
00:09:19Estoy consciente de su puesto anterior en el Ministerio de Propaganda
00:09:28Esos servicios ya no son necesarios para el plan de guerra
00:09:33¿Entonces cuál es su propuesta aquí, doctor?
00:09:36Tenemos tecnología para mejorarla
00:09:40¿Esta tecnología ayuda con el dolor?
00:09:43Ah, no
00:09:45Probablemente lo empeore
00:09:47¿Entonces por qué creen que voy a cooperar?
00:09:50Como yo lo veo, tiene dos opciones
00:09:53Participar en nuestro programa y apoyar el plan de guerra o...
00:10:01Bueno, la dejaremos en la calle Berlin y será dada de alta
00:10:06¿Liberada en la calle? ¿Así?
00:10:10No recomendaría esa opción, mi querida señora
00:10:16¿Entonces qué pasa si coopero?
00:10:22Reemplazaríamos su pierna con una red hidráulica
00:10:29Y la uniremos con dispositivos electrónicos
00:10:33Que se fusionarán con la estructura ósea y su tejido muscular
00:10:38¿Se fusionarán? ¿Qué es eso de fusionar?
00:10:41Se unirán permanentemente
00:10:43He perfeccionado los procedimientos médicos a lo largo de los años en sujetos humanos vivos
00:10:50Realmente es un genio
00:10:52Una vez que veamos que ha sobrevivido a la fusión
00:10:56Eh, su brazo izquierdo estará unido al sistema operativo del Comet
00:11:03¿Qué es eso de Comet?
00:11:05Oh, el avión de combate cohete Messerschmitt 163 por supuesto
00:11:10¿Avión? ¡No soy un piloto!
00:11:14Esa es la belleza de todo esto, no tiene que ser un piloto
00:11:18Estará integrada la aeronave, todo será automático
00:11:22¿Ha manejado un carro?
00:11:24¡Por supuesto!
00:11:25Entonces no se preocupe
00:11:29Esto es una locura
00:11:32Esta es la oferta
00:11:34O participa en el programa y sé que lo hará
00:11:39La llevaremos a la calle donde morirá de frío en las alcantarillas de Berlín
00:11:44En las próximas... 24 horas
00:11:49Dr. Hammett, ¿por qué no le habla de las características farmacéuticas del Comet?
00:11:54¡Desde luego!
00:11:55El Comet cuenta con un sistema intravenoso constante
00:11:59Que le proporcionará un potente analgésico directamente a su sangre
00:12:03Siempre que sienta que lo necesita con solo apretar un botón
00:12:07Nos encantaría que trabajara con nosotros señora de Fallenburg
00:12:11Soy seguidora suya desde hace muchos años en la radio
00:12:14Entonces, ¿qué pasará después de la cirugía?
00:12:17Organizaremos una reunión con usted y el nuevo director del programa Messerschmitt 163
00:12:22El Coronel Ryden
00:12:24Ah, en las de los aviones de combate
00:12:26¡Sí, eso es correcto!
00:12:29Solo es cuestión de tiempo antes de que regresen todos sus recuerdos
00:12:35Recuerde, estamos tratando de ayudarla
00:12:53Charlie, Roger, 0-3-1-9-1-5
00:12:57Parece que hemos terminado aquí arriba
00:13:04¿Qué demonios es eso?
00:13:07Eso... eso no puede ser cierto
00:13:09Vamos Capitán, vuele recto
00:13:11Presta atención
00:13:17Londres, cerca del octavo cuartel general del ejército
00:13:25Tomaré otro, Margie
00:13:26Este será el tercero que se toma
00:13:28Estoy consciente de eso
00:13:31¿Está todo bien, Capitán?
00:13:35Hoy he estado un poco nervioso, Margie
00:13:37¿Por qué?
00:13:39Por algo que vi... en el cielo
00:13:42¿Qué era?
00:13:46Necesito reservar esa información para el Coronel Thompson
00:13:50Tal vez deba esperar por ese tercer whisky
00:13:53Capitán Williams
00:13:56Es interesante que hayas querido vernos aquí
00:13:58¿Hay algún problema?
00:14:02No estoy seguro de lo que vi hoy, señor
00:14:04Creo que quizás estoy muy nervioso y no quiero que los otros pilotos lo sepan
00:14:08¿Qué quieres decir exactamente?
00:14:11Estaba volando hoy cuando veo...
00:14:13A dos bandidos nazis que se acercaron rápidamente al 17
00:14:16¿De acuerdo?
00:14:18Por el ángulo de subida y la velocidad de esas cosas, creo que son esos jets
00:14:22¿Sí, a los 262?
00:14:24Pero no vi ningún motor a reacción
00:14:27¿Eso te pone nervioso?
00:14:29No, señor
00:14:31Es la velocidad bruta de esas naves
00:14:33Debieron moverse dos veces más rápido que los 262
00:14:37¿Eran aviones piloteados?
00:14:40Creo que sí
00:14:42Se movían tan rápido que no pude distinguir mucho antes de que se fueran
00:14:46No te preocupes, William
00:14:48Estás bien, hemos tenido un par de avistamientos más de esos extraños aviones
00:14:52Hablaré con la inteligencia británica a ver si pueden darnos algunos detalles
00:14:55Sí, señor
00:14:58Tal vez...
00:14:59Tu vista pueda recuperarse
00:15:02Tu familia todavía esté viva
00:15:04Quizás encontremos aliados, ellos nos ayudarán
00:15:06Solo dices tonterías, judío
00:15:08Olvídate de mi familia
00:15:10¿Por qué estás tan segura de que están muertos?
00:15:13No quiero hablar de eso
00:15:16Como tú desees
00:15:18Yo he pensado seguido en mi familia
00:15:20Mi esposa Miriam, nuestro hijo Benjamín
00:15:23Fueron retenidos en el campo de trabajo de Mitchell Budora, el cual está cerca de aquí y es a donde nos dirigimos
00:15:30A menudo he pensado en ellos
00:15:33Nuestro departamento en Berlín, las cenas con amigos
00:15:36Aquí están todos alineados, ahora solo en mi mente
00:15:41¿Qué hay de ti?
