
  • 3 months ago
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00Mavis is a diesel engine who works for the quarry company, shunting trucks and their sidings.
00:07She has six small wheels hidden by side plates just like Toby's.
00:12Mavis is young and full of her own ideas.
00:15She loves rearranging things too, and began putting Toby's trucks in different places every day.
00:22This made Toby cross.
00:25Trucks, he grumbled, should be where you want them, when you want them.
00:28Fiddlesticks, said Mavis, and flounced away.
00:32At last, Toby lost patience.
00:35I can't waste time playing hunt the trucks with you. Take them yourself.
00:40Mavis was pleased. Taking trucks made her feel important.
00:45At the station, Diesel oiled up to her.
00:48Toby's an old fusspot, she complained.
00:51Diesel sensed trouble and was delighted.
00:54Toby says only steam engines can manage trucks, continued Mavis.
00:59How absurd. Depend upon it, Mavis.
01:02Anything steam engines can do, we diesels can do better.
01:08Diesel knew nothing about trucks, but Mavis didn't realise this.
01:13Toby's line crosses with the main road behind the station, and for a short way follows a farm lane.
01:21Frosty weather makes the muddy lane rock hard and very slippery.
01:26Toby stops before reaching the lane.
01:29His fireman halts the traffic at the crossing, and then he sets off again.
01:34By using the heavy trucks to push him along, he has no trouble with the frosty rails in the lane.
01:40It is the only safe thing to do in this kind of weather.
01:45Toby warned Mavis, and told her just what to do.
01:48I can manage, thank you, she replied. I'm not an old fusspot like you.
01:53The trucks were tired of being pushed around by Mavis.
01:56It's slippery, they whispered. Let's push her around instead.
02:01On, on, on, they yelled.
02:04Mavis took no notice.
02:07Instead, she brought the trucks carefully down the lane and stopped at the level crossing.
02:12All traffic halted.
02:15One in the headlamp for fusspot Toby, chortled Mavis.
02:19But Mavis had stopped in the wrong place.
02:22Instead of taking Toby's advice, she had given the trucks the chance they wanted.
02:27Hold back, hold back, they cried. Grrr, up, ordered Mavis.
02:32The trucks just laughed, and her wheels spun helplessly.
02:38Workmen sanded the rails and tried to dig away the frozen mud, but it was no good.
02:43Everyone was impatient.
02:45Grrr, argh, wailed Mavis.
02:50Toby was in the yard when he heard the news.
02:53I warned her, he fumed.
02:55She's young yet, soothed his driver.
02:58And she can manage her trucks herself, interrupted Toby.
03:02They're your trucks, really, his driver replied.
03:04Mavis is supposed to stay at the quarry, if the fat controller finds out.
03:08Hmm, yes, said Toby thoughtfully.
03:12He and his driver agreed that it would be best to help Mavis after all.
03:19An angry farmer was telling Mavis just what she could do with her train.
03:25Having trouble, Mavis, chortled Toby.
03:28I am surprised. Grrr, rush, said Mavis.
03:32With much puffing and wheelslip, Toby pushed Mavis and the trucks back.
03:43The hard work made his fire burn fiercely,
03:47and his firemen spread hot cinders to melt the frozen mud.
04:06At last they had finished.
04:10Goodbye, called Toby. You'll manage now, I expect.
04:18Mavis didn't answer.
04:22She took the trucks to the sheds and scuttled home to the quarry as quickly as she could.