Operation Nutcracker (2024)

  • 2 months ago
When an antique nutcracker set to be auctioned at the Warby family Christmas charity goes missing, a demanding event planner and the heir to the Warby dynasty try to track it down.

00:00:30Oh, sorry, that was a close one.
00:00:45Hi, Dad.
00:00:46I can't really talk right now, but I'll call you back, okay?
00:00:50Love you.
00:00:55I thought I would stop in, but obviously there is no need, because this is a winter wonderland.
00:01:00Which reminds me, did you talk to the rental company about the snow...
00:01:04Snow machine already being set up.
00:01:06And I heard that the parents of the bride will be sitting separately.
00:01:09The seating arrangement has been adjusted.
00:01:12Lottie Morgan, you are a superstar, which brings me to the real reason I am here.
00:01:19The Warby family is looking for someone to take over their annual Christmas charity auction.
00:01:26The Warbys?
00:01:27As in the most philanthropic family in Boston?
00:01:29The very same.
00:01:31That's the most anticipated charity van of the season.
00:01:33I thought Montero Events was handling the account.
00:01:37You're kidding.
00:01:38Apparently, they weren't in sync with Mrs. Warby's vision, who is notoriously particular.
00:01:44So I've heard.
00:01:45Now, they're flying in a rare Nutcracker figure to raise money for a new wing at the Massachusetts
00:01:50Pediatric Hospital.
00:01:51And the entire event revolves around it.
00:01:54Got it.
00:01:57Oh, this is so exciting.
00:01:59I'm picturing a mountain of sugar plums, a corridor of tiny soldiers, and put all of
00:02:03that in your pitch.
00:02:06My pitch?
00:02:08We don't have the job yet.
00:02:10You are flying to Boston to interview.
00:02:12Erica Warby insists on meeting everyone in person before hiring.
00:02:18Are you sure you want me to be the one doing the pitching?
00:02:22Lottie, do not let your nerves get in the way, especially if you're going to head the
00:02:27Boston branch.
00:02:28We have a Boston branch.
00:02:30We want to expand.
00:02:31And I cannot think of a better person to lead our East Coast team.
00:02:35Besides, you grew up there.
00:02:36I mean, what better excuse to go home?
00:02:41Come on.
00:02:42Repeat after me.
00:02:43I've got this.
00:02:44I've got this.
00:02:45I've got this.
00:02:46I've got this.
00:02:47I've got this.
00:02:48I've got this.
00:02:50I've got this.
00:02:51Tristan, your flight was supposed to land in an hour.
00:02:53Flight change of plans?
00:02:54I'm on a layover in Chicago.
00:02:57My original flight was overbooked, so that gave up my seat.
00:02:59This really nice lady was trying to get home to her son for Christmas, so what was I supposed
00:03:00to do?
00:03:01Stand in the way of her one Christmas wish?
00:03:02What about my Christmas wish, Tristan?
00:03:03To have your favorite brother home for the holidays?
00:03:04To have this charity auction go off without a hitch?
00:03:05Mom just fired her event planner, and you know how she can get away with it.
00:03:06I don't know.
00:03:07I don't know.
00:03:08I don't know.
00:03:09I don't know.
00:03:10I don't know.
00:03:11I don't know.
00:03:12I don't know.
00:03:13I don't know.
00:03:14I don't know.
00:03:15I don't know.
00:03:16I don't know.
00:03:19Do you need help, buddy?
00:03:20To have this charity auction go off without a hitch?
00:03:21Mom just fired her event planner and you know how she can get, and you're my only brother,
00:03:23Well, I'll be home in no time.
00:03:24And I am sorry that I did not get Marriage Back Up.
00:03:25It's okay, but if you miss this next flight, I swear…
00:03:26Julies, I will be there.
00:03:32I'm just a little bit nervous, you know, that you'll disappear on me and I'll be
00:03:40left to deal with mom's stress all by myself.
00:03:41And here I thought you were just missing me.
00:03:42Of course I miss you.
00:03:43I'll be there.
00:03:44I promise.
00:03:45Oh, shoot. I'm being paged. I gotta run.
00:03:48Love you.
00:03:58Ho, ho, ho!
00:04:03Merry Christmas.
00:04:13Hey, there.
00:04:14You look like you could use one of these.
00:04:17Merry Christmas.
00:04:22I think that one's yours.
00:04:24That was a close one.
00:04:26Classic bag swap.
00:04:28Just like in a rom-com.
00:04:34You okay?
00:04:35I get clumsy when I'm nervous.
00:04:37Why so nervous?
00:04:38I'm going home for the first time in a while
00:04:40to interview for the biggest opportunity in my career.
00:04:43That, and I'm a terrible flyer.
00:04:45I used to be a nervous flyer, too.
00:04:47And I realized fear just holds you back
00:04:49from your potential.
00:04:50You just need to trust in the universe and breathe.
00:04:52And trust the pilot, hopefully.
00:04:55Thank you.
00:04:56So what's this opportunity of a lifetime?
00:04:58Oh, I'm interviewing to be the event planner
00:05:00for the Warby Christmas Charity Foundation.
00:05:03You don't say.
00:05:04Apparently, the head of the foundation
00:05:06is extremely particular.
00:05:07They're auctioning off this priceless nutcracker
00:05:09Anyway, I only found out about it yesterday,
00:05:11so I'm scrambling to come up with a pitch
00:05:13impressive enough to land me the job.
00:05:15If I may make a suggestion...
00:05:18Why not...
00:05:21lean into the nutcracker angle?
00:05:23You know, the whole theme of the ballet
00:05:25is about the power of dreams and imagination.
00:05:28Seems appropriate for a children's hospital gala.
00:05:30Yeah, so that was my first instinct,
00:05:32but I was worried it would be too on the nose.
00:05:34No, trust your gut.
00:05:35I say the more nutcracker, the better.
00:05:38Wait, I didn't say it was for a children's hospital.
00:05:41How did you know that?
00:05:42It was a lucky guess.
00:05:43You know, these events are usually
00:05:45for something like that, right?
00:05:53Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
00:05:54That's, uh...
00:05:55I promise not to let this bag out of my sight.
00:05:57So, uh...
00:05:59It's got something very, very valuable in it.
00:06:01So if you could just make this one exception, please.
00:06:04Uh, I'm sorry, sir.
00:06:06I'm sorry, sir. The flight is overboard.
00:06:10Sir, please.
00:06:13Thank you. Have a nice day.
00:06:19Thank you.
00:06:36Thank you.
00:06:56Excuse me.
00:07:06Excuse me.
00:07:07Miss, wait.
00:07:11Hey, wait.
00:07:13Uh, Lottie, right?
00:07:16Yeah, I think we had a little bag mix-up again.
00:07:18Oh, gosh.
00:07:20Thank you so much.
00:07:22We have to stop meat-cuting this way.
00:07:25Pretend I didn't say that.
00:07:27Sorry. No can do.
00:07:31Walk you out?
00:07:48I hope your big pitch goes well.
00:07:50Me too.
00:07:51And thanks again for calming me down.
00:07:53It really helps.
00:07:55My pleasure.
00:07:57Thank you.
00:08:01So, I guess this is goodbye.
00:08:03You know, I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other sooner than we think.
00:08:28I'm home.
00:08:36Welcome home, Al.
00:08:38Someone called in sick at the diner and I had to cover.
00:08:40See you soon, Dad.
00:09:16Welcome home, stranger.
00:09:18Oh, I missed you so much.
00:09:22Okay, a little scruffy.
00:09:24It's okay, you'll shave it off for the big event, though, right?
00:09:26I wasn't planning on it.
00:09:28Mom is going to love that.
00:09:30Is that Tristan I hear?
00:09:32Hi, Mom.
00:09:33How wonderful to have you home.
00:09:37I want to hear all about your travels.
00:09:39You're still so handsome.
00:09:41But the beard, it's going to go before the night of the auction, yes?
00:09:53I've got this.
00:09:56Morning, sweetie.
00:09:58Hey, Dad.
00:10:00So good to see you.
00:10:02You weren't working all night again, were you?
00:10:04Well, somebody's got to pick up the graveyard shift.
00:10:06I was thinking of making some pancakes for us.
00:10:08Well, that sounds good.
00:10:10But I've got this big job interview I've got to get to.
00:10:12Maybe dinner tonight?
00:10:14Friday is going to be another late one for me.
00:10:16Isn't there someone else who can take on some of your workload?
00:10:18You deserve a break.
00:10:20Look, I appreciate your concern.
00:10:22But we're short-staffed for Christmas.
00:10:24For Christmas, I've got to pick up the slack.
00:10:26And none of my employees are ever going to be as detail-oriented as you are.
00:10:30All right.