00:15:42¿De tu familia?
00:15:43Sé que tenías un hermano
00:15:44¡Basta! ¡Ya no más!
00:15:47¡Ya no tengo familia!
00:15:51Tú rezas por vivir, ¿verdad?
00:15:54Yo rezo por morir
00:15:56Pero Dios ha elegido hacerme sufrir
00:15:58A lo mejor quiere prepararme bien para el infierno
00:16:02Eres una mujer joven
00:16:03¿Qué pudiste haber hecho que sea tan terrible?
00:16:07Dime qué hiciste
00:16:13Mi hermano, Stefan
00:16:17Era mentalmente deficiente
00:16:20Era tan amable y tan juguetón
00:16:24Era tan gentil
00:16:26Tan, tan alegre
00:16:29Quería correr y jugar
00:16:33Volvió a Cracovia
00:16:34Volvió a Cracovia
00:16:37Mi papá era un contador
00:16:40Yo estaba estudiando francés y tomaba lecciones de piano
00:16:45Mi madre era dueña de la tienda de ropa
00:16:48Algunas tardes bajaba y la ayudaba a coser
00:16:51Miraba por la ventana
00:16:54El viento entraba
00:16:57Algunos chicos guapos pasaban caminando
00:17:01Me imaginaba que yo era como una de esas bellas mujeres en sus brazos
00:17:05Que íbamos a bailar
00:17:07Todas las otras chicas estarían celosas
00:17:10El chico más guapo que haya conocido
00:17:13¿Y luego la guerra?
00:17:15Sabíamos que vendría
00:17:17Mi padre fue a enlistarse
00:17:20Volvió a casa solo para despedirse
00:17:22Todos lloramos
00:17:24Le rogamos que no se fuera
00:17:25Tenía que hacerlo
00:17:27Polonia necesitaba soldados
00:17:29Era julio
00:17:31Y se veía tan extraño con ese uniforme
00:17:35Nos abrazo a todos y se despidió
00:17:38Esa fue la última vez que lo vi
00:17:41Ya sabes lo que pasó
00:17:43¿Y luego el 30 de septiembre?
00:17:45Polonia cayó después de un mes de brutales combates
00:17:50Cierto, deberías estar orgullosa de tus soldados, de tu padre
00:17:53Al menos se defendieron
00:17:54Francia abrió las puertas como un burdel
00:17:58Los únicos que quedamos fuimos mi madre, mi hermana y yo
00:18:02Y Estefan
00:18:05Mi madre hizo lo que pudo
00:18:07Le dijo a los alemanes que solo tenía dos hijos
00:18:10Trató de esconderlo
00:18:12Hizo lo que pudo
00:18:18Entonces fuiste y le dijiste al Grupo Inführer, el cual estaba a cargo de tu barrio
00:18:25Sobre tu hermano
00:18:29Vinieron el día siguiente
00:18:32Se llevaron Estefan, él lloraba, gritaba y pataleaba
00:18:37Por supuesto que ya no peleó más
00:18:42Mi madre y mi hermana sollozaban y lloraban
00:18:46Rogando que no se lo llevaran
00:18:49Pero se fueron
00:18:51Hubieran hecho
00:18:54Mi madre sabía que había sido yo
00:18:57Me dijo que me fuera
00:19:00Y que no regresara
00:19:03Me dijo que me fuera a vender a los alemanes
00:19:09Al día siguiente fueron arrestadas por albergar indeseables
00:19:15Y fueron enviadas a línea de montaje
00:19:19Incluso si estuvieran vivas
00:19:22Ni siquiera me querrían de vuelta por lo que hice
00:19:25Yo también he hecho cosas para sobrevivir
00:19:29Yo llamé al ataque aéreo contra el Kornstein
00:19:33Soy el responsable de tu ceguera y las muertes de todos esos trabajadores
00:19:37Vaya quien eres, déjame
00:19:40Vete por favor, quiero morir
00:19:45Tuve que superar tu vida y la vida de esos otros trabajadores
00:19:49Contra la vida de miles y miles de personas
00:19:52Contra la vida de miles y miles de personas inocentes
00:19:56Personas que no son ni mejor ni peor que nosotros
00:20:01¿Cómo se llamaban tus padres?
00:20:06Y Elizabeth
00:20:14Yo pido
00:20:16En nombre de Victor y Elizabeth
00:20:19Que seas perdonada
00:20:22Por el terrible error que cometiste
00:20:25Yo no te dejaré
00:20:28Ya he matado suficiente
00:20:52¿Señor Brau?
00:20:54Es bueno ver que está bien
00:20:56¿Quiere una cerveza?
00:20:58Esa es una buena idea, Coronel
00:21:22Recibí el mensaje que quería verme
00:21:25Sí, pero primero, escuché que la señora Fallenburg fue traída aquí
00:21:30Bueno, por así decirlo
00:21:32Llegó aquí en pedazos
00:21:34Es una pena escuchar eso
00:21:36¿Ha mejorado su condición?
00:21:38Algunos pueden considerarlo una mejor
00:21:41Otros pueden considerarlo una abominación
00:21:44Por favor, explíquese
00:21:47Se ha ofrecido como voluntaria para el programa
00:21:50De un piloto avanzado del Dr. Herman
00:21:56Espero que no la hayan forzado
00:22:04Ah, sin comentarios
00:22:07¿Ha volado alguna vez antes?
00:22:10No antes de este programa
00:22:12Entonces, ¿Qué podría calificarla como piloto avanzada?
00:22:17Bueno, como puede ver, me he beneficiado
00:22:20De los talentos del Dr. Herman
00:22:22Sí, me di cuenta
00:22:25¿Ha mejorado su vista desde el accidente?
