Standing Sequence

  • 2 months ago
00:00Stand with toes pointing straight ahead. Put your hands on your hips and point your elbows
00:06backwards towards the wall behind you. Now roll your shoulders back. Really stretch your
00:12legs so your knees are lifting and your legs are lifting. And then take your shoulders
00:17down. Good. And breathe. Now reach your arms all the way up. Keep your legs straight and
00:25keep your arms straight and reach to the ceiling. Stretch even your fingers. Good. Now take
00:32your shoulders down so there's space for your neck. And then bring your arms back down.
00:40Now bring your feet together. Turn your right foot out and leg out. Grab hold of your foot
00:47and bring it to your inner thigh or as high as you're comfortable. Point your toes straight
00:54down and stretch your standing leg. Good. Now bring your hands to your hips. When you
01:02get your balance, stretch your arms up. That's it! And then come down with your hands and
01:10come down with your feet and stand with your feet together. We'll do the same thing on
01:15the other side. So bring your feet together. Turn your left foot and leg out. Grab hold
01:23of the foot. Bring it up to your inner thigh. Toes pointing straight down. Try to find your
01:29balance and put your hands on your hips. Then reach up. Good. Reach up, up, up and then
01:38stretch the standing leg. Come down and release your leg and stand with your feet together.
01:46Lift your chest and roll your shoulders back. Stretch your legs. Stretch your arms and breathe.
01:57Good. Now place your hands and knees on the floor. Curl your toes under and straighten
02:04your knees. And lift your hips up off the floor. Up. Lift your hips up. Stretch your
02:12arms. Stretch your legs. Put your whole hand on the floor. Good. And breathe. Now come
02:24back down to your knees. Bring your feet together. Stretch your legs. Stretch your arms. Stretch
02:32your legs. Stretch your arms. Stretch your legs. Stretch your arms. Stretch your arms.
02:41Let your toes touch and sit back on your feet. You want the top of your foot on the
02:47floor. There you go. Let your feet relax all the way down on the floor and sit on your
02:59heels. Now walk your hands forward and let your forehead rest on the floor. Breathe.
03:12Now look up at your hands and stretch your trunk longer. Good. And rest your forehead
03:19on the floor again. And breathe. Now walk your hands up again. Come back up and rest
03:33on your heels. Then come all the way back up to standing. All the way up. Good. Now
03:42stand tall. Feet together. Roll your shoulders back and down. Keep your shoulders down. Reach
03:52your arms up and bend forward from the hips. Good. It's okay if you can't touch the floor
04:01with your hands, but see if you can. Reach down. That's it. Breathe and stretch. Good.
04:08Now come all the way back up. Reach up and release.