00:10:32Whatever you say, boss.
00:10:34We'll try again tomorrow?
00:10:36Love you.
00:10:38Love you, too.
00:10:40Good luck today.
00:10:54Thank you.
00:11:00Thank you.
00:11:16Oh, no.
00:11:24You must be Lottie Morgan.
00:11:26Of Lexington Events?
00:11:32What are you doing here?
00:11:34Well, my mom was kind enough to let me stay with her over the holidays.
00:11:38Your mom?
00:11:40Is Erica Warby?
00:11:44Which makes you...
00:11:46Tristan Warby. Pleased to meet you.
00:11:48How could you not tell me who you are?
00:11:50You just let me ramble on like that?
00:11:52Well, I couldn't exactly get...
00:11:54I am so humiliated.
00:11:56No, you shouldn't be.
00:11:58Wait. Does this make you my boss?
00:12:00No. That would be my mom.
00:12:02Well, now I'm completely thrown off.
00:12:04You are mean.
00:12:10Deep breaths.
00:12:12No, they have some great ideas.
00:12:14And I know people who've been very pleased with their work.
00:12:16But, look, I like tip-top events.
00:12:18But they are missing heart.
00:12:20Okay, Mom.
00:12:22Let me introduce Lottie Morgan
00:12:24of Lexington Events.
00:12:26Hello, Lottie. Pleased to meet you.
00:12:28Oh, thanks.
00:12:30So nice to meet you, Mrs. Warby.
00:12:32Is it okay if I call you Mrs. Warby?
00:12:34I don't know what else I would call you.
00:12:36Sorry. I'm a bit nervous.
00:12:38Oh, don't be, sweetie.
00:12:40This is my daughter, Julia.
00:12:42She's a surgeon at the Children's Hospital
00:12:44that we'll be raising money for,
00:12:46as was my husband.
00:12:48Needless to say,
00:12:50this is a cause that is very near and dear
00:12:52to our hearts.
00:12:54And this is my son, Tristan.
00:12:56Yes, yes. We've met.
00:12:58He's been traveling for the past year,
00:13:00expanding our Foundation's efforts
00:13:02and developing communities.
00:13:04It is my hope
00:13:06that he will take over
00:13:08the Foundation someday.
00:13:10Lottie was just telling me
00:13:12some of her ideas,
00:13:14and I think you'll be very impressed.
00:13:16So, why don't you two
00:13:20Of course.
00:13:22Sit, please.
00:13:38Let me just start off
00:13:40by saying what an honor it is to be
00:13:42even considered for a position like this.
00:13:45We at Lexington Events believe
00:13:47that it's the little details that make an evening
00:13:49special, but the true heart of the event lies
00:13:51in the cause.
00:13:53I remember the first time
00:13:55I saw the Nutcracker.
00:13:57I left that theater
00:13:59brimming with Christmas magic.
00:14:03I would escape to that world
00:14:05in my imagination whenever times were tough.
00:14:07To me,
00:14:09the Nutcracker symbolizes hope
00:14:11and resilience.
00:14:13Something I think the children at the hospital
00:14:15are in dire need of.
00:14:17I want your guests
00:14:19so immersed in this experience
00:14:21that by the time that Nutcracker is up
00:14:23for auction, there will be no price
00:14:25too high.
00:14:27I know how much this new wing at the hospital
00:14:29must mean to you and your family,
00:14:31and I promise you
00:14:33that with my help,
00:14:35you will raise the money for it.
00:14:43Hey, Larry.
00:14:45I think it went well.
00:14:47No, I didn't talk too fast.
00:14:49No? Okay.
00:14:51I'll talk to you later.
00:14:53Okay, bye.
00:14:57Why are you always here
00:14:59when I do stuff like this?
00:15:01You only do this when I'm around, huh?
00:15:03You're making me feel bad about myself.
00:15:07how'd the meeting go?
00:15:09Um, okay.
00:15:11Okay, I think.
00:15:13You know, once the shock
00:15:15of seeing you wore off.
00:15:17Sorry, again.
00:15:22Your mom is sort of hard to read.
00:15:24So am I here.
00:15:26Well, anyway,
00:15:28I should go.
00:15:30It was nice seeing you again.
00:15:32You don't want to see where you'll be working for the next week?
00:15:36What do you mean where I'll be working
00:15:38for the next week?
00:15:41Tell me.
00:15:43My mom loved your pitch.
00:15:45You got the job.
00:15:47What? Are you serious?
00:15:49Why didn't you lead with that?
00:15:51I like to have a little fun.
00:15:53I'd jump,
00:15:55but I don't want to break anything.
00:15:57My mom's been looking for someone
00:15:59who understands the heart of this event for ages.
00:16:03hey, it was your insight
00:16:05that inspired me.
00:16:07I never would have got this job without you.
00:16:09I know I'm wrong, but
00:16:11I'm happy to help.
00:16:13So does that mean you forgive me?
00:16:15Consider it water under the bridge.
00:16:17I'll show you to your office.
00:16:25So any questions?
00:16:27Can I see it?
00:16:29See what?
00:16:31This infamous nutcracker.
00:16:33Considering this whole event is centered around it,
00:16:35I should probably take a look.
00:16:37Go grab it.
00:16:47Now, it's extremely valuable,
00:16:49so if you don't mind,
00:16:53I'll be the one handling it
00:16:55to avoid any potential disaster.
00:16:57Fair enough.
00:17:01Well, that's not really
00:17:03what I was picturing.
00:17:05Where is it?
00:17:07What happened to it?
00:17:09This isn't my stuff.
00:17:11Well, you gave me
00:17:13my suitcase back at the airport,
00:17:17Someone else has my luggage
00:17:19with the nutcracker in it.
00:17:23My mother's going crazy.
00:17:25My mother's going to disown me.
00:17:27It was an honest mistake.
00:17:29I'm sure she'll understand.
00:17:31Oh, she can't find out.
00:17:33What do you mean?
00:17:35You have to tell her.
00:17:37Do I?
00:17:41Or we can just find the nutcracker
00:17:43and she'll be none the wiser.
00:17:45Explain this logic to me.
00:17:47That nutcracker is irreplaceable,
00:17:49and you just pitched an event
00:17:51which entirely revolves around it.
00:17:53We have to find it.
00:17:55Yeah, I don't think I'm comfortable with this.
00:17:57Please, we both have a lot to lose
00:17:59if this event doesn't go perfectly.
00:18:01I'm just on my way. I'll...
00:18:13I just wanted to say how thrilled I am
00:18:15to have you on board.
00:18:17And Tristan, I'm glad you're here
00:18:19because I was thinking,
00:18:21because we're in such a time crunch,
00:18:23it would be splendid
00:18:25if you gave Lottie a hand.
00:18:27I think that's a great idea.
00:18:29Oh, with all due respect,
00:18:31I'm more of a one-woman operation.
00:18:33Oh, nonsense.
00:18:35If Tristan is going to take over
00:18:37the Foundation someday,
00:18:39he has to learn what it takes
00:18:41to throw an event.
00:18:43So it's settled.
00:18:45Off you go. Get to work.
00:18:47Oh, before I go,
00:18:49I want you to see this precious nutcracker.
00:18:57You can't.
00:18:59Oh, why not?
00:19:01It's, uh...
00:19:03actually a crazy story.
00:19:07I accidentally swapped luggage
00:19:09with Lottie at the airport.
00:19:13Yeah, we were on the same flight
00:19:15with virtually the same luggage.
00:19:18Isn't that unbelievable?
00:19:20Yeah, it certainly is.
00:19:22We'll get it from Lottie's.
00:19:24I look forward to it.
00:19:26Sooner rather than later.
00:19:30Of course. We're on it.
00:19:36There. Are you happy?
00:19:38Now I'm all wrapped up in your mess.
00:19:40Of course I'm not happy,
00:19:42but at least this buys us some time
00:19:44so we can find it.
00:19:46Lottie, Lottie, think.
00:19:48If event planning has taught me anything,
00:19:50it's that there's a solution to every problem.
00:19:58Well, the contents of this suitcase
00:20:00could tell us a lot about the owner's whereabouts,
00:20:02but is it wrong to go through
00:20:04someone's stuff without their permission?
00:20:06I mean, if it's any consolation,
00:20:08this guy probably wants his stuff back, too.
00:20:10Good enough.
00:20:14Here we go.
00:20:16An agenda.
00:20:18I just, um, flipped the contact page
00:20:20and he didn't fill it out.
00:20:28Someone did.
00:20:30We know his name's Dave
00:20:32and he's a dad.
00:20:36I'm pretty sure the handwriting
00:20:38locks to this little one right here.
00:20:42So we know his name is Dave,
00:20:44he's a fan of festive knitwear,
00:20:46and he has a daughter.