00:22:28Sí, un cien por ciento
00:22:31Y en lo que respecta a la señora Fallenburg
00:22:34Lo que el Dr. Herman ha logrado con ella va más...
00:22:37Más allá de lo que creía posible
00:22:39¿Es eso un hecho?
00:22:42Me gustaría verlo por mí mismo
00:22:44¿A su debido tiempo?
00:22:47¿Qué novedades tiene para mí?
00:22:50No es ningún secreto que has sido un fuerte crítico del programa Comet
00:22:54Nuestro 163
00:22:57¡Es una trampa mortal!
00:23:01Pero aún volarías el Comet
00:23:04Si tuviera que hacerlo
00:23:07Ah, pero puede que no tenga que hacerlo
00:23:11¿Qué quiere decir?
00:23:12Coronel Raiden
00:23:14¿Qué le gustaría estar volando ahora mismo?
00:23:17La bestia, por supuesto
00:23:19Sí, su 262
00:23:22¿La cual está oculta ahora, verdad?
00:23:25Está a una hora al sur
00:23:28¿Y qué es lo que mantiene su jet fuera del aire?
00:23:31¿Los metales incompatibles de los motores Junkers?
00:23:35Los ventiladores siguen perdiendo dientes en el vuelo, es muy peligroso
00:23:40Le he encontrado una docena de conjuntos de ventiladores
00:23:44Oh, un fabricante más preciso, espero
00:23:47No estoy seguro, pero es suficiente para mantenerlo en el aire por un tiempo
00:23:52Ah, esas son buenas noticias
00:23:55Hice que los enviaran aquí, a su nombre, por supuesto
00:23:59Estarán aquí esta semana
00:24:01Bueno, se pondría en uso de inmediato
00:24:04Señor DeBrown, ahora tengo algunas noticias para usted
00:24:07Pero probablemente no tan agradables
00:24:10¿Cuáles serían esas?
00:24:12Hay un oficial de la SS sentado detrás de usted y creo que quiere hablar con usted
00:24:24Bueno, creo que yo me iré
00:24:27Gracias por las piezas de mi 262
00:24:52Señor Brown
00:24:58¿Hay algún problema?
00:25:00No, no, solo quería hacerle unas preguntas
00:25:04Desde luego
00:25:06¿Estoy bajo investigación por algo?
00:25:10No, no lo está
00:25:12¿Debería estarlo?
00:25:16No, no lo creo
00:25:21La primera pregunta es
00:25:24¿Le importaría si me sirvo el resto de la cerveza de la jarra?
00:25:45La siguiente pregunta puede que le resulte difícil de comprender
00:25:50Pero le agradecería mucho una respuesta sincera
00:25:54¿De acuerdo?
00:25:58Si esta guerra llega a su fin
00:26:00Y Alemania no está en una posición victoriosa
00:26:06¿Cuáles serían sus planes?
00:26:08Capitán, le aseguro que ni siquiera he contemplado tal idea
00:26:12No me des una respuesta evasiva
00:26:15Agradecería mucho una respuesta a la pregunta
00:26:19No estoy...
00:26:23Seguro de cómo responder
00:26:26Está bien
00:26:28Señor Brown
00:26:30¿Está enterado que tanto los estadounidenses como los rusos
00:26:34Están muy interesados en su trabajo?
00:26:37Particularmente en su trabajo de propulsión de cohetes
00:26:42Ahí es donde lo vi antes
00:26:45Trabajó con Isaac Abramovich en Constine
00:26:49Tiene buena memoria
00:26:51En un buen día quizás
00:26:53Pero gracias a Dios que salió de ahí antes de...
00:26:57¿La caída?
00:26:58Capitán, ¿sabe lo que le pasó a Isaac?
00:27:01Él y yo solíamos trabajar juntos aquí en Berlín
00:27:04Hace muchos años
00:27:06Estoy al tanto
00:27:08Y no, no conozco su destino
00:27:13Tengo una pregunta más
00:27:16Y agradecería sinceramente una respuesta a esta
00:27:23Si pudiera optar
00:27:25Si pudiera optar
00:27:28Por continuar su investigación
00:27:31En Moscú o Nueva York
00:27:33¿Dónde elegiría?
00:27:35New York, por supuesto
00:27:37Los recursos serían...
00:27:39Gracias por una rápida respuesta
00:27:42En este punto espero sinceramente que no trabaje para los rusos
00:27:49Nunca he entendido por qué les gusta la cerveza tibia
00:27:54Sabe a orina de perro si no está fría
00:27:58Como la sirven en los parques de béisbol
00:28:03Señor Brown
00:28:05Me temo que debo darle un ultimátum
00:28:08¿Y cuál sería ese?
00:28:11La única forma de que salga de aquí con vida
00:28:13Es si lo acompaño al nivel de la calle
00:28:16Y no despierta sospechas
00:28:19Tengo un carro esperándonos
00:28:22Y dentro de 24 horas estaremos bajo la protección
00:28:26De las fuerzas británicas y las estadounidenses
00:28:44¿Qué tal si damos un paseo?
00:29:03Malcom, recuerdas lo que me gusta
00:29:08¿Qué es lo que me gusta?
00:29:15Aquí tienes Bob
00:29:16Gracias, eres un amable anfitrión, gracias
00:29:34Bueno, coronel
00:29:36En todo el tiempo que nos conocemos
00:29:38Creo que esta es la primera junta informativa que ha solicitado
00:29:42Tengo un problema que debemos discutir
00:29:45Y también tengo una pregunta
00:29:47Bien, bien, bien
00:29:49Estoy listo para el problema y la pregunta
00:29:52Recibimos algunos informes de nuestros pilotos
00:29:55De que han visto un nuevo tipo de cohete nazi
00:29:59¿Te refieres al...
00:30:01Seguimiento del B-2, supongo?
00:30:04No, no, no es eso
00:30:05Es un tipo diferente de avión
00:30:08Ah, ¿qué has escuchado?
00:30:11Bueno, es un diseño aerodinámico
00:30:14Algunos pilotos le han descrito como un ala voladora
00:30:18Pero es la velocidad
00:30:20La velocidad del avión es realmente lo que les preocupa
00:30:23¿Más rápido que el M-262?
00:30:25Oh, mi Dios, es más rápido
00:30:27Los arcilleros de los B-17 nos dicen
00:30:30Que con el M-262
00:30:32Tan rápido como se mueve
00:30:33Tienen dificultades para alinearlo a la vista
00:30:36Y por lo tanto tienen dificultades para derribarlo
00:30:39Pero con este nuevo avión
00:30:41Antes de que puedan siquiera identificarlo como avión enemigo
00:30:44Se ha ido
00:30:53Precisamente he estado preocupado por eso
00:30:56Los nazis seguirán luchando
00:30:59Hasta que no quede nada
00:31:01Hasta que todos sus recursos se agoten
00:31:05Malcom, para hacerte perfectamente honesto
00:31:08Siempre pensé que la guerra terminaría justo así
00:31:12He estado en contacto con Andrew
00:31:15Ya sabes, lo conociste aquí el mes pasado
00:31:18Sí, Andrew
00:31:20¿Cómo le va en su expedición de caza?
00:31:23Ahora, para refrescar tu memoria
00:31:26Había dos objetivos
00:31:29Que se consideraron críticos
00:31:32Uno fue el coronel Raiden
00:31:35Que dirige el programa M-262
00:31:38El otro, el doctor Wernher de Braun
00:31:42Quien es el jefe del programa de cohetes B-2
00:31:46Andrew tuvo una especie de reunión con ellos
00:31:50Oh, bueno, cuéntame al respecto
00:31:53La reunión fue bajo las calles de Berlín
00:31:56Allí abajo, los alemanes tienen una extensa red
00:32:01De bunkers, instalaciones médicas
00:32:05Y también líneas de montaje
00:32:07Entonces, ¿cuál fue el resultado de esa reunión?
00:32:10Andrew estuvo presente en una reunión
00:32:13Con Raiden y Von Braun
00:32:16Después de la reunión
00:32:18Pudo tener una conversación privada con Von Braun
00:32:21Durante esa conversación
00:32:22Le reveló su identidad a Von Braun
00:32:25Y fue capaz de convencer al científico
00:32:28De marcharse a Berlín con él
00:32:31Así que Andrew adquirió a Von Braun tal como dijo que lo haría
00:32:37Sin embargo
00:32:39Una vez que Von Braun estuvo fuera de Berlín
00:32:42Y con las personas adecuadas
00:32:45Andrew no pudo localizar a Raiden nuevamente
00:32:49Malcolm, ¿me estás diciendo
00:32:52Que Andrew estuvo en esa reunión con Von Braun y Raiden?
00:32:58¿Pudo reunir alguna información útil?
00:33:00Eso creo
00:33:02El avión que tus muchachos han estado viendo es en realidad
00:33:06El M163
00:33:09No es un avión a reacción
00:33:12Está impulsado por tecnología de cohetes
00:33:15Que impulsan al B-2
00:33:16Madre mía, bueno eso no suena más que a una trampa mortal
00:33:20Así es como algunos de los pilotos alemanes incluido Raiden lo han llamado
00:33:24Pero incluso si el 163 se quita de la ecuación
00:33:29Aún tenemos otro problema potencial
00:33:33¿Se pone aún peor?
00:33:35Raiden ha encontrado piezas
00:33:37Para restablecer cualquier M262 que exista, incluyendo el suyo
00:33:42Oh Dios, Dios, Dios
00:33:45Entonces, tienes una pregunta para mí
00:33:48Bueno, tenía una pregunta pero basándome en nuestra discusión
00:33:52Creo que la respuesta es una conclusión
00:33:54Puedes preguntarme cualquier cosa
00:33:56Bueno, ¿recuerdas al Mayor Cole Phillips, no?
00:33:59Por supuesto
00:34:01Es el piloto atrevido que enviaste a casa el mes pasado
00:34:04Correcto, así es
00:34:06Y aprendí algo sobre pilotos atrevidos
00:34:09¿Y qué aprendiste?
00:34:10Les gusta ser pilotos atrevidos
00:34:13Ya me lo imagino
00:34:15Cole ha vuelto a Estados Unidos desde hace un mes
00:34:18Y me ha estado rogando volver al juego
00:34:21Entonces, ¿cuál es la pregunta?
00:34:24¿Crees que deba dejarlo volver al juego?
00:34:27Me decepcionarías mucho si no lo hicieras
00:34:35A pesar de una oleada tras otra de bombarderos
00:34:37del octavo ejército de Estados Unidos
00:34:40y de la Fuerza Aérea Royal
00:34:42la producción del Comet continuó
00:34:45al igual que la producción y reconstrucción de los jets ME-262
00:34:49Mientras que el combustible para el ejército alemán
00:34:52se estaba agotando críticamente
00:34:54gran parte del combustible para esta nueva generación
00:34:57de aves de guerra nazis
00:34:59provenía del alcohol
00:35:01creado a partir de cultivos agrícolas
00:35:07y de la fuerza aérea
00:35:10de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:12de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:14de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:16de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:18de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:20de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:22de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:24de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:26de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:28de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:30de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:32de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:37de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:41de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:43de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:46de la Fuerza Aérea
00:35:49Muy lindo... muy lindo
00:35:51¿Cómo se siente la pierna?
00:35:55Excelente, ahora hoy en la agenda tenemos una reunión
00:35:58Con el Coronel Rayden
00:36:00Sin embargo, hay algo que debes saber acerca del Coronel Raden
00:36:05¿Qué pasa?
00:36:07Reconstructive surgery to the colonel.
00:36:10Similar to what he did to me?