00:20:50Where he'll be every day this week.
00:20:52We can just track him down.
00:20:54It'll be like a scavenger hunt.
00:20:56We'll call it Operation Nutcracker.
00:20:58I'll draw up a map.
00:21:02while you do...
00:21:06I'll call the airport.
00:21:22the reindeer need to go at the top,
00:21:24like they're flying.
00:21:26All right.
00:21:28All aboard the Dad Express.
00:21:30Dad, I'm too big for that now.
00:21:32No way. You are still my little girl.
00:21:34Now hop on. Let's go.
00:21:36All right.
00:21:40Okay, you know, you're right. You are too big.
00:21:42Okay, okay, okay.
00:21:44Coco's ready.
00:21:46Here you go, sweets.
00:21:50You know, Joey,
00:21:52why don't you go upstairs and get ready?
00:21:54Thanks, sweets.
00:22:02I think Joey was looking forward to having your
00:22:04undivided attention.
00:22:06You're right. I'm sorry.
00:22:08No more phones.
00:22:10Speaking of work, I got a booth
00:22:12at the Christmas market this year.
00:22:14Pam, that's amazing.
00:22:16Which means I'm going to have my hands full the next few days.
00:22:18Don't worry. I've got you covered this Christmas.
00:22:20I'm going to be Super Dad.
00:22:22Oh, I even managed to snag one of those collectible Bella Ballerina dolls.
00:22:26They're sold out everywhere.
00:22:28Look at you, Super Dad.
00:22:30Well, it was the only thing on her list.
00:22:32I better go wrap it before she finds it.
00:22:50Are you still on hold with the airline?
00:22:52Are you telling me you can't hear the stimulating conversation?
00:22:54Ha ha.
00:22:56Well, while you wait, why don't you check his bag
00:22:58for more clues?
00:23:00Thank you for continuing to hold.
00:23:02How can you really decipher from a bunch of suit jackets
00:23:04into a novelty doll?
00:23:08I mean, he's obviously a working dad who's trying to make up for lost time
00:23:10with his daughter over the holidays.
00:23:12Well, sure. I'll catch up with that together.
00:23:14Well, he only packed suits,
00:23:16which means he's a business traveler.
00:23:18His personals are meticulously organized
00:23:20in air porter-proof bags,
00:23:22which means he travels often.
00:23:24Every activity in his agenda centers around his kid
00:23:26and let's not forget the Brenna Ballerina doll
00:23:28with the limited edition tutu.
00:23:30I'd say he's trying to make up for something.
00:23:32Hmm. Trust me.
00:23:34I know a workaholic dad when I see one.
00:23:38That's incredible.
00:23:40You did that while you were also...
00:23:42I'm a multitasker.
00:23:44So these are the spots we need to hit.
00:23:46First, the Christmas market.
00:23:48Then, Santa's workshop.
00:23:50Followed by Millie's bakery.
00:23:52Then, the Maryland Christmas tree lot.
00:23:54And finally, Santa forbid, if we haven't found it by then,
00:23:56the West Boston Ballet's production
00:23:58of The Nutcracker.
00:24:00You are...
00:24:02This is very good.
00:24:04Thank you for continuing to hold.
00:24:06Your call is very important to us.
00:24:08An agent will be with you shortly.
00:24:14Dad, where are you?
00:24:18You ready to hit the road?
00:24:20You know, I actually need to make a quick
00:24:22phone call. Do you mind taking her?
00:24:24But you said you were going
00:24:26to take me to rehearsal.
00:24:28I know, sweetie, but this is really important.
00:24:30I promise,
00:24:32after this, I am done.
00:24:34And then, I'll pick you up from ballet,
00:24:36and we can go straight to the... Christmas market.
00:24:44Come on, Joey.
00:24:50Hello? Anybody there?
00:24:52Hi, yes, I'm here. I'm sorry.
00:24:54I need to report a lost bag.
00:24:57Has anyone called in about a
00:24:59forest green, hard
00:25:01carry-on case?
00:25:03Oh, forest green? How festive.
00:25:05Yeah, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
00:25:07Yes, please.
00:25:09That's what I was
00:25:11hoping you could help me with
00:25:13right now.
00:25:15Uh, listen, you sound like
00:25:17a nice guy, so I'm going to level with you.
00:25:19I don't think you're going to get your bag back before Christmas.
00:25:23My daughter's printed ballerina doll is in there.
00:25:25I hear those have been sold out for weeks.
00:25:29Which is why
00:25:31I need your help with this.
00:25:33Your best bet is to go on our website,
00:25:35fill out the FP21 form,
00:25:37and hope for a Christmas miracle.
00:25:39Good luck.
00:25:41But if you could just please help...
00:25:45Lost luggage, this is Rhonda speaking.
00:25:47How may I help you?
00:25:51Yes, I was on flight 373 to Boston,
00:25:53and I seem to have found myself
00:25:55in a bit of a suitcase swap situation.
00:25:59Is it?
00:26:01Yeah, we have a record number of lost bags
00:26:03this holiday season.
00:26:05Oh, great.
00:26:07Well, I'll tell you what I told our last guy.
00:26:09Go online, fill out our form, FP21,
00:26:11and hope for a Christmas miracle.
00:26:15Thanks for your help.
00:26:17Merry Christmas.
00:26:19Where are these coming from?
00:26:21Looks like Operation Nutcracker
00:26:23might be our only hope.
00:26:25Only five days till Christmas Eve.
00:26:27You better get a move on.
00:26:31Don't wait up.
00:26:35Better take the bag.
00:26:43Just trying to come up with the most efficient route
00:26:45so that each stop on Operation Nutcracker
00:26:47lines up with my vendors for the fundraiser.
00:26:51I grew up here.
00:26:55I'm sure your family must be happy
00:26:57to have you home for the holidays.
00:26:59It's actually just my dad and I,
00:27:01and we've barely seen each other.
00:27:03We both work a lot. It's kind of our thing.
00:27:05We're like two ships in the night.
00:27:07That's a shame.
00:27:09It is what it is.
00:27:11Okay, keep your eyes peeled
00:27:13for a man and his daughter, hopefully,
00:27:15wearing matching scarves.
00:27:21Might help if you looked up from your phone.
00:27:23I'm just putting out feelers
00:27:25for some alternative auction items
00:27:27just in case we don't find it.
00:27:29Hey, have a little faith.
00:27:31Incredible things happen around this time of year.
00:27:33Potential day at twelve o'clock.
00:27:35Oh no, I've got him over here.
00:27:37No, find him!
00:27:43Hey! Hey, Dave!
00:27:45Flight Ensemble!
00:27:51I thought you were someone else.
00:27:53Merry Christmas.
00:28:07Oh, wow. These look great.
00:28:09This is some really nice stuff.
00:28:11Oh, thank you so much.
00:28:13How long have you been doing this?
00:28:15It's relatively new.
00:28:17May as well do it. Makes you happy.
00:28:21I'm really hoping this market gives me
00:28:23the exposure I need to help get my business off the ground.
00:28:27Do you have a website?
00:28:29I do. Just right here.
00:28:31Right in front of me.
00:28:33I was wondering if you have seen...
00:28:37Ma'am, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
00:28:39Do you mind?
00:28:41No, not at all.
00:28:43Good luck.
00:28:47I lost sight of the target.
00:28:49This might be harder than we thought.
00:28:51We should just tell your mom before it's too late.
00:28:53We still have time.
00:28:55And Christmas magic on our side.
00:28:57You don't believe what they say about the nutcracker, do you?
00:28:59That it leads you to your fate?
00:29:01Of course I do.
00:29:07So I'm paragliding in a remote corner of the Swiss Alps
00:29:09when I come across this man nearly frozen to death.
00:29:11I rescue him...
00:29:13Very impressive, but what does this have to do with the nutcracker?
00:29:15Be patient, Sly. I'm getting there.
00:29:17While visiting Petrop in the hospital,
00:29:19he tells me he is the great-grandson
00:29:21of the Desta von Eck.
00:29:23Tchaikovsky's patroness?
00:29:27He inherits a fortune and the nutcracker,
00:29:29which completely turns his life around.
00:29:33So Petrop's fate was to nearly die on the ski hill?
00:29:35Only to be rescued by me.
00:29:37He was so grateful he donated the nutcracker
00:29:39to the Foundation.
00:29:41See? It's fate.
00:29:43And your fate was to immediately lose said nutcracker?
00:29:47What are the chances?
00:29:49You and I have virtually the same bag,
00:29:51are on the same flight,
00:29:53and both of our futures rely on that nutcracker.
00:29:55I wasn't even meant to be on that flight.
00:29:57Face it, Lottie.
00:29:59You weren't meant to be.
00:30:01Huh. So this ulcer forming in my stomach
00:30:03is happening for a reason.
00:30:17This looks just like the real one.
00:30:23I'm pretty sure trying to auction off a $50 nutcracker
00:30:25to pass as the real thing would be considered fraud.
00:30:27We'll just use it as a placeholder
00:30:29until we find the real one.
00:30:33I hope it works.
00:30:35How do you expect to pull off this big event
00:30:37if you can't tap into your inner child
00:30:39and believe that anything's possible?
00:30:41Especially this time of year.
00:30:43Not everyone's Christmas looks like something out of a movie.
00:30:45For some people,
00:30:47it's just a reminder of what you don't have.
00:30:49I get that,
00:30:51but Christmas is about so much more than just stuff.
00:30:53It's about helping the less fortunate.
00:30:55I guess Christmas spirit
00:30:57just doesn't come naturally to me.
00:30:59Maybe it's time we changed that.
00:31:02I can't wait to see all of Mommy's flowers.
00:31:04Yeah, and I can't wait
00:31:06to see you dancing the Nutcracker Ballet
00:31:08this Christmas.
00:31:18So we didn't find Dave.
00:31:20At least we accomplished something.
00:31:22Did you end up rapping?
00:31:28Oh, it's been so long.
00:31:30Great to see you.
00:31:32How's Harvard?
00:31:34Graduated. Starting up the firm in the new year.
00:31:38It was always the dream, huh?
00:31:40Vanessa, this is Lottie Morgan,
00:31:42event planner extraordinaire.
00:31:44Nice to meet you, Lottie.
00:31:46Well, we have
00:31:48a lot to do before the big event,
00:31:50so we better get back to it.
00:31:52Well, don't forget about the annual
00:31:54Christmas tree decorating party
00:31:56with Vanessa's family.
00:31:58I'm making a significant bid
00:32:00on this famous nutcracker,
00:32:02so I'm sure we'd love a sneak peek.
00:32:04Okay, you got it.
00:32:12Good thing we got that decoy.
00:32:14Yeah, I'm starting to think
00:32:16it's not going to cut it.
00:32:18What? You said it was identical.
00:32:20Well, except for one detail.
00:32:22The red emblem on its hat.
00:32:26I got it.
00:32:32And that
00:32:34should do it.
00:32:36Do you travel everywhere with a Mary Poppins bag
00:32:38full of art supplies?
00:32:40You never know when you're going to have an emergency.
00:32:42You know, when we met, you were all nerves.
00:32:44I'll look at you.
00:32:46This? This is easy.
00:32:48This I can control.
00:32:52What do you think?
00:32:56How did you...
00:32:58I don't think anyone's going to be able
00:33:00to tell the difference.
00:33:02Like I said, it's all in the details.
00:33:04I'll see you tomorrow.
00:33:06See you tomorrow.
00:33:22what are you going to ask Santa for?
00:33:24Are you sure I'm not too old
00:33:26to sit on Santa's lap?
00:33:28Nah. I mean, look at these other kids.
00:33:30They're giants.
00:33:32But if you want, you can just
00:33:34sit on the arm of his chair.
00:33:36It just feels silly.
00:33:38Christmas wishes don't come true.
00:33:42What do you mean?
00:33:44I don't know.
00:33:46I don't know.
00:33:48What? What do you mean?
00:33:50Last year, I asked for you to get a new job
00:33:52so you could stay home more.
00:33:54And that didn't come true.
00:33:56Well, I'm here now, aren't I?
00:33:58And we're having fun, right?
00:34:00I guess it couldn't hurt to remind him
00:34:02about wearing a ballerina.
00:34:04Yeah. Yeah.
00:34:06But maybe you can come up with a couple
00:34:08of, you know, back-ups or...
00:34:12You know what? Never mind.
00:34:14Santa has plenty of helpers
00:34:16over time to help special kids' Christmas wishes
00:34:18come true, and that includes
00:34:26Daddy? Hmm?
00:34:28I really don't think I should meet Santa today.
00:34:30I'm not feeling so well.
00:34:34Hey, let's, um...
00:34:36Let's get you home, okay?
00:34:42Ugh. My florist double-booked me.
00:34:44So much for your fate theory.
00:34:48Okay, not so fast.
00:34:50I actually met a florist
00:34:52at the Christmas market.
00:34:54I think we should give her a chance.
00:34:56I don't know.
00:34:58Does she have enough experience?
00:35:00We have an opportunity to help a children's hospital
00:35:02and a small business owner.
00:35:04Come on, Lottie. Take a chance.
00:35:06I don't take chances.
00:35:08Why not?
00:35:10When you're as accident-prone as I am,
00:35:12you can't leave anything to chance.
00:35:14I can't afford to just blindly trust in fate.
00:35:18Sometimes it's the things you least expect
00:35:20that have the biggest impact on your life.
00:35:22And sometimes
00:35:24it's the things you least expect that disappoint you the most.
00:35:26Well, that's rather pessimistic.
00:35:28I'm a realist.
00:35:30Not all of us got to grow up in a fairy tale.
00:35:32Ha! Trust me.
00:35:34My life hasn't always been a fairy tale.
00:35:38Come on. Just look at your stuff.
00:35:44But if I see one wilted poinsettia...
00:35:46You won't.
00:35:48Besides, it's not going to affect how much money
00:35:50we raise for the children.
00:35:52But you know what will affect how much money we raise?
00:35:54Not finding the nutcracker.
00:35:56Which reminds me...
00:35:58I made these posters.
00:36:00Seriously, do you have a team of elves working for you?
00:36:02No time for questions, okay?
00:36:04You take half.
00:36:06You take half.
00:36:11Oh, no!
00:36:19That's unfortunate.
00:36:21But what if Dave's walking along
00:36:23and one of those flyers happens to hit him in the face?
00:36:25Let's just have faith in...
00:36:27You say Christmas magic, I swear.
00:36:33We'll just post these everywhere.
00:36:36Eventually he's bound to see them.
00:36:38That's it!
00:36:40What's it?
00:36:42The Russian dance from the nutcracker.
00:36:44You have to incorporate these.
00:36:46We could use them for our centerpiece game.
00:36:48They could be our version of Pass the Parcel.
00:36:50It's perfect!
00:36:52But what's Pass the Parcel?
00:36:54It's a classic Christmas game.
00:36:56You pass around a wrapped gift,
00:36:58and whoever unwraps the final layer wins the prize.
00:37:00You've really never played Pass the Parcel?
00:37:05What stuff did you do?
00:37:07Just, you know.
00:37:11Someone so detail-oriented
00:37:13you sure leave some out.
00:37:15Come on, Lottie.
00:37:17Open up.
00:37:19Okay, if you must know,
00:37:21my dad owns a 24-7 diner,
00:37:23so instead of hanging stockings by the fireplace,
00:37:25I was usually working on Christmas.
00:37:27I'm sorry.
00:37:29It's all right. It's what gave me such a strong work ethic.
00:37:31Maybe this year you can change all that.
00:37:33It's like you said.
00:37:35Christmas is about spending time with family,
00:37:37and my dad and I are as busy as ever,
00:37:39so I've made my peace with it.
00:37:43Have you?
00:37:45Start filling that basket.
00:37:53You're gonna have to pay for that.
00:37:57Deny it all you want,
00:37:59but everything seems to be happening for a reason.
00:38:01Oh, Tristan!
00:38:03What are you two doing here?
00:38:05I run a reading circle for inner-city youth,
00:38:07so I'm just picking up some extra books.
00:38:09It's great that you still do that.
00:38:11Yeah, it's been going on eight years.
00:38:13I just love how literature can change a life.
00:38:15It's amazing.
00:38:17We should make sure to catch up later.
00:38:21Yeah, well,
00:38:23good luck with your adventures.
00:38:29You okay?
00:38:33Vanessa's really something.
00:38:37Our parents go way back.
00:38:39I think it was always their hope
00:38:41that we'd end up together one day.
00:38:43She definitely seems like your type.
00:38:45She's great,
00:38:47but it never felt
00:38:49quite right with us.
00:38:51Like, it wasn't natural.
00:38:53I'd like to think that fate would
00:38:55leave me to my person one of these days.
00:38:59So what exactly do you think my type is?
00:39:01Oh, you know,
00:39:03she's beautiful,
00:39:07well-educated, poised,
00:39:11I think it's people's imperfections
00:39:13that make them special.
00:39:33I thought it would be heavier.
00:39:35What are you doing?
00:39:37I just wanted to see it in the flesh.
00:39:39Or, um, glittery wood, as it turns out.
00:39:41Okay, okay, that's enough.
00:39:45That's enough.
00:39:47I don't think so.