00:36:13Not as superior.
00:36:15His wounds included burns and damage to the sight.
00:36:19He had a difficult landing with one of his planes.
00:36:22A difficult landing?
00:36:24Is this what they want, for him to fly?
00:36:27Yes, but I haven't drawn any conclusions yet.
00:36:30Colonel Raiden has become the highest authority to operate the Comet.
00:36:35This is an opportunity he won't let pass.
00:36:41I will meet with the colonel.
00:37:05Ah, Mrs. DeFralenburg.
00:37:21I remember hearing you. You were jumping through the air.
00:37:30I respect your work for the Third Rage.
00:37:35I did the job I was called to do.
00:37:39Yes. Tell me, how was the pain?
00:37:43It was horrible when I woke up for the first time in that place.
00:37:47I would have done anything to make it stop.
00:37:51I'm sure Dr. Herman was aware of that.
00:37:55So what have I gotten myself into?
00:37:59Would you like an evasive answer, or would you like to know the truth?
00:38:03Whatever keeps me alive.
00:38:06I'll tell you everything I can.
00:38:09They're waiting for a plane to fly.
00:38:13Dr. Herman knows I have no experience with this,
00:38:17but he tells me it will be like driving a car.
00:38:21Now, Colonel Raiden, I don't think it's going to be that simple.
00:38:25Mrs. DeFralenburg, it's an incredibly difficult task.
00:38:31And yet they expect me to fly this plane.
00:38:35It's not a plane.
00:38:40It's beyond being a plane.
00:38:44It's one of your jets.
00:38:48It's not one of my jets.
00:38:50Show me.
00:38:52I will, but first you must know the deficits.
00:38:56And after I tell you the deficits,
00:38:59and if you still want to be part of the program,
00:39:02then I'll show you the comet.
00:39:04The comet?
00:39:06Yes, the comet.
00:39:08It's propelled by a rocket.
00:39:11It's like the B-2?
00:39:14Very similar to a B-2.
00:39:17Very similar to a B-2?
00:39:20But nobody expected to tie a pilot to a B-2.
00:39:24The reason the comet exists
00:39:27is to destroy American and British bombers.
00:39:30Bombers fill the skies every day and every night.
00:39:34After all, that's why it left Berlin.
00:39:37Yes, it was a nightmare.
00:39:40Well, it's only gotten worse.
00:39:44The comet takes off like a normal plane,
00:39:48but then it disengages from the wheels.
00:39:52What happens then?
00:39:56The air drag on the set of the wheel
00:39:59will reduce the comet's speed.
00:40:03Simply point the ship at the group of bombers
00:40:07and open the throttle.
00:40:10It should reach the bombers in about three minutes.
00:40:14In three minutes?
00:40:16How fast is this ship going?
00:40:19Faster than any plane in history.
00:40:25I'd say my first flight up
00:40:28was the most exciting experience of my life.
00:40:34But then it has to come back.
00:40:39It shoots at the bombers as it passes
00:40:42and then in a few seconds the comet runs out of fuel.
00:40:47The comet itself is designed for a functional glider,
00:40:51so all it has to do is turn around
00:40:54and slide back to Earth.
00:40:58But what about the enemy fighters?
00:41:02They can't hit you from above. Nobody can.
00:41:06However, on the way back, it's sliding.
00:41:10It's an easy target.
00:41:13That's why most pilots only go through one or two missions.
00:41:18How many missions have you done?
00:41:22I crashed on my seventh mission.
00:41:26After the first mission,
00:41:28I realized that to increase my chances of landing,
00:41:31I had to get into a choppy fall called Deplome.
00:41:36That sounds like a good idea.
00:41:38Yes, but remember that it doesn't have a landing gear.
00:41:42It must slide safely to any grass field it finds.
00:41:48And in this free fall, it's at the mercy of the wind.
00:41:52And if it pulls too late,
00:41:54then it will hit the ground very quickly.
00:41:57That was my fate on the last mission.
00:42:01What will happen if it pulls too soon?
00:42:04Then the enemy fighters will shoot it from the sky
00:42:07and laugh at it all the way back to Earth.
00:42:13So, do you still want to see the comet?
00:42:18Mr. Doctor, I hardly recognize you.
00:42:21Did you change your appearance?
00:42:23I have very exciting news.
00:42:25I was asked to be the new Führer's personal doctor.
00:42:35Is Mrs. Fallenburg ready to see her plane?
00:42:38Mrs. Fallenburg is in her personal room.
00:42:42But first, let me see the progress of my work.
00:42:47If you insist.
00:42:56It seems to be healing properly.
00:43:00Of course, it will heal faster if you don't use this.
00:43:04I don't like to take off my shield, Mr. Doctor.
00:43:08It's your decision, of course, Colonel.
00:43:11Changing the subject,
00:43:13I've heard that your Mastermind 262 is being repaired.
00:43:18Ah, the day my beast can fly again.
00:43:21That would be a great day.
00:43:24Would you like to pick up Mrs. Fallenburg for me now, please?
00:43:28Of course, Mr. Doctor.
00:43:42This is your plane.
00:43:45Isn't it beautiful?
00:43:47He told me it was small, but it fills the room.
00:43:50Only a portion of a larger space.
00:43:53The walls tilt back and unfold so that the aircraft can be towed to its launch point.
00:43:59Good afternoon, pilots. Nurse Clara?
00:44:01Mr. Doctor?
00:44:04Watch the stairs.
00:44:21The 163's rocket engine is constantly changing.
00:44:25The previous versions lose a lot of fuel and can be very, very dangerous.
00:44:29Very volatile fuel, in fact.
00:44:32Any improvement is welcome.
00:44:36Mrs. Fallenburg, the difference between the 163 and my 262,
00:44:41or any other aircraft,
00:44:43is that the 163 is much more powerful.
00:44:46The difference between the 163 and my 262,
00:44:49or any other aircraft in the Luftwaffe arsenal,
00:44:53is that the comet has a specific purpose.