00:39:49Can you please be careful?
00:39:51Can I please help?
00:39:53No, you cannot.
00:39:55What are you, five?
00:39:59I see what you guys
00:40:01were like as kids.
00:40:03Mom's going
00:40:05to kill me.
00:40:07No, she's not.
00:40:09This nutcracker is all she talks about
00:40:11and I just broke it.
00:40:13I'll be cursed for all eternity.
00:40:15It's not real.
00:40:17What, the curse?
00:40:21The nutcracker.
00:40:23That's just a decoy.
00:40:25I have lost the real one.
00:40:27I'm sorry.
00:40:29I must have misunderstood.
00:40:31I thought you just said you
00:40:33lost the nutcracker?
00:40:37How could you?
00:40:39We'll find it. We've got a plan.
00:40:41It's a long story, but you're just going to have to trust us.
00:40:43Trust you?
00:40:45How am I supposed to trust either of you?
00:40:47Lottie, this is a fireball offense.
00:40:49If my mom was to find out...
00:40:51Don't blame Lottie, okay?
00:40:53I need you to help me get that nutcracker back.
00:40:57Fine. Sorry, Lottie.
00:40:59You, on the other hand,
00:41:01have until the 23rd
00:41:03to find it.
00:41:05Otherwise, I will have no choice but to
00:41:07tell Mom about this.
00:41:19Thanks for standing up for me.
00:41:23You don't have to thank me.
00:41:27You've been helping me fix my stupid mistake.
00:41:29I don't think I properly
00:41:31thanked you.
00:41:35I couldn't do this without you.
00:41:39Well, you're welcome.
00:41:45I should go. It's getting late
00:41:47and I still have a lot of stuff
00:41:49to do.
00:41:53Maybe work a little less
00:41:55tonight and make some time for your dad.
00:42:16Hi, Hillary.
00:42:18How's it going over there? Is everything out of control?
00:42:20As much as it can be.
00:42:22Good, because I'm hoping to sign a lease
00:42:24on an amazing office space downtown.
00:42:26Oh. So it's really happening.
00:42:28Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is all really happening.
00:42:30So have you seen this legendary
00:42:32nutcracker yet?
00:42:34Not yet, but hopefully really soon.
00:42:36There's a lot of buzz about this event.
00:42:38I'm counting on you, Lottie.
00:42:40I won't let you down, Hillary.
00:42:42Dad, I'm home.
00:42:46I brought Chinese.
00:42:48I would have loved to, hon,
00:42:50but I'm hosting a private
00:42:52holiday dinner at the diner tonight.
00:42:54Maybe tomorrow?
00:42:56Tomorrow might be tricky.
00:42:58But at least we have Christmas together.
00:43:02I will definitely be home in time for Christmas dinner.
00:43:04You're working Christmas Day?
00:43:09Sorry, sweetie. It's a 24-hour diner.
00:43:11You know how it is.
00:43:13Of course.
00:43:15I love you, hon.
00:43:17Love you, too.
00:43:29Looks like you've been busy.
00:43:31You know, despite not actually having
00:43:33the nutcracker,
00:43:35I think the event's going to be great.
00:43:37I thought of this adorable idea
00:43:39for the name cards.
00:43:41These frosted pinecones.
00:43:45Lottie, hard at work, I see.
00:43:47I take it everything is going well.
00:43:51Why don't I walk you through
00:43:53some of our ideas
00:43:55that we've come up with.
00:43:57I was thinking a candy cane arch
00:43:59for the entryway.
00:44:03And our table game
00:44:05is pass the parcel
00:44:07with these gorgeous Russian dolls.
00:44:09You know, like the Russian dance.
00:44:11Oh, I get it.
00:44:13Yeah, oh, cute.
00:44:15And finally,
00:44:17I came up with these little
00:44:19frosted pinecones
00:44:21for the name cards.
00:44:25Not exactly on theme.
00:44:29You're right.
00:44:31There's no dance with the pinecones.
00:44:33Back to the drawing board.
00:44:35But it seems
00:44:37to be coming along nicely overall.
00:44:43just not forget
00:44:45what the meaning
00:44:47of this event is, okay?
00:44:49You know that I hired you because
00:44:51I felt that you had heart.
00:44:53Let's just be sure
00:44:55that we see that, all right?
00:44:57Of course.
00:44:59Oh, Tristan,
00:45:01before I go, I really would
00:45:03finally like to see the nutcracker.
00:45:05Oh, shoot.
00:45:07We brought it to the auctioneers
00:45:09yesterday to have it appraised.
00:45:11But you knew that I wanted to see it.
00:45:15though I suppose it's in safer hands.
00:45:19We certainly wouldn't want anything happening to it.
00:45:21No, we wouldn't.
00:45:23Well, carry on.
00:45:30This is a disaster!
00:45:32We should have just come clean from the start
00:45:34so I could have spent more time on the event
00:45:36and less time chasing down some lost antique.
00:45:38And what did she mean,
00:45:40don't lose sight of what the event's about?
00:45:42I know it's about raising money for the kids.
00:45:44It's more personal than that for her.
00:45:51When Jules was seven,
00:45:53she was diagnosed with leukemia
00:45:55and she spent years
00:45:57in and out of the hospital.
00:45:59And when she was finally cancer-free,
00:46:01my parents made it
00:46:03their life's mission to
00:46:05support the incredible staff
00:46:07who help families going through
00:46:09some of the toughest times of their lives.
00:46:15I had no idea.
00:46:19I feel like
00:46:21I owe you an apology.
00:46:23For what?
00:46:25Well, I sort of assumed
00:46:27that life was somehow
00:46:29easy on you.
00:46:31But it turns out
00:46:33we all have our own struggles.
00:46:39we just need to breathe
00:46:41and regroup.
00:46:43You need a seven-second hug.
00:46:45I do?
00:46:47Yeah. Studies show
00:46:49that a seven-second hug releases serotonin,
00:46:51which has a calming effect on the brain.
00:46:55Oh, okay.
00:47:05Is the counting necessary?
00:47:07Sorry. Okay, I'm ahead.
00:47:15And seven.
00:47:21Anything any better?
00:47:23Yeah. Actually,
00:47:29a wise woman once told me that there is a solution
00:47:31to every problem.
00:47:33We'll find new place card holders
00:47:35and the Nutcracker.
00:47:37Everything will be fine.
00:47:41I guess
00:47:43it's time for
00:47:45step three of
00:47:47Operation Nutcracker.
00:47:51I'll, uh...
00:48:09Excuse me.
00:48:11Uh, Willie?
00:48:13I was wondering if you've seen this man.
00:48:17When did you see him?
00:48:19Two hours ago.
00:48:21Ordered a dozen marzipan mice.
00:48:25Okay, do you happen to know
00:48:27where he went?
00:48:29His address?
00:48:31Maybe even his last name?
00:48:33It would be on his order.
00:48:35Well, can we take a look?
00:48:38Can we take a look?
00:48:40Because he has something very important
00:48:42that we need to get back, so...
00:48:44You don't have to ask my manager.
00:48:46Great. Can we speak to him?
00:48:48He left this morning to go see his family for Christmas.
00:48:50Okay, well,
00:48:52thanks anyway.
00:48:54Wait, did you say marzipan mice?
00:48:56Yeah, here. Take a look at these little guys.
00:48:58This is like the mice
00:49:00from the marzipan dance with the Mouse King.
00:49:02We should use these
00:49:04as the name card holders.
00:49:06Incredible, so zero waste.
00:49:08Maybe Christmas magic is real.
00:49:10I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear that.
00:49:12Could you say that just a bit louder?
00:49:14Willie, I'm gonna need you to make at least
00:49:16200 more of these mice.
00:49:18Just fill this form out with your name and your address.
00:49:20While she's doing that,
00:49:22how about you give me that cell phone number for your manager?
00:49:36Okay, Tiny Tim,
00:49:38I am back
00:49:40from Millie's bakery.
00:49:44Marzipan mice.
00:49:46They're perfect.
00:49:48There's an extra one in there for you,
00:49:50but, um, don't tell Mom, okay?
00:49:52What are you two up to?
00:49:56Listen, Joey,
00:49:58I was just speaking with your dance teacher,
00:50:00and with you being sick,
00:50:02she unfortunately can't make it.
00:50:04And with you being sick,
00:50:06she unfortunately has to pull you from the show.
00:50:08Oh, sweetie, don't cry.
00:50:10I'll never get to be Clara.
00:50:12Oh, that's not true, honey.
00:50:14You know what?
00:50:16Sit tight. I will be right back.
00:50:30I'm so sorry.
00:50:34with your very own nutcracker,
00:50:36you can be Clara right here.
00:50:38And I'll even dress up as the mouse game.