00:44:56Designed to destroy bombers,
00:44:58not to participate in close combat with fighters.
00:45:03Very good.
00:45:05The goal, of course, is to destroy bombers before they drop payloads.
00:45:08Can you see the bombers from the ground?
00:45:11American bombers fly at such a height
00:45:14that you can see the engines' wings.
00:45:17You'll recognize them.
00:45:19They used to hear their transmission.
00:45:22Are night bombers more difficult?
00:45:25The British bomber is night.
00:45:27And it's hard to see it.
00:45:29We tested the 163 against the British,
00:45:32but it didn't work, so we'll only bomb during the day.
00:45:37Then, Colonel Royden,
00:45:39assuming you can really lift this up in the air,
00:45:44what am I supposed to do with it?
00:45:47How many bombers do you expect me to aim at?
00:45:50One, if you're lucky.
00:45:53Two would be magnificent.
00:45:55And my armament?
00:45:57Two 30mm cannons.
00:45:59The same as my 262.
00:46:01Excellent armament.
00:46:03And designed to shoot down larger targets.
00:46:06You'll be more dangerous.
00:46:08But how many bombers are there usually in these groups?
00:46:12Hundreds. Like a flock of birds.
00:46:15Forgive my frankness, but that doesn't seem to be worth it.
00:46:20But it is.
00:46:22Mrs. Fallenburg,
00:46:24if you had seen what I have seen,
00:46:27you would have realized that any reduction
00:46:30in the killing of our civilians would be worth it.
00:46:36Your mission will save lives.
00:46:38In Dresden, they used incendiary bombs,
00:46:42so many that they created a firestorm, burning the whole city.
00:46:46Of course, they destroyed some military facilities,
00:46:50but thousands of innocent women and children were burned alive.
00:46:55It happened last week in Dresden.
00:46:57So I fly, I shoot at what I can, and then I fly back?
00:47:02That's the general idea.
00:47:05The general idea?
00:47:07Colonel Raiden, please explain the details.
00:47:11Once in the air, it will have a maximum of four minutes
00:47:14before the fuel runs out.
00:47:16But four very effective minutes.
00:47:18With all the capacity of the rocket engine,
00:47:21it will use those four minutes to reach the altitude of the bombers.
00:47:24Then I shoot a bomber.
00:47:26Two and I'm lucky.
00:47:28And then I won't have fuel.
00:47:31That's right.
00:47:32The 163 was designed to slide back to the landing pad.
00:47:36It will slide like an eagle.
00:47:39Colonel Raiden,
00:47:41it is possible that you wish to explain the situation of the landing gear.
00:47:45What is the situation with the landing gear?
00:47:50This is the fastest plane that has ever existed.
00:47:54And in our first tests,
00:47:56we found that the landing gear decelerates the 163 in flight.
00:48:00So now, the landing gear will decelerate shortly after takeoff.
00:48:05Won't it need it?
00:48:07It's easy and very smooth.
00:48:09Once the landing gear, fuel, and cannon projectiles are discharged,
00:48:14the 163 is a very light plane.
00:48:17Now, there are some modifications I made for you, Mrs. Fallenburg.
00:48:22Now when you fly at higher altitudes, it gets cold very quickly.
00:48:26So I added some heaters for your convenience.
00:48:29Mrs. Fallenburg will appreciate this feature.
00:48:32Colonel Raiden will show you the controls of the aircraft.
00:48:38It works exactly like the previous Comets,
00:48:41except for one switch.
00:48:44This switch has a cover.
00:48:47When you flip the cover,
00:48:49you can press the switch and a small but powerful dose of opiates will be administered directly to your blood.
00:48:58An analgesic.
00:48:59Yes, a very powerful analgesic.
00:49:01It's hard to estimate the amount of pain it will have to endure at such a height,
00:49:06but it may be considerable.
00:49:08But it won't feel anything.
00:49:10Mrs. Fallenburg, my 163 doesn't have this feature.
00:49:14Please keep in mind that this medication should not be administered on the ascent.
00:49:20It will have an effect on your reaction time and your judgment.
00:49:25I understand.
00:49:28More than one dose is dangerous.
00:49:32Three or four doses administered very close together will be very lethal.
00:49:43Gentlemen, this is the Constine.
00:49:49There was a B-2 rocket factory there that was easily taken over by Major Cole Phillips last month.
00:49:58I don't like being here.
00:50:00It's not enough.
00:50:02We haven't seen anything in the sky.
00:50:08Midday. Take a look.
00:50:14That's an Explorer.
00:50:16Probably a squadron of them scattered up there.
00:50:19All 109.
00:50:22If it's a fight, it's what they want.
00:50:24It's a fight you'll have.
00:50:30Here they come.
00:50:37Give them the objective.
00:50:39Stick to it.
00:50:41Give them the objective.
00:50:43Stick to it.
00:50:57Watch your ammunition.
00:51:11Watch your ammunition.
00:51:42Major Phillips!
00:51:44You wanted to see me, sir?
00:51:45Yes, Captain.
00:51:46How are you?
00:51:47I thought you had been sent to the United States last month, sir.
00:51:50That's right.
00:51:51I was sent to a job at the nice and cozy desk at DC.
00:51:55Until I received a call from the colonel.
00:51:57Take a seat, Captain Unasos.
00:51:59The Major and I have been talking about the formation of an elite combat squadron.
00:52:05That we'll have ready for the Germans, who are planning something big.
00:52:09Oh, God.
00:52:10What could that be?
00:52:13Have you noticed that the bandits are less lately?
00:52:16In fact, I have noticed it.
00:52:18Some of the guys and I were talking about that.
00:52:20Why do you think that is?
00:52:22Well, we've burned a lot.
00:52:24I assumed they were about to run out of planes.
00:52:26Unfortunately, not yet.
00:52:28Well, intelligence tells us that their most experienced pilots,
00:52:32Well, intelligence tells us that their most experienced pilots have been punished.
00:52:37Why would they do that?
00:52:38That will give them time to set up their assembly facilities.
00:52:41To build more and more of these dangerous planes.
00:52:44How long do you think that will take?
00:52:46Oh, maybe a month.
00:52:48Maybe two months.
00:52:50There is no German manufacturing capacity at this time.
00:52:54And there is a big house underway at this time for the pieces.
00:52:57I heard that they have been bombing all possible accident sites.
00:53:00All over Germany, looking for answers.
00:53:02The Luftwaffe's objectives are difficult to find.
00:53:05Returning to our plans.
00:53:07The squadron we plan to form will have its base near Germany.
00:53:11Right within our lines, Captain Williams.
00:53:13And that way, it will reduce the reaction and flight time back down.
00:53:17You see.
00:53:18We found out about the objectives and we're in the air in 30 minutes.
00:53:22So, what exactly is the Luftwaffe planning?
00:53:26The Luftwaffe will bet that we trust them too much.
00:53:29And with fewer Luftwaffe flights, you will feel like you own the skies.
00:53:34And then the Luftwaffe will hit us hard.
00:53:37I've been consulting with Major Phillips about this squadron we're trying to form.
00:53:41I asked him for a list of the best pilots.
00:53:44And Captain Williams, his name is at the top.
00:53:47Below yours.
00:53:48Of course.
00:53:50Thanks for the vote of confidence, Major.
00:53:52Now, if you set sail, this plan will be a hit.
00:53:55With your best equipment, jets, anything you have.
00:54:00The Germans are trying to prolong the war.
00:54:02Captain Williams is absolutely right.
00:54:04And we can't let that happen.
00:54:08Count on me.
00:54:42Mrs. Fallenburg, are you sure you don't want to use your safety harness?
00:54:47No, I can't breathe with that thing.
00:54:50And Nurse Clara, where is the doctor?
00:54:54He's with Mr. Hitler. He joined him this morning.
00:54:57He should have been here.
00:54:59I'm sure he'll be fine.
00:55:02I have some reminders for you.
00:55:06Please remember to get off the landing gear just before taking off.
00:55:11Of course. And what else?
00:55:13Did you identify the red button to release the analgesic into your bloodstream?
00:55:18Oh, yes. It's right next to me.
00:55:21Please use it in moderation.
00:55:23If you use it too much, you'll lose consciousness.
00:55:27And this flight will end very quickly.
00:55:30I understand.
00:55:32Very well.
00:55:34I'm sure you'll be interested to know that the last comet created in this facility is flying.
00:55:41And why is that?
00:55:43Because of the bombings, of course.
00:55:45They have destroyed all the factories,
00:55:48providing essential goods for the comet.
00:55:51Oh, so that means my plane is missing parts.
00:55:56It has had some last-minute modifications.
00:55:59Please explain to me.
00:56:02Well, your pavilion was originally a unit of one piece.
00:56:07What you have is a unit of two pieces with a divider in the middle.
00:56:12Well, does that make any difference?
00:56:14As long as it doesn't fall too fast after hitting its target.
00:56:18Beyond 1,000 kilometers per hour, the pavilion could break and fall.
00:56:24I'll try to fall slowly.
00:56:28And what else?
00:56:30Also, the interior heaters didn't arrive.
00:56:34So, when I get to the level of the bombers, it will be very cold.
00:56:40I'll die of cold.
00:56:42No, no.
00:56:44You'll only be in that critical altitude for three minutes.
00:56:48I'm sure you'll be fine.
00:56:50I hope your enthusiasm is well-founded.
00:56:54One more reminder.
00:56:56Unless it is absolutely essential for your mission, there will be no radio contact.
00:57:02We don't know who could be listening.
00:57:05I'm ready.
00:57:07Good luck, Mrs. Fallenburg.
00:57:12Mrs. Fallenburg, I will guide you to your takeoff.
00:57:16Once you are in the air and head for the enemy bombers, it's up to you.
00:57:21I just can't keep up with your pace, so listen carefully.
00:57:26Locate the rocket's ignition switch.
00:57:29Yes, I have it.
00:57:31Now ignite the rocket.
00:57:36Do not make any sudden movements in the middle of the power.
00:57:41I don't know if I can do this.
00:57:44Of course you can.
00:57:46Increase the power.
00:57:56Mrs. Fallenburg, you must release the tree line.
00:58:00More power and take off.
00:58:02Lift the plane, woman.
00:58:09Unhook the landing gear now.
00:58:27Good. You are enjoying this. You are focused.
00:58:33Now look up.
00:58:35Identify the U.S. bombers' tracks.
00:58:42I see them, but I was told there would be hundreds.
00:58:45These are scattered.
00:58:47We never know how many there are at a given moment.
00:58:50If there are only a few, the number of fighters will decrease.
00:58:54That would be good.
00:58:57I'm finishing radio transmission.
00:59:00Good luck to you.
00:59:31Mrs. Fallenburg?
00:59:36Mrs. Fallenburg?
00:59:40Mrs. Fallenburg, are you well?
00:59:44I must have lost consciousness during the landing.
00:59:49In that case, you are a very lucky person.
00:59:52Did you abuse your analgesics too much?
00:59:56I think I did.
00:59:58The pain was unbearable. It was very cold.
01:00:02But you made it back.
01:00:04And your mission was a complete success.
01:00:07It was?
01:00:09Yes. You knocked down two bombers on your first flight.
01:00:12That's excellent.
01:00:15I want to go back up.
01:00:17Come back up there.
01:00:23Anna, please. I must rest.
01:00:26I'm very weak.
01:00:31My eyes still hurt.
01:00:33Thank God I'm not completely blind.
01:00:36Everything is still so blurry.
01:00:39It looks like there are buildings in the distance.
01:00:46Anna, we must keep our voices down.