00:50:40This is awesome.
00:50:42He is very fancy.
00:50:44Very fancy.
00:50:48Do I even want to know where you got that from?
00:50:50I don't even know where I got it from.
00:50:56Nice and tight.
00:50:58There it is.
00:51:04now that you're done helping everyone else in the world,
00:51:06shall we get back to finding Dave?
00:51:10And finding the most breathtaking tree
00:51:12for the ballroom?
00:51:14You should take that.
00:51:16Oh, it's fine. It's just my dad.
00:51:18I'm starting to think you're trying to avoid him.
00:51:20Why would I avoid him?
00:51:22I don't know. You tell me.
00:51:26I guess I'm worried that once we do
00:51:28make time for each other,
00:51:30after my mom passed away,
00:51:32he buried himself in his work
00:51:34to distract from the heartache,
00:51:36and I guess I just followed suit.
00:51:38Now, so many years
00:51:40have gone by,
00:51:42and it feels like we don't really know each other anymore.
00:51:44So, yeah.
00:51:46I guess I am avoiding him.
00:51:48A little.
00:51:50Work brought you all the way out here at Christmas.
00:51:52Kind of feels like
00:51:54the universe is trying to tell you something.
00:51:56You wouldn't understand.
00:52:00I'm sorry about your mom.
00:52:02I can actually relate.
00:52:06I come from this
00:52:08very respected family.
00:52:10My mother's the head of the Warby Foundation.
00:52:12My sister's becoming a surgeon,
00:52:14like my father.
00:52:16Me? I chose to spend my time
00:52:18traveling the world.
00:52:20Running away.
00:52:22But in doing so,
00:52:24I missed out on what little time
00:52:26I had left with my dad.
00:52:28I'm sorry
00:52:30about your dad.
00:52:34I appreciate you being so open.
00:52:36I know it's not easy.
00:52:40Vulnerability has never come naturally to me.
00:52:44somehow you
00:52:46make it feel easy.
00:52:52I think this is it.
00:52:54A perfect tree.
00:52:56Another Christmas miracle.
00:53:00You know, I had my doubts, but
00:53:02it seems like we always find
00:53:04what we're looking for.
00:53:08Me too.
00:53:12I should give these
00:53:14to him. Hopefully he can
00:53:16put them up everywhere and then if Dave comes by
00:53:18he'll see them and call us.
00:53:20Don't worry, he's already come and gone.
00:53:22I mean, if he were here doing anything,
00:53:24I'm sorry, what happened to Mr. Optimistic?
00:53:26Oh, I'm optimistic about
00:53:38Pam, these arrangements are beautiful.
00:53:40I don't know how I'm going to choose.
00:53:42Oh, my daughter was going to be in the Nutcracker this year, so I am
00:53:44well acquainted with the theme.
00:53:46Was? Yeah, she got
00:53:48sick and we had to pull her from the show.
00:53:50Aww. She must be devastated.
00:53:52You have no idea.
00:53:54Tristan, can I
00:53:56steal you for one sec?
00:54:04So, have you found it?
00:54:06No, I'll be still on time.
00:54:08You have two days left until the event.
00:54:10We cannot keep this from Mom forever.
00:54:12She will find out.
00:54:14Give us one more day, and if I can't find it
00:54:16I will tell Mom myself.
00:54:18I'm sorry, Jules.
00:54:20All I want to do is let you and Mom down.
00:54:22You could never let me down.
00:54:24I only want you to succeed
00:54:26and take over this foundation
00:54:28for selfish reasons.
00:54:30I missed you. I want you home.
00:54:32I missed you, too.
00:54:34I promise, I will make this right.
00:54:36I know you will.
00:54:42This is tricky, but let's go with
00:54:44the Sugar Plum arrangement.
00:54:46Oh, uh,
00:54:49I have to take this.
00:54:57Okay. Yeah.
00:54:59Sure. I will be
00:55:01right there.
00:55:03Everything okay?
00:55:05I'm so sorry, but
00:55:07my daughter's fever spiked and we have to take her to the
00:55:09hospital. Oh, gosh.
00:55:11I'm so sorry. Go. Go, go.
00:55:13Everything will be done in two days.
00:55:15You can trust me with this. Thank you so
00:55:17much for the opportunity.
00:55:19Poor girl. I hope everything's okay.
00:55:21So do I.
00:55:25We're not gonna find this nutcracker, are we?
00:55:27We have one more opportunity to find Dave
00:55:29tonight at the ballet.
00:55:31If we don't,
00:55:33I'll tell my mom first thing in the morning
00:55:35and I'll make sure she knows he had nothing
00:55:37to do with it. It's all on me.
00:55:41Just hate to let her down.
00:55:43Me, too.
00:55:45I was just starting
00:55:47to look forward to moving back home to
00:55:51That'd be nice.
00:56:03Pardon me.
00:56:15Looks like we're seeing Claire's understudy tonight.
00:56:17These seats are great.
00:56:19You and your family
00:56:21do this every year?
00:56:23We used to when we were kids.
00:56:25It's the one time a year we could all
00:56:27slow down.
00:56:29I saw the nutcracker runs with my family.
00:56:31It was one of my happiest memories.
00:56:33Maybe this year's an opportunity
00:56:35to make some new ones with your dad.
00:56:37Sometimes I feel like
00:56:39he's the one avoiding me.
00:56:43seeing me just reminds him of my mom
00:56:45and just makes him sadder.
00:56:47She was the glue
00:56:49that held us together.
00:56:51I'm sure she'd want
00:56:53you to try.
00:56:59Binoculars. Seriously.
00:57:01They're for looking at Dave.
00:57:05Come on, Tristan. Look.
00:57:07I'd rather be looking at you.
00:57:09I love you.
00:57:39I love you.
00:58:11no, Dave.
00:58:13I might as well call my boss right now
00:58:15and resign.
00:58:17Don't do that.
00:58:19Oh, I have a missed call from the airline.
00:58:21This is the airport. Lost and found.
00:58:23We've located a green carry-on...
00:58:27They think they found your bag.
00:58:29You're kidding.
00:58:33Let's go.
00:58:35Well, they're closed right now, but I'll call first thing tomorrow.
00:58:37It's my responsibility.
00:58:39I can't believe it.
00:58:41Just when we were about to throw in the towel.
00:58:43I can't believe I'm about to say this, but
00:58:45maybe the nutcracker
00:58:47is fated.
00:58:53Well, thank you for this.
00:58:55This was fun.
00:58:57You're welcome.
00:58:59I guess I'll see you tomorrow when all of our problems have
00:59:01magically gone away.
00:59:07Last Luggage Department.
00:59:09This is Rhonda speaking.
00:59:11How can I help you?
00:59:13Hi. Hello.
00:59:15I got a call last night about my missing luggage.
00:59:17It's a forest green...
00:59:19It's on carry-on.
00:59:21Yes, a very sweet man dropped this off last night.
00:59:23Can you describe some of the items in it?
00:59:25Namely, a one-of-a-kind
00:59:27priceless antique nutcracker
00:59:29with a red emblem on its hat.
00:59:31Sorry, sugarplum.
00:59:33All I've got here is a collection of
00:59:35very questionable sweaters.
00:59:37No nutcracker, then?
00:59:39Unless you're talking about this one on this sweater.
00:59:41No. Terribly sorry. Good luck!
00:59:45Have a merry Christmas.
00:59:51Yeah, those sweaters definitely aren't mine.
00:59:55Thanks anyway. Merry Christmas.
00:59:59How's she doing?
01:00:01Oh, she's
01:00:03hanging in.
01:00:05How are you?
01:00:07Not great.
01:00:09Listen, I have to
01:00:11come clean about something.
01:00:13My luggage got swapped
01:00:15at the airport, and
01:00:17I don't have rent-a-ballerina.
01:00:21You're not upset?
01:00:23Our daughter's Christmas
01:00:25is ruined. She couldn't play
01:00:27Clara, then she's in the hospital,
01:00:29and now she's not even going to get what she wanted most for Christmas.
01:00:32Dave, all she wants
01:00:34is time with you.
01:00:40You're right. I'm sorry.
01:00:56My, my.
01:00:58What's all this?
01:01:00Some samples from the caterer to serve your guests tonight.
01:01:02Well, if this is a preview
01:01:04of tomorrow's gala,
01:01:06I'll already color me impressed.
01:01:08You really do go above and beyond.
01:01:10Thank you, Mrs. Warby.
01:01:12Call me Erica.
01:01:16I'm curious.
01:01:18What drew you to event planning
01:01:20in the first place?
01:01:22Well, I
01:01:24I've always loved
01:01:26bringing people's dreams to life.
01:01:28One tiny detail at a time.
01:01:32You remind me of myself.