01:00:50Wait here a moment.
01:01:21What did you see, Isaac?
01:01:23I think...
01:01:27Mittelbaugh's work camp.
01:01:29My family could still be there.
01:01:31But the only thing I could see was a flag with a swastika.
01:01:36But what should we do?
01:01:41You must stay here. You're almost blind.
01:01:43It's very dangerous for you.
01:01:47I'll go to the camp.
01:01:49If I don't come back in an hour...
01:01:52You're still without me.
01:01:55I understand. Thank you, Isaac.
01:02:10Stop! Don't come any closer!
01:02:16Get up, Jew!
01:02:19Please! Help me!
01:02:21I need water!
01:02:23I said, get up!
01:02:25Please! Help me!
01:02:41I said, get up!
01:02:44I told you to get up!
01:02:48Who are you?
01:02:50Where am I?
01:02:53I'm hurt.
01:02:55I'm from the rocket factory.
01:02:57I survived the attack.
01:02:59I have information.
01:03:01Useful information.
01:03:11Jew, if you're still alive, get up.
01:03:21Please! Please don't shoot!
01:03:24The rifle is not loaded.
01:03:27How do you know?
01:03:29Because if it were, you would have shot me.
01:03:32Who are you? Why are you here?
01:03:35I'm Hans. They gave me this uniform and sent me here.
01:03:39Please let me go. I've never killed anyone.
01:03:42Where are the guards and the other prisoners?
01:03:45They ran away when they found out about the attack on the factory.
01:03:49They left us behind.
01:03:51Why did you stay?
01:03:53We did a raffle of those who would stay.
01:03:56I lost.
01:03:58Poor young fool.
01:04:00Take off that uniform.
01:04:02With a little luck, the allies will find you.
01:04:05Stay off the road.
01:04:07Do you know how French and English sound?
01:04:09I know.
01:04:10If you hear them, go slowly towards them with your hands up.
01:04:15When you see them, kneel and surrender.
01:04:20Now, go!
01:04:45The fuel is almost finished. It's time to go back.
01:06:15It looks like I'm at a disadvantage.
01:06:17You can press the trigger if you want.
01:06:20I'm here looking for my family.
01:06:23If they're dead, I have no desire to...
01:06:32My God!
01:06:34What's going on here?
01:06:36I don't know.
01:06:38I don't know either.
01:06:43My God!
01:06:45It's you!
01:06:47What are you doing here?
01:06:49Are you looking for my family?
01:06:51No, Isaac.
01:06:52I came here to find you.
01:06:56How did you know I'd be here?
01:06:59I had the feeling that...
01:07:02you'd come looking for your family.
01:07:05Very good feeling.
01:07:07I'm here, but...
01:07:09Do you know what happened to my family?
01:07:14I know where they are.
01:07:17They're alive?
01:07:29I made sure the others didn't leave.
01:07:33I knew that if you were alive, you'd come here.
01:07:37Captain, what's your real name?
01:07:45Could you show me where they are?
01:07:47I don't seem to know the way around here very well.
01:07:51Of course.
01:07:55Mrs. Fallenborg.
01:07:57You'll be pleased to know that we finally got the heaters for your pilot station.
01:08:02They were installed last night.
01:08:04Oh, that's very good.
01:08:06The tissues around my artificial limbs have been very cold and very painful.
01:08:12That will help.
01:08:14Anything else?
01:08:17Nurse Clara, the fog is very dense.
01:08:21Is it a good idea to go up?
01:08:24At the speed you travel, you will cross the clouds in a matter of seconds.
01:08:29Then the sky will be yours.
01:08:32I can only wait.
01:08:36I can't wait.
01:08:48I saw one of those rocket planes around here.
01:08:51There's a lot of fog down there, Captain.
01:08:59There it is.
01:09:00Keep an eye out, Captain.
01:09:02It's still not moving that fast.
01:09:04Let's say hello to it.
01:09:17I feel like ruining your day.
01:09:21Faster, faster.
01:09:24They're gaining speed now.
01:09:33God, the acceleration of that thing.
01:09:38I have the latest P-51 model here, and your rear is mine.
01:09:46Nobody catches up to you, Mrs. Fallenborg.
01:09:56You don't understand.
01:09:58I'm the fastest human on Earth.
01:10:03That's a rocket, gentlemen.
01:10:05We can't catch it, but we've deflected it from the 17.
01:10:11Where does that pilot think he's going?
01:10:13Altitude 3,000 meters.
01:10:43Oh, my God.
01:11:43Oh, my God.
01:12:13Oh, my God.
01:12:43Oh, my God.
01:13:13Oh, my God.
01:13:44Miriam, you're alive.
01:13:50Oh, my God. Isaac, Isaac.
01:13:53It's you. It's you.
01:13:57I dreamed of this day.
01:13:59Seeing you alive.
01:14:02Sometimes it was all I had to keep going.
01:14:05It was hard work, but it wasn't as bad as the mines.
01:14:10They gave us bread every day.
01:14:12It's okay. We're together.
01:14:15Benjamin, where is Benjamin?
01:14:17They separated us a month ago.
01:14:19The Germans were losing the war.
01:14:21Today we walked and there was no passenger.
01:14:23Because the officers had left.
01:14:25And the soldiers were leaving.
01:14:27They just left one behind.
01:14:29He's gone.
01:14:31It's okay.
01:14:33We have each other, and we'll find Benjamin.
01:14:40I have a young friend who needs us.
01:14:42Come. I'll take you with her.
01:14:45Okay. Let's see her.
01:14:50Who's there?
01:14:56Ana, I'm Isaac. I found my wife.
01:15:00I'm Miriam Abramovitz.
01:15:02You'll come with us.
01:15:04The Germans say the Allies are approaching mainly American and English soldiers.
01:15:09We'll be fine. I speak a little English.
01:15:12Will you take me with you?
01:15:14Of course. You need medical attention.
01:20:09To be continued...