01:01:34I know that
01:01:36I have a reputation for being a stickler
01:01:38for details, but
01:01:42you know, when my daughter got sick,
01:01:44it really
01:01:46shifted my perspective.
01:01:52It helped me to see the big picture.
01:01:54You know
01:01:56that I hired you because your vision
01:01:58has heart.
01:02:00Mrs. Warby,
01:02:04you have no idea
01:02:06how much that means to me.
01:02:10Hey, Mom.
01:02:12Oh, I actually
01:02:14have to take this. Excuse me.
01:02:18I just had a moment with your mom there.
01:02:20It's kind of a breakthrough.
01:02:22Did you get the bag back?
01:02:24It was the wrong one.
01:02:26Oh, no.
01:02:28The event's tomorrow. I know.
01:02:30We have to tell her.
01:02:32I know we do.
01:02:38maybe we'll still raise enough money
01:02:40without the nutcracker.
01:02:42Would that even be enough?
01:02:44Way ahead of you.
01:02:46I reached out to your sister, and she put me in touch
01:02:48with the head nurse at the hospital.
01:02:50We'll have the kids write thank you cards to the donors
01:02:52to remind them just how much the funds mean to them.
01:02:54We'll put the cards in the tree at the event
01:02:56for everyone to read.
01:02:58By the way, I was hoping you could pick up the cards
01:03:00from the hospital tomorrow.
01:03:02You're incredible.
01:03:04It's just part of the job.
01:03:08Well, I should go.
01:03:10You have guests coming.
01:03:12But more importantly,
01:03:14you have to tell her.
01:03:16I will.
01:03:18I don't want to ruin this night for her.
01:03:20It'll be fine.
01:03:22Will it?
01:03:26I'll walk you out.
01:03:28Yes, we're very excited for tomorrow.
01:03:30You need to
01:03:32pick up the nutcracker
01:03:34for appraisal.
01:03:36No, Tristan already dropped it off
01:03:38at the auction house that he said.
01:03:40Is that so?
01:03:44there must be some misunderstanding.
01:04:06Lottie. Tristan.
01:04:08I'd like a word.
01:04:10Mom, I can explain.
01:04:12No need.
01:04:14I think I've, uh,
01:04:20we were hoping that, um,
01:04:22we would find it in time.
01:04:24I'm so sorry we kept this from you.
01:04:26Blind hope is a risky thing to hang your hat on.
01:04:28Especially when you're dealing with
01:04:30a priceless antique.
01:04:32I'm sorry, Lottie,
01:04:34but this is grounds for dismissal.
01:04:36Wait, Mom,
01:04:38don't put this on Lottie, okay?
01:04:40This had nothing to do with her. It was all my fault.
01:04:42I'll deal with you later, Tristan.
01:04:44Thank you again for the opportunity, Mrs. Warby.
01:04:48I'm sorry I let you down.
01:05:02Lottie, don't leave me.
01:05:04Please, don't leave.
01:05:08I don't have a job here anymore.
01:05:10I'll explain everything to her.
01:05:12You still get a slap on the wrist
01:05:14and still have a million opportunities at your feet.
01:05:16So will you.
01:05:18Okay, you're so talented.
01:05:20You can do anything you put your mind to.
01:05:22I've seen it.
01:05:24You think it's so easy.
01:05:26I worked my whole life to get to where I am,
01:05:28and here I have this huge opportunity
01:05:30and I blow it to protect you.
01:05:32Please don't give up.
01:05:34You can move back to Boston.
01:05:36This was make or break for me.
01:05:38I can't believe I fell for your...
01:05:41What do you mean?
01:05:43Your whole Christmas magic fate nice guy act.
01:05:45I went against all my instincts
01:05:47and risked everything
01:05:49all because I met someone
01:05:51who made me feel confident enough to blindly trust.
01:05:53Like I didn't have to control everything.
01:05:57Well, lesson learned.
01:05:59It wasn't an act.
01:06:01Don't stand there and tell me
01:06:03that letting go and believing
01:06:05didn't feel good.
01:06:07You can't just shut yourself off
01:06:09because you're scared of getting hurt, Lottie.
01:06:11I'm not listening to you anymore.
01:06:13Fate brought us together for a reason and you know it.
01:06:17I think this whole situation
01:06:19is just proof that fate isn't real.
01:06:21But my feelings for you are.
01:06:25Please, just give me a chance.
01:06:27I will talk to my mother.
01:06:29I will make her understand.
01:06:31Goodbye, Tristan.
01:06:39Nurse said she'll be good to go
01:06:41as soon as she wakes up.
01:06:43Oh, thank goodness.
01:06:45No one should spend Christmas in the hospital.
01:06:47I'm sorry.
01:06:49I know you had a whole week planned with her.
01:06:51It's all right.
01:06:53We've got the rest of our lives.
01:06:55Like I said, I am not going anywhere.
01:06:57Don't make promises you can't keep.
01:06:59No, I mean it this time, Pam.
01:07:01I'm going to take that new position at the firm.
01:07:03No more life on the road.
01:07:05And what's it all worth if I die?
01:07:07And what's it all worth if I can't be with my family?
01:07:09This is going to turn
01:07:11Joey's Christmas right around.
01:07:13I hope so.
01:07:15I'm just sorry she won't get her time in the spotlight.
01:07:17Or her friend a ballerina.
01:07:19Honestly, I think she's more excited about her new Nutcracker.
01:07:21You think so?
01:07:23Nutcrackers are all the rage this year.
01:07:25The event I'm doing
01:07:27centers around one that looks exactly like it.
01:07:29Who knows?
01:07:31Maybe you found one in your suitcase for a reason.
01:07:43Morning, hon.
01:07:45I was just making some eggs.
01:07:47Do you got a minute?
01:07:49For you?
01:07:51I'll make time.
01:07:53After all that, I doubt I'll ever be hired
01:07:55in this industry again.
01:07:57Never mind be head of the Boston branch.
01:07:59This was more than just a job, Dad.
01:08:01This was about helping people.
01:08:03Making a difference.
01:08:05Focus your energy on that.
01:08:09Dedicate yourself to what's important
01:08:11and the rest will fall into place.
01:08:13That's what your mother would say.
01:08:17You're right.
01:08:21I wouldn't mind having my daughter back in town.
01:08:27I guess I just
01:08:29didn't realize how much I needed my dad.
01:08:33I feel like that's my fault.
01:08:35I haven't always been the most
01:08:37present father.
01:08:39Well, you're busy. You run a business.
01:08:41That's no excuse. A father should be there for his daughter.
01:08:43Especially after everything we went through.
01:08:47You know,
01:08:49when we lost your mom,
01:08:51I didn't handle it too well.
01:08:53I see a lot of her in you
01:08:55and sometimes the memory's
01:08:57got to be too much.
01:08:59But now I realize
01:09:01what a gift it is to
01:09:03have a piece of her still with me.
01:09:07I miss her every day.
01:09:09So do I.
01:09:12But we still have each other.
01:09:16I think she'd want us to be closer.
01:09:20Well, you better go find that nutcracker
01:09:22so you can pull off the event of the season
01:09:24and move back home.
01:09:26You're right.
01:09:32Thanks, Dad.
01:09:36Hi there.
01:09:38I was wondering if you could help me with something.
01:09:40I'm trying to track down a man named Dave.
01:09:42Does he look familiar?
01:09:46Well, thanks so much.
01:09:48Happy holidays.
01:09:50Does this man look familiar to you?
01:09:54Does this man look familiar to you?
01:09:56You haven't seen him?
01:09:58Well, thanks anyway.
01:10:00Happy holidays.
01:10:08Happy holidays.
01:10:10Please, it's
01:10:12really important.
01:10:14Could I just take a look at your sales record?
01:10:16I really can't do that, ma'am.
01:10:18Thank you.
01:10:22Could I get one of your candy cane shortbreads?
01:10:24That'll be $3.50.
01:10:28I'm just gonna get my wallet.
01:10:44It's her!
01:10:46Merry Christmas.
01:10:48Keep the change.
01:10:54Tristan, we need to talk.
01:11:06How'd it go with Mom?
01:11:08Not great.
01:11:10Maybe I should just stick with what I know
01:11:12and hit the road again.
01:11:15Maybe you should run away.
01:11:17It was here for me.
01:11:19I mean, I came back to
01:11:21prove I could contribute to this family
01:11:23and look how that turned out.
01:11:25No, you do contribute.
01:11:29You got me through some of my hardest times
01:11:31when I was sick.
01:11:33This family needs you.
01:11:35The Foundation needs you.
01:11:37Mom knows that.
01:11:39It's her dream and your fate
01:11:41for you to take over someday.
01:11:43She will come around.
01:11:45I know it. It's a done deal. Finished.
01:11:47It's gonna happen.
01:11:49Thanks, Jules.
01:11:53But what about the fundraiser?
01:11:55We'll make do with what we've got.
01:11:57You know, people will donate anyway.
01:11:59It is about the kids, after all.
01:12:07I've gotta go.
01:12:09I'll see you at the event.
01:12:17Thank you.
01:12:21Airport Lost and Found, how can I help you?
01:12:23Hi. I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle here.
01:12:25Has anyone named Dave Lemoine
01:12:27reported a lost
01:12:29green Smithson carry-on?
01:12:31I would absolutely love to look
01:12:33into that for you on this fine Christmas Eve.
01:12:37Oh, yeah. David Lemoine, Boston, Massachusetts.
01:12:39Are you serious?
01:12:41I have his bag!
01:12:45Finally, a Christmas miracle.
01:12:47Well, I have his contact info.
01:12:49You have a pad?
01:12:53Oh, hi. Are you looking for Dave?
01:12:55Yes, I am.
01:12:57Do you happen to know where he is?
01:12:59Oh, yes. Poor Dave is at the Children's Hospital
01:13:01with his daughter. Bless her heart.
01:13:03He's at the Children's Hospital?
01:13:09Thank you so much
01:13:11for collecting these letters.
01:13:13I know hearing from the kids is gonna go a long way
01:13:15with our donors.
01:13:17Aren't you glad to be out?
01:13:25Dave! Lottie?
01:13:27Pam? Joey!
01:13:29What is happening?
01:13:31Lottie, how did you know where to find me?
01:13:33Is everything okay with the flowers?
01:13:35Yeah, everything's great with the flowers.
01:13:37You know Dave!
01:13:39How do you know me?
01:13:41What is happening?
01:13:45There was a bit of a baggage mix-up at the airport.
01:13:47We think you might have her nutcracker.
01:13:51You mean this nutcracker?
01:13:59I don't want to give him back.
01:14:01Yeah, I know, kiddo.
01:14:03This nutcracker has to help other sick kids,
01:14:05just like he helped you.
01:14:09Yeah, just like the ballet, right?
01:14:11The nutcracker saves the day.
01:14:23Thank you.
01:14:29We really appreciate your help with this.
01:14:31And if you're feeling better,
01:14:33we have a way to make it up to you.
01:14:45It's perfect.
01:14:47It really is.
01:14:51Tristan, any developments?
01:14:53Before you say anything more, Mom,
01:14:55I think there's someone you might like to meet.
01:15:03It's perfect.
01:15:05But how did you...
01:15:07It's a long story.
01:15:09Well, no time for that now.
01:15:11I should get this somewhere safe.
01:15:13Oh, I knew I could count on you.
01:15:15It was all Lottie, really.
01:15:17Oh, Lottie, I think I owe you an apology.
01:15:21Tristan explained everything.
01:15:23And while I do value honesty,
01:15:25I'm very grateful for your loyalty.
01:15:27You've done just a wonderful job.
01:15:29And I would highly recommend
01:15:31your services to anyone.
01:15:33Thanks, Mrs. Warby.
01:15:45looks like we might
01:15:47actually pull this off.
01:15:49Yeah, just one more thing left to do.
01:15:57I'm sorry for yelling at you last night.
01:15:59You got fired for something I did.
01:16:01I kind of had it coming.
01:16:03Yeah, but
01:16:05you were right.
01:16:07I do need to trust my feelings
01:16:09and instincts more.
01:16:11So, I saw my dad this morning
01:16:13and we're going to try to make more time
01:16:15for each other.
01:16:17I'm really happy to hear that.
01:16:25I know you're going to be super busy
01:16:27tonight, throwing the biggest event
01:16:29of your career and all.
01:16:31I was wondering if
01:16:33maybe you could save me a dance?
01:16:38I'd love that.
01:16:59I'd like you to give
01:17:01everyone the good news.
01:17:03Okay, I got this.
01:17:11Good evening, everyone.
01:17:13If I could have your attention, please.
01:17:15I'm thrilled to announce that we've managed to secure
01:17:17an anonymous bid on Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker
01:17:19so substantial
01:17:21that all together, we've exceeded
01:17:24our fundraising goal.
01:17:26Thank you all so much.
01:17:30You'll find thank you cards hanging on the tree
01:17:32over there.
01:17:34Please, take a moment to read
01:17:36these special notes from the children you're helping
01:17:38with your generous donations.
01:17:42And I'd also like to thank my mother,
01:17:44Erica Warby,
01:17:46who's dedicated her life to helping those in need.
01:17:54And thank you to our event planner,
01:17:56Lottie Morgan,
01:17:58who's shown true Christmas spirit,
01:18:00helping in more ways than she even knows.
01:18:08without further ado,
01:18:10allow me to introduce the future
01:18:12prima ballerina
01:18:14of the West Boston Ballet,
01:18:16Josephine Lemoyne.
01:18:24Thank you.
01:18:50Darling, it's absolutely perfect.
01:18:52And I just want you to know
01:18:54that when you are ready
01:18:56to really come home, and I'm actually
01:18:58ready to step down,
01:19:00nobody could do a better job than you.
01:19:04Thank you, Mom.
01:19:06I don't know what to say.
01:19:08Don't say anything. Just watch the performance.
01:19:22Thank you.
01:19:40What are you doing here?
01:19:42Oh, your friend Tristan invited me.
01:19:44Is that so?
01:19:46But what about the diner?
01:19:48Well, I wanted to see the payoff
01:19:50I can't believe you did all this.
01:19:54Your mom would be so proud.
01:19:56I'm really glad you came, Dad.
01:20:00It means a lot to me.
01:20:02And I thought maybe I'd close
01:20:04the diner tomorrow,
01:20:06so we could have all Christmas day together.
01:20:08But I thought you said...
01:20:10No, I changed my mind.
01:20:12And none of the staff are complaining.
01:20:14Who wouldn't want to spend Christmas with their families?
01:20:16There you are.
01:20:18I wanted to thank you again
01:20:20for pulling all this off.
01:20:22Thank you. It was my pleasure.
01:20:24And who's this?
01:20:26Oh, uh...
01:20:28Dad, this is
01:20:30Erica Warby.
01:20:32This is my dad, Jerry.
01:20:34Nice to meet you.
01:20:36You too, Jerry.
01:20:38Quite the event.
01:20:42You should be very proud
01:20:44of your daughter.
01:20:46Why don't I show you around?
01:20:48That would be lovely.
01:20:58Phone ringing
01:21:00There's a lot
01:21:02of buzz about your event.
01:21:04It's circulating like wildfire!
01:21:06I cannot wait to see you take part
01:21:08to Bud Storm.
01:21:10Does that mean I got the...
01:21:12First, congratulations!
01:21:14Merry Christmas!
01:21:16Merry Christmas, Hillary.
01:21:26May I have this dance?
01:21:28You realize
01:21:30you're taking your life into your own hands
01:21:32dancing with me.
01:21:34You're worth the risk.
01:21:42Thanks for
01:21:44inviting my dad.
01:21:46I thought he should see
01:21:48what a roaring success this is.
01:21:50That's the word
01:21:52on the street.
01:21:54I just got the call.
01:21:56You're looking at the head of Lexington Events,
01:21:58East Coast Branch.
01:22:00That's amazing, Lottie.
01:22:02Boston's lucky to have you back.
01:22:06Feeling dangerous?
01:22:10I was going
01:22:12to attempt a twirl.
01:22:16Well, I have a feeling luck's on my side today.
01:22:24Look at that.
01:22:26No twisted ankles.
01:22:28Didn't break a boss.
01:22:30You know, sometimes you just have to
01:22:32breathe and trust the universe.
01:22:36Having a good dance partner doesn't hurt either.
01:22:40Hey, who ended up winning the Nutcracker?
01:22:42That guy.
01:22:52She kind of looks like me.
01:22:54I know.
01:22:58Sweetie, I don't think
01:23:00those gifts are for you.
01:23:02Then why does this one have my name on it?
01:23:06Do Jo and Lemoine love Santa?
01:23:10Well, I guess open it.
01:23:18Oh my gosh.
01:23:20Best Christmas ever.
01:23:24Dave, please tell me you did not spend
01:23:26your life savings on a very expensive toy
01:23:28that belongs in a museum.
01:23:30I swear I had nothing to do with this.
01:23:34Thank you so much.
01:23:36Merry Christmas, sweetie.
01:23:38Thank you.
01:23:42I hope the Nutcracker leads its next owner
01:23:44to something as special as it did me.
01:23:46And what would that be?
01:23:50Isn't it obvious?
01:24:08The Nutcracker
01:24:38The Nutcracker
